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Obama Unleashes Second '1982' Attack Ad

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 81 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2008-09-13) — Despite a firestorm of controversy over Barack Obama’s attack ad mocking John McCain as so old-fashioned he “can’t send email”, the Obama for America campaign has released a second ad through YouTube reinforcing the message that the Illinois Senator is young and “hip” compared with his septuagenarian Republican rival.

Here’s the original ad.
And here’s the follow up, just released Saturday.

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Tags: Politics · Video

81 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Hawkeye // Sep 13, 2008 at 10:15 am

    Too funny, Scott! You da man! Reminds me of the song… “Still crazy after all these years”. Haha. :lol:

  • 2 Hawkeye // Sep 13, 2008 at 10:25 am

    The Paul Simon version is HERE.

  • 3 Hawkeye // Sep 13, 2008 at 10:28 am

    Obama’s favorite line from that song is… “I fear I’ll do some damage one fine day”. :shock:

    Tell me ’bout it.

  • 4 Basil’s Blog » Blog Archive » Obama pokes fun at McCain’s war injuries // Sep 13, 2008 at 10:31 am

    [...] Scott Ott (ScrappleFace) makes the same point. But [...]

  • 5 Fred Sinclair // Sep 13, 2008 at 11:38 am

    Hawkeye #1 - How about “Still crazy after all these 80 years”?

    It just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser; the news outlets (read MSM) repeats as to how Barack Obama can count on a guaranteed 90% of the “black” vote. This makes me curious as to how, (in the name of all that is right and proper in this universe), can 90% of the “black” voters listen to 80 years of CHANGE AND HOPE guarantees by the Democrat Party and then look about and see the reality that all advances and change for the “blacks” have been made by Republicans, and for the most part,(with a few exceptions), they are still poor and broke!

    When will come the awakening? When will they see they have listened to 80 years of lies by a party that will say anything in exchange for their votes. And have yet to free them from the bondage of liberalism.

    It used to be easy to view the results of Communism just go to Berlin - the contrast between East and West Berlin was stark and instantly revealing. West Berlin prospered with a Free Democracy East Berlin labored and starved under Socialist Slavery.

    The same was true of Democrat controlled New Orleans. Governor (D); Mayor (D) - Pre-Katrina; a cesspool of rot and corruption. Post-Katrina made East Berlin look good. Residents laid back crying for their Nanny, blaming Bush for their woes.

    Next door, Gulfport, Mississippi, Governor (R); Mayor (R) - Pre-Katrina; a well ordered clean and stable city. Post-Katrina - hit as hard (and many say harder) by Katrina. Residents rolled up their sleeves, welcomed help from Red Cross, Salvation Army and hundreds of volunteers from Churches around the country. Recovered with virtually zip from FEMA.

    As with Berlin the difference was stark and instantly revealing. From whence comes the awakening? To learn that over 80 years of lies about hope and change leaves them as dependent slaves of liberalism with basically nothing.


  • 6 Fred Sinclair // Sep 13, 2008 at 11:39 am

  • 7 The Triumvirate » Blog Archive » Great Video Response to Obama’s Email Attack // Sep 13, 2008 at 11:56 am

    [...] staff does. Obama even went so far as to make an ad about it (1982) and Scott Ott of Scrappleface fired back with this great [...]

  • 8 camojack // Sep 13, 2008 at 12:30 pm

    Well play, sir…yet again.

    1982? I was still in the military. Since then I’ve gotten out and am currently employed by the “military-industrial complex”.

    MUAHAHAHA!!! ;-)

  • 9 camojack // Sep 13, 2008 at 12:37 pm

    So, whatever became of that 15 minute window of opportunity to edit comments? :-(

    I meant to say “Well played“…but you knew that. :-)

  • 10 Mack // Sep 13, 2008 at 12:41 pm

    This morning my wife was flipping channels when I saw her flip back and forth between an Obama commercial and Japanese superhero show “Power Rangers.” when I asked what she was doing she shocked me into fits of laughter.

    She replied:
    “Aren’t the Power Rangers a lot like Obama? They even look the same.” Their lips don’t sink with the dialog. The dialog is unbelievable to anyone over ten years old, and their monsters are so phony they make us laugh. Meanwhile in the real world terrorists actually want to kill us.

    I was reminded of the Christmas story “Rudolf the red nosed reindeer.” Obama could be Hermy the dentist elf. He has the ears for it. Big bad John McCain could be the abominable snow monster. Terrifying to a child of 5 but the rest of us have to smile in amusement There is nothing funny about what he would do to the country if elected though.

  • 11 gafisher // Sep 13, 2008 at 12:53 pm

    The real new face in this campaign seems to be the guy who said “You can tell I’m new” at a rally the other day, a real “stand up” guy, Joe Biden.

    Except that in 1982 he was winding up his first decade in the Senate.

  • 12 Brushed Calls // Sep 13, 2008 at 1:14 pm

    Great work, sir!

    Remembering back to 1979, I recall the dems and their buddies in the media constantly harping on the aged and doddering Republican candidate then, too…sorry to say they had me convinced and had I had the vote then I prolly woulda voted for the peanut….(oh my!)

  • 13 » Despicable [updated] // Sep 13, 2008 at 1:45 pm

    [...] ScrappleFace releases a response [...]

  • 14 R.A.M. // Sep 13, 2008 at 1:54 pm

    I like it Scott, but have you received any “cease and desist” letters from O’Bama’s lawyers yet? :lol:

    I wish someone would ask O’Bama about the United Nations tax he plans on imposing on all of us Americans!

    If elected, an O’Bama (p)Residency would be more like 1984! George Orwell’s version, that is!

