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Rev. Wright: Big Oil Attacked Because It's Black

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 55 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2008-04-02) — The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, retired pastor to Sen. Barack Obama, said today that politicians “are getting after Big Oil because it’s black,” noting that “you don’t hear nobody talking smack like that on Big Milk.”

The Rev. Wright said he came out of seclusion to make the remarks out of concern that substantive presidential campaign issues like energy policy might push discussion of America’s racial divisions out of the headlines.

“Milk now costs an average of $3.70 per gallon,” said the Rev. Wright, “while gasoline is still less than $3.30 at the pump, and yet oil gets blamed for all our problems, from global warming to the war in Iraq. People say it’s slimy, dirty, toxic…but you don’t hear them dissin’ milk like that.”

The former pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago asked rhetorically, “Why don’t we see posters of Brooke Shields or Mariska Hargitay sporting an oil mustache? I rest my case.”

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55 responses so far ↓

  • 1 camojack // Apr 2, 2008 at 5:39 am

    Black humor?

  • 2 debass // Apr 2, 2008 at 5:48 am

    He may have a point. Tobacco is brown. Transfat is yellow.
    Guns are black.
    Funny stuff, Scott.

  • 3 debass // Apr 2, 2008 at 5:49 am

    God Bless America.

  • 4 onlineanalyst // Apr 2, 2008 at 6:41 am

    It’s about time the Rev. got off the honky, white bread cliche. It was so ’60’s…

    Big Earl: the whipping boy that politiicians love to scorn by attacking capitalist profit-making in otder to divert attention from their far-bigger cut in taxes that bleed the consumer and take away our energy.

  • 5 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 2, 2008 at 7:08 am

    The position that “punishing” oil companies is a Good Thing is utterly puerile and, quite possibly, clinically insane.
    ~~Unanimous Consensus of JL3rd

    Imagine NASCAR running on refined Whale Oil products.
    On second thought…..
    I just gave myself the heebie-jeebies.
    ’Nuff said.
    Thank you

  • 6 woodnwheel // Apr 2, 2008 at 8:13 am

    OLA: I will definitely try to watch that video in the coming days. Have you seen "Fitna"? How does it compare?

    ol' Buckingham - The next target of the Islamofascists, after the White House. (Note: The MEMRI video is from al-Aqsa, Hamas' TV station in Gaza - the program aired on Sunday.)

  • 7 boberinyetagain // Apr 2, 2008 at 7:15 am

    But what if I want my “Texas tea” with milk?

    I can hear Stevie Wonder warming up…Ebony and Ivory…together in my cup of Texas Tea…

    elite gillette…a special razor for that special person

  • 8 Hawkeye // Apr 2, 2008 at 7:41 am

    People say it’s slimy, dirty, toxic

    Is this a reference to JW’s rhetoric?

  • 9 Ms RightWing, Ink // Apr 2, 2008 at 7:50 am

    I will take 14 gallons of high octane milk please. Sorry, my kids won’t run on the standard grade milk.

  • 10 mig // Apr 2, 2008 at 7:56 am

    I’ve seen dealers of that Black Oil on street corners.

  • 11 Libby Gone // Apr 2, 2008 at 8:16 am

    It’s “The Man” who has got us addicted to that POISON!
    wv: revenues had, how appropriate!

  • 12 boberinyetagain // Apr 2, 2008 at 8:31 am

    For years I’ve been grateful that my car doesn’t run on milk. That thought has kept the price of gas in perspective.
    Especially given that gas strikes me as a fair bit more costly to get out of the ground, ship across the ocean, refine it then ship it to the station whereas cows eat grass and just about explode if you don’t drain them regularly and they are quite nearby. It always amazed me.
    Not unlike deisel fuel being much more expensive than gas. it’s the same stuff as heating oil (interchangable) and both are “refined” about 5 steps less than gasoline. Doesn’t make much sense, seems it should be the same or even less but it isn’t…ah the mysteries of life!

    haphazard north…as opposed to the well organized south I guess!

