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Bush Sends Jack Bauer to Iran Talks

by Scott Ott · 103 Comments

(2007-01-15) — President George Bush, under pressure from the Iraq Study Group to open negotiations with Iran, today named a lead negotiator whom he said is already on the way to meet with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Jack Bauer, a freelance intelligence contractor and former agent with the Counter-Terrorism Unit (CTU), has been dispatched to Mr. Ahmadinejad’s office for a “diplomatic listening session” aimed at determining the best way to halt Iran’s nuclear weapons program, and shipment of arms to terrorists in Iraq.

“For some reason, people like to talk to Jack Bauer,” said Mr. Bush. “He’s a straight-shooter, good at establishing mutual understanding and I think he and President Ahmadinejad will come to a rapid agreement on terms favorable to global peace and security.”

Although Iranian government officials said no negotiations with the U.S. had been scheduled, Mr. Bush described the talks as a “unilateral diplomatic initiative that will be under way before they know it.”

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Tags: Global News · Media/Journalism · U.S. News

103 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 15, 2007 at 8:21 am

    Good morning all, Good morning Jack, who ever you are. #1?

  • 2 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 15, 2007 at 8:23 am

    Oh, I see he is a television hero—like Lassie


  • 3 Fred Sinclair // Jan 15, 2007 at 8:39 am

    I wonder if he had a chance to talk with Nancy “Tuna Fish” Pelosi, who as it turns out, just ‘happens’ to be the Senator from Starkist.

    She would have been very useful in instructing Jack in the proper manner of bending over and grabbing his ankles while involved with Ahmadinjad.

    She might even have loaned him one of her white flags to present to Ahmadinjad when they first meet.

    She might even have volunteered to accompany him so she could learn, for herself, first hand just how Muslims treat females in that reigon of the planet. (Of course Ahmadinjad would have to require her to don the veil before he could approach her) but then, that wouldn’t work, for I read that true Muslims are forbidden to touch swine - so I guess she would be safe enough.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 4 conserve-a-tips // Jan 15, 2007 at 8:50 am

    Ms Rightwing, Ink: The big question before the new season of 24 is, “Is Fox Set to Blow the Nukes on 24?”. And Jack, the hero, will have first-hand knowledge of what to do…not that I watch 24 (have been meaning to, but just don’t have time)…but I do read the Drudge Report. :-)

    Mig, from the last thread: Bless you and your husband and thank him for us for his service. We know why he is there!!

    Analchord, check back on the previous thread for answers to your question on why we are in Iraq.

  • 5 MargeinMI // Jan 15, 2007 at 9:20 am

    mig, Prayers going up for Stephen’s speedy and safe return!

  • 6 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 15, 2007 at 9:27 am

    Jack Bauer would chomp on Ahmadinejad’s neck and rip out his jugular.

    If I may, I would like to copy/paste my comment from the previous thread:

    Our mission in Iraq, now that a vicious, ego-maniacal mass-murderer has been brought to justice , is a mission we certainly did not ask for but has, nevertheless, been bestowed upon us because we, the majority of the American people (which are so often maligned with slanderous lies to the contrary), are the only ones left who have the moral courage to carry it out:

    Save the world (which includes us).

    Now, that may sound grandiose to the mis- or uninformed but it is, in fact, the dire truth.

  • 7 upnorthlurkin // Jan 15, 2007 at 9:40 am

    Hear, hear! I second Marge’s suggestion for prayers for Stephen and his safety, and adding my gratitude for his and his whole family’s sacrifice during this WOT! Godspeed, Stephen.

    JL3, well stated!

  • 8 nylecoj // Jan 15, 2007 at 9:52 am

    Ms RW like Lassie /Cujo offspring.

  • 9 mig // Jan 15, 2007 at 10:10 am


    Heh heh heh… Exactly like Cujo/Lassie off spring. Wonder if I could get me one of them.
    I love Jack.
    I’m gonna get another dog and name him Jack! And if it’s a smart girl with a funny streak, I’m going to name her Jocelyn, and that’s meant to be a compliment.

    Thanks for all the prayers. I told hubster that there were people all over the country that prayed for him, and he thanks y’all.

  • 10 Just Ranting // Jan 15, 2007 at 10:37 am

    Great!!! This whole thing will be cleared up in 24 hours!!!

  • 11 Just Ranting // Jan 15, 2007 at 10:38 am

    Or maybe the Eleventeenth hour!!!

  • 12 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 15, 2007 at 10:38 am

    Monster Bunnies For North Korea

    Colonel Karl Szmolinsky’s Kentucky Fried 토끼 (Rabbit)?

  • 13 nylecoj // Jan 15, 2007 at 10:49 am

    Thanks mig!

  • 14 upnorthlurkin // Jan 15, 2007 at 10:53 am

    Heh, heh, heh! Just the first of many I’m sure…Read this today at Rich Galen’s webite. The hypocrisy of the new speaker, Nasty Pulloutsy… Read how the new minimum wage bill exempts a corporation in Her Highness’ district!! Oh yeah,they’re going to clean up congress!

  • 15 Rock Slatestone // Jan 15, 2007 at 11:05 am

    The democrats are already complaining that 24 hours is not quick enough.

  • 16 Anonymous // Jan 15, 2007 at 11:17 am

    “Bush sends Jack Bauer”… we wish!