  • 15 mindknumbed kid // Sep 13, 2008 at 3:08 pm

    When you listen to all of the people who have fallen under OBadmanner’s spell there is an undertone to everything they say. It is “we hate America”. We understand what “change” means to them, however, they really don’t understand that the change they envision is the death of America, as courageously delivered to the world by the founders. Someone has convinced a bunch of them that somehow America is inferior to the world. Stop and let that statement take hold, they want to be more like them. They actually believe that we are the evil force in this world too. The public education system ( not all, but elements of it), the media, and most of the Democratic party have been engaged in “community organizing”, just like the anointed one ( and they threw Hillary under the bus for him) because they believe in change to some new form of government that must be a blend socialism, communism, hedonism, and worship of them as deities. And who knows what else they have in their vain imaginations.
    The rejection of Christ does things such as this to people. It opens up the Pandora’s box and makes them volunteers in the army of Satan, but they cannot see their own foolishness.

    Well, Black Lyin’, I ain’t real sure what you oughta do with this one either…

  • 16 mindknumbed kid // Sep 13, 2008 at 3:09 pm

    I’m gettin’ moderated again…I think.

  • 17 da Bunny // Sep 13, 2008 at 3:55 pm

    The gaffes [and laughs] just keep on coming. First, Biden tells a disabled vet in a wheelchair to “Stand up, Chuck!” Then we have Obama’s campaign putting out the ad making fun of John McCain’s lack of “emailing” skills. Funny thing is…John McCain doesn’t type. He can’t. Because of the torture inflicted upon him while he was a POW in Vietnam, the damage to his arms makes it too painful for him to try to type, so he has other’s type what he dictates.

    Any more disabled vets you idiots on the Left want to make fun of?

  • 18 mindknumbed kid // Sep 13, 2008 at 4:13 pm

    Oh, he isn’t making fun of McCain. He is just illustrating how incapable he is of handling presidential duties in this modern era! Imagine having a president that couldn’t fire off an email to Russia, Korea, China, Iran, etc before going to bed at night to inquire how they think his “change” is going. Hard to get that “cutting edge” advice if you aren’t able to email.

  • 19 Darthmeister // Sep 13, 2008 at 4:13 pm

    Real online headlines:

    Obama press sec. accuses McCain of ’sleaziest, least honorable campaign in history’…

    and then the Obama campaign …

    Mocks McCain as computer illiterate…

    and …

    Boston Globe, 2000: War ‘injuries prevent him from typing on keyboard’…

    So who really has the “sleaziest, least honorable campaign in history”? Ignorance is not excuse.

    Buwahahahahaha. You can’t make this stuff up! Obamessiah is imploding with his new, hard-hitting campaign of hate. Can we say Barack Messiah Obama is the victim of “moronic convergence”? And this guy is supposed to be soooooo smart.

    FYI. Spoke with a libtard who thought he was so clever blaming Bush for global warming and global warming in turn creating Hurricane Ike, therefore Bush is responsible for Hurricane Ike blah, blah, blah.

    I reminded him that the keys to Karl Rove’s Weather Control Machine reverted back to Congress’ possession when he left the White House and with the Democrats’ in control of both houses of Congress Hurricane Ike has to be the fault of DEMOCRATS! I figured my answer was just as good as his. The only way to deal with those so deranged by feral hate is outright mockery and sarcasm. It’s the only thing that can cut through the fog libs are living in right now.

    I mean, how does a self-respecting liberal who has whined for the last four decades that women don’t get a fair shake because of the “glass ceiling” which exists in all walks of life, then turns around and promotes an inexperienced, unaccomplished pretty boy (Obamalamadingdong) over a more accomplished and experienced woman (sHrillary).

    Given that they are both liars of the first order, that shouldn’t have made a difference all other things being truly equal. Even liberal women fell into that unconscious chauvinism they’ve long railed against. This points out a salient fact, Republicans embrace people because of their competence and accomplishments particularly during difficult circumstances, whereas Democrats are only concerned about pandering and “electability” and all other principles get thrown out the window.

    And when Democrats cynically whine Sarah Palin was only chosen to appeal to swing and women voters, once again they are guilty of projecting their own foibles on their opponents as well as being angry because they didn’t follow through on their natural inclinations and push for Hillary as VP. Mrs. Palin was indeed chosen because of her broader appeal (no pun intended), but unlike how libs typically operate, she is just as qualified to be VP or even President if Obama is to be the new barometer of presidential qualifications. She is no empty (pant)suit.

  • 20 Hawkeye // Sep 13, 2008 at 4:17 pm

    Obama is “still crazy” alright… can anyone say, “LOONEY”? :smile:

    wv = shutting ports — Would that be Ike?

  • 21 mindknumbed kid // Sep 13, 2008 at 4:22 pm

    Camo - the fifteen minute window of opportunity still works, but you gotta know how to work it now.

    Step 1 - Type your post.
    Step 2 - Go away for 15 minutes
    Step 3 - Come back and reread what you thought you said.
    Step 4 - Edit, if necessary
    Step 5 - Click Submit.

    Or you can do like most everyone else and check for errors after you hit submit.

  • 22 mindknumbed kid // Sep 13, 2008 at 4:31 pm

    I can say looney!
    I know a preacher what was borned in Looneyville, West Virginia. Obrickhead may have been born in Looneyville too, but not in West Virginia, must’ve been one of the other 57 states.
    What really amazes me is how others still think of him as being all that and a box of chocolates, and belive that we are the ones that don’t “get it”.

  • 23 gafisher // Sep 13, 2008 at 4:47 pm

    … we are the ones that don’t “get it”.

    We don’t get the medicated Kool-Aidâ„¢.

  • 24 Mack // Sep 13, 2008 at 4:54 pm

    I went back to read the stuff on the last thread. I did look up “How Obama Deceives Stupid Americans” in the search engine and was impressed. Part of it is vanity on my part. I am curious to see if the trolls rose from the silt to the bait thrown out to them, but I also like to read what true scrapplers have to say.

