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Bush to Edwards: There’s Just One America Now

by Scott Ott · 23 Comments

(2007-03-22) — President George Bush made the following remarks upon hearing the news that Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democrat presidential candidate, John Edwards, has cancer again in a treatable, but not curable, form.

While campaigning for president in 2004, John Edwards’ favorite stump speech focused on the things that divide us as a country. “There are two Americas, not one,” Sen. Edwards used to say.

Today, on behalf of my fellow Americans, let me say this to John and Elizabeth Edwards: There’s just one America now.

There’s one America that trembles at the word ‘cancer’, and gazes into the eyes of Elizabeth Edwards to marvel at her courage.

There’s one America that aches with the pain of a husband who longs to fix the problem that’s hurting his wife, but finds himself inadequate to the task, desperate for solutions, wishing he could bear the tumor himself and spare his beautiful bride.

There’s one America that steps reverently at the threshold of eternity whenever we hear such a diagnosis — one America that wonders “what would I do…what will I do…when I awake one day to find myself defined by disease?”

Cancer itself sees but one America.

Black or white, believer or atheist, Democrat or Republican — we all walk on feet of clay upon the dust from which we came and to which, one day, our mortal bodies shall return.

The wealth of the rich man avails him little in the face of such an adversary. He and the poor man stand on level ground in one America. The life that once stretched out before them is compressed into a moment. The horizon rushes up and the future fades in a fog.

For you today, there’s one America that pauses to weep or takes a knee to pray.

There’s one America that casts off the red and blue uniforms of the games we play in public to join your team as you struggle in private.

There’s one America that calls on Divine Providence to intervene on your behalf.

And across this land, in every village and on almost every city block there’s at least one American anonymously sharing this portion of life’s trouble with you right now. Your public prominence means you will continue to inspire others, but you are not a poster child, nor super human. You have no obligation to us to act a certain way.

Elizabeth and John, may you find strength for the journey, faith from above, grace to endure, fellowship among those who share the burden and unstinting love from all of us.

My brother and sister, there’s just one America now…and we’re praying for you.

May God bless you.

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Tags: Medicine · Politics · U.S. News

23 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Anonymous // Mar 22, 2007 at 5:09 pm


  • 2 nylecoj // Mar 22, 2007 at 5:26 pm

    Thank-you Scott, that was beautiful.

  • 3 JamesonLewis3rd // Mar 22, 2007 at 5:49 pm


  • 4 Rocky Mtn. Lioness // Mar 22, 2007 at 5:57 pm

    WOW! the lump in my throat isn’t quick to go away! The tears are slightly pooling……

    After seeing the pic of J & E Edwards & the story on FOX’s website, I did my normal (sincere) “read-by-praying”. Then when I got the notification in my e-mail, I couldn’t even imagine what direction (Sage) Scott would take this. Having full assurance of his steadfastly consistent, impeccable integrity and guilelessness, my curoisity got the best of me.

    It’s as though President has found himself a new speech writer! (~;) This simply MUST be given serious front and center time somehow. Small potatoes in the grand scheme of things, but I’m sure sending it to some of my radio buddies.

    This simply *must* make it to John and Elizabeth Edwards crew, too.

    And if it were posted at DUnderground, would it be allowed to stay?????

    Scott, My “respect-o-meter” for you has pegged out! (~;)

    These words…? this attitude…?? No hype, no cliche’, no flattery— We are in the presence of (authentic) greatness.

    I believe there are times God hands out “well done good and faithful servant”’s just in everyday life on earth. I’m not going to be easily dissuaded from believing this is one of those times, and God didn’t give Scott an approving wink and a smile!

  • 5 Darthmeister // Mar 22, 2007 at 6:07 pm

    Notice how the left wishes for Bush’s assassination or hopes Cheney dies from his various health issues. We’ve linked to and documented those sentiments multiple times at Scrappleface.

    But when Bill Clinton has heart problems and goes under the knife or Elizabeth Edwards reveals her cancer has spread to her rib, conservative Christians reveal themselves to be fundamentally decent people who put political and ideological differences aside and call for prayers and support for those on the other side of the divide who suffer physical affliction through no fault of their own. That’s what separates us from those who flatter themselves about being “people of peace” when there is no peace.

    No better friend, no worst enemy.

  • 6 Ms RightWing, Ink // Mar 22, 2007 at 6:16 pm

    My friend in California, whom I cared for until she took her last breath, had breast cancer return after many years of being cancer free.

    It to spread through her body, bones and all until it took her away to the arms of Jesus. The length of time it took to spread was a very short time. She took radiation, but not chemo, because of her weakness. Donna wanted to live the rest of her life without chemo.

    If I was Edwards, I would stay by his wife, love her while he has her as a partner in life. Politics, or human life. Hmm, hard decision-duh

    I’m sure there will be many voices-pro and con-but this is my story. Donna was a life saver to me, that would take a book to tell the story, but God placed her in my life to care for her mother. Many years later now, I am the recipient of care, instead of the giver. What comes around goes around. Rather strange.

