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Bush Orders 'Amnesty' for Foreign-Born McCain

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 149 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2008-02-28) — President George Bush today signed an executive order granting ‘amnesty’ to foreign-born Sen. John McCain, allowing the presumptive Republican nominee to bypass the Constitutional requirement that a president be a “natural born citizen.”

John Sidney McCain III was born in the Panama Canal zone when his Naval officer father was stationed there in 1936. The Supreme Court has never definitively interpreted the phrase “natural born”, but no person known to be born outside U.S. borders has ever been elected president.

Under President Bush’s order, Sen. McCain would be granted an immediate ‘P visa’ allowing him to remain in the U.S., with ‘guest candidate’ status, as he works toward full presidential eligibility.

“My compassion moves me to create a legal path to the presidency for my amigo, John McCain,” said Mr. Bush. “Of course, he’ll need to pay a $2,000 fine, but he already speaks English better than some recent presidents.”

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149 responses so far ↓

  • 1 SGT USMC 1ea // Feb 28, 2008 at 7:57 am


  • 2 boberinyetagain // Feb 28, 2008 at 8:05 am

    Priceless! But, no worries, he won’t make it anyway so our record should remain intact

    and contends…that “also” was cheating but “also” denies this in the strongest terms imaginable

  • 3 SGT USMC 1ea // Feb 28, 2008 at 8:12 am

    ?úýÐdøúûüýäj ust reading ever pinks thread on  ˆ‰Š‹ post and am amazed at how he can be so virulent being 70ish and so near to death without Christ and still be able „… deny the head knowledge he has of the only true path to salvatioin.

  • 4 SGT USMC 1ea // Feb 28, 2008 at 8:14 am

    Translators phew!

  • 5 onlineanalyst // Feb 28, 2008 at 8:15 am

    This is humorous on so many levels: the inclusion of McCain’s middle name, the designation of a P visa for his “amigo”, the implicit self-disparagement by W for his own mangling of the English language. Bravo!

    I guess that President Bush is all for “change”, too, as he executes this order to inject “hope” into the McCain bid.

  • 6 diamond jim // Feb 28, 2008 at 8:16 am

    Got #1 .


    Semper Fi.

  • 7 SGT USMC 1ea // Feb 28, 2008 at 8:19 am

    Translators smell good not- stink!

  • 8 onlineanalyst // Feb 28, 2008 at 8:25 am

    (Hey, boberin, take a look at my last entry on the prior thread. It’s time to take off the rose-colored glasses.

    Hang on to your wallet, fella. The Big O is planning to pickpocket you in the marketplace of honey-coated ideas. Or, to mix the metaphor further, Obama bin Hopin’ is blowing carbon-filled smoke in America’s eyes.)

    And good morning, too!

  • 9 SGT USMC 1ea // Feb 28, 2008 at 8:26 am

    Fine can read, I not write. See how started got.

  • 10 SGT USMC 1ea // Feb 28, 2008 at 8:30 am

    here PM 10:30-bed I go to. ÖÛú

  • 11 SGT USMC 1ea // Feb 28, 2008 at 8:32 am

    Japanese Characters nai even showing up.

  • 12 camojack // Feb 28, 2008 at 8:34 am

    But, but…in 1936, the Panama Canal Zone was sovereign U.S. territory!

    Oh, I get it; satire. :-)

  • 13 onlineanalyst // Feb 28, 2008 at 9:11 am

    Re #12: Heh! Jimmuh Catarrh (*spit*) must have foreseen the McCain threat to his own legacy of appeasement when he negotiated away the Panama Canal.

    WV: Midnight Bitter— Morning Better??

  • 14 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 28, 2008 at 9:11 am

    Will we soon have a president from Puerto Rico?

    McCain is so old Arizona was still a territory when he first ran as Senator

  • 15 diamond jim // Feb 28, 2008 at 9:20 am

    Willie Daniel Cunningham for president….write-in in Ohio.

  • 16 Kibi // Feb 28, 2008 at 9:33 am

    “but he already speaks English better than some recent presidents.”

    I think you’ll find that’s “betterer”

    You’re welcome

  • 17 RedPepper // Feb 28, 2008 at 9:38 am

    John Sidney McCain III ?!?

    Scott, are you subtly implying that he’s a closet Australian ?

    A pigmy ?

    /moon> That’s Racist !#*!

  • 18 Maggie // Feb 28, 2008 at 10:05 am

    Good Morning Scrapplers!

    I’ve just returned from a cruise in the Carribean and getting back into a routine.
    I now have to place my own napkin on my lap at dinner….. :>(

    John Sydney McCain’s mother did not have a C-section so that makes him a “natural born citizen”…..:>)
    (sorry about that)

  • 19 everthink // Feb 28, 2008 at 10:07 am

    SGT USMC 1ea,

    “?úýÐdøúûüýäj ust reading ever pinks thread …”

    Are you referring to me as “ever pink”?

    If so, you have me at an disadvantage. Every response I might make to you, makes me at least appear in the eyes of some here, disrespectful to your organization.

    Please, don’t shoot from a position, that makes me reluctant to return fire. Get a new handle, or go back to one you have already used.

    While we’re at it, I don’t understand Latin, either.

    Does the USMC have an official position on religion? Please, spare me the “double speak”!

    One dear old brother here recently demanded that I post here; “what I have done for the Lord lately”.

    I would never answer that, other than to say; it is very little compared to the ransom He paid for me.

    I have been a student of the scriptures from my youth. I dare say, I have committed to memory more Scripture, than many, if not most, here have ever read.

    Your foolish extrapolations, not withstanding, is it really for you to say I am without Christ?


  • 20 nylecoj // Feb 28, 2008 at 10:12 am

    Oh Maggie,
    #18 That is so funny.

    ET #19
    SGT has always been SGT

  • 21 RedPepper // Feb 28, 2008 at 10:49 am

    I guess that this just guarantees another Supreme Court case if McCain wins the ‘08 election - and years more of Dems saying that the President was “selected, not elected” after that (if he wins in SCOTUS, that is … )!

  • 22 boberinyetagain // Feb 28, 2008 at 10:51 am

    Maggie, I can relate to the shock that coming back from a cruise can cause. It’s real nice having good food available at any hour of the day or night, dinner of course being one of the highlights!

    longhorns repub…but of course, they are from Texas

  • 23 Maggie // Feb 28, 2008 at 10:54 am

    ET re#19,

    To quote you”Your foolish extrapolations.not withstanding,is it really for you to say” that you have memorized and read more scripture than any of us ?”

    Nylecoj re#@0

    Thank you but it was just plain pitiful… :>)

  • 24 Maggie // Feb 28, 2008 at 10:57 am


    It is so nice to have someone who understands my pain…. :>)

  • 25 boberinyetagain // Feb 28, 2008 at 11:09 am

    Oh I do indeed. I’ve only been on one cruise, had to be 10 years ago by now but I still rememeber distinctly waking up at home and wondering what was ready for breakfast and then remembering…oh yeah…I’d have to make it…RATS!
    But it’s a good pain, you had the fun!

    mr. viewer, beloved husband of mrs. viewer, went to meet his maker today…

  • 26 everthink // Feb 28, 2008 at 11:25 am


    “is it really for you to say” that you have memorized and read more scripture than any of us ?”

    “I dare say, I have committed to memory more Scripture, than many, if not most, here have ever read.”

    Note: Your “any of us” as opposed to my “many, if not most”.

    This stuff is not an accident here!


  • 27 everthink // Feb 28, 2008 at 11:36 am


    “SGT has always been SGT”.

    No, he has been “SGT USMC 1ea” for as long as I have been posting here, but my point is valid! It has always been valid. I would never post in the name of my organization, even if I were still a Military Police Corps Specialist in the SSU/EFD.


  • 28 boberinyetagain // Feb 28, 2008 at 11:40 am

    OLA, i did see your last entry on the last thread. Need I produce sources that acknolwedge that Al is now nearly totally rebuilt and ready to go due to our lack of attention in Afghani and the other prominent “stan”.
    Yep, we have made progress on a front where none was needed prior to our creating that need. NOW Iraq needs us but we’d have been far, far better served by going after those that actually harmed us rather than those that might have some day.
    Far better off…

    troduced parcels…no “intro” required

  • 29 da Bunny // Feb 28, 2008 at 11:42 am

    Amnesty for McShamnesty…brilliant, Scott! :lol:

    Welcome back, Maggie! We missed you!

  • 30 RedPepper // Feb 28, 2008 at 11:54 am

    Oh well.

    So much for Sen. McCain “solidifying his base”, “mending fences with conservatives”, and all that.

