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Castro Quits: Clinton-Obama on Short List?

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 223 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2008-02-19) — As Cuban President Fidel Castro announced today he would end his half-century of totalitarian rule, sources close to Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama tried to tamp down speculation that they were on “the short list” of potential replacements for the ailing Communist dictator.

Rumors in Cuba carry the currency of mainstream media coverage in the U.S., and many Castro-supporters are eager to find new leadership that combines Castro-like charisma with iron-fisted leadership tactics and revolutionary support for government-run health care, education and industry.

“A Clinton-Obama ticket,” said one unnamed Cuba scholar, “combines the power and the glory that was Fidel Castro, with the unshakable commitment to collectivism, controlled economies, and virulent resistance to the United States as a superpower.”

Experts suggest that as co-presidents of Cuba, Mr. Obama would be the mouthpiece, giving stirring six-hour speeches about the majesty and beauty of poverty in a Communist Utopia, while Mrs. Clinton would work behind the scenes to ensure full agreement with those speeches at all levels of government.

“The question now for Cuba,” said the scholar, “is can we continue to survive here on the ash heap of history? With these two great leaders at the helm, the answer would be a resounding, ‘Si, se puede! Yes, we can!’”

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223 responses so far ↓

  • 1 boberinyetagain // Feb 19, 2008 at 9:20 am

    George will be out of a job soon. He takes suggestions as well as Fidel ever did. Could be a whole new gig for him.

    frostbite most: with temps in the 60’s that isn’t too likely!

  • 2 boberinyetagain // Feb 19, 2008 at 9:22 am

    It would make Putin pretty jealous as well!

    parker quiet: slow news day?

  • 3 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 19, 2008 at 9:32 am

    Long live the ‘53 Chevies!

    was seasoned: Yes he was

  • 4 boberinyetagain // Feb 19, 2008 at 9:39 am

    Ya gotta believe!!!

    President George W. Bush on Tuesday said he hoped the retirement of Cuban leader Fidel Castro would be the beginning of democratic transition in Cuba.

    “I believe that the change from Fidel Castro ought to begin a period of a democratic transition,” Bush said

    way allocated…yeah, way!

  • 5 Darthmeister // Feb 19, 2008 at 9:47 am

    Obama would make a fantastic commie leader. His Senate voting record is testament to that fact … and Hitlary is not far behind in that department.

    From AP:

    That black voters have so embraced Obama, even against the legacy of the Clintons, is not surprising to Mayor Willie Brown. “I think most white politicians do not understand that the race pride we all have trumps everything else.

    Finally, a candid admission by a Donk that for most black voters, voting for Obama is naked racism at its finest hour. What if a white supremacist had said, “I think most black politicians do not understand that the race pride we all have (in voting for a white candidate) trumps everything else.”

    The substitutionary argument points out the ugly truth every time.

  • 6 boberinyetagain // Feb 19, 2008 at 10:15 am

    Hank, it’s so obvious it doesn’t need to be said…from either side of that coin

    beloved event…George’s last day (as our leader)

  • 7 RedPepper // Feb 19, 2008 at 10:21 am


    Now, this is the way to get rid of noxious dictators! Outlast ‘em!

    If we’d just let Hans Blix keep on doing his job, we could confidently expect that Saddam would be gone in another 30-some years!

  • 8 gafisher // Feb 19, 2008 at 11:02 am

    In a rare show of Party unity, the Clintons have offered to fund Barack Obama’s entire Cuban campaign if he promises to leave today …

  • 9 gafisher // Feb 19, 2008 at 11:09 am

    Ironically, I suspect a President McCain would be more likely than either Dem to drop the embargo, recognize Cuba, and start sending foreign aid. Of course he’d also give them Guantanamo in a bright red ribbon, but we’d be able to vacation there. Club Gitmo, anyone?

  • 10 boberinyetagain // Feb 19, 2008 at 11:11 am

    They’d be getting off cheap, i’m guessing air time can be had for a song (or 3 chickens) down thataway!

    hair sprouts…in the darndest places as we age

  • 11 da Bunny // Feb 19, 2008 at 11:36 am

    Great idea, but it won’t work. We’d never be able to get these two buffoons out of the U.S. while they’re trying to turn the U.S. into a much larger version of Cuba. No “starting out small” for Barry or Hill.

    Somewhere, right now, Michael Moore is in deep mourning at the news that his hero, Fidel, is “stepping down.”

  • 12 gafisher // Feb 19, 2008 at 12:15 pm

    Imagine the Clibama Campaign’s first promise: “We can make the phrase ‘Cuban Cigar’ just a memory.” (Yes we can!)

    wv - by aristocrat - Pelosi / Kennedy / et al governance.

  • 13 Darthmeister // Feb 19, 2008 at 12:16 pm

    Obvious, bober? There will be any number of liberals who will defend Willie Brown just as there were any number of black ministers and white guilt-ridden liberals who defended the racist mission statement of Barack Obama’s Trinity United Church of Christ. We actually had a local black “reverend” regale our local community in a letter to the editor with liberal blah, blah, blah about the necessity of “black identity” and how the Chicago Trinity Church’s mission statement wasn’t racist even though it appeared racist. Talk about Orwellian!

    And while this nitwit “reverend” was defending Trinity’s racist mission statement Obama was busy distancing himself for the Trinity church and its minister! At least Obama had the intellectual honesty to realize he had been attending a racist church for most of his adult life though he is loathed to admit it in terms like that in public. I know of NO legitimate Protestant, Catholic, Evangelical, Korean, Chinese, or Fundamentalist Church that has a mission statement even remotely racist, but the same can’t be said of the Trinity United Church of Christ and others like it in America.

    And since we’re on the topic, let’s review the more controversial aspects of the Trinity United Church of Christ’s mission statement by substituting the word “white” where the word “black” exists:

    2. Commitment to the White Community
    3. Commitment to the White Family
    6. Adherence to the White Work Ethic
    8. Disavowal of the Pursuit of “Middleclassness”
    9. Pledge to make the fruits of all developing and acquired skills available to the White Community
    10. Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for Strengthening and Supporting White Institutions
    11. Pledge allegiance to all White leadership who espouse and embrace the White Value System
    12. Personal commitment to embracement of the White Value System.

    Once again argument by substitution demonstrates the ugly truth and hypocrisy about the liberal black (and white) “value system”.

    Quit being naive, bober. This kind of rank racism isn’t “so obvious it doesn’t need to be said.” Actually I think you appear uncomfortable being confronted with this truth about Obama’s personal history. Truth has a way of doing that, ya know. This stuff should be shouted from the housetops time, time and time again or at least until the liberal media grows a pair and starts treating Obama like they would the most hated Republican. If a Republican presidential candidate had attended a white church with a mission statement remotely like that above, he would have been drummed off the campaign trail by week one. No, I don’t think Obama is consciously racist, but when his entire campaign is based on the concept of “change”, I expect some intellectual consistency out of such a man.

    If Obama was so intelligent and so enlightened, why wasn’t he even aware of the racist mission statement of his own “church”? How long did he attend that church? Twenty years. I know you’re a Nader man, but the average American really doesn’t know squat about Obama because the media has done a lousy job of holding him accountable.

    If Obama is such an agent of change and “unity”, why didn’t he at least agitated for CHANGE in his own church, you know, CHANGE THAT MISSION STATEMENT … IT’S RACIST! But no, it’s the same ol’ same ol’ with Barack Hussein Obama (pbuh). The “change” he really speaks of is America changing over to pure liberal socialism.

  • 14 Possumtrot // Feb 19, 2008 at 12:37 pm

    This may well be the funniest thing Great Scott has ever done, and certainly closest to the truth. I haven’t stopped laughing since sunrise.

    Fidel was always a boogeyman on the edge of consciousness. God only knows what he was to the people of Cuba.

    When we back loser Repugnicant McCain, lose the White House, and fail to banish Pelosi and her band of do-nothings, America will have the government it deserves. That might be the appropriate time for one of Fidel’s six-hour speeches, but he’ll be retired.

    I never liked this guy, but his tenacity has to be admired.

  • 15 boberinyetagain // Feb 19, 2008 at 12:38 pm

    Hank, you are correct, I have no inherent love of Obama. As for the mission statement, what is it at your church? How often is it brought up/discussed? Where is it posted?
    It’s admittedly been years since I was a regular chuch goer although I do hit one near home a few times a year. But, even when I was a regular, I can’t say I knew the mission statement of any of them. They prolly had em but I recall no discussion/review/comment sessions.
    Again, not defending anyone, don’t really care one way or t’other, I’m just saying

    affair stretcher…what you use if your affair starts running out?

  • 16 RedPepper // Feb 19, 2008 at 12:59 pm

    A Clinton-Obama ticket?

    Please! How ’bout an OBAMA-whatshername ticket - more in tune with the Obama Phenomena!

    What really fascinates me is Obama’s followers. Now, there is a subject that cries out for in-depth analysis!

    Perhaps I could apply for a federally financed research grant. Wonder which gummint agency is in charge of studying primitive, idol-worshiping cultures …

  • 17 gafisher // Feb 19, 2008 at 12:59 pm

    Possumtrot Re#14: “When we back loser Repugnicant McCain …

    Something Rush said today (though he didn’t quite carry it to its conclusion) shed some light on the apparent McCain “Coronation.” McCain is the GOP’s sacrificial lamb; we’ll nominate him, and he’ll lose, and we’ll still have our good candidates unsullied for next time. McCain gets his historic asterisk, but will be too old to run again.

    It’s a pretty hopeless and dangerous strategy, but nothing else really explains why the GOP would toss two thirds of its base under the bus.

    wv - Cavett struck - Dick refuses to cross the picket line.

  • 18 Digital Brainwaves » Blog Archive » Fidel’s out, and Raul’s getting old… who’s next? // Feb 19, 2008 at 1:39 pm

    [...] member of his party takes control through democratic election. Scott Ott, though, thinks he has the perfect successors: Rumors in Cuba carry the currency of mainstream media coverage in the U.S., and many [...]

  • 19 Hawkeye // Feb 19, 2008 at 1:42 pm

    Funnier than ever, Scott. Another classic! :smile:

  • 20 Possumtrot // Feb 19, 2008 at 1:50 pm

    Wait ’til he loses!

    This year will be a disaster for Republicans. Then innocent Americans will be dying at all hours of the morning, an our dually elected leaders will be awakened to the mantra of “why didn’t they call us first?”

    Go ahead, vote for McCain, vote for Osama Bamalama, vote for the Hildebeast. You’ll get the government you deserve.

    I won’t relinguish my puny vote. I’ll cast it acccording to my conscience, thank you very much.

    None of those three pukes gets it, by the way.

  • 21 gafisher // Feb 19, 2008 at 2:07 pm

    Agreed, Possumtrot Re#20. I’m conservative first, Republican second.

    wv - 5-16@1%-per Chun - Norm Hsu’s payscale.

  • 22 everthink // Feb 19, 2008 at 3:17 pm

    I’m a Christian first, a husband, and father second, an American third, an NFL fan fourth, and a Democrat fifth.


    U. S.A. comes in 23rd in study!

    “Denmark ‘happiest place on earth’
    If it is happiness you are seeking a move to Denmark could be in order, according to the first scientist to make a world map of happiness.

    Adrian White, from the UK’s University of Leicester, used the responses of 80,000 people worldwide to map out subjective wellbeing.

    Denmark came top, followed closely by Switzerland and Austria. The UK ranked 41st. Zimbabwe and Burundi came bottom.
    A nation’s level of happiness was most closely associated with health levels.

    Prosperity and education were the next strongest determinants of national happiness.

    Mr White, who is an analytic social psychologist at the university, said: “When people are asked if they are happy with their lives, people in countries with good healthcare, a higher GDP [gross domestic product] per capita, and access to education were much more likely to report being happy.”

    Conservatives moving there to share their “enlightened joy”, would serve to improve the standing of the people of the United States, but that would be at the expense of the Danes.
    So, it is my recommendation that you just wait till January 20th.


  • 23 EXT // Feb 19, 2008 at 3:28 pm

    When I read the words “Democrat fifth” I pause in amazement. For most people it seems like it should take at least a quart. Though, if 190 proof stuff is still available in your state….yeah, maybe a fifth would co the job.

  • 24 MajorDomo // Feb 19, 2008 at 3:44 pm

    Bober> “Hank, you are correct, I have no inherent love of Obama. As for the mission statement, what is it at your church? How often is it brought up/discussed? Where is it posted?”