    I pray Edwards see the time he has with her and not kill her early with STRESS. The en nemey of any disease is stress and God knows what a campaign can do

  • 7 conserve-a-tips // Mar 22, 2007 at 6:18 pm


  • 8 Musing » Scrappleface on Elizabeth Edward’s cancer returning // Mar 22, 2007 at 6:26 pm

    […] Cancer has to be the most evil word in the English language and when it comes down to basics like this, there is only one America because we all know that, “there, but for the grace of God go I.” While campaigning for president in 2004, John Edwards’ favorite stump speech focused on the things that divide us as a country. “There are two Americas, not one,” Sen. Edwards used to say. […]

  • 9 woodnwheel // Mar 22, 2007 at 6:45 pm

    I join with the anonymous poster and conserve-a-tips. Those are the only words I can say in response.

  • 10 meesterbig // Mar 22, 2007 at 6:48 pm

    If I were running for office, I would not parade my dying wife in front of the nation to, among other things, try to jump-start my fledgling campaign…… I would quit the &#%$ campaign and devote every waking moment to my beloved’s beckon call and *perhaps* run for office some other time. It truly amazes me the priorities some people have…..

    On the other hand, we should punch the 2008 ballot for John so Christopher Reeve will someday walk again. (oops, I forgot, George Bush already killed him)

  • 11 Possumtrot // Mar 22, 2007 at 7:03 pm

    There has never been anything but one America. My forebear’s reactions to the War of Northern Aggression don’t count; that was a family feud that has been long resolved.

    You will find that a majority of Congressional Medal of Honor winners come from Dixie. ‘Nuff said.

    I watch too much TV; there is always some scumbag lawyer promiding free money, weight loss, and “male enhancement”. (Not always in the same commercial, but…)

    Ironically, I am the same age as Edwards. I also share the distinction of having the same decorations as John “Cut-’n-run” Murtha.

    Some call him “highly decorated”; I have to duck and run. John Edwards is a TV lawyer. That Kennedy hair is fine, but once you look inside, there is a vacuum staring back outside.

    I can provide commentary on cancer, but that is profoundly personal.

    America resides on Scorpion Hill…

  • 12 Possumtrot // Mar 22, 2007 at 7:15 pm

    So, I mispelled “promising”. Hire a lawyer and sue me

  • 13 camojack // Mar 22, 2007 at 8:02 pm

    But what about Central and South America?
    (Subject matter nothwithstanding)

  • 14 RedPepper // Mar 22, 2007 at 8:39 pm

    Ms RW #6: “If I was Edwards, I would stay by his wife, love her while he has her as a partner in life.”

    Amen. Could not agree with you more.
    John Edwards certainly chose a woman who stood by him. It’s his turn, now …

  • 15 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. // Mar 22, 2007 at 8:41 pm

    Ah once had a dream that Americans of every color, creed, and background would put aside hatred and suspicion and remember that God loves us all equally.

    How did we ever stray so far from that day in Selma? Well, He works in mysterious ways. Perhaps this is a reminder, after all.

  • 16 onlineanalyst // Mar 22, 2007 at 8:46 pm

    Beautifully and sincerely expressed, Scott, as are all your tributes from the spirit and the heart.

  • 17 PA_Coug // Mar 23, 2007 at 2:13 am

    Very sentimental.

    As a doctor, I’m torn. John Edwards’ wife probably didn’t know who she was marrying when she said ‘I do’ to this man. Edwards has made his fortune and his career on ruining doctors and depriving you the public of doctors’ care. I’m inclined to support the sizable minority of the AMA that wants to deny ambulance-chasers any care when they and theirs are in need of a doctor.

    Make a fortune on the backs of the health care system, driving costs to unaffordable levels for millions-forfeit care for yourself. How many millions have suffered needlessly painful disease and death because of the upward spiral of health costs forced in large part by parasites like John Edwards? I’m all for sympathizing with his wife, but not to the exclusion of the millions he and his ilk have needlessly caused equally terrible suffering and death. Their blood cries out for redress. Should Edwards’ wife pay the price? Should anyone be forced to pay the price in suffering so John Edwards can blow-dry his hair in a 10,000-square-foot mansion?

    My heart goes out to John Edwards’ wife. But my head says he’ll be using his wife’s disease-and even her death-to further his political ambitions before you know it. She’s a human being in the midst of incredible suffering, and even in the midst of such a family ordeal, Edwards is willing to use her as a prop.

    No wonder he was rejected by the voters of North Carolina.

  • 18 R.A.M. // Mar 23, 2007 at 4:21 am

    VERY nice Scott!

  • 19 upnorthlurkin // Mar 23, 2007 at 9:36 am

    Beautifully done, Scott!!

  • 20 timcopeland1 // Mar 23, 2007 at 11:26 am

    Scott Ott is an IDI OTT

  • 21 Sites That Don’t Suck» Blog Archive » Bush to Edwards: There’s just one America now // Mar 23, 2007 at 2:40 pm

    […] Today, on behalf of my fellow Americans, let me say this to John and Elizabeth Edwards: There’s just one America now. —— Although this never happened, it’s an awesome message from one of my favorite satirical sites. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. RSS 2.0 […]

  • 22 CalGirl // Mar 24, 2007 at 2:40 pm

    Excellent. Conservatives are first class all the way. I hope Mrs. Edwards gets to read this!

  • 23 phizzpop // Mar 24, 2007 at 6:18 pm

    What are the motives behind this? It seems almost patronizing. Bush doesn’t say this stuff from his heart, it comes from Karl Rove.

    I blog about these issues, including the “Karl Rove
    Question” email. You can see it at MTB

    Great site and comments!

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