    Turmoil May Hurt McCain .

    And for the cherry on top, I learn that McCain’s Ohio campaign chair is none other than Mike DeWine!

    Someone please wake me for Thanksgiving …

  • 31 da Bunny // Feb 28, 2008 at 12:09 pm

    ola from previous thread, referring to Obama bin Hopin’:
    “Does that shallow nitwit want to turn the whole of America into the sorry pits of passive shiftlessness and poverty that Democrat-run cities have become?”

    Yes. Poor, dumbed-down people, in “dependency mode,” and with their hands out, are easier to control and retain power over than self-sufficient, independent people who don’t look to the government for their every need. The mind-numbed robots hanging on, or fainting over, The Obamanation’s every word are people who believe that the government should be there to serve their every need…for “free.” Problem is, nothing is “free,” and since the government produces nothing, and only has the money it garnishes from the wage-earning citizenry, those who do earn and produce face confiscatory taxes to support the “freebies” for the passively “shiftless.” And, it’s the goal of Obama, Hillary, et al to produce ever-increasing numbers of these shiftless, lazy losers in an effort to increase and retain their power over such. I know I’m “preaching to the choir” here…

  • 32 everthink // Feb 28, 2008 at 12:36 pm

    So true,

    I fainting twice yesterday during one Obamoration.


  • 33 RedPepper // Feb 28, 2008 at 12:47 pm

    Such is his towering moral vanity, he seems … to consider it … impossible for him to commit the offenses … that he incessantly ascribes to others.

    Such certitude is, however, not merely … unattractive …; (i)t is disturbing righteousness in someone grasping for presidential powers.

    Thank you, George , for pointing that out.

  • 34 boberinyetagain // Feb 28, 2008 at 12:58 pm

    Help me Obamywan Kenobe!

    hospital all!…hillarys wish for the nation?

  • 35 boberinyetagain // Feb 28, 2008 at 1:03 pm

    Obamywan should insist that Raul brush his teeth, wash his feet and change his socks prior to any visit.

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush on Thursday sharply criticized Democratic front-runner Barack Obama’s pledge to meet Cuban leader Raul Castro without preconditions, leaping squarely into the race to succeed him.

    mccormick time….sounds spicy!

  • 36 woodnwheel // Feb 28, 2008 at 1:07 pm

    RedPepper: click here

    Everyone else: Please ignore the above. It’s a long story.

    I do have one question for those who keep referring to the “ReCaptcha” thing as “wv”: What the heck does that stand for?

    Maggie: “John Sydney McCain’s mother did not have a C-section so that makes him a “natural born citizen”…..:>)”

    I was born by C-section — does that mean I can’t run for president? ;)

  • 37 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 28, 2008 at 1:53 pm

    The following is On Topic only as it relates to the word “Foreign” in the title of Scott’s thought-provoking post; otherwise, it has nothing to do with birthing, middle names or ill-fitting “turbans”:
    The other day, when The New York Philharmonic arrived in NK amid Intergalactic Fanfare, I wondered, “What kind of PR Stunt is this? I am relatively certain that no ‘regular’ NK person will be within miles of the concert (except as servants, of course), so, who is this for!?!
    Somebody blogged about it at American Thinker.
    Thank you

  • 38 RedPepper // Feb 28, 2008 at 1:56 pm

    woodnwheel: “wv”, I believe, is short for “word verification” - someone correct me if I’m wrong …

    F’rinstance - I just got “plane Mohammad”. (RedPepper is NOT making that up … )

  • 39 boberinyetagain // Feb 28, 2008 at 2:11 pm

    Jameson, and the NK papers ran the story about the concert on page 4. Page 1 was Kim’s sending flowers to Raul congratulating him on being “elected” pres in Cuba.
    What a thoughtful gesture…

    with heller…or without him, whatever works

  • 40 everpathetic // Feb 28, 2008 at 2:16 pm

    No doubt, fainting [see #32] from the odor of the continual load in his Depends, everthink feels he must vote Democrat in order to keep the government checks/services rolling in. Having been married for somewhere around five decades, give or take, he is an old man, now, and obviously suffering from some type of dementia. He cannot respond to well thought out posts or reasoned arguments with anything other than stupid, misspelled insults and inanities. He makes far-out claims about his past and his predecessors. Out of self-loathing he ridicules decent, intelligent people. He claims to be a Scriptural scholar…well, Satan can quote Scripture, too. He states that he is “not a liberal,” but he votes for candidates who support the murder of unborn innocents, support same-sex marriage, are anti-military, anti-God, pro-illegal immigrant’s “rights,” pro-higher taxes, anti-free speech for anyone not on the left, anti-anything conservative…if he’s “not a liberal,” he fakes it well. He’s “not a liberal,” but he needs the liberals to keep funnelling more and more of other people’s money to him, so he’ll sell what’s left of his birthright to vote Democrat. IOW, he’s a liar, a thief, and a hypocrite…but, he’s “not a liberal.”

  • 41 boberinyetagain // Feb 28, 2008 at 2:32 pm

    Brave observations from one who would remain anonymous

    was lighted…but now, not so much, now heavied?

  • 42 Libby Gone // Feb 28, 2008 at 2:43 pm

    I view ET as the Gravity beleaguered, Attractively challenged, little girl in 3rd grade who doesn’t get enough attention so she starts arguments just to get someone to acknowledge her existance. I am as guilty as most of falling for it. Poor thing, maybe she only needs a hug, and a makeover.
    WV: Twitty Taplin What Conway was doing with Loretta

  • 43 boberinyetagain // Feb 28, 2008 at 2:58 pm

    Libby, could be but even if so #40 seems just a tad harsh eh?

    pesos bar…well pardner, i’ll have me an extra large shot of them thar pesos i recon

  • 44 onlineanalyst // Feb 28, 2008 at 2:59 pm

    Obama!: The American Idol for America’s Idle

  • 45 gafisher // Feb 28, 2008 at 3:03 pm

    Ms RW Re#14: “McCain is so old Arizona was still a territory when he first ran as Senator.

    And thanks to those old Canal Zone history books, McCain’s pretty sure Arizona was a Mexican territory.

    I just found out the accidental folk singer Melanie turned 61 this month. She had a song McCain could use to identify himself to the illegals worried about being locked out at the border. I’m referring, of course, to “You’ve Got A Brand New Key.”

  • 46 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 28, 2008 at 3:03 pm

    Global Warming Update:

    “Akron was to lift its snow parking ban at noon today, but the February snow machine is not about to stop.

    The National Weather Service has forecast that the Akron area could receive another 3 to 7 inches of snow on Friday.

    Already, 23.2 inches of snow has fallen during the month, the second largest snowfall amount for February in recorded history at the Akron-Canton Airport.”

    And here I thought we could grow Pineapples. sigh

    wv: colon vio-ain’t going there

  • 47 onlineanalyst // Feb 28, 2008 at 3:05 pm

    woodnwheel: WV= word verification

    As far as your C-section is concerned, like Julius Caesar after whom the term was named, you have merely been “untimely ripped from the womb”. (H/T William Shakespeare)

  • 48 woodnwheel // Feb 28, 2008 at 3:36 pm

    Ms. Rightwing re. #46: I feel your pain — it’s in the 30s here in Hampton Roads, VA, but I’m sorry to say, no snow. Wish they could transplant about a foot of that stuff this way, so we’d both have equal amounts.

    onlineanalyst re. #47: Thanks for the kind thought, but something about the Bard’s phrasing (at the moment at least) makes me think about the many unborn who truly were “untimely ripped from the womb,” in some cases simply because they have (or might have) a birth defect. Having been born with Spina Bifida, this is something I’m particularly sensitive to.

    /end rant

    in terests — I’d love to have a joke or comment about being between interests, but can’t think of anything

  • 49 everthink // Feb 28, 2008 at 4:17 pm


    Thank you for your charity in your remarks about me.

    But, rather than giving me a “handout” would you mind making donation to Senator Obama’s campaign in the name of “everthink”.

    I’m hoping Oprah will give me one her new cars.

    It seems like I fainting at the Senator’s every Obamoration.

    You shouldn’t ever listen to him without having your smelling salts handy; but in your case, you should also be sure to take your blood pressure medication.

    May the Lord bless you,


  • 50 Fred Sinclair // Feb 28, 2008 at 4:24 pm

    I’ve been hearing on the news about a game show called Moments of Truth, seems some woman got herself in trouble answering about her infidelity.

    Why can’t we (now that the technology is available) get a Constitutional Amendment requiring anyone running for public office be required to undergo the Moments of Truth experience.

