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November 29, 2002

Saddam Uses Clever Hiding Places for WMD

(2002-11-29) — While Hans Blix and his United Nations team hunt for weapons in factories and laboratories, the latest intelligence out of Iraq indicates Saddam has been far more clever in hiding chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.
Fox News and the Times of London reported today that some weapons components may be hidden in the homes of scientists and Baath Party loyalists and even on farms. Essentially, Saddam has hidden his arsenal in places people are unlikely to look.
Iraqi exiles have also reported the following hiding places for Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction:
-In diaper pails.
-In the bottoms of women’s purses.
-Underneath sofa cushions.
-Beneath toupees.
-In specially marked packages of Lucky Charms.
-Inside opaque Tupperware containers in the back of the fridge.
-In packages of holiday fruitcake.
-On the set of MSNBC’s Donahue.
-In junk mail envelopes.
-Underneath children’s beds.
-In the drawer with the dead batteries.
-In restrooms at fast food restaurants.
-At K-Mart

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