  • 17 conserve-a-tips // Jan 15, 2007 at 11:36 am

    Upnorthlurkin: Of course, they’re gonna clean up Congress…With Pulloutsy’s broom and ‘her little dog too’ (Reid). I just wish somebody would throw some water on her grandeur and watch her melt into oblivion. :-)

  • 18 gafisher // Jan 15, 2007 at 11:44 am

    As long as our Commander in Chief isn’t as angst-ridden as the lesser Palmers (how many more of these are going to pop up?) Jack’s got a fighting chance of getting Iran back to the table without Congress having him shot.

  • 19 boberinyetagain // Jan 15, 2007 at 11:49 am

    mig, a sincere “all the best” to hubby!

    Funny Scott, Jack could indeed make short work of things.

    How’s everyone been?

  • 20 seneuba // Jan 15, 2007 at 12:29 pm

    C’mon! This is obviously a job that only the I.M.F. (the ‘original’ with Peter Graves) could do.

    “Good evening Mr. Phelps. It seems the Iranian despot, I-m-in-da-john, is secretly building nuclear bombs for the express intent of using them on Israel and the United States. Our political leaders have failed in all attempts to get him to stop. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to fly to Tehran and blow up his nuclear capability. This will give conservatives the two years they need to return to power in Congress and the Senate and to preserve the White House in 2008. As always, if you or any of your IMF members are captured, CNN will tell everyone who you are and where you can be found. Good luck Jim. This Podcast will self erase in 5 seconds.”


  • 21 Darthmeister // Jan 15, 2007 at 12:42 pm

    Bush Sends Jack Bauer to Iran Talks

    Bush would do better by sending Jack to the Democratic Congress and clean house there since the DemDonks and RINOs are hellbent on losing the war against terrorism.

  • 22 upnorthlurkin // Jan 15, 2007 at 12:48 pm

    Oh, and “happy holiday”! :lol:

  • 23 Fred Sinclair // Jan 15, 2007 at 12:48 pm

    Mig, prayer for Stephen is a given. Let us know his progress. God knows all the prayers for me and my legs - prayer works! Present company excepted (of course) I now have the best looking legs in all of Michigan.

    Hey! Today’s a Federal Holiday! I keep wishing everybody - “Happy Holliday!!”

    I tell them I’m rejoycing in our winning the war on terror & Praise God! Only about 3000 military killed after all this time! News don’t get much better than that! - WWII we lost more than that in an hour! I’m praising God for Him putting the right man (George W. Bush) in place at the right time - to fight the right war in the right arena. (There-not here).

    The libs seem to require a nuclear bomb in Boston, New York City, New Orleans, San Francisco, Los Angeles and St. Louis. All 6 at the same time to convince them that - - -”Gee, we might be at war” maybe 20 - 30 million dead in a single afternoon, might get their attention???
    They might just shrug it off with “Well, we were over-populated anyway - lets go talk to them & see if we’ve offended them somehow to make us deserve this.” - [It’s all Bush’s fault - anyway]

    Jack Bauer would make it all un-necessary and the libs would want him sentenced to eternity in prison, for offending our peaceful neighbors, who are simply misunderstood. By stopping the peaceful plans of our Muslim terrorists, he denied them (the libs) the right to play their white flag card.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 24 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 15, 2007 at 1:02 pm

    Happy Holidays, hmmph. When I die they will erect a statue of me. Likely not in Washington though.

    Why, why, if it weren’t for me then…well, I don’t need to explain myself now do I.

  • 25 boberinyetagain // Jan 15, 2007 at 1:12 pm

    Never let facts get in the way of meaningful discussions…

    From the Phila Inquirer, Trudy Rubin, yesterday…

    According to the Army’s new counterinsurgency manual, you need 20 soldiers per 1,000 population to secure conflicted areas. By that math, 120,000 troops would be required to bring stability to Baghdad, a city of 6 million.

    There are 24,000 U.S. forces already in Baghdad, according to Pace, so even if 17,500 more U.S. soldiers dribbled in over five months, the numbers don’t add up.

  • 26 boberinyetagain // Jan 15, 2007 at 1:16 pm

    According to the Army’s new counterinsurgency manual, you need 20 soldiers per 1,000 population to secure conflicted areas. By that math, 120,000 troops would be required to bring stability to Baghdad, a city of 6 million.

    There are 24,000 U.S. forces already in Baghdad, according to Pace, so even if 17,500 more U.S. soldiers dribbled in over five months, the numbers don’t add up.

    Third time a charm??

  • 27 Darthmeister // Jan 15, 2007 at 1:22 pm

    If liberals and those who lie to themselves about being “moderates” hated Muslim terrorists half as much as they hate President Bush and conservatives who support the Glogal War on Terror, America would be twice as far down the road in draining the remaining swamps and dealing with rogue regimes.

    A house divided falls and don’t think for a second liberals don’t know this when they ceaselessly engage in their divisive lies and spin against the current administration. They also know the liberal media will help carry their water for them.

    Liberals are far more concerned with the state of the Democratic Party than about they are with the state of the union. Liberals will throw their own grandmothers under the train (particularly if she’s a conservative) if it would result in their gaining and consolidating more political power. The liberal’s dream of a “progressive utopia” outweighs all other considerations.

    Fred, irrespective of the ideological bent of perps who might murder more American civilians with dirty bombs, biological weapons or nukes, the left can be trusted to ramp up their blame-Bush/blame-America mantra. It could be albino Albanian terrorists and it would still be Bush’s fault. Partisan twits, and one day they will get exactly what they deserve for betraying America during these most trying and perilous times.

