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After Background Check, Hillary Refunds Cash to Bill

by Scott Ott · 81 Comments

(2007-09-11) — Just hours after her presidential campaign announced it would refund $850,000 in contributions from associates of convicted felon Norman Hsu, and begin to run background checks on big donors, Sen. Hillary Clinton said she would issue a full refund to former President Bill Clinton, her husband.

“After vigorous additional vetting,” Sen. Clinton said, “We noticed some things that could become a distraction to our campaign, so we’re returning all the cash to him with no questions asked.”

Mr. Clinton, a multi-millionaire who has devoted most of his adult life to public service, was not available for comment because he was reportedly riding Amtrak to a signing for his new book, ‘Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World‘.

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Tags: Media/Journalism · Politics · U.S. News

81 responses so far ↓

  • 1 conserve-a-tips // Sep 11, 2007 at 12:07 pm

    God Bless America!

    And ouch on that last line

  • 2 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 11, 2007 at 12:23 pm

    Poor Clintons. Once a poverty stricken white trash governor with a hippie-dippie wife and no place to call their own are now millionaires .

    The New York hillbillies are now rich thanks to the suckers who gave to Bill’s legal defense funds. Idjets like Garrison Keillor handed over thousands of dollars like candy.

    The Chinese if you please, have also kicked in a fortune. Doesn’t anybody see what happened in the last 10 years or so????

    They cried while Bill was in the White House that they had no place to go after the White House was taken away, now their cars are on blocks with hound dogs living in them right in the middle of the Big Apple.

  • 3 Just Ranting // Sep 11, 2007 at 12:38 pm

    If Hillary gave back every ill gotten dollar she ever received she’d be reduced to living in half a double wide in rural Arkansas cooking roadkill possum over sterno and complaining about her no good whore mongrel husband to anybody dumb enough to give her a hey y’all.

  • 4 gafisher // Sep 11, 2007 at 12:43 pm

    JR, you have no idea how that possibility occupies Hillary’s every night.

  • 5 Gotcha // Sep 11, 2007 at 1:10 pm

    Why oh why won’t anyone in the media ask to WHOM the $$ will be refunded?! Will some of it go back to the postal worker in LA?! Talk about a windfall!! ;-)

  • 6 Roguet55 // Sep 11, 2007 at 1:40 pm

    Maybe they (The Hellraisers) would do themselves more good trying to give it back to the so called “Donaters”. Some sound like they come from modest means and would like to have access to it rather than have it given to a charity that they may not agree with!
    It is wonderful that they now are Millionaires, when in office (Washington or Arkansas) they were dependant on Hill’s “savvy” as an invester with little to their names(sob sob)
    America is great!

  • 7 diamond jim // Sep 11, 2007 at 1:43 pm

    re: #5 you got it…as always…follow da money

  • 8 random // Sep 11, 2007 at 3:56 pm

    There goes the library!

  • 9 camojack // Sep 11, 2007 at 4:05 pm

    Of course, if (God forbid!!!) she’s elected, she’ll be issuing full pardons to same.

    The point of the original post, I have no doubt…

  • 10 boberinyetagain // Sep 11, 2007 at 4:26 pm

    Ok camo, take it away….

  • 11 conserve-a-tips // Sep 11, 2007 at 4:39 pm

    JR #3: You left out that she would be demanding nationalized healthcare for herself and her hubby, even though she would be on Mediaid and Food Stamps.

    Rush had a comment on changing the world this afternoon: “After all, Hitler changed the world.” Yep.

  • 12 boberinyetagain // Sep 11, 2007 at 4:46 pm

    twelve teenth?

    doesn’t have the same ring to it somehow

  • 13 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 11, 2007 at 5:04 pm

    “…..public service…..”

