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Bill: Hillary Attacked Because Husband is Male

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 200 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2008-04-26) — Former President Bill Clinton, under fire from the most powerful Black member of Congress for his racially-divisive rhetoric on the campaign trail, said today that Hillary Clinton is being attacked by rival Barack Obama’s surrogates “primarily because her husband is male.”

“I don’t know if Obama is trying to play the gender card, or the sexual-orientation card, or what,” said Mr. Clinton, “But I don’t think it’s a coincidence that his people are going after Hillary’s spouse for allegedly playing the race card, and her husband just happens to be a man.”

The remarks come during a week when House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-SC, said the former president’s “bizarre” conduct had “incensed” the Black community and could damage his wife’s presidential prospects if she should become the party nominee.

Mr. Clinton said Rep. Clyburn’s comments were part of “a secret Obama campaign strategy to highlight the masculinity of Hillary’s spouse and pander to that bigoted segment of the electorate that still doesn’t think America is ready for a male First Lady.”

“No matter what Obama says publicly,” Mr. Clinton added, “Everybody knows who this campaign is all about.”

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Tags: Politics

200 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Hawkeye // Apr 26, 2008 at 7:43 am

    Bill Clinton might be a man, but he’s not a “real man”… he’s one of those Schwarzenegger “girly men”. If he was a real man he would have taken down Osama bin Laden when he had the chance. :sad:

  • 2 Hawkeye // Apr 26, 2008 at 7:45 am

    Does it take a “girly man” to be a “male First Lady”? :wink:

  • 3 gafisher // Apr 26, 2008 at 8:10 am

    Hawkeye, he got in trouble because he’s not as comfortable in pants as his wife is.

  • 4 Hawkeye // Apr 26, 2008 at 8:21 am

    gafisher #3,
    Ouch! :lol:

  • 5 Maggie // Apr 26, 2008 at 8:45 am

    “Hillary’s got male”!

    gafisher re#3…. you’re causing quite a stir.Someone has to wear the pants in the family:>)

  • 6 Maggie // Apr 26, 2008 at 8:47 am

    BTW….Good Morning Hawkeye et al.

  • 7 Skylark // Apr 26, 2008 at 9:10 am

    I think Bill Clinton has the beginnings of dementia. It makes absolutely no sense to say “his people are going after Hillary’s spouse for allegedly playing the race card, and her husband just happens to be a man.”IT IS A BEAUTIFUL THING TO WATCH HER CAMPAIGN IMPLODING !

  • 8 mig // Apr 26, 2008 at 9:44 am

    He’s a man? I thought he was a snake. Gosh, this campaigning stuff sure is important. There’s so much I didn’t know about Obama and now Hills’ husband… It’s like a history class or something.

  • 9 mig // Apr 26, 2008 at 9:48 am

    gafisher- We all know who wears the pantsuit.

  • 10 mindknumbed kid // Apr 26, 2008 at 10:07 am

    Well now, that does explain the stain on the blue dress…

  • 11 upnorthlurkin // Apr 26, 2008 at 10:18 am

    Just in from shoveling seven to nine inches of heavy, wet, GLOBAL WARMING! Sorry for yelling… :oops: It’s still falling from the sky too! We winterized and stored the snowblowers last weekend….thinking we were done with them…. we can’t even get to them today!

  • 12 Possumtrot // Apr 26, 2008 at 10:35 am

    On the rare occasions that I sleep, I laugh myself senseless over Hillary and Obama.

    Like most of America, when the time comes, I’ll pinch my nose and vote for McCain or the Libertarian.

    Hilly and Osama Bamalama are a sideshow of epic proportions.

    There is some rock ‘n rolling about country music over at United Possums International.

    I had to explain Bill Clinton, a former president, to my daughters. It was not an easy task. His defenders said his screwing around was “personal business” not to be questioned.

    And here I’d raised my kids to believe that the president is a role model.

    The last act of this circus will be the Manchurian candidate beating out the Hildebeast. Either/or, she’ll somehow steal the nomination, and there will be outright civil war within the Dems.

    Meanwhile, I’m continuing to listen to old Hot Tuna CDs and wait for the absentee ballot to arrive in the mail. I love the gnashing of teeth and rending of flesh.

  • 13 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 26, 2008 at 11:12 am

    Good one, Scott!

  • 14 camojack // Apr 26, 2008 at 11:54 am

    I think Hillary is more of a man than Bill will ever be. ;-)

  • 15 Possumtrot // Apr 26, 2008 at 12:14 pm

    Last? I always aspired to be the last.

    Somebody will doubtless interject a remark.

    I always wanted to be last with something to say.

    I don’t get the leisure of being last on a blog, but I can have the comfort of laughing myself foolish at Hilly and the Manchurian Candidate.

    It only gets scary when you consider that actual Americans will vote for these fools.

    I remind you yet again that we need to re-win Congress. That’s where the laws are made, and Pelosi and her gang of do-nothings are biding their time and waiting for Dumb or Dumber to take 1600 Pennsylvania.

    I have old age on my side. I won’t see the last act of this horror show. My children, and their children, will live with it. I look forward to being a happy grandpappy. I have tried to brace the children for what is to come.

    It ain’t going to be pretty, and a wrong vote will skew things in a horribly wrong direction.

  • 16 prettyold // Apr 26, 2008 at 2:36 pm

    Gafisher said,”Hawkeye, he got in trouble because he’s not as comfortable in pants as his wife is.”

    Doesn’t that depend on who’s pants Bill is in?

    Hamburg lunar McDonald’s latest

  • 17 Skylark // Apr 26, 2008 at 3:09 pm

    There should be a civil war if she steals the nomination. Then we’ll go all out to defeat that horrible woman.

  • 18 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 26, 2008 at 3:11 pm

    Be there or be square.
    BO is going to “take FOX on.”
    I’ll bet Chris Wallace is beside himself with expectant fear excitement.
    Should be good for some grins and/or guffaws but, still, gimme a break.

    Could this be my Weeping BO scenario playing out on FOX!?!

  • 19 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 26, 2008 at 6:16 pm

    RE: #29~~


    Consciously, the "libs" only say that because it's a lie; subconsciously, though, I think it's called projecting (in psychobabble).

    The "respect" of their "world" (populated, as it is, by our bloodthirsty, psychopathic enemies) isn't worth spit, anyway.

    Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.

    ~~1John 3:13

  • 20 RedPepper // Apr 26, 2008 at 5:37 pm

    unl #11: upnorth, didn’t you get the memo? When they were all worked up, back in the ’70s, about the returning Ice Age - were you around for that ? And then they switched to this Global Warming merde ?

    Turns out they had it right the first time !

    But you’re in luck - it should take at least a few decades before the thickness of the ice-sheet exceeds a kilometer …

  • 21 mindknumbed kid // Apr 26, 2008 at 5:56 pm

    unl - All the while you have been updating the rest of us on the Global Warming in your area, I have set back and enjoyed our milder weather here in Whyoming. Tomorrow is supposed to be really nice and sunny with highs in the mid sixties, but today, well it is just a snowin’ and a blowin’ to beat the devil, or is that Al Gore…… I say enough of this warming! I washed my flannels and sweatshirts and put them away, but I’m wearing long sleeves again. Even had my shorts on a couple weeks back, where in the world is my summer? Maybe only have to wait till tomorrow here, you’ll get it by Independence Day in your neck of the woods.

  • 22 mindknumbed kid // Apr 26, 2008 at 6:07 pm

    That is right RP, they saw this comin’ back in the 70’s, but being a bunch of pot smokin’ drop outs, they misspelled it. Not an Ice Age, but an age of Presidential candidates that were such a sorry bunch that it would be called the “Icky Age”.

  • 23 mindknumbed kid // Apr 26, 2008 at 6:10 pm

    I just keep apushin’ all day….does that make me a pusher?

  • 24 heldmyw // Apr 26, 2008 at 6:15 pm

    Funny stuff!

    Do you suppose that Bill is becoming embittered and clinging to the hope that he will have one more shot as First Lady to wash that blue dress of the Presidue that is the most memorable part of his LEGacy?

    I am led to understand that he is quite sensitive about being referred to as “Slick Willy, the Pig-Pokin’ Panatela President”.

    I wonder why?

  • 25 mindknumbed kid // Apr 26, 2008 at 6:20 pm

    Bill, First Lady? LEGacy? I hear that he’s considered to be the breast man for the job.

  • 26 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 26, 2008 at 6:32 pm

    While the weather has been nice here (mid-80s) lately and my roses are all blooming, there is still some wariness as the cold fronts march along one after the other, perhaps bringing the storm that whirls us into the stratosphere.

    Our insurance is covering a new roof after the storm a couple of weeks ago, but I'm not tearing this one off just yet. Actually, I may have jumped the gun and put my Dodge RAM Pickup in the shop prematurely---there's a storm supposed to hit here in the middle of the night. It would annoy me to have to file a claim with my insurance company for this rental vehicle in my driveway.

  • 27 Ms RightWing, Ink // Apr 26, 2008 at 7:59 pm

    Weather here in the dirty rusty bucket has been pretty nice (our MS walk did not get rained out as forecasted*)

    We are suppose to drop down to a couple of 50 degree days as Upnorth’s cold air marches in, but no snow. The hummingbirds will have to go into suspended animation until we crawl back to 70.

    Sigh, spring sure has its moments, does it not.

    *It is not to late to send in your pledges-but a hardy thanks to those who supported me in the national fight against Multiple Sclerosis

    WV: favorite club-the big one with nails sticking out unless I am on the fairway, which in that case I will use my trusty 6 iron

  • 28 Ms RightWing, Ink // Apr 26, 2008 at 8:13 pm

    I just went to the weather map and my old hometown of Detroit Lakes, Mn got 8 inches of new snow. I sure hope the women are still strong-to shovel the white (so and so) away. After all you couldn’t expect the good looking children to get out and shovel.

    WV: Yesterday Sinai-tomorrow Iran {BOOM}

  • 29 Possumtrot // Apr 26, 2008 at 8:54 pm

    I just checked the radar. Duluth and Sandstone get more snow. In the heart of Dixie, we’re wearing long sleeves and praying.

    So I don’t get to be last; I get jumped with relevant comments.

    I have spent a lifetime explaining the president as a role model versus some nasty stains on a blue dress. How do you mature as a father, telling your kids they can be anything in the world, including president of the United States

  • 30 mindknumbed kid // Apr 26, 2008 at 9:27 pm

    Possum - The libs now say the world has lost its respect for the US because of Iraq, but I guess it respected us during the blue dress affair….

  • 31 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 26, 2008 at 9:50 pm

    As I watch BO being eaten alive by his own [very real] malignant bitterness, I’m reminded of the passage which contains this verse:

    “The Pharisee took his stand ostentatiously and began to pray thus before and with himself: ‘God, I thank You that I am not like the rest of men-extortioners (robbers), swindlers [unrighteous in heart and life], adulterers-or even like this tax collector here.’”
    ~~Luke 18:11

    Thank you

  • 32 Fred Sinclair // Apr 27, 2008 at 3:14 am

    I was happy to hear that President Bush still has his sense of humor. Over seven years in the Presidency and he’s still chipper. I’m praying that he won’t leave office with the three Border Patrol Guards still in prison.

    On DRUDGE this AM - WASHINGTON - President Bush poked fun at his potential successors Saturday night, expressing surprise that none of them were in the audience at the White House Correspondents’ Association annual dinner.

    “Senator McCain’s not here,” Bush said of GOP nominee-in-waitingJohn McCain. “He probably wanted to distance himself from me a little bit. You know, he’s not alone. Jenna’s moving out too.”

    Bush then referred to scandals that have dogged the campaigns of the two remaining Democratic candidates, Hillary Rodham Clintonand Barack Obama, in explaining their absence: “Hillary Clintoncouldn’t get in because of sniper fire and Senator Obama’s at church.”

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 33 Fred Sinclair // Apr 27, 2008 at 3:15 am


  • 34 Darthmeister // Apr 27, 2008 at 9:12 am

    I guess we know who really wears the pants(uits) around the house.

    I just love it when the Donks try to out-victimize one another. Their only claim to the White House is how much they’ve been victimized by the vast reich-wing conspiracy and the evil white male military industrial complex.

    BTW, an excellent analysis of Obama’s PR man’s, Bill Moyer, wiffleball interview of “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright. If anybody held any sentiment that Moyer’s is a hard-hitting journalist of the highest caliber, they should be royally embarassed by his pathetic pandering to Wright. I guess Moyers didn’t want to be labeled a racist for having the temerity to ask Wright some difficult questions.

    And Wright’s warping of the Bible to justify his Afro-centric black nationalism is equally appalling. Left-wing ministers can be the biggest liars of all, leading their flock into the very flames of perdition. Better to have a millstone hung around his neck and he be cast into the sea for the political lies and conspiracy theories this ignoramus has plied from his pulpit than to cause just one child to stumble as a result of his deceptive race-baiting hatemongering.