    Plagiarism is alive and well in the Obama camp isn’t it. When Obama expresses an original thought some one call me. we know he will not come up with one on his own, but he may surprise us when one of his minions does. He is a puppet. My question is, who actually has his hand up the back of Barack Hussein Obama’s shirt and what is their real agenda?

  • 25 mindknumbed kid // Sep 13, 2008 at 5:02 pm

    Proverbs 27

    1Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.

    The future is in God’s hands. Do you want to live in a country that honors him and is blessed by him with abundance and protection? Or do you want to live in a nation that dishonors him and lives outside of his protective hand?
    Will America choose wisely? Not unless they fear God and seek his wisdom.

  • 26 mindknumbed kid // Sep 13, 2008 at 5:22 pm

    I clicked Fred’s link to Ham Nation on the last thread and it occurred to me that people want someone to tell them what to do and how to live, Obomba, AllGore, Pelosi…just so long as it isn’t God. Welcome to earth 2008, Bibles not allowed,Korans A-OK.

  • 27 egospeak // Sep 13, 2008 at 6:54 pm

    I stopped being “ceased to be amazed” by the utter stupidity and hypocrisy of not just the far, moonbat, nutroots left but just about everybody on the left. There are so few honest liberals left that they can be counted on one hand with fingers left over.

    Who cares whether McCain can send an email or knows how to use a computer? It is as mindless as arguing that a person is unqualified for the presidency because he can’t or doesn’t know how to drive. It is irrelevant unless he demands that everybody in his administration not email or use a computer or drive.
    Don’t these imbeciles realize that the president is going to be surrounded by hundreds of people who know how to do this, and more, and whose greatest desire is to do it?? Stupid question. It’s just more proof that they are willing to do anything to win.

    This is so mindknumbingly vacuous that only a democrat campaign could come up with it. And these people want to run the country???


    p.s. - And these people have the effrontery to accuse McCain of not addressing the issues.

  • 28 R.A.M. // Sep 13, 2008 at 7:31 pm

    Darth: Did the “libtard” also point out that the hurricane is named “IKE”, as in Dwight David Eisenhower?
    I am sure they “think” this also too much of a coincidence, along with some photo shop pictures they have of Dick Cheney “lurking” around levees with detonators in his hands! :lol:

  • 29 mindknumbed kid // Sep 13, 2008 at 7:34 pm

    I guess that would mean that every president that was elected before the internet was invented was not qualified to serve. Or were they just out of touch?
    Does this information from the Obamanites also mean that McCain plays solitaire the olde fashioned way? I suppose the playing card companies are “in his pocket” too.

  • 30 R.A.M. // Sep 13, 2008 at 7:41 pm

    I have been thinking about O’Bama’s “pig lipstick” comment. What does O’Bama have against pigs anyway? I DO KNOW Muslims do NOT like pigs, but of course, he is a Christian ;-) !

    Like Homer Simpson, I like most every part of a pig, (lipstick or not), including, (but not limited to), pork chops, ham, bacon, and sausage!

    Hold the pig knuckles though, and Souse!

    I also like Spam. Just not sure which part, (or PARTS), it comes from. Most likely, ALL OF THE ABOVE!

    Homer didn’t believe Lisa that all those tasty meats came from the same animal. :lol:

  • 31 mindknumbed kid // Sep 13, 2008 at 8:39 pm

    Thank you egospeak for your spelling of mindknumbingly, even though the spell checker disagrees. In my mind, I am becoming somewhat of an icon and that soon people everywhere will spell it as I do.
    I’ve spent the afternoon contemplating many things. Mostly, what does it take to see revival in this nation? I listened to this Keith Green song.
    And I’ve looked at a few other videos on You Tube including stories on underground churches and Christians being tortured in China.
    Don Francisco has a song titled “I’ve Got to Tell Somebody”, but after the Keith Green song I feel like I’ve go to do something. First off, it takes the work of the Holy Spirit for anything to happen, that aside though, I believe if Christians would rise up off their backsides God is more than willing to enable things through them. So if one person would roll up their sleeves and get to work could they inspire others to do so also ? Here we are in the days of the world wide web, could it be any easier to mass communicate than this? There is already so much out there that is good, that ought to edify and encourage and embolden believers that it would seem as though the fire should be burning. I think it is possible to have an effect, prayer is crucial. I’m seeking direction, but who says it is up to me? Time for everyone to get out of bed….

  • 32 camojack // Sep 13, 2008 at 9:09 pm

    mindknumbed kid // Sep 13, 2008 at 4:22 pm
    Camo - the fifteen minute window of opportunity still works, but you gotta know how to work it now.
    Or you can do like most everyone else and check for errors after you hit submit.

    Ummm..yeah, that’s what I usually do. You’d be hard pressed to catch me making many typos, but since I’m only human, the occasional one does slip through… :-(

  • 33 Darthmeister // Sep 13, 2008 at 9:33 pm

    More filth from the enlightened left regarding Sarah Palin. This time its Randi Rhodes … engaging in a little projection of her own I guess.

    Apparently there’s not a bit of shame or decency to be found among the barking moonbats across the aisle. Where are the “mainstream” Democrats telling these complete morons to shut their reckless pieholes? Surely this can’t be helping the Obamessiah campaign, particularly given the disarray they find themselves in already. This is not the way to win over independent voters who view such outrageous claims as waaaaaay over the line of common decency. But liberals have become so insular and arrogant in their Bush-hatred that they now think the path to victory is to mock the most mainstream of Americans as child molesters clinging to their guns and religion.

    At one level I hope these moonbats keep it up until every decent American is literally sickened at the sight of a liberal Democrat.

  • 34 This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » We know what they think of veterans now // Sep 13, 2008 at 9:43 pm

    [...] Parody video from Scrappleface (h/t Bloodthirsty Liberal’s Aunt [...]

