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NYPD Denies Carter Request to Visit Ground Zero

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 58 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2007-10-11) — The New York City Police Department today turned down a request by former President Jimmy Carter to go to ‘Ground Zero’, the site of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, during Mr. Carter’s upcoming visit to Columbia University because the department could not “guarantee his safety.”

Mr. Carter, who this week said that the U.S. tortures terror detainees and called Vice President Dick Cheney a “disaster“, has previously said the Bush administration’s international relations efforts are “the worst in history.”

An unnamed NYPD spokesman said, “We’re treating Jimmy Carter like we’d treat any other public figure who has denigrated our country and its leaders, and otherwise brought aid and comfort to our enemies. If we allowed his visit, we’d owe an apology to [Iranian President] Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.”

The Nobel prize winner, whose statesmanship ushered in an era of deep and lasting harmony between Muslims and Jews in the Middle East, had requested the Ground Zero tour during his upcoming visit to Columbia University, when he’s slated to deliver the 2008 Ahmadinejad Lectures on Faith and Diplomacy.

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58 responses so far ↓

  • 1 diamond jim // Oct 11, 2007 at 8:58 am

    I heard 2 different interviews last night with Jimmy Carter. He is a treasonous p.o.s. and should not be allowed in any part of the country, much less Ground Zero.

  • 2 Beerme // Oct 11, 2007 at 8:59 am

    This illustrates why the Nobel prize is not so relevant anymore…

  • 3 gafisher // Oct 11, 2007 at 9:09 am

    God Bless America!

  • 4 boberinyetagain // Oct 11, 2007 at 9:12 am

    Ah, good to see that even former presidents are not really allowed to speak their minds. It warms the cockles of my cockles (what are cockles anyway?)
    Yep, Jimmy is a fool for thinking that sitting down and attempting to learn what anyone elses viewpoint might be is just a stupid waste of time. Who needs to know who they really are, what they really want when you can just pigeon hole them, label them, make fun/light of them and then blow them up?
    We don’t need no steenking negotiations with anyone, anytime for any reason. Should have nuked N. Korea while we had the chance. The moment has just about passed now, too bad!

  • 5 gafisher // Oct 11, 2007 at 9:15 am

    “… whose statesmanship ushered in an era of deep and lasting harmony between Muslims and Jews in the Middle East,

    Yes, who better than Carter to comment on foreign policy? Or economics, or race relations, or education, or any of the other issues his administration brought into sharp perspective, in much the same way as Clyde Barrow highlighted the issue of bank security.

  • 6 gafisher // Oct 11, 2007 at 9:27 am

    Bober Re#4: “Yep, Jimmy is a fool …”

    Harsh language, my friend. Besides, it’s not his fault — Carter was eternally traumatized by that scuba-bunny attack. His mind has never been the same, and even moreso since then.

  • 7 beekabok2 // Oct 11, 2007 at 9:37 am

    If Carter would of had a pair when he was faced with the hostage situation, we would have a very different world today. My guess is it would have beed better but who knows.

  • 8 beekabok2 // Oct 11, 2007 at 9:43 am

    ummmm……”been” not “beed”

  • 9 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 11, 2007 at 9:43 am

    Now the way I heard the story he wanted to build some habitat on the premises for the down trodden humanity of New York’s less fortunate.

    Besides, when he speaks anywhere he leaves peanut shells all over the floor and Columbia has, I believe, a “no peanut,” rule in the auditorium.

    Seems like the peanuts draw rats of which Columbia has had a major problem with as of late.

  • 10 conserve-a-tips // Oct 11, 2007 at 9:43 am

    Our minister, a registered Oklahoma Democrat, just this last Sunday, did a sermon from the Timothy’s and the Peter’s and Malachai. He said something that I thought was really, really good, that this former President who claims to be a Christian might ought to hear. He said that throughout scripture we are told that God has in place those whom are to lead, whether for prosperity or for hardship, but always for authority. As Christians, we are to respect and honor our presidents, kings, prime ministers, etc., even if we do not agree with them or think that they are doing things in a Godly manner. We are not to dishonor them, openly defy them (unless we are asked to do something that is against God as in Hitler) denigrate them or make fun of them, but are to pray for them, reach out in kindness and wisdom to impart truth and obey the law to the best of our ability.