    Ironically, Wright and his KKK counterparts will have much to discuss in the hereafter as they compare their respective notes on race relations.

  • 35 Darthmeister // Apr 27, 2008 at 9:28 am

    BTW, mnk, the libs crowing about how the U.S. has “lost respect” among the Euroweenies is really a pat on their own backs for trash talking America and sowing their lies and conspiracy theories so effectively through their accomplices in the American lamestream media.

    I’ll post it here again, but Richard Miniter composed an outstanding analysis of the 22 Media Myths which the liberal media gleefully engaged in hopes of discreditting the Bush Administration which had the secondary effect of undermining the general war on terror and playing into the anti-American bias and envy that most Euro-weenies already embraced. If today’s media and liberals had been around shortly after World War II to mock FDR and Truman for the 432,000 American soldiers who perished and the 45 million civilians who died in an “avoidable war” (as everyone knows … wink-wink-nudge-nudge … the Japanese code was broken well before Pearl Harbor and FDR simply had to have known about the Japanese plan to attack the American fleet at Pearl Harbor … and it wasn’t like the Nazis bombed the Empire State building, right?) one can only imagine the manufactured hatred and outrage toward America that would have festered in the hearts of the Euroweenies who fight their wars like two old blind women in a mudpit.

    The pdf files for Miniter’s 22 Media Myths can be found here. I understand he will be updating his work with even more hard-hitting documentation.

  • 36 Ms RightWing, Ink // Apr 27, 2008 at 11:06 am

    No snow show yet. I think we will curse away the white stuff here in the dirty ol’ factory town.

    I have placed sacrificed Barbie dolls on the city limit signs and splattered them with the blood of gold fish. A well known voodoo trick I learned from a politically active lady in NYC (wink, wink) who uses the same technique to keep certain, ahem, men of color away from her campaign offices.

    It should work to keep snow away from our tulips.

    WV: Huckleby Robinson-a Missouri man of the cloth who tried to take a raft down the Potomac River

  • 37 Ms RightWing, Ink // Apr 27, 2008 at 11:07 am

    push em back into the computer

  • 38 RedPepper // Apr 27, 2008 at 11:08 am

    Good morning, Darthmeister!

    My theory is that Bill Moyers, and his buddies in the MSM, were born and bred in Lake Wobegon.

    “I believe in looking reality straight in the eye and denying it.”
    ~ Garrison Keillor

  • 39 Possumtrot // Apr 27, 2008 at 11:08 am

    Mnk, would your reference have to do with “blue and pinks?” There is a “Class-A” uniform, and there is a formal “dress mess” that is tiny medals, ribbons, and a huge dry-cleaning bill.

    I have worn the Class-As in airports, and few chose to spit at me, and ran for their lives when they did.

    A dress mess uniform is for state dinners at the White House, and I seldom get invited.

    Keeping a wary eye on the Clinton/Obama circus…

  • 40 RedPepper // Apr 27, 2008 at 11:16 am

    Morning Afternoon, everyone!

    Let’s not all talk at once, now …

    wv=‘Peter postpone’ ; never put off ’til tomorrow anything that you can postpone for a month or two.

  • 41 Possumtrot // Apr 27, 2008 at 11:21 am

    Red Pepper, one of the things that gets my laugh engine going is Adam Savage of the Mythbusters: “I reject your reality, and subsitute my own.”

    Maybe it’s just a personal flaw, but they say laughter adds years to your life. I get a hoot every time something blows up.

  • 42 Possumtrot // Apr 27, 2008 at 11:43 am

    I used to adore Garrison Keillor; I called him the new Mark Twain for his storytelling abilities, and laughed myself silly at some of his tales.

    Then he went political, and I am not amused. I gave donations to National Public Radio, and “A Prairie Home Companion”. That all ended about the time the war started, and NPR began playing some mournful dirge instead of their traditional trumpet fanfare with the evening news.

    I haven’t listened since, and they certainly don’t get a penny of my money. Mr. Keillor is on his own, and I hope his fables keep the Democrats amused.

  • 43 RedPepper // Apr 27, 2008 at 11:44 am

    Possum: You mean, if I keep laughin’ at ’em, I have to put up with ’em even longer ? ! ?

    Man ! That’s just so wrong …


  • 44 Possumtrot // Apr 27, 2008 at 12:04 pm


    Will we ever be “free” of them?

    Beyond our days of doom, there are people who think they know better, have superior thought processes, and are somehow entitled to decided our lives for us.

    These annoying little squirrels will hang around with their pestilent presence until the end of humanity. We are forbidden by the nature of our humanity from eradicating them, so we must live with them. Some of them are running for public office. There something we can do about that. Vote early and vote often.

  • 45 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 27, 2008 at 12:06 pm

    Answer: A [Geico] Cave Man doing the Hustle and insinuating that it is not Easy.

  • 46 Ms RightWing, Ink // Apr 27, 2008 at 12:22 pm

    “But I don’t think it’s a coincidence that his people are going after Hillary’s spouse for allegedly playing the race card, and her husband just happens to be a man.”

    Race card, bro? Why it’s Talladega dude! Dale Ernhardt is tryin’ to use the race card dude but man he is bad news. Got them Japanese messin’ up my sport.

    Sorry dude, didn’ mean to use that race card. Man, I gotta go get another brew.

    So is Bill racin’? What number has that dude got anyhow?

    WV: Edison four-notorious Pizza parlor thieves from Jersey

  • 47 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 27, 2008 at 12:41 pm

    BO Lovers planet-wide are apoplectic, their god did not smite FNS or even try.

  • 48 Fred Sinclair // Apr 27, 2008 at 1:01 pm

    DRUDGE headline:

    I’d prefer the headline read:


    Heirborn Ranger

  • 49 F3 Coalition - [Faith. Family. Freedom.] » Blog Archive » Podcast: The Presidential Mash Up // Apr 27, 2008 at 1:54 pm

    [...] Plus: A future Clinton victimhood claim? [...]

  • 50 Possumtrot // Apr 27, 2008 at 2:29 pm

    I think Fred has reference to the fact that a NY judge has acquitted the city cops who killed Sean Bell in a hail of gunfire.

    I don’t know who’s right or wrong here. Something was happening; life in the big city…the cops reacted to a perceived threat, and somebody gets dead with a plethora of gunshot wounds. I’d hate to have to sit on that jury.

    So the case never got before a jury, and is adjudicated by a judge.

    Comes now professional race-baiter and provocateur Al Sharpton. He’s going to “shut down” New York, or at least get something potentially deadly stirred up there.

    Isn’t one death tragic enough, Mr. Al? We don’t need cheap-shot artists trying to make political mileage off an unfortunate incident.

    Live from Scorpion Hill, where the news coverage never ends and jaw-dropping goes with the territory…

  • 51 mindknumbed kid // Apr 27, 2008 at 6:29 pm

    In my local paper today is a story about a soldier that is suing the Secretary of Defense for religious discrimination. He is an atheist. Very sad to read his belief that “you get one life. When I die, I am worm food.”
    Yes, you get one life, but eternity is a reality, if that were not true, Christ would have never needed to suffer and die on the cross. He is being deceived by Satan, willing to gamble his eternal existence on a lie when it is so easy to accept Christ. Oh for the ability to believe, hopefully one day he will have that ability, before it is too late.
    “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved.” “For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.”

    I’ve always said that if there is no God, no eternal reward, yet I choose to believe otherwise, what harm is there in my faith? But if there is a God (and there sure as we are alive is) and you choose not to believe it, what is the harm of your lack of faith? Is it worth the risk? What do you gain through living a life of pleasure and in the end find that you are eternally damned? What gain is there in living a good life and crossing your fingers hoping for eternal reward, yet receiving the same reward as the heathen because you have not received Christ as your Savior? It is easy to avoid the consequences of sin, salvation by grace through faith is available for any sinner that will call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you’re taking risks, stop and seek Christ now!” For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

  • 52 mindknumbed kid // Apr 27, 2008 at 6:31 pm

    Go on, get in there little postie!

  • 53 mindknumbed kid // Apr 27, 2008 at 6:33 pm

    I am determined to see it happen, might as well be now…

  • 54 Fred Sinclair // Apr 28, 2008 at 2:18 am

    mkk #51 You’ve reminded me of something I had totally forgotten. There was an old (very old) movie about a Pacific Island that was thought to be sinking.

    Details are vague but I think I recall a pineapple plantation. People had lived there for centuries. Near the end of the movie, a volcano erupted and in terror people frantically rushed to the islands sole airstrip where there was a single DC-3 about to leave. Now with the ground shaking everyone wanted on the plane.

    One man in a desperate panic offered a million dollars for a seat, only to be rebuffed. ships rushing to the rescue turned away since the sinking island would drag them under. The hero and heroine of course were onboard having earlier taken the free tickets that were being offered only days earlier (with very few who believed enough to get a ticket).

    The movie ended with an view of the waters rushing in and finally the top of the volcano slipping under the water. At the time I thought the last days will be like that with people crying for the rocks to fall on them. a million dollars will be of no help. God’s chosen (free tickets) will be safely away and the rest will be swept away.

    I took the point to be that there was only one way to be saved. Discrimination? You betcha. “All roads lead to Rome.” and all religions lead to heaven. I’m not going to bet my soul and eternity on that falsehood.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 55 Libby Gone // Apr 28, 2008 at 7:39 am

    “you get one life. When I die, I am worm food.”
    What even more saddening is the “Calvinistic” approach (as I refer to it) taken by people I am aquainted with. They completely believe they are “saved” and it’s a done deal. Their approach is to show up in Church on Sundays, throw some cash in the bucket, check their watches to make sure they get out on time, making sure the “important members of the Congregation” see them and leave.They then proceed to fill the next 167 hours justifying their own premeditated sins.

    It’s physically sickening.
    I think the aethiest may have a better eternity, not having knowingly, repeatedly abused Gods gift of Christ.

  • 56 Maggie // Apr 28, 2008 at 9:18 am

    ???????Maggie’s question corner???????

    If John McCain were to die in the middle of campaigning or become critically ill,
    whqt then?(a serious question)

  • 57 upnorthlurkin // Apr 28, 2008 at 9:21 am

    Mornin’ All from the frozen tundra! With the carbon footprint we’re all cursed with up here, you’d think it would be about 90°, but sadly it was only 19° this morning….it’s a vicious circle I tells ya…..we burn fossil fuel to stay alive and we kill the planet….is that the correct mantra?! Oh, I see…..better we die than take the chance we’re harming mother earth! Sorry, but you just don’t get a lot of heat out of a solar panel that’s buried under 9 inches of snow….

  • 58 Maggie // Apr 28, 2008 at 9:22 am

    Translating Farci into English:whqt means what.

  • 59 boberinyetagain // Apr 28, 2008 at 9:23 am

    Maggie, I’m pretty sure the Alexander Haig would be in charge at that point

    bridegroom by…any other name would smell as sweet (for that one day at least)

  • 60 Maggie // Apr 28, 2008 at 9:25 am


    You can go South,Minnesota is warmer :>)

  • 61 upnorthlurkin // Apr 28, 2008 at 9:26 am

    Hi Maggie! Good question…. I was a bit depressed when I heard Fred interviewed on Hannity and Whatever where he said in no uncertain terms, the VP slot was not something he’d consider. I still don’t understand why we can’t get a grassroots movement going to draft a write in or third party. Why are we doomed to settle for the candidate the LSM gave us?

  • 62 Possumtrot // Apr 28, 2008 at 11:26 am

    First, I’d like to invite all of my Yankee friends to move South. The dogwoods are blooming, and unlike other portions of the country, it isn’t snowing here. Mountain laurel is in full bloom.

    I married a girl from Michigan. I worked in Minnesota for five minutes. I know we need Yankees to populate these places, but y’all can keep it. If you can’t cope with the gas bills, move south.

    Live from Scorpion Hill, in the heart of Dixie…

  • 63 Libby Gone // Apr 28, 2008 at 12:23 pm

    I’m looking to “cut the cord” on the Utilities. The endless supply of pre-heated natural gas from the (unfortunately) renewable crop of Liberals up here is a untapped resource just beggin for exploitation!

  • 64 upnorthlurkin // Apr 28, 2008 at 12:33 pm

    That’s a great idea, Possum. Where do we start….do we just shut down the whole state for say, seven months? We really do use more than our fair share of fossil fuel (according to the wise greenies who apparently keep track of such things) trying to stay alive. Are there enough jobs down there to keep us all employed while we’re there? Can we bunk with you?! Maybe we could borrow the FEMA trailers for the season….I can picture it now…another tin city filled with snow birds….thousands and thousands of us!!

  • 65 upnorthlurkin // Apr 28, 2008 at 12:36 pm

    Libby, Algore alone, could heat all the homes up here in ND….with one speech!

  • 66 mindknumbed kid // Apr 28, 2008 at 2:00 pm

    Where'd ya go?