  • 35 mindknumbed kid // Sep 13, 2008 at 11:23 pm

    Ms Rhodes seems to create her own story there, lots of supposition in her drivel. These people just can’t help themselves, they think all of humanity shares their hatred for the republicans. There would be little hatred of Bush if their types weren’t out there pushing it all this time and now they think everyone feels the same way they do. One more day in the life of OB1’s imploding efforts to appeal to the masses, the Stokes campaign is continuing to self destruct.

  • 36 Fred Sinclair // Sep 14, 2008 at 12:00 am

    mkk #’s 15, 18:

    “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!” (Is. 5:20,21)

    If that is not a specific definition of today’s Liberals, then there isn’t one.

    “Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him! Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.” (Is.5: 23,24)

    Goebbels (Goebbels, (Paul) Joseph (1897–1945), German Nazi leader and politician.) perfected the method and the liberals have adopted it in total.

    If your crime is about to be exposed - pick a CEO or someone well known and loudly and publicly accuse him of your crime over and over and over and over and over and over! Accuse him of falsifying documents and blaming someone else.

    You have introduced the element of reasonable doubt into your own trial and will probably walk. This is the Obama campaign in spades.


  • 37 Fred Sinclair // Sep 14, 2008 at 12:06 am


  • 38 mig // Sep 14, 2008 at 8:01 am

    Good Morning everyone. Off to church. Today I am going church and I’ll let you know the ratio of Obama stickers to McCain stickers.

    Really, everytime I see an Obama sticker in a church parking lot I want to put a pro-life sticker on thier windshield.

    Has anyone heard from Letty? I know she had to evacuate. Just wondering.

  • 39 gafisher // Sep 14, 2008 at 8:06 am

    Darth Re#33: There’s an old saying about someone being so ugly they’d make a freight train take a dirt road. Sounds like the Obama trainwreck might have found one of those dirt Rhodes to land in.

    Honest, I’m not making this up:

    wv - Locomotive ho - I’ve got a screen shot to prove it!

  • 40 gafisher // Sep 14, 2008 at 8:12 am

    Well, now that the reCaptchas are playing along, I’d like to note that Governor Palin has been a registered Republican since the famed year of 1982, and that she know how to send email and uses the internet quite effectively “thank you very much.”

    wv - northern Hockey - No, really!

  • 41 Darthmeister // Sep 14, 2008 at 9:27 am

    Whoopi’s question to McCain about his desire to appoint strict constitutionalists to SCOTUS: “Should I Be Worried About Being a Slave Again?”

    John McCain did a pretty good job vamping the question but this is how he should have answered:
    “Well, Whoopi, with all due respect, you asking such a question in the first place ignores what strict constitutionalism really is and it also demonstrates you’re already back on a plantation - a liberal plantation - since that’s your programmed question when faced with the idea that Supreme Court justices should intepret what’s in the Constitution and not legislate from the bench. Now the real question for you to answer is this, ‘Do you see the plantation that you’re on or is that velvet gulag so comfortable that you mistake it for true freedom despite the nanny statism and channeled thoughts powerbrokers on your side of the aisle have engaged in over the last fifty years?’ That to me is more dangerous condition than any of the other challenges we face today as a free people, being on a plantation and not even knowing it. So tell me, how many of those wonderful ‘open-minded’ liberal friends would you still have in your comfortable world if you didn’t embrace all aspects of liberal dogma that you do today? As many African-Americans understand today, once they get off that liberal plantation they will be excoriated as Uncle Toms or worse. Now that doesn’t sound like enlightenment to me yet that’s what liberals engage in all the time.”

    Of course he probably would have been roundly booed by the morons in the audience who fail to see the fascist underpinnings of big government liberalism and liberal thought in general.

  • 42 Darthmeister // Sep 14, 2008 at 9:46 am

    gafisher … buwahahahaha!

    I hadn’t heard that one yet. I guess you can teach an old dog new jokes!

    Some of my favorite ugly jokes are:

    “He was so ugly that when his mama dropped him off at school she was ticketed for littering.” Admittedly very mean-spirited but …

    or “He was so ugly that when he walked into a bank they’d turn off the cameras!”

    or “He was so ugly that when he was playing in a sandbox the cats would try to bury him.”

    My favorite one … “He was so ugly, when he was born the doctor took one look and slapped his parents.”

    I’ve never used them precisely because they are mean-spirited and really, there isn’t such a thing as an “ugly” person but rather a person that may look a little strange. Hmmmm, maybe we look a little strange to them, eh? I do have to admit to being startled once by a person who was standing behind me in a checkout line at the local grocery store, but a good bath, a good haircut and $50,000 worth of facial surgery …

    I’ve always found it fascinating how ugly jokes are so funny in private and yet how unfunny they are in public. However, having thus bloviated, your joke has now made my top ten ugly joke list.

    Anyone else have a favorite ugly joke that could describe the Obama-Biden political marriage from hades?

  • 43 Shelly // Sep 14, 2008 at 10:00 am

    I finally get the “change” mantra. Demeaning disabled veterans isn’t something I’ve seen an American do before.

  • 44 Shelly // Sep 14, 2008 at 10:18 am

    Wonder what Palin said that ABC sent to the editing room floor?

  • 45 mindknumbed kid // Sep 14, 2008 at 10:28 am

    mig - Obraindead bumper stickers on cars in a church parking lot? Are you in the Wright church? I think the pastor should first invite them to get right with God and second help them scrape off the stickers. I guess if they refused someone would have to put good stickers over top of their defective ones. Church discipline is crucial to good spiritual health of all who worship! Talk about being asleep in the light…
    Time for me to get ready to go to church, I’ll let you know about the sticker ratio there, I know there is a couple of Ron Paul stickers, but I’m not sure what else we have.