  • 28 boberinyetagain // Jan 15, 2007 at 1:29 pm

    Hank, is #25 a “divisive lie”?

    Or is sending a few more troops into a black hole claiming they will make a difference a “lie” of some sort?

  • 29 mig // Jan 15, 2007 at 1:35 pm

    “And the new Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and Senate majority leader Harry Reid are expecting plenty of support from Republicans across the aisle. Reid is counting on the support of at least 10 of the 49 Republican senators,” good grief. Change freaking parties already!

  • 30 mig // Jan 15, 2007 at 1:36 pm

    Thanks for all your prayers, and gee boberin in was nice missing ya.

  • 31 boberinyetagain // Jan 15, 2007 at 1:38 pm

    right back atcha mig!
    But I meant the “best wishes” to hubby just the same

  • 32 boberinyetagain // Jan 15, 2007 at 1:39 pm

    right back atcha mig!
    But I meant the “best wishes” to hubby just the same, seriously

  • 33 nylecoj // Jan 15, 2007 at 1:46 pm

    The only problem, Darth, with the ‘partisan twits’ getting what they deserve is that everyone else could end up in the cross-fire.

  • 34 upnorthlurkin // Jan 15, 2007 at 1:48 pm

    Yeah Mig, he supports your husband, just not his mission! Yup, that’s support all right!

  • 35 upnorthlurkin // Jan 15, 2007 at 1:51 pm

    re: 31, We’re all guilty, Nylecoj - just for being born dirty, rotten, Americans! We can’t do anything about it!! Blame America!! Blame Bush!!

  • 36 boberinyetagain // Jan 15, 2007 at 1:57 pm

    upnorth, if the mission had any chance of sucess it was blown long ago.
    If I had any faith the our leaders could change course enough to win (or even draw) now I’d still be much more likely to support such things but neither is the case, neither
    And that’s a shame

  • 37 Darthmeister // Jan 15, 2007 at 2:00 pm

    According to the Army’s new counterinsurgency manual, you need 20 soldiers per 1,000 population to secure conflicted areas. By that math, 120,000 troops would be required to bring stability to Baghdad, a city of 6 million.

    And you get those “20 soldiers per 1,000 population” when you add in the 80 to 90,000 Iraqi troops who will be securing Baghdad along side American forces. And that number continues to grow. And those Iraqi forces will have American advisers and coordinators embedded with them. This number is exclusive of indigenuous police forces.

    I wonder if you will accept this explanation as easily as you swilled down the negative news being spun but the liberal media and bloggers? Shameful.

    Also, the biggest “change” in Iraq policy hasn’t been the surge but rather liberalizing the rules of engagement in Iraq. The Maliki government will no longer keep American troops and Iraq Army forces from militarily engaging Shia militias. Virtually every soldier I’ve personally spoken to who have served in Iraq as well as what is being said at many milblogs, American troops have been long frustrated with the ridiculous PC rules of engagement.

    With a more even-handed approaching in killing Shia and Sunni troublemakers, this will send a new message to these jihadists, resist and you die. Already insurgent elements are getting out of Baghdad and hopefully their flight will make them easier targets as they try to set up camp elsewhere in Iraq. This goes to prove that when the steel fist of American might is removed from its velvet glove, jihadist wannabees will flee like rats.

    Having previously adopted a military doctrine pleasing to limpwristed liberals if they had been running a war, former commander of American forces in Iraq General Abizaid’s “small footprint” policy was an utter failure.

    The most successful part of the administration’s strategy has been, surprisingly, the struggle against al Qaeda. According to the apostles of novelty, this should have been the greatest challenge of all for the supposedly hidebound U.S. security structure. Yet a combination of conventional and unconventional approaches has kept this threat largely under control. The administration applied conventional military power (primarily bombers) in a supposedly novel way in Afghanistan to remove the Taliban from power and chase al Qaeda to the hills. Since then, aggressive intelligence, special forces, and covert operations have kept al Qaeda’s leadership on the run and broken up or preempted a number of attempts to attack the United States again … but to date, the Bush administration has succeeded beyond anyone’s expectations in defeating the most novel threat we face.

    Efforts to find new solutions for supposedly new problems elsewhere have not worked out as well. The “small footprint” approach in Afghanistan and Iraq has led to disaster. … In Iraq, the small footprint used in major combat operations clearly facilitated the rise of the insurgency. The slavish adherence to the “new” doctrines of a small footprint and putting the Iraqis in the lead on internal security has led to disaster. American forces were never allowed to establish security in Iraq and efforts to turn responsibility over to an unprepared and predominantly Shiite Iraqi military added to that failure.

    But how many commanding generals did Abraham Lincoln had to go through before he found U.S. Grant? Hopefully President Bush will find a modern day General Grant because this is a war that can and must be won despite the cheerleading of critics to the contrary.

  • 38 Tinman // Jan 15, 2007 at 2:00 pm

    Good one Scott. Jack Bauer, straight shooter, if he fires 200 bullets there will be 200 dead terrorists.
    For those who haven’t followed 24, the Muslims want it banned because it portrays Muslims as terrorists. So the first human bomb who blew up a bus (in the U.S. by the way) was oriental.

  • 39 mig // Jan 15, 2007 at 2:05 pm

    “For all those peaceniks, who think singing “We are the World” is sufficient to keep al-Qa’ida and other Jihadistan terrorists at bay: Give WAR a Chance, Peace had a chance.”
    ad-libbed from the Patriot

  • 40 boberinyetagain // Jan 15, 2007 at 2:07 pm

    Riggghhhtttt….Dream on Hank, if a man doesn’t have dreams, he doesn’t have anything….

