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Qaeda Sorry for Role in Man-Made Global Warming

by Scott Ott · 185 Comments

(2007-02-02) — In the wake of a scientific report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that global warming is likely man-made, al Qaeda interim spokesman Ayman al-Zawahiri today issued a formal apology for his organization’s role in emitting “human pollutants” into the atmosphere.

Mr. Zawahiri, in a videotaped message, said, “When I read the climate change report and saw that much of the problem is made of man, I said to myself, ‘Ayman, you will never win respect in the global community if you keep destroying Mother Earth with this human-based pollution.’”

The renowned Muslim cleric, financier and entrepreneur noted that a “byproduct of our industry is a certain amount of biological particulate emissions, along with the normal carbon-based and synthetic toxins which naturally vent from our work sites.”

Al Qaeda scientists are working on ways to mitigate emissions, including development of a “filter bag” to be worn by the jihadi on his last day at work. That prototype won’t be ready for market. however, until researchers can figure out “how to stifle emissions without reducing total output and gross domestic product.”

A spokesman for IPCC welcomed the apology, but noted that SUV drivers and cigarette smokers in the United States produce more greenhouse gases in a single day than al Qaeda does in six or seven martyrdom operations.

“It’s the Americans who need to change their lifestyles,” said the IPCC source. “Al Qaeda’s impact is minimal, and from a strictly scientific point of view, may be helpful, because each of their endeavors tends to remove a number of gas-producers from the earth, resulting in a net reduction greenhouse gas emissions over several decades.”

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Tags: Global News · Science

185 responses so far ↓

  • 1 upnorthlurkin // Feb 2, 2007 at 11:40 am

    God Bless America!

  • 2 upnorthlurkin // Feb 2, 2007 at 11:42 am

    Well, of course it’s America’s fault!! But thanks, Ayman, for the good thoughts!! :evil:!!

  • 3 RedPepper // Feb 2, 2007 at 11:57 am

    Just what we need … a blast-proof burqua!

  • 4 Big Java // Feb 2, 2007 at 11:59 am

    Whew! For a minute there I was afraid the IPCC source would forget to blame me and my ‘99 Suburban.

  • 5 conserve-a-tips // Feb 2, 2007 at 12:10 pm

    Well, it is 15 degrees in OK city and we are so sick of this global warming. We would much rather it be the 5 degrees that would be normal, reflecting the 10 degree warming trend. Personally, I am looking to turn the air conditioning on.

    I have a question. If people in central Florida went to bed last night with weather predictions of “some chance of rain”, only to wake up to total devastation by tornadoes because the weather central missed the call, why am I supposed to trust that these nimrods can predict global warming in 10 years?

  • 6 conserve-a-tips // Feb 2, 2007 at 12:22 pm

    I woke up this morning to the news about Florida - on the heels of the liberals panicking over global warming and immediately, these words from the book of Job came to my mind:

    God: “Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man; I will question you and you shall answer me.

    Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone - while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?

    Who shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb, when I made the clouds its garment and wrapped it in thick darkness, when I fixed limits for it and set its doors and bars in place, when I said, ‘This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt’?

    Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn its place, that it might take the earth by the edges and shake the wicked out of it?”

    Your can read the rest at Job 38-42

    I have a note at the end of the chapter that says:
    When answers aren’t enough, we need to:
    -Acknowledge God’s sovereignty Job:43:2
    -Admit your inability to understand God 42:3
    -Seek God’s face, not His answers 42:5
    -Humble yourself and repent. Job 42:6

    Man can be an arrogant creature can’t he?

  • 7 gafisher // Feb 2, 2007 at 12:25 pm

    I . . . . Qaeda done better than an IED,
    an explosive vest is not for me,
    can’t you see, can’t you see . . .

    But when I tell you that I’ll kill you,
    You’re gonna say you’ll kill me too . . .

  • 8 upnorthlurkin // Feb 2, 2007 at 12:27 pm

    Oh, CAT - How dare you blaspheme the weatherman (weatherpeople?)?! Didn’t you hear the Weatherchannel babe saying all meteorologists who disclaim global warming should be stripped of their credentials!!

  • 9 Shelly // Feb 2, 2007 at 12:35 pm

    How brave of these people to climb way out on that limb and use the word “likely.”

  • 10 da Bunny // Feb 2, 2007 at 12:52 pm

    So according to the IPCC, if we all just quit smoking and/or driving our SUV’s, and strap on bomb belts, instead, then we’ll be doing our part to help the environment? Why, sure…there’s no sacrifice too great to save us all from global warming! I nominate algore, the clintoons, mr. peanut, jaun carry, neverthink, et al to LEAD by example on this one! C’mon gang…show us what you’re made of! :evil:

  • 11 everthink // Feb 2, 2007 at 12:52 pm


    Others sometimes use qualifying words like “probably”, and “likely” because unlike Wingnuts who say things like “slamdunk”, they want to be honest, and they realize they don’t know it all.


  • 12 upnorthlurkin // Feb 2, 2007 at 1:17 pm

    My Gosh! Have you heard the latest out of Hitlary’s pie-hole?! She admits she wants to nationalize evil big oil and put those (outrageous) profits into a national energy fund…… develop alternative energy sources….I guess she’s not running for president - she’s running for dictator (Hugo Chavez!)!!

  • 13 upnorthlurkin // Feb 2, 2007 at 1:24 pm

    Uff da! Now she’s taking off the gloves!! “Pick me and I’ll show you how I can walk on water!!” She’s finally gonna fix healthcare, stop the genocide in Darfur, stop the Iraq war (she forgot to mention anything about terrorism…I guess that just magically disappears if we elect her…)blah, blah, blah.”

  • 14 Fred Sinclair // Feb 2, 2007 at 1:31 pm

    I thank God for the work He did in arranging for the 2000 election to be stolen from Mr. Global Warming Gore. Except for the Grace of God, he would perhaps still be president.

    Saddam Hussain and his sons would still be in power with nuclear weapons (and if he was slow in their development, Gore would have sold or given him a few of ours - just to be fair) and this world would be a very, very different place than it is now with President George W. Bush in place.

    He (Gore) probably believes in The tooth Fairy, Man-Made Global Warming, The Easter Bunny and Santa Claus, since all four of them hold equal degrees of credence. While global warming is a historical fact and we may well be entering another such phase; me lighting my pipe will not cause another iceberg in Anartica to melt. And neiher will your SUV, backyard bar-be-cue or Prince Charlie’s jet plane.

    Down Texas way we used to refer to such things as “Just so much Bullfeathers” (didn’t know bulls had feathers did you?) - now you do.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 15 Shelly // Feb 2, 2007 at 2:06 pm

    This report still doesn’t explain how we’re causing Mars and Venus to warm as well. Man-made solar system warming? Yeah, that makes much more sense than thinking the giant ball of exploding gases has anything to do with it.

  • 16 seneuba // Feb 2, 2007 at 2:07 pm

    ET (#11)

    “they realize they don’t know it all”

    If “they” (presumably the enviro-science community) really realize that they don’t know it all, then what are they basing their beliefs on?

  • 17 GnuCarSmell // Feb 2, 2007 at 2:17 pm

    Let us endeavor to recycle all jihadists to the compost bin of history. The garden of civilization shall be mulched with their remains.

    Oh well, it sounds green to me..

  • 18 upnorthlurkin // Feb 2, 2007 at 3:03 pm

    Senuba, are you up around Roseau, Warroad? Just wonderin’.

  • 19 seneuba // Feb 2, 2007 at 3:32 pm


    I live near the Twin Cities just outside the juridiction of the local zoning Communists also known as the Met Council.

    I spend a lot of time in the northern half of the state - when I need a winter walleye fix, I head to Baudette where the Rainy River empties into LOTW (that’s Lake Of The Woods). ;)

    How ’bout you?

  • 20 conserve-a-tips // Feb 2, 2007 at 3:40 pm

    Seneuba, inquiring minds in Oklahoma want to know - What does a Walleyed fit look like? Do they jump around and scream or do they lay there and kick the pavement with their flippers? Either way makes me think of Gore, Hillary or Kerry. :-)

  • 21 upnorthlurkin // Feb 2, 2007 at 3:44 pm

    I’m in Fargo, ND. My husband is in the grocery business and travels regularly to Baudette, Warroad, and Rosear to his clients…(we honeymooned in LOTW!)

  • 22 upnorthlurkin // Feb 2, 2007 at 3:46 pm

    Oops, that would be Roseau….too many crumbs and animal hairs in my keyboard…..What happened to your spell-checker Scott?!

  • 23 seneuba // Feb 2, 2007 at 4:28 pm


    I lived in OKC for 3.5yrs back in the “oil bust days” of the 80’s. Still have some great friends there. I learned the phrase “DAD GUM!” I also learned that Hooker, OK is THE place to go phesant and quail hunting in early December….Woo Woo!

    I even brought some of my OK buddies to MN to catch and eat some walleyes.

    And it’s “walleye fix” not f-i-t. ;)

  • 24 mig // Feb 2, 2007 at 4:42 pm

    Oh I have Roseau. I get it every winter. My face turns red. I tell people that I’m Irish from the neck up.

    But as I get older I think that I am looking more and more like my great grandmother Loretta. She was really big! Something to look forward to.

    I sure hope that when I get as big as Great Grandmother Loretta that global warming has stopped so I won’t have to wear a swim suit! That would even scare Al Gore into hibernation! And he’s no charmer in the waist department.

  • 25 upnorthlurkin // Feb 2, 2007 at 4:57 pm

    Mig, don’t feel like the lone Ranger….I keep catching glimpses of my mother in my mirror!! I use to look like my dad’s side of the family…now I’m definitely resembling my mom’s side! ‘Splain that one to me will ya?
    You want to talk red cheeks?! If I have a thimble of alcohol and sometimes just spicy food or coffee, my cheeks just flame out!! Ya learn to live with it….heaven knows, I’m not giving up my coffee, beer, or chili!! :lol:

  • 26 onlineanalyst // Feb 2, 2007 at 5:10 pm

    It’s snowing great fluffy flakes in our globe in PA. A kind of hush falls over the landscape that truly makes a winter wonderland.

    In the meantime, the heat is on for Al Qaeda in its various manifestations in Iraq, as well as for Mookie Sadr and his henchmen of chaos.

    The soup on the stove here is simmering while the latest column by Victor Davis Hanson encourages optimism for the renewed, energizing efforts in Iraq.

    Part of his conclusion:
    Fourth, there is the “what next?” dilemma. It is fine for Democrats to talk of “redeployment” out of Iraq, “engagement” with Syria and Iran, more soft power, Europeans and the United Nations, organizing “regional interests,” etc. — until one realizes that we did mostly just that for most of the 1990s.

    And? We got Syrian absorption of Lebanon, Afghanistan as an al Qaeda base, a Libyan WMD program, worldwide serial terrorist attacks, Oslo, a Pakistani bomb, a full-bore Iranian nuclear program, Oil-for-Food — and 9/11. If one doubts any of this, just reflect on why the Democrats have not offered any specific alternative plans. And when pressed, they usually talk only of “talking” and thereby bring embarrassment to even their liberal questioners.

    So, privately, some sober Democrats realize that the use of force in the present was a reaction to the frustrations of the past. For all the slurs against the neocons, it could be wise to stay mum, and see whether the stabilization of Afghanistan and Iraq might well, in fact, still provide the United States with options unavailable in the past. It could be even wiser to let Bush take the heat for the ordeal in Iraq, and the slanders against democratization, and then, if it all finally succeeds, to huff, snort, nit-pick about the messy details — and then take advantage of the favorable outcome.

  • 27 Darthmeister // Feb 2, 2007 at 5:38 pm

    … because unlike Wingnuts who say things like “slamdunk”, they want to be honest, and they realize they don’t know it all.

    “Slam dunk”? The only person who used to phrase in any official capacity to my knowledge was George Tenet of the CIA (who is a Democrat) when describing whether Saddam had stockpiles of WMD or not. If some “neo-cons” or “wingnuts” used the term (and I have no hard evidence they did) they were merely repeating Tenet’s assessment of the capabilities of Saddam’s regime.

    From PBS’ Frontline:

    Now, we’re all relying on Bob Woodward who said it [in his book Plan of Attack], but if indeed he said it as a “slam dunk,” yes, I think Tenet was in a position that he would have had to know that the data was not of a character that one could describe [that way], even in a loose manner, and certainly not in the Oval Office of the President, who has expressed doubt about the presentation he’s heard.

    “Don’t worry, Mr. President, that’s a slam dunk.” The data was not that solid. George Tenet knew we had no agents inside Iraq.

    Get your facts straight, neverthink. Neither President Bush, Colin Powel, Donald Rumsfeld or any other official White House spokesperson ever used the term “slam dunk” or “imminent threat” Democrat Jay Rockefeller was the one using this term. See how easily you swill down leftist lies. How much of your history is wrong given you can’t even keep present history straight ya’ partisan dimbulb? Get your facts straight, neverthink, before spewing your lies here.

    In an October 12 interview on Fox News, Senator Jay Rockefeller, D-WV, stated, “We did not go to war to bring democracy and prosperity and peace to Iraq. That was not part of the arrangement. That was not part of the vote. It was all about weapons of mass destruction and the imminent threat of America getting attacked.” (Rockefeller later granted that Bush never used the phrase but said it was “the feeling that was given to the American people and to the Congress.”)

    What DemDonk B.S., always spinning and blaming Bush on the bases of “feelings” for conclusions the Donk Senators themselves embraced after seeing years of intelligence beginning in the Clinton Administration. sHrillary is now lying her worthless behind off about how and why she voted for the October 2002 Joint Congressional Resolution Authorizing the Use of American Force in Iraq. Pathetic Donk liars, always in CYA mode and revising history.

  • 28 onlineanalyst // Feb 2, 2007 at 5:59 pm

    Speaking of Madame Pretty-in-Pink-while-in-Iowa- because her “handlers” have determined that wholesome is a winner for the “rubes” in the Cornbelt while those of us in the know recognize that pink is just a paler form of Red-Jim Gegarhty has a column featuring the political fortunes of the Democrat contenders.

    Now, I cannot abide Joe Biden, but he is zinging his competition for the presidential sweepstakes. The beauty part is that he is on target with his assessments.

    Check this out.

  • 29 Darthmeister // Feb 2, 2007 at 6:03 pm

    Jay Rockefeller, the liberal Donk liar claimed: “We did not go to war to bring democracy and prosperity and peace to Iraq”:

    Mr. Rockefeller signed the October 2002 Joint Congressional Resolution for Use of American Force in Iraq which emphatically authorized President Bush to go to War with Saddam’s regime The Joint Congressional Resolution contained these provisions:

    Whereas Iraq persists in violating resolutions of the United Nations Security Council by continuing to engage in brutal repression of its civilian population thereby threatening international peace and security in the region, by refusing to release, repatriate, or account for non-Iraqi citizens wrongfully detained by Iraq, including an American serviceman, and by failing to return property wrongfully seized by Iraq from Kuwait;

    Whereas the current Iraqi regime has demonstrated its capability and willingness to use weapons of mass destruction against other nations and its own people;

    Whereas the Iraq Liberation Act (Public Law 105-338) expressed the sense of Congress that it should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove from power the current Iraqi regime and promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime;

    Whereas the current Iraqi regime has demonstrated its continuing hostility toward, and willingness to attack, the United States, including by attempting in 1993 to assassinate former President Bush and by firing on many thousands of occasions on United States and Coalition Armed Forces engaged in enforcing the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.