    Bober, I don’t know about Hank’s church, but in mine the mission statement is on the back of the Sunday bulletin, where everyone in attendance can read it. It is discussed in one form or another from the pulpit every Sunday, because the message is the birth, death and resurrection of the Savior, Jesus Christ. I’m sure there are many more churches like this.

  • 25 Possumtrot // Feb 19, 2008 at 3:51 pm

    What the Hell is “subjective wellbeing?” I want to draw the last breath of my life in my own bed.

    This year’s elections will not end well.

    I don’t care to move to Denmark, or any other Socialist paradise. Ask those people who are banging down the borders why they want to enter the 23d country in the world with such ferocity.

  • 26 boberinyetagain // Feb 19, 2008 at 3:52 pm


    hmmm, i learned something new but the statement you mention seems a tad more direct than the one at Obamas church, thus i’m guessing the more frequent discussion

  • 27 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 19, 2008 at 4:30 pm

    Here’s my Mission Statement.

  • 28 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 19, 2008 at 5:26 pm

    Right now would be a good time for a surprise invasion of Cuba—turn the idyllic island paradise into a bastion of Capitalist Democracy, a massive conglomerate of sugar beet/cane ethanol refineries and an ever-expanding chain of Soviet-themed water park franchises.

  • 29 mindknumbed kid // Feb 19, 2008 at 6:02 pm

    With all of the screaming liberals and folks like the JoKe, Teddy, Nancy, Harry, Byrd, HillBilly, etc. is it any wonder the US finished so high on the list ? Many here are too busy peeing their pants trying to comprehend the fact that one day they might have to be responsible for themselves. But in Denmark, no worries man….

  • 30 mindknumbed kid // Feb 19, 2008 at 6:11 pm

    Most churches have things in writing and if you want to become a member you are invited to discuss/review their positions before you are able to join. Now if you are only attending, and have your head in the sand you may not know what they stand for, but most surely do know - why else would you be at a specific church if you don’t have a clue ?

  • 31 RedPepper // Feb 19, 2008 at 6:42 pm

    JL3 #28: An intriguing proposal. Not sure I’m on board with the water parks, unless you were thinking of setting up “Waterboarding World” at Club Gitmo.

    But, hey! Since the U.S. has provided refuge to expatriate Cubans for nearly 50 years, Cuba could now return the favor by giving safe harbor to refugees from the Socialist Republic of Obama. Not just individuals; some of our most profitable industries will also be forced to flee from the new regime. Just off the top of my head: our auto industries, pharmaceutical companies, firearm manufacturers, vendors of “sinful” lifestyle choices such as drugs, tobacco & alcohol (already well-established in Cuba), & other guilty pleasures to enhance the tourist experience (prostitution & gambling). Well, I suppose that last group will still manage to flourish here even under the Dems. Whatever. But the rest definitely need to get thinking about gettin’ outa Dodge.

    We should start a grass-roots movement. Advertisements, slogans, songs, etc. ; here is an example of the type of subversive message we should send. In Cuba Libré, this could be an actual enterprise, not just a funny tee-shirt! Just think of the possibilities …

  • 32 mindknumbed kid // Feb 19, 2008 at 7:05 pm

    Unfortunately, I am under 50 years of age, Castro has always been there and people have been trying to get out of there. I doubt that the Cuban people will see any change anytime soon. But if it did, and if we get Obee or Hilly, we might see Americans fleeing to Cuba!

  • 33 mindknumbed kid // Feb 19, 2008 at 7:09 pm

    subjective wellbeing - Your well being is subjective to someone’s knuckles.

  • 34 RedPepper // Feb 19, 2008 at 7:51 pm

    mkk #32: Or, if you’re planning on sticking around, now might be a real good time to invest in a 2007-model automobile; after all, you could still be driving it 40 years from now …

  • 35 prettyold // Feb 19, 2008 at 8:30 pm

    #16 Hey,hey hey, RedPepper, none a that! Hiliary has senority!! She’s older ! She’s been spending every minute for 35 years to be President! It’s her turn!.Even if it’s Cuber,it would have to be Clinton /Obama.Are you trying to make all the women in America mad? Let alone all the women in Cuber.

    I wonder if she would stop in and see how little (Elion ,Alien,whatever) is doing ?Janet Reno could go too.I can picture the scene “Ohh Auntie Janet ,thank you ,for saving me from the terrible capitalist schools and health care,I love you.”

  • 36 prettyold // Feb 19, 2008 at 8:36 pm

    “Long live the ‘53 Chevies!”

    Ahhhh ,those were the days when a car looked like a CAR, instead of a Jellybean.

    Hode GriffenI only knew his brother Merv.

  • 37 MajorDomo // Feb 20, 2008 at 12:44 am

    bober #26. Yes, and it pays to consider that there are believers and there are makebelievers.

  • 38 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 20, 2008 at 6:18 am

    Rumor (via Slashdot) has it that, perfectly choreographed by President Bush to take place during the totality of the lunar eclipse later today, the toxic school bus currently hurtling toward Earth will, perhaps, be annihilated over HI.

  • 39 gafisher // Feb 20, 2008 at 6:52 am

    “… the toxic school bus …”

    Just to clarify, this is not the Straight Talk Express.

  • 40 Hawkeye // Feb 20, 2008 at 8:58 am

    Did you hear Michelle Obama’s gaffe last night? I thought this would be appropriate:

    As sung by Barack Obama to his wife Michelle.
    To the tune of Michelle by Paul McCartney…

    Michelle, “dumb-bell”.
    These are words that go together well,
    My Michelle.

    Michelle, “dumb-bell”.
    Zip that lip, and keep your thoughts to yourself.
    Keep your thoughts to yourself.

    I love you, I love you, I love you.
    I’m a candidate you see.
    Until I’m the nominee,
    I will say the only words I know that
    You’ll understand.

    Michelle, “dumb-bell”.
    Zip that lip, and keep your thoughts to yourself.
    Keep your thoughts to yourself.

    I need to, I need to, I need to…
    I need to make you see,
    I’m not yet the nominee.
    Until I am I’m hoping you will
    Know what I mean.

    I love you…

    I want you, I want you, I want you…
    To close your mouth for now.
    I’ll get the nod somehow.
    Until I do I’m telling you so
    You’ll understand.

    Michelle, “dumb-bell”.
    Zip that lip, and keep your thoughts to yourself.
    Keep your thoughts to yourself.

    I will say the only words I know that
    You’ll understand… my Michelle.


  • 41 everthink // Feb 20, 2008 at 9:16 am

    In the wake of Fidel Castro’s resignation as Cuba’s “Comandante en Jefe”, defense minister, Raoul Castro brother of Fidel Castro, appeared to be his designated successor; but he is only five years younger than Fidel Castro is, and some believe he represents the same old tired policies. While it is true, he is a war hero, some are now are questioning his dedication to the ideals of Che Guevara, and the revolutionary principles that are the bedrock of Cuba’s government.

    Now, suddenly as if from nowhere, it appears that Fidel Castro’s idiot son, Fidel “W”. Castro is preparing to mount a campaign to become Cuba’s new “Decider”.


  • 42 Libby Gone // Feb 20, 2008 at 9:36 am

    Cuba = Denmark = Soviet Union.
    Only difference is amount of personal income available to be appropriated by Government Nannies. Anyone moving there will undoubtably bring happiness and prosperity to America by their conspicuous absense from the handout lines. An improvement in the national IQ of America would be another benefit.

  • 43 upnorthlurkin // Feb 20, 2008 at 9:55 am

    Just a heads up out there…we tied a record low temperature this morning of -30°! The record was set in 1889….anyone have any spare cows….politicians….anything?! We could use the hot air/flatulence….. Oh, I see it’s rocketed UP to - 29° !! Nevermind…

  • 44 Shelly // Feb 20, 2008 at 9:55 am

    Speaking of the genius of Hillary, Drudge is reporting how her stump speech now includes running down people who work for invesment and hedge funds, you know, those evil tools like say, Chelsea Clinton? There’s no substitute for a supportive mom. Unless its one who would sell her own daughter’s soul to get the nomination.

    wv - housing hits = what happens to property values as soon as her economic plan is implemented

    oh, and Boberin, the mission statement of most Christians is hardly a secret. The Gideons went so far as to put it in every hotel room.

  • 45 Fred Sinclair // Feb 20, 2008 at 10:01 am

    prettyold #36 ahhhh how right you are. I could see coming down the road, my Uncle Claude. Actually I saw his 1948 Hudson Hornet and no one else we knew drove “The car you step down into”.

    My Uncle Clarence drove an old Model A Ford (I never had to ’see’ him coming - you could always hear his car). It got dicey with the 49 - 51 Fords. Old man Brown had a 1940 Hupmobile, his wife drove a Pierce Arrow. They kept those cars in like new condition. Certainly not jelly bean cars.

    Nor was my 1964 1/2 Ford Mustang - today’s cars do in fact look like jelly beans. The days of the 1965 Pontiac 2+2, 65 Dodge Coronet 500 (with 426 hemi), 1956 Lincoln Premier and the widest auto ever made, the 1960 Ford Sunliner Convertible are over.

    Thanks to Prophet Algore and his “Church of the Manmade Global Warming” the cars of tomorrow will be little more than pregnant roller skates powered with electric motors from weed whackers.

    Heirborn Ranger

    WV - qualified nearly - John McCain

  • 46 RedPepper // Feb 20, 2008 at 10:02 am

    Libby Gone: Your old email ID (at is not working. Does anyone have a more current ID for you?

    Shelly: Same question. Does someone have an email ID for you?

  • 47 Shelly // Feb 20, 2008 at 10:17 am

    RedPepper, Maggie does.

  • 48 upnorthlurkin // Feb 20, 2008 at 10:50 am

    Rich Galen has a great column here about candidate Obama’s wife’s big mouth (my opinion, not Rich’s). Now it’s up to -27°!

  • 49 everthink // Feb 20, 2008 at 10:58 am

    “Michelle, “dumb-bell”.”

    Oh yeah, what the heck, she’s only a Princeton, and a Harvard Law graduate!

    I can’t think why she wanted to ride up in the front of the bus with you genius jinglists and name mechanics anyway.


  • 50 RedPepper // Feb 20, 2008 at 11:05 am

    Latest contender for the 2008 Darwin Award.

    LONDON (Reuters) - Police in central England are hunting for a badly scorched would-be copper power cable thief after finding a hacksaw embedded in an 11,000 volt power cable Saturday night.

  • 51 Hawkeye // Feb 20, 2008 at 11:13 am

    ET #49,
    From Special Report with Brit Hume…

    MORT KONDRACKE, EXECUTIVE EDITOR, “ROLL CALL”: This is a pattern to her. She is the downbeat to his upbeat. And she said on other occasions that the soul of America is broken.

    And when she talks about her own past, she can only remember, seemingly, the people who told her she couldn’t go to Princeton or she couldn’t go to Harvard Law School, instead of the people who obviously made it possible.

    If her grades — as she said, she couldn’t have made it if she had been judged just on her test results. Well, if she had lousy test results and she still got into Princeton and Harvard Law School, then somebody believed in her. And why isn’t she thanking them and saying that this shows what America is all about?

  • 52 everthink // Feb 20, 2008 at 11:14 am

    There’ll be no “Swiftboating” of old John; but, that won’t stop your “Conservative” sling and smear campaign will it? After all, that’s what you call Christian!

    I’ll be expecting your Robocall telling me about Obama’s black child.


  • 53 nylecoj // Feb 20, 2008 at 11:18 am

    #52 HUH!

  • 54 RedPepper // Feb 20, 2008 at 11:22 am

    That’s an easy one, Mort!

    Because for some people, nothing in the world is more important than nursing their grievances!

  • 55 Shelly // Feb 20, 2008 at 11:28 am

    I thought Obama had two children.

  • 56 gafisher // Feb 20, 2008 at 11:31 am

    Poor Hillary. She was certain nothing could be her, and now he is.

  • 57 boberinyetagain // Feb 20, 2008 at 11:32 am

    I’ve heard that in 5th grade Obama was sitting next to his freind during a test. Apparently the freind was glancing over at Obama trying to “borrow” some answers and, Obama didn’t do all he could have to prevent this.
    And he wants to be president? Get real…

    mrs. weekends? she should have given more thought to that marriage!

  • 58 gafisher // Feb 20, 2008 at 11:32 am

    heh heh … BEAT her …

  • 59 RedPepper // Feb 20, 2008 at 11:45 am

    boberin #57: What kind of test was it that Obama and his friend were taking?

    It wasn’t a spelling test, was it?

