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NY Times, CIA Launch Joint Overt Operations Unit

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 28 Comments

(2008-01-06) — After years of working together informally, The New York Times and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) today publicly announced the launch of a joint effort dubbed ‘Overt Operations, Pakistan Sector’.

The revelation comes on a day when the Times reported that the Bush administration may expand anti-terrorist activities in tribal areas of Pakistan, near the Afghanistan border, according to unnamed sources present at a top-secret briefing Friday.

“Overt operations,” an anonymous Agency source explained, “are similar to the better known covert operations — very top secret, hush-hush and all that — except that we publish details about our plans in advance through the New York Times out of a sense of fairness and compassion toward the folks from al Qaeda.”

By creating this formal partnership, the CIA hopes to reduce the likelihood that anyone on its staff or in the State Department could be charged with treason for revealing national security secrets to the enemy in time of war.

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Tags: Global News

28 responses so far ↓

  • 1 onlineanalyst // Jan 6, 2008 at 8:20 am

    What is equally disturbing about this rot and sedition within is that not only the CIA and the State Department are embedded with enemies, but the DoD and the Pentagon are succumbing to PC nonsense.

    Soft on Islamism and influenced by a Muslim apologist, the DoD has sacked an expert on Islamic terrorism, Stephen Coughlin.

    Check out what powerlineblog and its links sum up about this latest development. There should be howls of indignation.

  • 2 Fred Sinclair // Jan 6, 2008 at 10:59 am

    I wonder if anyone has the figures on how often the NYT published (with appropriate maps) all of the details of the D-Day invasion of Normandy in 1944. Were they content to merely publish this information or did they perhaps send carriers with dispatches directly to Berlin to hand to Hitler personally?

    I suspect that if they had done so, there would be no NYT today.. merely a charred spot where the NYT once stood. There used to be men of valor and courage in America - today there’s generations of “girlymen” striving mightily to imitate what they read about real men. The head honchos of the NYT would have been prominently hanging from the nearest streetlamps, in ‘44.

    They would have gone before a judge to plead “Guilty With Honor, as my countrymen are laying down their lives on the battlefield - how can I, in good conscious, do anything less? The NYT is an enemy just as much as AlQuida - worse in fact. AlQuida simply wants to kill us, the Commies want to enslave our minds - total control of every aspect of our lives; Valdimir Putin is not their hero no, it’s Joseph Stalin whose ring they kneel to kiss.”

    A coward dies a thousand deaths, a hero dies but once.

    Where have all the heros gone? Todays heros are with General David H. Petraeus fighting the enemy away from our shores. Aren’t there at least a few heros left in the USA to fight our internal enemies here, while they’re away?

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 3 Beerme // Jan 6, 2008 at 11:16 am

    Spot on, Scott!
    What truly dismays is the fact that so much of this revolves around partisan discontent and Bush hatred.

    Oh well, soon that will all end…

  • 4 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 6, 2008 at 12:06 pm

    Lately, or to be more precise, for the last 6 or 7 years, Washington has been like a room full of old maids, chartering here and gossiping there.

    I can close my eyes and see a bunch of old men wearing bonnets with their hands sideways to their mouths uttering foolishness for the sake of national defense.

    “Well, have you ever. Why just the other day-and keep this under your bonnet-James Smith told me that Donald Jones told him that George Bush has. Oh dear, I don’t know if I should repeat this but…..”

  • 5 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 6, 2008 at 12:07 pm

    push that gossip

  • 6 debass // Jan 6, 2008 at 12:30 pm

    “By creating this formal partnership, the CIA hopes to reduce the likelihood that anyone on its staff or in the State Department could be charged with treason for revealing national security secrets to the enemy in time of war.”
    Seems to have worked, so far.

  • 7 Possumtrot // Jan 6, 2008 at 12:55 pm

    “Fairness and compassion toward Al Qaeda.”

    I can’t stop laughing. I saw a lot of “fairness and compassion” on 9/11/01. It is nice, on occasion, to have an enemy who can be ruthlessly hunted and killed without worrying about the implications of instant karma.

    I am speaking, of course, about Al Qaeda. The editors of the should simply be dragged into the nearest alley and beaten within an inch of their lives.

  • 8 Fred Sinclair // Jan 6, 2008 at 1:51 pm

    o.t. Just now watching a rerun of “A Tale Of Two Cities”

    This elitist idiot is riding through the city at full speed. a boy of 5 or 6 gets run over by the horses and carriage and killed. the carriage stops, idiot steps out looks with distain at the dead boy and grieving mother and a voice that so duplicates Mrs. Bill Clinton that I had to look twice to see it wasn’t really her.

    In a raised voice he said “I don’t understand what it’s going to take to get you people to keep your children clear of the streets - don’t you realize that one of my horses could have been injured? However as it seems none of them have been harmed this time, I’ll let you off with a warning.

    It was as if she had memorized the voice, tone, elocution and enunciation. Sounded exactly what I would expect her to say if her limo ran someone down today. The Imperial, Aristocratic “off with their heads” mentality - pure Mrs. Bill Clinton!

