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Bill Clinton Makes Case for Hillary as Veep

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 31 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2008-05-23) — Former President Bill Clinton, faithful to his wife to the end, today made the case that putting her on the ticket as vice president “would accomplish what Democrats have dreamed of for years.”

“Black racists and white racists would, of course, refuse to vote for Obama-Hillary,” said Mr. Clinton. “Elitists will snub Hillary and blue-collar union workers will thumb their noses at Obama. Bitter, man-hating women will reject him and misogynists will spurn her. Social Security dependents will abandon Barack and, as usual, young radicals will merely intend to vote. Essentially, that covers the full range of registered Democrats.”

The former president said the Obama-Hillary pairing “would balance the ticket in way that keeps virtually every Democrat at home on election day, thus de-legitimizing the process, which we all know is corrupt anyway.”

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31 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Hawkeye // May 23, 2008 at 8:59 am

    Allow me to also share my wishes that all Scrapplers everywhere enjoy their holiday weekend.

  • 2 Maggie // May 23, 2008 at 9:41 am

    All I can say to Obama is, remember Hillary’s former friend,Vince Foster?

    wv: for Moore… before I was against him.( ????)

  • 3 Just Ranting // May 23, 2008 at 9:41 am

    These two being paired through the general election brings to mind an old “I Love Lucy” episode where Lucy and Ethel are singing “Friendship” while tearing each others outfits apart. This could be very entertaining.

  • 4 Maggie // May 23, 2008 at 9:47 am

    He’s dead!

  • 5 Maggie // May 23, 2008 at 9:51 am

    Tap …tap …tap… anyone….. anyone….

    Am I the only one who did not get the “do not comment ” memo?

  • 6 JamesonLewis3rd // May 23, 2008 at 10:20 am

    Nice one, Scott!
    The Schizophrenic Obsession with Demographics drives me nuts—people speaking in a “code” easier to break than Pig Latin.
    Demographics, now mind you—not racism or sexism or ageism or religionism or weightism; no hint of bigotry—like, totally unbiased, even.
    Every prejudice under the sun is at play with these people—it’s sickening and induces in me the nearly irresistible urge to expectorate.
    It’s probably a good thing that pollsters have avoided me thus far.
    God Bless America
    Thank you

  • 7 mig // May 23, 2008 at 10:41 am


    Happy Memorial Day Weekend Black and White. We’re all Red, White and Blue.

  • 8 Hawkeye // May 23, 2008 at 10:56 am

    A “dream-team” if I heard one Scott!

    “Fairy tales, can come true. They can happen to you…” :smile:

  • 9 onlineanalyst // May 23, 2008 at 11:24 am

    “…young radicals will merely intend to vote”

    Ha, ha, ha, Scott. You’ve nailed the slackers. Besides, they will be still detoxing from “Re-Create ‘68″.

    HotAir has a YouTube of a Dem Congressman admitting that his party won the majority in 2006 by lying re leaving Iraq in order to quell the vocal Lefty nutroots (I know that the term is a redundancy).

    The perfect Dem ticket: Ward Churchill/Maxine Waters

    Meanwhile, the Tedster is making noises that his attorney wife should assume his seat in the Senate. All in the (dynastic) family?

    Maggie: Your comment is over my head. Wha?

  • 10 Libby Gone // May 23, 2008 at 11:27 am

    As bad as it sounds I can see Shrill carefully weighing the option of dropping her bid to be President so she can get a crack at bringing the mourning nation together as former Vice President.

  • 11 boberinyetagain // May 23, 2008 at 11:37 am

    Who knew Nader would emerge as the voice of reason. Either that or write in Ron Paul.

    Good stuff as always Scott!

  • 12 boberinyetagain // May 23, 2008 at 11:49 am

    Have a safe and happy Holiday gang!

  • 13 Libby Gone // May 23, 2008 at 11:55 am

    Same to you boberin!

  • 14 upnorthlurkin // May 23, 2008 at 12:44 pm

    Mig, thank you for the link…..that was wonderful….brought a tear to my eyes!