  • 60 RedPepper // Feb 20, 2008 at 11:50 am

    gafisher #58: It’s a Muslim thing, you wouldn’t understand …

  • 61 everthink // Feb 20, 2008 at 11:56 am


    re: 56

    I’m really impressed with the dignified way he’s doing it. It appears he intends to conduct the same kind of campaign against McCain.

    Can America still return to politics like this?

    I hope so!


  • 62 onlineanalyst // Feb 20, 2008 at 12:48 pm

    ET asks, “Can America still return to politics like this?”

    I don’t think that America has enough bottled tap water (Yeah, I know that’s an oxymoron.) to handle all of that Obama dignity. The fainting spells alone by those rocked out of their socks will seriously deplete the water table. And think of all of the petroleum used to package that KoolAid, er water.

    WV: always tiny the resume and credibility of Obama bin Hopin’ in effecting change.

  • 63 everthink // Feb 20, 2008 at 1:51 pm

    Re: 62

    Analyze this! “You gotta a gift”.


  • 64 everthink // Feb 20, 2008 at 2:43 pm

    Michelle Obama: “‘For the First Time in My Adult Lifetime, I Am Really Proud of My Country”

    It seems somebody has deleted the word “really”. Who could that be? Could it be … Satan? No, it’s just the Republicans doing business as usual.


  • 65 Shelly // Feb 20, 2008 at 3:22 pm

    Actually, it was Michelle Obama. She delivered that line twice, once with “really” and once without.

  • 66 Hawkeye // Feb 20, 2008 at 3:26 pm

    ET #64,
    That was the second time she said it, after somebody clued her in to her gaffe. And that still does not relieve her of the foolishness implicit in her statement.

    Again from Special Report with Brit Hume…

    JUAN WILLIAMS, SENIOR CORRESPONDENT, NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO: People have been waiting for Senator Obama to have some sort of gaffe or misstep, because he has just run such an excellent campaign. And here comes a gaffe from Michelle Obama.

    Look, she is a 44-year-old black woman, and there’s no way that a black woman in America who is 44 years old can’t be proud of the incredible progress this country has shown in terms of inclusiveness. We’ve got women on the Supreme Court now. We have a woman as Secretary of State, a black woman, in fact, if you haven’t noticed.

    And the idea is — I believe she went to Princeton and then Harvard, and she was at Sidley and Austin, a major American law firm. That is just not possible in the previous generation.

  • 67 Webloggin - Blog Archive » Obamaminia, Many Asking ‘Where’s the Beef?’ // Feb 20, 2008 at 4:18 pm

    [...] read: Castro Quits: Clinton-Obama on Short List? at ScrappleFace Supreme Court Rejects ACLU Domestic Spying Case, Stop the ACLU another Reagan [...]

  • 68 everthink // Feb 20, 2008 at 4:36 pm

    Shelly & Hawkeye,

    Thanks, I only saw the one post, I accept your word there were two and withdraw my accusation. Still, if you saw the context, she meant no insult, it would have been very much at cross purpose to her intent; a gaffe.


  • 69 MajorDomo // Feb 20, 2008 at 4:55 pm

    neverthink-> “After all, that’s what you call Christian!”

    Yes. Christians are indeed for truth.

  • 70 Fred Sinclair // Feb 20, 2008 at 5:00 pm

    hawk i - don’t hold tour breath waiting for Obama or the msm to call attention to one of the most influential black women in America.

    [a byte from wiki] “Janice Rogers Brown (born May 11, 1949 in Greenville, Alabama) is a federal judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. She previously was an Associate Justice of the California Supreme Court, holding that post from May 2, 1996 until her appointment to the D.C. Circuit.
    President George W. Bush nominated her to her current position in 2003. However, her nomination was stalled in the U.S. Senate for almost two years due to Democratic opposition. She began serving as a federal appellate court judge on June 8, 2005. She has been frequently mentioned as a possible Bush nominee to the United States Supreme Court.”

    Since she’s noted for being strict Constitutionalist it’s no wonder the democrats fought tooth and nail to block her appointment.

    Personally, I feel she is a good reason for me to be PROUD of my country and ashamed of those who feared and fought her appointment for so long. Now if she becomes a Supreme, I’ll be happier. But is she should ever run for President while I’m alive, I’ll vote for her.

    Read the entire wiki writeup on her - truly an amazing woman in the mold of Margaret Thatcher and Golda Meir.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 71 everthink // Feb 20, 2008 at 5:11 pm

    OK Major,

    Truth it is, now I’m going to be counting on you.


  • 72 RedPepper // Feb 20, 2008 at 5:22 pm

    Hawkeye #66: Juan Williams has obviously lost his mind. Condi Rice is a Republican!

    There are no Black Republicans! Just house [ask Harry Belafonte]! Didn’t Juan get the memo?

  • 73 mindknumbed kid // Feb 20, 2008 at 7:05 pm

    What I wanna know is if Barry gets elected will we then be an Obamanation? Somebody quick poll the theological society and see what their consensus might be. A lot of the republicans around here are black, until their wives make ‘em take a shower after workin’ all day down at the coal mine…..does that count ? Somebody ask Jackson or Sharpton, or Clinton (he was the first white man elected to be a black president, I think).

    upnorthfreezin - I’m really sad to hear that you are having technical difficulties with your global warming there. Have you call Al Gore and told him about the problem ? When it is THAT big of a problem it is OK to go straight to the top.

  • 74 mindknumbed kid // Feb 20, 2008 at 7:33 pm

    RedPepper - You don’t understand, once a black person becomes highly educated and works in a law firm or something like that, they are no long black enough. Then, when they lose their mind like Condi and Clarence Thomas, they ain’t even black anymore. Remember, Obamanable’s problem when he was first trying to run ? (No not when he used to trip over his shoe laces, I mean run for president) he was having a lot of trouble being black enough. What’d he ever do to fix that anyhow, a Maaco $49.95 special ? Seems as though being black just isn’t as easy as appearing to be black. A whole lot easier to be white, but I suppose to really be white you have to have owned at least one slave or have been born in America. I know this gets pretty darn confusing, I really ain’t for sure that I got a real good grasp on it myself.

  • 75 egospeak // Feb 20, 2008 at 7:39 pm

    re: 49

    ET I have to give you credit, you manage to never disappoint. You might recall that George W. Bush attended Yale and Harvard and has an MBA, yet you refer to him as dumbya. Do you even know the definition of hypocrisy?


  • 76 prettyold // Feb 20, 2008 at 7:41 pm

    #43 Upnorthlurkin,
    Doncha just hate that”we tied a record low temperature this morning of -30°! ” to suffer in -30° weather and not even set a new record !!!
    Tell everyone to hold their breath tonight and get down to -29° .
    We had a balmy +4°

    want ShirleyI’ll let her know ,Laverne.

  • 77 mindknumbed kid // Feb 20, 2008 at 7:43 pm

    Christ himself said, “I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life” ….doesn’t get much Christianer than that right there. ET, don’t you worry about little Johnny, he is a big boy and a politician, he can dodge the bullets of truth as good as your kin can, maybe even better, he’s been doing it nearly as long as MO’s husband has been alive.

  • 78 mindknumbed kid // Feb 20, 2008 at 7:49 pm

    If you came out of Yale or Harvard and were still a republican then it obviously either “didn’t take”, or you cheated all the way through. You have to be a liberal to have a bonafide Harvard/Yale education. It’s sort like the race thing, you know….

  • 79 mindknumbed kid // Feb 20, 2008 at 7:53 pm

    ET’s definition of hypocrit : conservative Christion republican

  • 80 nylecoj // Feb 20, 2008 at 7:54 pm

    Did I see this here?
    Where ever I picked it up I sure found it amusing.

    menaced franz=stop that, I am sure there are laws against bullying

  • 81 mindknumbed kid // Feb 20, 2008 at 7:56 pm

    How did that a become an o ? Christian…

    wv : mind posing - liberal democratic candidates ?

  • 82 RedPepper // Feb 20, 2008 at 8:12 pm

    I’ll give Barak props for one thing; he sure knows how to be subtle. Did you notice last night that he began his “victory” speech before Hillary had finished speaking? And ALL the TV channels that were covering the primary results cut away from She Who Must Be Obeyed and started covering Barack?

    Payback’s a [HRC], baby …

  • 83 everthink // Feb 20, 2008 at 8:56 pm

    McCain: What now?


    wv: stitution presents ~ It sure does!

  • 84 prettyold // Feb 20, 2008 at 9:21 pm

    Loved your musical adaptation Hawkeye. You should send it to Barak and Dumbbell,they could work up a little duet . Every time Michelle would open her mouth Barak would firmly place his hand over it ,so all Michelle ’s sounds would be humming. I’d be willing to send a straw hat and cane.

    provision Aguirre Soon it will be Presidente Aguirre,but he will have to take to the hills.

  • 85 prettyold // Feb 20, 2008 at 9:30 pm

    “Now, suddenly as if from nowhere, it appears that Fidel Castro’s idiot son, Fidel “W”. Castro is preparing to mount a campaign to become Cuba’s new “Decider”

    Hmmmm ,from what I read this idiot son had the brains to leave Cuber years ago and stay gone.
    I never knew Castro had kids ,I always assumed he was gay. All that kissing men on the lips and patting.

    negative clerks What we will have after Obama’s tax cuts.

  • 86 upnorthlurkin // Feb 20, 2008 at 11:15 pm

    Ms. Pretty - turns out the other station and the National Weather Service (when have they ever been wrong!?) all said we got down to -31° so we did set a record!! Whew! It’s only -10° right now. I was just outside trying to snap photos of the lunar eclipse. I couldn’t hold my breath long enough to get a clear shot! It was cool (heh!) though.

  • 87 mindknumbed kid // Feb 20, 2008 at 11:16 pm

    I bet there are dishes flying all around Shrilldabeast these days!! If we start hearing of death threats being called in to the networks you will know who is behind it all.I wonder if she has a picture of Obama with a hatchet in his head on her screen saver. Will I get a visit from the Secret Service for posing such a question ? Couldn’t you just imagine her watching the news clips of Barack and hearing of her having a total meltdown, death-threats, hiring a hit-man, etc. I wonder if she is all that far away from being capable under these circumstances…

    Imagine if she actually lost it and successfully had BO knocked off, was implicated, all before the election. What would the Donks do then ? Maybe she would flee to Cuber and take over there…..OK, I’m way out there, but, what if ?

  • 88 mindknumbed kid // Feb 20, 2008 at 11:22 pm

    upnorth - Are you absolutely certain it is cold there ? McSham says global warming is a real problem that we are going to have to deal with. The GW crowd might pay you a visit if you keep insisting that it is record breaking cold. You might make their hit-list….

  • 89 Darthmeister // Feb 20, 2008 at 11:35 pm

    Useful idiots on the left (who also plan to vote for Messiah Obama).

    “Wherever there is a jackboot stomping on a human face there will be a well-heeled Western liberal to explain that the face does, after all, enjoy free health care and 100 percent literacy.”

  • 90 Darthmeister // Feb 20, 2008 at 11:36 pm

    … Drats, pushin’ again.

  • 91 Fred Sinclair // Feb 21, 2008 at 7:34 am

    mkk #79 - ET’s definition of hypocrit : conservative Christion republican” (Christion?)

    Interesting redundancy factor there. A liberal Conservative would be an anomaly. While one doesn’t have to be a Christian to be a conservative. It would be impossible to be a Christian and not be a conservative.

    Back in the days before the Socialists conquered the DNC, one could be both a Christian and a Democrat but after the putsch, the Christians bailed out of what was obviously, to all of them, a sinking ship.

    So the party of Karl Heinrich Marx , Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Friedrich Engels continues to this day with their newer leaders, Michael Francis Moore, Harry Mason Reid and Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi and their adherents Gores, Kerrys, Kennedys, Clintons. Obamas, etc.

    May God have mercy on us all.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 92 Darthmeister // Feb 21, 2008 at 8:15 am

    neverthink’s definition of a “hypocrite” is anyone who isn’t a closet commie liberal. Okay, make that a “Goldwater conservative”… like him! Buwahahahahaha. He’s so used to lying that he even lies to himself. Just look who he’s willing to vote for now, the most liberal Senator in the U.S. Senate, a freakin’ liberal socialist.

    Goldwater conservative indeed. Like a dog returning to its own vomit.

  • 93 Darthmeister // Feb 21, 2008 at 8:16 am

    … !!!