  • 13 “Rev. Wright: Big Oil Attacked Because It’s Black”… at Amused Cynic // Apr 2, 2008 at 8:33 am

    [...] Scrappleface is at it again. How does he do it? More importantly: does he have a dojo somewhere, where I can wear saffron robes like David Carradine, and learn from an Interninja master? (2008-04-02) — The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, retired pastor to Sen. Barack Obama, said today that politicians “are getting after Big Oil because it’s black,” noting that “you don’t hear nobody talking smack like that on Big Milk.”[…] The former pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago asked rhetorically, “Why don’t we see posters of Brooke Shields or Mariska Hargitay sporting an oil mustache? I rest my case.” [...]

  • 14 Libby Gone // Apr 2, 2008 at 8:35 am

    Anyone see a Pierce Arrow that Nikola Tesla left laying around? Word is he took out the gas engine and replaced it with an AC motor that ran on energy obtained thru the ether. Gots to gets me one of those!

  • 15 boberinyetagain // Apr 2, 2008 at 8:39 am

    Libby, does that fuel come from the ether bunny? Just curious… :)

    celtics ner…what else would they do?

  • 16 sojourner // Apr 2, 2008 at 8:46 am

    Scott, I would say that was brilliant satire, but first I need to find out what color you are. I’d hate to inadvertently encourage someone of the wrong color.

  • 17 Libby Gone // Apr 2, 2008 at 8:57 am

    you need to address that lisp. lol.
    Tesla had a plan to provide electricity worldwide to anyone with a reciever and a ground rod, much like a crystal radio. Based on his experiments, especially in Colorado it was completely plausible (seems everything he tried worked) .He also would have superimposed data in the form of a world wide web, back in 1900! JP Morgan pulled the financing when he discovered there was no provision for a “meter” to charge for usage!

  • 18 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 2, 2008 at 9:10 am

    ¯Imagine there’s no Plastic (made from Hydrocarbon), it’s not easy if you try…..

  • 19 Maggie // Apr 2, 2008 at 9:11 am

    Brooke and Mariska may not have an oil slick mustache, but Al Gore sports an ‘oil’ slick on his hair.

    ot: Mig, email sent.l

  • 20 onlineanalyst // Apr 2, 2008 at 9:41 am

    Typically, I was late to yesterday’s chat fest and managed to shut down the conversation fairly early in the evening, but check out the link that I provided. It’s an education about what the West needs to know about iSlam.

    WV: sissippi the- The rest was muddied.

  • 21 boberinyetagain // Apr 2, 2008 at 9:50 am

    Libby, Tesla was indeed on to many good ideas, most all of which were killed by “evil big business”. Free electricity was but one of many and there are many scam artists around that claim to have figured his work out but unfortunately they haven’t really.
    Kind of like a local Philly boy, Steven Girard. He was a millionaire back when a million was some serious coin. He founded a school (still existing) for poor children and wrote a will to sustain it. “The man” had to go to court to have his will voided because, the way it was written the estate would now own America and several other countries. Genius is always mocked, lucky they are a plucky bunch!

    extensive lowell…one can never have too much lowell, can one?

  • 22 mindknumbed kid // Apr 2, 2008 at 11:11 am

    As an employee of Big Milk, I must admit he may have a point here. Got oil?

    Gasoline has always been more expensive than diesel fuel, but for nearly a year that has not been the case.Here in Whyoming it is 80+ cents a gallon higher. This really makes the cost of everything increase due to higher transportation costs. The only reason I can see for the change in diesel vs gasoline pricing is a new mandate from the government calling for low sulfur diesel fuel, could All Gore be to blame?
    I too am not happy that the oil companies are making record profits when we are paying through the nose, but I contend that ALL companies and even our good friends in D.C. run everything on a percentage basis. So if an apple costs the seller 10 cents and he wants a profit margin of 10%, he sells them for 11 cents, but if the apple gets up yo a cost of 40 cents, a 10% profit margin would rise to 44 cents, now his profits are 4X the original amount.But it is still a 10% margin! That is what I think is going on with Big Oil today, but some use it as a way to demonize and change capitalism.