    It would narrow the field for one thing as those in Congress up for re-election would be loathe to stand for questions they couldn’t answer. I’d give a lot to have HillBilly Inc. on national TV hooked up for questions. Her “I can’t remember” would activate all the bells and whistles. (As it probably would for all the candidates).

    Taken into the court room, it could preclude innocent people ending up on death row. Now that we have the technology, why not use it?

    Heirborn Ranger

    WV - 32 shamed - some 32 in Congress up for re-election?

  • 51 onlineanalyst // Feb 28, 2008 at 4:25 pm

    ET: Whatever you do, don’t faint while you are driving one of Oprah’s giveaway cars. (Thinking is optional since you are ever-claiming to do so.)

    BTW: John J. Miller at “The Corner” has this to say about the WFB lamenters who use his death to bash Bush further:

    Jonah: Liberals will have two types of anti-conservative responses to WFB’s death. One will be exactly as you describe—those that try to suggest that WFB’s successors are betraying his memory, which they find much easier to praise now that he’s gone. This is an old trick, and we saw it when Reagan died. With WFB, they may focus on Iraq, noting that WFB became a critic of the war. What they may fail to point out is that WFB also supported the troop surge and last year wrote a check to the presidential campaign of John McCain. (The New Yorker performed its own bait-and-switch a few years ago when it argued that conservatism betrayed its noble founding when WFB seized the reins from the likes of Peter Viereck. This is preposterous, as I tried to point out here (link).

    The other type of response will be vile nonsense such as this (link), in which WFB’s influence is described as “evil.”

    I haven’t included his links, which you are free to explore over at NRO.

  • 52 Fred Sinclair // Feb 28, 2008 at 4:30 pm

    Re #50 Maybe we could get some of our trolls hooked up for Moments of Truth -

    I’m afraid Trolls would quickly become a matter of historical interest as the would slink back to worship their god, Mikey Moore at “The Church of Moveon”

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 53 onlineanalyst // Feb 28, 2008 at 4:40 pm

    woodnwheel: I apologize for offending you by citing Shakespeare’s words. In fact, even as I was typing them, the words struck me, too, as a graphically brutal description of abortion.

    In our own family we have handicapped members, who would have been destroyed in a society that gravitates toward nationalized medicine and its on-demand abortion provisions.

  • 54 everthink // Feb 28, 2008 at 4:40 pm


    It has be reported Buckley died at his computer, I bet he was going to recant his Bush denouncement, don’t you?


  • 55 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 28, 2008 at 4:41 pm

    It’s a 71°F, blue-sky day here at 1541 CST—a little windy, though, from the South at 25 mph, gusting to 37 mph—humidity: 27%—my small herd of daffodils are back at their appointed places, most of them sporting buds that promise to make me and my wife smile in a week or two.

  • 56 everthink // Feb 28, 2008 at 4:41 pm


  • 57 boberinyetagain // Feb 28, 2008 at 4:51 pm

    Fred, being a proud member of the “troll” family I will be you real money that your machine couldn’t catch me in a single lie (that I’ve told here)

    vacation 1872…time travle anyone? I think I’d pass but that’s just me

  • 58 boberinyetagain // Feb 28, 2008 at 4:57 pm

    whoops, “bet” money, not be money, that would be silly

    america tually…???

  • 59 onlineanalyst // Feb 28, 2008 at 5:03 pm

    Actually, your riposte made me LOL, ET.

    In a current photo that I saw, Buckley’s study beats mine for its chaotic decor. (Do you think that he was wrestling with his lesser angel in considering a recant?)

    You know, ET, that you have been lapsing into some Ebonics phrasings in your latest posts. It must be that O’Bummer influence that’s filling you with the audacity of dope.

    WV: Chamberlain rook = The losing chess piece of “peace in our time”

  • 60 RedPepper // Feb 28, 2008 at 5:24 pm

    boberin #58: “ … be money …” ?

    “To be is to Do.” - Immanuel Kant

    “To do is to Be.” - Jean-Paul Sartre

    “Do Be Do Be Do … ” - Frank Sinatra

  • 61 everthink // Feb 28, 2008 at 5:59 pm


    After all, Obama is my cousin.


  • 62 Fred Sinclair // Feb 28, 2008 at 6:09 pm

    McLiberal - “America? Naw, make that a Cuba and SuperSize it willya? Oh yeah and throw in a SuperSized North Korea while yer attit. That’s the Amerika we McLiberals live for, work for and see in our Dreams every day and night.”

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 63 mindknumbed kid // Feb 28, 2008 at 6:40 pm

    Your cousin too? Up to recent days ain’t a one of us ever made it too far in this world, now cousin Barack is on tellyvision every day, he sure makes us proud runnin’ all over talkin’ ’bout change, he’s right about that too. We all need to change, socks and undies get ripe after a couple months. Maybe that’s why so many folks is fallin’ over when he shows up at places, maybe he’s been so busy talkin’ change that he’s forgot to do it!! I bet if someone asked him about cousin ET and cousin mindknumbed he would probably distance himself from us both, what a shame him gettin’ all upity on us.

    everpathetic - nice post for your first attempt, keep it up and you’ll be one of ET’s favorites too.

  • 64 mindknumbed kid // Feb 28, 2008 at 6:41 pm

    pushin’ again?!

  • 65 mindknumbed kid // Feb 28, 2008 at 8:12 pm

    Cousin BHO isn’t eligible either, he wasn’t birthed naturally, my aunt has admitted that he was concieved as th eresult of an encounter with an alien from planet Zorg. Don’t take my word for it, ET knows the story better than I as he was always hangin’ around with the wimmenfolk, I was out in the barn with the men, my uncle wouldn’t talk about it at all, I think he was embarrassed or somethin’.

  • 66 everthink // Feb 28, 2008 at 8:28 pm


    Re: 51

    Is that Jonah you cite, Jonah Goldberg?


  • 67 mindknumbed kid // Feb 28, 2008 at 8:40 pm

    Was that his last name? My bible just calls him Jonah, I ain’t read and memorized as much as some here, so I can’t identify him as being that Jonah, or another one. Maybe OLA knows for sure, but I’m thinking no, not that one.

  • 68 gafisher // Feb 28, 2008 at 9:24 pm

    Re#58: “not be money, that would be silly

    Actually money is very often something of no intrinsic worth.

    wv - YANNIS walk — How Yannis Yoplin left da stage in Minny-so-dah.

  • 69 mindknumbed kid // Feb 28, 2008 at 9:34 pm

    gafisher - such as our dollar bills?

  • 70 Darthmeister // Feb 28, 2008 at 9:36 pm

    More videotaped evidence Messiah Obama doesn’t have a clue when it comes to foreign policy, particularly about al Qaeda in Iraq.

    But don’t expect the fawning lamestream media to take him to task for his contradictory “who me?” statements.

  • 71 onlineanalyst // Feb 28, 2008 at 9:44 pm

    I really don’t care if Obama is Muslim, black (or any mixture thereof), or born under a bad sign, but he is a very able student of Saul Alinsky.

    Quick Justice, a quite informed commenter at captainsquarterblog, cited the following tidbit about Obama’s experience as a “community organizer”. He’s using the same playbook on his adoring crowds.

    Here’s where Obama learned to be manipulative and devious:

    “Obama answered a help-wanted ad for a position as a community organizer for the Developing Communities Project (DCP) of the Calumet Community Religious Conference (CCRC) in Chicago. Obama was 24 years old, unmarried, and according to his memoir, searching for a genuine African-American community.

    Both the CCRC and the DCP were built on the Alinsky model of community agitation, wherein paid organizers learned how to “rub raw the sores of discontent,” in Alinsky’s words.

    One of Obama’s early mentors in the Alinsky method was Mike Kruglik, who had this to say to an interviewer of The New Republic, about Obama:

    “He was a natural, the undisputed master of agitation, who could engage a room full of recruiting targets in a rapid-fire Socratic dialogue, nudging them to admit that they were not living up to their own standards. As with the panhandler, he could be aggressive and confrontational. With probing, sometimes personal questions, he would pinpoint the source of pain in their lives, tearing down their egos just enough before dangling a carrot of hope that they could make things better.”

    The agitator’s job, according to Alinsky, is first to bring folks to the “realization” that they are indeed miserable, that their misery is the fault of unresponsive governments or greedy corporations, then help them to bond together to demand what they deserve, and to make such an almighty stink that the dastardly governments and corporations will see imminent “self-interest” in granting whatever it is that will cause the harassment to cease.

    In these methods, euphemistically labeled “community organizing,” Obama had a four-year education, which he often says was the best education he ever got anywhere.”