  • 46 Darthmeister // Sep 14, 2008 at 10:51 am

    Sometimes distance can give someone a better perspective. Gerard Baker, writing for the London Times, observed the following truths about Barack Obama in his piece, “Obama the Speechmaker”. Mr. Baker contrasts Speechmaker Obama with Politican Obama. It’s bad enough to run against one slippery guy named Obama much less two because of the split personality!

    It can be found at

    Speechmaker Obama has built his campaign on the promise of reform.

    Politician Obama rose through a Chicago machine that is notoriously the most corrupt in the country. He refused repeatedly to side with those lonely voices that sought to challenge the old corrupt ways of the ruling party.

    Speechmaker Obama talks about an era of bipartisanship, He speaks powerfully about the destructive politics of red and blue states.

    Politician Obama has toed his party’s line more reliably than almost any other Democrat in US politics. He has a near-perfect record of voting with his side. He has the most solidly left-wing voting history in the Senate. He has never challenged his party’s line on any issue of substance.

    Speechmaker Obama talks a lot about finding ways to move beyond the bloody battlegrounds of the “culture wars” in America; the urgent need to establish consensus on the emotive issue of abortion.

    Politician Obama’s support for abortion rights is the most extreme of any Democratic senator. No one in the Senate - not the arch feminist Hillary Clinton nor the superliberal Edward Kennedy – is more liberal on abortion rights.

    Here’s the real problem with Mr Obama: the jarring gap between his promises of change and his status quo performance. There are just too many contradictions between the eloquent poetry of the man’s stirring rhetoric and the dull, familiar prose of his political record.

    The fact is that a vote for Mr Obama demands uncritical subservience to the irrational, anti-empirical proposition that the past holds no clues about the future, that promise is wholly detached from experience.

  • 47 RedPepper // Sep 14, 2008 at 10:51 am

    Darthmeister #33: I’m so glad to see that we’ve moved beyond the ugly, “old” politics of divisiveness, aren’t you ? You know, the “politics of personal destruction” ?

    BDS has now officially mutated into Palin Madness Syndrome …

  • 48 Darthmeister // Sep 14, 2008 at 10:56 am


  • 49 mig // Sep 14, 2008 at 11:11 am

    This is what Obama thinks of POW’s. No nuance there.

  • 50 mindknumbed kid // Sep 14, 2008 at 11:44 am

    re#46 - That is the truth, but can a troll acknowledge it for what it is? Their minds seem to be closed, perhaps if they are only “out to lunch” there is hope for them yet. Stuck on stupid doesn’t seem fitting in this age of internetology.

  • 51 mig // Sep 14, 2008 at 12:14 pm

    Someone posted this link or I got it in an email. It is good reading.
    It’s been remarked that the biggest difference between Americans and Europeans is religion: ignorant Americans cling to faith; enlightened Europeans long ago embraced the liberating power of reason. Yet here’s an odd thing about this election. Europeans are asking Americans to take a leap of faith, to break the chains of empiricism and embrace the possibility of the imagination.

    The fact is that a vote for Mr Obama demands uncritical subservience to the irrational, anti-empirical proposition that the past holds no clues about the future, that promise is wholly detached from experience. The second-greatest story ever told, perhaps.

  • 52 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 14, 2008 at 12:18 pm

    1982? Ha I was just a crazy fun loving youthful gal back then. Still learning how to lead a good Republican life. We were farming 120 acres plus trying to keep a transportation company alive. Carter screwed our farm and our business.

    Wait, guess I wasn’t such a fun loving crazy gal. We were suffering in a misery index-but life was getting better under Reagan.

  • 53 Mack // Sep 14, 2008 at 12:22 pm

    MSN headlines this morning as cut and pasted:

    Palin cut own duties as mayor
    A visit to Wasilla, Alaska, shows the extent to which Sarah Palin’s mayoralty was also defined by what it did not include.

    How Fannie wasn’t reigned-in
    Deadly L.A. commuter train crash
    Engine failure cited in deadly Russian jet crash
    Note that their attacks on Governor Palin take priority over, a train wreck, the failure of two major companies that controlled billions in real-estate and a deadly plane crash. Just go to the MSN website and see for yourself how in the tank the media is for Obama.

    Out of 20 or more political cartoons only one poked fun at Obama. of the rest they sank so low as to show a reporter interviewing a pig who was angry at being compared to Governor Palin.

  • 54 Darthmeister // Sep 14, 2008 at 1:46 pm

    Mark Levine at his blog has the full Gibson-Palin transcript with the parts that were editted out in bold print. Mrs. Palin still nailed it and the editting could have been worse. I give Gibson and ABC a B-minus on the interview and a D-plus on Gibson acting so patronizing and squinting over his glasses like she was a pupil of his in a Journalism 101 class. Palin 1, ABC - 0.

    Charles Krauthammer has already weighed in yesterday how Charlie Gibson flubbed the “Bush Doctrine” question since it’s obvious that Gibson himself didn’t even know what aspect of the “Bush Doctrine” he was talking about! Krauthammer knows what he’s talking about since he was the one who invented the concept/phrase of “Bush Doctrine” back in 2001. Generally interviews turn out better when the journalist really knows what they’re talking about instead of merely regurgitating media talking points in the form of questions.

  • 55 mig // Sep 14, 2008 at 6:42 pm

    Do they understand anything outside their box?

  • 56 mindknumbed kid // Sep 14, 2008 at 7:05 pm

    Twas a dead even split on the bumper sticker count this morning. Zero Obamanation and zero McCain/Lady Sarah Palin. I’ve been thinking of getting one for the old Suburban, never put a bumper sticker on for a presidential election before, but Lady Sarah inspires me. Pretty much don’t see any stickers here in Gillette, probably more Obaminabull ones though. One of my son’s newspaper customers has Obadchoice stickers on both cars and their house, sort makes you queasy when you walk by.