    Either the moron didn’t know what he was reading when he signed the document or he’s a lying piece of ratfilth who understood the comprehensive nature of the document and is now spinning reality for benefit of left-wing moonbats who blindly swallow this swill because it matches up with the liberal media narrative. Pathetic liar.

  • 30 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 2, 2007 at 7:51 pm

    Hey, hey, don’t forget me, I’m a Minnesota gal too, Northern that is, and spent a lot of time from the North Shore to Thunder Bay and up around to Rainy Lake and even a bit of time in Fargo also. Actually a lot of time in Fargo.

    Someday I will make it back home but at a slow crawl, it will take a bit of time.

    I’m also back from Pittsburgh safe and sound, though my job as co-pilot was a failure since I missed our turn and instead of the short cut, I got us tied up in downtown Three Rivers.

    Guess I can’t talk and navigate at the same time. sigh

  • 31 onlineanalyst // Feb 2, 2007 at 7:52 pm

    The DNC’s winter convocation began with a prayer from a Dearborn imam who has dicey connections with terrorist support. Isn’t that special? So multi-culturally sensitive, the Lefties are not called Dhimmicrats for nothing.

  • 32 Darthmeister // Feb 2, 2007 at 8:14 pm

    The Religion of Environmentalism.

    A must read for Scrapplers and those willing to hear the truth about the enviro-whacko movement.

  • 33 onlineanalyst // Feb 2, 2007 at 9:24 pm

    Good to see that the IKEA gal is back from skating her way to the ‘Burgh and back. You really should get in touch when you plan those visits. I’m only a little over an hour away.

    With global warming all the rage for the UN crowd of world governance, I guess that I will have to decorate my home with love posters of those two environmental “hotties” Prince Charles and Al Gore. Not!

  • 34 Godfrey // Feb 2, 2007 at 9:37 pm

    Now this is what I call gun control.

    (CNN video preceded by 10 second ad)

  • 35 Harry Daschle // Feb 2, 2007 at 11:14 pm

    And I thought it was all due to bovine “gases”?

    Whatever the reason for “global warming”, we need more of it. It’s 4 degrees outside and supposed to get MUCH colder!

    Dennis Miller beat me to it, but Al Gore really is starting to look like Bela Lagosi as Count Dracula!


  • 36 Godfrey // Feb 3, 2007 at 2:41 am

    RedPepper: thank you for posting that article.

    I’ll just go throw up now.

  • 37 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 3, 2007 at 3:05 am

    Well, my 2001 Dodge RAM V8 Magnum is still in the shop, so it ain’t my fault.

    Switching from Windows to Linux is murder, folks-not for the faint of heart. But it’s way cool to be out from under Microsoft’s dictatorship.

    Anyway, I still deny the man-made global warming rumor. 120 years of data is nothing. Nothing. Might as well compare yesterday with today and call that a trend.

  • 38 MargeinMI // Feb 3, 2007 at 7:31 am

    Morning all! Good links.

  • 39 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 3, 2007 at 8:31 am


    It would be great to plan out the trip but when my friend calls at 10 pm and says hey let’s go to Ikea, well, not much room for plannining. sigh

    It is a sweltering 5 degrees so reckon I better bring in the pumpkin trees.

    From da Warshington Polest:

    Quote from President hopeful Omahama Bareback

    “No one is more cynical about politics than young people,” he said, adding that they would not tolerate “a politics that’s all about slash and burn, nastiness and negative ads, and name-calling and gridlock.”

    Duh, I thought I saw tens of thousands (which is ten thousand for those in Loma Linda), marching, chanting, calling America everything but nice. It sure wasn’t grandma out there carrying on.

  • 40 RedPepper // Feb 3, 2007 at 9:49 am

    I am increasingly convinced that the West is in denial of what is truly happening in the world. This … takes many forms, including obsessions with abstract issues of little real consequence, e.g., animal rights, capital punishment, celebrity gossip, political correctness, etc. It is accompanied by the rise of secular mandates and the suppression of spiritual values. It exhibits excesses of greed that threaten both capitalism and representative government.

    The malign forces that conspire against the West … however, are not paralyzed. They are moving and growing at great speed.

    The West is in a Trance .

  • 41 Mack // Feb 3, 2007 at 10:00 am

    Good morning to all Global warming afflicted Scrapple folk suffering through this blistering -7 degree with -30 wind-chill factor heat wave. I blame it on Hillary and her visit to Iowa last weekend. It was cold then too but even worse today.

    I have to note that even the liberal pundits around here look upon her as a falling star in the democratic party. To quote one in particular “her support is a mile wide and and inch deep.” With the active campaigning starting up we are already seeing “” commercials here attacking John McCain for proposing troop increases in Iraq. If they are worried about him already it will be interesting to see who else they spend George Soros’ money on to attack in the coming months.

    If things work out I may just have to start blogging again. If it is this darn cold on the weekends and at night I will not be outside doing much, that is a certainty. I should go read through some of the older posting and see who the new people are.

  • 42 RedPepper // Feb 3, 2007 at 10:14 am

    Good Morning, Mack! Welcome back!

    Here is the paradox: that we cannot afford to abandon Iraq, for the very reason that things are so bad there.

    Tribalism & Us .

  • 43 RedPepper // Feb 3, 2007 at 10:24 am

    The ghastly plot by Muslim terrorists in Britian

  • 44 RedPepper // Feb 3, 2007 at 10:26 am

    Sorry! Live Comment Preview doesn’t prevent every mistake …

  • 45 Mack // Feb 3, 2007 at 10:29 am

    I don’t know if I’m back per say, just stopped by to visit some old friends..

    I find the more I blog the more hate mail, computer viruses, and spyware I have to put up with. There seems to be a lot of new names and personalities here to get to know.

  • 46 RedPepper // Feb 3, 2007 at 10:36 am

    Let me try that again.

    The ghastly plot by Muslim terrorists in Britian to kidnap and behead a British soldier to blackmail the U.K. into leaving Iraq is a grim reminder of the enemy we’re fighting. And sadly, we need reminding.

    Drop the Gloves .

  • 47 RedPepper // Feb 3, 2007 at 10:39 am

    Mack #45: Not to mention a few trolls, also …

  • 48 Mack // Feb 3, 2007 at 12:07 pm

    I figured with the cold weather and such that Scrapplers would be inside today, possibly bored, and blogging like school girls before prom night. Maybe their computers are frozen. Maybe The depression of the poor economy is keeping them in.

    Can’t be that, the stock market is in record territory and more people are working in the United States than ever before.

    mAYBE IT’S GLOBAL WARMING Oh I forgot, sub zero temps. Where is everyone?

  • 49 upnorthlurkin // Feb 3, 2007 at 12:26 pm

    Hi Mack! I’ll trade you your -7° for our -20° with the ol’ wind chill factor of -39° ! It’s a nippy one out there! Actually drove the dog to the park, left the vehicle running (to contribute to global warming…..please??!!) and played chase and fetch for half an hour. Two 5 minute warmups in between 10 minute play sessions and there you have it!! You can survive this nonsense if you keep your tank full! Ha! Gas up here is $1.99! Who was it said it would never be below $2 ever again?

  • 50 onlineanalyst // Feb 3, 2007 at 12:46 pm

    Hi Mack! Good to see you posting again.

    The sun is shining brightly on our snow-covered world, but we don’t let that algore ruse trick us. Baby, it’s cold outside here in PA.

  • 51 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 3, 2007 at 12:57 pm


    I bet gas is more expensive in the ol’ tax and grab state of Minnesota. A little cold never bothered an Upper Midwestern. Heck the ice fishing isn’t much good until the kitchen windows frost over.

    Good to see ya back Mack.
    Don’t cut the trolls no slack
    give ‘em the sack
    till they get a heart attack

    You know it is no wonder when I send my poetry to those back page magazine poem contests, I never get an answer. sigh

  • 52 conserve-a-tips // Feb 3, 2007 at 1:01 pm

    Seneuba, so glad that you could experience “God’s Country!” :wink:

    Down here, and in Missouri and Tennessee from which I also hail, we have always said, “Throwin’ a Walleyed Fit” when somebody isn’t happy about something. How is “Fix” used? Oh, and pheasant and quail hunting is pretty awesome around Alva too.

  • 53 conserve-a-tips // Feb 3, 2007 at 1:06 pm

    Ms Rightwing, Ink - that was really baaaddd, I’ll have to say. -giggle-

    Mack, it is a pleasure meeting you and reading your posts and between you and Upnorth, I am keeping my mouth shut from whining anymore about our 18 degrees and cloudy weather. I am so sick of this global warming!!! I miss the good ol’ days of 17 years ago when we had shirt sleeve weather in February. (I almost got bitten by a 7 foot rattlesnake that Feb. while looking for my cat).

  • 54 upnorthlurkin // Feb 3, 2007 at 2:21 pm

    CAT, go ahead and whine….it just gives me a good excuse to exercise my eyeballs…you know, you complain about 18° above zero, and I roll my eyes and complain about 18° below zero!! It’s just human nature!! It’s all in what you get used to…. and it’s part of what makes this such a great country…you can find whatever kind of weather you desire!! Up here this is stay in the house and bake bread and watch movie weather!! :lol:

  • 55 Mack // Feb 3, 2007 at 2:54 pm

    The standing joke here is that the same people that really are upset about the cold are the same people that freak when State Fair time comes and the temps hit the 90s. Most of us are taking it in stride. We’re Americans and by God’s grace born or at least living in one of the most wealthy and free countries in the world. Our furnaces work and we have enough to eat.

    Our predecessors saw to it that we had this. We could be in the Sudan scratching dirt looking for roots to eat or Siberia making trips to the wood shed to heat the hut with the fire place. Americans are blessed, which is in it’s self a curse. Liberals take all we have and all we are for granted. They don’t acknowledge the sacrifice of prior generations that made and kept them free, prosperous, and by world standards wealthy.

    Most of all they refuse to acknowledge the God who created them, giving them all they have and all they are. If they acknowledge that God exists then they have to acknowledge his authority. This is the one thing they can not do. As free and un-disciplined people they can’t acknowledge that anyone has the authority to tell then what to do. I think God is reminding them by freezing all into submission.

  • 56 Darthmeister // Feb 3, 2007 at 3:20 pm

    In light of sub-zero global warming here in the Midwest, I move we recalibrate all thermometers to read in the following manner:

    Freezing will now occur at 0 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Boiling will now occur at 182 degress Fahrenheit.

    All home thermostats will be set to 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

    This way we can trick ourselves into thinking everything is cooler than it is … not that we need any help at the moment. Enjoy and prosper.

  • 57 Darthmeister // Feb 3, 2007 at 3:27 pm

    Welcome back, Mack. Don’t let our resident lying troll bother you too much since he has assured us he only does this out of a sense of honor.

    He’ll get us to think the way he does even if he has to lie to do it … and I have to admit that so far he’s been very faithful in that regard. See post #11 and then my response at #27. It’s like shooting diseased prairie dogs.

  • 58 seneuba // Feb 3, 2007 at 3:51 pm

    Ms RWI (#51) :

    Gas here in MN is running $1.89 to $2.05 depending on when you live and fill up. Based on the temps this weekend, not many people are letting their tanks get low.

  • 59 onlineanalyst // Feb 3, 2007 at 5:38 pm

    What is it about that rarefied air at Davos? The latest pronouncement of anti-American hostility comes from George Soros, who claims that our country needs to de-Nazify itself of conservatives. (Scroll back from comments.)

    The smackdowns (at the site) of this idiotic charge make it clear that Leftist Marxism has more in common with the Nazi’s socialism and that both are totalitarian at heart.

    We have only to look at Madame Hillary’s Chavez-like desire to seize control of oil company profits to get a clue about who the state worshippers are. Interestingly, Barack Obama is the recipient of Soros’s latest largesse.

    The Left is heavily “invested” in making successful corporations,as well as the health and pharmaceutical sector, the bete noire threatening to America. Money from investors like Soros is assisting the Dems in this goal by creating class warfare and generating fear over a red-herring of global warming.

  • 60 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 3, 2007 at 5:46 pm

    Brrr Punxsutawney Phil better get together with Algore and get this global warming situation figured out!

    We used to gas up, in the day, before we left the mall in Fargo because Minnesota gas was usually 15 cents a gallon more, well at least up around the resort towns where we lived

  • 61 Maggie // Feb 3, 2007 at 9:40 pm

    Missed you Mack,welcome home.

  • 62 Mack // Feb 3, 2007 at 10:24 pm

    My wife thinks I sleep better when I don’t blog. Trolls get under my skin and frankly take too much research to go back and disprove every lie they tell. The problem is that you have to disprove ALL of their lies or they cling to the few you don’t bother with.

    In a court of law it requires a preponderance of evidence in a civil trial to decide any issue and in a criminal court the defendant must be proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The libs don’t measure up to either standard but the press, the MSM, and more to the point the Democratic party all cling to the fallacy rather than accept truth. They would rather argue the lie even when they know it to be a lie even to their own destruction.

    My frustration comes when these people would rather die in slavery than admit that a determined enemy wants to enslave and kill them. They would rather defend the people who have publicly sworn to kill them than support the people who risk everything to keep them free. It boggles the mind and saps the spirit at their bare and bold stupidity. We waste billions of dollars and God knows how many hours just debating with these people in order to keep them free to degrade us.

    If I could I would love to see them shipped off to the Utopia they think they would have if we were not so determined, leaving everyone else free to save our nation and by default the rest of the world from Tyranny. We are all on the same ship though, if it sinks it takes us all down and our posterity as well. So with that in mind I say fight and let God decide the issue.

  • 63 Mack // Feb 3, 2007 at 10:28 pm

    Nice to be remembered Maggie, Darth, and friends. I am half surprised the troll hasn’t been by. I usually attract their comments light a candle attracts bugs.

  • 64 RedPepper // Feb 3, 2007 at 10:34 pm

    Mack: There really is not much point in trying to debate with trolls; debate, after all, is not what they are after. They make that obvious by the way they behave. Life is too short (to quote Mickey Rooney) …

  • 65 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 3, 2007 at 11:30 pm

    Greetings, Mack.

    Nice to meet a friend of my friends here in Scrappledom.

    By the way, I’m an expatriate Buckeye who (for about the past 17 years) has stranded himself in Arlington TX.

  • 66 everthink // Feb 3, 2007 at 11:46 pm

    Ah yes Mack, so good to have you back! Where have you been “on the far side of the moon?”

    What the heck does the world’s scientific community know, compared to you, Hank, and Dumbyah. It’s not like you all have ever been wrong before is it?

    Re: 41

    Spend Now, Save Later?

    The last time the nation couldn’t save a dime, it was an era of mass joblessness.

    Now unemployment is near record lows, yet according to the Commerce Department, the savings rate for 2006 hit a low of -1 percent. For many American families savings have become a luxury they simply cannot afford.
    “Salaries aren’t keeping up with inflation is the bottom line.

    Extreme Jobs: Long Hours, Little Sleep & Money

    A new study in the upcoming issue of the Harvard Business Review estimates that 1.7 million Americans now hold extreme jobs. The study defined “extreme” as any job that requires more than 60 work hours per week and fits various parameters regarding work flow, travel, responsibilities away from the office and outside commitments.