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 9 camojack // Jan 6, 2008 at 2:02 pm

    Where’s the satire? This isn’t even news.

    I know, the best comedy is obvious. Unfortunately, this situation isn’t funny…

  • 10 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 6, 2008 at 2:15 pm

    Map and everything…..
    I started to say that I have no words to describe how vile and despicable the NYT is but, actually, there are no words filthy or degenerate enough, anywhere, in any language, to describe the putrid, diabolical, scum-sucking Shame of the Universe……

    Quick! Somebody hose ’er down with copious amounts of Industrial Grade Antibiotic!

  • 11 Fred Sinclair // Jan 6, 2008 at 2:49 pm


    I’d like more than you know to hear the MSM describe the NYT in beautiful, glowing prose.

    “Well Matt Lauer, Meredith Vieira, Ann Curry and Al Roker …can you give us a description of the NYT today?”

    Meredith, “Well you can see that pile of smoldering ashes over there…..wellll….it’s like this… take it Matt.”

    Matt…”Well…when I got here, it was obvious that there was only conservatives on duty today at the fire departments, they were all sitting around smoking their cigarettes… finally one yelled ‘Hey, did anybody bring the marshmallows?’ they didn’t seem all that committed….Al what have you got?”

    Al “Well Matt, I’m glad you asked that, now here’s what’s happening in their neck of the woods. Mostly smokey and hot forcast for the NYT…..over to you Ann…..Ann….Ann….now where did you get those marshmallows??

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 12 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 6, 2008 at 3:51 pm

    Even more heinous is the behavior of

    “…the cabal of leakers in the CIA who, unelected though they are, still arrogantly assume that they can dictate policy to the White House by leaking the most sensitive and secret plans of our government…”
    ~~Rick Moran on American Thinker

    They need to hose that place down, too-with some Industrial Grade Disinfectant.

  • 13 prettyold // Jan 6, 2008 at 3:55 pm

    Yes , the NYT ,is despicable,and beyond redemption. For more than thirty years ,they have done everything in their power ,to bring the United States to it’s knees. Still ,thereal treasonous turncoats are the Bureaucrats ,who have been selling us out since before WW2. Maybe they gave up carrying cards,but they are Communists ,nonetheless,and they will do anything to put us under the Heel of our own Stalin:Hillary Clinton,Obama,or Edwards.Their loyalty to their cause is interchangable.
    Hollywood is almost totally an arm of the Communist party,and the Media….?They are a joke,except for a few lonely voices.
    I just plan on praying a lot.

  • 14 Possumtrot // Jan 6, 2008 at 4:59 pm

    The editors of the NY Times, that is…or ediots, as I like to misspell it on occasion, are the ones I suggested above be dragged into the nearest alleyway and thrashed senseless.

    My ISP has been acting up all day, and it took me a minute to remember how to insert italics; something I obviously botched with comment #7.

    Following a national story happening in my backyard over at United Possums International. It’s difficult to get excited about presidential politics when there’s a true horror show going on just up the street.

  • 15 onlineanalyst // Jan 6, 2008 at 6:28 pm

    Not a parody, just direct (copyrighted, probably) lyrics of an old Beatles’ tune.

    Imagine it being sung by government leakers to the NYT.

    You’ll never know how much I really love you,
    You’ll never know how much I really care,

    Listen, do you want to know a secret,
    Do you promise not to tell, Whoa . . . . .
    Closer let me whisper in your ear,
    Say the words you long to hear,
    I’m in love with you, oo . . . . .

    I’ve known a secret for a week or two,
    Nobody knows just we two.

    Listen, do you want to know a secret,
    Do you promise not to tell Whoa . . . . .
    Closer let me whisper in your ear,
    Say the words you long to hear,
    I’m in love with you, oo, oo, oo, oo . .

    It looks as if the leakers and the NYT have a co-dependent relationship.

  • 16 everthink // Jan 6, 2008 at 6:46 pm

    “The editors of the NY Times, that is…or ediots, as I like to misspell it on occasion, are the ones I suggested above be dragged into the nearest alleyway and thrashed senseless.”

    Why stop at thrashing? Maybe you could burn their newspapers, and their books too!

    But, hasn’t that been tried before?


  • 17 mindknumbed kid // Jan 6, 2008 at 6:47 pm

    Makes a person wonder where the true patriots are, seems as though the government is full of people with an agenda that is anti-American, maybe they are devout readers of the NYT and other such rags. They probably listen to the MSM and agree that our nation is evil and we that deserved 9/11. With this kind of garbage going on and all of the PC nonsense it is a miracle that we are still hanging on to as much of what the founding fathers left us as we are these days. Let alone what we have done with God!

    1 And God spake all these words, saying,
    2 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
    3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
    4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
    5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God,
    Ex 20:1-5 (KJV)

  • 18 mindknumbed kid // Jan 6, 2008 at 6:54 pm

    The “ediots” are already senseless, and if a person were to thrash ‘em good there would be a host of sympathizers rallying around them spouting a bunch of jibberish and creating sympathy for the whole sorry lot of them.