  • 67 da Bunny // Apr 28, 2008 at 1:24 pm

    And if algore is not available to provide his “hot air,” you could always get Jeremiah Wright to fill in for him. We could heat the entire country for the rest of the year with Wright’s exhalations from the past couple of days alone!!! :mean:

  • 68 Libby Gone // Apr 28, 2008 at 2:02 pm

    I agree. He should be forced to buy Carbon Credits to offset his illogical verbal exhaust.

  • 69 Possumtrot // Apr 28, 2008 at 2:26 pm

    The lag was so great, I didn’t even think that last post printed! I thought it was lost in the sauce!

    Cut the cord and move south! The log cabin is quite warm. We can all snuggle up and watch America go to hell.

    This used to be such a nice country. A warm bedfellow of either gender, just for the body heat, looks good in these post-modern times. I have outlived my usefulness; what is tomorrow going to bring for you younger scamps?

  • 70 Possumtrot // Apr 28, 2008 at 2:55 pm

    I had a terrible time explaining why a Clinton was president in the first place. I had this somehow misguided idea that a president might be a role model.

    Silly me! I’m a big fan of oral sex, but not where I want to explain it to my children.

    And the former president says what, his wife is running for what, and he has yet to talk his way out of that stained dress?

    I love American politics. Keep me laughing until my dying day.

  • 71 boberinyetagain // Apr 28, 2008 at 2:56 pm

    Tuesday in these parts

  • 72 Fred Sinclair // Apr 28, 2008 at 2:57 pm

    Libby Gone #55 - I agree with you 100% except that Calvinist is the wrong word. The correct nomenclature for what you describe is CINOs (Christians In Name Only)

    Some guy goes down the aisle, signs a commitment card, Prays long and loud, buys himself a 14 lb. Scofield Bible (the better to pound folks in the head), joins the choir, teaches Sunday School, wears a nice suit and tie (Armini), uses Giorgio after shave, looks good, smells good; then goes home, beats his wife, slaps the kids around, kicks the dog and sits down to cheat on his Income Tax.

    According to Rom. 6:4 - without a change in lifestyle - he’s all smoke and mirrors. He’s #1 Not a Christian. When a person commits to Jesus there is a new lifestyle. Not that he won’t sin, because he will but that sin does not become a habitual lifestyle i.e. living with someone he’s not married to, continuing a homosexual lifestyle, embezzling monies from where he works, robbing God by not tithing, gossiping, lying, etc., etc.

    The persons you describe are not only not Calvinist, they’re not Christians either. I’m not being judgmental but “…by their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matt. 7:20)

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 73 boberinyetagain // Apr 28, 2008 at 3:43 pm

    Fred, what about willfully using more than his or her fair share of the available food/energy whilst knowing full well that such use is helping/causing the deprivation of his “brothers”?

  • 74 Fred Sinclair // Apr 28, 2008 at 4:21 pm

    bya #72 “whilst” ??? You came close, yet missed it, as usual.

    A fair share is what is due to those who had a fair hand in creating the food/energy. (i.e. workers) - otherwise there is no “fair share”. To donate the results of another’s labor to someone not party to the production isn’t “fair” and no amount of liberal gibberish can make it so.

    Or in the words of Ann, “If Democrats had any brains, they’d be Republicans”

    What’s so difficult for you to understand about the marketplace?

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 75 Maggie // Apr 28, 2008 at 4:58 pm

    Please read my entry #56 and answer.I seriously want to know as this may very well happen.Many Thanks.

  • 76 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 28, 2008 at 5:11 pm

    RE: #56~~

    I suspect that, in the case of such a scenario (if the event took place before the convention), the nominee would be decided at the convention. After the convention, I suspect that it would go to the VP nominee.

  • 77 mindknumbed kid // Apr 28, 2008 at 5:40 pm

    I’m not certain that I can even evaluate what is my fair share of the big grocery store I have never seen a big fat rich person going into a supermarket and purchasing so much food that the rest of the people, especially the poor, can’t have anything to fill their tummies on a cold winter night. My lands, that sounds despicable!
    I am what the experts would call malnourished, I tend to skip most meals, and when I do consume food stuffs, I eat about one thirdto one half of what I could eat if it was my desire to “fill up”.
    When I was in my late teens, I was hired to plant some posts for a horse corral. The top soil had been removed, leaving that good old West Virginny red clay exposed to mother nature for a couple of years, and it was early in the spring when I commenced to diggin’ the holes, the surface had been left quite level and about an inch of water had collected on most of it. To say the least, it was not optimum digging conditions, had to use the “spud bar” all of the way down, it was bonafide harsh manual labor. Generally I would consumer two sandwiches for lunch around noon to one. But while I was digging them there holes, I took to consuming four sandwiches every two hours or so. I am now very concerned that I was having more than my fair share of vittles during that period of time.
    I am convinced that I must pay for my past sins of overconsumption, but I’m not sure how to go about it, and I haven’t even began to pay my share of the past sins toward the African- Americans. I need some advice, but where oh where do I turn?

  • 78 mindknumbed kid // Apr 28, 2008 at 5:58 pm

    Re#56 - I say it would have to be decided at the convention, I suspect that it would be Romney, but I’m not too sure it would go over to just take his (McCain’s) VP choice after the convention, well, I guess it would depend on whether or not he is well accepted by the majority, I’m not sure these days whether it woul take a solid conservative, or a RINO, to be accepted right now.

  • 79 mindknumbed kid // Apr 28, 2008 at 6:04 pm

    Good, it made it through!

  • 80 mindknumbed kid // Apr 28, 2008 at 7:35 pm

    Fred - I’m wondering if maybe Al Gore saw that movie too. Some people believe everything they see on film…

  • 81 mindknumbed kid // Apr 28, 2008 at 10:13 pm

    The athiest also said when asked, “Don’t you believe in God”? He said, “I believe in plexiglas”, well plexiglas might stop a bullet and “save” your life, but against the fires of Hell, it probably will come up short. Choose your savior wisely!

  • 82 mindknumbed kid // Apr 28, 2008 at 10:15 pm

    It’s alright, I’m used to talking to myself!

  • 83 Fred Sinclair // Apr 28, 2008 at 10:28 pm

    Maggie #56 - Coming on out of the backfield (and gaining) Jim Inhofe could drafted to be the hard core Conservative RNC nominee; with Duncan Hunter as his running mate.

    That might trigger an Oct ‘29 panic or another ‘War of the Worlds w/Orson Welles as libbers by the thousands suicided!

    Seriously an Inhofe/Hunter would be incredible for America’s future. God works in mysterious ways…….

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 84 Fred Sinclair // Apr 28, 2008 at 10:32 pm

    mkk #80 - You’re right, Algore thinks folks believe his Inconvenient hoax eer, ah, ‘truth’ because it’s a movie.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 85 vittles scooper // Apr 28, 2008 at 11:00 pm

    MKK: “I am now very concerned that I was having more than my fair share of vittles during that period of time. I am convinced that I must pay for my past sins of overconsumption, but I’m not sure how to go about it”

    Well MKK, my eyes brightened at your remembrances of “vittles” past and my heart warmed and welled up in compassionate tears tenderly revisiting many nights of overindulging with fruit loops myself. I can only offer condolences of identification. Oh, and yes, I have had regrets of late having chosen such an ill begotten choice of handles — vittles scooper sounds atrociously gauche. I don’t know what came over me when I signed on with that foul choice of gutter gook.

  • 86 Fred Sinclair // Apr 28, 2008 at 11:01 pm

    It well enough take another 4 years of having a Dem back in the white House(I believe Jimmy Carter is rooting for either of the Dems to win, so as he can move up a notch and become the second worst president in American history)

    The Inhofe/Hunter ticket could provide another Reaganesque landslide victory (49 states) I looked closely at Inhofe and he might out Reagan, Reagan. (He’s that good, based on his record). And of course Duncan Hunter is a class act in his own right!

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 87 upnorthlurkin // Apr 29, 2008 at 6:02 am

    Uff da! Sounds like somebody pooped in negative nay Bob's Post Toasties this morning. Must be awful being so wise, and working so hard trying to get through to all us knuckle dragging, selfish conservatives…. I guess I'll just go kill myself….that'll free up my tiny little share of the pie…..and the great and always gloriously successful U (friggin') N can pay off some despot with it. I for one, am in total awe of his superior intellect…..I bow to him…..I'm not worthy…..

  • 88 RedPepper // Apr 29, 2008 at 5:16 am

    vittles scooper #85: Let not your heart be troubled, vs . Remember, a rose by any other name could still scratch up your hands and arms worse than a suddenly startled sleeping housecat …

  • 89 gafisher // Apr 29, 2008 at 6:30 am

    Re#55: “What even more saddening is the “Calvinistic” approach (as I refer to it) . . .

    What you describe has nothing to do with Calvinism. You would be well served by even a little theological education.

  • 90 gafisher // Apr 29, 2008 at 6:59 am

    Maggie Re#56: What you describe happened to the Democrats in 1872 and to the Republicans in 1912; in both cases the Electoral College system proved its worth because in such a case pledged electors are free to choose someone other than the deceased or incapacitated Nominee (though in 1872 three Democrat Electors actually voted for the dead guy.)

    Of course, if the “potential” or “presumptive” Nominee succumbs to health, legal or other problems prior to the nomination, the Party has to choose a replacement. In the current cycle, “unelectability” might be a serious consideration as well, if the Republican Delegates have the courage to face reality. There’s a very real (and objectively quite interesting) possibility that neither major Party could garner enough votes to win the Presidency convincingly this year. Try to imagine a President who enters office with 60%+ negatives . . .

  • 91 Fred Sinclair // Apr 29, 2008 at 7:06 am

    Good Morning, I’m sitting here awaiting spring. At last check, Algore, John Edwards, B. Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Richardson, Joe Biden and John Kerry, are currently maintaining their residences. They are not selling to relocate to Denver or any other high Rocky Mountain locations.

    If I was one of them and honestly believed there was even a smidgen of truth to the “Manmade” Global warming agenda, I and any other prudent individual would get out of the lowlands and divest myself of all beachfront property. I’d go for the high ground, where I’d be safer when all those glaciers melted and brought about floods of Biblical proportions. I’d guess they’re not swallowing the Algorean hoax, eh? - especially Algore!

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 92 boberinyetagain // Apr 29, 2008 at 7:31 am

    Y’all feel better now? Terrific! Seriously…

    Pray there is no God people

    mrs eight…must be henry’s wife!

  • 93 Libby Gone // Apr 29, 2008 at 8:12 am

    gafisher and heirborn,
    I used the term ” Calvinistic” due to my interpretation of his (Calvin) philosophy as I understand it. I could be wrong, and am here to debate and gain knowledge. This is my take :
    The most important theological position that Calvin took was his formulation of the doctrine of predestination. The early church had struggled with this issue. Since God knew the future, did that mean that salvation was predestined? That is, do human beings have any choice in the matter, or did God make the salvation decision for each of us at the beginning of time? The early church, and the moderate Protestant churches, had decided that God had not predestined salvation for individuals. Salvation was in part the product of human choice. Calvin, on the other hand, built his reformed church on the concept that salvation was not a choice, but was rather pre-decided by God from the beginning of time. This mean that individuals were “elected” for salvation by God; this “elect” would form the population of the Calvinist church.
    Hence, people I know believe they are “SAVED” simply by the fact they arrive in church 1 hour a week. Nothing they say or do will change Gods predestined salvation of their soul, be it evil or wholesome. Their “fruits” as Fred put it bear no resemblance to the true products of honest God fearing Christians.
    I hope this clears up my point, again its my opinion and maybe a better choice of words was in order.
    Simply write in Romney.

  • 94 boberinyetagain // Apr 29, 2008 at 8:29 am

    Today our world houses 6.55 billion people.

    The United States is a part of the developed or industrialized world, which consists of about 57 countries with a combined population of about 1 billion, less than one sixth of the world’s population.

    854 million people across the world are hungry, up from 852 million a year ago.

    Every day, almost 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes-one child every five seconds.

    In 2004, almost 1 billion people lived below the international poverty line, earning less than $1 per day.

    In 2005, about 10.1 million children died before they reached their fifth birthday. Almost all of these deaths occured in developing countries, 3/4 of them in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, the two regions that also suffer from the highest rates of hunger and malnutrition.

    Get a job digging post holes people! Then you could afford sandwiches

  • 95 boberinyetagain // Apr 29, 2008 at 8:34 am

    But that’s the rest of the world, I can’t solve everyones problem…meanwhile in the good old USA…

    35.5 million people—including 12.6 million children—live in households that experience hunger or the risk of hunger. This represents more than one in ten households in the United States (10.9 percent).

    4.0 percent of U.S. households experience hunger. Some people in these households frequently skip meals or eat too little, sometimes going without food for a whole day. 11.1 million people, including 430 thousand children, live in these homes.1

    6.9 percent of U.S. households are at risk of hunger. Members of these households have lower quality diets or must resort to seeking emergency food because they cannot always afford the food they need. 24.4 million people, including 12.2 million children, live in these homes.