  • 94 Hawkeye // Feb 21, 2008 at 8:41 am

    prettyold // Feb 20, 2008 at 9:21 pm #84
    Loved your musical adaptation Hawkeye. You should send it to Barak and Dumbbell,they could work up a little duet…

    Thanks. Maybe next time I’ll consider a 2-part harmony. :wink:

    RedPepper // Feb 20, 2008 at 5:22 pm #72

    Hawkeye #66: Juan Williams has obviously lost his mind. Condi Rice is a Republican!
    Sometimes Juan surprises me. As of late, he appears to have stopped drinking the Jackson-Sharpton Kool-Aidâ„¢.

    everthink // Feb 20, 2008 at 4:36 pm #68

    Shelly & Hawkeye,
    Thanks, I only saw the one post, I accept your word there were two and withdraw my accusation.

    Thanks for your gracious reply.

    Fred Sinclair // Feb 20, 2008 at 5:00 pm #70

    hawk i - don’t hold (y)our breath waiting for Obama or the msm to call attention to one of the most influential black women in America… Janice Rogers Brown

    Whew! I feel much better now. I was starting to turn blue. :smile:

  • 95 upnorthlurkin // Feb 21, 2008 at 10:03 am

    MKK - sorry, we went to bed….anyhoo, that’s the whole point to my reporting. If we can attract the GW crowd, all the hot air they bring with them is bound to warm things up a bit!!

    wv nouncement Mr …who comes up with these? Am I the only one that’s teased with non-words?

  • 96 DrivebyMeteor // Feb 21, 2008 at 10:06 am

    Is the MSM’s long-running romance with Senator McCain over?

    Looks like the NYT just served John with divorce papers!

    Who’da thunk it!

  • 97 Fred Sinclair // Feb 21, 2008 at 10:09 am

    mkk #79 ET’s definition of hypocrit : conservative Christion republican” (Christion?)

    Interesting redundancy factor there. A liberal Conservative would be an anomaly. While one doesn’t have to be a Christian to be a conservative. It would be impossible to be a Christian and not be a conservative.

    Back in the days before the Socialists conquered the DNC, one could be both a Christian and a Democrat but after the putsch, the Christians bailed out of what was obviously, to all of them, a sinking ship.

    So the party of Karl Heinrich Marx , Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Friedrich Engels continues to this day with their newer leaders, Michael Francis Moore, Harry Mason Reid and Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi and their adherents Gores, Kerrys, Kennedys, Clintons. Obamas, etc.

    May God have mercy on us all.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 98 upnorthlurkin // Feb 21, 2008 at 10:10 am

    …and what happened to the preview….oh, there it is!! It’s back. And that should read ‘am I the only one who’s teased’ I think. Okay, break’s over…back to the tax returns…ugh.

    wv commision pink - okay, I got nuthin’.
    ( apologies for the lack of proper grammar)

  • 99 Fred Sinclair // Feb 21, 2008 at 10:18 am

    Double post? My 91 & 97 I didn’t think that was possible 2 1/2 hours apart????????????????

    Heirborn Ranger

    WV - Woolworth 80 17 - used to be 5 & 10

  • 100 conserve-a-tips // Feb 21, 2008 at 10:36 am

    OK, so I couldn’t stay away this morning. Scott’s piece was just too funny. I have sent it to friends while laughing. Good job.

    DrivebyMeteor: Like we didn’t see this one coming from a satellite???? They are sooooo predictable. Pump up the least preferable candidate and then cut him out at the knees when he wins. Gee, I wish Romney was still in the game. He should have stayed. There’s more to come. Just get ready to say, “Heil Obama.” Did anyone else see the article about Obama’s ‘mentor’? He was the head of the Communist Party USA. Sigh.

    up bullets: safer than side-to-side bullets

  • 101 Libby Gone // Feb 21, 2008 at 11:09 am

    I hear teeth gnashing in the Clinton camp. How can Shrillary Destroy an African American’s credibility and yet be percieved herself as the VICTIM?
    Oh yea, she/he/it ’s a Democrat, she lives for this.

  • 102 RedPepper // Feb 21, 2008 at 11:19 am

    Libby Gone: Did you see my comment #46 on this thread?

  • 103 RedPepper // Feb 21, 2008 at 11:37 am

    c-a-t #100: You’re reading my mind!

    ♫ Obama, Obama über alles! ♫

    Life is a Cabaret, old chum …

  • 104 boberinyetagain // Feb 21, 2008 at 11:51 am

    So, it turns out that it was McCain sitting next to Obama in 5th grade, attempting to cheat from his test paper.

    Wait until the media “discovers” that both men were in diapers for nearly 18 months of their lives and that they often soiled those diapers which resulted in much extra work/expense for thier families.
    That sort of thing won’t play well in “middle” America, it might not even cut in in “the edges” of America, it’s that distasteful.

    supplier the….merrier?

  • 105 boberinyetagain // Feb 21, 2008 at 12:41 pm

    I’m willing to bet that if we dig deep enough we can “discover” that one or more candidate had availed themselves of the services of a dentist at some point. They may have done this for health reasons but still, I’m betting that one or more, perhaps all of them, had some cosmetic work done as well. All calculated to make them more presentable/electable. It’s just that sort of underhanded behavior that needs to be shown the light of day. Then each of us must search our souls and ask “is this type of thing acceptable for a would be leader of the free world?”
    Let the decision be one you can live with, one that allows you to both sleep at night while remaining “right” with God.

    yvonne this…what one says as a witty rejoinder to a coworker that says “yvonne” to one

  • 106 Possumtrot // Feb 21, 2008 at 12:48 pm

    Goodness! The input from subscribing to an e-mail response overwhelms the old e-mail box. The 76 responses has to be a record.

    I like tracking on ScrappleFace. I prefer to do it at my own pace. Great Scott keeps test-driving these fancy Internet devices, and none of them fit my pistol, as John Wayne said. I’m a Luddite; I like the old-fashioned way.

    That type-it-in thing at the bottom of my screen also defeats me. My eyes aren’t as good as they used to be.

  • 107 everthink // Feb 21, 2008 at 12:52 pm


    “ET I have to give you credit, you manage to never disappoint. You might recall that George W. Bush attended Yale and Harvard and has an MBA, yet you refer to him as dumbya. Do you even know the definition of hypocrisy?”

    Actually, that’s Dumbyah. But, let us examine at your point. Dumbyah has an MBA, while Michelle Obama has a JD, both from Harvard. The first indication of level of a person’s education might most often be in the way they speak. Of, course even a highly educated person may something stupid from time to time; but the more often that occurs, the more its calls their education into question. There are several books filled with “Bushisms”. Nightly, David Letterman airs a segment called “Great Moments in Presidential Speeches” in which selected examples of Dumbyah’s remarks are compared to other presidents, last night one of the contrasts was a from a speech by Ronal Reagan, the night before one was from Dwight D. Eisenhower. When Dumbyah speaks, it often reminds me of Yogi Berra, or his mentor, Casey Stengel. Both, Stengel and Berra knew their remarks were funny, and they were baseball guys. Dumbyah, either, does not understand the difference, or does not know any better. I think it is the latter.

    After graduation, Michelle Obama was required to pass an examination before she could practice law. Is there a requirement that an MBA pass an examination before practicing his art? I do not think there is. Most often, it is an employer passes judgment on the arbitrary worth of an MBA. Are you aware of Ambusco? How about the serious SEC violation questions regarding Dumbyah’s sale of its stock before it went bankrupt? Dumbyah went on to the Texas Rangers, where your MBA owned 12.5 percent of the baseball team, with the raining 87.5 owned by his daddy’s rich friends. There he traded away Sammy Sosa. He next went on to the Governorship of Texas, were it seems his only function was to sign death warrants. There, he mocked Karla Faye Tucker before putting her to death. If there ever was a case for commuting a sentence a death sentence, that Christian girl was it; but she is with the Lord today, where I hope to tell her someday how much I cared.

    Then, on your MBA went on to be the Chief Executive of the United States, where about 70-80 percent of Americans believe he has “underperformed” at a history making level.


  • 108 everthink // Feb 21, 2008 at 1:37 pm

    I can see by all my typos, I’m pretty ignorant, and sorta dumb, my own self.

    Therefore, I hereby withdraw my kandidacy.


  • 109 Hawkeye // Feb 21, 2008 at 1:52 pm

    ET #107,
    70-80 percent of Americans believe he has ?underperformed?
    I think history will be kinder to GW than this week’s opinion polls. Don’t forget that Ronald Reagan wasn’t too popular while he was President either.

    reveal MORAN — sheesh! they can’t even spell MORON.

  • 110 EXT // Feb 21, 2008 at 1:52 pm

    Lest ye lose faith….

    It’s not who gets the nomination that counts — it’s who survives to appear on the ballot.

  • 111 everthink // Feb 21, 2008 at 2:01 pm

    Karla Faye Tucker’s final statement
    February 3, 1998
    Web posted at: 9:35 p.m. EST (0235 GMT)

    HUNTSVILLE, Texas (CNN) — Below is the final statement of Karla Faye Tucker, according to the Texas Department of Corrections’ official transcript.

    “Yes sir, I would like to say to all of you, the Thornton family and Jerry Dean’s family that I am so sorry. I hope God will give you peace with this.

    “Baby, I love you. Ron, give Peggy a hug for me. Everybody has been so good to me. I love all of you very much. I’m going to be face-to-face with Jesus now.

    “Warden Baggett, thank all of you so much. You have been so good to me. I love all of you very much. I will see you all when you get there. I will wait for you.”

  • 112 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 21, 2008 at 2:03 pm

    Where is George Washington when we need him. Time to cross the Delaware (while it is cold) and rid the capitol of turncoats.

    Then invade New York and burn down the rag factory (NYT).

    I knew George Washington and McCain, you are no George Washington.

    And as far as Obamayomama, well your mama wears boots that stomps out pride

    wv: Joey Smith-the kid who picked his nose in Church. Never will forget him. I think he is a reporter for the Rag Factory (NYT)

  • 113 everthink // Feb 21, 2008 at 2:12 pm


    I believe you are wrong. I voted for Richard Nixon twice. Now that I have learned more about him, I truly regret those votes.

    I think most here will have even more regret about 43, once the defenses of his high office are removed.


  • 114 everthink // Feb 21, 2008 at 2:36 pm

    Ms RightWing,

    George Washington was a great man, who would have had many differences with today’s administration.

    He, also, crossed the Delaware to “attack” at Trenton, NJ, not the capitol. He attacked Hessian garrison, not his countrymen.

    He caught the Hessians sleeping in the early morning after a day Christmas celebrations. Your countrymen have be “awakened”!

    I don’t think Washington would have approved your purpose. Maybe, the kind of man you’re looking for is more like Benedict Arnold.


  • 115 bRight & Early » Blog Archive » Next for Cuba // Feb 21, 2008 at 2:37 pm

    [...] have no doubt that this is probably the way things will play out. However, Scott Ott has insider information on a (slightly) different direction that could be taken. As Cuban President [...]

  • 116 everthink // Feb 21, 2008 at 2:44 pm

    I’m not tying to good, I need a nap, later y’all


  • 117 RedPepper // Feb 21, 2008 at 2:54 pm


    “I’m nervous because Michelle Obama, about whom I just wrote a fawning puff piece, now says that until her husband’s stunning ascendancy, she’s never before been proud of America. Huh?

    Barack now claims she didn’t mean it. Oh, yes she did. We all know the insufferable, holier-than-thou, Blame-America-First types who lecture the unwashed from the rarefied air of Cambridge and Brookline.

    If I wanted lecturing, I’d be with Hillary.
    I’m nervous because too many Obama-philes sound like Moonies, or Hare Krishnas, or the Hale-Bopp-Is-Coming-To-Get-Me nuts.

    Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings introduced Obama last week in Baltimore and said, ‘This is not a campaign for president of the United States, this is a movement to change the world.’”

    - Margery Eagan, in this morning’s Boston Herald

    Please note: she begins her column with, “I’m an Obama girl … ”.

    And I guarantee you, despite her present uneasiness, she still is.

  • 118 boberinyetagain // Feb 21, 2008 at 3:12 pm

    Obamas wife made a dumb statement? The horror, he should be deported at the very least.

    McCain one siad “hello” in a suggestive tone (rumors that he raised an eyebrown whilst saying this are being investigated, more on that later) to a lobbyist? They should both be run out of town on a rail.

    I hear Hillary’s old man used to have some muckety muck position in gummint, pass the word!

    confer noriega…maybe he should run, no skeletons in that closet, they are all out in the room

  • 119 boberinyetagain // Feb 21, 2008 at 3:14 pm

    “eyebrow”…not supposed to be brown

    richardson salt….and frankson pepper?

