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November 22, 2002

Nigerian Newspaper Corrects Statement About Mohammed

(2002-11-22) — The Nigerian newspaper This Day issued a correction of its previous statement that Mohammed, the founder of Islam, would have chosen a bride from among the Miss World contestants.
Here is the correction as it appeared in the newspaper:
“We regret our statement earlier this week that Mohammed would have chosen a bride from among the Miss World contestants. Upon further study of the life of the religious leader, we determined that he would have preferred to marry someone much younger than these women-since his favorite wife was Ayesha, who was six years old when he wed her.
“In addition, it is unlikely that Mohammed would have chosen just one bride from among the contestants, since he was married at least 11 times after his first wife died. The editors regret having printed such a poorly researched assertion.”

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  1. Nigerian Newspaper Corrects Statement About Mohammed

    ScrappleFace has this fairly unbalanced report on a correction of the controversial newspaper article that triggered the Nigerian riots.Here is

    Trackback by Cato the Youngest — November 25, 2002 @ 2:06 am

  2. Just A Minor Misunderstanding

    The Nigerian newspaper that unwittingly set off all that unpleasantness over the Miss World competition has seen the error of

    Trackback by Ipse Dixit — November 25, 2002 @ 4:42 pm

  3. Muhammed and Lenin – the similarities and the differences

    The way that the blogosphere in particular and West in general is slowly but surely focussing in on the all-too-human

    Trackback by — November 26, 2002 @ 1:08 pm

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