    It will be different, Bush argues, because his new plan was really proposed by Iraq’s Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who has promised this time to provide security for Baghdad. The Iraqi leader has also promised, according to Bush, that he will no longer prevent U.S. troops from entering neighborhoods controlled by Shiite militias.

    I found it hard to believe that the president could make this claim with a straight face. This was not Maliki’s plan, as Maliki himself has made clear. On the contrary, the prime minister wanted Bush to pull U.S. troops out of Baghdad and give Iraq’s Shiite-led government carte blanche to go after the Sunnis.

    Maliki never even showed up for an Iraqi government news conference Thursday on the Bush plan. His advisers stressed - contrary to Bush claims - that Maliki would decide whether U.S. forces could enter Shiite areas. From conversations with Iraqi government leaders, I am convinced Maliki will not take on the Mahdi militia of the radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr - a prime goal of the new American plan.

  • 41 boberinyetagain // Jan 15, 2007 at 2:08 pm

    Disgusted, as usual…boberin out!!

  • 42 boberinyetagain // Jan 15, 2007 at 2:10 pm

    Oh, for reference puposes….

    This woman knows more about the war than George ever will, she bothered to study the situaion first. Imagine that

  • 43 mig // Jan 15, 2007 at 2:11 pm

    #39- promise?

  • 44 Fred Sinclair // Jan 15, 2007 at 2:22 pm

    boberin - Speaking in satire mode, you’ve got a great point! Fortunately God saw fit to not put me in charge.

    If I were in charge I might reassign all military (from Germany, S. Korea, etc.) With very specific orders. If it looks like a terrorist, walks like one, talks like one, is related to one or is even suspected of knowing one there would be NO captives or prison detainees. 100% body count, AI could go spit up a rope. With 4 or 5 hundred hundred thousand troops, it would soon be very difficult to find a terrorist anywhere.

    As I said, it’s fortunate God saw fit to not put me in charge. Since I’m somewhat to the right of Mr. Kahn and a small eyelash to the left of Mr. Attilla, Jack & I would get this mess cleared up in short order.

    Then with that behind us we could relocate everybody to our southern border & with a half million troops, create a 300 yard free fire zone, not a bush, rock or blade of grass. Bare earth, the troops would have the same exact orders. Zero detainees. Fox would come to appreciate that body count. We could load all of the bodies on a ship, tow it out into the Gulf and sink it.

    Heirborn Ranger
    (Satire mode off)

  • 45 Mrs. Kajun // Jan 15, 2007 at 2:48 pm


    Last thread # 65—Bravo Stephen!!!—and many thanks!

  • 46 Beerme // Jan 15, 2007 at 2:49 pm

    Great minds think alike (ahem).
    I’ve been planning on writing a short article about Twenty-Four on my blog, since last night. Then while driving home from the barber’s, Rush Limbaugh is dedicating his show to discussing the season opener, last night! I get home and fire up the ‘puter to write and find that Scott’s already suggesting Jack Bauer as a negotiator with Iran! Wow!

    Anyway, I love Twenty-Four. I even have a Jack Russell!
    Beer & Firkins

  • 47 Beerme // Jan 15, 2007 at 2:55 pm


    May I add my thanks for your husband’s service to this country? Now, that’s a hero!

  • 48 kajun // Jan 15, 2007 at 3:26 pm

    Even though I slept through much of the past two days (and nights). I did not have a dream!

  • 49 Harry Daschle // Jan 15, 2007 at 4:21 pm

    Maybe I’m wrong, but I cannot bring myself to watch “24″. Kiefer may be alright, but every time I’m tempted to tune in, I remember his daddy Donald Sutherland, (and what a big left wing lib he is), and decide against it!

    Believe it or not, I have never watched a full episode of M.A.S.H. either. When it was first run, I had just gotten out of the Army and had MUCH better things to do than watch TV.

    Then when they were rerun, I had already become a Conservative, and knew the left wing loony nature of most of the stars.

  • 50 Harry Daschle // Jan 15, 2007 at 4:23 pm

    Sorry, —-I meant to wish everyone a warm, fuzzy, and generic Happy Holiday!!!!

    AND——Go Colts!!! This is you’re year for a Super Bowl Championship!

  • 51 The Great Santini // Jan 15, 2007 at 4:33 pm

    After Jack gets Ahmedine-Nutjob’s undivided attention by slapping him silly and peeing on his Q’ran, Chloe delivers the coup de grace, a Taser™ shot to Mahmoud’s pencil neck and a swift kick to his privates (if she can find them).

    No episode of “24″ would be complete without the usual Contingent of Weasels (CoW)—Pelosi, Murtha, Teletubby™ Teddy, Hagel, the LSM, Joe “The Comb” Biden, and Pillary. United under the White Flag of the Fifth Column, they sneer, jeer, and preen, basking in the glow of the Twelfth Imam, al-Abject Surrender (when revealed, he’s actually an imposter—a drooling Paul Krugman, dressed in a burnoose and playing a hack writer, thus mirroring his real-life job—but I don’t want to spoil that episode for you).

    In Season 6’s concluding episode, Chloe, using her trusty cellphone, intercepts and videos a secret CoW session in which the Weasels burn an American flag while chanting “Death to America, especially all conservatives and other normal people!” and sat-links it to Jack, who is again on the run from the CTU for kneecapping Ahmedine-Nutjob and hanging the fake Twelfth Imam. Jack did so even after the New York Times and Bob Woodward had divulged Krugman’s true identity; they blamed The President, played by Harry Belafonte, for Krugman’s untimely demise.