  • 120 boberinyetagain // Feb 21, 2008 at 3:16 pm

    whoops, “once” said “hello”

    pute committee…in charge of finding a new pute I assume

  • 121 da Bunny // Feb 21, 2008 at 3:27 pm

    Red Pepper #117…great post. It isn’t only the Mrs. making the “blame America first” comments, either. I believe I heard OsamaObama saying “we’re melting the polar ice caps” in his latest “victory” speech a couple of nights ago. Uh…what, Mr. Leftist Lunatic? First of all, human beings do not now control, nor have they ever controlled the climate, and second, there are many other countries on the face of this Earth besides the U.S. for him to “blame,” as well. Such complete buffoons, these Obamas and their ilk. Perhaps Mrs. OsamaObama would prefer to reside in a place she can be proud of…say Cuba, NoKo, or perhaps China? Fool!!

  • 122 boberinyetagain // Feb 21, 2008 at 3:38 pm

    bunny, by “we” I’m pretty sure he meant “folks that were…

    Born to a Kenyan father and an American mother and…
    spent most of his childhood in Honolulu and…
    A graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School and…
    delivered the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention and…
    Married in 1992 and has two daughters and…
    he was commonly known at home and school as “Barry”

    Not “we” as in “you and I”, because “we” know we didn’t do it

    gibbs co…the bee gees incorporate

  • 123 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 21, 2008 at 5:16 pm

    re: 14

    There you go again thinking you know what someone was trying to say instead of what they did say. If I was in favor of him going to NJ, I would have said that. What I did say is he should go to the capitol and rid the place of turncoats.

    Learn to read and then come back and say what you thought I should have said.

    I really don’t think Benedict Arnold fit into my post so why did you put him into it. Are you the new Scrappleface copy editor.

    God bless your imposing mind and thoughts and please stay out of my blogs.

    Go play with someone else’s thoughts, you are not welcome near mine.

  • 124 everthink // Feb 21, 2008 at 6:06 pm

    Sorry, Ms Rightwing,

    I thought you were referring to Democrats as “turncoats”. I must have misread you post. I will, of course, defer to your demand in addressing you directly.


  • 125 EXT // Feb 21, 2008 at 8:35 pm

    Very few Democrats are “turncoats”. Most were born that way, being the spawn of Liberal parents. They are, alas, victims of “FDS” (Fetal Democrat Syndrome).

    There ARE some tragic exceptions. Notably the children of normal parents who learned to talk-the-talk in order to get through college and then forget all they learned at home. Fortunately, though, most of these examples buy the whole package so abort any potential offspring, thus breaking the cycle.

    Count our blessings!

  • 126 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 21, 2008 at 8:54 pm

    Big snows rolling into Ohio. Maybe this will be the storm we have been waiting for. Lots of anti-global warming days this winter but so far I have not been able to get my sled out and go down the parking lot hill.


    wv: rented that-been there, rented that

  • 127 mindknumbed kid // Feb 21, 2008 at 8:59 pm

    Who was that famous black lady that endorsed Obamanable ? Here is some info Fred shared with me about her and ET’s religion.
    There will come a day when this stuff will be called to account, it won’t be pretty then either.

  • 128 mindknumbed kid // Feb 21, 2008 at 9:09 pm

    It’s all BIG RUBBERS fault for this global warming. They quit making those round things for the evil automobiles and no one could drive , no SUV’s on America’s highways and we cool down virtually overnight.
    Speaking of overnight , how was it last night upnorthlurkin ? Maybe it is a bit nippy in your neighborhood because of a recent visitor - has Chillary been around there lately ?

  • 129 Fred Sinclair // Feb 21, 2008 at 9:11 pm

    Once upon a time we had a General John J. “Blackjack” Pershing, with a Government that backed him and a media uncontaminated by Socialists/Communists, who today would “throw him under the bus”

    But he did know how to deal with militant Moslems “.

    A short clip from “”
    “There had been numerous Islamic terrorist attacks, so “Black Jack” told his boys to catch the perps and teach them a lesson.

    Forced to dig their own graves, the terrorists were all tied to posts, execution style. The U.S. soldiers then brought in pigs and slaughtered them, rubbing their bullets in the blood and fat. Thus, the terrorists were terrorized; they saw that they would be contaminated with hogs’ blood. This would mean that they could not enter Heaven, even if they died as terrorist martyrs.

    All but one was shot, their bodies dumped into the grave, and the hog guts dumped atop the bodies. The lone survivor was allowed to escape back to the terrorist camp and tell his brethren what happened to the others. This brought a stop to terrorism in the Philippines for the next 50 years.”

    Another clip I read said there were 50 terrorists captured, 49 slain and 1 allowed to escape.

    Google his name for additional details.

    Heirborn Ranger

    WV - Fauver face - one step above “Liberal face”.

  • 130 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 21, 2008 at 9:14 pm

    In the news today

    Official says Navy missile hit dead satellite in orbit

    Large earthquake rattles Nevada. Pentagon denies any wrong doing

    and this just in:

    Wars and rumors of war spread throughout the Democratic party as Obama is favored to win Texas and is gaining on Hillary rather rapidly in Ohio.

    **********Flash Flash Flash*************

    Bill Clinton angrily responds to the press after a journalist now claims the woman McCain was seen with was his date for Saturday night.

    McCain angrily responds to the press after a journalist reported he is to ugly to get a hot chick like that. Vicki Iseman, the lobbyist in question, threw in the towel only say, “What does it take for a woman to get a date in this town anyway.”

    Ted Kennedy said he would offer her a ride home.

    wv: Burt Southwest-Ernie Northeasts second cousin

  • 131 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 21, 2008 at 9:17 pm

    oops, only to say. Jeesh, I proofed it 20 times

  • 132 egospeak // Feb 21, 2008 at 9:24 pm

    ET re: 107

    I wouldn’t recommend judging someone’s education by their language skills, lest you be accused of prejudice. Much as I am embarassed by Bush’s numerous linguistic faux pas, they are not necessarily indicators of education or intelligence. Bush has an MBA, whether he has used it wisely is certainly food for discussion, but dumb people don’t earn MBA’s, much less at Harvard. It is possible, though by no means certain, that Bush simply is not a good public speaker. I, for one, did not vote for Bush because of his eloquence or lack there of. He got my vote because, even though he was not as conservative as I would have liked, he was the most conservative of the two candidates.

    You might remember that Bush 41 was a regular target of the late night talk show hosts, Reagan, the man who won the Cold War, was called an “amiable dunce”, Eisenhower’s intelligence was questioned, and Nixon, probably the most intelligent of recent Republican Presidents, at least as far as the left was concerned, was also considered to be the devil incarnate by the very same leftists.

    The only comment you made about Michelle Obama was that she passed the Bar exam, and you used that as another opportunity to bash Bush. I find it interesting that Mrs. Obama is considered one of the 75 top lawyers in America, much like Hillary Clinton was declared one of the top 100 lawyers in America in 1992, and yet in February of 2004 and 1992, 99.99999% of the country had never heard of either. It is just amazing how seemingly all Democrat presidential candidates and their spouses are constantly portrayed as brilliant. It’s enough to make a person think that the media might have a bias problem…….nah.


    wv - (so procedures) So what procedures!!!!!

  • 133 mindknumbed kid // Feb 21, 2008 at 9:32 pm

    Where are the Pershing’s of today ? We are too PC to have real men in power anymore.

  • 134 Fred Sinclair // Feb 21, 2008 at 9:33 pm

    Re. # 126 - HillBilly Inc. hates Big Oil, Big Corporations, Walmart, etc. Hates everything “Big” except Big Government, maybe she’ll go after “Big snows”?

    Heirborn Ranger

    WV - Ayres Mahnken. - Scottish 6′8″ center?

  • 135 Fred Sinclair // Feb 21, 2008 at 10:14 pm

    Re. #132 - The only time I can recall the Democrats, Republicans and 99.999% of the entire country were in 100% total agreement was in 1952, when it was considered an established fact that President Harry S. Truman, was in the history of planet Earth the most miserable excuse for a human being that ever drew a breath.

    Yet today, he is considered by most, to be one of the best, most effective Presidents in American History.

    So much for Lynch Mob mentality. In a few decades George W. Bush will be known for his many positive and yes, lesser accomplishments, devoid of the wanna-bee Lynch Mobs of today.

    Heirborn Ranger

    WV - PLATT reacted - and so did Mrs. Platt

  • 136 upnorthlurkin // Feb 21, 2008 at 11:31 pm

    MKK - It’s a veritable heat wave…we’re up to double digits - above zero no less! It’s 40 degrees warmer tonight than last. When I went out today, I didn’t even have to zip my coat! The weather people (who have never been wrong) say we might even return to normal temps. I’m not holding my breath. This has been the first real winter we’ve had in about 8 to 10 years. And no, Her Thighness wouldn’t ever lower herself to visit this far north! ND picked Obama in it’s dhimmi caucus. Night all!

  • 137 everthink // Feb 21, 2008 at 11:38 pm


    I found that story about old “Blackjack” fascinating. So I decided to read more over at

    I found two examples of it under Urban Legends at

    With the following addition:

    Comments: I consulted Dr. Frank E. Vandiver, professor of history at Texas A&M University and author of “Black Jack: The Life and Times of John J. Pershing,” to find out if there’s any truth to the above, and he responded via email that in his opinion the story is apocryphal. “I never found any indication that it was true in extensive research on his Moro experiences,” Vandiver responded. “This kind of thing would have run completely against his character.”

    Similarly, I been unable to find any evidence corroborating the claim that Muslims believe that “eating or touching a pig, its meat, its blood, etc., is to be instantly barred from paradise and doomed to hell.” It is true that Islamic dietary restrictions, like those of Judaism, forbid the eating or handling of pork because pigs are considered unclean. But according to Raeed Tayeh of the American Muslim Association in North America, the notion that a Muslim would be denied entrance to heaven for touching a pig is “ridiculous.” A statement from the Anti-Defamation League characterizes the claim as an “offensive caricature of Muslim beliefs.”

    Cool story though!


  • 138 Libby Gone // Feb 22, 2008 at 7:58 am

    Re:129 and 137,
    Sounds reasonable enough, at least worth a try. A friend of mine advocated dark circular rooms at Gitmo, with no reference to direction available, especially to Mecca.
    The effect would be similar to forcing a Liberal to be responsible for the results of their own policies.
    wv: pain stars, how I feel about Hollywood.

  • 139 upnorthlurkin // Feb 22, 2008 at 9:02 am

    A couple of takes on a news story here and here that made me smile this morning….J effin K stuck in Afghanistan and dependent on the military….heh, heh, heh!

  • 140 everthink // Feb 22, 2008 at 9:43 am


    You say,

    “I find it interesting that Mrs. Obama is considered one of the 75 top lawyers in America, much like Hillary Clinton was declared one of the top 100 lawyers in America in 1992, and yet in February of 2004 and 1992, 99.99999% of the country had never heard of either.”

    Good point here! I think those standings may be rigged!

    I had the former First Lady, “$Hillary”, the “Shrilldabeast”, “Her Thighness”, as low as 42nd and as high as 237th on my own list. But, I had Mrs. Obama, the next First Lady, in the number one slot. Where did you rank them on your list?

    Do you think Dumbyah is going to be a “shoe in” for the “MBA Hall of Fame”?

    More about your MBA: Third generation Legacy Admission, to the third generation endowment graduate.

    Your MBA jumped ahead of over five hundred other aviator trainee applicants in the Texas Air National Guard, by that same “merit”.

    I just know his baseball knowledge was key to that Texas Ranger job, and I also just know Ambusco was just a fluke, because of his record since.

    He, and others, believe he will viewed more favorably by future generations, but, I believe 43rd was, is, and ever will be his lowest standing, but the sky is the limit for his high end potential.

    His performance in his current undertaking is likely to have ruined his company’s brand forever.


  • 141 everthink // Feb 22, 2008 at 11:07 am

    At, out time of great need, the Lord God has heard the cry of our people, and sent us a new leader of great hope. May God bless America.

    But, there is only One Messiah! Maranatha!


  • 142 upnorthlurkin // Feb 22, 2008 at 11:22 am

    hmmmmm I just lost my first post to cyberspace! Of course I’m fairly certain it was prize-winning prose….And it all had to do with three slug Senators forced to land during a snow storm in Afghanistan and being stuck with a bunch of military types..who lucky for them were smart enough to land the helo. Yes, yes one of the illustrious guests was the professional VN vet himself…..jfkerry (and the ever patriotic Biden and Hagel). Thankfully, the chopper and crew were unharmed.