    Cost of Iraq war could surpass $1 trillion
    Estimates vary, but all agree price is far higher than initially expected

    Updated: 7:25 p.m. ET March 17, 2006
    One thing is certain about the Iraq war: It has cost a lot more than advertised. In fact, the tab grows by at least $200 million each and every day.

    Say Big Mac, did you hear about those elections we had last fall? Have you seen the poll number on Repugs in general and Dumbyah in particular?

    It really doesn’t matter who the dimdonk, liberal, pinko, commie, heathens run; ABAR. You have 21 seats in the Senate “at risk”, and I don’t think you all will ever see another repug president! Well, maybe, Chuck Hagel, but McCain has smoked himself!

    ET (a lying troll)

  • 67 everthink // Feb 3, 2007 at 11:56 pm

    Debate? What’s to debate?

    Looks like you here will be the last to get the word! Bahwuhahweewahhahaha!


  • 68 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 4, 2007 at 1:06 am

    “…..1.7 million Americans now hold extreme jobs…..”


  • 69 R.A.M. // Feb 4, 2007 at 1:40 am

    Mack: Welcome back!

    Santini: This kind of rhymes, see if you can do something with it if you have time.

    While Bill was busy deceiving “Hill”,
    Bill was being deceived by Kim Jong Il!

  • 70 camojack // Feb 4, 2007 at 5:17 am

    Climate changes? It’s pretty warm where I am…but then, it usually is, here.

  • 71 Ghoti // Feb 4, 2007 at 5:25 am

    Yeah, JL3, 1.7 million - somewhat less than 2% of the work force. The sky is falling.

  • 72 Ghoti // Feb 4, 2007 at 5:29 am

    I don’t think you all will see another Repug president.

    We heard the same thing after Nixon, then have had 2 Dim “winners” the last 3 decades.

  • 73 onlineanalyst // Feb 4, 2007 at 7:49 am

    “Stagnant wages, the ’savings rate’, and other non-problems” are discussed beyond the headlines here.

    Following the explanation, the article concludes:
    None of this means we should be complacent about economic growth. There are two genuine clouds on the horizon-namely, inflation risk and political risk. Inflation remains somewhat higher than is comfortable, and we still expect the Fed will consider further interest-rate hikes if today’s weak dollar and soaring commodity prices lead to a jump in the official inflation indicators later this year. As for politics, the Democrats now running Congress explicitly reject the tax cuts and freer trade that have helped to propel the current prosperity. If history is any guide, sooner or later this is a recipe for trouble.

    More here. (Scroll back from the comments… and be sure to look at the charts.)

  • 74 MargeinMI // Feb 4, 2007 at 8:56 am

    Good morning all!

    Mack, Welcome home, indeed. Your wisdom and clarity of thought (#s 55 & 62 for instance) have been missed. You don’t have to troll stomp to visit, you know.

    Jack, A balmy +5 here, and :oP. ’nuff said.

    Scott, I got some disturbing images from this piece. Sad satire, and brilliant as usual.

  • 75 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 4, 2007 at 9:00 am


    In order to get a better nights sleep, do as about 78.5732% of us do and totally ignore the bug splatter on the windshield. I know it can drive you crazy when you are trying to enjoy the scenery, but sooner or later it will rain and the splatter will go away.

    ‘Tis a whole 1 degree this morning. Thank you Lord for that 1 degree, we sure needed it.

    They tell me there is a Scuper Bowl tonight. I guess since it isn’t a big East/West coast team, the media isn’t as hot, or perhaps the stations I watch don’t talk football.

    When the dust settles the Colts will on top of the pile. If the Fridge was still playing with Mike Ditka (sp) screaming at him, then maybe things would be different. That is my 30 second song and dance.

  • 76 conserve-a-tips // Feb 4, 2007 at 9:16 am

    Neverthink: Try this on for size…there is a difference between not being able to save and not being willing to save. Even during the years of the depression and, later, of low wages, people were able to save money. I know that when my father got a job, only paying $2500 a year, he still saved $25 per month because that was how he was geared to live. Today, Americans are geared to buy. They buy big screen tvs for the Super Bowl and bigger and bigger homes and boats complete with trailer and matching truck for recreation and ipods for the kids.

    Sorry, but low savings doesn’t mean “want”. Today it means “won’t”. Most of our friends are one-wage-earner families, on an income averaging $60,000. They own moderate homes that are either paid for or nearly so and have savings accounts including (1)an emergency fund equal to 8 months wages and having achieved that (2) a donation of 10% from each check. They all have 401 Ks for the wage earner and Roth IRA’s for both spouses and some even own property that they rent out, bought for less then $25000 per house. And yet, they still have the money to tithe 10% to their churches, go out to eat on occassion and take nice vacations. We are all cheap and buy groceries with coupons on double coupon days and we raise gardens and can and freeze, cooking most of our meals at home. In other words, we have listened to Dave Ramsey, planned, and recognize that with SS in the tank, we had all better take responsibility for our futures. This is no different from the 20’s when life was good, life was fun and money was to spend. Those who kept their feet on the ground survived the depression and learned from the wreck. Granted, there is that 4% out there that are not able to work or help themselves, and churches have abdicated their responsibility toward these people to Big Government. But bigger government and entitlements do not make for responsible savers.

    And so, the question is Mr. Neverthink, while you whine about your supposed catastrophic economy (which we all know is a lie) and wring your hands over other people and their poor choices, what are you doing to plan for your future? And what do you suppose the liberal Democrats are going to do to change the mindset of Americans to save more? And what do you think that the liberal Democrats have to offer in the way of a better economy? This economy is roaring and so tell me how higher taxes or Hillary’s communist scheme of confiscating private profits from companies to put into a Federal fund for government use is going to stoke the economic fire even hotter? You can sit there and pick out anything you want to use for complaint against this administration, but what you haven’t given us is “the better way.”

  • 77 conserve-a-tips // Feb 4, 2007 at 9:22 am

    Ms Rightwing, Ink: So glad to hear that you are singing and dancing this morning! :-)

    I actually had no interest in watching the game because college football is all I care about, but after that church in Indiana put out the boycott on the NFL and the game tonight because the NFL enforced their viewing rules, I decided to give the game my viewing time. The church is wrong in what they are doing and I guess I need to give the NFL some support. So I’m gettin’ out the lil’ weenies and b-b-que sauce!!

  • 78 MargeinMI // Feb 4, 2007 at 9:30 am

    Good morning Ms. RW! So glad to hear you’re feeling chipper enough to dance this a.m.

    ola, Here’s another from Opinion Journal (good reader responses too).

    Apples and oranges, twisted language, an absolutist view on a multi-variable subject such as the economy, thank God for the internet to get information!

    Typing in slo-mo sucks, PMIF. Off to browse more links…

  • 79 upnorthlurkin // Feb 4, 2007 at 9:52 am

    Good Morning Ladies (and Gents)! It’s a knee aching -19° up here. (Wind chill of -37°) Another good day for baking. I just hope it’s a good game! It’s boring just sitting there waiting for the next commercial! I look forward to some good new ones! (commercials that is)

  • 80 conserve-a-tips // Feb 4, 2007 at 10:21 am

    Wow, Upnorthlurkin - y’all are gonna get plump as piglets up there with all that cold weather and baking. I might need to come visit you, as baked goods are my all time weakness. Forget the cake and give me the hot fresh bread any day!

  • 81 upnorthlurkin // Feb 4, 2007 at 10:34 am

    I’ve been working on a whole wheat/honey-molasses round loaf with a decoration of a few wheat stalks on the top so I can hollow it out and use it as the bowl for spinach dip (for the superbowl party this evening…). For some reason the top keeps caving in…maybe too much whole wheat flour?!

  • 82 conserve-a-tips // Feb 4, 2007 at 10:39 am

    Are you using part whole wheat and part white? I grind my whole wheat flour, but it is so heavy that, first, I have to sift it and sift it and, second, have found that I need to add some white flour to keep it from being too heavy.

  • 83 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 4, 2007 at 10:45 am


    Stick to pumpernickel. You need a high protein flour for sturdiness and likely a little less whole wheat since your gluten is lower using that type of flour. In other words you are to heavy to support the size. Sorry

    I hope you are planning to send all your goodies down this way. I have been eating to much meat these past few days and cookies and cakes would likely balance the scales. You know what they say-five a day.

  • 84 upnorthlurkin // Feb 4, 2007 at 10:51 am

    I’ll have to try that next time….it’s nice to be able to eat the mistakes!! Ha! :lol:

  • 85 RedPepper // Feb 4, 2007 at 10:58 am

    upnorté : Just be sure to use a sufficient number of jalepenos

  • 86 conserve-a-tips // Feb 4, 2007 at 11:32 am

    I just read on Drudge that the windchill in Chicago is 30 below. It is in huge letters like the world is coming to an end. I had a good chuckle. It is like - on this glorious Lord’s Day - that God, in His awesome power - has stuck his tongue out at the global warmers, who think that man has power over the weather patterns, and is blowing them a raspberry.

  • 87 Anonymous // Feb 4, 2007 at 12:09 pm


    Welcome back. We value your wisdom and insight.

    Who knows, perhaps the global warming is to blame for the presence of mountain lions in Iowa! Grrrrrr.

  • 88 conserve-a-tips // Feb 4, 2007 at 12:17 pm

    Heh, neverthink: I just had a revelation as the advertisement for our local new casino hit the airwaves. I wonder if a study has been done to see what the ration of savings decline to lottery/casino increase per state is. I bet I wouldn’t be surprised at the results.

  • 89 Darthmeister // Feb 4, 2007 at 12:23 pm

    Portions from Betsy’s Page:

    Sen. Webb (D-Moon) and other Donks encourage Americans to compare themselves to those who have more and feel envy. Webb borrows John Edwards’ “two nations” theme but unlike the filthy rich Edwards, Webb makes no mention of helping the poor with one’s own personal finances.

    Showing the contrast between relative poverty (which DimDonks are well schooled in doing to create envy and covetousness) and absolute poverty (what you see in Muslim and Third World countries:

    Most of America’s “poor” live in material conditions that would be judged as comfortable or well-off just a generation ago. Today, the expenditures per person of the lowest-income one-fifth (or quintile) of households equal those of the median American household in the early 1970s, after adjusting for inflation!

    The following are facts about persons defined as “poor” by the Census Bureau, taken from various government reports:

    -Forty-six percent of all poor households actually own their own homes. The average home owned by persons classified as poor by the Census Bureau is a three-bedroom house with one-and-a-half baths, a garage, and a porch or patio.

    -Seventy-six percent of poor households have air conditioning. By contrast, 30 years ago, only 36 percent of the entire U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.
    Only 6 percent of poor households are overcrowded. More than two-thirds have more than two rooms per person.

    -The average poor American has more living space than the average individual living in Paris, London, Vienna, Athens, and other cities throughout Europe. (These comparisons are to the average citizens in foreign countries, not to those classified as poor.)

    -Nearly three-quarters of poor households own a car; 30 percent own two or more cars.

    -Ninety-seven percent of poor households have a color television; over half own two or more color televisions.

    -Seventy-eight percent have a VCR or DVD player; 62 percent have cable or satellite TV reception.

    -Seventy-three percent own microwave ovens, more than half have a stereo, and a third have an automatic dishwasher.

    As a group, America’s poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms.

    If we’re talking absolute conditions of living, the poor today are relatively rich to the poor of a generation ago and on par with the American middle-class of the 1950s and 1960s. It is just in the contrast to those who are truly wealthy today - think filthy rich John Edwards in his new digs or Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry who all hypocritically avail themselves of every tax break they can despite their views that Americans should pay more confiscatory taxes to “help the poor” - that we can feel the lack. But unlike Senator Webb, it doesn’t bother me, except for the hypocrisy, that Senator Edwards and his family have a house with 28,200 sq. feet of living space.

  • 90 Fred Sinclair // Feb 4, 2007 at 12:51 pm

    TO ALL SCRAPPLERS BORN IN THE 1930’s & 40’s,
    (author unknown)
    First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank
    while they carried us.

    We had schoolteachers and Sunday School teachers who were
    encouraged by our parents to give us a good thrashing when we needed
    it. And usually faced yet another thrashing when we got home, for having
    shamed the family. (Don’t see that word “shamed” very often these days)

    They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can, and
    didn’t get tested for diabetes.

    Then after that trauma, our baby cribs were covered with bright
    colored lead-based paints.

    We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and
    when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets, not to mention, the risks
    we took hitchhiking.

    As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags.
    Riding in the back of a pick up on a warm day was always a special

    We drank water from the garden hose and NOT from a bottle.

    We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle
    and NO ONE actually died from this.

    We ate cupcakes, white bread and real butter and drank soda pop with
    sugar in it, but we weren’t overweight because……

    We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we
    were back when the streetlights came on.

    No one was able to reach us all day. And we were O.K.

    We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps and then ride
    down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. After running
    into the bushes a few times, we learned to solve the problem!

    We did not have Playstations, Nintendo’s, X-boxes, no video games at
    all, no 99 channels on cable, no video tape movies, no surround sound,
    no cell phones, no personal computers, no Internet or Internet chat
    rooms……….WE HAD FRIENDS and we went outside and found them!

    We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth and there were
    no lawsuits from these accidents.

    We ate worms and mud pies made from dirt, and the worms did not live in
    us forever.

    We were given BB guns for our 10th birthdays, made up games with
    sticks and tennis balls and although we were told it would happen,
    we did not put out very many eyes.

    We rode bikes or walked to a friend’s house and knocked on the door or
    rang the bell, or just yelled for them!

    Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who
    didn’t had to learn to deal with disappointment. Imagine that!!

    The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law was unheard
    o! f. They actually sided with the law!

    This generation has produced some of the best risk-takers, problem
    solvers and inventors ever!

    The past 50 years have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas.

    We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned

    And YOU SPECIAL SCRAPPLERS are the result!

    You are those who have had the luck to grow up as kids, before
    the lawyers and the government regulated our lives for our own good.

    Kind of makes you want to run through the house with scissors, doesn’t

  • 91 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 4, 2007 at 12:57 pm

    Gosh, it is winter. Who would have thunk?

  • 92 everthink // Feb 4, 2007 at 1:36 pm

    Who Democrats choose to run is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS here. You must just sit here, and whine while Americans try to undue the mess, and the misery your views have brought upon them.

    You all seem to think Dumbyah’s footsteps are ordered by God. Well, Jim Jones has left the building, and Hale-Bopp has passed.

    For most Americans, watching Bush command our military is like watching a drunk drive our children’s school bus.

    You want to make your stand in Iraq now! We say not under the command of this egotistical moron! He has never been correct about anything!

    “Historians generally agree that Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer disobeyed General Alfred Terry’s orders and split his command of the 7th Regiment of the U. S. Cavalry which numbered over 650 men total into three battalions: A, M, and G were commanded by Major Reno, D, H, and K were under Captain Benteen’s command and C, E, F, I and L Cavalry were under Custer’s leadership.

    Lieutenant Colonel Custer chose to ignore his scouts’ reports about the size of the Indian encampment.

    Located on the banks of the Little Big Horn River was the largest concentration of Indians from six tribes that history has ever recorded.


    Of course, the big difference is Custer died fighting beside his troopers.