    Jack goes bonkers. He kidnaps the CoW’s leading members, frog-marches them to cells at Gitmo, and tortures them by sleep deprivation, waterboarding, round-the-clock, high-volume reruns of Rush Limbaugh radio broadcasts, and by continuously shouting into their ears, “No substitute for Victory!”, until, a la “Mars Attacks”, their heads explode. (Who needs Slim Whitman?)

    After that triumph, Jack is captured, this time by blue-helmeted UN peacekeepers and their renegade leader, Kofi Annan. Viewers are thus prepared for Season 7 of “24″, in which Jack again saves the world, by drowning Annan in his oil futures and stuffing his body into an unnumbered Swiss bank account in Zurich, and by talking the General Assembly to death.

    We’re talking a ratings bonanza here!

  • 52 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 15, 2007 at 5:28 pm

    I wouldn’t blow my nose on Trudy Rubin’s column and I certainly would never trust the deceitful person who quotes her filthy column verbatim as if the words were their own.

  • 53 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 15, 2007 at 5:51 pm

    Hey, look! It’s not real life, it’s really only a movie!


  • 54 Darthmeister // Jan 15, 2007 at 6:34 pm

    Keifer Sutherland is also a liberal socialist. He was born in the UK to Canadian parents and believes in socialized healthcare, abortion blah, blah, blah, but at least he has the good sense to keep his political views to himself most of the time unlike the other you’re-entitled-to-my-opinion moonbat celebrities (and trolls). You know, SHUT UP WITH THE POLITICS AND DO WHAT YOU DO BEST LIKE ACT/SING/ENTERTAIN!

    But man, can Keifer act! Clearly the decisive and effective counter-terrorist character he plays is no limp-wristed, panty-waisted liberal and is probably quite the opposite of Keifer Sutherland the man. Jack Bauer is a b@!!s-to-the-wall conservative patriot whose sense of duty and moral compass gets him through the day despite the fact that feckless, appeasing, hoity-toity PC government hacks and bureaucrats are always trying to make his job of killing terrorists and saving America more difficult than it should be.

    Oh boberin, thank you for your inductive reasonings and argument by fortune cookie. You contribute little to the discussion because you merely regurgitate the conventional wisdom of the lamestream media WHICH WE REJECT HERE! Think about it. So why do you bother to repeat that which we already reject? That’s what this entire site is all about is making fun of the media narrative that people like you embrace! And then you bore us with more! Sheesh!

    I’m just glad someone like you wasn’t advising Abraham Lincoln on how to conduct the War Between the States because you would have considered the war lost even after the Gettysburg campaign.

    Think about it, if you and the modern media had been around on July 4, 1863, you would have lamented how the Union was losing the war because the South demonstrated an ability to actually drive within thirty miles of Washington D.C. and exact a terrible carnage upon Union troops (nearly 6,000 Union dead and 15,000 wounded) AND THEN GET AWAY SCOT FREE! Remember, we only have the benefit of hindsight today, but not those Americans tired of war living during the year 1863. And wasn’t the Union suppose to defeat the Confederates in less than three months? That’s what everybody in the North thought before First Bull Run (Manassas), probably including the Union War Department. LINCOLN LIED! THIS IS NO CAKEWALK. LET’S GIVE IN TO THE SOUTH’S DEMANDS. THIS IS AN ILLEGAL AND IMMORAL INVASION OF THE SOUTH!

    Actually there is more truth to these accusations than there is with the “Bush lied” meme.

  • 55 Darthmeister // Jan 15, 2007 at 7:37 pm

    Sunnis Blast Hangings of Saddam’s Two Henchmen
    Yeah, they’re right, a woodchipper would have been better.

    Pelosi warns Bush shouldn’t ‘abuse power’ on troop escalation
    When did she get elected Commander in Chief? She’s abusing her power speaking for the Congress in this manner and trying to usurp the power of the Executive Branch.

    Palestinian PM says Hamas will never recognize Israel
    It’s the Joooooos fault for being Joooooooos. And liberals think they can reason with these people? And Condi is starting to drink the kool-aid herself.

  • 56 GnuCarSmell // Jan 15, 2007 at 8:17 pm

    Forget talk. It’s time to unleash the “nuclear option.” Yes, that’s right: it’s time to explode a million picnic hams over Iran, putting vaporized pig in the very air they breathe.

    And by the way, Hormel® should be exempt from the minimum wage.

  • 57 upnorthlurkin // Jan 15, 2007 at 8:53 pm

    Okay, whhere is Hormel located? Whose district? If you followed my link we discovered San Fran Nan Pulloutski has exempted DelMonte (who owns StarKist Tuna and which is located along with Chicken of the Sea Tuna, in American Samoa) from the new Dhimmi minimum wage law. And just guess where DelMonte is located….yup!! San Francisco!!

  • 58 GnuCarSmell // Jan 15, 2007 at 9:48 pm

    Upnorth - According to :

    “Hormel Foods Corporation (NYSE: HRL) is a food company based in southeastern Minnesota (Mower County), perhaps best known as the producer of Spam luncheon meat. The company was founded as George A. Hormel & Company in Austin, Minnesota by George A. Hormel in 1891…”

    Don’t know who the congresscritter for this district is, but I am taking bets that he supports pork.