  • 23 mindknumbed kid // Apr 2, 2008 at 11:27 am

    OLA - that is a good link that we ought to all use to learn what we are facing. Even we who know it already need to be reminded to avoid becoming complacent. Ireally think America is thinking it isn’t a big deal, we can ignore it because of who we are, but if people don’t wake up America will no longer be what it is and was. Hard for the average joe to fathom as he/she takes it all for granted. I spent last night forwarding links to friends that are too busy with their day to day to pay this stuff much attention, good people who care, but like we all tend to get, too busy. What if the founding fathers had been “too busy” or if Christ had been “too busy”, where would that leave us all?

  • 24 onlineanalyst // Apr 2, 2008 at 1:03 pm

    wnw: I watched Fitna when it was first released by LiveLeak from a link at HotAir (Lots of good threads there). Wilder’s brief video has nothing in it that we all are not aware of, but the side-by-side surahs of the Koran juxtaposed with assorted atrocities done in the name of Allah are quite compelling. It’s been a while since many of us have seen the footage of burning bodies dropping from the WTC. Inflammatory words by irate imams leave no doubt about iSlam’s intent against the West in this video either.

    The whole thing is presented with a classical music sound track, which adds to the irony. Western art, music, and literature are under attack by European Muslims, according to the late Oriana Fallaci. Even the foods, much less the dress, associated with European countries are being challenged.

    Re gas prices, this little tidbit was posted by a commenter at freerepublic this morning:

    Government makes more money on Petroleum than the oil industry does.
    How can they claim companies that pay more in taxes than any other industry are subsidized by the government?
    ExxonMobil 2007
    Revenue $404.6 Billion
    Profit $40.6 Billion (10.0%)
    Taxes $102.5 Billion (25.3%)
    Sales-Based taxes $31.728B
    Other taxes and duties $40.953B
    Income taxes $29.864B
    2007 Financial & Operating Review
    Page 16
    - - - - - - - - -
    ConocoPhillips 2007
    Revenue $194.5 Billion
    Profit $11.9 Billion (6.1%)
    Taxes $30.4 Billion (15.6%)
    Taxes other than income taxes $18.990B
    Income taxes $11.891B
    2007 Annual Report
    Page 60
    - - - - - - - - -
    Chevron 2007
    Revenue $220.9 Billion
    Profit $18.7 Billion (8.5%)
    Taxes $35.7 Billion (16.2%)
    Taxes other than income taxes $22.266B
    Income taxes $13.479B
    2007 Annual Report Supplement
    Page 3

    The peculiar irony missed by most consumers and cultivated by our legislatures is that the government plays a very huge role in the cost of our energy. Government taxes at all levels take a bigger chunk out of the revenues of these commodoties than do the profits, which go back into R and D and shareholders anyway. The taxes are passed along to the consumer, and the legislatures are free to go on the attack, supposedly in our name.

    Many pension programs are invested in the energy sector, including Big Earl. Do people want to jeopardize their own future golden egg?

  • 25 prettyold // Apr 2, 2008 at 2:08 pm

    What color is Snake Oil? Unreverent Wright seems to have made a tidy fortune selling it,and he didn’t have to pay taxes on it.
    I’d like to know how to buy some some shares. Let’s see, 1,600,000 + 10,ooo,ooo=
    Gettin’ close to talkin’ bout some real money ,here.

    Hemphill shorts What the owner of the hill wears to harvest his crop.

  • 26 Rev. Wright: Big Oil Attacked Because It’s Black : “7.62mm Justice” â„¢ // Apr 2, 2008 at 2:09 pm

    [...] the rest here: Sphere: Related [...]