    The Texas Air Ace, like Dorkiemoniker and most others here, will be nowhere near any danger, until our military is broken.


  • 93 everthink // Feb 4, 2007 at 2:33 pm


    “We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned

    And YOU SPECIAL SCRAPPLERS are the result!

    Oh yes! Now flush will you!


  • 94 mig // Feb 4, 2007 at 2:39 pm

    For my tech head friends and all your help with posting, I love you guys!

  • 95 Beerme // Feb 4, 2007 at 3:16 pm


    There are several different kinds of Knacks.
    You’ve got one of your own. A pretty rare and wonderful knack, it is!

  • 96 Beerme // Feb 4, 2007 at 3:17 pm


  • 97 Darthmeister // Feb 4, 2007 at 3:32 pm

    Hat tip to PowerLineblog:

    The Democratic Party: Sleeping with the Enemy.

    The Democratic National Committee reached out to Dearborn to find an imam — one Husham Al-Husainy — who has led demonstrations of locals supporting Hezbollah. Like the Jeffersons, Al-Husainy is moving on up. Yesterday in his invocation before Democratic Party leaders attending the winter meeting of the DNC the imam prayed for the assembled multitude to find “the right path” and for an end to “oppression and occupation.” If only Hillary had been there to add: “…and you know what I’m talking about.”

    It is interesting to see the Democrats standing with heads pioulsy bowed while the Imam Husham Al-Husainy prays in veiled terms for their conversion to Islam, and oh yes, for the destruction of Israel.

    Here’s a transcript of the imams prayer. Video is available at HotAir:

    In the name of God the most merciful, the most compasionate. We thank you, God, to bless us among your creations. We thank you, God, to make us as a great nation. We thank you God, to send us your messages through our father Abraham and Moses and Jesus and Mohammed. Through you, God, we unite. So guide us to the right path. The path of the people you bless [Muslims], not the path of the people you doom [infidels and kafirs]. Help us God to liberate and fill this earth with justice and peace and love and equality. And help us to stop the war and violence, and oppression and occupation. Ameen.

    Robert Spencer explicates this “prayer” to Muslim jihad:

    In mentioning “Abraham and Moses and Jesus and Mohammed” I expect that he sounded wonderfully generous and ecumenical to the assembled Democrats. But in fact, he was almost certainly invoking the four in their capacity as Muslim prophets: only in is it taught all of these people were prophets who taught Islam, and that the followers of Moses and Jesus corrupted their respective prophet’s teachings to create Judaism and Christianity. So what seems to be a gesture of ecumenical generosity is actually a declaration of religious imperialism and the delegitimization of other religions.

    Also, imagine if a Christian priest or minister had prayed at a DNC meeting that those attending be guided away from the path of those doomed by God. In this, in any case, the Imam is echoing the Fatiha, the first sura of the Qur’an and most common prayer of Islam. It asks Allah: “Show us the straight path, the path of those whom Thou hast favoured; not the (path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray.” The traditional Islamic understanding of this is that the “straight path” is literally Islam and Islam alone.

    Dimmocrats are such natural born dhimmies and morons. They haven’t the slightest idea how they’ve prostituted themselves to a silver-tongued Muslim fundamentalist. That’s why the Donks are such a danger to the American republic during these perilous times.

  • 98 everthink // Feb 4, 2007 at 4:04 pm


    “Also, imagine if a Christian priest or minister had prayed at a DNC meeting … ”

    “Christian priest”! Why you phony bologna!

    Is there such a thing as a Christian Priest?

    Come on now, answer, since religion is so important to your political view, tell the folks what you really believe, bigot!

    Well, then why do you use such dishonest language?


  • 99 Godfrey // Feb 4, 2007 at 4:07 pm

    Climate change denial wackos come out of the closet in this interesting series of articles from some Canadian paper. Posted over on Drudge.

  • 100 Effeminem // Feb 4, 2007 at 5:03 pm

    Those nuts. There’s at least a 40% chance that Global Warming is a real problem.

  • 101 RedPepper // Feb 4, 2007 at 5:29 pm

    “You may be totally secular, and agnostic or atheist, but you are still a combatant. The enemy regards you as a legitimate target, and has license to exterminate you if you fail to convert to his religion.

    This is a religious war, whether you like it or not.”

    An Islamic Checklist .

  • 102 kajun // Feb 4, 2007 at 5:43 pm

    Those savings stats are probably based on passbook savings in banks. Who’s gonna invest their hard-earned money somewhere that pays 3% interest, or less? Not me! I’d loan it to my Son-In-Law first.

  • 103 Mack // Feb 4, 2007 at 6:11 pm

    Reading Never-think’s stuff is a lot like listening to a five year old explain why he broke the cookie jar. To him it makes perfect sense, to everyone else it is transparent and worthy of a little more than a laugh on America’s Funniest Home Videos.”

    The left forgets that the enemy is dangerous. That is why they are the enemy and why we are fighting them. They are a threat to our freedom and the safety of of our people and the future of our children. If they were helpless and of no threat to us we wouldn’t have to fight them. Simply put, if we leave Iraq the war will not end, it will only follow us home.

    There is a reason The President keeps reminding us of 9/11. Simply put, we were attacked on our own soil by extremists. The majority of those killed were unarmed civilians. In Iraq the majority of those killed are Unarmed civilians. Terrorists from many nations are flooding into Iraq to fight us there and kill more unarmed civilians. I wonder where they would be flocking to if we were not there?

    Britain’s subway bombings were aimed at, unarmed civilians. All these little attacks have one thing in common. They are launched on vulnerable unsuspecting people who have no way to defend against them.

  • 104 egospeak // Feb 4, 2007 at 6:14 pm

    re: 92

    As usual you are incorrect in just about everything you say. While it is true that most of us at Scrappleface will not be able to directly influence the choice of the Dems in ‘08 because we are, for the most part Republicans, Libertarians or something other than registered Democrats, to insist that it is none of our business is laughable, even for you. Are conservatives to be shut out of the political system simply because we lost the most recent election? I doubt that you, even in your most fevered state, believe that… then again based on the antics of some of your fellow travelers……………..

    I will admit that the MSM portray Iraq as a mess and only a mess. Do they ever report anything good that our soldiers are doing there? You claim to be a former member of the military (I use the word claim not because I doubt your word but because anybody can claim anything on this site and there is no way to easily verify it). Are you honestly happy with our men and women in uniform being portrayed as incompetent rubes at best and borderline psycopathic thugs at worst?

    I never served. I admit that I am ( to use the parlance of the left) a chickenhawk but only in the sense that I believe that we, America, have a responsibility to the Iraqi people to stablize the region before we (as your side would have us do) cut and run. It would be worse than immoral to do to the Iraqi people what YOUR party did to the Vietnamese people in 1975.

    I speak only for myself, obviously, but I think it’s fair to say that no Scrapplers think that the President’s footsteps are ordered by God. What I, and I think they, believe is that God puts whomever HE wants in power to advance HIS will whether we understand it or not. BTW, what do two suicide cults have to do with any of this?

    What is the point of your little history lesson? Is it to suggest that Bu$Hitler is as incompetent as Custer and equally a butcher of helpless soldiers who have no choice but to follow their foolish leaders into disaster? Allow me to remind you of the Civil War and the Battle of Cold Harbor. It was an unmitigated disaster for Union forces. At a minimum, 1800 Union soldiers died, the majority in one day. General Grant became known as a fumbling butcher yet he was the general that eventually defeated Lee and won the Civil War. I wonder if he would ‘ve remained commander of the Union army if you and your type had been around? Mistakes have certainly been made, but running away is not the way to correct them. Perhaps if your side would present a credible plan we could have a reasonable debate about how to proceed. I’m not holding my breath.


  • 105 Godfrey // Feb 4, 2007 at 6:41 pm

    Eff: I hate to assign percentages to it. I think there are some very good arguments that global warming is “a problem” but in my opinion the jury is still out on whether mankind has made any appreciable contributions to climate change-or whether he can make any appreciable improvements to the situation.

    I think there is enough evidence to continue investigating, even to investigate in earnest; but the political football that climate change has become drives me up a wall. Science is not something that works well under political pressure. It is meant to operate in a deliberate vacuum of its own making. The public-pressure aspect is the primary focus of those articles I linked to, which tell the stories of various change-denial scientists.

    In fact I found the articles so interesting that I’ll give some highlights here for anyone who is interested.

    The articles include:

    1. One of the world’s most eminent statisticians who happened to notice that the original statistic-based assessment reports were authored by people who knew nothing about statistics. Doh!

    2. A Dutch climatologist and climate-change insider who has seen his own expert input corrupted beyond recognition by his colleagues and by bureaucrats in various official reports.

    3. A polar scientist whose data shows that, while the Antarctic peninsula is indeed breaking up (possibly due to current shifts) the continent itself is actually growing.

    4. A hurricane expert and contributor to various UN “assessment reports” who saw his politician superiors lie through their teeth about the state of knowledge in his field, trying to capitalize on the 2004-2005 hurricane seasons in order to spur people and governments into action. The problem? There was zero evidence to link the increase in hurricane activity that year to climate change (a dearth exposed by the highly anticipated but disappointingly dull 2006 hurricane season).

    There are other scientists featured as well…not the wild-eyed cranks the movement would have you envision but reputable scientists at the forefront of their respective fields who are watching their hard work being misrepresented by zealots.

    Here, according to climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen, is the sort of working environment honest scientists can expect if they deal with the world’s foremost political body created to investigate global warming, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:

    “…throughout the drafting sessions, IPCC ‘coordinators’ would go around insisting that criticism of models be toned down, and that ‘motherhood’ statements be inserted to the effect that models might still be correct despite the cited faults. Refusals were occasionally met with ad hominem attacks. I personally witnessed coauthors forced to assert their ‘green’ credentials in defense of their statements.”

    This is the “climate” in which these scientists must work: a politically charged atmosphere where their reputations and futures depend not on whether they give the right answers but on whether they give the answers that are desired.

    Much like the “Intelligent Design” advocates, the climate change alarmists seem to be corrupting the scientific method, beginning with the conclusion they want and merely gathering facts which support it. The dangerous part is that, unlike the ID goofballs, they are in the majority and so are in a position to be taken seriously.

    Other interesting points:

    Most scientists who are labeled as “deniers” for their views on global warming don’t embrace this role. They cringe at the thought of disagreeing with colleagues who think that the science is settled.

    I think this is an interesting point because it shows the hostility and politics scientists are dealing with. Scientists should never, never be worried about presenting their honest findings to their colleagues. This is what science is all about. One of my favorite adages regarding science (and something which most people just don’t seem to get) is that science is more about finding errors than about finding facts. That’s where its real truth-telling power lies; after an exhaustive, brutal process of peer review, verification through reproduction and incisive inquiry the only thing left standing is the truth. This process is not being allowed by the climate-change movement.

    This makes me curious as to how many other scientists have wondered about things that might not agree with the established view but have kept their ideas to themselves. As Dr. Richard Lizen says: “Scientists who dissent from the alarmism have seen their grant funds disappear, their work derided, and themselves libeled as industry stooges, scientific hacks or worse.”

    The articles also clarify exactly what it is that is held up for public consumption. Raw scientific data? Hardly.

    “Almost all reading and coverage of the IPCC is restricted to the highly publicized Summaries for Policymakers which are written by representatives from governments, NGOs and business; the full reports, written by participating scientists, are largely ignored,” he told the United States Senate committee on environment and public works in 2001. These unscientific summaries, often written to further political or business agendas, then become the basis of public understanding.

    The reason I found these articles so interesting is because a few months ago I set my mind to finding out for myself the truth about man-made climate change. It’s actually a lot of work; the media have generally been incompetent in their coverage of the matter. The lefties join the alarmism crowd without much critical thought or investigation while the right tends to sit back and deride everything as some sort of voodoo…not an incredibly helpful stance either.

    All I’ve have found so far is this: any honest assessment of the facts shows that we don’t know whether man contributes to climate change. There is simply not enough information out there to justify the urgent action called for in propaganda pieces like “An Inconvenient Truth” (yes, I watched that, too).

    I think it is worth making a serious effort and spending some serious money to investigate the matter to the point where we can make an informed decision. Many people are doing such investigation as we speak, but until there is more reliable information it’s foolish to make blanket pronouncements.

    It never ceases to amaze me how people can latch onto beliefs so strongly without a shred of proof.

  • 106 Mack // Feb 4, 2007 at 6:52 pm

    I do have to laugh though at the way spoiled little children take for granted what other people have had to work for. The discussion on savings was a great case in point. When I was a kid if I wanted something I had to earn and save the money for it or I did without. Other kids had only to demand it of their parents and it was given on the spot.

    Now I seem to have everything I want by working and saving. A fast check of my old classmates shows some of the more spoiled still trying to live off their parents. They blame everyone and everything for keeping them down and denying them the things they want. The truth is that having never been required to be responsible they don’t know how. The real world shows us that everyone else in the world is too busy taking care of our own houses to spoon feed the lazy. Besides, after working 60 hours a week to support my family I am none to enthused about shelling out the cash to support some one who is unwilling to work at all. (key word here “unwilling” not unable) Why should they have to when all they have to do is breed. Even stupid animals have mastered that. Bring in the kids to the welfare office and watch the government rush to get your bills paid and to assist you in any language with the paper work.

    The Taliban was a bit more strict. Un-married women would be executed if they got pregnant. I recall the story about the rape victim in Iran who was executed because the Islamic court decreed that she was responsible for attracting the guy who raped her. Our lefties support them and oppose the people who want to prevent such things from being implemented here. We all know that any Muslim who coverts to any religion is under a death sentence from the so called “religion of peace” yet Never-think questions Christians as being bigots?

    Popular opinion is not fact and never has been. The facts are there and even occasionally reported by the MSM. The question here is simple, “what is it going to take for liberals to face the fact that Islamic radicals want them dead seeing that 9/11 is forgotten?” A negotiated peace with someone whose sole desire is die killing you seems unlikely.

  • 107 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 4, 2007 at 7:06 pm

    People say deaths come in groups of three

    Folk musician and painter Eric von Schmidt at the age of 75

    Motown’s first bandleader, Joe Hunter, died at the age of 79

    Billy Henderson 67, a singer with the soul group the Spinners, died

    May they all join the big band in the sky

  • 108 Godfrey // Feb 4, 2007 at 7:21 pm

    Ms RightWing: People say deaths come in groups of three.

    Somebody tell that the the jihadists!

  • 109 mig // Feb 4, 2007 at 7:52 pm

    #107- Godfrey
    Probably was the same scenario that happened with Darwin and the Ape trials.

    egospeak- great post on #104.

    Thanks Beerme! Superbowl Sunday and BEER commercials.

    Hey Mack~ great to see you!

    (And by the way beer commercials beat pharmaceutical commercials hands down! I am sick of pills for perpetual ejectile disfunction! Gwack)

  • 110 egospeak // Feb 4, 2007 at 8:23 pm

    Correction re: 104

    That should be psychopathic.


  • 111 Fred Sinclair // Feb 4, 2007 at 8:44 pm

    Robert A. Heinlein pretty well summed it up in his book “Time Enough For Love” when he wrote - “When the people learn that they can vote themselves Cake and Champagne and force you to pay for it; they will.”