  • 59 Darthmeister // Jan 15, 2007 at 10:00 pm

    Hope you all watched the last two hours of “24″.

    Yes it is “only” a fictional television show but my question is this: Given a similar scenario, does anyone here seriously believe liberals could handle this kind of reality … or would the Donks and appeasers simply blame-Bush and conservatives for making Islamofascists detonate a nuclear device on American soil in the years to come?

  • 60 nylecoj // Jan 15, 2007 at 10:13 pm

    Okay Darthmeister, I alomost did not read that post on tonights 24. No ’spoilers’ allowed for the west coast crowd. :)

  • 61 nylecoj // Jan 15, 2007 at 10:15 pm

    I see I need to preview the preview pane

  • 62 Fred Sinclair // Jan 15, 2007 at 10:21 pm

    I thought it was even more interesting to learn that Pelosi’s husband owns 70 million dollars worth of stock in Starkist (per today’s Rush Limbaugh’s radio broadcast program).

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 63 » Blog Archive » Laugh Links - With Open Trackbacks! // Jan 16, 2007 at 12:09 am

    […] Scrappleface reports Bush Sends Jack Bauer To Iran Talks! […]

  • 64 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 16, 2007 at 12:47 am

    Oh shoot, I forgot to watch 24. Guess I will have to make it up by watching American Idol, or is that Idle

    Actually I rather be watching Barrett Jackson Auction on Speed Channel so I can cry over all the cars I used to have that are now worth real money. I can’t cry over 24

  • 65 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 16, 2007 at 12:48 am

    Disn’t I just say something?

  • 66 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 16, 2007 at 12:48 am

    Oh dis and dat, who cares

  • 67 nylecoj // Jan 16, 2007 at 1:06 am

    Dang! I just saw tonights 24
    Well tonight might have made you think about crying. Not over the show, but over the possibilities.

  • 68 Digital Brainwaves » Blog Archive » Fixing the ‘Iran problem’ // Jan 16, 2007 at 2:08 am

    […] Our troubles and misunderstandings with Iran will be over shortly. […]

  • 69 Godfrey // Jan 16, 2007 at 3:28 am

    Bush’s idea of diplomacy is, unfortunately, not too far from Scott’s satire in the above article. It’d be great if we could just send in Jack Bauer when the going gets tough but things in the real world don’t work that way.

    During the Israel-Hezbollah war last summer I took the position that the Bush administration was missing a golden opportunity to make the secular nation of Syria and ally and therefore further isolate and undermine Iran (and Iran’s support for the insurgency in Iraq).

    Luckily it looks like Israel’s about to do it for us.

  • 70 MargeinMI // Jan 16, 2007 at 5:47 am

    Good morning all!

  • 71 camojack // Jan 16, 2007 at 7:21 am

    Good morning…I’ve been away.

  • 72 Darthmeister // Jan 16, 2007 at 8:10 am

    Castro reportedly in “grave” condition
    Quite literally “grave”. All of Hell rejoices that another of Satan’s spawns will be soon coming home.

    Military Members Speak Out Against War…
    More accurately, about a 1000 out of 400,000 who have served in the sandbox are “speaking out”. Just like the lamestream media to focus on the smaller number since it fits their liberal anti-war agenda. Even it it was 10,000 it would still be a vast minority.

    Kucinich: Congress To Take On FCC, consider ‘Fairness Doctrine’, says ‘we are now in a position to move a progressive agenda’…
    You mean the progressive agenda to shut down conservative talk shows or create something similar to Title IX? Typical Nazi meddler.

  • 73 Darthmeister // Jan 16, 2007 at 8:15 am

    #58, my bad nylocej.

    I pulled a CBS/NBC/ABC/CNN when they first called Florida for Al Gore in 2000. As a result I’m duly chastened for my faux pax though the lamestream media wasn’t. I’m standing in my metaphorical corner.

  • 74 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 16, 2007 at 8:37 am

    Sooo, what happened on 24. I thought the blog would be full of chat about the hottest thing since Howdy Doody, of which folks still talk about 50 years hence.

    Oh the speed of life. What happened yesterday is soon forgotten about today.

    And Happy Good Morning from the slightly white dirty old factory town. (snow)

  • 75 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 16, 2007 at 8:43 am

    And…Flash from RightWing News Ink

    Cuban dictator Fidel Castro is critically sick and word deep from inside the luxurious island states that this time he may really die.

    Our sources also say a ‘53 Chevy hearse has been seen traveling around the Castro compound waiting for the old man to die

  • 76 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 16, 2007 at 8:45 am

    Edit alert

    Cuban dictator Fidel Castro is critically sick and word from deep from inside the luxurious island, states this time he may really die.

  • 77 Cricket // Jan 16, 2007 at 8:57 am

    Saddam is in a grave condition too, as is Arafat.

  • 78 conserve-a-tips // Jan 16, 2007 at 9:14 am

    Good morning, Ms Rightwing, Ink and Cricket
    We are freezing our tushies off at 6 degrees this morning and the roads are slick, slick, slick. Even Tinker AFB is opening two hours late. No schools are open and so the kiddos in the state are probably happy as clams. I think that I will stay put. Actually, I could put on my ice skates and skate down the road, but it would be bumpy and my knees just aren’t the shock absorbers they used to be!

    Oh, and I did hear about Castro. I am reasonably sure that he will have plenty of fire to light up all of his expensive cigars.