  • 27 Rev. Wright: Big Oil Attacked Because It’s Black « PA Pundits // Apr 2, 2008 at 2:09 pm

    [...] Rev. Wright: Big Oil Attacked Because It's BlackiTunes Rival iSlam to Offer Muslim-Friendly FareHillary Clinton Quits White House Race, Endorses [...]

  • 28 prettyold // Apr 2, 2008 at 2:14 pm

    OLA #24 What’s terribly frightening about your figures is both Obama and Hillary plan a big tax increase on oil sold at the pump. Our state dem Governor is talking of a $.50 agallon increase ,just in our state . To make people conserve more ,doncha know.This is the “Change ” Obama is talking about.

    without Drivers Our Highways in the near future.

  • 29 boberinyetagain // Apr 2, 2008 at 2:42 pm

    Luckily our Muslims are distracted by things we all enjoy. My bet is that if everyone could have access to “the good life” then they’d be less inclined to blow themselves up. Heck, most of the SAUDIS that pulled off 9/11 went pretty much kicking and screaming, had changed their minds.

    Oil profits…all fine and well. but, why is it that when a barrel went to $111, gas went from $2.25 to $3.00 but when it goes back to $100/barrel the price of gas drops to $2.97? That’s the part that stings. But you are correct, a huge chunk of the cost is taxes. Apparently people enjoy driving on roads and such and it seems that those cost money.
    Try smoking if you really want to know about taxes. Us smokers are supposed to pay for just about everything. A pack of smokes still costs about $.50 cents to make but $6 at the store. Then they ban smoking everywhere and wonder where the revenue went. Then they raise the taxes some more. Government in action!

  • 30 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 2, 2008 at 4:03 pm

    Some pungent BO

    “There’s not only a chance (that he’ll have one built), but it’s a guarantee,” Obama said Monday on WFNI 1070 The Fan.

    can be absolutely hilarious at times.

  • 31 JamesonLewis3rd // Apr 2, 2008 at 4:41 pm

    Snake Oil is often the color of the snake from which the excretion is derived—see, they hook these itty-bitty suction machines up to them, then they hook these electrodes up to them, then this guy named “Renfield” throws a great big switch, then…..

  • 32 onlineanalyst // Apr 2, 2008 at 4:54 pm

    I think that I’m going to hurl. Seriously, when are the children going to leave the stage? This is all too “magical” for me.

    WV: certain Recipes- Maybe the Goracle and Obamalama can share some from their misspent youths.

  • 33 gafisher // Apr 2, 2008 at 5:44 pm

    Bober Re#20: “He was a millionaire back when a million was some serious coin.

    My wife is pretty thrifty; I’ll bet she could make a million last quite a while. I’m willing to back that up if anyone wants to fund the experiment. :lol:

    wv - Three-Mile faded - Not enough to resurrect our best energy alternative.

  • 34 gafisher // Apr 2, 2008 at 5:56 pm

    There’s a new Hillary Ad, this time touting her economic expertise.

    Goes something like -

    It’s 3AM and there’s a light on at the Rose Law Firm. Someone’s working late at Whitewater Development. Norman Hsu and Charlie Tree are in L.A. There’s a big cattle futures deal going down in Chicago, and someone’s put a SOLD sign on San Diego.

    If the phone rings at the White House, wouldn’t it be a relief if Hillary answered?

    Remember, it could be worse.
    Vote Hillary. Keep her where we can see her.

  • 35 Possumtrot // Apr 2, 2008 at 6:12 pm

    I have some ex-wives who can steal every one of you chumps blind.

    I’m trying for the third time to post something new. I made some cute remarks about being stalled in Atlanta traffic, and seeing “Mountaineer”, “Ranger”, and “Avalanche” on respective SUVs. They suggested a novel without a storyline.