  • 14 camojack // Sep 11, 2007 at 6:25 pm

    twelve teenth?
    doesn’t have the same ring to it somehow
    Comment by boberinyetagain — September 11, 2007 @ 4:46 pm

    You’re right, it doesn’t…but it’ll do in a pinch. :-)

  • 15 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 11, 2007 at 7:12 pm


  • 16 gafisher // Sep 11, 2007 at 7:35 pm

    Roguet55 Re #6: Some (’Donaters’) sound like they come from modest means and would like to have access to it rather than have it given to a charity that they may not agree with!

    From Newsday: “They knew they had to do it or they were out,” said the investor, who asked to remain anonymous. “There were people who maxed out every credit card they had to give the maximum $4,600 in donations.”

    She said she opposed Clinton’s presidential bid but gave money to her campaign anyway. “I can’t stand the woman,” the investor said.

    It appears the donors’ consent is immaterial. Just like taxes …

  • 17 gafisher // Sep 11, 2007 at 7:38 pm

    Bober Re #12: Dozenth really matter.

  • 18 its-just-me // Sep 11, 2007 at 7:47 pm

    Re:#16 -
    Poor woman doesn’t even want to be identified as saying she can’t stand Hillary.
    What does that say about those “peace-mongering,” “tolerant,” “free-thinking” dems?

  • 19 Darthmeister // Sep 11, 2007 at 9:27 pm

    So let me get this straight. If you were a Democrat making $45,000/year as a postal worker and Norman Hsu used you as a conduit to get cash to Hillary Clinton and any number of other Democrat politicos to the tune of $145,000, when the cash is “refunded” to the donor, does that mean the postal worker is going to get a $145,000 windfall?

    I bet he’ll vote Democrat for the rest of his life. BTW, where’s the lamestream media crashing down on Democratic corruption? You know if it had been just $10,000 in illegal donations to a Republican presidential candidate, the lamestream media would be on that story non-stop for the next three months even if the Republican had immediately offered to return the money or give it to charity.

  • 20 Darthmeister // Sep 11, 2007 at 9:46 pm

    Off topic already. My apologies.

    Here’s something my son and I were discussing the other day. After being thoroughly propagandized by his sociology professor for the entire class period (happens every class) we began analyzing some of the professor’s claims of wanting to enlighten the students to the evils of free market capitalism (seriously), the pitfalls of individualism, and to just how wretched existence in America really is (seriously). The professor pondered aloud why it is Americans didn’t rise up against their Rethuglican masters in a revolution and replace them with an “utopian collectivism” (I kid you not!).

    My son said something I had never thought about before. If the radical left, who supposedly believe in “divergent opinions” and “critical thinking”, were to achieve their utopia, any other opinion contrary to theirs which could upset their socialist paradigm would be a threat to their utopia would it not? That is, if some citizens began reviving free market economic theory or begin questioning the dangers of the hive mentality in an this so-called altruistic (Borg) collective, would those in control of said utopia suffer the existence of such “divergent opinions” which could undo everything the leftists have worked toward?

    And what kind of force would the collective’s leadership be willing to mete out to those who endanger the perfect harmony of their collective? Forced incarceration or drugging? Stern warnings? Kill the rebel thinkers because the integrity of the collective is more important than an individual?

    It’s something the left-wingers should think about. In any case, it’s my belief any attempt by the left to change the economic dynamics of America’s financial institutions (i.e. that is to “nationalize” them) would send this country into a downward economic and financial spiral. When people begin losing their 401Ks, life savings, retirement funds (which are often invested in the markets) and other investments, the leftists/liberals responsible for this crashing economy would probably be hunted down and shot on sight. When it comes to money, every red-blooded American is of the same religion.

  • 21 conserve-a-tips // Sep 11, 2007 at 11:12 pm

    Darthmeister: And a little along your train of thought, I wonder if the liberal left realizes that their “utopia” would be hunted down just like the evil capitalism is now. read on.

    I believe that your son should ask the professor (very sweetly, mind you) if he could please show an example on earth of this eutopian style of life that he advocates - that your son would just like to have some kind of a frame of reference on which to focus as the professor discusses this state of being.