  • 57 Fred Sinclair // Sep 14, 2008 at 7:16 pm

    It would be nice to have a well run, principled contest for the White House but in the words from an old time radio program “Dream on McGee” (Ref. “Fibber McGee and Molly”).

    Instead we have this excerpt from DRUDGE today that is beyond hilarious -

    Mr Obama warned that the Republicans were distorting his record and creating distractions to obscure their own failures but insisted the negative tactics that helped George W. Bush win the past two elections would fall short this year. “The times are too serious for those strategies to work this time,” he said. “We are here to say, ‘enough is enough’.”

    His rallying cry was met with roars of approval from the crowd packed into a city centre park but, when questioned individually, many supporters sounded less confident about his ability to weather the storm. “I’m very worried because we’ve seen this movie before,” said Robert Spurrier, a school teacher. “The Republican attack machine shifts the election away from issues and turns it into a battle of personalities.”

    There was broad agreement that Mr Obama must respond aggressively to attacks but avoid being dragged into the mud. “He’s got to show he can stick up for himself,” said Gail Sommer, another teacher. “But he needs to do it in a way that’s truthful and honorable and gets us back on the issues.”

    Now, isn’t that funny? It is impossible to distort his record since any number times zero = zero. Mr. Obama has no record to distort. Unless you count his “record” of voting for infantcide on three separate occasions. His “record” of ‘Mentors’ and close buddies (Ayres, etc.) And a whole trunk full of South side Chicago thug politics. His “record” as a “Community Organizer” aka A.C.O.R.N. illegal voter registration training for more South side Chicago thugs. You can’t distort facts -for facts are facts and lies are lies.

    “….a battle of personalities.” Same old con game - accuse your opponent of your own battle of personalities to draw away attention that it’s you and you only doing the personalities gig.

    “….that’s truthful and honorable and gets us back on the issues.” How do you get back to someplace you’ve never been? Truthful and honorable? Obama has gone out of his way to prove those words aren’t even in his vocabulary. [when has he ever (EVER) told the truth? when has he ever (EVER) done anything honorable?] I think I recall McCain saying that thirty times he has challenged Obama to debate issues in Townhall meetings and thirty times Obama has refused. Obama can’t debate issues without his Soros scripted TelePrompTer.

    Now, if that isn’t funny, then I have a seriously warped sense of humor. (and I plan to keep it.).


  • 58 gafisher // Sep 14, 2008 at 7:49 pm

    Darth, I apologize for not clarifying my definition of ugliness. I do not and would not use the word to describe anyone’s physical appearance; with the exception of such self-inflicted blemishes as piercings and tattoos no person can or should be accountable for the features God gave them. I honor every person as His handiwork, as individual and beautiful as a sunset or a snowflake.

    When I use the word, I mean it in the sense of (to quote the dictionary)

    “1. surly: inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace; “a surly waiter”; “an ugly frame of mind”

    2. despicable: morally reprehensible; “would do something as despicable as murder”; “ugly crimes”; “the vile development of slavery appalled them”; “a slimy little liar”

    Randi Rhodes, on those occasions when I’ve heard her, spoke in ways which would fit both of these definitions. I have no idea what she looks like, nor would I make that an object of ridicule.

  • 59 Darthmeister // Sep 14, 2008 at 9:51 pm

    More voter fraud problems that the lamestream media virtually ignores. Why? Because it’s coming from the left-wing side of the aisle. What conservative/Republican equivalent is there to ACORN? There is none.

    From L.L. Brasier of the Detroit Free Press:

    Several municipal clerks across the state are reporting fraudulent and duplicate voter registration applications, most of them from a nationwide community activist group working to help low- and moderate-income families.

    The majority of the problem applications are coming from the group ACORN, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, which has a large voter registration program among its many social service programs. ACORN’s Michigan branch, based in Detroit, has enrolled 200,000 voters statewide in recent months, mostly with the use of paid, part-time employees.

    “There appears to be a sizeable number of duplicate and fraudulent applications,” said Kelly Chesney, spokeswoman for the Michigan Secretary of State’s Office. “And it appears to be widespread.”

    It turns out that the balance of fraudulent voter registrations that aren’t related to ACORN corruption are also from liberal voter registration groups, but the Detroit Free Press fails to mention that little nugget.

    BTW, moonbat blogs pad their accounts of so-called Republican/conservtive voter fraud with alleged incidences which rarely if ever make it to federal court. The vast majority of those convicted of voter intimidation or voter fraud are Democrats, thus running up the number of Democrats in prison even more.

    Here is a link to a 368 page report by the non-partisan American Center for Voting rights that clearly documents hundreds of incidences of voter fraud, the vast majority of which are committed by DEMOCRATS!

  • 60 Darthmeister // Sep 14, 2008 at 10:20 pm

    gafisher, agreed. In retrospect you made it clear the “ugliness” you were really talking about was with respect to the Obama campaign. It’s interesting how the Obamessiah campaign has been one of the most disrespectful and slimiest campaign on record. Yet the Donks have the unmitigated gall to accuse the McCain campaign of being the slimiest when it has mostly been running ads pointing out Obama’s lack of accomplishments, his long-term, twenty year relationship with a whacked out, his friendship with America-hating “reverend”, Weathermen terrorists like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn that he now tries to deny, engaging (naively or otherwise) in highly questionable real estate deals with Tony Rezko, and his unabashed admiration for and practice of the radical left-wing power tactics of Saul Alinsky.

    Apparently the Donks have convinced themselves that whenever Republicans have the unmitigated gall to reveal these documented failings of Obama to the general public, somehow it constitutes “slimey” politicking. But they are all the part and parcel of the political animal known as Barack Messiah Obama.