    Throughout history, God has put in place rulers to govern His people either to encourage them in a life led by Him or to punish them for rebelling against Him. Even in Egypt, under tyrannical rule, Joseph found favor in Pharoah’s eyes because he gave the Pharoah honor, authority and obedience. Does anyone think that Pharoah was a cupcake who never tortured anyone? And yet, Joseph was the instrument who brought Israel into Egypt for the purpose of showing Israel that God is Almighty and All Knowing, the lesson that was the beginning of many lessons for the nation of Israel.

    I am disturbed that a Christian former president would take personal shots at the leader of our country, making accusations that are just words of disrespect more than anything else. To me, it shows that Jimmy Carter is man-centered, rather than God-centered and assumes way too much power in himself. If he truly believed scripture, he would be going to the President, talking with him on a regular basis and dealing with him Christian to Christian, rather than publicly flogging him in the World.

  • 11 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 11, 2007 at 9:45 am

    Then there is also the problem of attracting Hillary Beasts. Not a pretty sight.

  • 12 conserve-a-tips // Oct 11, 2007 at 9:45 am

    Malachi - fingers got ‘A’ crazy

  • 13 onlineanalyst // Oct 11, 2007 at 9:48 am

    Perhaps Jimmuh Catarrh (*spit*) would feel more at home visiting the field at Shanksville, where Flight #93 went down. After all, a “sensitive” designer of the memorial has created a crescent that faces Mecca.

  • 14 RedPepper // Oct 11, 2007 at 9:55 am

    boberin #4: I’m confused. When did Jimmy Carter “attempt to learn” who anyone “really is” or what they “really want”? The way I remember it, he was always absolutely certain about those matters - and almost always dead wrong in his opinions, to boot! Still is, too …

  • 15 Gotcha // Oct 11, 2007 at 10:03 am

    I see old Jimmah’s been playin’ with his Home Lobotomy Kit again! Anyone else notice how easily these dhimwits conveniently forget their own disasterous policies?! Jimmah is an angry, bitter, whiney, old man who was hands down the worst president in my lifetime!

  • 16 da Bunny // Oct 11, 2007 at 10:15 am

    “a Christian former president “

    #10 c-a-t, just because Carter calls himself a Christian, doesn’t mean he is a Christian. Going to church and/or reading the Bible doesn’t make one a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes one a car.

  • 17 da Bunny // Oct 11, 2007 at 10:25 am

    Why doesn’t Carter just get it over with and convert to Islam now? He’s anti-Semitic, anti-America, cowardly, lying, and full of evil…as perfect an example of an islamofascist as there could ever be.

  • 18 camojack // Oct 11, 2007 at 10:35 am

    da Bunny // Oct 11, 2007 at 10:15 am
    Going to church and/or reading the Bible doesn’t make one a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes one a car.

    Great analogy!

  • 19 Darthmeister // Oct 11, 2007 at 10:54 am

    Carter should know what an administrative “disaster” is though he’s incapable of noticing when he is pointing a finger at Dick Cheney he has three more point back at him.

    Disaster? I’d say the 400+ day Iranian hostage debacle was pretty much a disaster, including the ill-planned “rescue” operation. And dare we mention the double-digit inflation, double-digit home mortgages, eight percent unemployment, double-digit interest rates on loans which occurred on Carter’s watch? Those were inexcusable disasters, too.

    Carter was no friend of the middle-class American, that’s for sure. In fact he had the unmitigated gall to blame America’s economic and financial market woes on the American people’s “malaise”. This guy can only be taken seriously when he’s swinging a hammer. Stand back!