    If the professor says that there isn’t one yet, then your son can ask why, in all of the history of mankind and the evolution of civilization, has no Eutopia been achieved and wouldn’t that indicate that when more then one human being occupies a space, then personal desires preclude a stable harmony?

    But if the professor gives an example of a society that he considers to be eutopian - ala Cuba or Venezuela - then your son can ask him (again, oh so sweetly) why he has not moved there to be a part of that glorious way of life. He can play the innocence of a child and just lead the nutcase down the primrose path.

  • 22 its-just-me // Sep 11, 2007 at 11:28 pm

    Oh, yes - nationalizing always works… just look at Airbus.

    I had a prof last semester who was always singing the praises of Cuba.
    I had him pegged the first week of class, but he didn’t “come out” as a socialist until mid-semester.
    He wasn’t real pushy about it - at least, not as pushy as how your son’s prof sounds.
    At least he allowed dissention in the class - not like your typical “academic freedom” profs who don’t want to hear other people’s opinions.

  • 23 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 11, 2007 at 11:30 pm

    I leave you with a little smile from out old friend, Charley Weaver

    “The entire population of Mount Idy-308 souls in all-was rushed to the Mount Idy Emergency Hospital on Memorial Day, due to a slight oversight on the part of Ludlow Bean.

    At noon, the old Civil War cannon in the town square was fired, and everybody in town rushed out to the park and dove into our new swimming pool. Ludlow Bean was the only one who didn’t go to the hospital. He was also the one who forgot to fill the pool.”

  • 24 gafisher // Sep 12, 2007 at 2:59 am

    Darth Re #20: One of the best treatments I’ve ever seen of exactly that phenomenon is the audiocourse “Utopia and Terror in the 20th Century” from The Teaching Company.

    “Utopia and Terror” shows how your son’s very insightful observation has in fact played out in virtually every “utopian” movement since the French Revolution and the subsequent “Reign of Terror.”

    Courses from The Teaching Company go on sale at least once a year, but I consider most of them a bargain at any price.

  • 25 gafisher // Sep 12, 2007 at 3:33 am

    Darthmeister Re #19: It’s my understanding the “refunds” aren’t going back to the donors but to charities chosen by the campaigns. In other words, if Mr. Hsu strongarmed $4600 out of you and donated it to Hillary, her campaign (once it got caught with questionable donations) would pass it on to, say, Planned Parenthood. You may be sure the charity receiving the funds would be (1) friendly to the candidate and (2) quite willing to funnel much or all of the money back through other “soft” channels — the only kind of “housecleaning” the left is adept at is money laundering.

    Meanwhile, the campaign, and probably the campaigner, would be able to claim charitable donations far above the meager levels they’ve shown in the past when their generosity depended on their own funds.

  • 26 mig // Sep 12, 2007 at 5:17 am

    Good Morning Everyone. after reading gafishers last post my jaw dropped. And you’re right. That money will still make it into the slimy hands of Hillary.

  • 27 Darthmeister // Sep 12, 2007 at 6:34 am


    Figures. Just like a DemDonk to make dirty money even dirtier.

  • 28 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 12, 2007 at 7:00 am


    Déjà vu over yonder across the Eleven Time Zones of Russia:

    Paranoid Power Politics by Vlad and the military’s Environmentally Friendly World’s Most Powerful Non-Nuclear Air-Delivered Bomb.

    The only differences I see between the USSR of the 1950-60’s and today’s Russia are………..uh…..

  • 29 Darthmeister // Sep 12, 2007 at 7:07 am

    Magnus Ranstorp, a terrorism expert at the Swedish National Defense College, said trying to guess at bin Laden’s physical condition from the images is pure speculation. But it is clear that the al-Qaida leader is plugged in, he said.

