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ABC Hopes Palin Interview Builds Confidence

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 64 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2008-09-08) — Strategists at ABC News said they hope that correspondent Charles Gibson’s interview with Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin will increase the public’s confidence in the ability, maturity and credibility of ABC News.

“Charlie is spending a lot of time preparing,” said one unnamed ABC insider, “He doesn’t want to get caught off guard by Palin, or make some major gaffe that will follow him through election day.”

Ultimately, the news network envisions that the Palin program will help it reverse historically low popularity ratings — the worst in a generation.

“In reality, most Americans really don’t know ABC News,” said the anonymous network source, “Many will tune into to see Sarah Palin, so this will be kind a national debut for us.”

Mr. Gibson will have an opportunity to question Gov. Palin on any topic over the course of two days of conversation, so the resulting program could go a long way toward convincing Americans that ABC is prepared for the big job of delivering the nightly newscast.

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64 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Fred Sinclair // Sep 8, 2008 at 7:23 pm

    R.A.M. #6 - From Wiki evidently no one knows for sure what was said. Take your choice. Now you know more than you wanted.

    "Caesar's last words are not known with certainty, and are a contested subject among scholars and historians alike. The version best known in the English-speaking world is the Latin phrase Et tu, Brute? ("And you, Brutus?" or "You too, Brutus?" or "Even you, Brutus?"); this derives from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, where it actually forms the first half of a macaronic line: "Et tu, Brute? Then fall, Caesar." Shakespeare's version evidently follows in the tradition of the Roman historian Suetonius, who reports that Caesar's last words were the Greek phrase "καὶ σὺ τέκνον;"[1] (transliterated as "Kai su, teknon?": "You too, my child?" in English).[2] Plutarch, on the other hand, reports that Caesar said nothing, pulling his toga over his head when he saw Brutus among the conspirators.[3]

    In some other languages, the best-known version of Caesar's last words is a more literal Latin translation of the Greek phrase reported by Suetonius: tu quoque, fili mi? ("You also, my son?"). This version is reported, for example, in Lhomond's De Viris Illustribus,[4] an 18th century summary of Roman history, which was long used as a standard text by Latin students."


  • 2 RedPepper // Sep 8, 2008 at 10:29 pm

    Sorry, Charlie.

    We want news programs that ask questions … not questionable “news” programs!

    But you’re welcome to keep on trying !

  • 3 mindknumbed kid // Sep 8, 2008 at 10:47 pm

    It’s all about change…now even ABC’s getting sucked in. Can the Amerikkkan media withstand it?

  • 4 da Bunny // Sep 8, 2008 at 10:48 pm

    Wonder why ABC News decided to go with Charles Gibson to interview Palin, and not their resident smarmy, condescending twit, Diane Sawyer, instead?

  • 5 da Bunny // Sep 8, 2008 at 10:50 pm

    …not use their resident smarmy… :-(

  • 6 R.A.M. // Sep 8, 2008 at 10:52 pm

    Wow! This interview could make Gibson as big as Oprah!

    Well, not talking weight wise-oh, never mind. lol

  • 7 R.A.M. // Sep 8, 2008 at 10:57 pm

    Be very careful Sarah. I have a feeling these “journalists” are NOT that friendly toward you and are waiting for the right time for a “et tu Brute” moment!

    Did I spell Brute right?

    Help me out all you “spell check” libs, :-)

  • 8 R.A.M. // Sep 8, 2008 at 11:19 pm

    I have been away for a while, (NO-NOT prison ;-) ), so I don’t know if you have seen this O’Bama video from Saddleback, but it is worth the time.

    I missed some of this interview the first time I watched it.

  • 9 NeaL // Sep 8, 2008 at 11:21 pm

    Wow. . .

    I remember watching Battlestar Galactica (the original series) on T.V. when I was a kid. I haven’t watched T.V. in years. I’m surprised to learn that ABC is still around. Do they still make lunch boxes out of metal, too?