    Jimmah has no room to talk given his own pathetic record as POTUS.

  • 20 boberinyetagain // Oct 11, 2007 at 11:00 am

    So, the good times were not due to Clinton but those that preceeded him but the bad times were all on Jimmy.
    Alrighty then, good to see consistent arguments presented as usual.

  • 21 Fred Sinclair // Oct 11, 2007 at 11:17 am

    bya - I knew that, given enough time and space, you would eventually slip up and say something intelligent. Now, I’m happy to say, you’ve proven me right. “Should have nuked N. Korea while we had the chance.”
    Thank you for that profound piece of wisdom. Now, to answer your question - since your burger flipping job does not provide you with enough money to be able to buy a dictionary and since I’m a good, generous sort I will supply you with the answer to your question. To wit:

    cockle 1 |ˈkäkÉ™l| noun 1 an edible, burrowing bivalve mollusk with a strong ribbed shell. • Genus Cardium, family Cardiidae. 2 (also cockleshell) poetic/literary a small shallow boat. PHRASES warm the cockles of one’s heart give one a comforting feeling of pleasure or contentment. ORIGIN Middle English : from Old French coquille ‘shell,’ based on Greek konkhulion, from konkhÄ“ ‘conch.’ cockle 2 verb [ intrans. ] (of paper) bulge out in certain places so as to present a wrinkled or creased surface; pucker. ORIGIN mid 16th cent.: from French coquiller ‘blister (bread in cooking),’ from coquille ‘shell’ (see cockle 1 ).

    As for your other question - “Who needs to know who they really are, what they really want when you can just pigeon hole them, label them, make fun/light of them and then blow them up?”

    When someone comes right out and says over and over and over again “We have one goal and only one and that is, we are coming to kill you if you do not renounce your religion and embrace ours the one and only true religion.

    “We don’t need no steenking negotiations with anyone, anytime for any reason.” There exists exactly zero interest in a dialogue with such a nutcase. “We are coming to kill you!” Does not leave much room for talk, other than, “If you’re feeling froggy - JUMP!!!”

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 22 Libby Gone // Oct 11, 2007 at 12:49 pm

    Boberin (and anyone else who cares to join in),
    Instead of wasting precious bandwidth pointing out the many failures, poor policy decisions, and basic ineptitude displayed by President Carter, why not list his beneficial accomplishment(s) as President?

  • 23 boberinyetagain // Oct 11, 2007 at 12:55 pm

    Fred, thanks for the heads up on cockles, now i know why i’d want them warm, still not sure why my heart has any.

    As for the other matter, everyone wants something. As a child if you had a crush on a girl you were likely to punch her lightly or otherwise abuse her. As you matured you found better ways of expressing yourself.

    Achmed says he want to wipe Israel off the map. Of course he means the boundaries as currently drawn but we choose to ignore what he means and blow what he says way out of proportion. It’s the “boogyman of the month” deal because if we are frightened enough we will agree to snooping, renditions, torture, heck most anything is ok as long as we are kept “safe”.
    The shameful truth is that we are safe. If you truly believe that the government could have stopped/could prevent another 9/11 style attack then you are delusional. They can’t, get over it.
    But, it behooves those in power to use that “stick” and dangle this or that “bad boy of the month” from it, waving them in our faces. This keeps the machine running.
    I’m not buying in, kinda surprised that any rational folks do but hey, we could have nuked NK or we could have waited until they calmed down. Now even SK is talking about reuniting the country. Imagine that. It could have been such a glorius war, perhaps Blackwater could have contracted for the whole deal. Now it’s too late. Damn!

  • 24 diamond jim // Oct 11, 2007 at 12:56 pm

    Re: #4…
    I assume you feel we should adopt the Neville Chamberlain mode . Also, keep in mind we were “negotiating” with the Japanese when Pearl Harbor was attacked. Fool me once…..