  • 79 Darthmeister // Jan 16, 2007 at 9:28 am

    Where there’s a will there’s a way and the anti-war people have long lost their way and now they’ve lost their will.

    Democrats Oppose The Escalation Many of Them Once Proposed.

    Remember all the previous Dem claptrap about Bush not using enough troops? Excerpted below:

    It’s inexcusable to surrender just because some prematurely lose faith in our military’s prowess. Until beating the enemy is beyond our capabilities, acquiescence is not an option. The only thing stopping the American government from crushing our foe is her collective unwillingness to accept the ugliness of victory.

    Through excessive demands for cautionary rules of engagement, too many of our leaders insist that Americans are only allowed to defend themselves up to the point where they don’t endanger the enemy’s fellow citizens through collateral damage. By that unenlightened measure, whenever there’s a moral conflict between our people and theirs, theirs must take precedent – such as with the Bush-Pentagon’s decision not to kill 200 Taliban fighters neatly packed together in July of 2006 because they were attending a funeral for another Taliban fighter with (other) bystanders!

    …If we’re not permitted to kill enemy fighters because of their own potential civilian death toll, then the enemy will live to kill more of us – both soldier and civilian. There’s a huge difference between fanatical jihadists targeting the innocent versus Coalition forces unintentionally killing them while in pursuit of those same jihadists.

    Of course dimbulb moonbats will vehemently disagree with the last sentence, or worse, pretend to agree with it while arranging their whole reasons for cutting-and-running from Iraq as if the last statement were really false. How many times have we heard how American forces and Bush are supposedly responsible for the deaths of 100,000 or, according to the fraudulent John Hopkins study, even 600,000+ innocent Iraqis in our war with “freedom fighters” when such demagoguery itself is an outright lie from the pits of Hell?

  • 80 upnorthlurkin // Jan 16, 2007 at 9:36 am

    Mornin’ Ladies and Gents! CAT, yes, stay in and stay warm!! Nothing is so important that it can’t wait til it’s safe! Our ice is now 3 weeks old and just a treat!! All lumpy and bumpy from melting and refreezing! I finally got the sidewalk cleared so there shouldn’t be any lawsuits but the driveway is still a skating rink! We’re finally supposed to hit the above zero mark today!! Yipee!!
    As for Castro, I hope he and Saddam are roomies and the cigars are just out of reach!!

  • 81 upnorthlurkin // Jan 16, 2007 at 9:42 am

    And just a small correction…Paul Pelosi owns $17 million worth of either StarKist or DelMonte stock….not $70 million. Okay, only seventeen million….never mind then….

  • 82 Maggie // Jan 16, 2007 at 9:47 am


    Your post answers my concerns about you.It may be cold outside,but at least you are safe and have electricity.Make a big pot of soup and snuggle up with a good book. “Pride and Prejudice” is always a great one day read.(among my favorites)
    Where is FEMA when you need them?……just kidding.

  • 83 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 16, 2007 at 10:18 am


    I watch the news and realize someone has tilted the country upside down.

    We are holding at 29 degrees and getting some lake effect snow

    LA is freezing, Austin Texas is suppose to get snow and we are having an above normal temps this winter.


    Enjoy the cold temps. At least it kills the bugs that just love damp, warm winters that keeps folks coughing and hacking

  • 84 upnorthlurkin // Jan 16, 2007 at 11:17 am

    I was going to mention that….germ free…only the biggest, toughest survive up here! Of course it also helps we only have about 650,000 people in the whole state….that’s a lot of sq ft per person!! You can sneeze without covering your mouth and still not hit anyone!! Ha!

  • 85 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 16, 2007 at 11:22 am

    An unofficial spokesperson for Oprah Winfree released nasty rumors in the form of an unofficial press release that she has or will bring a lawsuit against Borax Obama for releasing his official study group for The Democratic Run for the Dome on the Internet instead of on her nationally televised show for bored women.

    The unidentified spokesman said Oprah put a huge amount of pressure to keep Borax off the View, where Hillary Clinton is expected to announce her study group for the Run.

    “She lined up advertisers and Hollywood spokespeople for the unannounced day Barack was to stroll onto the set and leave America speechless, but now she has to run around and find a way to explain her downfall,” the spokesman said, after giving Alvin Gore the ability for Democrats to avoid television because the Internet is now the best bet.

    The following was sent to me on the “Internet” about the new candidate. Sort of sounds to me like the Antichrist.” Hmmm.

    Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black Muslim from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white atheist from Wichita, Kansas. Obama’s parents met at the University of Hawaii.

    When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya. His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a radical Muslim from Indonesia. When Obama was six years old, the family relocated to Indonesia. Obama attended a Muslim school in Jakarta. He also spent two years in a Catholic school.

    Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim. He is quick to point out that, he was once a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic school.

    Obama’s political handlers are attempting to make it appear that Obama’s introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his son’s education. Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam. Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta. Wahabism is the radical teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world.

    Since it is politically expedient to be a Christian when seeking major public office in the United States, Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his Muslim background.

    Let us all remain alert concerning Obama’s expected presidential candidacy.

  • 86 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 16, 2007 at 12:14 pm

    It was almost comical, the talk of Obama running for president in ‘08.

    It is almost comical that he’s actually going to run for president in ‘08.

    Almost, because if our election system has become so shallow in its choice of candidates that it’s all about looks and personality and not about track record, integrity, morality, patriotism or, even, political acumen, we might as well start learning how to wrap sheets around our heads and get a prayer rug.

