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Arafat’s Peace Courier Explodes Unexpectedly

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2002-11-04) — Another courier carrying a message of peace from Yassir Arafat exploded unexpectedly today in an Israeli shopping center, killing and wounding an undetermined number of shoppers.
Arafat’s spokesman said the chairman of the Palestinian Authority was “as startled as anyone” that the courier had exploded.
“Every time we try to send a peace proposal to Israel, it blows up,” said the spokesman. “Perhaps we should switch to UPS, or FedEx…but we’re getting such good prices from HPS (Hamas Parcel Service).”
In a speech on October 29, Mr. Arafat assured Israelis that “we want to live alongside you as neighbors. We extend our hand to you in reconciliation and we extend the olive branch to resume the path that we began in Madrid and Oslo.”
“Obviously,” said Palestinian spokesman, “this is frustrating to Chairman Arafat. Perhaps he could use the telephone or fax next time.”

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0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Cato the Youngest // Nov 4, 2002 at 2:34 pm

    Arafat’s Peace Courier Explodes Unexpectedly

    ScrappleFace has another fairly unbalanced report.Arafat’s spokesman said the chairman of the Palestinian Authority was “as startled as anyone” that

  • 2 Trojan Horseshoes // Nov 5, 2002 at 10:51 am

    HPS: When it absolutely, positively has to be there before the timer runs down.

    ScrappleFace: Arafat’s Peace Courier Explodes Unexpectedly (2002-11-04) — Another courier carrying a message of peace from Yassir Arafat exploded unexpectedly