    If that information is not enough to get you angry with the Party of Change, try this one. The Dems are hot that the current stimulus package did not provide support for ACORN or LaRaza. And we are supposed to subsidize groups that commit voter fraud or break immigration law with in-your-face tactics…on our tax dollar? I think not!

  • 72 Darthmeister // Feb 28, 2008 at 9:48 pm

    We see how Demoncrats are willing to eat their own and engage in race-based intimidation if it advances the liberal cause. From the Politico:

    African-American superdelegates said Thursday that they’ll stand up against threats, intimidation and “Uncle Tom” smears rather than switch their support from Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton to Sen. Barack Obama.

    “African-American superdelegates are being targeted, harassed and threatened,” said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.), a superdelegate who has supported Clinton since August. Cleaver said black superdelegates are receiving “nasty letters, phone calls, threats they’ll get an opponent, being called an Uncle Tom.

    “This is the politics of the 1950s,” he complained. “A lot of members are experiencing a lot of ugly stuff. They’re not going to talk about it, but it’s happening.”

    I thought Messiah Obama and his supporters were all about “change” and “taking the high ground.” Well, what do you expect from a bunch of race-baiting looney closet Marxists? Oh, I forgot, it must be a vast right-wing KKKonspiracy to make Obama and his supporters look bad.

  • 73 mindknumbed kid // Feb 28, 2008 at 9:48 pm

    Obviously cousin Barack is being victimized by the VRWC, the poor guy is just out there trying to change, that includes positions from day to day, don’t make cousin ET have to explain it to you.

  • 74 mindknumbed kid // Feb 28, 2008 at 10:13 pm

    What a mess…..just look at where the (D) party has gotten to. Look at the poor qaulity of candidates they have offered since Bubba sat in the Big Chair. Al Gore, JoKe, Chilly and Barack. There is no doubt about it, the only solution for them is to defeat them, even if it means getting behind John McCrumb. God help us if either of the two dems are elected, they stand for change alright, but change ain’t always good. Their ideas are definitely not good change. The MSM has so demonized everything Bush has done, every bit of the Iraq war, to the point that the mindless masses will vote for anyone that is for any kind of change. What is even worse is that there are many who are not ignorant of their ideas and goals and are supporters of things that are as anti-American as anything can be, that is scary.

  • 75 Darthmeister // Feb 28, 2008 at 11:00 pm

    everpathetic, you’re on to something about everstink. Obviously he’s a fading violet that has had its day in the sun and now apparently it has become his (and bober’s) sworn constitutional duty to make everyone else as miserable a person that he now demonstrates himself to be. Such a true egalitarian. [sniff ... wiping away tear from eye.]

    He initially envied our easy comraderie and tried to join in with the predictable “Bush is a chimp”, “Bush lied” and endless rants about us being “warmongers” and “chickenhawks”. But as his mindless utterances became more profuse, obtuse and inane, many Scrapplers took to humoring him like one would a village idiot who who thinks himself to be the king’s philosopher, but this only further enraged this troll who secretly fancies himself to be endowed with such a refined sense of Democrat understanding and peace.

    A fine guest he turned out to be! But we do have to thank him for verifying virtually every stereotype we have regarding brain-dead neo-coms who speak in bumpersticker.

    But to give the little troll the benefit of the doubt, his compromised mental state may not be the result of some twisted psyche slowing lurching its way to the precipice of babbling insanity but rather it may be the result, as you more kindly suggested, of the onset of dementia - and God knows how the victims of such a terrible state of mind are always in denial about their condition.

    But a wise person once said its one small step from envy to hate and I think its pretty clear from day one that when everstink starting posting here he already taken that step when it came to advancing his new ministry here at Scrappleface of spreading love, peace and understanding among the more unfortunate of the unwashed masses - us.

    You see, difficult times often don’t create character, they reveal character. And everstink has had a very difficult time of it here and has certainly revealed an awful lot to us about his true character. Of course the little troll continues to this day blaming us for eventually turning him to the dark side of the Force. On occasion you can still hear his defensive refrain … YOU ALL MADE ME THIS WAY NYAH, NYAH, NYAH … I’M RUBBER YOU’RE GLUE. PRETTYOLD STARTED IT!!!

    I rest my case.

  • 76 PanamaRed // Feb 28, 2008 at 11:15 pm

    When I came into this, it was about McCain’s citizenship (or lack thereof) and qualifying for the office of President of the United States.

    Should you may be curious, the question has arisen before and is now continuing. I believe our 11th president was the first to be born in what is now known as the “United States.” This wasn’t much of an issue until the aftermath of the Civil War or as it’s known in the South, “The Northern War of Agression” when they did a lot of legislating passing the 16th Amendment which said if you were born in the United States you were a citizen, which was done to protect former slaves from disenfranchisement and is now abused by illegal residing ‘immigrants’ who have a chil in the US and immediately claim that said child has all the benefits of citizenship, despite the illegality of the mother’s status in the country.
    It may also interest you that FDR, the Paragon of US Socialism was born in Mexico, but then no one cared. Closer to home was the plight of children born to US servicemen serving in Vietnam, but were left behind when ‘dad’ rotated back to the States following his tour of duty. If memory serves, there was the same quarrel over the citizenship of these children, but unable to find the soldier responsible, were left in Vietnam.

    John McCain’s parents were both citizens by birth, he was born in a US administered zone and to the best of my knowledge, you do not lose US citizenship if your parents (both of them) were citizens at the time of birth.

    Now Obama was born in Hawaii and even if both parents were from (pick your place, insert here), he is the same as the child of an illegal immigrant born in the US. I don’t believe the US acknowledges dual citizenship, but some countries do, but still it’s a moot point re getting elected and qualifying by birthright to do so.

    In my humble opinion, you are going to have the next four years of leadership by a minority who will be invulnerable to criticism as the cry of ‘racist’ will be used often. There can be no criticism of Obama during the primaries nor will it be allowed during the campaigning. McCain apologizes when a staffer makes a true statement but includes ‘Hussein’ when identifying Obama.

    The socialists and the media are going to do their best to elect Obama even though far better candidates have run in the past (Alan Keyes) and due to the witch hunts (some deserved) of Republicans, both Houses of Congress will go Democrat and liberal socialism is going to be the policy du jour for the next four years.

    Sorry for the long post, but this is going to be a defining moment in America’s history and things are not looking good. Better Hillary and the evil you know than the one you don’t. I care not that Obama is black, it’s that he has no record of legislation to refer to and ‘hope’ and ‘challenge’ make thin soup for a country to live on.

  • 77 Fred Sinclair // Feb 28, 2008 at 11:55 pm

    What if we flushed the idea of a border fence or wall? Why should we have to pay for such an unnecessary thing? We already have a military. Why not station an Army Division, a Marine Division, Federally activated National Guard in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas to man the land border. Officially notify Mexico that a 100 yard free fire zone is established and any moving person or object inside the zone will be fired upon with no command or warning. (We currently have such a zone around our nuclear power plants. I helped with the one surrounding D.C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant just south of Benton Harbor, MI only it’s a 300 yard zone.)

    After the first month I could predict, with absolute certainty that the flow of illegals across our southern border would come to a screeching halt. Around D.C. Cook since the early 80’s there have been no shootings. Due in part to Free fire warning signs printed in six languages, interlaced around the plant.

    The US Navy could assist the US Coast Guard in closing our water border in a similar manner and planes from an Aircraft Carrier, working with the US Air Force could shoot down any and all unauthorized planes violating our borders.

    Of course, this will never happen, until America awakens to the reality that we are actually at war. Wannabee terrorists can walk across our borders today with total impunity, laughing boisterously as they thumb their noses at us and our complacent stupidity. Illegals come to vandalize our social services and draw from our social Security fund. Somethings got to give.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 78 everthink // Feb 29, 2008 at 12:17 am

    It is a disgrace to us all, that anyone would question Senator McCain’s citizenship for any reason whatsoever!

    I “denounce and reject” anyone who would do such a thing!


  • 79 Fred Sinclair // Feb 29, 2008 at 12:31 am

    Re: #77 - btw: Mexico, Central and South America plus most all of the Middle East and the Far East are sure to object. The UN would issue sanctions, but we could then begin deporting illegals as we find them.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 80 Fred Sinclair // Feb 29, 2008 at 1:13 am

    Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. has a very, very interesting resume’ - reading carefully the details of his Chicago Connections is like sitting in the front row of the shooting of an exciting episode of “The Sopranos”.

    Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. showed his “flying colors” for all to see. It is quite obvious as to why he is far and wide the most liberal Senator alive today - far more liberal than Teddy Kennedy or Dingy Harry Reid.