    Coutesy of “Bread for the World” a prominent Christian website

  • 96 boberinyetagain // Apr 29, 2008 at 8:37 am

    We have the means. The financial costs to end hunger are relatively slight. The United Nations Development Program estimates that the basic health and nutrition needs of the world’s poorest people could be met for an additional $13 billion a year. Animal lovers in the United States and Europe spend more than that on pet food each year.

    But are we/will we? Nah, fire up the Hummer and head for the market to get some smokes. Stop at the bar to whine about how much gas costs, demand a reduction in taxes to cover it.

  • 97 boberinyetagain // Apr 29, 2008 at 9:04 am

    Mind you, I count myself as near the front of the line for Hell, I just won’t be among those looking so “shocked” by it

  • 98 Fred Sinclair // Apr 29, 2008 at 9:12 am

    Food is sent by the multiple tons, much of it to be hi-jacked (often by corrupt government officials) and re-sold on the black market. We’re helping to make millionaires out of crooks in these countries.

    Rush talked of an Emperor deliberately with holding the free food to starve his people into submission and retain total control over them so they cannot revolt.

    How many more $448.5 millions should we send???

    Black Society News
    Tuesday, 08 April 2008 13:49
    Addis Ababa - A three-day meeting on food security is expected to unveil a five-year strategy to scale up food security programs in 15 African countries, including Ethiopia.

    The head of the IFRC Disaster Policy and Preparedness Department, Mohammed Omer Mukhier, told journalists that $43.5 million had been earmarked for the implementation of the strategy, which is a Pan African initiative aimed at working with inter-governmental organizations, including the African Union (AU) and donor communities.

    Some 3.2 million people would benefit from the strategy in the next five years, he added.

    The President of the Ethiopian Red Cross Society (ERCS), Shimelis Adugna, said the meeting was aimed at building the capacity of the societies and to some extent governments so that they could respond better to food security issues.

    Since it has a large population and is one of the most organized societies in Africa, Ethiopia is expected to be one the countries which will receive a large portion of the money.

    Meanwhile, Ethiopia and the World Food Program (WFP) on Tuesday signed a Letter of Understanding (LoU) for providing food assistance worth $448.5 million to the country.

    According to the LoU, the WFP would provide 595.325 metric tons of food assistance to support Ethiopia’s productive safety net.

    The assistance is aimed at reducing malnutrition, rehabilitating children under the age of five years and pregnant women, improving the nutritional status of people living with HIV and AIDS and increasing school enrollment.

    The assistance will be co-ordinated and implemented through federal and regional food security co-ordination bureaus, Federal and Regional Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Agencies and Federal and Regional HIV and AIDS prevention and control offices.

    Source: BuaNews-NNN

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 99 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 29, 2008 at 9:14 am

    I am not going to hell.

  • 100 boberinyetagain // Apr 29, 2008 at 9:23 am

    “How many more $448.5 millions should we send???”

    Fred…it goes like this…
    13 billion divided by 448 million = 29.0178571
    About 29 more…for starters

  • 101 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 29, 2008 at 9:24 am

    I say that, if it is not a good thing to meddle in the affairs of another country even in the context of its overall benefit to the entire world, then, it is not a good thing to meddle in the affairs of another country.

  • 102 boberinyetagain // Apr 29, 2008 at 9:27 am

    JL3, if you have this covered then you are indeed correct, good for you!

    Jesus replied, ” ‘Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, 19honor your father and mother,’[d] and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’[e]”

    20″All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?”

    21Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

  • 103 boberinyetagain // Apr 29, 2008 at 9:29 am

    JL3, I knew you didn’t approve of the Iraq thing, you were just too shy to voice that opinion, until today, excellent…

  • 104 mig // Apr 29, 2008 at 10:08 am

    Oh you guys, I can’t find my dog. It’s been 4 hours since I discovered her missing. I have been all over the area, called the humane society (they hung up on me, last they’ll see me fundraising) and animal control.
    I am sick to my stomach. And today was to be my day. Go Hill. And now I can’t think.

  • 105 Fred Sinclair // Apr 29, 2008 at 10:28 am

    21Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

    If you, bya, studied the Bible as much as you talk you would realize that the man’s possessions had nothing to do with the conversation.

    Many of the followers of Jesus were VERY wealthy, Jesus himself was also VERY wealthy. That poverty bullfeathers was introduced from eastern religions along about the third century and the church figured if they could keep their priests single, they wouldn’t have to be paid enough to support a family. Furthermore if they could impart a form of holiness to poverty, they wouldn’t have to pay them anything.

    Jesus had already seen the rich young ruler from afar and the Scripture says, “Jesus loved him.”

    The guy had fulfilled the letter of the law, as he had been taught, but was enslaved by his possessions. They had a hold on him. Jesus was saying - put nothing before me and your love of your possessions are ahead of me in your mind, so get rid of them and come follow me.

    Now to the best I know Jesus only said those words to thirteen men in all of his ministry! When it later became necessary to replace Judas, they drew lots (straws). who better to be the “keeper of the purse” than someone who knew and understood money. This guy walks away sadly, “for he had much.”

    He didn’t just turn down Jesus, he turned down an Apostleship!

    When Jesus was being anointed with the precious oil (balm). Judas jumped in with his protest that the precious oil could have been sold for the equivalent of a years wages and given to the poor. Where’d she get it? I don’t know any women with a bottle of perfume costing the equivalent of a years wages (today about $40,000.00 - she was wealthy) - but Jesus said, “The poor you have with you always, she knows what she’s doing, leave her alone.” (Fred’s loose but accurate translation).

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 106 boberinyetagain // Apr 29, 2008 at 10:36 am

    Mig, my sympathies! That’s not good, not good at all.

  • 107 boberinyetagain // Apr 29, 2008 at 10:39 am

    Fred, thanks for the clarification. I neve knew that Jesus really meant “screw the poor” or that He was so wealthy. But now I do (and I feel much better for my own quite glaring shortcomings as a result)
    Can I come to your church? Sound like a fun bunch with really nice “pot luck” suppers

  • 108 Fred Sinclair // Apr 29, 2008 at 10:44 am

    mig #104 - The first time Sally went roaming I’d only had her a couple of months. I too was frantic (hard to look for a dog while you’re in a wheelchair. I called my pastor (who had given her to me; btw-Sally’s a Cocker/Beagle)

    He got me quieted down and said, “Don’t worry, leave your door slightly ajar, Sally isn’t stupid, she knows where her food source is…she’ll come wandering back when she’s ready, or whenever she gets hungry”. I didn’t know whether or not to believe him but sure enough a couple of hours passed and she nudged the door open and came in as if, “Where’s my dinner?”

    I don’t know about your dog but my pastor was right, they know where the food is. Wishing you the best and the safe return of your dog.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 109 Libby Gone // Apr 29, 2008 at 10:48 am

    I pray you find your pooch safe and sound.

  • 110 Fred Sinclair // Apr 29, 2008 at 10:54 am

    bya #107 - “screw the poor” wasn’t anywhere in what He said, the Bible says that when Judas left the “Last Supper” the other Apostles thought Jesus had sent him to give to the poor, they thought little of it since it must have been a common practice for Him to do just that.

    If you didn’t know that Jesus was VERY wealthy, then you’ve just exposed your own ignorance. Read the Bible, instead of listening to what someone else (with an agenda) says. There’s dozens of Scriptures dealing with His wealth.

    When I have time, I’ll bring you up to date.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 111 Libby Gone // Apr 29, 2008 at 10:56 am

    Fred is right, more than likely she will complete her little adventure and decide home is where the heart is. My Bytor has done this, only problem a Siberian Husky at full pace can cover alot of ground!
    wv:the extra , READ ALL ABOUT IT!!!

  • 112 Fred Sinclair // Apr 29, 2008 at 11:03 am

    bya #107 I wrote this a little while ago but it seems to cover your problem:

    I know that spiritually I am rich beyond measure and from a material point of view, in the eyes of the vast majority of the over 6 billion people here on earth, I am wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.

    Some time ago I had a conversation with a friend at a local restaurant. We talked about his distain for money and “worldly goods”. It was very interesting, so when I returned home, I wrote down the essence of our talk - Questions and answers - I had just read a piece on the subject so I borrowed from it, and went to the Scriptures to verify some of the things I knew about finances and God. Following is a rough replay.

    Q. “Why would it have been impossible for Jesus to have been poor?
    A. “Because God cannot break His Word. God, all through the old testament promised material blessings to anyone who would walk upright before Him and do what He said.”

    Q. “Yes, but how do you know that Jesus, Himself was wealthy?”
    A. He had so much money coming in and going out, that He had to appoint a treasurer. Why, if He had no money, would He need a “keeper of the purse?”

    Q. “On the night of the Last Supper, why did the 11 disciples ‘think’ Judas left so abruptly?”
    A. “They assumed that Jesus had sent him out to give to the poor.”

    Q. “If Jesus was so wealthy, why didn’t He ride in a fancy chariot, and wear gold and jewels?
    A. It certainly wasn’t because He was poor. It was because He was not of this world and He was the greatest giver in all of history.

    Q. “Should we be seeking wealth?”
    A.” No, not “seeking” - the Scripture tells us ‘but seek ye first, the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things (material) will be added unto you. Money is important in this world, else why would He say that where your money is, there will be your heart also”,

    Q. “Were all of His followers wealthy?”
    A. “Some - evidently. Just prior to His death, Mary of Bethany anointed him with precious oil. Judas interjected that the oil could have been sold for the equivalent of a years wages. (The average medium income in America today is approx. $40,000.00 I don’t know any ladies that have a jar of precious ointment worth that much!) Where did she get it? Unless she was very wealthy.”

    Q. “Well….maybe her, but how much did Judas have in the purse?

    A. “Enough so that when Jesus preached to the 4000 on the mountain, (8 - 10 thousand counting women and children). Peter observed that they had been there all day and must be hungry. “Shall we go into the nearby town and buy food for them?” Like it was no big deal. jesus however wasn’t about to spring for lunch so He used some bread and fish a kid had with him.”

    Q. How can I know that God wants ME to have material things?

    A. Jesus said, “Seek ye 1st the Kingdom of God & all these things (material) will be added unto you.” Not just rags on your back & beans on the table ….better than Solomon, if you’ll have the faith to let Him.

    Q. Wouldn’t that be a little extravagant?

    A. Of course! That’s the way God is & besides…He can afford it!

    Q. Why would I want money and material things” Isn’t poverty noble? Won’t poverty make me more pious? Isn’t poverty God’s way of teaching me a lesson?

    A. You want money and material things, so you can live well, your family can live well, so that you can leave an inheirtence for your children’s children. And you are able to support those things you believe in - Church, Boy & Girl Scouts, Rush Limbaugh, Scott Ott or whoever and whatever you feel God leads you to financially support. The poor can’t help the poor! When a hospital or the city Rescue Mission or whoever needs help, they come to the people who have money. James says that when someone comes to you hungry or in need of clothes - Do something!
    That “Good Samaritan” would never have been heard of, if he had been broke, He had the money to leave with the innkeeper & knew he would have enough on his way back to cover any extras the guy ran up. He knew he would have it, because he gave his word.
    So far as being noble, pious and being taught lessons,,,,, in Deut. 28:15 poverty and want are listed by God as a CURSE! Curses are not to teach us lessons - Deut. 28:30 curses are for destruction and perishing.
    Prov. 10:15 the destruction of the poor is their poverty. Prov. 6: 9-11 Poverty is described as a robber that travels about.
    Satan has gone to great lengths to convince God’s people that poverty is a blessing in disquise. If you are a born again child of God, you no longer have to live under the curse of poverty - or any other curse, for that matter.
    Deut. 28:1-8 Prosperity is a blessing. Psa. 112:1,3 Wealth and riches shall be in his house.
    Your spiritual standing profoundly affects your financial standing.

    Finally, if there was anything spiritual, holy or pious about poverty - then when satan was allowed to strip Job (the richest man from the East.) Then it looks like God would have had Job right where He wanted him. But NO! God returned to Job DOUBLE of all that he had lost.

    God says that when you give to the poor, you lend to the Lord & He will repay 40 - 60 - 100 times!!

    The widows mite (about two cents in todays money) if she kept reinvesting (God’s re-payment) she could have ended up the richest lady in town.

    Abraham is described as an extremely wealthy man. Solomon brought so much wealth into Jesrusalem (sp) that silver became like common stones. Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, & King David all had staggering resources!

    Just the thought of that kind of wealth stuns most believers today.

    There are two types of prosperity - Prov. 1:32 Prosperity of fools shall destroy them. Psa. 73:12 The ungodly increase in riches so, should you avoid being prosperous?

    NO - Avoid being a fool.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 113 da Bunny // Apr 29, 2008 at 11:33 am

    OH, MIG!!! I am praying right now that you find your precious dog!! Call the police, too, since they can put the word out to the patrol officers about what your dog looks like. May she come home soon and safely, Lord!!