    I have tried for quite awhile to figure out why the liberals hate us conservatives with such venom. I think Heinlin hit the nail on the head. We conservatives are the ones standing in your way, saying “No, we will not pay for your cake and champagne! You will go out and work and earn your cake and champagne or you will do without.”

    If you will not work, you willl not eat. Living in America you are free to sit on the curb and starve to death if that is your decision. We will however feed you - generously - if in fact you are unable to work. We will not only feed you well but we will also clothe you if necessary and help you find a job and work with you until you are able to live independently.

    The liberal hatred is based on their lack of responsibility. We conservatives, for the most part are responsible and we stand against most of what you want; big government; spreading the wealth, by way of higher taxes levied on those who have worked and become successful; welfare checks and food stamps for those who refuse (or don’t feel like) working.

    In many ways, I don’t blame you. If I had been raised by liberal parents (or parent) to believe that “I deserve the fruits of others labor” or/and “I’m entitled to part of what others earn, since as a superior elitist, it’s my due. If confronted by a conservative saying “No!” I would react exactly as any four year old child whose stolen cookie is being pried from his hand. I’d cry, I’d scream ‘I hate you!’ as I rolled and kicked on the floor in the throes my temper tantrum.

    I, and all conservatives, are your hated enemy, standing as we do for what is right. Our words and actions serve as a wood rasp over your tender nerve endings. When I was a child, I spoke and acted as a child but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

    Today, we conservatives try to do what is right (and we need no other reason) Wanting little boys and girls to be born is right. Aboortion is wrong. Promoting “One man-one woman” marriage is right, allowing Sodomites to legally marry is wrong. Supporting our president and troops in time of war is right. Working for their defeat is wrong (also called treason). So I and others like me have become your enemy because we speak the truth. and truth cannot be reasoned with, since you can only prove it.

    So the time is overdue for the Children of the Left to grow up and take their place as the Adults of the Right. We will welcome you as equals (I promise).

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 112 Anonymous // Feb 4, 2007 at 8:46 pm


    You are so wise. Perhaps one of the wisest in Iowa (or Polk County, at least). Where are those mountain lions, by the way?

    I’m glad to see that you’ve started posting from home rather than surfing the internet while working hard at work.

    Love, Liger

  • 113 mig // Feb 4, 2007 at 9:01 pm

    Ahh. Sybil reinterpreted by loogie. How many people live inside Rev. Evers?

  • 114 Anonymous // Feb 4, 2007 at 9:04 pm

    Hey all,

    This site is just as bad as I remember it. I figured with all of the setbacks that y’all have been suffering, you’d get some sense and get off the sinking ship before it takes you down.

    But, to do that, I suppose you’d have to have some sense, which is in short supply around here. The last of the Jim Jones faithful…

    BTW, whassup with this stupid live comment preview? I’d think that Mr. Ott could afford something a little better with all that money he’s stealing from your credit cards.

    Love always,

  • 115 Godfrey // Feb 4, 2007 at 9:56 pm

    mig: “Probably was the same scenario that happened with Darwin and the Ape trials.”

    Sorry, not sure I understand your point…

  • 116 Mack // Feb 4, 2007 at 10:17 pm

    I have to admit, having a troll respond to me by name is down right fun. I think that is why they post the garbage they do, they also like to see people respond to them, by name. I figure it is one sure way to confirm that they are actually reading what I wrote.

    The only problem here is that no matter what the subject matter they always write basically the same thing. So I will have to take the advice of some sage people here and just forgo the ego boost by not reading it. Being conservative and Christian it comes naturally to completely disregard what I don’t believe any way. I believe I serve the one true God and that his word is truth.

  • 117 Darthmeister // Feb 4, 2007 at 10:48 pm

    neverthink, that was Robert Spencer that said that, not me. I was merely copying and pasting as I noted in the previous paragraph. You need some reading comprehension classes. That seems to be a running problem with ignorant trolls like you. Mr. Spencer probably meant “Catholic priests”

    But you’re wrong anyway, the Bible says in Revelation 1:5-6, “To Him (Jesus) who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve His God and Father - to Him be glory and power forever and ever!”

    Protestants and Evangelicals do typically call teaching elders of a church a “Pastor” or a “Minister”. I will call no man “Reverend” because I believe that’s a title only to be used with respect to Almighty God himself. And there is certainly nothing “reverent” about the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

    Mack, for Kawanza Bravo39/neverthink was probably gifted the book, “Trolling For Dummies”. That’s why everything he says is so formulaic. Obviously he believes he’s honoring the memory of his great grandfather (who fought in World War I) by coming here and acting like the divisive, lying troll that he is . Bravo39 also believes if his great grandfather was alive today he would embrace homosexual marriage, abortion, the welfare state, socialism, radical feminism, pornography and all the other great liberal causes.

    On the other hand neverthink refuses to believe me when I pointed out that if he lived in just about any period in American history before 1960 - heck, make it 1970 - if he spewed the filth that he believes as a “liberated” American today, he would have been tarred-and-feathered and rode out on the rails as a subversive. Obviously he can’t handle the truth since he’s still in denial about this self-evident fact.

  • 118 Darthmeister // Feb 4, 2007 at 10:49 pm

    Jack Murtha ate my post!

  • 119 Mack // Feb 4, 2007 at 10:52 pm

    It is to bad that I have to work tomorrow. Der Liger is right about one thing though, I don’t blog at work anymore and my wife likes me to help out around the house and spend time with her when I’m home so I don’t get on the computer as much as I used to.

    But I got to thinking about it, faith being that “God is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him” I so no reason to debate with trolls either. I have always believed that God’s Spirit is his greatest witness. I also believe that we will one day be held “to account for every idle word we say.” (or type in this case.) With that in mind I leave it to God to prove or disprove the work we all do.

    I see Ted Kennedy is getting old along with the old hippies we see leading the war protests. Vietnam was their moment. Dan Rather and Walter Cronkite are retired, one with dignity and one less so. Tom Brokaw is retired, the ABC guy is dead now for well over a year. What was his name? Peter Jennings?
    One day we will all stand before God’s judgment and account for our actions.

    For the liberals who think they won’t face this I refer them to the Bible. Specifically the book of Romans chapter 1 verses 19 and 20. or Romans chapter 2 verses 9 and 10. For most liberals this will require you to borrow a Bible and find someone to show you where to look. But the Bible also tells us to warn the unbelievers of the tribulation to come. If you read this, you have been warned and you now have no excuse. I believe that as people read this God will send his spirit upon them and that in that moment they will know it to be true. What they do with that knowledge they will have to explain to God on judgment day. As for me, what I think of any person doesn’t matter. I’m not the judge, God is. He and he alone knows every thought we think and every act. He knows what we do and why.

    See you all next weekend.

  • 120 Harry Daschle // Feb 4, 2007 at 10:54 pm

    Congratulations Coach Dungy!!! You deserve it!!!

    Boomer (Norman) Esiason (sp) sounded a lot like Kerry and Hillary with his after game flip-flop praise of Peyton Manning. After all, he has bashed him all season, even saying he would not be considered a great QB unless he won the Super Bowl.

    Pretty funny, Norman never won one either!

    Chicago can be proud of their team too, but ESPECIALLY their Coach Smith!!!

  • 121 Darthmeister // Feb 4, 2007 at 11:02 pm

    Godfrey, you might be a little careful lumping “intelligent design” scientists in with the global warming whacademics. A better argument would be lumping the global warming consensus scientists with the evolutionary consensus scientists because in both cause we’re talking huge sums of money, some of it federal, being sucked into these respective “sciences”. There’s a huge monetary incentive to “toe the line” and get a cut of the pie. Always follow the money, I say.

    And might there just be a corrupting influence in pursuing a certain avenue of “scientific” endeavor because of the billions upon billions of dollars these respective pursuits attract? I’m not aware of too many “intelligent design” scientists or “creation” advocates with their hands in the backpockets of the American taxpayers. So why do agnostic scientists risk their livelihoods and reputations by questioning macro-evolutionary dogma and embracing intelligent design? I hardly think them masochistic morons.

    Just a thought.

  • 122 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 4, 2007 at 11:21 pm

    To bad nobody would bet against me. Dang, I knew Chicago would eat dirt like the Buckeyes did in Arizona. Only good thing is I won money when Ohio State bit the dirt.

    I didn’t watch the first half and just sorta watched the second half. After making a huge pot of Creamy Cheesy Potato Soup my energy level dropped so low I couldn’t work the remote.

    Good soup, bad energy

  • 123 mig // Feb 4, 2007 at 11:31 pm

    I am cryptic only because I get dyxlexic when I am tired.

    I don’t even know what I meant now. I will say g’night owl.

  • 124 everthink // Feb 4, 2007 at 11:38 pm

    I didn’t say: “conservatives to be shut out of the political system”.
    I said: “Who Democrats choose to run is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS here”.
    Just as it is none of my business who you Republicans choose! CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE?

    “fellow travelers” - I’m far less of a communist than you here are fascists.

    “I will admit that the MSM portray Iraq as a mess and only a mess.” That’s big of you to admit your own accusation of others.

    “Do they ever report anything good that our soldiers are doing there?

    Our soldiers are not there to paint, restore buildings, and hand out candy; if they are, maybe the people in New Orleans could use a little help! Our troops, according to the NIE are posted in the middle of a civil war! You want the media to find good news like Barbara Bush found the benefits of Katrina to the New Orleans resident?.

    “Are you honestly happy with our men and women in uniform being portrayed as incompetent rubes at best and borderline psycopathic thugs at worst?”

    I have never seen our troops portrayed as incompetent in the slightest. The Administration, however, has demonstrated near total incompetence, which is why Rumsfeld was removed. The conduct of a few of our troops at Abu Ghraib, and in a couple of other incidents of retaliation is reprehensible, but in no way a reflection on our troops in general.

    “I never served. I admit that I am ( to use the parlance of the left) a chickenhawk but only in the sense that “… I believe that we, America, have a responsibility to the Iraqi people to stablize the region before we (as your side would have us do) cut and run. It would be worse than immoral to do to the Iraqi people what YOUR party did to the Vietnamese people in 1975.”

    You do know, Gerald Ford, a Republican, was president in 1975 don’t you? The Democrats could no more bring the troops home then, than they can now.

    “I speak only for myself, obviously, but I think it’s fair to say that no Scrapplers think that the President’s footsteps are ordered by God.”

    Believe what you will, the president deliberately lied to get the United State into this war, and continued to lie until after the last election, when he removed Rumsfeld.

    “Is it to suggest that Bu$Hitler is as incompetent as Custer and equally a butcher of helpless soldiers who have no choice but to follow their foolish leaders into disaster?”


    “Allow me to remind you of the Civil War and the Battle of Cold Harbor. It was an unmitigated disaster for Union forces.”

    Who cares? This is irrelevant!

    “Mistakes have certainly been made, but running away is not the way to correct them.”

    My guess is Custer, and the nation wished the 7th Cavalry had “run away” like Douglas MacArthur did from the Philippines, have you ever heard of Bataan?

    “Perhaps if your side would present a credible plan we could have a reasonable debate about how to proceed. I’m not holding my breath.”

    There can be no plan without power. Any one of several might work; Biden’s plan seems the best to me; but, I am also interested in General Wesley Clark’s approach; but then, you know nothing of these, right?

    Egospeak, I think you are well intentioned, but I think, you are uninformed, and completely ignorant of the matters you are attempting to discuss here. You are loyal to the same propaganda that caused us to attack Iraq in error, while allowing our greatest enemies to remain at large to attack America once more.

    Please, do breathe deeply! You need all the oxygen your little brain can hold.

    With more respect than you are do,


  • 125 everthink // Feb 5, 2007 at 12:01 am

    Hey Liger,

    Whasup guy, we all miss you!

    Don’t we Dorkie?

    True to my calling, I remain here; “Kicking Against the Pricks”, Acts 26:14.


  • 126 everthink // Feb 5, 2007 at 12:16 am


    Can a Roman Catholic go to heaven? Why won’t you answer. It’s not like you avoid discussing religion here.

    Give us the benefit of your deep understanding of things spiritual, won’t you?


  • 127 everthink // Feb 5, 2007 at 12:25 am


    About your post 111,

    Oh Fred, you do go on so; but this time you got me! How did you know I was after your money?

    Hate you? Fred, I’ve even stopped calling you the “Haibrained Ranger”.

    yer ol’ pal,

  • 128 everthink // Feb 5, 2007 at 12:29 am


  • 129 everthink // Feb 5, 2007 at 12:42 am


    “Never-think questions Christians (plural) as being bigots?”

    Did I? I recall only referring to Henry as a bigot! Are you bearing false witness against me? May the Lord rebuke you!

    I think many who call themselves Christian are bigots; but by definition a Christian can not be one.


  • 130 everthink // Feb 5, 2007 at 1:54 am


    Re; 103

    If you think I’m funny like America’s Funniest Home Videos, then by all means enjoy the laugh.

    “The left forgets that the enemy is dangerous.” Then why haven’t we gotten him? Why did we attack Iraq instead of destroying the enemy who attacked our people?

    Osama did it, not Saddam! Al-Qaeda, not Iraq! We have problems today we would have never had if we had just left Saddam in place as a buffer to Iran.

    Saddam was the enemy of 41, and an embarrassment to 43; but he did not attack our homeland, and he was no threat to our people.

    You have the nerve to tell me about a dangerous enemy, while you, all but, ignore the one who bragged about killing our people!
    You have the gall to tell me about those civilians who were killed on 9/11?

    I remember well, it is you who doesn’t care enough to get it done; that, or you are simple-minded enough to believe Dumbyah is even making an effort.

    You here, insist on depicting me as soft on America’s enemies, you are wrong!

    Kill Osama first!!

    If we must lose ten times the number that has been lost, so be it; but get Osama now!

    If not, no matter what we do in Iraq, they will believe you can attack America, and live laugh about it years later.

    Muslim exremist are laughing at you, and your kind Mack, not at me!


  • 131 Effeminem // Feb 5, 2007 at 1:55 am

    ET, the Democratically controlled congress cut off aid to the government of South Vietnam in 1975. It fell shortly thereafter.

    Godfrey, did you see that special issue of Scientific American or Discover a few months ago? It was about global warming, and after I finished reading it I thought, “Hm, this theory may be true after all.” It seems very plausible. But there’s just no hard evidence.

    I read some bad amateur fiction once where the environmentalists won and managed to shut down economic progress and halt CO2 emissions. Man was almost destroyed in the ice age that followed. Hahaha. If that happens, I say we deserve it.

  • 132 Ghoti // Feb 5, 2007 at 5:26 am

    If we kill bin Laden, all the al Qaeda elements we’re killing off there will leave Iraq, and we’ll never be attacked by them again? Promise?

    Sorry, but they’re already laughing. Bin Laden said “we” don’t have the guts to defend ourselves, and the Leftist extremists seem determined to prove him correct.

  • 133 Godfrey // Feb 5, 2007 at 5:57 am

    Eff: did you see that special issue of Scientific American or Discover a few months ago?

    I haven’t, but I’ll look for it. Meanwhile I suggest you check out at least the article on possible solar contributions to climate change. It’s hardly indepth but it does illustrate that convincing alternatives to the greenhouse gas theory do exist.