    This gives us a perfect non-photoshopped picture of exactly what we can expect, should America have the misfortune to end up with Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. as our new President, come Jan. 20th 2009.

    Read and check his credentials! No competent manager of a local McDonalds or Burger King would seriously consider hiring him for any position other than “Greeter.” There is absolutely NOTHING he has ever “Governed”, ran, or been responsible to regulate. As a President of the US, dictionaries will have to be reprinted and under the word “disaster” will be the photograph of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.

    On November 7th, “Remember the Alamo, er, uh, Chicago, Illinois

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 81 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 29, 2008 at 4:58 am

    Election Day is 04 November 2008, 217 days from today.

  • 82 Fred Sinclair // Feb 29, 2008 at 5:35 am

    JL3rd - Right on, I looked at wrong calendar, 1st Tues of Nov. falls on the 4th - not the 7th, my bad. Should have read: On November 4th, “Remember the Alamo, er, uh, Chicago, Illinois”

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 83 gafisher // Feb 29, 2008 at 6:16 am

    Fred Re#77: One significant reason people don’t cross the free-fire zone surrounding a nuclear plant is that crossing it doesn’t carry the sort of results you get crossing into freedom. Lots of people crossed the free-fire zone around East Berlin, and lots of them died trying, but they kept on coming. Lots of people have tried crossing the shark-infested military-patrolled “natural moat” that surrounds Florida, many have died, but still they come.

    We can’t keep *rewarding* invaders, er, “undocumented immigrants,” but no fence, free-fire zone or enhanced border patrol (believe me, the Berlin Wall had excellent border patrols) will stop people who truly believe that the potential for a better life exists across that gauntlet.

  • 84 gafisher // Feb 29, 2008 at 6:45 am

    JL3 Re#81: “Election Day is 04 November 2008, 217 days from today.

    I’m reminded of the obligatory cut to the clock seen from behind the bars of the death-row prison cell. “C’mon, Warden, are you sure the Governor hasn’t called? Have you checked if the phone’s working?”

  • 85 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 29, 2008 at 7:11 am

    Heirborn Ranger~~
    I have a counter counting down to Election Day on my site—it reminds me to pray.
    In recent days,though, the prospect of another 217 days of über-irritating BO ads has me rifling through our junk drawer, for that old, rusty Ice Pick so that I can heat it Red Hot and poke out my ears and eyes.
    Lame Trivia Alert:
    JFK defeated RMN on 08 November 1960.

  • 86 boberinyetagain // Feb 29, 2008 at 8:26 am

    Fred, good to see that you either don’t read or that you ignore what you do stumble across. The “aliens” that you want to shoot on site commit, by %’s, far, far less crime than “natural” citizens, make up far less of the jail population than the general one. Perhaps we should enforce the current laws but the draconian measures/waste of resources you propose are just plain silly when taken in proper context.
    There are real problems that could be addressed. It’s sad to live in fear, filled with hate.

    offers ex-gov…the vice presidency?

  • 87 boberinyetagain // Feb 29, 2008 at 8:34 am

    Hank, can you read? 2 days ago I pointed out that I would not vote for either Dem becuase they are both lying the big lie, troop withdrawl, that neither will actually do.
    To say I’m rooting for/being an apologist for them is just stupid after I’ve made such a statement but then, there’s nothing new in stupid from you.
    I further venture to say that ET would enjoy strngling me just about as much as most of you.

    the angelo…michaels knick name

  • 88 gafisher // Feb 29, 2008 at 9:04 am

    b-nyet Re#86: “The “aliens” that you want to shoot on site commit, by %’s, far, far less crime than “natural” citizens …

    That’s false. While the actual number of illegal aliens is unknown, the estimated numbers put them somewhere around three percent of the people living within the U.S. Since they make up about one percent of our prison population a casual observer might jump to the conclusion that this makes them de facto only one third as “criminal” as Citizens, but this is fallacious.

    -First, every illegal alien has committed a crime — that word illegal is a subtle but significant clue.

    -Second, a very significant number of illegal aliens who commit imprisonable crimes are deported — putting them in one of our nice comfortable prisons is actually a huge favor.
    -Third, many illegal immigrants receive exceptionally generous police treatment, such as the woman who killed those kids in Minnesota after receiving nothing more than a polite warning in two previous traffic offenses which might well have landed a Citizen in jail. Now that she’s been charged with vehicular homicide, it looks like she’ll finally be deported — not imprisoned, thus once again skewing the numbers you cite (see above).

    Illegals are not “clogging” our prisons, as some have asserted, but they are most certainly consuming more than their share (if they had one) of our justice system, and absolutely cannot be said to “commit, by %’s, far, far less crime than “natural” citizens …”

  • 89 gafisher // Feb 29, 2008 at 9:17 am

    b-nyet Re#86: “It’s sad to live in fear, filled with hate.

    You have my deepest sympathies; that must be sad indeed! But don’t give up hope — others have changed, and you can too!

  • 90 boberinyetagain // Feb 29, 2008 at 9:24 am

    The study did not differentiate between documented immigrants and illegal immigrants. Among men 18 to 40, the population most likely to be in institutions because of criminal activity, the report found that in California, U.S.-born men were institutionalized 10 times more often than foreign-born men (4.2 percent vs. 0.42 percent).

    the nixon…the one, the only…enough said

  • 91 boberinyetagain // Feb 29, 2008 at 9:25 am

    whole article here…

  • 92 Libby Gone // Feb 29, 2008 at 9:40 am

    Kinda nice to see there are some positions that American Citizens wont cede to Illegal Immigrants. Is that the jist of this conversation?
    Their CONVICTION makes me proud to be an American.

  • 93 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 29, 2008 at 10:06 am

    My opinion at the time this so-called “study” came out (the false premise it seeks to validate has been floating around for a while now) was that, since it did not differentiate between illegals and legals, it is bogus—nothing more than amateurish Anti-USA Propaganda. I feel the same today. Reuters lauds and parrots this “report” as if it is Holy Writ only because they agree with the underlying, hateful motivation of that report.

    The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge;
    the ears of the wise seek it out.
    ~~Proverbs 18:15

    God Bless America

  • 94 RedPepper // Feb 29, 2008 at 10:23 am

    JL3: You’re a fan of of Bob Dylan, right? Remember this line (from the Blonde On Blonde album)?

    But to live outside the law you must be honest …

  • 95 da Bunny // Feb 29, 2008 at 11:35 am

    It’ll be interesting once Obama garners the demoncrap nomination…will McShame be willing to use all this information about racist/commie socialist Obama’s “Alinsky education,” the “Farrakhan endorsement,” and his “friendship” with former Weather Underground Pentagon bombers? Or, in the interest of running a “respectful” campaign, will we be treated to a “softball approach?”

    Respect is something which must be earned, and the more we know about Obama’s ties to radical leftist, racially divisive, subversive organizations, the more we know that he does not deserve any respect whatsoever. Watching the throngs of people flocking to see their “messiah of change,” it is obvious that these idiots neither know, nor care, what or who Obama is. That these intentionally blind, willingly uninformed, easily-led by “evil-disguised-as-caring” people are allowed the privilege of voting is a travesty.

  • 96 everthink // Feb 29, 2008 at 11:56 am


    “I further venture to say that ET would enjoy strangling me just about as much as most of you.”

    Well, now you’ve ventured a little too far out on that limb you have lighted on.

    Despite the fact, you never understood my joke about Bush dramatically looking straight into the camera, and lighting his sleeve on fire, while trying to burn a bill, and look “cool” doing it. (You just gotta know that’s what would happen!) I was pleased by your statement: “Fred, being a proud member of the “troll” family I will be you real money that your machine couldn’t catch me in a single lie (that I’ve told here).”

    We at least agree on THE problem, even though I can’t see where your answer can help but to continue the problem Ralph helped create. So, Democrats will just have to go ahead and elect Obama without you. Then, in a couple of years, you’ll see your error.

    Remember: Politics must always be “the art of compromise”.

    This said; I can see you’re really a kind and descent fellow, and it’s my pleasure to be associated with you.


    Have you seen the primary voter turnouts? What a friend Democrats have in Dumbyah!

  • 97 everthink // Feb 29, 2008 at 12:15 pm

    A “free fire zone” on the border! Now, that’s an answer Scrapplers can embrace!

    The U. S. Army is a little busy at the moment; but, that idea might be the one that gets us out of Iraq!

    Then, of course, we can fight the whole of Latin America, many Latinos already in the United States, and possibly some of our own NATO allies.


  • 98 everthink // Feb 29, 2008 at 12:34 pm


    “I rest my case.” Really? Well, I’m sure even many here will be happy to hear that!