  • 10 NeaL // Sep 8, 2008 at 11:25 pm


    I remember watching Battlestar Galactica on ABC when I was a kid. I haven’t watched any television in years. It’s good to see that ABC is still around, I think. There’s nothing wrong with a little nostalgia for the good ol’ days.

    Do they still make lunchboxes out of metal, too?

  • 11 NeaL // Sep 8, 2008 at 11:26 pm

    Sorry, the first one didn’t show up, at first. I had to repost from memory and, whoa, there they both are! Heh, heh… oops.

  • 12 upnorthlurkin // Sep 8, 2008 at 11:32 pm

    R.A.M. - Welcome back! Apparently I too missed quite a bit of that interview! I like the new way better…..the context is a bit easier to swallow with Porky Pig in there stuttering. It was a tad chilling the original way…..

  • 13 Tinman // Sep 8, 2008 at 11:34 pm


    “the anonymous network source”

    Did you mean anonymous network or anonymous source?

  • 14 camojack // Sep 9, 2008 at 1:08 am

    “In reality, most Americans really don’t know ABC News,” said the anonymous network source, “Many will tune into to see Sarah Palin, so this will be kind a national debut for us.”

    Now that’s satire…and why I keep coming back for more. :-)

  • 15 gafisher // Sep 9, 2008 at 6:06 am

    “Strategists at ABC News said they hope …”

    That’s not audacity, that’s desperation.

  • 16 onlineanalyst // Sep 9, 2008 at 7:20 am

    I guess that Governor Sarah Palin will have to school Gibson in his ABCs.

    (Why do I italicize Palin’s title? To remind others of her executive experience and to counteract The One’s put-down referencee to her as a simply a mayor. (Geez, everyone knows that a Community Organizerâ„¢ has so many more weighty decisions to make).)

    From what I read around the blogosphere, Gibson will not be conducting a one-on-one sit-down interview. (Does he think he could best Palin in one-on-one? Not with her sports chops.) Instead he will be tagging along over several days, seeing the energetic Barracuda in action. Good times, good times!

  • 17 Shelly // Sep 9, 2008 at 9:07 am

    R.A.M., welcome back! And thanks for that link. I’d forgotten how much I love Foghorn Leghorn.

    I also have to say, ABC might finally learn how to attract viewers - stop highlighting only those few who don’t like this country. The geniuses running the network might stumble into an elusive truth - if you want Americans to watch occasionally have a guest who likes Americans. I do hope Gibson, like so many other liberal idiots, tells me that I’m not going to vote for her because she’s pro-life. You know how we women hate babies. Is that why my husband jokes that I’m not allowed to smell them when I hold one?

  • 18 Maggie // Sep 9, 2008 at 9:11 am

    RAM….good to see you back online.

    Is Brute still on the market?….ref # 6
    In this case one would have to do a smell check.

    You’ve been gone too long.Please drop in to say hello.

  • 19 MargeinMI // Sep 9, 2008 at 9:57 am

    Hello! Here I am! Thanks for the shout out Maggie, it’s nice to know someone misses me!

    I’ve been lurking and keeping up with The Great Cheetos satire (of which this piece is an EXCELLENT example-WOOHOO SCOTT!).

    Also been quite busy working, FINALLY got a job in the unemployment mecca of Michigan. Not a great one mind you, but almost enough to pay the bills. Due for my 90 day raise this pay period. Boy’s back to school, so I’m enjoying peaceful mornings again!

    On topic: I’d much rather see Charlie Gibson interview the Sarahcuda than that fount of bubbles, Katie Couric! (don’t know what network she’s on and don’t care)

    My mom (die hard lib) sent me an article about the Sarahcuda the other day. It was written by an obviously bitter dim from Alaska who highlighted some missteps and things she disagreed with mostly from The Mighty S’s term as mayor. Not too much about her governors term. I replied with Bill Whittle’s piece at NRO which says it much better than I ever could!