  • 143 upnorthlurkin // Feb 22, 2008 at 11:25 am

    Never fails! There it is! It’s been [stuck in Iraq] since 9:02 am! Uff da.

  • 144 boberinyetagain // Feb 22, 2008 at 11:39 am

    psst…did anyone notice that Obama’s name is similar to a failrly well know terrorist? Why hasn’t anyone pointed this out before.

    I see that someone just noticed that McCain had gray hair. Apparently this caused them to look into it and it turns out…he’s quite old…

    This is getting scary, next will discover that one of the potential candidates is a woman or something equally bizzare. Damned media! They just can’t leave well enough alone…

    travelers magee…I had no idea they did that sort of thing…where can one learn to “magee” anyhow?

  • 145 EXT // Feb 22, 2008 at 2:22 pm

    So if Pershing didn’t do it….

    Then it’s not necessarily true that terrorism was stopped for a period of time.

    This demands that the alleged experiment be repeated several times under careful supervision with a video record of the process and results.

    Sales of the DVDs ought more than pay for the pigs and the ammo!

  • 146 onlineanalyst // Feb 22, 2008 at 3:38 pm

    Obama bin Hopin” blows his nose during the Democrat debate last, and his brain-dead followers raise a rousing cheer for this charismatically presidential deed. As Obama sprinkles Evian (naive spelled backwards) over his true believers, the crowd rises up en masse, crying, “Yes, we can!”

    (Pass the tissues please. The Obama worshippers have neither critical thinking nor critical listening skills. But they have been washed in the waters of faith in their messiah.)

    Heh! WV: neck indebtedness= What the Obama headcases depend on

  • 147 everthink // Feb 22, 2008 at 4:10 pm

    “The Obama worshipers have neither critical thinking nor critical listening skills.”

    Believe that at your peril; but, we do have the candidate, the numbers, the enthusiasm, the money, and the vote!

    “Yes, we can!”


  • 148 Hawkeye // Feb 22, 2008 at 4:25 pm

    Hmmm. If my calculations are correct, today is Jameson Lewis 3’s birthday…

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JL3!! And many happy returns.

    If I had your e-mail address I’d a sent an e-card. Maybe someone can share it with me?

    Best regards… :smile:

    customed up — I wish! All my vehicles are pretty much stock.

  • 149 Effeminem // Feb 22, 2008 at 4:37 pm

    Fred had the candidate, Huckabee had the numbers, Romney had the money, Paul had the enthusiasm, and McCain had the vote.

    This is what Republicans call “teamwork.”

  • 150 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 22, 2008 at 5:33 pm


    How very thoughtful of you. Yes, I’m 58 today. Thank you.

  • 151 upnorthlurkin // Feb 22, 2008 at 5:36 pm

    Happy BD, JL3! I’m right behind you, sir! ;-)

  • 152 mindknumbed kid // Feb 22, 2008 at 5:45 pm

    boberin - Just revealed, one of the candidates is reportedly not even white. Hard to believe, I am on the edge of my chair waiting to hear them announce which one it is….I hope they tell us soon!

  • 153 mindknumbed kid // Feb 22, 2008 at 5:47 pm

    all of this pushing keeps us in good physical condition ?

  • 154 mindknumbed kid // Feb 22, 2008 at 5:48 pm

    one more for good measure.

  • 155 mindknumbed kid // Feb 22, 2008 at 5:51 pm

    Whew! just like upnorth, I’m startin’ to sweat now. Pretty please, can I hit the showers now ?

  • 156 mindknumbed kid // Feb 22, 2008 at 5:52 pm

    Houston….we have a problem, I just want to see my post appear.

  • 157 da Bunny // Feb 22, 2008 at 6:04 pm

    Happy Birthday, JL3, and many happy returns of the day!

    ola…”Obama bin Hopin.” Excellent! As if this liberal buffoon is in any way “messianic,” or sent from “above” to lead “his” people. Wherever this leftist lunatic full of empty rhetoric and expensive promises is going, it will only be the empty-headed, self-serving fools who follow him…with their hands out, of course.

  • 158 Darthmeister // Feb 22, 2008 at 6:04 pm

    Superdelegates jumping to Obama (pbuh)

    Yeah, once again it proves money talks since Obama outspent sHrillary 4 to 1 buying off the superdelegates. I guess this is the “change” messiah Obama promised to bring … plus we’re talking Donk lemmings who have been swimming in their sea of kool-aid since 9/11.

  • 159 mindknumbed kid // Feb 22, 2008 at 6:04 pm

    I hear Chillary is all over Cuban TV begging for their vote, apparently when she filed with the FEC she also linked Cuba in the event that inFidel was to become incapable to continue as President. What I want to know is if this could truly be coincidence, or, um, was inFidel paid a friendly visit by members of TeamClinton ?

  • 160 Darthmeister // Feb 22, 2008 at 6:09 pm

    “Yes, we can!”

    Is this the new mantra of the Obama cult? (swooning at the mere mention of his name … NOT!)

    I guess Donks like being sweet talked with empty rhetoric before grabbing their ankles. Jimmah Carter II anyone? Let them with eyes to see … see.

  • 161 mindknumbed kid // Feb 22, 2008 at 6:10 pm

    da Bunny - Why was it that when I read your post, “empty-headed, self-serving fools”, I thought of ET immediately ? Anybody else have that happen ?

  • 162 Darthmeister // Feb 22, 2008 at 6:15 pm

    See, it was only a matter of time before neverthink got messianic on us. Obama is the salvation of America … and thus the world? One “messiah” indeed. “And they will say in those days, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace.”

    Buwahahahahahahaha. Thanks for proving what we’ve been saying all along about brain-dead Donks blindly led by their emotions and placing their messianic hope in an empty suit like Obama (pbuh). That meth must really be good, troll.

  • 163 onlineanalyst // Feb 22, 2008 at 6:31 pm

    mkk in re #161: Yes, I can…er, do.

    God bless JL3 on his birthday and all of the days of his life.

    First Obama bin Hopin’ blows his nose; then he blows his fans’ minds. One can only laugh in anticipation of the looks on the useful idiots’ faces when they see how much of their paychecks go to support his Utopian schemes. Will the “yutes” set the world on fire if their candidate loses, or will they wait until they learn that they are serfs for the State?

    Obama is just a bumper sticker for smooth operator.

  • 164 nylecoj // Feb 22, 2008 at 6:34 pm

    The link has the rest of Kathleen Parkers editorial but here is part of the ending.
    Here’s how a 20-year-old woman in Seattle described that Obama feeling: “When he was
    talking about hope, it actually almost made me cry. Like it really made sense, like, for the first,

    like, whoa…”

  • 165 onlineanalyst // Feb 22, 2008 at 6:40 pm

    I guess that the Dems prefer a Candyman (Yes, I can!) to an old crone. There goes the Hansel and Gretel fairytale.

    WV: McGraw producing = Quick Draw making art??

  • 166 everthink // Feb 22, 2008 at 6:47 pm

    I see Darthmesiter has changed his format from his page long, incomprehensible manifestos, and diatribes. Those rambling, goofy posts, which so often filled with cut a pastes references marked, “here”, “here” and “here”, to his current, paragraph of inane thoughts, format.

    Keep up the good work, and listen to Nurse Ratched. It’s for your own good!


  • 167 Possumtrot // Feb 22, 2008 at 6:48 pm

    This has to be one of the longest running threads in recent memory. I hope Great Scott isn’t so busy composing his next think piece for that he’s neglecting to cast his wickedly satirical eye at the faux pas by the New York Times, and the incredibly inane remark by Ms. Bamalama.

    Even if Fred’s recounting of the Pershing story is apocryphal, one very important development came from his “Moro experience”. The 1911A Colt .45 was adopted by the U.S. Army to replace the standard .38s, which proved ineffective in stopping Moro warriors tanked up on joy juice and out for blood.

    The 1911A went on to see service in both world wars, Korea, Vietnam, and other hot spots where people needed to understand instantly that they had been shot when they were “double-tapped” at close range.

    And, in spite of its being officially replaced by the 9mm Beretta “Spaghetti Shooter” in the 1980s as the Army’s handgun of choice, the 1911A is one of the most durable and dependable handguns ever manufactured. Along with John Browning’s .50 “Ma Deuce”, it remains one of the most potent anti-terrorism devices ever made.

    No home should be without one.

    Just some trivia for this incredibly long-running thread.

    And one rhetorical question: Is anyone really surprised that the Iranians haven’t missed a beat in the continuation of their nuclear weapons program? Stay tuned to the IAEA, kids. It ought to get interesting when they have to explain to president-elect Bamalama that “Green Salt” isn’t a table condiment.

  • 168 mindknumbed kid // Feb 22, 2008 at 7:53 pm

    What ?! The Iranians have nukes? Why in the Shell Oil Company did that Bush allow that to happen on his watch? Some troll told me Bush was just makin’ up stuff for an excuse to attack Iran. They are piece loving people over there, and we need to just let them do whatever they do, Saddam wasn’t doing nothin’ wrong and Bush just needs to increase his BIG OIL stock portfolio, Haliburton is causing us to all lose our life savings bit by bit at the gas pumps.
    But Barack Obanans is just like, so like, like, warm and fuzzy, like, he just makes me fel good about myself, like, even when I, like wet my pants at, like, school. Like, yesterday or somethin’.
    I told you that the public schools were busy creating mindless voters, I thought they wee cranking them out for Chillary, but I was wrong, anyhow, what’s the difference between em anyway….other than the fact that she cries, well he may not cry, but he has that Oprah angle and one thing old Rush ahs pointed out many times, Oprah cries! Yeah, she keeps talkin’ that new age religionology and she’s gonna cry…..when God Almighty commences to straightening things out, and He will. Not that it will bring us any satisfaction, or that we are happy because of people who mislead and pervert the gospel of Christ, but it just angers me to the core.
    Looks like we are on our way to the most touchy feely time in all of American history….will we get free barf bags under this administration? I think I’m going to need mine Clinton style, retroactively!

  • 169 mindknumbed kid // Feb 22, 2008 at 8:04 pm

    Possum - maybe Scott got his stimulus check in the mail and took a well deserved vacation….anyhow, I have noticed a bit of a glitch lately. If I log off and return a bit later, sometimes several of the latest posts are missing. I have tried to refresh the page to no avail, but if I log in again they return. Is it because I “subscribed” to this entry? It is the first one i have subscribed to, I tried it before when we had that 15 minute window to edit posts and it never worked, this is the first time I tried it since then. I suspect that is the culprit. Maybe I’ll unsubscribe and see, my inbox really fills up quickly now…

  • 170 Fred Sinclair // Feb 22, 2008 at 8:14 pm

    Claim: General John J. Pershing effectively discouraged Muslim terrorists in the Philippines by killing them and burying their bodies with pigs.
    Status: Undetermined.

    For the better part of two hours I’ve tried to get more info about Muslims/Pigs

    One pointed out that like Christianity there are at least a couple of dozen variations of Islam Some major or minor and some so small they differ from village to village Some believe a swine connection of any kind, keeps them out of heaven, others believe one only loses the reward (72 virgins) others believe it doesn’t matter so long as one TRIES to avoid swine.

    Like there are non-practicing Catholics and non- practicing Catholics, Mormons and Mormons still practicing Polygamy and so called “Jack Mormons” (who drink coffee and/or alcohol) Southern Baptists, Northern, Independent, Freewill, Missionary and Reformed Baptists.

    One repeats the Blackjack story but says it was a different Army Officer and that it was 12 Moros (Muslim) 6 killed and 6 freed.

    Heirborn Ranger

    Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2001]

    Subject: How to end the war quickly if you have absolutely no respect for pigs!

    An Israeli friend recently informed me that the UK fought the Islamic terrorist attacks by burying the criminals with a pig. Apparently the Islamic belief is that if ones’ body is buried with a pig (because they are considered unclean) their soul will go to hell. I did a little research into this subject matter and found it to be true. This got me thinking.

    If we put a baby pig on every airline flight then all suicide terrorists would abort their missions as they would not want their souls to go to hell. Additionally, if we drop shipped, oh say, 100,000 pigs into Afghanistan I think our recon and assault efforts may be more successful. Apparently Muslims dislike the very sight of pigs A LOT!