    About your post number 70:

    “The Ohio debate last night between Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama drew 7.8 million viewers, MSNBC reports — a record for the network.

    The cable news network’s coverage of the debate ran “second only” to American Idol in its time slot. Not since the start of the Iraq war — a subject which played a role in the debate — have so many tuned in to MSNBC.”

    But, you! You, in your own mind, managed to find something 7.8 million viewers did not notice.

    Brilliant! Simply brilliant!


  • 99 da Bunny // Feb 29, 2008 at 12:47 pm

    Just heard this on Rush… Faux-bama :lol:

  • 100 da Bunny // Feb 29, 2008 at 12:52 pm

    And yet another one… Obama-phobe :lol:

  • 101 everthink // Feb 29, 2008 at 1:11 pm

    Well, let me write those down! What else did the fat drug addict say?

  • 102 everthink // Feb 29, 2008 at 1:19 pm

    Oops! Stop the presses! I hope I’m not too late!

    Make that “kind and decent fellow”. The spell checker here misled me.

    Sorry, Bober.

  • 103 Fred Sinclair // Feb 29, 2008 at 2:29 pm

    Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. aka Joe Btfsplk aka Presidential Wannabee

    “How else would you pronounce it?” -Al Capp
    According to Capp, “Joe Bftsplk is the world’s worst jinx”. btfsplk is a rude sound. During a public lecture by Al Capp, he demonstrated this phatic sound by closing his lips, leaving his tongue sticking out, and then blowing out air, which is also called a raspberry or Bronx cheer.

    For the benefit of those in Rio Linda and assorted trolls: phatic |ˈfatik|
    denoting or relating to language used for general purposes of social interaction, rather than to convey information or ask questions. Utterances such as hello, how are you? and nice morning, isn’t it? are phatic.
    ORIGIN 1920s: from Greek phatos ‘spoken’ or phatikos ‘affirming.’

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 104 Darthmeister // Feb 29, 2008 at 2:49 pm

    Angelina Jolie is making more sense the entire Demoncrap Party with her “Reasons For Staying in Iraq” that was just published in the Washington Post today.

    That about sums it up, a Hollyweird bombshell makes more sense than the two know-nothing duds running for the Demoncrap nomination. I thought there was a civil war raging in Iraq like there was in Vietnam with over six hundred Iraqi civilian deaths each and every day not being reported by the liberal right-wing media? I guess like most everything else in life, liberals are the unquestioned experts at “pulling out” … or, when all else fails, abort! From liberal’s predictions of 10 to 20,000 American troops dying trying to defeat Saddam’s army, to there being an ecological disaster as a result of all the oil well fires, to there being mass starvation among post-Saddam Iraqi civilians, to tens of millions of Iraqis being relocated to refugee camps along the Syrian, Turkey and Iranian borders, to George Bush leading the western world into a World War III with the Arab street, to Iraq is another Vietnam, to the present the war on terrorism isn’t worth it, anti-war liberals have proven themselves to be liars every step of the way.

  • 105 gafisher // Feb 29, 2008 at 3:20 pm

    b-nyet Re#90: “The study did not differentiate …

    That makes it pretty useless, doesn’t it.

    On the surface one might say that if three percent of the people fill ten percent of the prison beds they’re more than three times more likely to commit crimes, but of course “foreign-born men” would presumably include a lot of people like John McCain (to return briefly to the current topic) so the so-called “study” is really quite meaningless.

    In any case, neither the study nor your reply invalidate any of my points, nor does the study support your assertion.

  • 106 Possumtrot // Feb 29, 2008 at 3:36 pm

    How refreshing it is to see Woodnwheel back in the mix! Missed ya, bub!

    On topic: Does this mean that we can write in Der Arnold [Schwarzenegger]? He’s as loosey-goosey with his conservative principles as McCain or Giuliani, but his respect and gratitude to the entity of America for taking him from Austrian farmboy through movie star to governor of the People’s Republic of Cal-i-forn-ia makes him more of a patriot than a lot of our native-born sons.

    That business about native-born Americans was originally intended to keep sinister Euro-weenies from running a royal ringer in on us during our difficult early days as a nation, by the way. There is no more royalty in Europe to speak of; it’s all one big, happy socialist collective.

    Semi-on-topic: our future president (who, as a black, I consider overdue, but lacking anything resembling a spine), said the most incredibly stupid thing about Al Qadea the other day in a retort to a remark by McCain. The honorable Senator [Obama] was giving his version of world affairs and stated Al Qaeda didn’t exist in Iraq “before [GWB and McCain] started the war.”

    I ain’t a racist, but seeing that on TV, I had to make an exclamation picked up from my black friends: “N—-, PLEASE!” You don’t need a history book to rebuff this; news archives prior to 2002 will suffice.

    Completely off-topic: Although I completely disagree with everything that Everthink/Liger/Whatever usually offers up here, I personally thank you for not following up with something vile after my response to your alleged realization that I am disabled and suffer from a serious illness. Neither affects my mind, and we can get down and dirty as you’d like on the issues of the day. Most everyone on ScrappleFace knows that I am not the heathiest of critters, and I appreciate your acknowledgement of that fact. That having been said, in sincerity, we can now get back to the mudslinging.

    I am waiting for my muse to find its way to me this cold and cloudy day, regarding the idiotic comment of president-elect Osama Bamalama regarding the presence of Al Qadea in Iraq.

    BTW, thanks to those of you who remembered my birthday this month. T’was nothing; happens every year about this time.

    Happy Leap Day!

  • 107 Possumtrot // Feb 29, 2008 at 3:43 pm

    To add to the second-from-last paragraph: when I find said muse, there will be some caustic comments at: United Possums International.

    A relapse of the evil “C-creature” has kept me offline, but the TV and the news channels in my hospital room work quite adequately. Too much to say; too little time. Stay tuned; same bat time, same bat channel.

  • 108 Possumtrot // Feb 29, 2008 at 3:48 pm

    Thid time’s a charm: concerning “SGT”.


    Remember that little voice from the cartoons of your youth: “You’ll be soo-oo-oory!”

  • 109 Possumtrot // Feb 29, 2008 at 3:54 pm

    Third, that is. Hasty afterthought.

  • 110 everthink // Feb 29, 2008 at 3:57 pm

    Re: 104

    So, does this mean “young Dick” will be leaving anytime soon? Why not!

    For crying out loud, young Prince Harry is in Afghanistan!


  • 111 everthink // Feb 29, 2008 at 4:17 pm


    I knew you had a serious illness, I just didn’t know you were in a wheelchair.

    Sorry man, what can I say.

    Last week, I popped up with an ugly CAT scan myself. Like I told the doctor, “It’s not like I ever expected to get out of this life alive”.

    We’re all terminal; but, I hope you don’t finish ahead of me.


  • 112 Possumtrot // Feb 29, 2008 at 4:49 pm

    Harry had to beg his grandma, then wait a while for the media to forget his request, to get his request for transfer to a combat zone.

    To him, that’s doing his duty to the small but effective Army to which his is attached, and cherishes. I think he’s got a lot of hair on his chest, and is a Charlie Mike kind of guy. [You vets know my references to CM.]

    How many centuries since a prince of England literally took up the sword? England is already overrun by the Moorish invaders, but that’s for them to solve. (Don’t belive me? Ask the typical London subway rider who lived through the bombings.)

    Vietnam was a betrayal of my generation of troops; withdrawal from Iraq, no matter how mishandled the war, will be a betrayal of my children’s generation.

    What, exactly, will you accomplish by cutting and running? America is Mr. Nice Guy applied after War II in Europe and Japan; the only thing today’s heathens understand is blood, pain, and death on a massive scale. They are temporal; they will wait for us to quit. Negating the blood and treasure already given to Iraq, and betraying the troops, is playing into their hands.

    Perhaps this is playing into some warped liberal idea that if society is broken down far enough, it can be rebuilt into a Utopian paradise of socialist ideology.

    For good or bad, and with periods of evil in our history, I think if you break American society down far enough, the entire world will revert to tribalistic anarchy and chaos.

    We have a legacy of “Mr. Nice Guy” in our conduct of foreign affairs. This despite the Indian Wars, Hiroshima, et. al., and the Japanese-American internments of War II, to name a few. This country has never been perfect, but if it wasn’t the last, best hope of civilization, why are so many dying [some literally] to get in?

    I didn’t mean to write an essay; I have my own blog [United Possums International] for that.

