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November 21, 2002

Razor Blade Campaign Aims to Cut Suicide Bombings

(2002-11-21) — A grassroots campaign has been launched to solve the Palestinian suicide bomber epidemic in Israel, just in time for the holidays.
The effort, called ‘Razor Blades for Jenin’, is an attempt to collect thousands of ordinary razor blades which will be shipped to the Jenin refugee camp and other Palestinian towns. The blades will be distributed to disenchanted Muslim youth who want to kill themselves.
“In America, we have disenchanted kids as well,” said one organizer of the charity, “but here, if a teen feels he’s oppressed and has no future, he quietly kills himself in his bathroom. When we heard about these suicide bombers, our hearts were moved. Thanks to ‘Razor Blades for Jenin,’ from now on when a Muslim kid snuffs out his life on a city bus, he goes alone, and quietly into that dark night.”
Organizers will also accept monetary gifts. A mere $22 can provide one razor blade to every depressed young person in an average-sized Palestinian village.

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  1. Razor Blades for Jenin

    A wonderful initiative.

    Trackback by dblog — November 21, 2002 @ 11:26 pm

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