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Bin Laden to Bush: Saddam ‘No Threat to World’

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2002-08-28) — Usama bin Laden, in a visit to President Bush’s Texas ranch, told the President that Saddam Hussein is no threat to the region or the world. He urged the U.S. to patiently allow legal processes to settle the disagreement over Iraqi weapons inspections, and “not to do anything rash, or provocative.”
The Islamic trendsetter’s visit comes a day after Saudi Prince Bandar told Mr. Bush that every other nation opposed a U.S. invasion of Iraq.
“Could it be that a few people in the U.S. are right and the whole world is wrong? We doubt it,” said the Saudi Prince, whose nation spawned 15 of the 19 clever patriotic theologians who last year converted commercial airliners into guided missiles using little more than razor blades.
The visit by Mr. bin Laden, himself a product of Saudi Arabia, was designed to demonstrate that “the U.S. government is sensitive to the diversity of opinions among our friends in the Islamic world,” according to White House spokesman Ari Fleischer. “Mr. bin Laden represents the opinions of many in that region. We also treasure the relationship with the Saudis, our great allies. We’re grateful for how they helped us decrease our dependency upon gasoline in the early 1970s. If it hadn’t been for their oil production cutbacks, we might never have realized how great the Japanese are at making tiny little cars.”
Mr. bin Laden flew home late yesterday in Prince Bandar’s chartered jet, where he had the opportunity to spend several hours instructing Bandar’s eight children on the fundamentals of the peaceful Islamic faith.

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