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GOP Iraq Pull-Out Amendment to End War on AIDS

by Scott Ott · 23 Comments

(2007-03-09) — Just a day after Democrats introduced a bill setting a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq, Republicans today plan to offer an amendment which would establish a timeline for U.S. retreat from the war on AIDS.

Former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan declared war on AIDS in 2001, but by 2003 he acknowledged that the world was losing the battle against the deadly foe.

“We’re spending billions of dollars,” said one unnamed House Republican, “while millions of young people are dying with no hope for victory in sight. It’s a hopeless quagmire.”

The GOP amendment calls for the U.S. to begin redeploying medical researchers from the field within 90 days, and sets August 31, 2008, as the deadline for turning over responsibility for halting the spread of HIV to the local communities where the contagion has flourished.

Since the Democrat Iraq pull-out timetable is attached to a bill that increases money for medical care for U.S. troops, Republicans said it’s appropriate to include their amendment effectively ending the global war on AIDS by cutting off billions in medical funding mostly bound for Africa.

“If Iraq’s political problems that spawn terror attacks can’t be solved with soldiers, guns and money,” the GOP lawmaker said, “neither can Africa’s moral problems that spread HIV be overcome with researchers, medicine and money.”

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Tags: Global News · Medicine · U.S. News

23 responses so far ↓

  • 1 JamesonLewis3rd // Mar 9, 2007 at 7:24 am

    God Bless America

  • 2 Scott Ott // Mar 9, 2007 at 7:28 am

    GOP Iraq Pull-Out Amendment to End War on AIDS…

    by Scott Ott(2007-03-09) — Just a day after Democrats introduced a bill setting a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq, Republicans today plan to offer an amendment which would establish a timeline for U.S. retreat from the war on AIDS.Former U.N…….

  • 3 JamesonLewis3rd // Mar 9, 2007 at 7:32 am

    Thank you for referring to the oft-ignored moral aspect of the AIDS problem. All too often (there are obvious exceptions), those infected with HIV/AIDS are portrayed as victims of some nebulous foe when they are, in fact, victims of their own licentiousness.

  • 4 gafisher // Mar 9, 2007 at 7:35 am

    Initially the amendment also included plans for a withdrawal from the War on Poverty since, as one spokesman put it, “America is not currently able to sustain multiple fantasy battles.”

  • 5 Ms RightWing, Ink // Mar 9, 2007 at 7:53 am

    Not to worry-American Idled announced last night they are going to sing the way out of poverty in Africa. I guess they think a popular TV program can out Bouno (sp) the AIDS epidemic in Africa and New Orleans.

    After all AIDS is just a poor man’s disease, right. (Not)

    And as always a ggggooooodddd morning to all. It is nice to wake up to my view from my high class upper East side Plaza Condo.

  • 6 Rock Slatestone // Mar 9, 2007 at 8:05 am

    qafisher- that is funny.

  • 7 MargeinMI // Mar 9, 2007 at 8:15 am

    Obviously, it’s time to end the War on Drugs as well. All those poor Mexican entrepeneurs just trying to make a buck. Wah.

    And a bright and sunny good morning to you Ms. RW! and everyone else too!

  • 8 Darthmeister // Mar 9, 2007 at 8:40 am

    And we must also pull out of LBJ’s War on Poverty. What a quagmire. According to the libs themselves there are more poor Americans now than there was in the mid-1960s. Clearly more welfare only stirs up the hornet’s nest of poverty. And how many hundreds of thousands have died as a result of poverty according to libs?

  • 9 Possumtrot // Mar 9, 2007 at 8:42 am

    People are going to do what they want to do. I am continually amazed that people who are starving and on the run from some terrorist regime can still find the time and energy to fall into a ditch alongside the refugee road and procreate yet another baby infected with HIV.

    At the risk of sounding like a Nazi eugenicist, has anyone ever considered that our well-intentioned efforts to make the world a better, safer place is often a form of artificial life support for those whom nature would have weeded out long ago?

    Other forms of eugenics, specifically for child molesters, are postulated at United Possums International. To keep the troll happy, I am once again on the subject of “harvesters of eyes”.

  • 10 Shelly // Mar 9, 2007 at 9:07 am

    I can’t tell you what a relief it is to check Scrappleface this morning and discover that the U.S. is finally going to stop causing terrorism, AIDS and poverty.

    OT: The next time someone is critical of Ann Coulter, I hope the conservative defending her says that her remarks are no problem since she buys Insult Offsets.

  • 11 Anonymous // Mar 9, 2007 at 9:17 am

    I wasn’t aware that an early ‘pull-out’ could help in the war against AIDs but it surely could help in the battle against unwanted pregnancies … and the resultant blight of abortions.

  • 12 seneuba // Mar 9, 2007 at 9:21 am

    I think all this withdrawal will prepare our troops for the ultimate battle:


    It promises to be the Mother-Earth-Of-All-Battles!