    They are also adamantly opposed to alcohol, thus we spike their water supply with a few thousand gallons of moonshine, get them drunk and turn the pigs loose. The war would be over in a weekend.

  • 171 mindknumbed kid // Feb 22, 2008 at 8:19 pm

    Happy Birthday JL3 ….58 and still got capable of intelligent thought, that’s pretty good, I don’t think ET is nearly that old….

  • 172 mindknumbed kid // Feb 22, 2008 at 8:23 pm

    I don’t know for sure. But, all I am saying; is give pigs (pronounced peegs) a chance!

  • 173 mindknumbed kid // Feb 22, 2008 at 8:42 pm

    I remember these long threads back when all I could get at my locale was dial-up on some very bad phone lines….took about two days for the page to load after each post. One night after working a very long time on a very thoughfully crafted post I was just reaching to click “submit” when it all went away, I have never fully recovered from that incident.

    I don’t know if the story about Gen. Pershing is true or not, it sounds plausible, but one similar method of dealing with a problem I do know to be true. It would have been my great uncle and he used to get a bit drunk and come home and beat his wife. (She did not like this.) So one night he came home and commenced to hitin’ on her, well she had had enough of that, so she had acquired a little snub-nosed .22 pistol, she stuc it in his big old beer belly and fired one shot. He did not like that, and after returning home from the hospital never came home drunk, or beat her again. That happened about 65 or 70 years ago, no one asked questions, problem solved. I bet that sort of thing could not be done in these modern times….she would be charged with a “hate crime” or inciting terror, probably could do what the good General is alleged to have done either.

  • 174 mindknumbed kid // Feb 22, 2008 at 8:44 pm

    probably could NOT do that, I meant to say..

  • 175 Fred Sinclair // Feb 22, 2008 at 8:52 pm

    Re. # 167: Elaine Shannon in Time has more detail on Iran’s covert military effort to produce uranium tetrafluoride (UF4) or “Green Salt.

    Heirborn Ranger

    WV - the Patterson - 1834, Colt, Texas, Patterson

  • 176 mindknumbed kid // Feb 22, 2008 at 9:02 pm

    Obamalamadingdong goes to talk piece with Ackwardmuckdimjihad, as they sit down to dinner BHO is heard saying to him, could you pass me some of your wonderful green salt, please.

  • 177 onlineanalyst // Feb 22, 2008 at 9:43 pm

    Green salt? To go with the green eggs and ham? Oops! No ham, I guess…

    Anyone else familiar with James Thurber’s fable for our time called “The Owl Who Was God”? (I posted it for your edification over at powerlineblog as olainfree.) That owl surely reminds me of Obama bin Hopin’ (and it’s not because he is wise)>

  • 178 Fred Sinclair // Feb 22, 2008 at 10:08 pm

    Cuba is in the news recently with the retirement of Fidel. Made me realize that as bad as it’s been for the Cuban people, Americans have been given a front row seat on just what we are destined to become if our “Home grown” Commies get their way.

    Without a “Civil War” (Conservatives vs Liberals) in 50 years we will be a ballooned version of Cuba. Food will be cheaper than dirt but with all the grocer’s shelves being empty, the price won’t matter and we will possibly relive “Soylent Green” (Soylent Green is a 1973 science fiction movie starring Charlton Heston and Edward G. Robinson). Where the people were subsiding on pills made from processed human bodies (mainly aborted babies, the elderly were processed bwo euthanasia.

    If Obama becomes President, his only known attribute is the fact that he is totally without any experience at running or managing ANYTHING.
    He’s trying to take a position in our government where, at best, he will be 100% OJT (in the Air Force it was known as On the Job Training, where a total novice would be started from ground zero and in 3 to 5 years - hopefully, with a good Sgt. could become “adequate”) Obama won’t have a good Sgt. to teach and train him.

    Mitt Romney had everything that both Obama and The HillBilly, Inc. lack. Or; in the words of the late and great Ronald Reagan, “It isn’t that Liberals are stupid, it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

    If Obama should survive and actually be sworn in as President. We will justly deserve what our complacency and indifference has bought us.

    May God have mercy on us all of us Conservatives.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 179 egospeak // Feb 23, 2008 at 12:01 am

    MKK re: 171

    Hard as it may be to believe, according to his own words our dear brother Everthink is or will be at least 58 years old in 2008 and possibly 61 or older.
    What say ye ET… am I right?


    wv - (widowed this) Hillary’s only chance of winning the nomination is if she’s widowed this month. Don’t make me explain this.

  • 180 everthink // Feb 23, 2008 at 1:51 am

    “May God have mercy on us all of us Conservatives.” Amen!

    MNK: No. 173

    “she would be charged with a “hate crime” or inciting terror,” … No, I think it would be: Aggravated Felonious Assault with Intent to Do Great Bodily Harm, or Attempted Murder! Y’all need to think about divorce some.


    A couple of years ago; I was amused by the exchange of two older fellows here who agreed I must be some preacher’s wayward kid.

    I don’t think I should say; but, I will tell you, I have never said anything here I knew to be untrue.


  • 181 Fred Sinclair // Feb 23, 2008 at 7:46 am

    “If you don’t read the newspaper, you will be uninformed; if you read the newspaper you will be misinformed”. (MarkTwain)

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 182 mindknumbed kid // Feb 23, 2008 at 10:59 am

    ET - Divorce ? What for? They got along fine the remaining years of their lives.

  • 183 everthink // Feb 23, 2008 at 12:48 pm

    “Vandiver responded. “This kind of thing would have run completely against his character.”” Does this give you any thoughts about how about the ways you and old “Blackjack” may have differed?


  • 184 EXT // Feb 23, 2008 at 2:28 pm


    Interesting example and opportunity.

    In Alaska, the extreme-liberal Anchorage Daily News has set out to charge-indict-try-convict-execute Congressman Don Young in print.

    Appears a couple of left-wing blogsites have posted links and invited their membership to chime in.

    With the thought that what goes around should come around, here’s a link for anyone who might want to join the game but apply a little rightward spin:

    Click here to play

  • 185 mindknumbed kid // Feb 23, 2008 at 2:46 pm

    Hello, anybody about these parts today?

  • 186 mindknumbed kid // Feb 23, 2008 at 3:10 pm

    I unsubscribed from this thread last night, still having same problem, and i was logged in too. I refreshed the page two times and #183 & #184 did not appear anywhere. Same problem whether I’m on my PC or laptop. Looks as though I have to post to see the latest comments. I’m supposed to be taking down wallpaper anyhow…

  • 187 everthink // Feb 23, 2008 at 3:17 pm

    “If Obama becomes President, his only known attribute is the fact that he is totally without any experience at running or managing ANYTHING.”

    Good point! But, without listing the whole dang thing again, do you think he could possibly make a bigger mess than that alcoholic, semi-literate, half-wit ol’ boy has made?

    But, when he does get in, you can still bellyache, and when, and if, you’re ever right, I’ll say so!

    Obama won’t be my commander-in chief, either.
    As stockholders, he’s answerable to both you, and me!

    Your opinion is important! It is, however, your duty to have one that is independent of all those making money “brainwashing” you.


    What ever happened to that “Flag Burning Amendment”? Stop the Kool-Aid, they’re making you look bad.

  • 188 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 23, 2008 at 3:58 pm

    Scott has told us that the reason some comments do not appear immediately while we are logged in has something to do with the cache—now, I have not seen this phenomenon on any other WordPress blog and I don’t understand why it happens here. I’m assuming the cache only refreshes sporadically or something weird like that. Posting “push” or something like that will sometimes cause the recent comment to show, sometimes not, but it definitely makes for an exponentially-longer thread. 99.99% of the time, if you log out you will see the comment.

    The “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail” check-box has never worked for me, by the way—I guess I’ll try checking it again and see what happens.

  • 189 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 23, 2008 at 4:32 pm

    What I was getting at is that, it isn’t a problem with our machines, it’s something with the underlying code (if you ever get a chance to look at the code behind WordPress you’ll see how such little glitches are unsurprising).

  • 190 MajorDomo // Feb 23, 2008 at 5:36 pm

    ET: “ you think he could possibly make a bigger mess than that alcoholic, semi-literate, half-wit ol’ boy has made?

    Why are you bringing the Chappaquiddick Kid into the argument?

  • 191 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 23, 2008 at 6:42 pm

    Full Disclosure: I use WordPress. It’s tons of fun to root around within the vast infrastructure of my so-called blog and customize stuff.
    I can do that because that’s what I do: build a blog, write a dozen or so entries, delete the whole shebang to the Google Cache Ozone and start again. I did that with pen and paper, too, from the time I could read and write—the same with drawings, paintings and computer-generated graphics.
    After 50-odd years of honing my technique I believe I’ve reached the point where I’m going to stick with what I have going now, now that I’ve figured out how to build a “proper” web site (in the sense that it will be virtually 100% JL3rd, the Obsessive) where I can create unimpeded by somebody else’s parameters.
    Thank you

  • 192 mindknumbed kid // Feb 23, 2008 at 7:47 pm

    Considering all of the opposition and many in our own government that have worked their butts off to thwart everything he has worked to do, I believe George W. Bush has done a tremendous job during his time in office. Committed to his principles, not turning aside, doing what needs to be done. There are way too many that are working against the best interest of our sovereignty, they believe we should be brought down to the level of other nations. I am very happy with our President, after Billyboy it is quite an improvement.Barack is on the verge of locking up the nomination and his followers still don’t know what he has in mind once he surrenders in Iraq, scary isn’t it?

  • 193 Darthmeister // Feb 23, 2008 at 9:36 pm

    Boots on the ground posting at BlackFive say Obama is a complete idiot blowing smoke out his backside about the American effort in Afghanistan. Other milbloggers are saying the same thing.

    Wow, does this mean Messiah Obama might actually be a know-nothing partisan hack spewing empty rhetoric in order to burnish his nonexistent Commander-in-Chief “credentials” in hopes of impressing his useful idiots? Yepper!

  • 194 Darthmeister // Feb 23, 2008 at 9:39 pm

    … abracadabra!

  • 195 everthink // Feb 24, 2008 at 2:01 am

    How are Obama’s idiots useful to you? Are you sure you understand the term?


  • 196 everthink // Feb 24, 2008 at 2:05 am

    How are Obama’s idiots useful to you? Are you sure you know the meaning of that term?


  • 197 Darthmeister // Feb 24, 2008 at 6:03 am

    So, let me get this straight. Life under the Bush Administration has been an utter disaster and it can’t get any worse because the liberal media and the barking moonbats say this is true. It can’t possibly get any worse, therefore it can’t be so bad voting for an empty suited messianic golden child like Barack Hussein Obama (pbuh).

    That is the most stupid and naive “argument” I’ve ever heard. Think Jimmy Carter. I seem to remember Carter running on a platform of “Democratic change” and look where it got America back in the late 1970s … the laughingstock of the world including the radical Islamic world. The seeds of disaster which emboldened radical Islam were first sown under the Carter administration.

    Tell me something troll, had you even heard of Barack Obama just four short years ago? If you say “yes” then I say you’re a liar. He was little more than some small-time Chicago politician working dirty deals with the likes of Rezko and other crooked Democrats. You don’t know anything about this pretender to the most powerful position in the world than what the fawning liberal media has been spoon-feeding you and the rest of the neo-coms the last two years. If that’s your best “argument” for voting for Obama (pbuh) then I say you have no real reason to vote for him other than he has a “D” after his name. Pathetic.

  • 198 Darthmeister // Feb 24, 2008 at 6:04 am

    … pushin’

  • 199 Darthmeister // Feb 24, 2008 at 6:35 am

    You moonbats aren’t useful to me, you’re useful to closet socialists like Obama. I mean, are you really that ignorant or is this another example of your “humor”.

    You know as well as I do the term “useful idiot”, purportedly first coined by Lenin, has traditionally been used to describe those westerners helpful to socialist and commie causes. It is presently being used by historically aware Americans to describe today’s utopian progressives who blindly support repackaged liberalism (neo-coms), neo-coms who give little or no thought to the unintended consequences of forcing America into yet another permutations of failed socialism. The term also has been used in reference to those who deny Islamofascism poses much of a threat to western civilization and who eventually end up being apologists for the Islamic world by always engaging in blame-America-first/hate-Bush rhetoric.

    People like you are proving themselves to be the latest incarnation of “useful idiots” and apparently Obama is your new messiah that will lead you to that “progressive” promise land he keeps preaching about … you know, progressively more taxes, progressively more socialist re-engineering policies, progressively more PC thought police, and progressively emboldening this country’s enemies with increasingly limp-wristed foreign policies.