  • 20 R.A.M. // Sep 9, 2008 at 10:08 am

    upnorthlurkin, Shelly, and Maggie. Thank you for the welcome back! I had been having a LOT of problems with the Pulmonary Fibrosis that satan, (yes, I KNOW it is “supposed” to be a capitol “S”, but I just cannot bring myself to give the “destroyer” anymore respect than I do MOST of the libs in Congress!), had afflicted me with. I FINALLY made a breakthrough to my GOD through JESUS CHRIST, and was HEALED!!!

    I am still “recovering”, but EXPECT a COMPLETE recovery and possible trip to China to spread GOD’s WORD and to save people through our LORD, JESUS CHRIST!!!

    I was taking 8 pills a day, (blood pressure, prozac, prevacid, 2 different prostate meds, biaxin and plaquinel sp, for breathing, and vicodin), and on August 22nd, I stopped taking ALL of them!!! However, I do NOT suggest this for everybody, I just was at the point that I was not going to make it anymore with OR without the meds, and the ULTIMATE HEALER, JEHOVAH, GOD ALMIGHTY, became my PRIMARY PHYSICIAN! Praise GOD!!!

    Sorry Scott for taking up space, but I felt GOD wanted me to share this good news. I am sure it is alright with you, as I KNOW you are a good Christian!

    God bless ALL my “Scrapple” friends!

  • 21 Shelly // Sep 9, 2008 at 10:59 am

    Talk about Good News! I pray you get to share it often.

    wv: religious 1 (’Nuff said.)

  • 22 Mack // Sep 9, 2008 at 11:12 am

    Hi R.A.M. Nice to see an old friend around. Where were you?

    I have to chuckle. My wife sent email to Oprah advising her that we would not be watching her anymore, even if she did have Shaun Johnson on the program. Frankly, we can see Shaun Johnson in the mall around here so we don’t need Oprah.

    Hollywood and the MSM might eventually figure out that most of the map is red. They are not likely to change. If they want market share they will need to study their market. I would think the liberals would figure that out too.

    Our score is up by two after last night. Long time union Democrats Ryan and Karen, Teamsters at that are voting for McCain / Palin because of the media. The MSM made such a blunder in their all out attack on Governor Palin. When they start acting like she and her family are evil they point out the similarities she has to the rest of us. It makes the average Teamster look a little more closely at the other side. Since the Teamsters endorsed Obama without consulting their membership Ryan’s union shop is down to 6 people. Add their spouses to the mix and you see the problem. Before that there was more than 100.

    Bring it on MSM. We couldn’t ask for better endorsement.

  • 23 Fred Sinclair // Sep 9, 2008 at 12:02 pm

    Well I never! Yes I did, I dogpiled the name Scott Ott and from Wiki got the following (I deleted footnote and citation notes since this would have been much too long to post).

    “ScrappleFace is a U.S. website run by Scott Ott that satirizes the news from a conservative perspective.
    The name ScrappleFace was coined by Ott’s grandmother, Jessica McMaster (June 16, 1915 - January 31, 2006), who cared for Ott and his brothers from the age of five. Ott chose the name knowing that the URL would be available because no one else would know the word.
    Ott, a former journalist, started Scrappleface in July 2002. Ott oversees “the vast editorial staff” at ScrappleFace, an unnamed group of non-existent journalists who “cover the globe like a patina of dental plaque” according to earlier items on the site. In reality, all the ScrappleFace stories (more than 2,500 as of 15 March 2007) on politics, the war on terror, business, science, theology and even sports were written by Ott. The website reported over 10,000,000 visitors as of May 2007.
    ScrappleFace is probably best known for originating the phrase “Axis of weasels”, in an item Ott wrote in January 2003 titled “Rumsfeld Sorry for Axis of Weasels Remark”. Glenn Reynolds linked to it at his widely-read blog, Instapundit, noting that it was being circulated at the White House and Pentagon. Two days later, the New York Post carried the front-page headline “AXIS OF WEASEL - GERMANY AND FRANCE WIMP OUT ON IRAQ”. Ott later published a collection of ScrappleFace stories under the title “Axis of Weasels” (ISBN 097614140X; now out of print).
    Ott’s work has been quoted in The Washington Post, Sports Illustrated, The Kansas City Star, The Weekly Standard, Wired, and the BBC website. ScrappleFace stories have also been quoted on radio by Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Roger Hedgecock, Michael Medved, Bill Bennett, and dozens of regional radio hosts as well as on CNN and MSNBC. At least two ScrappleFace stories have been passed around via email enough to become an urban myth and be debunked by ScrappleFace is popular amongst conservative political bloggers, who frequently link to its items.
    In December 2007, Ott began writing serious essays on a new blog at His blog quickly rose to the top 10 among Townhall blogs.”