    Several years ago the dog I had at the time got out of our back yard. She’d been gone about a half hour before I noticed that she wasn’t there. I was crying and driving around the neigborhood calling out her name. I had my husband call the local police, and I had the assistance of a phone company employee who’d been working down the street and had seen her go by. He got in his truck and drove around helping me look for her. I found her a short while later…over by the school playground sniffing around a telephone pole. She had rolled in everything she’d come across and stunk to high Heaven, but I was never happier to hug and kiss that dirty, smelly mutt than at that moment. I was SO grateful to God that I had found my “baby,” and I am praying hard that mig finds hers. :-(

  • 114 da Bunny // Apr 29, 2008 at 11:35 am

    Forgot to say that my husband was at work, so he couldn’t help me look for our dog…

  • 115 Hawkeye // Apr 29, 2008 at 11:41 am

    Prayers being said that you find your dog. :sad:

  • 116 mig // Apr 29, 2008 at 11:42 am

    That naughty little dog finally came home without her collar that we affectionately call her jewelry or her bling. Oh now what! I have already ordered another electronic collar but that will be a week. She’s going to have to spend a week tied to the porch. That naughty little thing!

    But thanks for all the emails and well wishes. Sigh. I would have been devastated.

    Now I have to give her a bath!

  • 117 da Bunny // Apr 29, 2008 at 11:53 am

    PRAISE THE LORD!! I am so happy that your dog is back home, mig!! SO happy! I’m gonna go hug my “baby boy” dog right now to celebrate!!

  • 118 upnorthlurkin // Apr 29, 2008 at 12:00 pm

    Mig- what da Bunny said!! and YEA!!! ;-) ;-) :lol:

  • 119 Ms RightWing, Ink // Apr 29, 2008 at 12:01 pm


    As I perused the later posts I saw your little thingy on world hunger. I won’t even get into how much help is available for food to those who are hungry.

    I can spend a week going around about my own community getting handouts and when I am finished there is more food than I can eat.

    Looking at the haul, I see boxes of empty calories and nasty government food I wouldn’t touch. Of course I am not starving.

    Two things come to mind. First why are they hungry? Poverty? Why are they living in poverty (here in America)?

    First, they likely never finished school. Second, they never learned a work ethic. Third, laziness just may play a part here.

    I am now old enough to recall nearly poverty program ever handed out to the masses since WWII. Billions of dollars have been spent and we have not changed the numbers of poverty one bit.

    Answers? Make government aid nil if the recipients are high school dropouts. Make urban pregnancy a crisis, not a free handout.

    If you have a baby, you better have a daddy. If the sperm donater won’t marry up then put him on a government program cleaning up all the filth, broken bottles and debris floating about the hood. Then he can get started painting, laying new sidewalks, cutting down dead trees and other conditions that blight his neighborhood. A full time job may seem pleasant after that.

    Teach Home Ec once again. If we can teach poverty stricken folks how to learn the economical way to cook from scratch, which is more economical than cans of government crap, then perhaps people can learn to eat on a budget.

    Being a person who lives amongst government funded eaters, I see the problems that people carry about-poor education, generational slothfulness and just plain lazy folks.

    I’m afraid it is politically incorrect to call people on their lifestyle. Yes, the poor will always be about us. I see handicapped men and women who never asked to be in the health condition they are in. We can’t change that. But healthy bums-come on folks.

    Work can be a problem these days but you have to be able to pack up and go. Truck driving companies are still hiring-so hit the road and feed your family.

  • 120 Possumtrot // Apr 29, 2008 at 1:22 pm

    BTW I have a question. I often see some kind of response at the bottom of these posts. Is that some kind of fireback at bizarre posters?

    I don't know how Great Scott's blog works. I just see these comments addressed to who? Is there some underclass of commentators I should be aware of? Are they even worth my attention?

    So, what's the deal with these bottom-line posters? They seem to get a remark in somewhere, but I only see what seems to be replies from regular Scrapplers. They seem particularly nasty; I love a good fight from time-to-time. I ain't always up for it, but I'll occasionally chew yer lunch.

  • 121 Hawkeye // Apr 29, 2008 at 12:34 pm

    Mig, Glad to hear the good news :smile:

  • 122 Possumtrot // Apr 29, 2008 at 1:38 pm

    I take it MiG’s dog got found? HURRAH! They mostly come home when they’re ready to, but not always. I have a Jack Russell terrorist who thinks the neighborhood is her personal property, and a Black Lab who scares the bejabbers out of casual passers-by. His bark is defintely worse than his bite.

    JL3, Lyndon Johnson started a program years ago to eradicate hunger in America. It was called “The Great Society”, and it went exactly nowhere.

    We manage to keep people fed in this country because we produce a surplus of food. I’ve said for years that we should be swapping food for oil, but no one listens to my tiny voice.

    I heard George W. Bush give an empassioned press conference this morning. He knows he’s on the way out.

    I tell you yet again, we need to win back Congress. This Hildebeast/Obama nonsense is a sideshow. If you good citizens don’t take action, then Pelosi and her gang of do-nothings, who have been biding their time, will do something, and you won’t be pleased with the outcome.

    I should post this over at my own modest blog, but I feel like a soapbox orater in Hyde Park. Y’all need a shout-out; GET BUSY!

    Win one for The Gipper, and take Congress back!

  • 123 upnorthlurkin // Apr 29, 2008 at 1:39 pm

    Oops! The Chosen One aka Barry Obama, just awoke from a long deaf nap, and heard his pastor, (of 20 years, who married him and his wife, baptised his children…)Jerry Wright and has decided to not only throw him under the bus with his typically white granny, but to back over him and run him down a second time…. this is so much fun!!

  • 124 da Bunny // Apr 29, 2008 at 1:55 pm

    MsRightWing #119…AMEN, sister!! :-)

    The only thing I’ll add to your post is that people who keep having children that they can’t afford to support shouldn’t be constantly looking to the rest of us to support them. Birth control in various forms is readily available…FOR FREE…to the poor. {And I’m NOT referring to abortion, here.} There’s a way to prevent children from going hungry, and that’s for the lazy and the unmotivated “parents” to stop their random procreation. These people have plenty of motivation when it comes to making the children, but they can never seem to get motivated to put on a condom, take a pill/get an injection, or voluntarily have a tubal ligation or vasectomy so that they don’t cruelly cause “hunger” in an unplanned for, unwanted child.

    My husband and I have no children. However, we have spent decades feeding, clothing, housing and educating other people’s children through our ever-increasing taxes, in addition to donations to various churches and organizations such as the Salvation Army. I don’t mind helping people who’ve suffered negative circumstances that cause them to need such help, but I do mind being forced through confiscatory taxes to continue enabling irresponsible behavior. And, as for it being “politically incorrect” to call people on their lifestyles…too bad. I’m of the opinion that political correctness is a huge part of what has created the problems that currently exist. The truth is the truth. Political correctness simply propagates lies.

  • 125 da Bunny // Apr 29, 2008 at 2:03 pm

    upnorthlurkin…The Barry and Jerry Show certainly has gotten entertaining, hasn’t it? What buffoons they are!!

    Btw, talk show host Michael Savage has taken to referring to “Rev.” Jeremiah Wright as “Rev. Spite.” :lol:

  • 126 Ms RightWing, Ink // Apr 29, 2008 at 2:12 pm


    Glad to hear the roving doggy came home. I had one of my finches fly out the window several years ago. I put his cage outside and prayed he would find his way home. For two or three days I watched the bird feeder and he never came back. :-(

    I lost a dog once when we lived in Minnesota. we canvased the area for miles around. I think she found a live trap or something because we never saw her again.

    Both my ex and I was devastated

    da Bunny

    You said everything I was thinking but I did not want to write a thesis. Certainly a book could be written on New Orleans alone.

    And talk about a waste of money, I watched a show about Katrina on the History channel. Do we really want to soak billions of dollars in order to keep the next global warming storm from doing the same thing all over. Duh!

    Make the big easy welfare workers move to Kansas and they can work the wheat fields.

  • 127 Fred Sinclair // Apr 29, 2008 at 2:31 pm

    *Here is today’s CleanQuote.*

    “Are people more violently opposed to fur rather than leather because it’s much easier to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs?”

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 128 boberinyetagain // Apr 29, 2008 at 2:43 pm

    Hooray for Mig! (seriously)

    Fred, a good question! Personally I love eating thinly sliced animals and wearing whatever was covering them.

  • 129 boberinyetagain // Apr 29, 2008 at 3:25 pm


  • 130 RedPepper // Apr 29, 2008 at 3:28 pm

    Mig: I’m glad to hear that your dog has found its way home. Not too surprised, tho - I’ve read many stories about companion animals who made it back home after journeys of hundreds of miles, over rivers, mountain ranges etc. - indeed, IMHO, the worst danger to a lost animal is strange humans.

    (And, these days, I do mean strange … )

  • 131 upnorthlurkin // Apr 29, 2008 at 3:54 pm

    Ms. Righty and da Bunny - you Sistahs are on fire today! Keep up the good work!
    I agree with you too, Possum, the WH is pretty much a lost cause…we’d be much farther ahead electing a conservative House and Senate! We need some backbones there! High time we elected someone willing to stand up to the tree hugger Sierra club wackos and start harvesting our own black gold! (’Round these parts, they’re calling oil and coal a renewable resource…there isn’t much chance we’re going to run out….we just need the ability to process it!)

  • 132 Fred Sinclair // Apr 29, 2008 at 4:20 pm

    In my home, there’s room for most all of God’s creatures - right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.

    I love those PETA folks - People for the Edible Treatment of Animals

    If God intended man to be a vegetarian, He would have made us herbivorous with a full set of 32 molars so we could chew our cud, like a cow.

    If we were to have been meat eaters, He would have made us carnivorous with a full set of fangs so we could rip and tear flesh like a wolf.

    But in His wisdom He made us to eat both veggies and meat so we are equipped to be omnivorous with teeth of both sorts, chewing Brussel sprouts as well as biting off chunks of beefsteak.
    Basically vegetarian type folks are challenging God, as in “God screwed up and didn’t know what He was doing when He created human teeth. But we know more than God, so we’ll alter His program to suit ourselves.”

    When the prodigal son finally returned, his father called for the ‘fatted calf’ not a head of cabbage!

    I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but I’m not stupid either! I’m smart enough to know that T-bones, Porterhouse steaks and BBQ was made to be eaten by man.

    The Bible also says that when God replaced the fig leaf clothing of Adam and Eve, He sewed them clothes from animal skins. Duh! So much for spray paint on mink coats.

    If somebody spray painted my lady’s fur coat, I’d be out of jail before he got out of ICU.

    Heirborn Ranger


  • 133 Possumtrot // Apr 29, 2008 at 5:02 pm

    Fred, it’s People Eating Tasty Animals. They are quite good when done up in a crock pot.


  • 134 upnorthlurkin // Apr 29, 2008 at 5:30 pm

    Not to be missed, the lolterizt over at IMAO! :lol:

  • 135 Fred Sinclair // Apr 29, 2008 at 5:37 pm

    Pt #132 - If it weren’t for my single shot Stevens Mod 15 on the farm in So. Ill. (11 yrs old 6th grade) we would have only had chicken on Sundays. Rabbits (plundering our garden) and squirrels from nearby woods was our weekday meat, tularemia (aka ‘rabbit fever) was a potential problem and I had to wear rubber gloves to dress them out, thorough cooking killed the bacteria so the meat was safe to eat. No such problem with squirrels though.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 136 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 29, 2008 at 5:37 pm

    I barbecued some free-range omni just this afternoon.

  • 137 mindknumbed kid // Apr 29, 2008 at 6:08 pm

    bob -re#93 D*** straight! I earned $2/hour and for that job, and even with the overconsumption it fed me and then some. I’ve seen a lot of young’uns these days that are not willing to work for their needs, the entitlement mentality runs deep through our world these days.
    Yeah, loo at all of them poor people out there. Why bexactly are they poor? As we all know the “visitors” from south of our border are the hardest working bunch of men and women that ever walked the face of the earth. So obviously they are poor (in their native land) for reasons other than lack of work ethic. Now supposin’ that every American citizen fast for 10 days each month and sent the food to them. We would solve the problem in their homeland, right?
    I’ve heard it preached that since Christians failed to care for the needy, government stepped in and did what we (Christians) failed to do. Well, it was before my time, but I am inclined to say (in the words of M*A*S*H’s Col. Sherman T. Potter) “horsefeathers!” I rather suspect that some liberal dogooder pioneers saw some people with needs and schemed up a plan to “help” them. The church said, why aren’t you workin’ for your needs? You are fit and capable, we have jobs that you can do to earn your needs, but they rejected such an offer. I have seen it myself, I know that people with that mentality exist.( I know of a pastor that was giving a man a $20 bill fairly regularly for a certain need, one Sunday after srvices the man went to the pastor asking for “help” and the pastor reached into his pocket and all that he had was $13, which he gave the man - the man left in anger because it wasn’t a $20!, never came back to the church again.What does Jesus have to say about people who are not willing to earn their keep? 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says: “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. (vs 11: For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies.)
    Yet in another passage a certain rich man was condemned because Lazarus laid at his door begging food and he gave him nothing to eat.
    Now there are some idjits out there that would commence to squakin’ how the Word contradicts itself, but in context it is obvious the differences in the two situations.
    Anyhow, I’m ramblin on, using a shotgun approach to address the issue.
    Do current day Christians have shortcomings? Isn’t that a ridiculous question to ask? But if you are looking for a scapegoat to hang all of the world’s problems on, well now, aren’t we a convienient target?