    Hank: ” A better argument would be lumping the global warming consensus scientists with the evolutionary consensus scientists because in both cause we’re talking huge sums of money…

    I don’t find that position very convincing…the involvement of money is not evidence of guilt. Can money corrupt? Sure. Has it corrupted evolutionists? Show me.

    No, the similarities between the climate-changers and the ID’ers is much more profound and lies in their approach to the science itself. Both begin with the desired outcome (whether human culpability or divine architecture) and work backward, the very antithesis of true scientific methodology.

    Given the amount of change in the field of evolutionary biology over the last century I don’t think this can reasonably be said of evolutionary biologists; even if you disagree with their conclusions they are doing science the way it is supposed to be done.

    I think the real lesson here is to look at the science itself and not “assessment reports” and other distillations that have been presented to the public by people with an agenda.

    Man-made climate change may be real…but they haven’t proven it by a longshot.

    In other news, our friends the Saudis have been cracking down on crime again.

  • 134 MargeinMI // Feb 5, 2007 at 6:34 am

    Ah, The G Men of Scrappledom are up early.

    Getting lashed for literally having a hair out of place IS a bit extreme. Ifsharia everprevils in the US, I’ll have to shave my head. There’s some days my hair just will not be contained! (Think Bette Midler or Carol King.) Where’s NOW? The Saudis, such good friends and allies. sigh.

  • 135 mig // Feb 5, 2007 at 6:40 am

    What country were these foreigners from?

  • 136 mig // Feb 5, 2007 at 6:40 am

    morn’n Marge

  • 137 MargeinMI // Feb 5, 2007 at 7:41 am

    Morning’ mig. They won’t say what nationalities. There were 20 arrested for having a party where there was alchohol, dancing, and unrelated people of the opposite gender talking to each other. They were sentenced to lashing and a few months in jail. Oh yeah, they are allowed the right to appeal. (Somehow I get the feeling that part is after the sentence is carried out.)

    -4 here, no school.

    Still typing in slo-mo. Argh.

  • 138 MargeinMI // Feb 5, 2007 at 8:14 am

    VDH doesn’t often fisk folks, but boy does he do a number on John f’n Kerry!

    My gerbil needs a nap. Later…

  • 139 egospeak // Feb 5, 2007 at 8:15 am

    re: 126

    Can a Roman Catholic go to Heaven? If they have true, biblical faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, absolutely. If they are relying on their ritualistic church going and good works… no. And that goes for all who claim to be Christian whether they be Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical, Charismatic, Traditional, or anything else.


    PS Sorry I don’t have time to reply to 124, gotta go to work and earn some money. Wouldn’t want some able bodied person on welfare to miss their check because of my laziness.

  • 140 mig // Feb 5, 2007 at 8:40 am

    Rev. Evers, are you cool guy?

  • 141 Darthmeister // Feb 5, 2007 at 9:18 am

    Godfrey, I don’t find your position very convincing and it was a cheap shot aimed at people researching intelligent design. In fact, just from a scientific point of view, you should embrace intelligent design research since the more it is investigated the more proofs should arise that it is false … and by and large the ID’ers are doing it on their own dime, not the government’s are taxpayers’. I don’t understand why evolutionary dogmatists are so opposed to competing theories. Evolutionists should welcome them since competing theories would 1) open new doors of investigation and 2) only end up proving the superiority of evolutionary thought.

    neverthink, to make it easy for childish mockers such as yourself, irrespective of whether someone is a Roman Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran, etc., if they believe with all their heart Messiah Jesus is their only Lord and Savior and confesses with their mouth that God has physically raised Messiah from the dead, they are Christians - and nothing in the world can separate them from the love of their Savior. Do you think its a matter of which denomination one belongs to or how much good works one engages in that ingratiates a person with the Living God? You’re doing a wonderful job of being a devil’s advocate. You’re a natural.

    In fact you sound just like the Pharisees when they were challenging Jesus (and no, I’m not saying I’m Jesus) with moronic questions like, “If a woman loses her husband and then marries his brother according to the Law, to whom is she married when she dies and goes to paradise?” Sounds like the same kind of idiocy you would come up with, neverthink.

  • 142 Darthmeister // Feb 5, 2007 at 9:58 am

    How do you know “Osama did it”? There are plenty of people on your side of the aisle who don’t think Osama was even involved in 9/11. They claim the Bush Administration needed a scapegoat and Osama was the nearest thing to it. Check this moonbat site out and this and this. And that’s not the only one by any means. You all a bunch of freakin’ moonbats.

    For President Bush to have lied us into a war with Iraq (despite the fact I’ve clearly posted other state reasons for going to war in Iraq that Senators like Jay Rockefeller signed off on), that would mean Bush knew beyond any shadow of a doubt there were no WMDs in Iraq. Now, Mr. Wizard, what intelligence agencies were telling President Bush in no uncertain terms that there were absolutely no WMDs in Iraq? A lie can only occur if one knows the truth and then proceeds to misrepresent that truth by way of falsehood. For Bush to have lied, he must first be convinced that all the WMD were destroyed by Saddam’s regime or found by the inspectors. The Bush Lied™ meme has been debunked numerous times yet you people are like lemmings off a cliff of hatred. One of the better debunkings is found here. Follow the links, some go to original source documents. And please note in the comment section how the moonbats afflicted with BDS continue to ply their Bush Lied™ meme in face of the evidence produced in the original post! Amazing. Just like neverthink and I wouldn’t be surprised if you attempt to copy and paste some of those braindead BDS comments here!

    By your own standards of what constitutes a liar, neverthink, you’re a liar. You’ve been exposed to truthful facts here and yet you continue to spread your filthy misrepresentations here as “truth”. Can’t tell you how many times you’ve been fisked and caught in a bald-faced lie here at Scrappleface. Does “imminent threat” and “slamdunk” ring a bell?

  • 143 RedPepper // Feb 5, 2007 at 10:03 am

    The issue is not simply whether human activity is causing “global warming”.

    … global warming has six tenets: 1. Global warming is happening. 2. It is our (humanity’s, but especially America’s) fault. 3. It will continue unless we mend our ways. 4. If it continues we are in grave danger. 5. We know how to slow or even reverse the warming. 6. The benefits from doing that will far exceed the costs.

    Only the first tenet is clearly true …

    Inconvenient Kyoto Truths .

  • 144 everthink // Feb 5, 2007 at 10:53 am


    There’s no reasoning with you. Nothing is too low for you to say, or do!

    The only hopeful thing that can be said about you is that the nation is shaking its collective head at those who think as you, and even here, your audience grows smaller daily.

    Bush has almost enough rope, soon I believe congress will offer him the choice of using it, or being forced out of office.

    The whole world sees what an idiot he is, but even in your little world, you are regarded as not quite bright enough to regarded as an idiot in your own right.

    Of course, that’s just the way I see it. Bahwahwahwahwahwheee


  • 145 everthink // Feb 5, 2007 at 11:11 am

    Egospeak is you name Darthmeister?

    What you think, and what he thinks about this are likely very different? Besides, after your last post, I’m really not interested in what you think.


  • 146 everthink // Feb 5, 2007 at 11:26 am


    Sorry, but even from here, you still smell like fish to me.


  • 147 Ms RightWing, Ink // Feb 5, 2007 at 11:42 am

    Umm, yawn, good morning. It is way up to three degrees, guess I will crawl out from under my blankie

  • 148 Darthmeister // Feb 5, 2007 at 11:50 am

    Your ancestors must be proud of you, neverthink. Ripping the Commander in Chief with thinly-veiled lies while your band of brothers are dying on foreign battlefields. You’re such a consummate liar that you can simultaneously lie to yourself about “I Support The Troops”™ while denigrating the noble mission in which they are engage.

    Even when we post video of American servicemen, who are fighting the enemy abroad as we speak, flatly claim that your kind of vituperative rant raised against this administration and America’s military mission in Iraq aids and abetts those they fight against, you continue to arrogantly spew your venomous billingsgate here. I only have pity for self-aggrandizing trolls like you who think themselves such fount of all truth that you seem more than willing in your appalling partisan ignorance to tread where angels fear to go.

  • 149 Fred Sinclair // Feb 5, 2007 at 12:17 pm

    everthink - you’re just so silly. You’re a real treat with your every posting.

    Just as I’m beginning to think that you’ve reached a record low and can get no lower, you manage to add to my reasons to believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution.

    If there was any value to the Theory of Evolution, it uncanny how your evolutionary transmission got stuck in reverse. You’re in the process of devolution (I looked it up in the dictionary and found you) - it reads “• Biology evolutionary degeneration.”

    So that readily accounts for the fact that when you first began posting here on this conservative blog of Adults, you had already devolved (regressed) to the mental capacities of a four year old, we tolerated your further devolvement through various ape and monkey stages, and with your most recent posts you’ve obviously backed into the “nine-banded armadillo” (look it up) stage.

    You should take care because on this blog we have a MACK truck and MACK trucks have been known to be hazzardous to the health of armadillos. Or, as a possible option, if armadillos possess any brains at all, you could perhaps back yourself off of the roadway (or should I say blogway?) You might even look into the idea of kicking your transmission into “Drive” and evolve back up into the realm of us adults (if of course you don’t backslide).

    By the way - we also have a Meister on board, in the event you should feel the need for instructions in Adulthood (that’s what Meisters do, you know).

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 150 Darthmeister // Feb 5, 2007 at 12:27 pm

    Newly Translated Iraqi Documents Prove What Conservatives Have Been Saying About Saddam’s Regime
    This is a document translation site that has translated captured Iraqi documents dealt with the Food for Oil UN scandal, biological and chemical weapons, Iraqi nuclear research, the training of al Qaeda and Arab Fedayeen elements … etc. This is the one site that should be filed under “favorites”. They come out with a newly translated document every week or two. Lamestream media and leftist trolls totally ignore this evidence.

    Newly Discovered Audiotapes Reveal Saddam’s WMD Plans
    Please note how an unnamed “U.S. official” tried to undercut this discovery. It’s always an unnamed U.S. official mole that tries to pooh-pooh exculpatory evidence like discovery of 500 WMD in Iraq, for example.

    Newly Translated Documents Show Saddam Was A Year Away From Nuke
    The documents were deemed so sensitive that they were removed from the public domain by request of arms-control officials.

    Saddam’s Chemists Trained Terrorist Arab Fedayeen In 2000

    And yet after all this Iraqi skullduggery, the best neverthink can come up with is Bush Lied™. Pathetic

  • 151 Possumtrot // Feb 5, 2007 at 1:24 pm

    I see that nothing much has changed. People with legitimate POVs are still trying to convert or otherwise persuade tiny minds and penises… Conservatives versus liberals.

    The women definitely figure here, given Ms. Boxer and Pelosi.

    These interchangeable women are funny… until they cause a nuclear holocaust.

    My time is spent hiding under an electric blanket and thanking God for the cheap power of the TVA.

    I have propane! Praise Allah! Praise the Democrats! My tank was empty; thus it is filled!

    Nan Pelosi or any other slick-talking liberal did not fill my tank at 0830 this morning. The Possum Den is gradually warming because it came out of my wallet.

    Politcal concerns become what they may. Truth may be found at United Possums International.

    Sorry for the intrusion; weed it and reap.

  • 152 Darthmeister // Feb 5, 2007 at 1:49 pm

    Sample of just one of the Arab documents which demonstrates the cloak-and-dagger games between Saddam’s regime and Syria:

    ID # ISGQ-2005-00022470
    PAGE (2)


    Reda (name) CA11


    Subject: we have information about the location of Mass Destruction Weapons

    On Moharram 10th (Arabic calendar), prior to US/allied invasion to Iraq, fifty (50) Iraqi trucks entered Syria as convoys (or groups), I met some the drivers of those trucks, they got no idea about the content of their trucks.

    The loads basically came from some where in Baghdad, Iraqi intelligence were escorting the loads. During their trip, those truck drivers were stopped and asked frequently by the intelligence officers about whether or not they got any idea about the content of their loads, the divers replied “we have no idea”, then the officers would say “thank you”.

    Upon their arrival to Deayr Ezoor city/ Syria, the drivers were ordered to get down, elements from Syrian intelligence got into the trucks, they took the trucks to big barracks for downloading.

    After that; Iraqi drivers got their trucks back, they got $200 as a reward.

    The drivers told me that it was their second time to bring such secret shipment; the first shipment was Moharram 1st.

    I have a friend in Syria working in Syrian company, the man has ½ of the company, and the other ½ belongs to a Syrian businessman.

    This Iraqi person, a former counselor at Iraqi embassies, has strong connections with Iraqi embassy in Syria, he knows all Iraqi intelligence men there, and he has no idea that I am working with the Iraqi opposition in Syria.

    I used to visit him daily during that period to listen to the important news.

    When the trucks arrived to Syria, I visited him, told him “Iraqi weapons got inside Syria”, he replied “who told you”, I said “I have my own resources”, he replied “don’t tell any one about that because actually it is inside”.

    CA 11-10

    Mrs. Mona; please keep it in file CA 11 30
    JULY 13TH

    As noted, for those unfamiliar with the Muslim calendar, 10 Mohorram would equate to March 14th for 2003 — or a little over a week before the American invasion of Iraq. The Iraqi opposition source claimed the trucks arrived in Dayr az Zawr, a Syrian city on the Euphrates in the expansive eastern section of Syria. A look at a map shows Dayr az Zawr in the middle of nowhere, with plenty of space to hide stockpiles of WMD from 50 trucks.

    Iraqi Air Force Second-in-Command, General Georges Sada, has lent his voice by claiming Iraqi civilian airliners were converted to fly cargo and then flew sorties into Syria carrying pallets of WMD under the guise of giving aid to a Syrian town that had been inundated by water from a broken dam.

    Of course all this information has been faked by the evil mastermind, Karl Rove, who outted Joe Wilson’s CIA operative wife Valerie Plame and then used Scooter Libby as a scapegoat to deflect attention away from the 10,000 bloated corpses that were secretly buried in the hole made by the bombs the Army Corps of Engineers blew up the levees with by order of Bu$Hitler.

  • 153 everthink // Feb 5, 2007 at 2:25 pm


    Oh you wart! You are a shameless Chickenhawk, who has given NOTHING to America; but, still you believe it is your right to challenge those who have.

    It is you who should be ashamed to attack those who have proven their love of country by the service for which their nation has honored them. Henry, when I die, I am will be carried under a flag draped coffin, to a National Cemetery, where there will be an Honor Guard, a rifle salute, and the playing of Taps, after which the flag will be presented to my widow, or next of kin, at which time these words will be spoken: “With the thanks of a grateful nation”. I will then join those men and women of my family of whom I have so much reason to be proud. I believe my fore-fathers will be as proud of me, as I am of them. I believe I act now as they would act today.

    What about you, Dorkie? Can you say the same.

    Your own family today disagrees with you stupid view of the world. Previously, I just let it go when you told me; even though they were Democrats, they were southern Democrats unlike me. Does this still mean they vote Democrat? Then according to you they support the party which supports abortion.

    Just look at what you have done to men you should respect and honor like “your own” Chuck Hagel, and John McCain. Look at what you have done to the Silver Star awarded to John Kerry. You have brought into question the decorations of all veterans, yet you claim to “support the troops”.

    Look at what your filthy group did to Max Cleland a senator who lost three limbs in Vietnam, want reconsider his purple heart? Your disgusting bunch said he was weak on defense.