    I’m not going to be cute this time through. Any time I want to deal with “racial issues” in America, I have to look no further than Harris Faulkner of FOX News.

    This is an intelligent black woman with a profoundly telegenic presence. The “playing field” is level. “Bull” Conners is dead.

    I have a “racial issue”.

    Why can’t we have a decent black candidate for President? Not all of us are “poisoned” with the racism Reverend Wright screeches about. Nevertheless, who appointed Jesse Jackson or Osama Bamalama as “black leaders”?

    BTW, one thing that exalted me. Another reference to “Bamalama”. I am not the only one calling the Manchurian candidate out for what he is.

    We may be overdue for a black president, but Osama Bamalama ain’t the man.

    Where’s Shirley Chisholm when we need her? (I think she died, but you get my point.)

  • 36 mindknumbed kid // Apr 2, 2008 at 6:38 pm

    Possum - I think Cleavon Little was the best sheriff Rock Springs ever had, I wonder if he would consider making a run? Whatever happened to that republican fellow, Alan Keyes? He would be a good choice, but he tends to talk a lot about God.

    I was thinking that there may be a reason that D.C. is such a rotten place, maybe we have failed to have a “prophet” to deliver God’s message? I was reading about the church the Clinton’s were attending and if that is all we have in the nation’s capitol we are really in deep doo-doo. I ain’t never been there, but I suspect there is not a lot of “hard preaching” close to the White House, I could be wrong though…

  • 37 onlineanalyst // Apr 2, 2008 at 7:18 pm

    Say it isn’t so! The Rev. Wright lives in a Marxist McMansion. How is he ever to blend in?

    WV: utes jacket — What the Western tribe wore when the weather became brisk.

  • 38 Possumtrot // Apr 2, 2008 at 7:30 pm

    I saw that movie, MNK. It seemed to be about an actor who couldn’t even drive, committing suicide in a Dodge Challenger. Barry Newman admitted he couldn’t even drive, and they don’t make Challengers anymore.

    It was highly entertaining. I wanted to go out and race my 427 Ford as fast as it would go. I later had a friend who owned a Challenger, and that 426 Hemi was the fastest thing I ever saw.

    And before I get challenged, yes, Ford made a 427. They put a limited few into stock cars, so they could run them on the NASCAR circuit.

  • 39 Possumtrot // Apr 2, 2008 at 7:44 pm

    By the way, that Ford 427 would cut 120 in a heartbeat. The only thing faster I ever saw was a 428 Torino on a run to Florida; I was never so scared in my life.

    I take that back. I once rode shotgun in a V-12 Jaguar. Michael didn’t play fair; he pulled over for a Florida CHP. I asked him what he was doing; “It’s a cop, I have to pull over.” We were only doing about 160 at the time. He took the ticket.

  • 40 Possumtrot // Apr 2, 2008 at 7:52 pm

    And the last part of the story: I bought a Corvette with a 400 horsepower engine. It sucked gas like a vampire, but it got me to work on time.

    What’s all this “green” stuff? I like big, loud, noisy engines that drink gasoline. If I can’t pay for it, I can’t afford it.

  • 41 Fred Sinclair // Apr 2, 2008 at 8:44 pm

    As much as I liked the 1965 Dodge Coronet 500 with it’s 426 Hemi; This new Bugatti’s Veyron is the world’s most expensive and powerful production car ever. At $1.3 million, it boasts a 8.0L quad-turbo W16 engine that produces 1000+hp and 927 ft. lb torque — rocketing the vehicle from 0-60 mph in just 2.4 seconds. To keep the engine cool, it sports ten (10) radiators (whew)!

    I have a video of it on the road, I couldn’t help but be reminded of the Roadrunner cartoons. Oh, to be a young man again (with an extra $1.3 M) the very stuff of which dreams are made. But then again our roads weren’t designed for 300 mph cars. So I’d just end up killing myself - but what a way to go! (control knobs on the dash are hand machined at a cost of $4,000.00 each.)