    GO SCOTT - GO!!! (And thanks)

  • 24 Hawkeye // Sep 9, 2008 at 1:29 pm

    I can just hear the 7 dwarfs at ABC now… “High hopes! High hopes! It’s off we go, us dopes…” :smile:

    Great report R.A.M.! May God continue to smile on you.

  • 25 Hawkeye // Sep 9, 2008 at 1:33 pm


    Good stuff! How much did Scott pay you to write all those nice things about him? …just kidding. :wink:

  • 26 da Bunny // Sep 9, 2008 at 1:48 pm

    OT…It ain’t over until the Fat Lady sings. BS’ ode to BO…heh, heh: “Bye, Bye Barry!”

  • 27 da Bunny // Sep 9, 2008 at 1:50 pm

    Glad to hear that God is blessing your health, R.A.M.! Good to see you posting again, too! :-)

  • 28 R.A.M. // Sep 9, 2008 at 2:02 pm

    Hey Mack!

    I was here at home, but in bed, just waiting to die and feeling sorry for myself. My cousin married a lady from China who asked me if she and my cousin could annoint me with HOLY OIL and pray for my healing. I took that first step, and the rest WILL BE history!!!

    Always remember to PRAISE GOD and JESUS! It is NOT the same thing as thanking THEM!

    Now I must go to Paypal, I OWE Scott a cup of coffee! :-)

  • 29 R.A.M. // Sep 9, 2008 at 2:03 pm

    Thank you da Bunny!

  • 30 ref // Sep 9, 2008 at 2:15 pm

    I can’t stop smiling. Bullseye, Mr. Ott.

    This parody is not so hard to believe. Charlie will need a double-dose of SpeedStick before he does this one!

  • 31 ref // Sep 9, 2008 at 2:17 pm

    Or maybe Right-Guard.

  • 32 boberinyetagain // Sep 9, 2008 at 2:50 pm

    “Right”-Guard…not THAT’S funny.

    So is your story Scott, no worries…

  • 33 boberinyetagain // Sep 9, 2008 at 2:52 pm

    “now” that’s funny…doh!

  • 34 Maggie // Sep 9, 2008 at 3:30 pm

    Shelly…in ref to #17
    Great post and funny too.

    RAM…Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow.

    Another Praise the Lord offered up in thankfullness for your employment. It is good to hear from you.It is time to come back home. Woo Hoo!

  • 35 Darthmeister // Sep 9, 2008 at 4:37 pm

    WSJ: ‘Democrats have airdropped a mini-army of 30 lawyers, investigators and opposition researchers into Anchorage’…

    Ahhhh, the party of love, understanding and fair-play. No stone or moose carcass will be left unturned to advance their politics of personal destruction. You independent and swing voters take note of how Demoncrats really operate when they want to slime their way into the White House.

    I guess the Donks would rather airdrop their sidewalk commandos into Alaska to go on fishing expeditions than to drop them in Afghanistan where they might do some good … you know, sue the hell out of Usama bin Laden. I bet he won’t try to attack Americans after that kind of intimidation.

  • 36 boberinyetagain // Sep 9, 2008 at 4:44 pm

    Hank, you might be on to something there, lawyers! Might just do the trick!

  • 37 Darthmeister // Sep 9, 2008 at 4:46 pm

    BTW, Scott, veeeeeery funny!