    Harry meant to be on the front line because he wanted to be there, “ever”think. He begged his grandma to be there; she interceded. Having tasted combat firsthand and gotten his belt buckle in the mud, so to speak, I think depiste his 3rd place ranking as successor to England’s throne, he should get bumped to the front, even over Prince Charlie the Rocker.

    But, that’s just me.

    Live from Scorpion Hill, and up the Irish!

  • 113 gafisher // Feb 29, 2008 at 5:17 pm

    Possumtrot Re#106: “I am waiting for my muse to find its way to me …

    Muses are “she,” not “it.” (Well, except for the Troll Muse, which is a contraction of the two.) Anyway, be careful or your muse might retaliate by dropping an embarassing Dublin Tender on your plate.

    Obama’s “Yo mama” response to McCain’s calling him out on his *previous* Obamanation demonstrates clearly to all but The Faithful that Barry’s a policy lightweight. Unfortunately, The Faithful thought it was SO intelligent, and The Faithful currently enjoy an apparent majority among the voting public.

    I hope you had a great Birthday and many more to come.

  • 114 Possumtrot // Feb 29, 2008 at 5:56 pm

    Thank you, Gafisher:

    My evening prayer: “If I die before I wake;
    I pray for Osma the country to take.”

    Not really, but there are reasons to hope that the worst possible presidential candidates get elected to the highest office in the land.

    This isn’t going to turn out well. Once we get past that, and start doing what warship commanders call “damage control”, we can regain contol of the situation, if we are able.

  • 115 RedPepper // Feb 29, 2008 at 6:15 pm

    Possumtrot: Let me add my (belated) best wishes for your birthday to gafisher’s.

    And, speaking of the Irish:

    Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.

    - William Butler Yeats

  • 116 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 29, 2008 at 6:20 pm

    Prince Harry’s uncle, Prince Andrew, flew as a helicopter pilot in the Falklands conflict with Argentina in 1982.

  • 117 nylecoj // Feb 29, 2008 at 6:45 pm

    I had to weigh in just because the word verification thingy says
    half Ronald, we might have half, somewhere.

    And hey Possum I like seeing you pop up around here.

  • 118 Fred Sinclair // Feb 29, 2008 at 6:51 pm

    I have no proof and it may not be true (could it have been a bitter resentment?) but I do recall reading that some of the children who survived the concentration camps held their parents responsible for allowing Hitler’s rise to power. The article ventured that it would have been better if one committed person, willing to give his life in the assassination of Hitler, than millions who later died horrible deaths. Hitler was still a zwei pfenning thug coming out of prison, and the hit would have been easy,

    Hitler’s major diatribe against the Juden was their perceived well to do lifestyles as money lenders, pawnbrokers and bankers, while the downtrodden working average German was living in poverty under the onus of WWI penalties assessed by the victors. This resonated well to his followers and he gained ever increasing momentum as he rose to power with his cult of personality. (Which is what is now occurring in Obama’s rise to the Presidency, with his diatribe against George Bush, Republicans and Conservatives in general) Hitler promised hope and change for a disillusioned populace. Obama is preaching - “Hope and Change” for a disillusioned populace.

    Disillusioned by a well coordinated brainwashing bwo the liberal media, education, entertainment, etc. That’s why there is no real substance when he talks, or Clinton for that matter. For all their posturing, the powers that be: Soros, Gates, etc. don’t care which one is President. The Liberals will reconfigure America after the takeover or coup d ‘etat that will follow.

    It took everything the Allied Forces had to stop Hitler - After he had obtained the power (and we almost lost, at that.) The time to stop cancer is at the door, not after the thing is in full bloom. We don’t have an America to come to our aid like France and England did.

    Jimmy Carter was a blood clot in the heart of America as was Bill Clinton, a much more liberal America survived. - but I do know I don’t want a Democrat like Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. or HillBilly Inc. appointing liberal fruitcake judges to the Supreme Court. So I’ll vote Republican.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 119 RedPepper // Feb 29, 2008 at 7:03 pm

    Fred #118: You’ve reminded me of another one of my favorite quotes.

    “If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed ; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly ; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

    - Winston Churchill

  • 120 Possumtrot // Feb 29, 2008 at 8:41 pm

    Red Pepper:

    Thank you for birthday wishes [ain't nothin'; we all gets born] and helping me decide. Thanks also to “Everthink”, who keeps me on my toes.

    This ain’t about ol’ Uncle Possum; I take informal polls with service reps every month when I pay my bills by phone. Those are people who work for a living; to a person, they are concerned about the state of the country.

    The mood of the country, according to my unscientific poll, is still conservavtive. People working for a living, from Maine to Missouri, are concerned about terrorism and the borders.

    That’s highly informal, but part of my my stock in trade when I worked for a living was charming conversation out of people who thought their chat didn’t matter. Loose talk, even from a service rep, matters. I’m a good listener for a non-politician.

    The state of the union is confused. Without endorsement, I think we’re going to end up with Osama Bamalama.

    I don’t think this is what Martha Stewart would call “a good thing”. On the other hand, the Hildebeast and the Clinton Machine will be finished forever.

    Inside curses, there are blessings. America may yet survive.

  • 121 mindknumbed kid // Feb 29, 2008 at 9:05 pm

    Nawsir, it ain’t Dubya that is to thank for the democratadicts turning out to vote, it is pure ignorance, stupidity, and a big helping of misinformation/disinformation. It is further proof of America’s hatred of the nation’s foundation upon the principles and recognition of the reality of God Almighty. Of course the world hates us, it hated Christ too, read about that in the scriptures cousin ET. Have you called cousin Barack and reminded him to change his drawers yet, I don’t want him reflecting poorly on the family, that would truly be an Obamanation upon us. Hey, I nearly forgot to tell you, turns out on the other side of the family we got a cousin name of Rush….isn’t that somethin’ to be related to both Limbaugh and Barack? Small world, genealogically speaking. I suppose sooner or later they will trace us all back to the Edenists. Funny that we all can’t get along….on second thought, NOT ! Talk to you later cousin.

  • 122 mindknumbed kid // Feb 29, 2008 at 9:10 pm

    Yeah Possum, you might think that, but in the bible (oh if I only knew it like my fellow scrappler) there is this scene where this detestable character is perceived to be finished, only to rear his ugly head in a short while. Chilly may be kin to him, after all, we’z all cousins ain’t we?

  • 123 mindknumbed kid // Feb 29, 2008 at 9:15 pm

    That’s found in the book of Resolutions? ur, Recreations, um Resignations, oh, ah, dont tell me, Revolutions! I think that’s it. Right ET?

  • 124 mindknumbed kid // Feb 29, 2008 at 9:19 pm

    Maybe Hildabeast and Barack are the beast and the false prophet? I read about that stuff once somewhere, for real.

  • 125 gafisher // Feb 29, 2008 at 9:26 pm

    Fascinating little AP note [here] from Vegas about one man in a coma and six others hospitalized after exposure to Ricin. The comatose man (name withheld but he’s probably a white Episcopalian) had a vial of the stuff in his room. According to a spokesman for the police, they “… don’t think foul play is involved, and the FBI says the case doesn’t appear to be terrorism-related. But authorities aren’t sure why the man had a vial of powdered Ricin in his room. ”

    I’m aware of Ricin as a deadly poison sometimes used (as by Saddam) in WMDs, but since neither “foul play” nor terrorism was involved in this case I’m curious if the Scrappleface Brain Trust has any ideas on the legitimate reasons someone might keep a bottle of this stuff in a motel room.

  • 126 mindknumbed kid // Feb 29, 2008 at 9:29 pm

    This just in 100% of all illegal aliens are criminals, I’m not sure that us natural born citizens are more illegal than that, aren’y a lot of the illegals deported when they are found to have broken other laws while stranded in our country. It’s a shame that so many come here and are exploited, can’t get their butts out of here because of the evil capitalist swine that wrap their tenacles around the poor unsuspecting harder working non-gringos. Big lettuce and tomato should be ashamed of themselves.

  • 127 mindknumbed kid // Feb 29, 2008 at 9:37 pm

    Obviously the guy int he motel room in Vegas was a member of the infamous VRWC, waiting for Bamalama to show up for some relaxating from the stresses of the campaign trail. (Like Slickster used to do a couple of times a day) Then it would all be over for change.

  • 128 onlineanalyst // Feb 29, 2008 at 10:24 pm

    Do you want some nightmares?

    Google: Obama Morris Odinga

    Draw your own conclusions. They won’t be pretty.

    Obama’s Kenya and Muslim connections are key to some mighty dangerous developments. Morris’s role should raise some eyebrows. Obama has mastered the art of playing off rich and poor to create chaos.

