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November 19, 2002

NY Times Shocker: Dog Fails to Bite Man

(2002-11-19) — The New York Times plans a front page story for tomorrow’s edition with the headline: “Dog Fails to Bite Man.” The non-story is part of a new “progressive” approach to journalism, according to editor Howell Raines.
The story comes a day after Mr. Raines told a California audience, “If there’s an absence of debate in the country, if Congress is not standing up to the administration in an adversarial way, that’s a news story.”
Other upcoming Times stories will include detailed accounts of planes which arrive safely at their destinations, photographs of buildings which have never burned down, riveting first-person accounts of people who have not been assaulted, behind-the-music features with bands that have never toured or recorded anything, and a multi-part series on inertia.

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