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As VP, Ridge Would Back McCain Stance for Life

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 19 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2008-08-18) — Former Homeland Security Chief and Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge, frequently mentioned among John McCain’s potential running mates, today said his pro-choice position on abortion should not limit his opportunity, since “the vice president is not an independent voice, but merely echoes the position of the president…as long as they both shall live.”

“Conservatives should have no fear of a Vice President Tom Ridge,” he said. “I’d be just like President McCain, you know, for life.”

Political insiders speculate that the septuagenarian Sen. McCain might choose Mr. Ridge, or pro-choice Democrat Sen. Joe Lieberman, thereby squandering the goodwill he earned among conservatives at Saturday night’s Saddleback Civil Forum when he said a baby should get human rights “at the moment of conception.”

A spokesman for Sen. McCain admitted that although the candidate has great respect for both Sen. Lieberman and Mr. Ridge, he has thus far hesitated to select a pro-choice running mate.

“Think about it,” the unnamed McCain campaign source said, “Wouldn’t you be nervous looking over your shoulder at a guy who’s a heartbeat away from having your job, and you know that he’s not opposed to stopping more than a million tiny hearts from beating each year?”

[BREAKING: ScrappleFace readers have leaped into action to help editor Scott Ott go to the Republican National Convention in September. Mr. Ott has acquired press credentials and will report live from the Twin Cities via ScrappleFace, Twitter,, Facebook, YouTube and The Michael Koolidge Show. You can be part of this historic journalistic event by contributing what you can to fund the trip. Just click the "Donate" button below, and give until your rotator cuff aches.]

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19 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Mack // Aug 18, 2008 at 5:21 pm

    This ought to get bloody quick. I like Tom Ridge but was not aware that he was pro baby murder.

    In light of the last comments on the last thread, I wonder if they count 25 million murdered babies in their body count at the Democratic convention. If they do, is it good or bad for them when the numbers get ever higher?

  • 2 Ridge: I’ll Be Like McCain | // Aug 18, 2008 at 5:24 pm

    [...] you know… for life. Former Homeland Security Chief and Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge, frequently mentioned among John [...]

  • 3 mindknumbed kid // Aug 18, 2008 at 5:24 pm

    Dear John,
    Please don’t go down the wrong road, a ridge can be difficult to get over the top of sometimes.

  • 4 mindknumbed kid // Aug 18, 2008 at 5:40 pm

    Also, sometimes when coming down from the ridge top terrible wrecks have been known to occur, the odds are even greater after an Obaminable snowjob occurs…

  • 5 mindknumbed kid // Aug 18, 2008 at 5:48 pm

    Mack - Have you moved ? Back when you used to post before I thought you were in the New York area. Or am I just confused?

  • 6 mindknumbed kid // Aug 18, 2008 at 6:09 pm

    (To the tune My Napsack on my Back)

    I love to go a-pandering
    Among the dem-o-crats
    And as I go, I’d love to swing
    A few more del-e-gats…

    Hill-a-rie, Hill-hoorah
    Hill-a-rie, Hill-a-rah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha
    Hil-a-rie, Hill-hoorah
    Come join me del-e-gats !

  • 7 Mack // Aug 18, 2008 at 6:11 pm

    I have never lived in New York, visited there a few times.

    I used to live in California but now live in Iowa. I eagerly await the return of the troll who always wanted to argue about mountain lions in Iowa.

  • 8 mindknumbed kid // Aug 18, 2008 at 6:18 pm

    Unchanging China…

  • 9 conserve-a-tip // Aug 18, 2008 at 6:42 pm

    MKK: #6 - that was hillarious. Now I can’t get it out of my head. Thanks ever so much!! :-(

    Not getting this comment to go through. It may show up a boatload of times…or maybe not.

  • 10 RedPepper // Aug 18, 2008 at 7:01 pm

    Evening, Mack!

    Did you see my response to you on the previous thread?

    wv=”285 Hedley” ; hmmm.