    “He’s very much up on current events, but it is more than that. Bin Laden has learned to skillfully package and tap into issues that have political currency and a wide resonance outside his normal constituency,” Ranstorp said.

    “…outside his normal constituency” = anti-war Democrats?

    After all their blame-America and hate-Bush rhetoric are virtually identical!

  • 30 gafisher // Sep 12, 2007 at 7:29 am

    JL3 Re #28: The most notable difference is that in the ’50s and ’60s we had enough sense to recognize the threat.

    I’d hasten to add, though, that if we’d stood by the people of the newly liberated countries of the former Soviet Union in the ’90s (instead of squandering the so-called “peace dividend” on even more entitlement programs here) the citizens — who desperately wanted freedom and democracy though they didn’t entirely understand what those were — might have been more able to resist the rise of the “Russian Mafia” and the eventual return of former KGB officers to political (and military) power.

    It is exactly this sort of thing that makes our presence in Iraq so vital now, for you may be sure that if we’d left after the statue fell the Baathists would already be back in their palaces, once again plundering their own people.

  • 31 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 12, 2007 at 7:40 am

    Good morning from the wonderfully cool 52 degree villa here at Bunkerville. Yesterday’s primary proves the deep wackiness I must live in.

    The new Democratic contender for mayor will be mayor because there is NO Republican running. A few miles away in, sadly sad, Akron there will be no Republican race for mayor because there is NO Republicans.

    Akron Mayor Don Plusquellic has sat in the chair of the poverty ridden town for 20 years. Yes, good old Northeastern Ohio, the nations number one area for real estate failure. sigh

    A little to the north our Democratic mayor is backing a second amendment destroying bill making it a law for anyone under 21 to posses a gun or rifle in Ohio because the gangs are killing everyone in the nation’s poorest city.

    Ooops, Cleveland has pulled itself up by the bootstraps. They are the nation’s 4th poorest

    To bad hunters, you better be over 21 to put that pheasant on the table.

  • 32 Fred Sinclair // Sep 12, 2007 at 10:18 am

    Southern Illinois farm - 1947 Age 10, I got my first rifle - Stevens, Model 15, Single shot, .22 (Short, Long or Long rifle). Without it we would have had only chicken (on Sundays). With it we ate a lot of rabbits and squirrels.

    At 18 years old you can vote, sign legal contracts, enlist in the Army (who will give you a rifle), you can go (with your rifle) to Iraq and Afghanistan but not to Ohio?


    Heirborn Ranger

  • 33 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 12, 2007 at 12:13 pm

    Scrappleface is might slow, if’n I don’t say so myself

  • 34 Darthmeister // Sep 12, 2007 at 1:03 pm

    Ms. RightWing, we have a high today of 68 degrees with lows in the low 40s here in the People’s Republic of Illinois.

    This global warming is really getting brutal!

  • 35 nylecoj // Sep 12, 2007 at 1:17 pm

    Our global warming/global cooling cycle this time of year is about 12 hours. Leave for work at 45 to 55 degrees, leave for home from work at about 82 degrees.
    As you can imagine a lot of sweaters and jackets get left behind or misplaced.

  • 36 its-just-me // Sep 12, 2007 at 1:19 pm

    I know what you mean - it’s supposed to get to 100 here in the Old Pueblo…
    Fall here doesn’t start until about mid-November…

  • 37 nylecoj // Sep 12, 2007 at 1:22 pm

    I am very pleased that we probably won’t have anymore 100 degree days here even though we have about another month of Summer/Fall.

  • 38 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 12, 2007 at 3:39 pm

    I predict a steady decrease over a period of time in the average daily ambient temperature sometime in the future.

  • 39 MargeinMI // Sep 12, 2007 at 3:54 pm

    It was 61 in the house when I got up this morning. Brrrrr!

    Dr. Sanity’s quite the little parodista. Click and scroll down to “Post Modern Army Generals” for a little Gilbert and Sullivan take on the ‘hearings’ (scare quotes).