    Do we need Dimmy Carter to sit down and “learn” what our enemies viewpoint is? No, just listen to D Turban , H Reid , move-on, et al and you will know.

  • 25 Libby Gone // Oct 11, 2007 at 12:59 pm

    Let me point out President Carter converted 525600 liters of oxygen into Carbon dioxide during his 4 year term! Very beneficial for photosynthesis!

  • 26 Libby Gone // Oct 11, 2007 at 1:03 pm

    “Achmed says he want to wipe Israel off the map. Of course he means the boundaries as currently drawn but we choose to ignore what he means and blow what he says way out of proportion.”
    Bober, you are scaring me. Does this mean when Krushchev stated “We will bury you”, he didn’t mean interring Americans with the earthworms?

  • 27 EXT // Oct 11, 2007 at 1:20 pm

    It’s over for Hillary.

    The Democrap party is now compelled to nominate Jimmuh Cahhtuh for President. He has bested her thighness on the “Treasonabness” test!

  • 28 Fred Sinclair // Oct 11, 2007 at 1:35 pm

    bya - Down deep, in your “heart of hearts” do you honestly believe that if the radical terrorists, whatever country they are operating from, actually got in their hands on a real Weapon of Mass Destruction (Nuclear bomb, bottle of Anthrax or Smallpox germs, or vial of bacteria) that they wouldn’t use it in downtown Tel Avis? or Washington D.C., Los Angeles., etc.?

    You can bet your bippie they surely would as they have openly bragged and stated their exact intentions. If Iran is allowed to produce nuclear bombs they will sell or give them to those who will use them.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 29 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 11, 2007 at 1:59 pm

    Libby Gone


    ……………………(sounds of crickets chirping)

  • 30 RedPepper // Oct 11, 2007 at 2:00 pm

    boberin #23: “Achmed says he want to wipe Israel off the map. Of course he means the boundaries as currently drawn but we choose to ignore what he means and blow what he says way out of proportion.”

    boberin, it’s becoming clearer why you like Jimmy Carter so much - just like him, you have psychic abilities & can discern what people “really” mean! Apparently, you hit the nail on the head this time! He wants to “adjust” those boundaries, all right - to North America!

    … shortly after his election in 2005, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be “wiped from the map” and described the Holocaust as a “myth”.

    Only last week he questioned again the scale of the mass slaughter of Jews in the Holocaust. He also suggested once more that Israel could be moved to arctic North America.

    Full story here .

  • 31 gafisher // Oct 11, 2007 at 2:22 pm

    Libby Gone Re#22: During his time in Office, James Earl Carter, with almost inhuman persistence and vigor, accomplished one thing for which Americans should be eternally grateful: he convinced all but six of These United States to elect President Ronald Reagan.

  • 32 Libby Gone // Oct 11, 2007 at 3:06 pm

    “So, the good times were not due to Clinton but those that preceeded him but the bad times were all on Jimmy.
    Alrighty then, good to see consistent arguments presented as usual”
    Not to pile on TOO MUCH but I do have to agree after reading gafishers post #31.
    Great Job President Carter! Thanks for setting in motion the Greatest Presidency of my lifetime!

  • 33 da Bunny // Oct 11, 2007 at 3:13 pm

    camojack // Oct 11, 2007 at 10:35 am

    da Bunny // Oct 11, 2007 at 10:15 am
    Going to church and/or reading the Bible doesn’t make one a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes one a car.

    Great analogy!

    Well, it’s true, isn’t it? :-)

  • 34 boberinyetagain // Oct 11, 2007 at 3:45 pm

    WMD, NK, Saddam, Achmedidan, Ayatolla, homos, liberals…the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on.
    Scared yet? Let’s hope so because that’s the intent. Why do they want us scared? To have us beg them to curtail our liberties, to beg them to tax us more, to make us believe that the war is good and just.