    Hedley Enterprises Ltd is located at 5A-2010 Currie Boulevard in Brandon, MB and is owned and operated by Hedley Enterprises Ltd. Hedley Enterprises Ltd was founded July 1, 1977 by Bob Hedley. Throughout this time, Bob has come to realize that superior service must be the number one priority in order to provide a quality product in a place of business where people feel welcome and cared for. As a result, you’ll find this superior service throughout his companies.

    Products sold include : herbs, teas, skin creams and biotics.

    MB appears to stand for Manitoba (Canada)

    Company motto: Remember: Good Health Is Everyone’s Business!

    285, on the other hand, is the total number of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition.
    The 285th Rule is stated as follows:

    “No good deed ever goes unpunished.”

    I am open to suggestions as to how these facts can be integrated into a larger meaningful framework.

    This is Radio reCaptcha, 208 kHz on your virtual radio dial, signing off …

  • 11 Darthmeister // Aug 18, 2008 at 7:40 pm

    Nancy Peelosi: “Pelosi Praise: “Obama is a leader that God has blessed us with at this time.”

    Funny how these liberal barking moonbats have all of a sudden discovered religion. Liberal seculars are now turning into holy rollers! And isn’t that ironic, after spending decades accusing conservative Christians of trying to create a theocracy, the radical left’s messianic fervor for Obamessiah actually poses more of a threat in essentially establishing some kind of twisted humanist worldly religion. But we shouldn’t be surprised since even the most sincere and ardent atheist worships some god be it nature, some human authority like the government, the Supreme Court, a messianic personage, or even their own mind/selves.

    If God is to be understood as the ultimate repository of truth, authority and power, then atheists and agnostics have always deferred to their own minds in the way Christians will defer to the mind of Christ. That’s not to say we aren’t hypocrites from time to time and live like “practical atheists” by going our own way, but it’s as the Bible says: “The love of Christ constrains us having concluded this, one died for all therefore all who believe have died to themselves.” If God seems far away, guess who moved.

  • 12 Maggie // Aug 18, 2008 at 7:50 pm

    Ridge says he is for life, for life………of McCain, that is.

    Loved the last paragraph.

  • 13 mig // Aug 18, 2008 at 8:26 pm

    So off topic, but I found another Olympic imposter:

  • 14 mindknumbed kid // Aug 18, 2008 at 8:50 pm

    CAT- Glad you liked the little ditty!

  • 15 conserve-a-tip // Aug 18, 2008 at 9:43 pm

    McCain, plllleeeeaaaaase don’t mess this up!!!!!!!!!

    I have a new McCain ad that they should use. Anybody remember the show Dinosaurs with the baby dinosaur that sat in the high chair? I think that the McCain campaign should show that little kid with his pot in hand, beating Obama over the head, saying, “NOT Obama. NOT Obama.”

  • 16 mindknumbed kid // Aug 18, 2008 at 10:31 pm

    Fred - Are you doing alright? You have been quiet lately. Hope everything is just fine and dandy there, come back soon.

  • 17 camojack // Aug 19, 2008 at 1:23 am

    Pro choice. Such an innocuous sounding euphemism for condoning murder.

    Lord, what fools these mortals be…

  • 18 JamesonLewis3rd // Aug 19, 2008 at 7:54 am

    I saw [h/t NewsBusters] where, Sunday, TheNYT began to promote their choice as The Candidate for the 2012 race.
    Rumor has it that the Democrat party has decided to move the Denver Convention to a big tent with three rings and sawdust and clowns and stuff like herds of scantly-clad donkeys line-dancing a two-step intricately choreographed to 119 decibels of an endless loop of lewdicrust’s latest smash hit.

  • 19 gafisher // Aug 21, 2008 at 7:56 am

    A pro-abortion running mate would give McCain cover for his support of embryonic stem cell research. It’s tempting to wonder exactly which Human Rights would be extended to a pureed baby.

    Nevertheless, Hillary (as well as Obama, if he survives the Convention) is already pro-abortion and certain to select a running mate with the same views.

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