  • 19 PanamaRed // Jan 6, 2008 at 7:19 pm

    Well, this makes perfect sense. The NYT has more contacts in the jihaadist community than the CIA as well as having access to CIA documents and plans through the “Leakers” program designed to ensure that we have no intelligence in our security agencies in the US.
    The Deocrats (Party of God) in the US. government has ensured that no secret plans will be developed and kept for our national defense. Instead, they will be shared with those who wish our destruction or who would profit from knowing of our actions in advance.
    There will be a need for this union if the Deocrats are successful in attaining a majority in both houses and the WH in ‘08 as it will facilitate the socialization of America into the European model of government along with its attendent programs developed by the social engineering crowd who have been showing their intentions in small ways since the mid-1960’s.
    Lest you think this is a joke, the Manhatten Project to develope the A-bomb was infiltrated by soviet spies, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were proven spies trafficking in nuclear secrets. Joseph McCarthy was hated because he did find communists in Hollywood and elsewhere, but his tactics were bemoaned by the media who now have no problems with the methods used by the Deocrats when they are investigating a member of the Bush administration or an appointee to an important position in the government that does not hold the same ideology as they do.
    I fear for my country now, more than ever before in my life because now the Barbarians not only control the gate, they make the laws and have the power to eliminate those who would resist. Stalin, Hitler and Tojo must be burning in their graves to see how easy it was to bring down America.
    Possum: I know of what you spoke of. Those ridiculed as ignorant, stupid backwoods hicks are the same people who would open their doors to you, feed you and shelter you if you needed it until you could get help or they would get help for you if needed. Its odd the “civilized people” are the murderers, thieves and crriminals you must watch for.

  • 20 prettyold // Jan 6, 2008 at 8:56 pm

    Gee, ET , I hate to admit it but you are right in #16 . Stalin ,Castro ,and Hugo Chavez all did try burning all the Books and Newpapers that disagreed with them. They also removed the Radio and TV stations from the air that didn’t spout the Party Line.

  • 21 gafisher // Jan 6, 2008 at 9:01 pm

    Wow, great observation PO (Re#20)! What’s more, “Stalin ,Castro ,and Hugo Chavez” are all darlings of the Democrats! Maybe they’re onto something, eh?

  • 22 gafisher // Jan 6, 2008 at 9:06 pm

    Rumor has it that the new “overt ops” group is to be dubbed the “Plame Unit.” The primary distribution channel will be online, called “ePlame” (no valor).

  • 23 prettyold // Jan 6, 2008 at 9:32 pm

    PanamaRed,to add to the end of your post #19,these are also the people who have sent their precious sons to fight every war in which the United States has been involved .

  • 24 Hawkeye // Jan 7, 2008 at 8:17 am

    Just goes to show… there’s no “intelligence” in the CIA.

  • 25 conserve-a-tips // Jan 7, 2008 at 8:38 am

    Good morning guys and gals! I know that I have been absent for a spell, but I really do have good excuses! :-)

    Physical Therapy is eating my lunch. What more can I say?

    Well, I see that the NYT and the CIA are uniting. You do realize that means that we will now have the NYTCIA - the acronym for Newspaper Yacking Treason ‘Cuz Idiots Abound. They deserve each other. The rest of us, however, deserve for them to just go out of business - and I mean the CIA too!

  • 26 Fred Sinclair // Jan 7, 2008 at 9:11 am

    To the six Republicans: “We’re the only industrialized nation in the world that doesn’t insure all of our citizens. If we can afford a trillion dollar war in Iraq, why can’t we afford medical insurance for everybody?”

    What does the expense of a nation at war have to do with insurance premiums? Classic example of apples and oranges.

    Also, why the overt discrimination? What about Homeowners insurance premiums ? Auto insurance premiums ? Fire insurance premiums ? Flood insurance premiums ? Drought insurance premiums ? Paycheck insurance premiums ? Life insurance premiums ? Dental insurance premiums? College Tuition insurance premiums ? etc., etc., ad infinitum?

    Why limit it to National Health Insurance premiums? If the American taxpayers are going to be forced to pay for one insurance premium - Why not pay all of the premiums?

    A policy that covers someone with a spouse and 8 children shouldn’t be the same as a policy covering a single individual.

    Cancel all “employer paid insurance premiums, pay the worker the difference and let him or her go out on the open market and purchase the insurance that fits that persons needs.

    Neither the government nor employers have any right to be in the medical insurance premium business or any other kind of insurance premium business.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 27 mig // Jan 7, 2008 at 9:30 am

    Sigh. Surge needed in the CIA, Iraq Veterans need apply. Experience necessary.

  • 28 everthink // Jan 7, 2008 at 11:36 am

    “Why limit it to National Health Insurance premiums? ”

    Maybe you’re onto something there, Fred! What’s government doing in the insurance business anyway?

    Let’s turn it all over to private industry, where market place competition will keep everybody honest!

    Privatize! That’s what Republicans should do!

    Then, why not start with that great commie scheme “Medicare”, let’s do away with it first!

    Or, this like everything else, just a case where you just want to tell everybody else what to do?


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