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Ads Backfiring, McCain Goes Negative On Self

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 19 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2008-10-15) — With his focus on Barack Obama’s association with a domestic terrorist producing plummeting polling numbers for John McCain, the Republican nominee’s campaign plans to turn the tide with a new strategy, including zingers at tonight’s debate and new ads that slam Sen. John McCain.

“People — especially undecided voters — feel compassion for victims,” said one unnamed McCain campaign strategist, “Our attacks on Obama, rather than stirring concerns about the people who have shaped his thinking, have generated sympathy for him. To make those polls turn around, Americans need to feel as sorry for McCain as they now do for that poor skinny bookworm from Illinois who has trouble making decent friends.”

The McCain-Palin campaign plans a series of ads in which a breathy, conspiratorial voice talks about John McCain’s divorce, his gambling and his personal involvement in the Vietnam quagmire. Each spot will end with John McCain’s own voice whispering through clenched teeth: “I’m John McCain and I approved this message.”

At tonight’s final presidential debate, at New York’s Hofstra University, Sen. McCain plans to unleash several zingers designed to raise questions in voters’ minds about his fitness to lead.

“These will be the one-liners that get replayed incessantly,” said the source. “By this time next week, voters will be saying, ‘Why don’t they let that poor old man alone?’ He’ll go from 14 points down to 14 points up, then Republicans will be the ones whispering the ‘L word’ … landslide, baby, landslide.”

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Tags: Politics

19 responses so far ↓

  • 1 boberinyetagain // Oct 15, 2008 at 8:58 am

    What's that? You aren't a terrorist you say? How would we know that until we were done torturing you? And, once we were done you'd presumably be dead so, "problem" (you) solved…right?

  • 2 Maggie // Oct 15, 2008 at 9:15 am

    Good Morning All!

    My question would be to Obama:
    Do you know where ACORN buried Jimmy Hoffa’s body?

  • 3 boberinyetagain // Oct 15, 2008 at 9:19 am

    This just might work, ingenious!

    Funny Scott but not too far off…once again. Nothing would surprise me.

  • 4 J. Cougar Melancholy // Oct 15, 2008 at 9:40 am

    Mornin’ Scrapplemavericks!

    It seems the cranky Senior Senaturtle from Arizona is looking worse than Bob Dole at this juncture. He’s gonna have to do extremely well in BOTH the debate AND his crow-eating appearance on Letterboy Thursday.

    I hope this time, he possesses the sportsmanship to shake “That One’s” hand tonight.

    Lil Pink Republican Houses of Cards, y’all!

    The Cougster aka “This One”

  • 5 camojack // Oct 15, 2008 at 9:59 am

    What he ought to point out is the Democrats’ culpability in the current economy fiasco…specifically, Obama’s part in it. :-(

  • 6 Darthmeister // Oct 15, 2008 at 10:20 am

    It’s a wonder McCain didn’t go negative on Palin.

    When will these Republicans ever learn, when you play nice the Donks won’t reciprocate and they win. We had that happen in a local district election back in 2002. As a “matter of principle and fair play”, just one month before the electionm a nice -guy Republican publicly announced he would “run a clean campaign … no attack ads”. Well, his banshee Demoncratic opponent continued her relentless attack ads and ended up taking the district the Republican was supposed to win!

    And now we see Senator Norm Coleman engaging in the same political insanity against al Franken in Minnesota! I predict Franken will win because it was Coleman’s election to lose and he just lost it with his misplaced altruism. I hate dirty election rhetoric just as much as the next guy, but until Democrats quit their own mudslinging and the liberal media quit carrying their water, experience dictates that, barring a major gaffe, the mudslinger will win every time.

    BTW, does anyone really believe that plumber who spoke to Obama is a “rich” man? Where does Obama get off telling him that he, Obama, would spread the plumber’s wealth around when Obama doesn’t even spread his own wealth around? Anybody still remember his dirt poor half-brother living in a mud hut in Kenya? What a freakin’ hypocrite!

  • 7 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 15, 2008 at 10:27 am

    It kills me, but still makes me wonder what whitey activists think they will win by considering Obama their hero. This election is not for the 60s’ activists anymore.

    Balding- ponytail-boomer-agitated-hippies, wake up. Viet Nam is over, but Acorn Chicago is on the chart and believe me, this is a change you may not like.

    ’nuff said

  • 8 boberinyetagain // Oct 15, 2008 at 10:28 am

    Could be that we all pine for the relative luxury of the “mud hut” soon enough.
    The “fun” has yet to begin…

    George said that now is not the time to point fingers…

  • 9 Hawkeye // Oct 15, 2008 at 10:55 am

    If people vote for Obama because he was “nicer” than that “mean ol’ McCain”, then God help us all. Do they think our enemies will be nice to us?

  • 10 boberinyetagain // Oct 15, 2008 at 11:05 am

    The deciding factor is whom you’d rather have a beer with, not who’s nicer (although they could be one in the same)
    Biden wins that one…

  • 11 camojack // Oct 15, 2008 at 11:10 am

    boberinyetagain // Oct 15, 2008 at 10:28 am
    George said that now is not the time to point fingers…

    So? Who listens to him nowadays, anyway?! Just because his approval rating is three times as high as Congrefs’, it’s still low…

  • 12 everthink // Oct 15, 2008 at 11:19 am

    Yo Cougster,

    All this reminds me of an exchange in the movie, ”The Legend of Bagger Vance”

    ”This is starting to get embarrassing,” Junuh says to Bagger, after a series of disastrous shots has put him many strokes behind his opponents.

    ”Oh, no, Suh,” says his faithful caddy, ”this has been embarrassing for quite some time now.”

    I’ve been embarrassed since these loonies jammed Dumbyah down America’s neck almost eight years ago.


  • 13 boberinyetagain // Oct 15, 2008 at 11:36 am

    Well, we COULD point some at this for a spell…

    White House memos endorsed CIA waterboarding: report

    But why bother, it’s not all that shocking is it now? Politicians lying?…perish the thought.

    Now all of my illusions are shattered. Happy?

    wv=mount douglas…but you had better get his written permission first!

  • 14 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 15, 2008 at 11:58 am

    Waterboarding terrorists is a good thing.

  • 15 boberinyetagain // Oct 15, 2008 at 12:45 pm

    JL3, let’s do it to you for a while. I’m willing to bet that you WILL confess to most anything and you’ll have the joy of knowing that your government is engaging in the very behavior it condemns and one that they freely agreed NEVER to use.
    You must really be a threat if that’s what you believe.

  • 16 everthink // Oct 15, 2008 at 2:46 pm

    “Waterboarding terrorists is a good thing.”

    With this statement every reference you have ever made to your faith in Jesus Christ is utterly destroyed.


  • 17 Beerme // Oct 15, 2008 at 6:01 pm

    boberinyetagain // Oct 15, 2008 at 11:05 am

    The deciding factor is whom you’d rather have a beer with, not who’s nicer (although they could be one in the same)
    Biden wins that one…

    I’m worried about you Bober. I look at the four candidates and see Palin as MY clear choice of whom to have a beer with…make that several beers!

  • 18 gafisher // Oct 15, 2008 at 8:48 pm

    “I told the bottle of Pert Plus EVERYTHING!”

    OK, that explains the foaming at the mouth.

  • 19 gafisher // Oct 15, 2008 at 8:57 pm

    Maybe the MSM will pick up the banner and start going negative on McCain too.

    Oh, wait — that’s happened.

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