    Red, they don’t have those things, they have sand and camel dung and a few rocks and pointy sticks. They have no backing of any consequence, no power, no means of delivery, no viable plan.
    Maybe, just maybe if we truly cared about what they had to say (maybe not but who knows? not us) and truly understood the problem (whatever that might be) then and only then might we even be able to consider if there was something we might do to “win the hearts and minds” and perhaps turn an enemy into a friend.
    Do you really believe that many are willing to throw rocks and bottles against those carrying real weapons in hopes of defeating them? Or, are they upset about something. They are mad enough to strap bombs in order to kill 3-30 folks. They are obviously not hoping to wipe out any group/country with those tactics, they are pissed about something. Until we are certain what that is and that we are powerless to adjust it and killing them is just that, killing them. That won’t improve their mood, won’t win the hearts and minds.
    War is good for many powerful folks (on both sides), not for you, not for me, not for those we kill. But, as long as we can be kept quaking in our boots, we are all for it anyway.
    Many of y’all don’t get it on purpose, can’t figure out why that is but I’m working on it

  • 35 Fred Sinclair // Oct 11, 2007 at 3:46 pm

    You have to give credit where credit is due.

    President Jimmy Carter must be the only President in American History to have personally engaged in battle with an attack rabbit, while in a canoe and lived to tell the tale. This feat may never again be equaled by any future President. Unlike senator Kerry he didn’t get purple heart or anything.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 36 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 11, 2007 at 4:18 pm

    Anyone who claims the ability to read Achmed’s mind and/or who proclaims that the words that Achmed says do not mean what they mean is blatantly schizophrenic.

  • 37 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 11, 2007 at 4:22 pm

    Anybody here “scared?”

    [crickets chirping]

  • 38 Darthmeister // Oct 11, 2007 at 6:47 pm

    Just like bober to try and “understand” Muslim terrorists. There’s no reasoning with or “understanding” these homocidal maniacs … they just want infidels and designated kafirs dead if its within their power to do so.

    Fortunately, for the last six years, our military has been killing the worst of the Islamist scum who eventually flocked to Iraq and Afghanistan like flies to flypaper.

    Better there than here … but that day may come when it is here and then we’ll have the suffer the anti-war moonbats whining why our government didn’t do more to protect their decadent backsides.

    Of course they’ll also trot out their “stirring up the hornet’s nest” blather which is equivalent to arguing law enforcement is responsible for the rise in gang violence here in America. You know, if it wasn’t for armed cops we wouldn’t have crime, right?

    Or better yet, the left-wing hankystompers can invoke the Flip Wilsonian principle of “the devil made them do it” … that is, Great Satan America made Islamists murder innocent civilians.

    You see, in the bizarro world of la la liberalism jihadists and radical Muslim insurgents are merely the founding fathers of the Islamic world and it’s never really their fault since it’s big bad imperialist America’s fault. After 9/11 we should have simply bit our tongues, counted to ten million, then tried to negotiate in good faith with committed jihadists and we wouldn’t have all this terrorist violence today, now would we?

    moonbat mode/off

  • 39 DrivebyMeteor // Oct 11, 2007 at 6:48 pm

    “Even a paranoid can have enemies.”

    - Henry Kissinger

  • 40 Darthmeister // Oct 11, 2007 at 6:50 pm

    … more proof there is a limbo out there sucking up all the loose posts.

  • 41 prettyold // Oct 11, 2007 at 6:58 pm

    bober about #34 ,”Maybe, just maybe if we truly cared about what they had to say (maybe not but who knows? not us) and truly understood the problem (whatever that might be) then and only then might we even be able to consider if there was something we might do to “win the hearts and minds” and perhaps turn an enemy into a friend”.
    You just proved OUR point .We have been nice to you ,listened to you ,tried to get along with you,tried to figure out where you are coming from ,for what? A couple of years ,and you make it very clear ,you still hate loathe ,despise,and look down on the rest of the Scrappleface family. Why don’t you just go on along to where you can be with your own kind and be happy at last. I’m tired of hearing you whine.
    We have tried in every way to “turn you into a friend ” only to be sneered at and denigrated, just as Ahmadinejad mocks and sneers at all Americans. And as former Christian president Jimmy Carter,despises all of America.
    And you still aren’t answering the question ,”What was Carter’s success,name one.”