  • 15 da Bunny // May 23, 2008 at 12:46 pm

    “Former President Bill Clinton, faithful to his wife to the end…

    Scott, I couldn’t even get through the first sentence without cracking up! What a great line!!! :lol:

  • 16 JamesonLewis3rd // May 23, 2008 at 2:12 pm

    Red State has a bit of apropos commentary on an event that took place way back in 1965.

    I ain’t gonna work on Maggie’s farm no more.
    No, I ain’t gonna work on Maggie’s farm no more.
    Well, I try my best
    To be just like I am,
    But everybody wants you
    To be just like them.
    They sing while you slave and I just get bored.
    I ain’t gonna work on Maggie’s farm no more.
    ~~Bob Dylan (1965)

    Thank you

  • 17 everthink // May 23, 2008 at 2:25 pm

    Obama/Hagel v McCain/Lieberman! How’s that sound to you?

    Maybe, Bob Barr is more to your liking?

    Well, it looks like “Turdblossom” may “Frogwalk” yet; that thought makes me ROFLMAO. Then, I remember you here; it must be so sad, to go from the heights of “conservative” euphoria to this.

    Oh, well,

    Bahwahwahwahweeeee anyway!


    Has young Dick left yet?

  • 18 RedPepper // May 23, 2008 at 2:37 pm

    JL3 #16: Jameson, I’m so glad you brought that up!

    Speaking of farms, are you aware of the latest related outrage? Not only have alGore and the Green Meanies hijacked the corn crop to produce ethanol, thereby raising the price of nearly everthing that is edible, it now seems virtually certain (although I have no doubt that they would deny any involvement) that they have also pilfered the nation’s popcorn crop as well!

    Wilfred Sieg, president of cinema popcorn supplier Ramsey Popcorn, says that three to four years ago farmers got about 8 cents to 10 cents per pound for popcorn. Last year, it was 17 cents to 18 cents. This year’s crop could be 22 cents to 25 cents — more if there’s a drought or other growing problems, he says.

    Higher concession prices, which can be 80% profit, generally help theaters deal with rising costs more than higher ticket prices do. About 55% of the admission fee goes to the film’s distributor, says Patrick Corcoran, director of media and research at the National Association of Theatre Owners. Concessions generate about 20% of revenue but up to 40% of profit, he says.

    Big Popcorn Is Ripping Us Off !

  • 19 ethanthom // May 23, 2008 at 2:59 pm

    I love it.I know this is supposedly satire,but DAMN more truth is stranger than fiction.Great thought.

  • 20 onlineanalyst // May 23, 2008 at 3:07 pm

    Well, Fred, I am often behind the acronym curve, too. After a search at (my favorite search engine), I found that GMTA means great minds think alike.

    (Don’t you just love the Obama apologists who swoon when their favorite candidate blows his nose?) What a distraction!

  • 21 boberinyetagain // May 23, 2008 at 4:07 pm

    Red, maybe we could just turn movies into fuel and skip a few steps. We have plenty already

  • 22 boberinyetagain // May 23, 2008 at 4:14 pm


  • 23 Libby Gone // May 23, 2008 at 7:40 pm

    Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation’s service.
    Have a safe weekend everyone!

  • 24 Ms RightWing, Ink // May 23, 2008 at 9:14 pm

    I should check in more often since I did not got an e-mail advisory that a new Scott Ott story had been released. Now, with two eyes nearly wide open I shall eagerly await Denver.

    I already have stocked up the pantry with Orville Redenbacker popcorn and ginger ale and I hope not to miss a moment’s action when the Ying/Yang pair begins to tear each other to shreds

  • 25 Ms RightWing, Ink // May 23, 2008 at 9:48 pm

    I wish my fellow and lady veterans a happy Memorial Day weekend.

  • 26 Darthmeister // May 23, 2008 at 9:49 pm

    Well, Scott, it’s deja vu all over again. Hillary is running a second time for the co-vice presidency. Last time she had to share it with al Gore.