    You see, that’s the thing about socialist fascists/commies, they always seem to gravitate toward charismatic leaders. It happened under Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Ho Chi Mihn, Hugo Chavez and virtually every other Pied Piper socialist leader of any renown. The blind fervor that those national leaders evoked among their people when they first burst on history’s pages is the same kind of fervor we see being ginned up for the most liberal socialist Senator in this country, Barack Hussein Obama (pbuh). Yeah, “useful idiots” is the perfect descriptive term for closet commie lemmings fawning over their newest charismatic messiah.

  • 200 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 24, 2008 at 7:25 am

    See, this alone I have found, that God made man upright, and they—they have sought out many devices.~~Ecclesiastes 7:29

  • 201 mindknumbed kid // Feb 24, 2008 at 8:34 am

    Anyone catch the Democratic Debate last night on SNL? So funny, yet so scary, Darth is so dead-on with the useful idiots label. My cousin married a preacher that took a small church in southern West Virginia, he asked one of the members of the church who he would vote for if Satan was running for office as a (D) vs God as an (R), the guy got mad and refused to answer the question. The current mindset of separating the state from anything Christian is troublesome to say the least. When you see the radical jihadists infiltrating civilized societies, bringing in Sharia law and being embraced it becomes disturbing, and they say that Barack Obama isn’t a Muslem, but with the way the rest of the world is going and the background he has, and the fact that the Jihadists are out to purify their religion, how will BO handle those forces as they come sweeping into our once Christian nation? Will Uglydenijihad and All Kinda, and Osama bin Hiden have repect for him because he has some muslimity in his past? No, they will hate him even more because of his “infidelity” status, so when they come a’knockin’ how will he stand? Does he think that the fact that he is a (D) and has pulled out of the Middle East will satisfy the Christ hating, piece loving come to Allah or die crowd ? To them, as long as we here in America aren’t on of them, we will always be condemned and hated and a target, it isn’t Bush that is causing the whole world to hate us, it is daring to stand against the go along to get along world mentality and the fact that he represents people who are taking a stand for Jesus Christ as LORD. That is what it is realy all about here, socialistic handout mentality people are using it all as a ploy to remove the reality of being a Christian nation from our identity. Why do people who call themselves Christians passionately support the crowd that are opposing Christ? Why bis it OK to allow Sharia law to start working its way into our law under freedom of religion, but to continue on in our traditions that involve praying to God through Christ is being stripped from us?
    Will we sell out Jesus Christ for piece and free trips to the clinic ?

  • 202 Darthmeister // Feb 24, 2008 at 10:03 am

    Nader Makes Third Bid for White House

    There you go, bober, your dream has come true. The only thing better would be if Nader ran as VP with Obama (pbuh), right?

    Superdelegates Flocking To Messiah Obama

    Shouldn’t that read, “Superdelegates Genuflocking Before Obama”?

    Castro Rejects Message of Change
    That’s the thing with socialist collectivists, once they gain power any real “change” goes right out the window. It wouldn’t be prudent to “change” a socialist utopia … after all that’s what Cuba is, right?

    And that’s what every good socialist does, eliminate the competition through suffocating collectivism and group-think.

    NYT ombudsman slams article on McCain…
    Whaaaaat? Someone at the New York Slimes actually has a conscience and a sense of decency, someone who actually cares about journalistic ethics and truth? Naaaah, it’s probably simply a CYA smokescreen for yet another baseless hit piece coming down the pike.

    Can’t wait until the New York Slimes starts cranking out its Obama (pbuh) hit pieces.

    Sorry, silly me.

  • 203 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 24, 2008 at 10:03 am

    As far as I could find, in about 20 minutes of looking, the origin of the descriptive phrase “useful idiot” is not really attributable to anyone in particular.

    As of late, though, it has been used as a reasonable English translation of the Islamic term dhimmi,

    a distinctly subjugated second class non-citizen almost slave who is subjected to dictatorial deprivation of any legal and human rights since he is a non-Muslim permanent resident in a Muslim state.
    ~~from The Jewish Magazine

    Think BHO.

  • 204 Darthmeister // Feb 24, 2008 at 10:14 am


    Here’s the best history we have of the term “useful idiots.” Though its exact origins may be disputed, there is no disputing its historical useage with respect to western useful idiots who want to embrace the lies of communism or other socialist systems.

    The explanation follows:

    Edvard Radzinsky offers a similar quotation on p. 209 of his Stalin. He attributes it to the artist Yuri Annenkov, who claims to have seen some of Lenin’s papers, along with his brain, while working at the Lenin Institute, before his emigration to the West in 1924.[3] Annenkov’s reproduction from memory was published in “Vospominaniya o Lenine” Novyi Zhurnal n.65 (New York,1961). Radzinsky conjectures that this is part of a full text of Lenin’s Testament, which Lenin deliberately concealed, sending only a partial text to the Party Secretariat.

    This English language version was originally published in an edition of The Lufkin News, King Featurers Syndicate, Inc., 31 July 1962, page 4, and later reproduced in the Freeman Report, 30 Sept. 1973, page 8.[4]

    “ The so-called cultural element of Western Europe and America are incapable of comprehending the present state of affairs and the actual balance of forces; these elements must be regarded as deaf-mutes and treated accordingly….

    We must: (a) In order to placate the deaf-mutes, proclaim the fictional separation of our government … from the Comintern, declaring this agency to be an independent political group. The deaf-mutes will believe it. (b) Express a desire for the immediate resumption of diplomatic relations with capitalist countries on the basis of complete non-interference in their internal affairs. Again, the deaf- mutes will believe it. They will even be delighted and fling wide-open their doors through which the emissaries of the Comintern and Party Intelligence agencies will quickly infiltrate into these countries disguised as our diplomatic, cultural, and trade representatives.

    Capitalists the world over and their governments will, in their desire to win Soviet market, shut their eyes to the above-mentioned activities and thus be turned into blind deaf-mutes. They will furnish credits, which will serve as a means of supporting the Communist parties in their countries, and, by supplying us, will rebuild our war industry, which is essential for our future attacks on our suppliers. In other words, they will be laboring to prepare their own suicide.”

    From antiquity (as noted in the Code of Hammurabi) until recent times,[5] the terms “deaf-mute” and “deaf and dumb” were analogous to “idiot.” Various versions of what could be inferred in English as “useful idiots” have been used in verbal references about some Americans and others in capitalist societies.

  • 205 mindknumbed kid // Feb 24, 2008 at 11:37 am

    Every Socialist Dictator leads their people into a Christ-less society, that would make it reasonable to say that Socialism is anti-Christ, the liberals who think of themselves as being superior (now what dictator doesn’t) are pushing anti-Christianity down our throats. Then you really have to wonder about the “useful idiot “Christians that are swallowing everything that the MSM and liberals feed them, America is being changed, BHO fits the mold, get ready for change. Even if he isn’t elected now, change is not going to give up, the useful idiots will keep following and seeking their messiah(s). I don’t mean to sound the pessimist, but I am seeing it happening and no one is coming along to thwart it.

  • 206 mindknumbed kid // Feb 24, 2008 at 11:38 am

    shoving along……

  • 207 mindknumbed kid // Feb 24, 2008 at 11:40 am

    a lot more pushing these days, too long of thread?

  • 208 everthink // Feb 24, 2008 at 12:23 pm

    “If you say “yes” then I say you’re a liar.”

    So now you’re got rules on when you call me a liar? Yet, another step in your very slow recovery!


    wv: corks was - corks was working, put ‘em back!

  • 209 everthink // Feb 24, 2008 at 12:43 pm

    “Here’s the best history we have of the term “useful idiots.” Though its exact origins may be disputed, there is no disputing its historical useage with respect to western useful idiots who want to embrace the lies of communism or other socialist systems.” (And lots more cut & paste.)

    Dummo, the term “useful idiots” is correctly used by the one who makes use of them, not the ones they are useful against.

    This said; I do try to, and often succeed in, making use of you as an example of “moronica”.


    Did you go to church today?

  • 210 everthink // Feb 24, 2008 at 12:54 pm

    “I don’t mean to sound the pessimist, but I am seeing it happening and no one is coming along to thwart it.”

    “The Pessimist”? Is that what you think you sound like?


  • 211 everthink // Feb 24, 2008 at 12:59 pm


    We missed you in Sunday School today, too!


    wv: limits the - Pass. That’s too easy!

  • 212 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 24, 2008 at 1:09 pm

    6,000 people showed up in Akron to hear Obama-yo-mama yesterday. As we drove past the auditorium yesterday morning at 9:30 to hear a conference they were already lined up to see him at 6 p.m.

    It was worth the long drive to Akron just to see the anti-christ (not my words, but the Democrats in my car )

    Sorry Hillary, I do believe Ohio is going his way.

    I don’t know whether I should cheer or jeer.

    wv: viewer 1.0

    The new 3-D viewer from Apple replacing the old plastic film loading hardware

  • 213 Fred Sinclair // Feb 24, 2008 at 2:47 pm

    From: “The American Thinker”

    “Islam enjoys a large and influential ally among the non—Muslims: A new generation of ‘Useful Idiots,’ the sort of people Lenin identified living in liberal democracies who furthered the work of communism. This new generation of Useful Idiots also lives in liberal democracies, but serves the cause of Islamofascism—another virulent form of totalitarian ideology.
    Useful Idiots are naive, foolish, ignorant of facts, unrealistically idealistic, dreamers, willfully in denial or deceptive. They hail from the ranks of the chronically unhappy, the anarchists, the aspiring revolutionaries, the neurotics who are at war with life, the disaffected alienated from government, corporations, and just about any and all institutions of society. The Useful Idiot can be a billionaire, a movie star, an academe of renown, a politician, or from any other segment of the population.
    Arguably, the most dangerous variant of the Useful Idiot is the ‘Politically Correct.’ He is the master practitioner of euphemism, hedging, doubletalk, and outright deception.
    The Useful Idiot derives satisfaction from being anti—establishment. He finds perverse gratification in aiding the forces that aim to dismantle an existing order, whatever it may be: an order he neither approves of nor he feels he belongs to.”

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 214 egospeak // Feb 24, 2008 at 3:19 pm

    re: 209

    “the term ‘useful idiots’ is correctly used by the one who makes use of them, not the ones they are used against”. Are you insisting that those of us who see communism for what it is, and detest it, are incorrectly using the term when we refer to those in our own country who would like to see us embrace communism as “useful idiots”? We’re not saying they are useful to us, we understand that they are useful to our enemies. That’s why they are useful… not to mention idiots.

    You would do well to reread the posts in this thread that refer to “useful idiots”.

    As for examples of “moronica” you should reread your own posts.


    wv - (destined and) Obama is destined to be the nominee and Hillary… well I don’t want to think what Hillary is destined for.

  • 215 mindknumbed kid // Feb 24, 2008 at 4:04 pm

    Funny that you missed seeing me in Sunday school, the room was not overcrowded and I sit up in the fourth row on the RIGHT side by the center isle. Didn’t you see me in the choir during church, it was my first time ever in any choir.

  • 216 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 24, 2008 at 4:17 pm

    My consensus opinion:
    “Useful idiots” are actually only desirable as a weaponized, virulent plague upon civilization. And I am unanimous in that.
    Heirborn Ranger~~
    Thanks for the definition—AT nails it.

  • 217 EXT // Feb 24, 2008 at 5:33 pm

    Who’d have thunk….

    That the entry of Ralph Nader into the presidential race would nudge the entirety slightly (ever so slightly) to the right?

    But look at the reality….he’s extremely right-wing when compared to Clinton, Obama and McCain!

    If that don’t scare ya, I don’t know what might!

  • 218 mindknumbed kid // Feb 24, 2008 at 6:09 pm

    Four options and not a choice to make. Scary? Maybe yes, pathetic is more like it.

  • 219 mindknumbed kid // Feb 24, 2008 at 10:56 pm

    I sense frsh meat on the way soon…right Scott?

  • 220 everthink // Feb 25, 2008 at 9:45 am

    No. 214, seems at harsh.

    I think maybe it may be just you bruised egospeak’en.


  • 221 everthink // Feb 25, 2008 at 9:45 am

    No. 214, seems a harsh.

    I think maybe it may be just you bruised egospeak’en.


  • 222 egospeak // Feb 25, 2008 at 7:36 pm

    re: 220 & 221

    What?? the heck are you talking about?


  • 223 mindknumbed kid // Mar 10, 2008 at 8:15 pm

    The world will never know!

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