  • 42 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 11, 2007 at 8:16 pm


    Didn’t he (Jimmy) turn peanuts into Gin, no, I’m sorry that was Eli Whitney, Hmm, come to think of it it was James Carville.

    Oh shoot, I don’t remember. But Billy did turn beer into dollars

  • 43 prettyold // Oct 11, 2007 at 8:38 pm

    Jimmy did crack corn,though.

  • 44 prettyold // Oct 11, 2007 at 8:39 pm

    But I don’t care!!

  • 45 prettyold // Oct 11, 2007 at 8:41 pm

    Biberty Boberty Boo Hoo


    “Carter’s a Hero ,
    Bush is a Zero,”
    Bobers against everywho,
    “Kiss all the Killers and make them your friends”
    Biberty Bober Boo Hoo.

    “Palestinians are so sweet,
    Israeli Joos all cheat,
    The world should erase all the lines”
    Bob wants Ahmdinejad to write ‘Israel,THE END”
    Biberty Bober Boo Hoo

    He’s just like neverthink,
    All their ideas stink.
    They’re both full of talk ,
    But at action they balk,
    It’s always a whiney” Boo Hoo”.

    Their loyalty lies,
    Against American Guys,
    Together they add up to naught,
    So patriotic they like to pretend,
    Neverthink, Boberty,
    Everstink, Slobberty
    Biberty Bober Boo Hoo .

  • 46 Fred Sinclair // Oct 11, 2007 at 10:24 pm

    prettyold #41 - Your question “And you still aren’t answering the question ,”What was Carter’s success,name one.”

    I believe I answered that with my #35 - you’ve got to admit, that was an awesome success, he succeeded in possibly saving the life of POTUS . The splinter he received while wielding his weapon (oar) qualifies his combat wound for a purple heart - possibly more serious than Senator Kerry’s Purple Heart “wounds”?

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 47 conserve-a-tips // Oct 11, 2007 at 10:57 pm

    Prettyold: That was just great. I love it. Congrats. Which reminds me, where is The Great Santini?

    Has anybody else seen that Rush is auctioning off the original letter from Harry Reid to Clear Channel, on ebay and the proceeds are being donated to a Marine Charity? He is soooo bad!!! I just love him. Don’t you know that Reid is just spinning. What an ultra-maroon!

  • 48 debass // Oct 11, 2007 at 11:12 pm

    “Yep, Jimmy is a fool for thinking that sitting down and attempting to learn what anyone elses viewpoint might be is just a stupid waste of time. ”
    Don’t you remember all the successful negotiations we’ve had in the past. Remember how we avoided WWII by negotiating with Hitler. And how we avoided the Cold War by negotiating with Stalin. Those Eastern Bloc countries are so indebted to us for letting them live under Soviet rule for 50 yrs. Ahh, what’s a 100 million deaths, give or take? Don’t forget Pol Pot. We talked ourselves to death only it wasn’t our death. China was on our side in WWII, but we nogotiated with them also. They are now a bastion of civil rights. If you don’t believe me, just ask the Burmese. Now I know why the price of ammunition is going up. They’re using the lead to make children’s toys. We really talked up a storm in Rwanda, Somalia, Viet Nam, Cuba and many other tropical retreats. The tourists are pouring in as we speak.
    I agree. Ol’ Jimmah (never met a dictator I didn’t like) Carter is a fool. We know what Mamood thinks. He has told us over and over. Why do so may not want to listen?
    The only thing you negotiate with tyrants is the date of their demise.