    (Coming to a theatre near you)

  • 13 Darthmeister // Mar 9, 2007 at 9:34 am

    May as well call off the War on Rapists. The problem keeps getting worst. Obviously rape should simply be legalized since the more we make it illegal and fight against it the bigger problem it becomes. What a quagmire, rape will never go away. We must surrender.

    [moonbat mode/off]

    This is the kind of coverage the GWOT would have gotten back in World War II. One of the few positive pieces run by the lamestream media the last four years:

    An Afghani Rambo

  • 14 The Triumvirate » Blog Archive » Democrats Give Up in “Hopeless” Iraq War, GOP to Give up on “Hopeless” AIDS War // Mar 9, 2007 at 9:48 am

    […] As always, Scott Ott’s biting satire from ScrappleFace exposes hypocrisy and false logic on the part of the Democrats. Draft Ott! (2007-03-09) — Just a day after Democrats introduced a bill setting a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq, Republicans today plan to offer an amendment which would establish a timeline for U.S. retreat from the war on AIDS. […]

  • 15 Darthmeister // Mar 9, 2007 at 9:48 am

    …extending the “logic” even further. Keep in mind, I’m merely substituting the word “rapist” for “jihadist” and using exactly the same kind of argument the peace-at-any-cost-niks use:

    If we wouldn’t fight against rapists, they would notice America’s good intentions toward them and quit being rapists. America is only stirring up the hornet’s nest of rapists by opposing them. Their fascination with rape would simply go away if society would simply quit fighting against it and making it illegal. Isn’t it obvious, the only reason people run stop signs is because the stop signs are there in the first place! At some basic level rapists are well-intentioned people and would positively respond to America’s humanitarian gesture of peace , love and acceptance. We would be far better off redeploying those law enforcement assets that have been arrayed against the rapist into something more productive like helping illegals cross our borders in complete safety. We will have a rape-free world within a generation if we quit stirring up the hornet’s nest by disrespecting the fundamental goodness of rapists.

    (moonbat mode/off)

    [frankly, I’m weirding myself out]

  • 16 Possumtrot // Mar 9, 2007 at 10:04 am

    Darth’s satire is freaking me out, too.

    How are we into a discussion of rape, without mention of United Nations intervention in Africa? The official UN policy towards “pacification” of any given crisis seems to be: rape the livestock and stampede the women and children.

    Burning villages is optional, but it does get cold out there on the veldt at night.

    Woodrow Wilson had a great idea, but it’s come to this.

  • 17 upnorthlurkin // Mar 9, 2007 at 10:28 am

    Morning all! It’s great to see Possum and Ms Rightwing up and about!! Prayers sent, prayers answered! :grin:

  • 18 Darthmeister // Mar 9, 2007 at 10:37 am

    Possumtrot, it’s disgusting how the lamestream media slobbers all over stories of very isolated cases of American soldiers involved in a rape or a murder in Iraq and try to make it appear to be a systemic problem within our military forces.

    Yet when the much liberally ballyhooed UN and its troops engage in systematic rape and pillaging in places like the Congo and Sierra Leone, the lamestream media yawns and generally ignores the story except for the news organization originally reporting the atrocities. Can you imagine the utter mayhem in Iraq if we had followed the liberals’ advice and invited UN troops into Iraq?

    Once again we see the left’s mindless double-standards.

  • 19 End Lands » GOP Iraq Pull-Out Amendment to End War on AIDS // Mar 9, 2007 at 12:45 pm

    […] Original post by Scott Ott and plugin by Elliott Back   […]

  • 20 The Thomas Chronicles » The War Powers Act Revisited? // Mar 9, 2007 at 1:58 pm

    […] Captain’s Quarters: The Doomed Plan To Doom Iraq ScrappleFace: GOP Iraq Pull-Out Amendment to End War on AIDS A Unified Plan To Leave Iraq From Senate Democrats at-Largely: More Iraq Wackiness Wizbang: Press Release: Pelosi’s Solution for Iraq-Make Love, Not Jihad! Dispatch from the Trench: Minimum Wage Bill Tied to Iraq Funding […]

  • 21 Sites That Don’t Suck» Blog Archive » GOP Iraq pull-out amendment to end war on AIDS // Mar 9, 2007 at 3:52 pm

    […] Just a day after Democrats introduced a bill setting a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq, Republicans today plan to offer an amendment which would establish a timeline for U.S. retreat from the war on AIDS. […]

  • 22 everthink // Mar 9, 2007 at 8:51 pm

    “frankly, I’m weirding myself out”

    Perhaps there is still some faint hope.

    That Amazing Grace may yet reach even you. Just let the light in … dimwit!


  • 23 Hawkeye // Mar 10, 2007 at 10:36 pm

    Ms RW (#5),

    Soooo… You’ve got a “View From Above”, eh?

    (:D) Regards…

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