  • 138 mindknumbed kid // Apr 29, 2008 at 6:15 pm

    Wastefulness and gluttony are probably a couple of the “worst” sins all over America, however, it is not a problem exclusive to the realm of Christianity, but as I have already stated, we are the convienient target!

  • 139 Ms RightWing, Ink // Apr 29, 2008 at 7:23 pm

    Maybe I need to post more recipes at the cafe for the poor and downtrodden.

    I had a letter preteneer copied from Aunt Sarah but I erased it (grumble, cuss and spit on my computer).

    I know there is a way to recover deleted stuff but I can never find them. Anyhow, Aunt Sarah sez howdy and being poor is just a way of life for her.

    But they eat real good at the Interational Home of Pancakes & Biscuts

  • 140 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 29, 2008 at 8:12 pm

    I thought, “Campaign 2008 is a good backdrop for this,” as I watched Pink Floyd The Wall (1982) a couple of days ago.

  • 141 Fred Sinclair // Apr 29, 2008 at 8:56 pm

    I just got an e-mail about home schooling and government efforts to curb or eliminate it. Made me think, why not force the issue and demand that the public school select 20 ten year old kids chosen at random and the same from home schooled kids.

    Give all 40 kids identical tests appropriate for ten year olds and then compare scores (scored by an outside independent agent) I think the home schooled would win by a large margin. However the public schools would probably think the same and would never agree to such testing.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 142 prettyold // Apr 29, 2008 at 9:12 pm

    I’ll just betcha Aunt Sarah went out to look for Mig’s dog,and didn’t get the word that he came home. Mig , if you see her ,tell her she can go on home and send Ms RW that email.

    Manitowac his that is supposed to be Manitowoc Wis Try saying that 3 times ,real fast.

  • 143 prettyold // Apr 29, 2008 at 9:19 pm

    I wasn’t going to sleep at all tonight if Mig’s Doggie hadn’t come home.Yes,I know they will generally find their way home ifthey have just wandered away, but I’m sure we all know some of the other terrible things that can happen to a helpless animal. There will be aprayer of Thanks tonight.

  • 144 prettyold // Apr 29, 2008 at 9:25 pm

    Fred about #112, I found this a Masterful Answer. Even I learned something ,so unless a person hid their eyes ,the more gullible ones among us must have learned something ,too.

    ( The Even I is a joke,folks)

  • 145 mindknumbed kid // Apr 29, 2008 at 9:28 pm

    I’m glad mig’s dog is safe and sound, anyone want the dog that I have (through default) sleeping on my side of the bed? It is a lab mix, mostly white with a few small brown/gold spots. He’s not a bad dog, I just hate him is all. Our black lab is my wife’s dog, he hated me for a long time, now we get along fine, but he is definitely HER dog.
    I hope the Studebaker didn’t run outta gas, Uncle Willie needs to keep a closer eye on the gauge. Hope to hear from them soon, it’s been a spell and it’s always a good time.

  • 146 mindknumbed kid // Apr 29, 2008 at 9:47 pm

    re#138, I should have catagorized them as being the “worst” food “sins”. Heaven knows there are a lot worse things than that going on here in the good old USA.

    My thoughts on Jesus being “rich”, as creator of all things, how could he be poor? Not only creator, but the sustainer of all things. He had no need of money, even though Judas was holding his “purse”. When they were in need of funds for paying the taxes, he directed them to go catch a fish and take the coin found in it’s mouth to pay the tax man. When he was in need of a ride into town, he knew where he could borrow a donkey to use for the purpose. He had the ability/power to have simply spoken one into existence. Gold? Silver? Jewels? They all came from him, and when it comes down to it, he holds the title deed to the universe and beyond. I believe in the lives of believers, he uses all things according to his purpose, Paul wrote about have plenty and being in need. As for me, I’d rather be a beggar that found grace, than a rich man that ended up in Hell.

  • 147 mindknumbed kid // Apr 29, 2008 at 9:54 pm

    Fred - I got a real kick out of Mrs. Strangelove. I love the movie, one of my all time favorites.

  • 148 mindknumbed kid // Apr 29, 2008 at 10:06 pm

    Hawkeye re#115 - Your prayers surely must be on the “fast track”, it took only one minute folks for it to get answered. So if you need anything…

  • 149 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 30, 2008 at 5:13 am

    My [cryptic?] reference to The Wall in a previous comment was the seed of a thought that BO is, perhaps, the quintessential substance-less product of the Great Society mentality which bred him as an automaton.
    His resumé consists of the schools he attended, the places he’s lived and his “church” — the term “empty suit” never found a better fit than on BO’s spindly frame.
    The intricate anthropological aspects of Farce 2008 are fascinating. For one thing, I’d like to know how/why did we get to the point where media/polls are driving our nation’s agenda. Query: Have people simply stopped thinking?
    An unnamed source told somebody that he thinks he once saw BO twiddle his thumbs which caused mass swooning.
    Thank you

  • 150 RedPepper // Apr 30, 2008 at 6:33 am

    JL3 #149: Bingo ! What’s thought got to do with it ? That is so last-century ! Ideas are not the product of reasoned analysis; they are the equivalent of the latest hip, gotta-have-it fashion accessory. And you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing that conservative crap - none of the cool people wear those opinions !

    Or, to put it another way, you are still in high school.

    And you thought you were done with all that …

  • 151 Hawkeye // Apr 30, 2008 at 8:20 am

    MKK #148,
    I highly doubt that my “prayer prowess” was responsible. However, you know what Jesus said about “where two or three are gathered in my name…” (Matthew 18:20)

    I’m just happy that I could join the others who were already praying (at the last minute). :smile:

  • 152 Maggie // Apr 30, 2008 at 8:34 am

    Red Pepper….re#150,

    Now you’ve done it! You have incited JL3 to lose it and TP Scott’s house; maybe even place a burning bag of ‘dog pooh’ on his front porch. High school indeed! Harumph!

  • 153 Maggie // Apr 30, 2008 at 8:38 am

    Hawkeye re 151

    That’s just one of the reasons why we love and respect you :>)

  • 154 da Bunny // Apr 30, 2008 at 9:23 am

    mkk #145…please don’t say you “hate” the dog sleeping on “your side of the bed.” That makes me sad. Dogs are gifts from God, imho, and they just want to be wherever their “people” are…including being on your bed. Our dog does the same thing, and it’s a given that if one of us has to get up in the middle of the night for any reason, he’ll take over “our spot” while we’re gone. It’s the source of a great deal of humor around here… :lol:

  • 155 mindknumbed kid // Apr 30, 2008 at 10:16 am

    No no no, the dog that I “hate” does not get on the bed, or any of the furniture. He is pretty well behaved. Our other dog sleeps on my side of the bed (in the bed) when I am gone, that is the dog I like having around, even though he is all over the furniture! I don’t really hate any of the animals, but the dog that sleeps on the floor by my bedside tends to annoy me (not by sleeping there) for some reason. We have two cats, one annoys me, the other one is OK. Both animals that “annoy” me are ones that we sort of inherited out of necessity. I guess it is just that I prefer to have only one or two pets, not five (gotta count the gerbil too) and we have been as high as eight, if a python can be considered a pet! Anyhow, I hate to admit it, but I do like all of our pets. Hope that clears things up a bit.

  • 156 da Bunny // Apr 30, 2008 at 10:30 am

    mkk, thanks for clearing that up… :-) Betcha can’t tell that I’m crazy about dogs, huh?

  • 157 Fred Sinclair // Apr 30, 2008 at 10:41 am

    This just in from a dear friend I think it’s too good not to share - certainly not PC but although it’s obvious, it’s all too often overlooked. Christians are not saying this or that but rather “This is what the Bible says… you’re free to accept or reject, I’m just the messenger.

    Noah’s ark is a forerunner type or shadowy preview of God’s only son, Jesus Christ, whose Person and cross-work provide the lone place of refuge for sinners in the coming flood of God’s wrath against sin on judgment day (2 Peter 3:5-7).
    Peter told the Sanhedrin, the leaders of the first century Jews, that their rejection of Jesus as Messiah would result in the eternal punishment of their souls. Regarding Jesus Christ the Nazarene, Peter said, “There is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Jesus Himself taught the same: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me” (John 14:6). Paul wrote, “There is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5).
    The Bible is clear. There is no salvation apart from Jesus Christ. Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and all non-Christian religions deceitfully send poor souls up to mountain plateaus that are doomed to drown under the judgment day wrath of God. This is why we must lovingly warn people of the danger of false religions, and kindly tell people of the wonderful gospel of salvation in Christ alone.
    But this clear teaching of the bible is not popular in today’s politically correct climate. Even many professing Christians have conformed to the world’s deception, believing that Christianity is not the only way, that there are other ways to becoming right with God apart from Christ. A movie entitled “At Play in the Fields of the Lord” depicts a Christian missionary in the Amazon rain forest being confronted by a displaced native Amazonian who says: “If the Lord made Indians the way they are, who are you people to make them different?” In other words, “Who are you to tell us that your Christian way is the right way and only way?!”

    From the worlds point of view, he has a good point, “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his…..” (2 Tim. 2:19)

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 158 Hawkeye // Apr 30, 2008 at 11:44 am

    Maggie #153,
    Aw, shucks! It’s great to be part of the ScrappleFamily. :wink:

  • 159 Maggie // Apr 30, 2008 at 12:13 pm

    My uncle Doggies goat, El Stinko, got out of the pasture and no one looked for him.
    How sad…..but he did return….how sad……

  • 160 upnorthlurkin // Apr 30, 2008 at 2:04 pm

    Da Bunny….I’m starting to wonder if you are my other twin sister?! (Mrs. Prettyold is my first twin since we share the same birthday….but, you and I have so much in common….hmmmm…..Our mutual good friend, “Maggie” could give you my email address if you’d like to see a photo of my four legged daughter!!

  • 161 upnorthlurkin // Apr 30, 2008 at 2:09 pm

    MKK, you sound a bit like my husband….he was perfectly content with two cats….but, I longed for a dog….it took almost 3 years of whining, cajoling and outright arguing but he finally caved and I can honestly say he adores our dog! Now I’m working on a second…. ;-)

  • 162 upnorthlurkin // Apr 30, 2008 at 2:13 pm

    “Maggie”…did you ever get close to El Stinko?! I cared for a neighbor’s goats once….I really enjoyed them, but P U - they really do stink! Especially the Billy goats! I remember I had to throw a pair of leather gloves away cuz they smelled too bad to have in the house!

  • 163 mindknumbed kid // Apr 30, 2008 at 2:58 pm

    Back to the topic at hand for a second.

    Maybe it is true, maybe he is being attacked “just because he is a male”, if so, perhaps Osama, Saddam, even Hitler can make the same claim? Well, Hitler can’t, but maybe cHillary is right about it. Maybe just being born a male places a big old bullseye on every man alive. I’ve been attacked too, is it only a coincidence that I am a male also?

    If by chance this post is full of typo’s I had my eyes dilated this morning and I’m still blinded. New glasses on order, hopefully they will help, the prescription is not much stronger and I said no to bi-focals, for now, reading was getting harder so I figured it was time to do something. I found out that I have a freckle on my right eye, gotta go back in three months to make sure it ain’t cancer, just being cautious, not suspecting anything bad.

  • 164 Possumtrot // Apr 30, 2008 at 3:12 pm

    Hey, JL3! I have a DVD of “The Wall”. “Comfortably Numb” is one of the greatest rock songs in the pantheon.

    A lot of critics said the movie didn’t make a lot of sense. It made perfect sense to me, but that’s because I took a lot of LSD and voted for Jimmy Carter when I was young and stupid.

    I’m still not the sharpest pencil in the jar, but I don’t engage in recreational pharmacology or vote for Manchurian Candidates any longer. (Who woulda thunk this Wright story could have such long legs? This guy may be inadvertently saving America!)

    “Comfortably Numb” still puts tears in my eyes, too.

    Live from Scorpion Hill, where the dogwood blossoms are blindingly white, and the dogs always find their way home…

  • 165 Possumtrot // Apr 30, 2008 at 3:18 pm

    All right, I copied; I’ll print again. We may get duplication here from the lag time, but I want to be offline at some point tonight to see Mr. Bill tackle the Hildebeast.