    And thanks to you all that sent me kind words for the poem I shared. I loved it too.

  • 40 gafisher // Sep 12, 2007 at 5:00 pm

    MargeinMi Re#39: I followed your link, and loved the G&S, but following further into the postings lsd me to this excellent analysis of the loonie left from American Thinker. Thanks for the tips, both direct and serendipitous!

  • 41 gafisher // Sep 12, 2007 at 5:07 pm

    … lEd me to …


  • 42 MargeinMI // Sep 12, 2007 at 5:09 pm

    gafisher, Well I wouldn’t feel right recommending everything on someone elses blog. ;)

  • 43 R.A.M. // Sep 12, 2007 at 5:11 pm

    I bet he’ll vote Democrat for the rest of his life. BTW, where’s the lamestream media crashing down on Democratic corruption? You know if it had been just $10,000 in illegal donations to a Republican presidential candidate, the lamestream media would be on that story non-stop for the next three months even if the Republican had immediately offered to return the money or give it to charity.

    Comment by Darthmeister — September 11, 2007 @ 9:27 pm

    I agree completely! And the key word is IMMEDIATELY!

    No one that I know of has asked Hillary, “What took so long”?

  • 44 Darthmeister // Sep 12, 2007 at 9:56 pm

    What a DemonDonk means by giving to charity:

    Give to the local atheist foundation

    Give to an abortion clinic

    Give to an art museum

    Give to the ACLU

    Give to Planned Abortionhood

    Give to the NAACP

    Give to a union

    Give to the People for the Communist AmeriKan Way

    Give to CAIR

    Give to NOW

  • 45 Darthmeister // Sep 12, 2007 at 10:02 pm

    500 Scientists Debunk Man-made Global Warming with new studies.

  • 46 Darthmeister // Sep 13, 2007 at 7:01 am

    Eating less meat may slow climate change, scientists say
    What utter whack jobs. I bet the vast majority of these “scientists” vote Democrat. What’s next, being a man is bad for the environment? What sheer idiocy, particularly since they haven’t even scientifically proven Global Cooling … Warming Climate Change is man-made.

    Ahmadinejad: Israel ‘cannot continue its life’…

    Wait, I thought Ahmadaboutjihad was a man of peace just like his nuclear ambitions are peaceful. We have no right to judge him.

  • 47 Libby Gone // Sep 13, 2007 at 7:56 am

    Interesting. I bet it’s been a lonnnnnggggg time since Bill got SUM from Hillary!

  • 48 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 13, 2007 at 8:23 am

    9:30 a.m. and it is 48 degrees. As of this morning I hereby announce the end of global warming as we once knew it.

  • 49 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 13, 2007 at 8:29 am

    Oh ya, this will lift the poorest city, excuse me, now the 4th poorest city out of dire poverty. Nothing like absolute liberal socialism to make the black youth pull themselves out of the muck.

    Stokes made Hillary look like a conservative. So now allow us to pat ourselves on the back and say what a good politician we were.

  • 50 da Bunny // Sep 13, 2007 at 9:54 am

    Funny how anyone who does business with the Clintons is immediately ready to “fall on the sword” when things go awry. Apparently, Norman Hsu informed all his contacts that he was going to commit suicide prior to boarding that Amtrak train, and once on the train, had to be pried out of his compartment, where “pills were rolling around on the floor.” Hmmm…wonder how long it will take for him to meet with an unfortunate “fatal accident,” since he failed to die for the “Clintonista cause” the first time around?

  • 51 nylecoj // Sep 13, 2007 at 10:36 am


    you can read an article from HuffPo called “Two Soldiers Who Wrote NYT Op-Ed Die in Iraq” where the loons in the comments almost immediately decide that since their editorial appeared to be negative about the war that their deaths were “convenient”
    is it just me or does it seem awfully convenient that two of the soldiers who wrote that Op-Ed piece died in a “vehicle accident.” just like tillman was “killed by insurgents.” anybody else see this or is it just me?