    ABC could interview a mannequin made up to look like Saracuda using some Hollyweird ventriloquist giving wrong answers to Gibson’s questions … you know, news that’s fake but accurate.

    Actually, Charlie Gibson is one of the few fair-minded journalists around, probably right up there with Tim Russert, though there is a strong liberal streak that runs through him.

  • 38 Darthmeister // Sep 9, 2008 at 4:49 pm

    bboerinyetagain, then we could send “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright over there to preach one of his hellfire and damnation to America sermons to UBL and his cadre of jihadists. They might want to convert and start attending his church since it would give them a good shot at being the American president.

  • 39 Fred Sinclair // Sep 9, 2008 at 4:52 pm

    Darthmeister #36 -

    Question: What do you call 30 lawyers airdropped into Afghanistan?

    Answer: A good start.

    Question: What do you call 30 lawyers airdropped into Alaska?

    Answer: poor navigation.


  • 40 Fred Sinclair // Sep 9, 2008 at 5:17 pm

    Tancredo Neves (President of Brazil ): During the Presidential campaign, he said if he got 500, 000 votes from his party, not even God would remove him from Presidency. Sure he got the votes, but he got sick a day before being made President, then he died.

    Pat’s Rick checked it out - thanks Rick
    “I only checked Tancredo Neves. He did indeed get sick a day before being made President, but it took him a while to die:
    On January 15, 1985 Tancredo Neves was elected to the Presidency by a majority of the members of the Electoral College. However, just one day before he was scheduled to take the oath of office (March 15, 1985), Neves became severely ill. He suffered from abdominal complications and developed generalized infections. After seven operations, Tancredo Neves died on April 21, 1985[2]. He was succeeded by José Sarney. Neves’s ordeal was intensively covered by the Brazilian media and followed with anxiety by the whole nation, who had seen in him the way out of the authoritarian regime into what he had called a “New Republic” (Nova República). His death caused an outpouring of national grief. Tancredo Neves is counted among the official list of presidents of Brazil as a matter of homage and honour, since technically he never became president.
    So, based on that, I would assume the author took a few facts and arranged them in the most sensational way possible. Even so, Jesus IS Lord.”
    “He suffered from abdominal complications and developed generalized infections. After seven operations…….” I believe something uncannily similar happened to King Herod. “And the people gave a shout, saying, It is the voice of a god, and not of a man. And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost. But the word of God grew and multiplied.” (Acts 12:22-24)
    ” he said if he got 500, 000 votes from his party, not even God would remove him from Presidency.” do you suppose that giving credit to the votes and his party, instead of God was involved? If so then the Liberal’s “messiah” aka “The One” - “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM; and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” (Ex. 3: 14)

    [Would "I AM THE ONE” be compared to “I AM” and might not the “I AM"; Who states that He is a jealous God: “(For the LORD thy God is a jealous God among you) lest the anger of the LORD thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth.” (Deut. 6:15) kindle the Lord’s anger against him?]

    Perhaps Obama should take heed??

    Since he claims to be a Christian and not a Muslim, why doesn’t he give Jesus Christ the credit for his ascendancy into his current messiah-hood?


  • 41 RedPepper // Sep 9, 2008 at 5:38 pm

    R.A.M. #7( I’d like to add myself to the list of Scrapplers welcoming you back. I remember you from way back when I first started commenting here, back in 2004; btw, I too was away with health issues for a while.

    It’s a real pleasure to see you back here. And just in time for the Coming of The One !

    Good timing …

  • 42 gafisher // Sep 9, 2008 at 5:46 pm

    MargeinMI Re#19: First, congrats on the job! It’s frankly brutal here, with another 27% job loss expected in my area (Ottawa County) by the end of the year. It’s amazing how quickly Jennie Granholm went from darling of the libs to the back row; remember when the Dems were actually talking about “tweaking” the Constitution so she could run for Pres or VP? She sure “blew away” Michigan.

    Regarding “an article about the Sarahcuda … written by an obviously bitter dim from Alaska” check out this article, which quickly and thoroughly disproves the Bitter Flinger’s accusations. Send it to your Mom; sounds like she needs an encounter with the truth.