  • 61 baragirl // Sep 14, 2008 at 10:47 pm

    Remember when you were a little kid and your Mama told you not to make that ugly face or your face would freeze that way? Well it’s true. You just look at mean-spirited people who frown,scowl and glare most of the time ,and all the botox in the world isn’t going to keep them pretty . I know a lady who is 106 and she is beautiful,a few wrinkles ,but they all go up and she is prettier than many half her age. But I also know some mean crochety old buzzards who onl smile if someone falls down ,and sorry guys, they are ugly.
    I have prettygood wrinkles for someone who is


  • 62 mindknumbed kid // Sep 14, 2008 at 11:20 pm

    Want to prevent wrinkles even when you are pretty old? My great-grandfather washed his face every morning in the creek,even if it was frozen over and he had to break the ice. Never had a wrinkle when he died of cancer. But for me, I like nice warm/hot water and I’ll take the wrinkles from it. Shortly before he passed away some family members were attempting to move a large rock with a team of good horses, the horses would get the rock rolled up out of the ground but give out just before it would roll up out the hole it was in, unable to pull it out. My great-grandpa nearly on his death bed rolled it out all by himself. Made his livelihood catchin’ fish and selling them, and farmin’ a little. His son, my great-uncle, was strong as a bear too. One day a collection agent was at their door using bad language with my aunt while he was shaving, he came out of the bathroom to “talk” to the man about how he was talking to his wife and the man ran to his ‘46 Ford, locked the doors and started the engine and was leaving as my great-uncle grabbed the door handle. He ripped the handle right out of the door as the car drove off. Fished all of his life and never figured out how to catch fish like his dad could, that knowledge went to the grave with the man, not even one of his sons got his secrets out of him. This is the same branch of the family as Congressman Cleve Bailey was from, not that anyone cares about my family tree, but I gave it out free of charge-money back if you’re not completely satisfied!

  • 63 oback arama // Sep 15, 2008 at 1:28 am

    Biden Drops Out - Palin Applies CPR

    October 3, 2008

    Last night at Washington University in St. Louis the Vice Presidential debate took place but was cut short when Democrat Joe Biden fainted during his answer to the third question asked by Gwen Ifill. Oback Arama jumped up from his seat and attempted to apply the Heimlich maneuver to Biden. Sarah Palin screamed “ Not the Heimelich you goofball” and dragged Oback off of Biden. She applied CPR until paramedics arrived and transferred Biden to the ambulance for a trip to BJC hospital where he is under observation.

    Oback Arama announced this morning that Joe Biden has resigned from the race due the possibility that he has suffered a heart attack and he does not want to jeopardize the important central issues of hope and change, and change we can believe in, change that works for you, and real change, not the last 8 years of the same change. Because there are only 30 days until the election, Oback Arama is calling for an open competition in the spirit of the American Idol TV show to be called the Oback Arama VP Idol Show. The competitors will be Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, Dennis Kuscinich, Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, and Richard Daley Jr. When asked why he was considering Sharpton, Wright, and Daley, Oback said “I added Daley because of his executive experience. As far as Sharpton and Wright, I could no more renounce them than I could renounce Tony Rezko or William Ayres. They are friends of mine and they will be fine Vice Presidents if they prevail in the competition.

    “ The Oback Arama VP Idol Show will air on Monday October 6, 2008 on the Oback Arama network MSNBC . Check your local listings.

  • 64 Fred Sinclair // Sep 15, 2008 at 5:27 am

    I just emailed my answer to the NRCC’s question, Why do you think Sarah Palin is the best VP pick for McCain?

    “#1 - Governor Sarah Palin is real. God, Guts and Guns. She’s got her warts and scars like the rest of America. (she’s relatable) Like a female Horatio Alger story - from rags to riches she’s done it without liberal “entitlement programs”. (Which is the #1 reason liberals hate her guts.)

    In the Villages, Towns and Cities across America there are uncountable “Sarah Palins”, like them; she has a spine. I’ve known (I’m 70) dozens and dozens of “Sarah Palins”. They’re in the Military or live next door, they’re working selling Avon or Amway, or doing something constructive to make life a little better for their families.

    Anyone with a functioning brain and eyes to see is aware that she has more ‘leadership’ experience than the rest of both tickets combined.

    In the manner of one of John Wayne’s movies, she has “True Grit”. Should the need arise, she is capable, competent, ready and able to fill a McCain vacancy.

    Lastly she’s a great pick for Vice-President because she has Obama and others of his ilk running scared out of their wits. There’s nothing they won’t do to “take her out”. There’s no lie too big nor any level too low. They’ve figured out that with Sarah Palin as his ‘running mate’ they’re finished, over, kaput!”

    Maybe B.O. should dump Joe and run with his wife as his V.P. running mate or better yet, his best buddy Bill Ayers?


  • 65 gafisher // Sep 15, 2008 at 8:20 am

    Stand by for a blistering attack when Joe Biden speaks in St. Clair Shores, Michigan today. Based on reports from the same Democrat Opposition Research team (and former ‘60 Minutes’ staff) which announced that Governor Palin’s daughter had given birth to one child (Trig) while pregnant with another, Biden is expected to reveal today that Senator John McCain spent much of the Vietnam War ‘lounging around’ in a Hilton somewhere in or near Hanoi.

  • 66 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 15, 2008 at 8:22 am

    The reaction of BO and BO worshipers to McCain/Palin is similar to that of Dracula to a cross, not so much because of who they are but, rather, what they represent: The United States of America.

  • 67 upnorthlurkin // Sep 15, 2008 at 9:07 am

    Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Dear Mig, Happy Birthday to you !!!! Yea!! Cheer!!

  • 68 Just Ranting // Sep 15, 2008 at 9:29 am

    In case you didn’t see all of SNL’s send up of Sarah and Hillary you can view it here. Although they took jabs at both of them, I think they actually made Sarah Palin look great by comparison. You be the judge:

  • 69 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 15, 2008 at 9:45 am

    Hurricane Ike came through NE Ohio last night. Trees down, power out, cable (Internet) out. Jeesh, I sure would of hated to be in Texas when that thing came through.