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 42 prettyold // Apr 2, 2008 at 9:10 pm

    I think any sort of Auto races will soon be a thing of the past.Nascar, Indy 500 ,Saturday night Stockcar.Too much Poison in the air. Monster Carbon footprints across the Country.Algore will need the credits to fly all over the world.
    It won’t matter that many of our advances in cars,and in safety have come about from racecars. All the folks who make their livings by building these cars, and the ones who work at the Tracks will be availablefor jobs.
    Be hard to say whether the Elite will allow Horse racing . The Uppah Clahss are a little more into Horses.But there is all the flatulence and the trucks used to pull the horsevans. Oh and the Horses have flatulence ,too.

  • 43 Possumtrot // Apr 2, 2008 at 9:46 pm

    Remeber the old orange cars with the extended spoilers? I don’t even remember what they were called, but they were fast. It was a Dodge product, and when I took one for a test drive, I ripped the Hurst shifter out of the floor. It was a cheap piece of work.

    The Dodge Dakota held together a lot better in ‘89, and the ‘Vette held together and got me in a lot more trouble from ‘78 to ‘02.

    I don’t know what I’d do with a million-dollar sports car. I’d probably beat some idiot to death if he dented it in a parking lot.

    I liked the Corvette. I wish I still had it, but as I warned y’all, I have ex-wives who’ll steal you blind before you know what’s happened.

  • 44 Ms RightWing, Ink // Apr 2, 2008 at 10:23 pm

    The Orange cars were the Dodge Daytonas made in 1969 and 1970 in Hamtrack, Michigan. The usually came with a 426 hemi or a 440 Magnum or a 440 six pack.

    Dodge made a limited edition to run NASCAR ( and they were very successful) This Dodge was the first car to break the 200 mph limit, by Buddy Baker on March 24, 1970.

    In 1970 Chrysler also built the Plymouth Super Bird (yellow) it to came with a 426 or 440 engine.

    Chrysler discontinued the car because the prospective buyers thought they were to ugly.

    $4000.00 cash could have bought you one of the gems which sell for a fortune at the Jackson Barrett car auctions

  • 45 Ms RightWing, Ink // Apr 2, 2008 at 10:34 pm

    P.S. The Ford 427’s were prevented from racing against Dodge Hemi’s because of changes in NASCAR rulings. Ford used all the surplus engines by dumping them into Mustangs and Carl Shelby’s Cobra also used the 427’s

    Sorry, guess a gal shouldn’t know all of that stuff-and I’m not even a redneck

  • 46 Possumtrot // Apr 2, 2008 at 10:49 pm

    Super Birds! That was what I was trying to think of!

    It was an incredibly ugly car, but faster than the wind.

    It was also incredibly cheap. I really did rip the Hurst 4-speed out of the floor. The Charger in “Bullit” was much better built.

    Did you mean Hamtramic, Michigan? I married a Michigander. I don’t know that I have the spelling correct, but I know an infinite number of Polish jokes that relate to that town.

    I also owned a Chevy built in Motown. It was one of the fastest things on the road; I called it “The Gray Ghost” after John Singleton Mosby, and I’m proud to brag today that I once caught a ticket for 120 in a 55 zone.

  • 47 Possumtrot // Apr 2, 2008 at 10:53 pm

    And I was just cruising. Imagine if I’d had the hammer down.

  • 48 Terry_Jim // Apr 2, 2008 at 11:16 pm

    The radio news blurbs I heard at the top of each hour during Congress’ flogging of Oil execs sickened me. What a bunch of lilliputian pansys those dems in Congress are.

    On the campaing trail, Obama wants to take their profits and, in the same statement promises to create 5,000,000 new jobs- in what, buggy whip manufacturing ???