  • 129 RedPepper // Feb 29, 2008 at 11:43 pm

    gafisher #125: A snippet from a story I found on Yahoo :

    Cancer research is the only legitimate reason for anyone to have ricin, Evans said.

    Ricin is made from processing castor beans, and can be extremely lethal. As little as 500 micrograms, or about the size of the head of a pin, can kill a human, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

    Castor beans also were found in the man’s room, officials said.

  • 130 RedPepper // Feb 29, 2008 at 11:47 pm


    That link doesn’t seem to be working.

    Here is the actual URL:

  • 131 Possumtrot // Mar 1, 2008 at 2:03 am

    Re #125:

    Ricin can be manufactured with rotting shellfish in a kitchen sink, if your motel room will sustain the odor.

    It can then be used for political assassinations, a la Richard Nixon’s “phlebitis” attacks, to a larger scale of tossing a “stinkbomb” down a subway entrance.

    Keep waiting and hoping for “change”. You’ll get it.

    Keep the change. It isn’t anything a taxi driver will want. Those people aren’t going to quit because of our good hopes and wishes.

    There will be “change” next January, on or about Inauguration Day. Mr. or Ms. “Ready From Day One” will face an apocalyptic jump-off that no one is prepared for.

    At least McCain would let that badger-like temper out of whatever deep box he has it buried in for the election. Thankfully-gone Hilly and Osama Bamalama don’t have such vindictive natures, so the response to 1,000,000 lost American lives will be a lot of empassioned whining.

    I hate it for the sake of the victims, but we are otherise going to have so much fun exploring the downside of world politics. I can’t wait!

  • 132 Possumtrot // Mar 1, 2008 at 2:08 am

    Otherwise, that is…

  • 133 RedPepper // Mar 1, 2008 at 7:04 am

    The plot thickens …

    … police said firearms and an “anarchist type textbook” were found in the same room where the ricin was discovered …

    … the book was tabbed at a spot with information about ricin …

    Along with the ricin, police found castor beans possibly used to make the substance.

    “If he went to the hospital with difficulty breathing, he actually inhaled it,” Evans said. “For some reason, he opened the vial and it must have been aerosolized.”

    But …

    Authorities offered little … about the man’s identity: He … was not considered a suspect.


    Well, that sure clarifies the situation!

  • 134 gafisher // Mar 1, 2008 at 7:52 am

    Possumtrot Re#131: “… so the response to 1,000,000 lost American lives will be …” to blame George W. Bush, Conservatives, Republicans, but certainly not the well-meaning, civil-rights-protecting Democrats who continue to do anything they can, by whatever means, to undermine both foreign and domestic security.

    Y’know, FISA and Ricin almost rhyme; could be a slogan in there …

  • 135 JamesonLewis3rd // Mar 1, 2008 at 7:53 am

    As the dude lay dieing in a hospital bed, the stuff laid around his monthly room for two weeks before one of his posse found the vials
    —apparently The Victim actually ingested the ricin a couple of weeks ago
    —tangentially, would that be covered by the National Healthcare Thingie?
    —I heard there was a guy a couple of years ago that committed suicide with Castor Beans there in Vegas
    ergo, not only is Las Vegas real hot in the Summer Time, it is the Epicenter of North America’s virulent Illicit Castor Bean Trade

  • 136 Darthmeister // Mar 1, 2008 at 8:16 am

    Zombie has more photographic evidence* of how leftist propagandists in our public schools have shamelessly brainwashed children to be crude and disrespectful when they can no longer carry on a rational debate because of the the limitations of the lies they believe. They are also taught to hate soldiers (particularly Marines) and blame America and that is quite evident in this photo-documentary.

    Keep in mind these whackjobs are on everstink’s side of the aisle. Ironically there might be a little more honesty coming from these barking moonbats in that they don’t pretend to “support our troops” in any shape, form or manner. Their signs and actions demonstrate that.

    *WARNING: You will see the raw hate of these anti-war miscreants. Raw language and hand gestures are the norm for these brain-dead leftist lemmings.

  • 137 Possumtrot // Mar 1, 2008 at 10:30 am

    I went and looked at Darth’s Berserkley photos; chasing links is a rare thing for moi.

    They didn’t all load, but I got the gist. I am particularly empowered by the two bearded counter-protestors portrayed in one photo. Those Marines in Berserkley are protecting your right to act stupidly. An 18-hour
    Marathon discussion with my cousin resulted in my leaving high school and enlisting when Nam was hot.

    It’s a lot of fun to parade in the streets and wave your fist in the air. Its fun to be young and stupid. You get laid a lot.

    The day we start formulating national policy around children’s opininons will be the dayI run and hide, or run for office.

    A picture is worth 1,000 words. Thanks, Darth.

  • 138 RedPepper // Mar 1, 2008 at 11:12 am

    Possumtrot: My man, where you bin ?!?

    We do everthing(!) for “the chirrun” - din’t y’all git the memo?

    n.b. wv=Moseley time ; Good Mornin’, Ms. Brown …

    /(I swear this thing is possessed … )

  • 139 mindknumbed kid // Mar 1, 2008 at 11:20 am

    All of this genealogical research has me burned out for now. Cousin ET, do we or do we not have that cousin named Odinga in our big family or is he not one of us? Cousin Obamanable sure has some disturbing connections, are you sure we are still supposed to be claiming him?

    Now about that bad rice in Vegas, thanks for the info about the beans, I figureed inFidel and the Cubans were behind it. Or is it the the other Castro behind this? I’m sure my investigative reporter friends here will keep digging until we know everything, good work folks.

    Well,I gotta go take the herbs and pills that cousin ET sent me, you know ever since I’ve tried ‘em, I feel like the dems are going to help me, just gotta get them elected.

  • 140 RedPepper // Mar 1, 2008 at 11:25 am

    (Yes, yes, I know … it’s Carol Moseley Braun … but the Taj Mahal blues lyric is “Good Mornin’ miss Brown / Mama how do you do?” [on his album, The Natch'l Blues ... ] - whatever works!)

  • 141 Fred Sinclair // Mar 1, 2008 at 11:28 am

    Red Pepper Re #129 “…As little as 500 micrograms, or about the size of the head of a pin….”

    I just finishd reading about the woman who broke a screwball lightbulb. Seems she had quite a hassle over the mercury “spill”, so I looked it up and it is an amount of mercury described as being “…between 400 and 500 micrograms or an amount about the size of the period at the end of this sentence.”

    I would suggest it is an amount virtually indistinguishable in size from most liberal’s brain. or better yet, an amount almost indistinguishable from Manmade contribution to Global Climate Change i.e. cooling; warming.

    Leave it to liberals to make a mountain out of a molehill or make The Rock of Gibraltar out of a single grain of sand.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 142 RedPepper // Mar 1, 2008 at 11:36 am

    mkk #139: Oh, dear. Is Brother Barack been giving us the Obaminable Snowjob again?

  • 143 JamesonLewis3rd // Mar 1, 2008 at 11:40 am

    What’s that smell!?! Why, it’s B.O., of course.

  • 144 mindknumbed kid // Mar 1, 2008 at 3:06 pm

    If BO is the problem, change isn’t the answer.

  • 145 mindknumbed kid // Mar 1, 2008 at 7:37 pm

    Cousin Barack isn’t the one giving us the snowjob, that’s ET’s line of work.

  • 146 gafisher // Mar 1, 2008 at 7:40 pm

    JL3 Re#135: “As the dude lay dieing in a hospital bed, the stuff laid around his monthly room for two weeks before one of his posse found the vials.

    Iraqi Racoon
    Checked into his room
    only to find tubes of Ricin.
    The Ricin, it seems,
    was part of no schemes,
    just herbs for some fancy food spicin’.


  • 147 gafisher // Mar 1, 2008 at 9:03 pm

    The authorities have identified the person who occupied the room in which the ricin was found as a certain Roger Von Bergendorff. Please correct #146 to Roger Racoon.

  • 148 gafisher // Mar 1, 2008 at 9:08 pm

    Re#145: “Cousin Barack isn’t the one giving us the snowjob …

    What? More cocaine allegations?

  • 149 prettyold // Mar 2, 2008 at 3:52 pm

    Obama ,Osama

    To: My Darling ,My Darling

    Obama,Obama ,
    I’ve wanted to call you Osama,
    Ever since Kennedy did
    Obama,your Mama,
    Wanted to have lots of drama,
    She changed Fathers for every kid.

    Now the Democrats call you Messiah,
    And you’re all such Heretics, that you can’t see,

    You’re more a Pariah,
    Full of wind like Mariah,
    It’s an insult to call you Messiah ,
    To all Christianity.

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