  • 49 debass // Oct 11, 2007 at 11:14 pm

    oops! may should be many.

  • 50 Darthmeister // Oct 11, 2007 at 11:17 pm

    From LGF:

    Speaking with XM Radio’s Bob Edwards on Tuesday, former President Jimmy Carter (you know, the guy who gave the “malaise” speech) told the radio host that he “would not want to have changed anything” during his presidency. Well, okay, maybe one thing.

    Referring to the Iran hostage crisis, Carter said, “I have a specific regret in not having one more helicopter when I wanted to rescue our hostages. If I had had one more helicopter, they would have been rescued. I might have been reelected president.”

    Out of the entire Navy and Marine Corps President Carter just couldn’t seem to come up with one more helicopter. MY KINGDOM FOR A HORSESHOE!

    What a pathetic, delusional LibDonk. The mullahs admitted surprise when President Carter and America didn’t go to war to get the American hostages back. Clearly the Iranians were emboldened by Carter’s cowardice and … well, the rest is history as they say. Now Iran is on the verge of acquiring its own nuclear weapons. The ugly spectre of the law of unintended consequences certainly applies in this case.

  • 51 Darthmeister // Oct 11, 2007 at 11:26 pm

    Good point, prettyold. We all have remonstrated, shared documentation, shared links, cajoled, delivered rational arguments and counter-arguments with varying degrees of patience, humor, and solemnity and bober continues giving us the middle finger!

    And then he has the riotous temerity to actually believe a rational free people can “reason” with radical Islamists and Muslim fundamentalists. Not in a thousand years.

    The only thing Islamofascists understand is death and they appear more than willing to embrace that. So I don’t see any reason why free people defending their own shouldn’t accomodate them in that regard. And what’s scary is the Islamists love death more than liberals love truth. Useful idiots all … except for Joe Lieberman.

  • 52 RedPepper // Oct 11, 2007 at 11:26 pm

    prettyold #45: Ouch! Very clever, but to say that boberin is “just like neverthink” is way harsh, IMO. boberin is just following the creed of the Universal Liberal: “My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts!”

    I don’t fault myself because I can’t convince boberin of the error of his ways; heck, if reality itself didn’t accomplish that, I’m not gonna either …

    Enjoy your opinions, boberin. Just don’t make a habit of trying them out in practice.
    Reality bites.

  • 53 Effeminem // Oct 12, 2007 at 12:31 am

    The strategy of running amok in foreign populations trying to play whack-a-terrorist is not a viable long term strategy. Individually, the easiest way to deal with extremists, terrorists, islamofascists, Ron Paul supporters and the like is to kill them, but when they’re inside another country that’s not always practical.

  • 54 RedPepper // Oct 12, 2007 at 12:45 am

    FM&M #53: Who said it was a strategy?

    Sometimes, you want to do things just for the sheer fun of it …

  • 55 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 12, 2007 at 7:45 am

    “Running amok,” eh? Nice.

  • 56 prettyold // Oct 12, 2007 at 3:31 pm

    Actually I prefer everthink to Bober. He honestly spews forth all his hate envy and bitterness ,while Bober pretends to be our friend ,”Oh ,I really,really like you ” ,as he pulls out his sneaky little knife and stabs us in the back. No ,he does worse than that , he tries to spoil our fun. Bober and nerverthink are exactly the same in that they never have fun unless they are being nasty and mean, they are miserable and they want every one else to be miserable ,too.
    They choose to be unhappy ,and are much to stupid and old to try to learn how to be happy . Neither of them have learned anything new since they were 20.And they are proud of their blind ignorance.

  • 57 gafisher // Oct 12, 2007 at 10:16 pm

    Prettyold Re#56: “… they never have fun unless they are being nasty and mean, …”

    Actually, they only have fun when somebody reacts. As for your closing paragraph, I think you’re bein a little harsh — I’ll bet both of them have learned something since 10th grade! (If only by hanging out at Scrappleface …)

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