    Henry, if you people really understood defense you would know, 9/11 was on Bush’s watch. He failed to do the things he should have to prevent the attacks, he failed to react as he should have after the attacks, he resisted the forming of the 9/11 Commission, he rejected the conclusions; and America is still vulnerable to attack!

    He has not avenged our dead or removed the threat. He has turned the concern of world for America into disgust. He has said: “Bring it on”, and the enemy took up his challenge and our warriors have died.

    Even now he sticks his finger in the eyes of countries which pose a threat, but have not acted against America.

    You chose a guy who was either too irresponsible to show up ,AS ORDERED, for a drug test, or was afraid to do so, resulting in his removal from flight status, throwing away the opportunity the five hundred men on the waiting list would have treasured.

    You took a guy, who couldn’t make Captain after six years service, and made him CNC.

    Then you say, I’m “Ripping the Commander in Chief with thinly-veiled lies”.


  • 154 everthink // Feb 5, 2007 at 2:48 pm


    Your post 149 sounds like a threat to me.

    If it is, BRING IT! I am armed, well qualified, and able to defend myself.

    Of, the three possible outcomes, two are bad for you.

    In the one outcome you have, even if you succeed, your threat is well documented; and you’d better hope the authorities get to you, before my three sons.

    Do you threaten me in the name of your god?
    Is he Allah?


  • 155 everthink // Feb 5, 2007 at 3:00 pm


    “Iraqi Air Force Second-in-Command, General Georges Sada, has lent his voice by claiming Iraqi civilian airliners were converted to fly cargo and then flew sorties into Syria carrying pallets of WMD under the guise of giving aid to a Syrian town that had been inundated by water from a broken dam.”

    Why hasn’t Bush told the people this? He certainly isn’t afraid of offending Syria is he?

    If any official source makes this claim I will reconsider my position. If reasonable proof can be offered, I will apologize, and join you.

    Now, note the term “official source”! That’s means government including the administration; but it does NOT include Drudge, or any other nut blog.


  • 156 everthink // Feb 5, 2007 at 3:07 pm


    Do you use IEDs, or shaped charges?

    I think you can be certain a federal agent is observing this site right now, anything you’d care to add.


  • 157 onlineanalyst // Feb 5, 2007 at 3:14 pm

    In the interests of information sharing re climate change, may I direct you to this link. Because it is highly technical, I must say that it is beyond my ken, but it does conclude with a warning about linking politics to an area where much of the research is not as conclusive as the more-cited summaries attempt to lead us to believe.

    You may have cited this source already. I confess that I did not yet read your own citations.

    Bottom line: Whether climate change is anthropogenic or not has not been definitively determined.

    Here are a few concluding paprgraphs of the Prof. Pielke’s piece noted above:

    I want to lobby for decency, modesty, honesty, integrity and balance in climate research. I hope and pray we lose our obsession with climate forecasting. Climate simulations are best seen as sensitivity experiments, not as tools for policy makers. I said it in 1990 and I am saying it now: the constraints imposed by the planetary ecosystem require continuous adjustment and permanent adaptation. Predictive skills are of secondary importance. We should stop our support for the preoccupation with greenhouse gases our politicians indulge in. Global energy policy is their business, not ours. We should not allow politicians to use fake doomsday projections as a cover-up for their real intentions. If IPCC does not come to its senses, I’ll be happy to let it stew in its own juices. There is plenty of other work to do.

    In 1976, Steve (Stephen H.) Schneider published a book entitled The Genesis Strategy. It made quite an impact on me at the time, primarily because Schneider did not promote technological fixes, but a global strategy of what is now called Adaptation, an idea reluctantly and belatedly embraced by IPCC. Those were the days of Nuclear Winter, weather modification, Project Stormfury, stratospheric ozone destruction, and the sick idea of seeding all Arctic ice with soot to prevent the next ice age. In the preface to his book, Schneider quotes Harvey Brooks, then Harvard dean of engineering:

    “Scientists can no longer afford to be naïve about the political effects of publicly stated scientific opinions. If the effect of their scientific views is politically potent, they have an obligation to declare their political and value assumptions, and to try to be honest with themselves, their colleagues and their audience about the degree to which their assumptions have affected their selection and interpretation of scientific evidence”.

  • 158 upnorthlurkin // Feb 5, 2007 at 4:27 pm

    Uff da! the temp has shot up to -5° !! Has anyone seen Algore? We could use him and his CO2 up here for a while!! :-)

  • 159 Ghoti // Feb 5, 2007 at 4:29 pm

    ET, assuming that I am “Pompom” (used by cheerleaders and dancers a few decades ago, never used in bands), I’m still awaiting an answer to my question on #132 (regarding your assumption that killing one cave-dwelling rat would end the world’s problems with terrorism).

  • 160 onlineanalyst // Feb 5, 2007 at 5:13 pm

    Though the information in this reflective editorial will not shine any heat for those of us in the multi-day frigid zone, it may shed a little more light on the global-warming issue as presented in the IPCC report.

    …”The new report has consolidated the twelve factors (in global “forcings”- an IPCC terminology) into just nine; yet the IPCC still says our level of understanding is “low” or “medium-low” for six of the nine.

    Gone from the latest summary is the infamous “hockey stick” of the 2001 report. This was a graphic purporting to show that the planet is warmer today than at any time in the last thousand years, a demonstration which required erasing the inconvenient medieval warm period and the little ice age. The new IPCC report has also reduced its estimate of the human influence on warming by one-third (though this change was not flagged for the media, so few if any news accounts took notice of it). That reduction is one reason the IPCC narrowed the range of predicted future warming, and lowered the new midpoint — i.e., the most likely prediction of temperature increase — by a half degree, from 3.5 degrees Celsius in 2001 to 3 degrees in this report. The new assessment also cuts in half the range of predicted sea-level rise over the next century. Now the maximum prediction is about 17 inches, as compared with the 20 to 30 feet Al Gore dramatizes in his horror film. (Which truths are inconvenient now?) There are murmurs from the green warriors that the new report is a disappointment, and no wonder.”

  • 161 everthink // Feb 5, 2007 at 5:31 pm


    Sorry, I’m shouldn’t have called you Pompom, but, can’t say I won’t do it again; but I will try.

    One of the most aggravating things for me here, is the tenancy right-wing extremist toward all, or nothing conclusions. You all have picked up this thing for putting words in the mouths of your opponents. You say: (regarding your assumption that killing one cave-dwelling rat would end the world’s problems with terrorism).



    Ghoti, do you see the word “first” in that statement? To me that was suggest it was a priority, not a conclusion.

    Ghoti you are an educated man, and you claim to be morally upright, can’t you see anything wrong with doing this.

    Everything I say here, is stirred into something, nobody would swallow. But then, each moron in turn, comes to me with a spoonful trying to jam it down my throat.

    But you, Ghoti, are so strong! You bested the troll! Maybe you should take a bow! If I don’t bother to answer you next time, why don’t you just assume you won, and don’t bother me further.


  • 162 Darthmeister // Feb 5, 2007 at 5:34 pm

    MSNBC: The (chickenhawk) Senator John McCain recently warned, “I believe the consequences of failure are catastrophic. You will see Iran more emboldened if we leave. Eventually, you could see Iran pose a greater threat to the state of Israel.”

    But McCain, who spent 5 ½ years as a prisoner of war after his Navy plane was shot down in 1967, recalled the Vietnam War’s lessons. “We left Vietnam. It was over. We just had to heal the wounds of war,” he said. “We leave this place, chaos in the region, and they’ll follow us home. So there’s a great deal more at stake here in this conflict, in my view, a lot more.”

    McCain said he based his judgment partly on the writings of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the al-Qaida leader in Iraq who was killed in a U.S. air raid, and of Osama bin Laden.

    neverthink, one fails to understand how someone who has railed against EVERY war policy that this administration and the American government has committed itself to (up to when the Demoncrats took over Congress) in protecting the people of the United States from terrorists and rogue states can say with a straight face they are “patriots”. Your Orwellian double-talk is breathtaking and clearly a product of your self-imposed delusion. You may comfort yourself with the lie that you’re some grand patriot on a plane above everyone else because you’re privy to secret knowledge which somehow proves the present conflict in which we are engaged against international terrorism is “illegal and immoral”, but the rest of us are not buying into your partisan insanity when you’ve opposed the American government’s policy of taking the war to terrorists abroad every step of the way. You say support the Bush Administration and military in the GWOT and you’re a traitor, endlessly criticize and mock the same and you’re a patriot is mindnumbing.

    Whether you want to admit it to yourself or not, American troops are engaged in a shooting war with Muslim radicals in Iraq and Afghanistan and unilateral withdrawal is not an option. If there is any lesson we should have learned in Vietnam is that America cannot betray the Iraqi people the way we betrayed the South Vietnamese people. But clearly you aren’t worried about such an aftermath since you seem prepared to also blame President Bush for acting on your cut-and-run/”redeployment” policy! And this time the enemy will certainly follow us home.

    We’ve still yet to hear from either you or the rest of the DimDonks your plans for dealing with an emboldened enemy if we cut-and-run and let them turn Iraq and Afghanistan into more staging areas for Islamic terror.

  • 163 onlineanalyst // Feb 5, 2007 at 6:30 pm

    Senator Lieberman has just made a speech of consequence before the Senate. It’s too long to reprint here, so I’ll just link to it.

    Consider his remarks carefully, for they rise about petty partisanship and reflect a concern for our nation’s resolve and its security.

  • 164 everthink // Feb 5, 2007 at 6:35 pm

    No Dorkie, McCain is no Chickehawk! McCain is a hero!

    Oh, he wasn’t a weekend warrior with the Texas Air National Guard, or anything big like that; but he contributed something, unlike you.

    Don’t you remember what I told you silly? Only slackers like you who love war, when others fight it, like you, are Chickenhawks.

    “neverthink, one fails to understand”. How true! How true, when one fails to think?

    Hence, everthink? (ET)

  • 165 Darthmeister // Feb 5, 2007 at 7:19 pm

    Kill Osama First

    Osama may already be dead and if not, he certainly doesn’t appear to be in operational control of al Qaeda

    Are You a Chickenhawk?

    “Chicken hawk” isn’t an argument. It is a slur — a dishonest and incoherent slur. It is dishonest because those who invoke it don’t really mean what they imply — that only those with combat experience have the moral authority or the necessary understanding to advocate military force. After all, US foreign policy would be more hawkish, not less, if decisions about war and peace were left up to members of the armed forces. Soldiers tend to be politically conservative, hard-nosed about national security, and confident that American arms make the world safer and freer.

    …You don’t need medical training to express an opinion on healthcare. You don’t have to be on the police force to comment on matters of law and order. You don’t have to be a parent or a teacher or a graduate to be heard on the educational controversies of the day. You don’t have to be a journalist to comment on this or any other column.

    And whether you have fought for your country or never had that honor, you have every right to weigh in on questions of war and peace. Those who cackle “Chicken hawk!” are not making an argument. They are merely trying to stifle one, and deserve to be ignored.

  • 166 Godfrey // Feb 5, 2007 at 7:32 pm

    Hank: I don’t find your position very convincing and it was a cheap shot aimed at people researching intelligent design.

    It was a shot, sure, but not a cheap one! :-)

    Evolutionists should welcome them since competing theories would 1) open new doors of investigation and 2) only end up proving the superiority of evolutionary thought.

    I absolutely agree with you. In fact evolutionists do welcome competing theories…so long as they’re based on scientific methodology. As I pointed out above, that’s exactly the reason evolutionary theory has changed over the years. New theories are tried and tested, experiments are replicated, further observations are recorded and this new knowledge is added to the greater body of evolutionary science. New theories are put forward all the time, but in order to be accepted they must withstand basic testing.

    This doesn’t happen with ID. Please point to some successful, replicable experiments the IDers have conducted that prove their theory (or that undermines evolution). If it really is science, surely they have evidence.

    But they don’t and it’s not. ID is more of a philosophy than anything else. And even as a philosophy it doesn’t stand up to scrutiny since, as I said in a previous post, what they postulate isn’t supportable by evidence. They begin with a conclusion and cherry pick evidence to support it.

    You once told me you’re not an ID enthusiast. Has this changed?

  • 167 Ghoti // Feb 5, 2007 at 7:56 pm

    ET, you may call me anything you wish. The little name-calling stunts do no harm, and if they are the best you have, use them.

    Your entire post (#130) insinuates that bin Laden/al Qaeda is the only terrorist threat out there, and that we should be fighting/killing them. I can’t imagine a better reason to continue the fight in Iraq, where we are eradicating al Qaeda members (disguised as civilians) every day.

    I didn’t take your “Kill Osama First!” comment out of context; I considered your post in its entirety.

    You said, “If we must lose ten times the number that has been lost, so be it; but get Osama now!” You’re willing to sacrifice 30,000 of our troops to kill a man who is afraid to leave the security of his cave? A guy who can’t even find his Camcorder anymore?

    Is that the official/final position of most Democrats, or will their stance change once he has been killed or captured/executed? It is easy to see the headlines in advance: “Poor, Sick, Helpless Man Dragged From Cave”: World Leader of Religion of Peace Assassinated - Executed by Celebrating Mob of Vindictive U.S. Troops” (who we support, of course).

    Until that day comes, I hope he runs out of fuel for his kerosine heater while we’re going through the current phase of global warming.

  • 168 Godfrey // Feb 5, 2007 at 7:56 pm

    OLA: Thanks, I’ll read that. I’ve been trying to go over the actual reports from the scientists themselves rather than the assessments and briefs because such distilllations invariably contain the opinions of the people who wrote them…which include polical appointees.

    It’s a long process…I have always had an acute interest in science but I’m by no means a scientist myself.

    “Climate simulations are best seen as sensitivity experiments, not as tools for policy makers.”

    On this front you might be interested in reading the eigth article in the series I linked to, called “The Limits of Predictability.”

    An excerpt regarding a man who used to be a highly respected climate scientist:

    Because [Henk Tennekes’s] critiques of climate science ran afoul of the orthodoxy required by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, he was forced to leave. Lesser scientists, seeing that even a man of Tennekes’s reputation was not free to voice dissent, learned their lesson. Ever since, most scientists who harbour doubts about climate science bite their tongues and keep their heads down.

    As a lover of science this appalls me. The people who say “the science is settled” don’t seem to undestand that science is never “settled”; it’s an ongoing process and new scientific theories should be welcomed, not discouraged.

    These are muddy waters for the layman to tread.

  • 169 Ghoti // Feb 5, 2007 at 8:01 pm

    Yeah, I know - kerosene.

  • 170 Fred Sinclair // Feb 5, 2007 at 8:03 pm

    everthink I wish I knew what you were talking about, probably only you could possibly know, maybe it’s just your own guilt ridden paranoia?. When and with what did I threaten you? Your brain damaged cells are showing. You say you are armed? Well one of my arms is disabled as a result of a stroke but I use the other arm to peck out posts to ScrappleFace.

    Did you possibly have MACK in mind? Please tell me that you are not quite that stupid. You couldn’t possibly connect our noble MACK wth a Mac? MACK consistantly writes in response to your babbling, running over all of your liberal insanities, mashing them flat! Go back and read MACK’s # 103

    “Reading Never-think’s stuff is a lot like listening to a five year old explain why he broke the cookie jar”. (Feb 4, 6:11 PM) and # 106 “Why should they have to when all they have to do is breed. Even stupid animals have mastered that.” (Feb 4, 6:52 PM) Since we conservatives deal with truth and facts we all serve as a threat to your brillance.