    Hey, JL3! I have a DVD of “The Wall”. “Comfortably Numb” is one of the greatest rock songs in the pantheon.

    A lot of critics said the movie didn’t make a lot of sense. It made perfect sense to me, but that’s because I took a lot of LSD and voted for Jimmy Carter when I was young and stupid.

    I’m still not the sharpest pencil in the jar, but I don’t engage in recreational pharmacology or vote for Manchurian Candidates any longer. (Who woulda thunk this Wright story could have such long legs? This guy may be inadvertently saving America!)

    “Comfortably Numb” still puts tears in my eyes, too.

    Live from Scorpion Hill, where the dogwood blossoms are blindingly white, and the dogs always find their way home…

  • 166 Possumtrot // Apr 30, 2008 at 3:21 pm

    Okay, delete the last one; it just takes Great Scott’s new anti-trolling system to catch up to new posts.

  • 167 upnorthlurkin // Apr 30, 2008 at 3:50 pm

    Please, go watch this man (Zo) in his latest video about the Rev. Spite, I mean Wright… I guarantee it’s uplifting and you won’t regret it!

  • 168 everthink // Apr 30, 2008 at 4:43 pm

    Your own house is burning, and the arsonist is making a fool out of himself claiming he can’t even smell the smoke; but, you dumbbells here are busy yelling about the color your neighbor has painted his house!

    How’s that surge going?

    Hairbrain, you are a wolf trying to pass yourself off as a sheep.

    I thought most of you were just bitter, but it looks to me like you’re all clinical!


  • 169 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 30, 2008 at 5:14 pm

    RE: #165~~

    Full Disclosure: I listen to “Comfortably Numb” on a daily basis.
    It was written by Gilmour previous to The Wall but it sure fits in quite nicely. Of course, the album is Roger Waters through and through; as is the film, which he wrote. The guitar? Well, that’s pure David Gilmour, the Man with the Golden Fingers.

    In my opinion, the film, like all of their albums, is pure art on a par with any of history’s greatest across all genres.
    (I can’t help but compare it’s genuis to the original version of Stravinsky’s Le Sacre du printemps, which I recently viewed for the first time.)
    Anyway, I am not exactly a fan of Roger Waters, the person, but I connect with him somehow through the WWII time warp he is so adept at opening—it’s a peep into my father’s secret, mysterious world…..and into mine.

    Sorry about the essay. :lol:

  • 170 Possumtrot // Apr 30, 2008 at 5:17 pm

    Excuse me, “Everthink”, but were you referring to the Manchurian Candidate? I’ll go back to Ted Kennedy’s calling him “Osama” if that’s more comfortable. That was what Kennedy called him in a drunken stupor, before he learned how to pronounce the man’s name and endorsed him for president.

    I’m the wildest sort or redneck you never want to meet in your worst fantasies about Georgia, but I don’t care a whit about Barack Obama or his preacher. I care about how leads this country, and he ain’t even a contender. I have said repeatedly that America is overdue for a black president; he just ain’t the man.

    I don’t know what all that rhetorical garbage is about. Taken literally, the man who sets fire to my home will end up answering some harsh questions at gunpoint. A devil -worshipper already tried that stunt in the ’70s. I hunted him all night, and he lost.

    So, is there a point? I’m so bitter and stupid, I don’t understand. Is this an allegory like David Byrne’s “Burning Down the House”?

    Gimme a break! I have more cultural references parked on the back burner of my memory than any amount of college education will avail you.

    Why don’t you try being nice for a change? It doesn’t cost you anything, and it will make people think more highly of you and respect your wildly misguided opinions.

    And please explain to me what your blathering about arson is supposed to mean. I keep going back and re-reading it, and it makes less and less sense. I know you’re grasping for something here, but the repeated readings just make me remember being dragged out of a smoke-filled room by a dear friend. Clarification of your point of view would be, as Martha Stewart says, a good thing.

  • 171 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 30, 2008 at 5:31 pm

    Somebody needs to give Wright a valium or something.

    I just heard him declare (along with a couple of incoherent proclamations)-with a Joker-like smirk from ear to ear-that there are two Gospels, two Churches; one for the American Negro, one Other. This is heresy, Ladies and Gentlemen—a lie straight from hell.

    Lord God Almighty, I hope and pray this appalling insanity leads one and all, especially those who have not yet done so, to Prayerfully READ Your Word.
    Thank you

  • 172 Possumtrot // Apr 30, 2008 at 5:37 pm

    Oh, there are so many mispellings and typos in that last post! However can I be taken seriously when I can’t operate a simple keyboard?

    This thread appears to be going on forever. It’s not like there isn’t a wealth of comedic material appearing in the news every day.

    JL3, I watched Pink Floyd do an acrimonious break-up that rivals either of my marriages. David Gilmour has a grand new “in concert” film out. My will stipulates that the entire album “Dark Side of the Moon” be played at my funeral.

    I think I want them to throw “Comfortably Numb” in there as incidental music, as well. Time to write some codicils.

    I tried to entice folks down to Georgia for a “ScrappleFest ‘08″. I didn’t get a single response. We still have that “squeal like a pig” reputation. Be advised that the bulk of my estate goes to renting out an Irish pub in Atlanta, and a good time will be had by all…in about twenty years.

  • 173 mindknumbed kid // Apr 30, 2008 at 6:04 pm

    Hey nET, Did youhear about the SuperScrappler that prayed and his prayer was answered according to his request in one minute…..”the fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much.

  • 174 mindknumbed kid // Apr 30, 2008 at 6:15 pm

    JL3 - Your post #149 was really good. I meant to comment on it sooner, but it fell through the cracks in my aging brain matter. Anyhow, you know who showed up today and I doubt that he attempted to review the thread, but just in case he comes back later, could you repost the material and use really small simple words so he can comprehend what you said, it could be helpful to him.

  • 175 mindknumbed kid // Apr 30, 2008 at 6:22 pm

    Possum - ScrapleF*** is a copywrite protected word. We use the term ScrappleFace2Face, I once suggested several regional ones so more could attend, then we could share our experiences via the web, no way I could make it to Georgia or Ohio, but I wish we could all have a chance to sit down and jaw in person, it would be so much fun!

  • 176 da Bunny // Apr 30, 2008 at 7:23 pm

    upnorthlurkin #160, I could very well be another of your long lost sisters…btw, my b-day is in July! Of course I’d love to see a picture of your “daughter,” and I could email you a picture of my “son.” :-)

  • 177 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 30, 2008 at 7:44 pm

    “Thinking” as a quaint, retro concept…..
    Evolution in reverse—marching back to the pond.
    RE: #174~~
    mindknumbed kid~~

    Thanks for the compliment-I appreciate it.
    I often get frustrated in my humble attempts to communicate in truncated bursts (as is my wont) and end up not doing much better than to hint at the essence of a thought.
    More often, though, I slip into stream of consciousness mode which is loads of fun for me but maybe not so much for others.

  • 178 Darthmeister // Apr 30, 2008 at 8:56 pm

    Notice how the reprobate ET virtually celebrates when American soldiers die actively pursuing and killing Islamofascists. Imagine ET’s response on D-Day, “Hey Eisenhower and Roosevelt, how’s it going? You all get enough American soldiers killed today fighting fascism under the guise of protecting America when neither Germany nor Japan posed any real military threaten to the American mainland. So, 235,000 dead American soldiers isn’t enough for you two warmongers? Well I have news for you two morons, you’ll get another 125,000 Americans killed marching to Berlin and another 65,000 killed in the Pacific theater.” (sound of raspberry and thumbs stuck in ears while waggling fingers).

    Libby Gone. The Bible most certainly teaches the election of the saints, what it doesn’t teach is that God selects people to be saved or selects people for Hell. Election, not selection. It’s a nuance most students of the Bible often don’t understand.

    Nowhere in Scripture are we told that God elects or ordains (preordains) people for Hell, though it is certainly true that language is used to describe those who avail themselves of God’s saving provision. This reality certainly gives the very distinct impression that our lives in reference to divine salvation is an open-ended proposition. Of course we’re creatures of time and our language reflects that reality, so there might not be enough precision in our language to convey the idea that a transcendant God is not governed by time and effects the salvation of those who, in His foreknowledge, will believe upon the Gospel of Grace, thereby becoming “elected.” Elections always involves the free will of two people the one being elected and the elector.

    The Bible is quite specific in that Christ died for the propitation of sin, not only for the believer but also for the whole world. Propitiation simply means a satisfactory substitutionary sacrifice that has been made on our behalf. However, unless a person actively repents in order to avail themselves of this great gift of salvation, then that propitiation does the inpentitent sinner no good. Is that to say that Christ, in someway, died in vain? Forbid it not. If Christ died and none believed, His sacrifice was not in vain but rather was a gift shunned.

    It has been argued by some that man is so totally depraved that he/she cannot possibly believe. This too is a misunderstanding of basic biblical teachings. We are totally depraved in that the totality of our mental, emotional and soulish faculties have been flawed by our sin nature, but not to the point where we cannot respond in faith to the gospel message. Five-point Calvinists unwittingly create an image of God as an Absolute Sovereign who has made no provision for free moral will. Yet God is indeed sovereign, able to guide history to its ultimate conclusion because of (or in spite of) the free will decisions made by sinful man in this terrestrial sphere. If there truly isn’t free moral will and God is in absolute “control” of everything, from the horror of the Holocaust to the shedding of the tear of the mother bending over her child dying of cancer, we are then forced to see God as a little boy sitting on a wooden hobby horse jerking the reins back and forth, rocking furiously in absolute and total control. Yet I see God as the consummate horseman Who adroitly holds the reins and thus directs the highly spirited stallion down the path of His choosing. Not everything is the result of God’s will, but God’s will will ultimately be accomplished. That will being: “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” II Peter 3:9. Of course the Calvinist will claim that the “everyone” in this verse is only speaking of just the “elect”. Wrong. But it is also not saying that all will come to repentance either.

    So, which is the greater Master, the little boy on the wooden hobby horse or the consummate horseman on the spirited stallion? Why the latter of course.

    What does God value more with respect to every sinner than saving every last soul? With respect to His creation of man, in the Bible God has demonstrated that He values our free moral will above all else, even if it means some may choose not to be saved. Free moral will is part of the character and nature of mankind, it defines who and what we are with respect to a Creator and in relation to the animal kingdom. Calvinists argue God chooses or “decrees” some shall be eternally damned and Universalists argue God chooses or forces everyone to be saved. As sincere as they each may be, they are both sincerely wrong. God forces no one to either accept the gift of eternal life or to reject the gift by virtue of being purportedly totally “dead” in sin. Since it is God who originally endowed man with the gift of free choice, God can be said to have been conditioned by His own sovereign act of bestowing such a gift in the beginning. And it is through this most valued gift to humanity that God can freely demonstrate His love and grace because man has been sovereignly endowed to freely accept His love and grace, IF MAN SO CHOOSES TO BELIEVE!

    The standard Calvinist response to this is God especially loves and saves only the elect; He neglects to save those whom He hasn’t elected to salvation. And in that process, however, somehow shining the light of His Word on the undeserving, He reveals His goodness and love by withholding it from them! And when God withholds His illuminating love, the better to damn them for rejecting the evidence of His love! Nice sophistry but not sound theology.

    Which brings us to this salient point on the question of predestination (predestination is only used in context of the believer being continually transformed into the image of Christ - first foreknowledge, then predestination):

    Imagine a man trapped at the bottom of a well who is in need of rescue. And I, claiming to be a world-class rescuer of all those who are in such need, should then proceed to hold a rope 20 feet above the man at the bottom of this well and plead earnestly with him to take hold of it so that I can pull him out. Wouldn’t he and those watching think that I was but mocking and taunting him? And, if in addition, I berate him and condemn him for not having the ability to grab the rope, would he not begin to wonder about my character and my desire to truly save him from his plight? Likewise, how could I then maintain to any reasonable observer that I really wanted to bring the man up out of the well but he was the one who wasn’t willing? Therefore, how can Calvin’s God be said to be sincere in His impartiality and be the Savior of those to whom He doesn’t extend irresistible saving grace; that being the only means whereby they can believe the Gospel? How can Christ be said by Scripture to be truly the “Savior of the World” when Calvinists claim a number of those needing saving are precluded by God’s prior decree?

    This is the very real and disturbing portrait that some have unavoidably painted with respect to God. In a futile attempt to salvage some self-respect for the rescuer, some may object to this analogy and say the man at the bottom of a well is a corpse and therefore cannot react to the rope. But I remind you, the salient point of this illustration had nothing to do with grabbing the rope, now did it? Rather it was a valid commentary about the character of the self-proclaimed rescuer who intentionally held the rope so high above the man that it becomes obvious to rational observers that he who claimed to love people and want to rescue them wasn’t really sincere in his pleadings to the lost and had no intention of impartially saving the man from his plight. And if the rescuer had no intention to save the man, why does he mock and chide him for failing to grab the rope while continuing to hold it far beyond his reach? By any reasonable standard of moral discernment, the so-called rescuer is an insincere, conceited, and morally reprehensible person. But apparently strict Calvinists are willing to excuse such behavior which they ascribe to God and not excuse it when practiced by man.