    I see neverthink is enthralled with Democrat Stalinists conducting their ridiculous kangaroo courts since taking over Congress a year and half ago. And exactly what kind of illegal activity have these liberal Stalinists found which sent any Republican to prison? Zilch, zero, nada. It’s all smoke-and-mirrors to validate the lies believed by partisan morons like neverthink. Stupid neo-coms. Leave it to leftist twits to applaud these endless inquistions conducted by the likes of Henry Waxman. It’s a lesson in how liberal fascists can engage in their well-camouflaged politics of personal destruction under the guise of “upholding the law” and then have their slobbering sycophants not to see the obvious lies, slanted media stories, and innuendos being fobbed off as “evidence”. Truly pathetic and it may prove itself “revolutionary” - quite literally.

    And this is what makes budding fascists like neverthink so dangerous to this constitutional republic, he always has his hangman’s noose out for those on his hate list. A true fascist to the core.

    Remember you ignorant troll, what goes around usually comes around and you may one day find yourself at the top of some list when you and your leftist gun-grabbing buddies overplay your hand in the not-to-distant-future. I only tell you this because I find your self-righteous blustering so endearing at times.

    Highest regards,


  • 27 camojack // May 24, 2008 at 12:09 am

    Maggie // May 23, 2008 at 9:51 am
    Am I the only one who did not get the “do not comment ” memo?

    I never even got the “memo” that there was a new post.

    However, in a few hours I’ll be “Gone Fishin”.

    Y’all play nice while I’m away… ;-)

  • 28 Scott Ott // May 24, 2008 at 7:25 am

    Just Ranting comment at ScrappleFace gets quoted on

  • 29 danimal // May 24, 2008 at 9:36 am

    Dear Barack,

    With me as your VP, your presidency will be a walk in the park.

    Fort Marcy Park, that is…

    Love, Hillary

  • 30 everthink // May 24, 2008 at 2:14 pm


    You say: “I see neverthink is enthralled with Democrat Stalinists conducting their ridiculous kangaroo courts since taking over Congress a year and half ago. And exactly what kind of illegal activity have these liberal Stalinists found which sent any Republican to prison?”

    Well dipstick, failing to appear in response to a congressional subpoena regarding the illegal political activities of the Justice Department, should draw some punishment.

    Of course, y’all think you’re slick because Dumb and Evil control that agency UNTIL January 20th. If it turns out that the People’s House does get hung up, it will only be for 240 more days! Then watch the indictments fly.

    Perhaps Dumbyah can even be impeached after he leaves office, everthink?

    Henry, you do tend to be a bit wordy, and all your name calling is stupid.

    Republicans appear to be headed for some very unhappy times.

    As always, yours for the United States,


  • 31 PanamaRed // May 24, 2008 at 5:27 pm

    The cartoon carnival your beloved democrats have been having instead of following through on their original premise of ending the war in Iraq only shows just how fixated they (and you by association) are in trying to find that one issue they can jump on and say “Gotcha!”

    Your comment about GW getting impeached after leaving office just shows your hate and a little stupidity in that impeachment is used to remove a president from office, not persecute him once he has left office.

    As for Republicans looking at “hard times” for the next four years, we have made it through democrat “hard times” before, we’ll make it through this one too. You should remember though, that you screw republicans, you’re gonna screw Joe Democrat as well and after four years of the current (D) offerings, Joe may not be as happy with y’all as you would like to think he is.

    Obama couldn’t have gotten where he is today without a fawning synchophantic media and his color. What half are we getting, the white half or the black half? Obama has no claim to any part of the Black American struggle. His father was not a slave, nor was his mother, but 90% of the black population are voting (so the polls say) for Obama because he is dark-skinned, if he had been white, he would still be in the Senate voting ‘present.’ Both he and his wife used affirmative action to get a first class education, then she complains that their student loans had to be repaid…aww. Now she finally finds something to be proud of in this country? Uh huh, a $300k job, millions fron Obama’s book, big house, possible first lady, and it took her this long? Give me a break! One can be an elitist no matter their background and both Obamas are elitests.

    You can gloat all you want ET but your party is everything that you’ll find in Das Kapital and Mein Kampf combined into your party ideology and you expect everyone to fall in line with that philosophy unquestionally? Sorry lamer. You should refresh yourself with Lincoln’s words on fooling people.

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