  • 43 MargeinMI // Sep 9, 2008 at 6:01 pm

    gafisher-Thanks! It is a tough row to hoe as far as employment in the Dictatorship of Taxin’ Jenny goes.

    Maggie-Check your email and please forward to other Scrapplers as you see fit.

    Fred (and gafisher-no time to check right now, but assuming it’s the factcheck on that bitter woman’s article)-Thanks! Forwarded it to mom this morning.

    Scott Ott Rocks!

  • 44 R.A.M. // Sep 9, 2008 at 6:40 pm

    Thanks Red Pepper, glad you are doing better too! I remember your posts from when I was here before too. I have been posting for a long time, (as Scott knows), under a LOT of alias’s. I started out as Susan Serin-done, then UNOME, then R.A.M., (or The Republican Attack Machine), then last was Harry Daschle.

    I like R.A.M. the best, and it is probably the one I will stay with, as I have NOT always been proud of some of my comments, as they were mean spirited. I understand now that we, (as Christians), need to be better than the name callers.

    Even if no one else thinks so, (or is watching), GOD is!

    Sarah Palin for President in 2016, (after McCain’s 8 years)! :-)

  • 45 Fred Sinclair // Sep 9, 2008 at 7:35 pm

    R.A.M. #’s 20&28 Wonderful - Praise to the Lord with thanksgiving! “For I am the LORD, I change not;……” (Mal. 3:6) I’ve heard all too many Christians erroneously taught that God stopped doing miracles when the last of the original Apostles died who said they will not/do not pray for God’s healing because God no longer answers prayer.

    That’s mainly due to the fact that even God cannot answer a prayer He never heard.

    “Behold, the LORD’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.” (Isa. 59:1,2)

    “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) Only that person who has been ‘cleansed of all unrighteousness’ by Christ can pray prayer that God can hear and answer.

    “Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him. Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” (James 5:14-16)

    Know RA.M. that there is an Army of Prayer Warriors at ScrappleFace praying for you.


  • 46 mindknumbed kid // Sep 9, 2008 at 7:45 pm

    R.A.M. - I too want to say welcome back to where you belong. I was on a long break from the action a while back, just too busy to even lurk in the shadows sometimes. Glad you have gained employment Marge (that’s me mum’s name too) living here in Gillette, Whyoming it is difficult to fathom unemployment, fast food joints struggle to keep the doors open, no one to work there. In fact, we were going to grab breakfast @ Hardees saturday morning but the doors were locked, only had drive-thru open. Friday night we called Pizza Hut to have a pizza delivered and there was a two hour wait for delivery. Most fast food places start out at $9 to $10/hr, McDonalds has either Mexicans or Orientals working there, you almost need to be tri-lingual to order a Big Macâ„¢. The evil,swine infested,Big Oil’s illicit lover, Halliburton, is unable to fill many positions here in Gillette. I hear that passing the drug test is causing many potential employees to be disenfranchised, the talk on the street is that it is akin to being required to show ID before being granted the opportunity to cast a ballot. I suppose all this time without much voting taking place has allowed issues such as that to drop through the cracks. I wonder if the terrorists have gone to MovinOndot commies to learn how to get registered to vote for Oba-al Hussein?

  • 47 onlineanalyst // Sep 9, 2008 at 7:46 pm

    You had better get the facts straight on that WaPo story on Palin’s expenses, Cougie. There ain’t no there there.

    I had an amusing email exchange from my mother’s neighbor, who assumes that because we were both teachers, we are in the Obama/anti-Palin camp. Normally, I just delete these emails without opening them.

    The forward was the Gloria Steinem attack piece on Palin, which was filled with fabrications and falsehoods. I responded to Mom’s neighbor, saying as much and including the link “Sliming Palin,” which is posted at I noted that I could send further examples of discredited lies about Palin.

    The response that I received said briefly, “No thanks. I can’t be bothered.” (This is a variant of “La, la, I can’t hear you when my ears are covered” or “Don’t baffle me with logic and facts”.