  • 179 RedPepper // Apr 30, 2008 at 9:20 pm

    The Obama/Wright dustup has a creepy, train-wreck quality to it.

    Jeremiah, the abusive father-figure … the false Prophet.
    Disrespectful whelp ! Traitor !

    Barak, the ungrateful orphan … the Unfaithful Servant.
    I could’a been a contender ! You’re destroying me, you ego-maniac !

    And the real irony is … one of the reasons they preferred Obama to Hillary in the first place was because they were tired of the Clintons’ endless, soap-operatic psychodrama.

    Be careful what you wish for …

  • 180 Fred Sinclair // Apr 30, 2008 at 10:41 pm

    One more time:

    God only holds one (1) sin as being “Unforgivable” that being the sin of dying, having rejected the nudging of His Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost) to accept the sacrifice of His Son as payment for sin.

    Since I’m obviously neither God nor Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, not to omit the mention of Senator B. Hussein Obama; the latter two of which hold the only unforgivable sin is failure to vote for them.

    So I, personally hold only one (1) matter as being unforgivable, that being stupid. Stupid can get you dead. Stupid can sometimes get you real dead, real quick. Stupid causes you to drink and drive. Stupid can cause you to get STD’s.

    Stupid, however, will never cause you to vote liberal. (that action is due to a genetic defect causing mental derangement). No, Reagan said rightly “Liberals aren’t stupid, it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

    Abortion and homosexuality are contra-survival and therefore stupid. Raising taxes is stupid with a 100% failure rate. It’s the death knell to any economy. Not having hard, enforceable borders is stupid, it’s how a non-country is created. Entitlement programs are stupid, being financed with other people’s money. A small, weak military is stupid and anyone who has to ask why? is stupid.

    I can forgive anything except stupid.

    Voting for liberals, socialists, communists or fascists is stupid, even though they mostly aren’t stupid.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 181 Maggie // May 1, 2008 at 4:35 am

    Up North,

    Mission accomplished as to your email.

    To answer # 162,one did not need to get too close to El Stinko to smell him.The trouble was, he was a very spoiled 'kid' and loved to be around people.

    He reminds me of Peppe La'Peu.(I realize this is grossly misspelled.)

  • 182 Fred Sinclair // May 1, 2008 at 5:34 am

    Darthmeister #178 (178? Whew!)
    I read your response to Libby Gone (I love that name “Lib-b-gone”)
    Your response is well reasoned (I read it twice) but I couldn’t help thinking “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” (Prov. 16:25) and what you said seems right.

    Ezek. 18:29 Yet saith the house of Israel, The way of the Lord is not equal. O house of Israel, are not my ways equal? are not your ways unequal?

    I admit that Gods treatment of Jericho in my human eyes was unduly harsh, in that every living thing was destroyed “They utterly destroyed everything in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox and sheep and donkey, with the edge of the sword.” (Josh. 6:21)

    Except of course for Rahab & her family and possessions. - “And Joshua saved Rahab the harlot alive, and her father’s household, and all that she had; and she dwelleth in Israel even unto this day; because she hid the messengers, which Joshua sent to spy out Jericho.” (Josh. 6:25)

    Joshua conquered all of Canaan and divided it among the twelve tribes of Israel. Whole cities were destroyed, not just the military but butchers, bakers and candlestick makers, wives, mothers and the girl next door.

    If God has decided by way of predestination who He wants to spend eternity with in heaven, I for one, will not presume to try and tell Him what He can and cannot do “Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.” (Rom. 8:30) - “(of God) destine (someone) for a particular fate or purpose.”

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 183 mig // May 1, 2008 at 5:54 am

    If it takes Obama 20 years to notice that his pastor is a traitorous, racist nut-job, it will probably take him his full term of office to realize that the U.S. has been invaded and subdued by al-Qaida. Let’s just hope President Obama pays closer attention during national security briefings than he did during 20 years of the Rev. Wright’s church services.-Anne Coulter

  • 184 JamesonLewis3rd // May 1, 2008 at 6:00 am

    I hereby predict that Wright will regret his recent attention-grabbing.

    I assume there are more than a few people out there digging deep for dirt (following the precious metals and real estate).

    Based upon my knowledge of smug, arrogant misanthropes, I will not be surprised if they (the diggers) find themselves knee-deep in some smelly slime.

    For example, the snide specter of puppet master Fariekan as it looms ominously all through this storyline, suggests something sinister is afoot.

    Query: How many citizens of the USA are Africans?

  • 185 Darthmeister // May 1, 2008 at 6:22 am

    You gotta love it. Messiah Obama has now thoroughly condemned the not so good “Reverend” Wright without specifying what it is he’s actually condemning! And Obama promises to bring transparency and change to America? Buwahahahahaha. It’s the SSDD with Obamessiah.

    Obama still can’t erase the fact that he sat for twenty years in this nutbag’s “church” and now he wants us to believe - actually, he wants his mind-numbed cult followers to believe - that he never, ever heard a naughty conspiracy theory or an un-American rant from the race hustler “Reverend” Wright. And his poisonous bile wasn’t merely something overheard in a private conservation but spewed from the very pulpit of his church.

    Yeah, go sell you snake oil somewhere else, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama. And this is the guy who wants to change America when he can’t even change the “church” he was a member of for twenty years? Truly informed Americans aren’t buying your excuses anymore, sir.

  • 186 JamesonLewis3rd // May 1, 2008 at 6:30 am

    BO’s 20-year relationship with Wright speaks volumes on dozens of topics and on many levels, no doubt. On one level, it is a prime example of a lack of a one-on-One study of the Bible—he took a heretic’s word for what God’s Word says and didn’t know the difference.

    To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
    ~~John 8:31-32 (emphasis added)

  • 187 Fred Sinclair // May 1, 2008 at 6:36 am

    mig #182 - Good Quote - Today, May 1st, 2008 is our National Day of Prayer. I believe God places in charge who He wants and no I didn’t even get a memo about Carter, but perhaps God saw that America needed a Jimmy Carter to turn the people’s hearts and He gave us Ronald Reagan.

    It may be that we need a Democrat for four years to get a Jim Inhofe and/or Duncan Hunter, but, in any case we are exhorted to pray for those in charge, as well as for those who despitefully “use” us.

    So today (as with all days) we can pray for President Bush and whomsoever will take his place next January.

    I also pray for Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid etc., etc. I am reminded of Slave ship Captain John Newton, the author of the lyrics to Amazing Grace and speculate as to the Drive by Media’s spin should one of our leading Liberals accept Christ and as in Rom. 6:4, experience an altered lifestyle, naturally becoming a hard core Conservative.

    Ultra liberal (former Canadian) Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm just had emergency surgery and I’m praying God will keep her safe as she heals and recuperates.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 188 RedPepper // May 1, 2008 at 6:52 am

    Meanwhile, let’s not allow the Pastor Disaster to distract us from Obama’s other buddies …

    I still recall, as though it were a dream, thinking that someone was lifting and dropping my bed as the explosions jolted me awake, and I remember my mother pulling me from the tangle of sheets and running to the kitchen where my father stood. Through the large windows overlooking the yard, all we could see was the bright glow of flames below. We didn’t leave our burning house for fear of who might be waiting outside. The same night, bombs were thrown at a police car in Manhattan and two military recruiting stations in Brooklyn. Sunlight, the next morning, revealed three sentences of blood-red graffiti on our sidewalk: Free the Panther 21; The Viet Cong have won; Kill the pigs.

    Read the rest here .

  • 189 Libby Gone // May 1, 2008 at 9:27 am

    Darth #178,
    Very well articulated. I acknowledged misuse of the term “Calvinistic”. My point simply was the mindset of said individuals who assume they are “Saved”, and not going to be held accountable for sins they knowingly commit. (Fred mentioned CINO, which is a much more accurate desciption of the individuals I speak of.) I understand we all are sinful by nature, even from conception, yet do not rest on the laurel of Jesus Christ. I can not fathom the audacity of an individual who believes his/her salvation (or condemnation , highway to hell types) is a done deal. This misuse of Gods gift is, to me, tantamount to committing unforgivable sin.
    Your explanation on first and second read seems to be in line with my thoughts.
    Personally I live my faith one moment at a time, conscious that every decision is one that must stand the scrutiny of the Almighty. When I am mistaken I promptly admit it and seek Gods forgiveness and plan for resolution. As we rejoice when one who has fallen from faith returns at the last moment, I also fear the opposite. I believe a soul can be condemned even on the deathbed, yes even the lifelong pious.
    So while I obviously do not know the intricacies of “Calvinism”, I certainly know it is not in line with my faith. This is not an attack on the faith of anyone, Calvinist or not. It is simply my opinion.
    Nor do I subscribe to Homerism.
    Having the right ‘To worship God in my own private way, praying like hell on my deathbed’
    -Homer Simpson

  • 190 Libby Gone // May 1, 2008 at 9:44 am

    Premier Granholm had to undergo Emergency surgery to address a blockage in her bowel. I have to assume it was her own Cranium.

  • 191 JamesonLewis3rd // May 1, 2008 at 10:03 am

    My $0.02:

    Jesus did not say, “You must be born again over and over again every nano-second and hope that you don’t die in between.”

    No one has ever said that so-called “Calvinism” is a license to sin (except those who do not believe in the efficacy of the Blood of Jesus).

  • 192 mindknumbed kid // May 1, 2008 at 4:58 pm

    My $o.o1 - God has a judicial system by which he governs the universe, therefore if he were to disallow one person the opportunity to accept the sacrifice of Christ as payment for his sin, he would have a legitimate legal argument against God. Even God’s absolute sovereignty does not permit him to be unjust, and it is not his nature to do so. When he said “all” he meant all, when he said “whosoever” he meant whosoever, when he said that he is not willing that “any” should perish, he meant any.
    But I think it is incredibly stupid to waste time arguing the different views, all the while the eyes of the world are watching, their ears are listening, and they want no part of “religion” as they see it in the world of “Christians”. As one of the greatest teachers I’ve ever known often says, “you are free to disagree with me if you want, you have every right to be wrong.” It is our adversary that benefits when we decide to spend our days fighting one another, instead of following the leading of the Holy Spirit in a pure effort to fulfill the great commission.

  • 193 JamesonLewis3rd // May 1, 2008 at 6:08 pm

    While I suppose there are many out there “arguing the different views,” there are those, such as myself, who don’t argue but simply point to the Truth.
    I am duty-bound, as a Christian (especially considering the Worldwide Eyeballs), to do whatever I can, whenever I can, to counter mistaken perceptions of God’s Word and/or outright lies and/or distortions.
    I never rely on my own personal “view” or “take” (nor opinions of commentators) on the Word of God in my comments and I strive to include relevant links whenever possible. I am always ready to delve deeper into a topic—that’s why I built that blog—I’m not sure it’s polite to hog Scott’s blog with lengthy off-topic stuff.
    I contend, though, that such discussions are crucial; now, more than ever.

  • 194 mindknumbed kid // May 1, 2008 at 8:16 pm

    If it is error that makes the difference between being saved and being lost, then I agree. There are some that are just born to argue and they are not about to give an inch on their position. Sort of like the trolls on here, they bait us into their web, but they will never listen to sound doctrine, when you “win” the debate they take a long break and then reemerge spouting their same old drivel. We know better than to go there, but sometimes we get drawn in sometimes.

  • 195 mindknumbed kid // May 1, 2008 at 8:17 pm

    move it!

  • 196 mindknumbed kid // May 1, 2008 at 8:19 pm


  • 197 JamesonLewis3rd // May 2, 2008 at 4:31 am


    There is no “if” in the Word of Almighty God:

    In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."

    ~~John 3:3

    Nothing iffy about that—it's, like, the opposite of iffy.

  • 198 mindknumbed kid // May 2, 2008 at 5:00 pm

    The Word is cut and dried about that, and it declares that we can be saved and know that we have a place reserved in Heaven! Good to know that it isn’t up to me to keep myself in the good favor of the Almighty. I just blew it big time, as I came home from work I noticed two black and whites at the neighbor’s house. I knew they would be coming my way and that I really didn’t have time to chat, sure enough in just a couple of minutes there was a knock at my door, and they commenced to twlling me about the “good news”, there is a prophet of God alive on the earth, hallelujah. Well, I am normally polite, but I was a mean old grouch and told the that they were full of carp, and closed my door. They left. I guess I wasn’t interested in chatting, it has been a long hard week for me, but I still feel badly about my behavior, it isn’t my norm. I wish I had told them that as a Christian I have the indwelling Holy Spirit of God to guide me, I have no need of a “prophet”, thank you.

  • 199 mindknumbed kid // May 2, 2008 at 5:36 pm


  • 200 mindknumbed kid // May 2, 2008 at 5:39 pm

    If does exist in cyberland…

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