    It’s not just you. It is a pattern the Bush administration has clearly established. Speak out? Suffer consequences.

    Somehow I am sure that none of them would think anything strange about the HSU attempted suicide or any other odd occurences surrounding the Clinton’s and yet the Administration can arrange a vehicle accident in Iraq.

  • 52 mig // Sep 13, 2007 at 10:43 am

    Who will take credit now that Rove is taking time to be with his family…?

  • 53 nylecoj // Sep 13, 2007 at 11:07 am

    Perhaps time to be with his family is code for time to carry out more ‘Rovian’ ops.

  • 54 mig // Sep 13, 2007 at 11:17 am

    Ah hah!

  • 55 Hawkeye // Sep 13, 2007 at 11:42 am

    Darth #46,

    Actually, eating MORE meat will slow global warming… that is, if eat all the cows and pigs without letting them reproduce. It’s the flatulence man… it’s the flatulence.

    (:D) Best regards…

  • 56 Hawkeye // Sep 13, 2007 at 11:46 am

    err, should be “if WE eat all the cows…”

  • 57 da Bunny // Sep 13, 2007 at 12:27 pm

    Re: #51
    Nylecoj, yeah…BusHitler can arrange “vehicle accidents” in Iraq and bring down the WTC, but there’s nothing odd about Hsu’s skipping out and attempting suicide after his “contributions” to Mrs. Bill Clinton’s campaign were exposed…r-i-g-h-t!!

  • 58 da Bunny // Sep 13, 2007 at 12:34 pm

    Clinton’s Brother Settles Debt Suit

  • 59 da Bunny // Sep 13, 2007 at 12:37 pm

    Everything surrounding Mr. and Mrs. William Jefferson Blythe Clinton stinks of avarice, greed, corruption, and evil deeds. It has reached the point where one feels one must take a shower after reading or hearing anything about these people.

  • 60 gafisher // Sep 13, 2007 at 1:42 pm

    da Bunny Re #50: “Apparently, Norman Hsu informed all his contacts that he was going to commit suicide prior to boarding that Amtrak train, and once on the train, had to be pried out of his compartment …”

    Ubama has his farewell video on file.

  • 61 nylecoj // Sep 13, 2007 at 2:41 pm

    Have you all seen on the news that the full page General Betray us add moveon placed in the times was sold to them for about a third of the going rate?

  • 62 boberinyetagain // Sep 13, 2007 at 2:44 pm

    The donated money to campaigns is not squeaky clean? Does that mean that some folks contribute to a campaign in order to garner some sort of favor in the off chance that the person gets elected?
    Sheesh, what a system! It does explain quite a bit though now that I give it some thought.
    Contributions should be limited to $10 for individuals and $50 for companys.

  • 63 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 13, 2007 at 7:22 pm

    Overheard while lurking in the shadows on board the Jupiter 2:

    “There’s a Comet headed straight for us.”

    “How long?”

    “Oh, about three-four minutes.”


  • 64 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 13, 2007 at 7:26 pm

    “That’s no Comet; that’s a Valiant.”

  • 65 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 13, 2007 at 7:37 pm

    Get this headline on our local TV website

    Unpopular President Readies Speech On War

    Umm, has anyone told them the president’s ratings may be down, but they are higher than the Congress, hmmm

  • 66 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 13, 2007 at 7:40 pm


  • 67 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 13, 2007 at 7:41 pm

    Is this not working?

  • 68 Ms RightWing, Ink // Sep 13, 2007 at 7:42 pm

    Oh, there we are smile, smile, wink, wink

  • 69 Darthmeister // Sep 13, 2007 at 8:24 pm

    $840,000 plus in dirty money from just one Donk source to Hillary’s campaign and bober starts waxing eloquently about us having unreasonable expectations of “squeaky clean”.