    It’s difficult to fathom a supposedly educated person buying into the propaganda being spewed by the Left and the Axelrold smear machine.

  • 48 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 9, 2008 at 8:24 pm

    Bill O’Reilly’s segmented interview of BO doesn’t reveal anything new, per se, but certainly serves to underscore the Leftist vapidity of the Democrat party.

  • 49 mindknumbed kid // Sep 9, 2008 at 8:28 pm

    For all of you poor Michiganders out there.

    To the tune of Cotton Jenny by Gordon Lightfoot…

    Taxin’ Jenny

    There’s a house on a hill
    By a deserted plant for automobiles
    In the valley below where the river winds
    There’s no such thing as good times
    And a cold C’nadian dame
    Oh taxin’ jenny’s her name
    She breaks the bank as the ‘conomy goes down
    As more tax -n-spend go ’round
    Tax-n-spend go ’round
    Goes a-round, goes a’round
    Lib’s joyful sound
    I ain’t got a penny for taxin’ jenny to take
    When the tax-n-spend go ’round

    When the new day begins
    I go down to see the taxin’ men
    And I plead my case to them
    Then I find I’m broke again
    Still she waits by the door
    Oh taxin’ jenny- I’ve no more
    And she hears me plead till the sun goes down
    Still the tax-n-spend go ’round

    Tax-n-spend go ’round
    Goes a ’round, goes a ’round
    Lib’s joyful sound
    I ain’t got a penny for taxin’ jenny to take
    When the tax-n-spend go ’round

    From the hot, sticky south
    Comes John McCain- well shut my mouth
    Can we ever be free from this taxin’ grind?
    Cause taxin’ jenny’s got what’s mine
    Shes a cold C’nadian dame
    Yeah taxin’ jenny’s her name
    She breaks the bank as the ‘conomy goes down
    Now more tax-n-spend go ’round

    Tax-n-spend go ’round
    Goes a ’round, goes a ’round
    Lib’s joyful sound
    I ain’t got a penny for taxin’ jenny to take
    When the tax-n-spend go ’round

  • 50 mindknumbed kid // Sep 9, 2008 at 8:34 pm

    Gordon Lightfoot doesn’t like my parody…so it’s being moderated right now. I can’t imagine why…

  • 51 mindknumbed kid // Sep 9, 2008 at 8:37 pm

    It should debut in the top 50, most artists only dream of such success!

  • 52 Fred Sinclair // Sep 9, 2008 at 11:23 pm

    OLA #48 - Amusing? I know what you mean. what I find amusing is something my father repeated very often. ” The opposing team will not go to great lengths to mount a detailed, intricate defense to bring down the player that doesn’t have the ball. The fact that they go to all that trouble is because someone (the Quarterback?) is recognized as a significantly unacceptable threat that they will go to any lengths to take that player out.”

    He would go on about - oh well, you got the picture - it’s not enough to simply ’sack’ the Quarterback, he has to be ‘taken out’ (injured) badly enough that he has to leave the field - out of the game.

    Sarah represents such a significantly unacceptable threat to the Obama team that they’re running scared - pulling out all the stops, because they realize that she has the ball! They have no choice they have to ‘take her out’ or they’re finished.

    There is no low to which they will not stoop. Lies upon lies and lies about lies. Stories about her 17 year old’s pregnancy being the result of an alien who abducted her in his ‘flying saucer’ spaceship? The next couple of months are going to give new meaning to “dirty politics” as they try to use every play in their playbook (and they’ve got a bunch). They will invent new and dirtier ones on the fly.

    But I am confident that Governor Palin is made of sterner stuff and with God’s Help and Blessing, she will be our next Vice-President.


  • 53 Fred Sinclair // Sep 9, 2008 at 11:56 pm

    Just got this in from Letty Pack - hope it posts O.K. as it’s great! I didn’t know I was that old.

  • 54 J. Cougar Melancholy // Sep 10, 2008 at 1:13 am

    You might get a chuckle out of this:

    A friend of mine plays Sarahcuda.