    These morons (and Gore-ons) don’t REALLY want to live as their great-great-grandparents did, but don’t recognize that the use of ( all natural, from the heart of Mother Gaia) petroleum is the greatest factor in the advance of our standard of living these past 125 years.

    They would throw it all away in the name of “Green”.

    When did America fall through a wormhole into the “Atlas Shrugged” world run by greedy, sniveling, anti-capitalist, pinheads ?

    RE: cars , check out the ‘64 Galaxie with the 1000 hp rocket powered axle at

    It’s up for auction in May!

  • 49 Ms RightWing, Ink // Apr 3, 2008 at 12:01 am

    Oops, my poor editing. You are right on the Hammy, Mich. A thousand pardons

  • 50 Fred Sinclair // Apr 3, 2008 at 5:26 am

    Ann Coulter put another one out of the park this week. don’t miss it;

    Obama’s Dimestore ‘Mein Kampf’

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 51 Possumtrot // Apr 3, 2008 at 6:41 am

    Hey, Terry Jim, I haven’t slept all night. The sun’s up, and there’s lightning on the horizon. I’m going over my usual doom ‘n gloom scenarios. My house-builder friend reports that diesel fuel is $4.00 per gallon in Georgia. Iran is going to build a nuclear weapon, and use it somewhere, or lend it to their friends.

    Cheap Trick and Edgar Winter’s “Frankenstein” sound as fresh this dawn as they did 30 years ago.

    I used to raise quarter horses. I wish I had one to crawl upon these days. There’s nothing wrong with using a horse instead of an SUV, but I get your point. I live on a fixed income, and my propane bill went up over $100 in the past year. I get soaked by the gas company increasingly, and if I was intrepid enough to ask them why they’re doing it, they’d likely say something like “Because we can.”

    I got that confession from a gas company employee who quit in disgust last year. They will raise prices as high as the market will bear. Those of us who cringe every time the furnace cycles will just have to grin and bear it.

    Meanwhile, Steely Dan and Led Zeppelin sound pretty good at sunrise, too.

    I had an old grade quarter horse who used to follow me around the yard like a puppy. I wish I still had her. Osama Bamalama selling buggy-whips is the least of your worries. I plan on being dead and gone when he surrenders America up to the sacrificial knife of Islam, but on the offhand I’m still here, it ought to be amusing in a dark way.

    (The previous comment should not be construed as a racist pun. I see the dark side of every facet of life.)

  • 52 Possumtrot // Apr 3, 2008 at 6:53 am

    I’m amazed that posted. Great Scott, you need to do something about that Re-Captcha gizmo. I remembered Al Hrabosky, the wild Hungarian who played for the Atlanta Braves, but I had to take a WAG at the second word, and my eyes aren’t that bad yet.

    Somebody called me other day to ask if those boxes with the bizarre words were going to download a virus onto her computer. I explained that they’re actually on the side of the angels and how they work, but when I have to start taking wild guesses at what the word of the moment is, I think we might need some improvement. I can read my monitor without my glasses, but when I start leaving nose-smudges from squinting at the verification words, it gets a bit frustrating.

  • 53 Possumtrot // Apr 3, 2008 at 7:00 am

    Is “vember” a real word? What about “Nec?” Oh, yeah, NEC is a company, and I own a Phillips TV. Maybe this will post, too.

  • 54 Fred Sinclair // Apr 3, 2008 at 8:28 pm

    Rush seems to feel that there are a large number of people who are “saying” that they will vote for Mr. B. Hussein Obama. but when they actually enter the voting booth, with it’s privacy, they will vote otherwise. The DNC is so anxious to be rid of HillBilly, Inc. and their Mafia type actions, that they are willing to throw Obama under the bus, to be free of them.

    Since McCain is pretty much a RINO they feel that they can live with him for four years. Or even eight, if need be.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 55 Have a laugh. Scrappleface. « The Bear Diaries // May 2, 2008 at 1:17 pm

    [...] by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 54 Comments [...]

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