    We expose you for who and what you are. You come trolling around in a conservative blog spreading your venom and your lies. You refuse to deal with facts as they always expose your liberal socialism. Our Meister of course is Darthmeister who does as good as or at times an even better job of mashing your pitiful mouthings as flat or flatter than MACK does.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 171 Godfrey // Feb 5, 2007 at 8:10 pm

    OLA: funny! Reading the article you linked to I just noticed that the guy my article cites is the same guy your article cites: Henk Tennekes.

    Great minds think alike. :-)

  • 172 onlineanalyst // Feb 5, 2007 at 8:27 pm

    Wow! I had a sense of deja vu when I read your #168 post. I knew I had read that name elsewhere in my noodling around today.

    What concerns me about the climate-change devotees is that they insist their claims are right because they reflect a consensus of peer-reviewed research, but if we dig around a little, it seems that many opposing scientists well-versed in climatology and related fields have been denied publication and otherwise silenced. They are the Galileos, the heretics being ostracized by the Gaia worshippers who have a political agenda.

  • 173 egospeak // Feb 5, 2007 at 8:40 pm

    Re: 124,

    You are quite correct when you state that you didn’t say, “conservatives to be shut out of the political system“. However if you reread my original post you will see that I did not accuse you of saying that. In point of fact what I said was, “I doubt that you, even in your most fevered state, believe that… then again based on the antics of some of your fellow travelers………..” with the implication being that some in your party may believe conservatives should be shut out of the political process, based on some of the things they say and do. I’m sure you are aware that some in your party want to reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine. That is just one example.

    As to whether it is any of our business who you choose in ‘08, I guess it depends on how one defines business, however for the sake of comity I’ll concede your point.

    I’m impressed that you picked up on “fellow travelers“, however once again I think you missed the greater point, that being that there are some in your party who while perhaps not actual members of the Communist party are certainly sympathetic to communist ideas. Did you hear of Hillary Clinton talking of confiscating oil company profits? All for the greater good, of course. That’s hardly a free market concept? What about groups like INTERNATIONAL A.N.S.W.E.R.? Code Pink???

    Regarding our troops and the good they are doing, good has many definitions. At an absolute minimum they are providing a buffer between the warring factions in this civil war (your words). Can you imagine the slaughter if they weren’t there? They are killing terrorists… oh wait a minute, I forgot, there aren’t any terrorists in Iraq. Sorry, my bad.

    As someone else has already mentioned, it was your party that cut off funds to South Vietnam in 1975 which led to their being overrun by the North in April of that year. I’m sure it was just an unfortunate memory lapse that caused you to forget that Congress controls the purse strings of the government, not the President.

    If my example of the Battle of Cold Harbor is irrelevant to the conversation, pray tell what is it that makes your example of Custer at Little Big Horn relevant?

    There can be no plan without power. It is interesting you should say that and then reference the plans of Biden and Clark neither of whom have the slightest possibility of being elected in ‘08. What are the plans of Clinton, Obama, Edwards? Is it coincidence that their plans essentially boil down to “cut and run?”

    Speaking of running, I’m pretty sure that MacArthur was ordered out of the Philippines, so your example is IRRELEVANT.

    It’s been fun,

  • 174 GnuCarSmell // Feb 5, 2007 at 8:48 pm

    Hillary’s icy presence could reverse global warming. She’s like a hoarfrost.

  • 175 Darthmeister // Feb 5, 2007 at 8:53 pm

    It’s not serving in the military that makes a person a “hawk”, but rather someone serving on the battlefield, on the frontlines, firing upon the enemy that is a true hawk, neverthink. Since you are trying to make distinctions between true “hawks” and “chickenhawks”, what battlefield did you serve on that gives you the unbridled right to call the rest of us “chickenhawks”?

    No, Godfrey, it hasn’t changed. As I’ve said before, if evolution was a verifiable, repeatable, directly observable phenomenon under the most liberal understanding of the Scientific Method, I have no problems with embracing macro-evolutionary theory.

    There are plenty of devout Christians who are theistic evolutionists. I simply don’t see the evidence, just a lot of highly imaginative connect-the-dot hypothesis which change from one generation to the next, sometimes in very fundamental details - except for the everpresent mantra there is no such thing as a Creator God in our universe. This is a fascinating conclusions given that the Theory of Evolution as it is presently proposed can’t possibly answer that question since it is entirely possible that an extra-dimensional Creator has used completely naturalistic means to evolve life in what we observe to be our physical universe.

    So you see, I have no real impediments in believing that behind evolution there exists a Creator. You, on the other hand, have leapt to conclusions about the impossibility of there being a Creator, conclusions which aren’t warranted by the limited scope of the Theory of Evolution itself but rather as a matter of personal faith. The Theory of Evolution no more disproves the existence of a Creator than does the Helio-centric view of our solar system.

    Technically speaking, the basic tenant of the Scientific Method is that you can only disprove, you can never prove anything scientifically. Now, as in a court of law, we may be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt; but only by not being able to disprove. Not disproving is not the same as proving, it does not mean that our hypothesis is right, it only means that no one has been able to develop a test which actually disproves our explanations.

    Until Evolutionary Theory can be observed, predicted and proven like the Law of Gravity, I’m afraid I’m a disbeliever in Evolution.

  • 176 Mack // Feb 5, 2007 at 9:43 pm

    The wisdom of the ages is lost on the trolls around here. I am sure that some where in that diatribe one of the multi named ones said something in response to what I wrote yesterday. But truthfully I don’t care to waste my time reading it, drafting an articulate response for fools who pick grammatical errors as talking points is a waste of my time.

    I note they avoid confronting the facts unless they have some other lie to throw out. That causes other people to waste their time writing articulate responses in rebuttal. Not going to bother when I am right and they know it. I do grin knowing this will fluster and bluster them to no end while my friends and fellow conservatives laugh at them.

  • 177 Mack // Feb 5, 2007 at 10:17 pm

    Hey troll thing, have you heard of the book “Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining?”

    How about the old saying “if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it must be a duck?”

    What you say or attempt to argue about is immaterial. Your message identifies you. I’ve seen your kind out there running the streets with the cute orange watch caps shilling for Howard Dean during the last Presidential caucuses. You are anti-American. You do degrade the people who have fought and are fighting to preserve your safety and freedom, and you do lie continuously and knowingly to do it.

    You can say what you want but in the end you are still worthless and you are still empty and most of all, you know it. The funny thing is that we all know it too. I won’t bother to read what you write in any of the personas you pose as, so save your key board.

  • 178 everthink // Feb 5, 2007 at 11:58 pm

    Hey Mack,

    176 & 177

    I see you have issues big mouth! What a hash of goofy BS.

    One little wise crack after another. When you can get you head around another one crack I guess there’ll be a 179!

    You seem pretty stupid to me! But, thanks for the input anyway.


  • 179 Godfrey // Feb 6, 2007 at 1:50 am

    Hank…if evolution was a verifiable, repeatable, directly observable phenomenon under the most liberal understanding of the Scientific Method, I have no problems with embracing macro-evolutionary theory.

    Um…it is verifiable, actually. And it’s directly observable in some instances as well.

    When insects develop resistance to pesticides, evolution is occurring. Natural selection can change an entire species of insects over the course of only a few years.

    You might say that this is only “microevolution” but that’s not entirely true. In fact the distinction is a bit misleading. The most widely accepted view among evolutionary scientists today is that microevolution and macroevolution are in fact that same thing; the only difference is the time scale on which they take place. Given the huge span of time this planet has existed, why would it seem even remotely implausible that the same thing that is directly observable in insect populations (many times over) also applies to other forms of life?

    Even if you prefer to separate the two, however, there are other observed instances of evolution at work, including full speciation observed both in the laboratory and in the wild. What more evidence do you need?

    As for verifiability, evolution has predicted, prior to discovery, what was later found throughout the fossil record; comparative anatomy, genetic sequences, geographical distribution of species all support the theory of evolution. Such predictions have been verified over and over again. The amount of evidence that supports evolution is huge. Why do some people pretend that it doesn’t exist?

    I wonder, what sort of verification would you accept?

    Given the preponderance of evidence, claims that evolutionary theory is the result of some cabal of shifty-eyed mad scientist-types with a secular humanist agenda are difficult to take seriously.

    …except for the everpresent mantra there is no such thing as a Creator God in our universe.

    I’ve personally never heard an evolutionary scientist cite evolutionary theory as proof that there isn’t a God. Perhaps some have, but since religion is so contentious an issue they usually just stick to their discipline. And being scientists they tend to realize the futility of addressing claims that are non-falsifiable.

    Moreover your statement conflicts with your assertion that some people who believe in God also believe in evolution. The mantra isn’t universally accepted among evolutionists, obviously.

    Evolution doesn’t necessarily conflict with the idea that gods exist…although I’ll admit it does appear to conflict with specific creation stories, including the ones in the Bible (and most other creation stories throughout the world). I think some people (like Pope John Paul II) understand this and find that a bit of revision is necessary for their worldview to survive. Others refuse (or are unable) to change their worldview and so they attack evolution in whatever way they can. I think this is where the intelligent design crowd gets most of its fan base.

    It’s worth noting that what I actually said had little to do with evolution: it was merely that the Intelligent Design proponents are not engaging in science when they put forward their ideas. And this is absolutely true. They cannot feasibly apply the scientific method to their claims. Nothing is verifiable or replicable. Intelligent design is the very definition of junk science.

    Until Evolutionary Theory can be observed, predicted and proven like the Law of Gravity, I’m afraid I’m a disbeliever in Evolution.

    Well, that’s your right, of course. But what is your rationale for disbelieving something with a mountain of evidence while simultaneously believing in something that has no evidence?

    Have you made this decision impartially? Or could it be that you have a vested interest in that position?

    It’s interesting that you compare evolution to the law of gravity (although you should note the distinction between a theory and a law, which has a more limited set of rules). In fact is there are still differences among scientists as to the mechanisms behind the law of gravity…but they all agree that the law is valid (at least those who don’t subscribe to the Intelligent Falling theory). The same goes for the theory of evolution; the details undergo rigorous scrutiny and constant revision but few biologists actually disagree that evolution does in fact take place. To take that scrutiny and revision as evidence that evolution theory is less than solid is to misunderstand the nature of science itself.

    I realize that science does not provide the neat, tidy answer that religion does…and I can see why this would put some people off. It’s not as comfortable or as reassuring as religion.

    But science has the distinct advantage of being supported by evidence…and if the intelligent design crowd has accomplished anything it has been to show that evidence is a luxury creationism cannot afford.

  • 180 Harry Daschle // Feb 6, 2007 at 2:16 am

    Sounds like the resident troll’s head is about to explode. “IT” had better get back on those meds!

    As for imagined “threats”, I’m surprized if “IT” indeed has 3 sons, they haven’t killed “IT” yet!


    BTW, talking about the moron troll, is NOT the same as responding to “IT”!

    Has anyone else noticed that libs do not know the meaning of shame, decency, or embarassment anymore?

    If they did, they wouldn’t be able to show their faces in public. Some prime examples, Kerry, Pelosi, Kennedy, Clinton(s), and Barney Frank.

  • 181 Godfrey // Feb 6, 2007 at 2:24 am

    Oops! The “Intelligent Falling theory” is here.

  • 182 Darthmeister // Feb 6, 2007 at 5:38 pm


    You bring up an interesting point. After studying evolutionary thought the last thirty of so years, the following plausibility profile represents my view regarding the various biological events in the history of life on earth that Evolutionary Theory must explain. My thanks to Larry Seldon in fleshing out the following analysis.

    What we actually know about random mutation (RM) and natural selection (NS), together with other known natural mechanisms and environmental events adequately explain “X”. For sake of comparison between the increasing difficulty in various biological events happening due to absolutely random events yields the equation RM + NS = X.

    X is the stated plausibility of each evolutionary event actually happening in the real world (10 = highly plausible; 0 = highly implausible):

    1. microevolutionary changes, such as bacterial resistance … RM+NS plausibility = 10

    2. minor macroevolutionary events such as the appearance of varieties of beetle species with no significant morphological changes … RM+NS plausibility = 5

    3. minor macroevolutionary events such as the appearance of horses and zebras from a common ancestor … RM+NS plausibility = 3

    4. moderate macroevolutionary events such as the appearance of horses, cows and sheep from a common ancestor … RM+NS plausibility = 2

    5. macroevolutioary events such as the emergence of whales and bats from a common mammal ancestor … RM+NS plausibility = 1

    6. the Cambrian Explosion (the apparently sudden appearance in the fossil record of many complex, multicellular animals, dated at about 540 million years ago) RM+NS plausibility = 0

    7. the origin of life itself- the first appearance of life on earth … RM+RS plausibility = 0

    As to #7 it’s obvious that natural selection cannot work on something that can’t reproduce. Evolutionists have yet to devise a working abiogenetic hypothesis that explains how self-replicating animate matter randomly arose for inanimate matter. Evolutionary cosmologists have also not been able to adequately demonstrate (thought they’ve bloviated a lot) how matter originally came into being from nothing. Simply invoking the Big Bang isn’t explanation enough since one still must explain the physical mechanisms which yielded the Big Bang.

    21st Century science is no longer under the illusion that a cell is a microscopic bag of complex goo. The only recourse open to Darwinists for species that look very similar but are genetically very different is convergent evolution. Unfortunately for them, it has been shown by mathematical analysis to be nearly impossible.

    Excerpt from last link:
    In discussing the origin of those proteins, biologists hardly at all consider convergent evolution because the origin of proteins is held to be a random process, at least ultimately, since selection can work only what the random process delivers as having a minimum adaptive value. The repetition of a random process with the same result is considered to be extremely unlikely. The supposed (un)likelihood, however, is almost never determined quantitatively. This paper attempts such a quantitative determination. It appears that the probability for the random origin of a definite protein is greater than what one would expect in view of the enormous number of equally possible nucleotide sequences in the corresponding gene since what is equally possible is not always equally likely. The probability, however, of the convergent evolution of two proteins with approximately the same structure and function is too low to be plausible, even when all possible circumstances are present which seem to heighten the likelihood of such a convergence. If this is so, then the plausibility of a random evolution of two or more different but functionally related proteins seems hardly greater.

  • 183 onlineanalyst // Feb 6, 2007 at 6:47 pm

    In case anyone is still tuned in to the global warming issue, here is a caveat about following the money. Global Warming Ethics, Pork, and Profit” traces the dollars and cents involved and who profits by creating a climate scare.

    Note: I think that the writer meant Jay Rockefeller, not Nelson, who long ago devolved into another carbon form.

  • 184 onlineanalyst // Feb 6, 2007 at 6:48 pm,_pork_and_profits

    Hmmm…The link showed up in the preview but not in the text.

  • 185 Global-Tepiding? » All Your Base R Causing Global Warming! // Feb 8, 2007 at 12:02 am

    […] ScrappleFace » Qaeda Sorry for Role in Man-Made Global Warming Mr. Zawahiri, in a videotaped message, said, “When I read the climate change report and saw that much of the problem is made of man, I said to myself, ‘Ayman, you will never win respect in the global community if you keep destroying Mother Earth with this human-based pollution.’” […]

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