    I’m not expecting squeaky clean nor am I naive enough to think that money contributions aren’t always altruistic … BUT $840,000 TO JUST ONE DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN! We still don’t know how much Osama Obama’s campaign got (and it did receive Hsu’s money) or any other Demoncrap presidential campaign. And the lamestream media just can’t wait to sweep it all under the rug.

    Like I said before, if it had been a Republican donor illegally giving $10K to Romney’s, Thompson’s or Guiliani’
    s campaign, it would be frontpage news for the next three month, instead we get three weeks of Larry Craig allegedly playing footsies with a detective in a bathroom stall. Pathetic.

  • 70 conserve-a-tips // Sep 13, 2007 at 10:20 pm

    OK, guys. Totally off topic, but I have to tell you what I saw tonight. We went to the Oklahoma State Fair this afternoon. It got my mind off of the sad state of our Union. It was opening day and being this is Oklahoma’s Centennial, admission was 100 cents. You can imagine the absolute chaos that resulted. Anyway, the number 1 son was playing an opening day concert at one of the stages and we went to help him load and watch him play. When it was over, we wandered around and passed by the biggest performing stage, reserved for the big bands. I noticed all of these people standing around all excited. We stopped to see what was going on and to drum rolls and screams out stomped in rhythm an Indian, a construction worker, a policeman, a soldier, a cowboy and a biker in full leather. It was the Village People! Four of them are the originals - the policeman, the soldier, the construction worker and the Indian. Did anybody know that they are still together???? They were awesome. I have some funny pictures. We sang Macho Man and YMCA with the rest of Oklahoma City. What a hoot. Yes, you can look down on me now, with utmost condescension, as I have freely admitted that I had fun.

  • 71 Darthmeister // Sep 13, 2007 at 10:31 pm

    You know, when you think about it, America really is turning into an asylum when a significant number of people are actually contemplating voting for someone like sHrillary. Particularly given that she’s a post-hippy Jezebel who’s never grown up.

  • 72 Darthmeister // Sep 13, 2007 at 10:42 pm

    c.a.t., ya have to admit, the Village People were a tour de force during the late 1970s. I think they sold something like 70 or 80 million albums. Despite the sexual disorientation of most of the group, they did know how put on a show. It wasn’t so much that the group died but rather the disco era was coming to a close … thank goodness. But they really did know how to crank up the crowd.

    I heard they played in Las Vegas earlier this year.

  • 73 Darthmeister // Sep 13, 2007 at 10:58 pm

    What’s amazing about how the media is either spinning or ignoring the Norman Hsu story is how they focus on him giving and not the Democrats receiving what they had to have know, was dirty money given the sheer quantity of the largesse we’re talking about here. It wasn’t like it was a few thousand dollars sprinkled here and there.

    I predict the media will continue fingering Hsu as the corrupt, suicidal, mental ill person who forced his money on poor innocent Hillary and Obama. That way they can say they’re “covering the story.”

    As we already know, if it was Republicans, the media would be excoriating the Republican candidates while only mentioning the donor in order to established the CORRUPT money trail.

    Where are all the stories of about how Hsu was chummy with the various Demoncrat muckety-mucks and how his prior history of corruption had to have been known to the various Democratic campaigns? Apparently if one had the least bit curiousity and had bothered to do a cursory check on this guy, they would have found that Hsu had filed for bankruptcy twice, he was wanted in California for grand theft charges to which he had pleaded no contest in 1992, and then fled before facing sentencing.

    The guy has been on the lam for nearly fifteen years! I can’t believe the law enforcement authorities couldn’t extradite this guy, yet he’s found wining and dining influential Demoncrats the last four years who grab his money, no-questions-asked!

  • 74 My word // Sep 13, 2007 at 11:51 pm

    For those who may care, “Just the Facts, Mam” lost his password and is now posting as “My word”. Mostly lurking, and e-mailing to a few scrapple-friends, but may get a post or two in edgewise in the future.