    Your welcome!

  • 55 R.A.M. // Sep 10, 2008 at 3:19 am

    Hi Mig!

    Fred, that link was AWESOME!!! I liked seeing Audie Murphy at the end. He was always a favorite of mine as a boy, then when I was drafted in 1972, I ended up in the 3rd Infantry Division, stationed in Germany! What are the odds?

    I clicked on YOUR link, because I know what I will get, and I trust you. I will NOT click on EVERYONE's links though!

    Need I say more? ;-)

  • 56 mig // Sep 10, 2008 at 6:12 am

    Wow! Marge, RAM! It is so good to see your posting again. It’s almost like a Scrapplefest!

    Saw this on Newsmax… “You can put lipstick on a pig. It’s still a pig,” he (Obama) said as the crowd cheered.

    Anyone seen or heard from Possumtrot?

    Well I am still trying to clean the yard after Hannah. Nothing happened in our yard except the mess of leaves and ole branches. The problem I have is the wheels keep falling off the riding mower. And I keep buying E-clips and sticking it back on. sigh. It is a time consummer. But I am really getting good at putting the tires on, I am also wondering if I’m not very good at it since it keeps coming off.

    Saw I bumper sticker that I found amusing, The only difference between Obama and Osama is a little bs. I know it’s old but funny. I’m still registered Democrat so I put a sticker on the car Another Democrat for McCain and if they poll me at the voting place, I can say Go Hill! heh heh heh. I find an inner peace knowing that I can mess with pollster data.

  • 57 R.A.M. // Sep 10, 2008 at 7:27 am

    JL3, re:#49:

    I always thought O’Reilly a fair man. That is UNTIL he started commenting on O’Bama!

    It seems to me, he is consistantly walking on eggshells when talking about him. He KEEPS saying, “I am going to give him the benefit of doubt.”

    Man, how long does one, ‘give the benefit of doubt’, when someone is caught in lie after lie???

    I think it is because the “race card playing black racists”, attacked him as a racist for something he said a year or so ago.

    I thought O’Reilly was a stronger man than that, unfortunately, it appears not!

  • 58 gafisher // Sep 10, 2008 at 8:17 am

    mkk Re#50: Well done, and thanks. Fact is, we don’t particularly cotton to our Jenny on the working side of this state, but it’s still a great place to live — and a sobering example to the rest of the US of the danger of liberal government.

  • 59 gafisher // Sep 10, 2008 at 8:29 am

    jcm Re#55: “A friend of mine plays Sarahcuda.

    Not in the video you linked; it must have been a bad URL.

  • 60 RedPepper // Sep 10, 2008 at 8:29 am

    R.A.M. #45: Yes, I remember your “UNOME” and “Harry Daschle” nics. Back before WordPress and Registration.

    Back when the blog was yellow.

    The Old Days !

  • 61 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 10, 2008 at 8:40 am

    Use of the word “lipstick” is hereby prohibited, except by authorized users.

  • 62 gafisher // Sep 10, 2008 at 9:15 am

    JL3 Re#62: THE authorized user just exercised the rule.

  • 63 gafisher // Sep 10, 2008 at 9:27 am

    Speaking of gutter humor and failed attempts at comedy, Al Franken, master of the genre, says he “put a talk radio career on hold” to see if politics would work for him. That’s a little like the Captain of the Titanic saying he “put his shipboard career on hold” to take up swimming. Franken has managed to flounder to the top of the Minnesota Democrat Party Senatorial candidacy, though, so at least we know the left is in the final stages of desperation there.

  • 64 Pros and Cons » Sarah Palin Myths - supposedly informed leftys, and even a concerned Canuck righty, have sent several to me // Sep 10, 2008 at 4:35 pm

    [...] very entertainingly debunked at Pajamas Media (see also Jo’s Cafe), doing the job the MSM is too lazy to do (well, maybe not always, the can be shamed, hat tip Scrappleface).  Jackson Brown wrote what [...]

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