    It ripped through like Sarah did last month. I what Aunt Sarah is thinking these days?

  • 70 gafisher // Sep 15, 2008 at 10:04 am

    JR Re#68: Thanks for the link! Both Governor Palin and Mrs. Clinton were lampooned, but I think you’re right — even on SNL, Sarah comes across better.

    I think everyone’s happy Baraq canceled his scheduled appearance and lowered the seas around Galveston instead; oil prices are dropping like profligate lenders today.

  • 71 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 15, 2008 at 10:05 am

    Okay, I know this is off topic but when I watched this video I just had to pause and wonder why liberals think people with mental challenges aren’t worthy of giving birth to.

    Oh, and happy birthday mig. I surely hope it is as good of a birthday as you could possibly have.

  • 72 gafisher // Sep 15, 2008 at 10:26 am

    Ms RW, Ink: Liberals are very deeply invested in the “quality of life” argument which stipulates, in a nutshell, that “if I wouldn’t want to live like that, you shouldn’t be allowed to.” Abortion, euthanasia, and socialized medicine are all logical outcomes of this thinking, which can be traced back through Sanger’s Eugenics Movement (a particular inspiration to the Third Reich) and Malthus all the way to savage societies which left their unwanted out in the cold to die.

  • 73 mig // Sep 15, 2008 at 10:27 am

    Thanks UNL…Another year and I’m still here.

    Hey has anyone gotten the email Obama’s “not exactly” ?
    This email lists things that Obama has apparently claimed are true and the author of this email tries to prove it as false.

    The email itself is not so interesting as much as the way snopes seems to defend Obama. It is very interesting to read. Take a moment and check this out.

    This one was rather amusing (from the email):
    11.) I Am Stronger On Foreign Affairs
    - NOT EXACTLY, except for Africa (surprise) and the Middle East (bigger surprise), you have never been anywhere else on the planet and thus have NO experience with our closest allies. (states the author of the email)

    snopes explains it this way:
    Barack Obama did live in Indonesia for four years as a child, and he could in fact speak the local language passably well. Whether his time in that country provided him more “foriegn experience” is argumentative, but Obama himself is far from the only person to suggest that it might .

    And it goes on from there.
    Snopes references Indonesia but not the other specific areas that the author of the email states. Sounds to me like they aren’t really investigating the claim. They should have atleast mentioned an opposition to the “you have never been anywhere else on the planet” statement, but that is omitted even if it is implied. Is it another Obama nuance?

  • 74 mig // Sep 15, 2008 at 11:07 am

    Thanks MsRW-

    I watched the SNL video. Hilarious. I wish they would do one on Obama/ Biden. That would be funny!

  • 75 mig // Sep 15, 2008 at 11:17 am

    Looking further into this snopes things, it appears that snopes qoutes an awful lot from this Time article written in December of 2007.
    Two qoutes I want to highlight:

    “It’s not the conventional mouthing of culture sensitivities.” Brzezinski points to Obama’s greater willingness to meet leaders of hostile nations and his early resistance to the war in Iraq as examples of his superior intuition on foreign policy.”
    Bold letters are my addition.

    “The day I’m inaugurated, not only will the country look at itself differently, but the world will look at America differently,” Obama told an audience in Audubon, Iowa, last month, “because not only do I have the experience of working at the highest levels of government on foreign policy but also because the leaders of others counties will know that I’ve got family members that live in small villages in Africa that are poor so I know what they’re going through.”

    Would Charlie Gibson accuse Obama of hubris?

  • 76 R.A.M. // Sep 15, 2008 at 12:22 pm

    Just Ranting, re #68: Don’t do what I did and read the comments though! I just spent the better part of a half an hour signing up to refute some unfair comments, (as RAMtheOriginal, the name RAM was already taken), before I realized that MOST there are far left kooks, and I will NOT change any minds, (or what is left of their’s), there.

    GOD says to “shake off the dust-”!


  • 77 Fred Sinclair // Sep 15, 2008 at 12:41 pm

    mig #73 - I clicked on “this” and couldn’t stop laughing! This (on Snopes) couldn’t have been funnier if it had been a skit on SNL.

    As I read I could see Marie stoutly defending her son Ray against scurrilous attacks. (Re: ‘Everybody Loves Raymond’) Every one of Snopes “explanations” sounded precisely like any ‘overprotective’ mother defending her #1 most beloved son.

    Do you think Snopes might be in the tank for Obama specifically or just any old liberal in general?

    For anybody who hasn’t read it (in total) - it beats SNL by a mile. It contains every excuse and rationalization I’ve ever heard. Easily worthy of Bugs Bunny or better yet Donald Duck’s three nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie.

    B.O. STINKS (He’s a convincing liar however)

  • 78 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 15, 2008 at 12:45 pm

    Yes, I know, it seems impossible, doesn’t it-perhaps the universe would implode or something?-but, astonishingly, we’re witnessing Hubristic Elitism as performed in real-time by an Obsequious Narcissist.
    “BO is anthropologically anomalous, eh?”
    “Please, I beg of you, say, ‘Yes.’ Please, oh, please, say, ‘Yes.’”

  • 79 Fred Sinclair // Sep 15, 2008 at 12:48 pm

    R.A.M. #76 - Go back to mig’s #73 and click on “this”. Let us know how long it took you to stop laughing (personally, I don’t know - I still haven’t stopped).


  • 80 mig // Sep 15, 2008 at 9:37 pm

    Blue star moms are mad! MAD.

  • 81 gafisher // Sep 16, 2008 at 12:14 pm

    I laughed at “this” (Re#73) too, until I realized another once-useful site had gone the way of Wackypedia.

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