    (How about that…Live Comment Preview is not working?)

    Get your new bumper sticker:
    “HONK if Hillary scares you!”

  • 75 gafisher // Sep 14, 2007 at 2:39 am

    Darth Re#73: It’s only amazing if you’re working from the assumption that the mainstream press is or even wants to be objective. The fact is, Правда (Pravda, “Truth”) in its glory days was less biased than the vast majority of the US media today.

    But we can’t blame our media for that; they’re only doing what they’re trained and paid to do. Look at the ads in those papers or on those TV shows — how many of us, whether directly or through mutual funds, banks, or other means have helped pay for them? Clearly, the Public appears at least to support this stuff; why would they change when this is working? Capitalism at its “best.”

    We laugh at lefty activists, or complain about them, and then go right back to supporting them through our purchases or investments; if we want to see things change we’re going to have to be a lot more convincing.

  • 76 gafisher // Sep 14, 2007 at 2:43 am

    My word Re#74: How about
    VOTE if Hillary Scares You

  • 77 gafisher // Sep 14, 2007 at 3:19 am

    p.s. to #75 and Правда -

    Правда (”Truth”) was the official mouthpiece of the Communist Party in the USSR. Its companion major paper was Известия (Izvestia, Russian for “News”), the spokespress of the Soviet government. A popular (though whispered) Russian saying in those days was “There is no pravda (truth) in Izvestia (’The News’), and no izvestia (news) in Pravda (’The Truth’).”

    Thanks to good old American efficiency, we can now confidently state that “There is neither Правда nor Известия in Нажать (’The Press’).


  • 78 gafisher // Sep 14, 2007 at 3:32 am

    According to this, Hsu’s suicide note blamed his exposure and demise on a major Clinton rival. (See #60 above.) :-)

    What’s amazing, on reflection, is how Hsu, who was a fugitive since 1992, managed to miss out on the Great Mass Pardoning of the last days (and hours) of the Bill Clinton Presidency.

  • 79 onlineanalyst // Sep 14, 2007 at 5:21 am

    Lost in all of the non-coverage by the MSM of the ever-widening deceit/shady financing of Madame Hillary’s campaign to be dictator for life is the cabal of handlers, enablers, and fellow-travelers from the good-old-days of hubby BillyJeff that she has included in her entourage. The latest addition is Sandy Burglar.

    Read this and weep. The woman who gives new meaning to “willing suspension of disbelief” is hiding her brazenness in plain sight. Madame Sweet Hsu is double-dog daring anyone to do anything about her seizure of power.

    With Podesta pulling the strings with his media “watchdog,” expect to see the imposition of a Fairness Doctrine in the Hillary reign. Any commentary on her shenanigans will be silenced when she controls the message to the “village”.

    The demonization of Karl Rove lo these many years by Team Clinton and the Dhimmicrat backroom boys is/was a diversion from the nefarious deeds by people who wrote the book on gutter ward politics.

  • 80 Maggie // Sep 14, 2007 at 7:42 am

    Good Morning Onlineanalyst!

  • 81 JamesonLewis3rd // Sep 14, 2007 at 8:10 am


    Rod Dreher has a Dallas Morning News Op/Ed column that draws attention to one of the many back stories in The GWOT depicting the vigilant, psychopathic and diabolical patience of Islamofascism here on the Home Front.

    It’s not that I wouldn’t (sort of) welcome the opportunity for some hand-to-hand with wave after wave of hordes of bloodthirsty maniacs waving razor-sharp swords high above their heads, but is that what any of us really want?

    I can’t help thinking that there are some who do…..

    “No reason to get excited,” the thief, he kindly spoke,
    “There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.
    But you and I, we’ve been through that, and this is not our fate,
    So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.”
    ~~Bob Dylan from “All Along the Watchtower” (1967)

    God Bless America

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