    This is not the Academy Awards™. This is not American Idol™. This is the United States of America (no ™ required).

  • 87 Darthmeister // Jan 16, 2007 at 1:33 pm

    Two points about last night’s episode of “24″.

    1) The libs who saw the nuclear explosion scene probably started stressing about how this might help the Bush Administration and the GWOT.

    2) The libs who saw the nuclear explosion scene fleetingly thought to themselves that if the CTU SWAT guys and Jack Bauer hadn’t been pressing the Muslim “freedom fighters” so hard, they would have never been FORCED to blow up the bomb. And if they hadn’t been FORCED to blow up the bomb in Valencia, the Muslim terrorists would have had a change of heart and deactivated the suitcase nuke to show the world they mean no harm. (Buwahahahahahaha!)

    Of course this denies the reality that Islamofascists don’t need an excuse to engage in murder and mayhem in hopes of accomplishing their political goals.

  • 88 Darthmeister // Jan 16, 2007 at 1:37 pm

    Thanks Ms RightWing on the update concerning the stealth candidate, Osama Obama. I’m copying it and sending it along to others on my email list for their edification/education.

  • 89 Shelly // Jan 16, 2007 at 1:38 pm

    c-a-t, good to hear you’re not one of the millions they are talking about on TV. Hope you’ve got everything you need for a great pot of soup.

    This season of 24 definitely promises to be as edge-of-the seat as ever. We’re off!

  • 90 conserve-a-tips // Jan 16, 2007 at 2:27 pm

    Thanks Ms Rightwing, Ink, Upnorthlurkin and Maggie for the “warm” encouragements. :-)

    Yes, Maggie, Pride and Prejudice is just about the best book there is. Have read it over and over. I just got “Do As I Say (Not As I Do)” and am starting that. Oh, and I read John Grishom’s new book The Innocent Man, about a deathrow inmate from Ada, Oklahoma being found innocent. It is a true story, but Grishom’s take on it made me so mad that I nearly threw the book through the wall. I am seriously thinking about writing him and telling him to stick to fiction and leave his political nonfiction to those who know politics, instead of sucking us in to his political soapboxes. Sheesh. Made Oklahoma look like an outlaw haven of the late 1800’s with Marshalls and Sheriffs swaggering around with their Colt 45’s, spittin’ tobacco juice and carrying out their own brand of justice. And he even resorted to stereotypical lingo like “horse bidness” as how we refer to those who raise quarter horses. I don’t believe I have ever heard anyone say, “horse bidness”. It was an anti death penalty book for sure. OK, so I will stop the rant and read the obviously political book to which I referred in the beginning.

    Hmmm. I think that snowblindness and hypothermia may be affecting my normally calm brain.

  • 91 upnorthlurkin // Jan 16, 2007 at 3:01 pm

    What did I miss?! Has global warming been canceled yet?! (Again Scott, thanks for the preview and spell checker!) Now I’d like to request the return of your beautiful voice reading select posts!

    On another topic, please consider visiting Any and adopting a “troop” for Valentine’s day! I just can’t tell you how rewarding it is! Unbelievably, there are still a lot of them who need to hear from us! Still a lot who don’t get any other mail!!

  • 92 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 16, 2007 at 4:39 pm

    They claim to be the “grassroots” yet they are on the warpath to squelch the free speech thereof.

    This demonstrates their true megalomaniacal agenda and hatred of the masses.

  • 93 Godfrey // Jan 16, 2007 at 5:57 pm

    Here’s an article which contains, among other things, an interesting indictment of liberalism by a woman after my own heart (namely, a conservative atheist: what, you though I was the only one?).

    A sample: “Taking up journalism in the early 1990s exposed me to the total disconnect between liberal dogma about the underclass poor and the reality of their self-defeating behavior.

    A good read.

  • 94 Darthmeister // Jan 16, 2007 at 6:03 pm

    Ms RightWing, I’m trying to verifying the bio you posted concerning Barack Obama.

    So far I’ve found the first paragraph is virtually word for word for a very neutral rendering at Mr. Obama’s bio at Wikipedia. I’ve also found this posting which parallels your account. However, I’m finding it difficult to find a neutral site (and there might not be one) that can vouchesafe that Obama was educated at a Wahabist madrassas (school). It does appear that at least his second father was clearly a staunch fundamentalist Muslim, something that Obama desperately avoids mentioning.

    And here’s another Obama bio which should raise more than a few eyebrows about Obama’s own whitewash concerning his life story.

    There is also The Quiet Years at New York piece at the freerepublic blog which raises interesting questions about this possible stealth candidate. Of course left-wingers instantly sneer that this is what you expect from the freepers. Typical arrogant libs, discount an account without producing their own evidence to the contrary.

    Of course all this raises the question of whether we’re dealing with a Manchurian Candidate who has tried to hide his origins and other factors which may have shaped his life in ways we can only guess. Or is this some kind partisan attempt to smear Obama, which is what the various left-wing blogs (who have posted the same bio you did) contend out of thin air, railing about the right’s “religious bigotry” without producing a single shred of evidence which controverts the original claims of this Obama bio. I’ll keep checking into this because this is important. I’m totally open to any information which directly undercuts the various points being made in the Barack bio you posted.

  • 95 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 16, 2007 at 7:12 pm

    I Googled “Barack Obama Muslim” on Yahoo! saw this on the first page, which quoted Scott Turow, an alleged friend of Obama, stating he went to a Muslim school for two years, then two more years at a Catholic school and then to some prestigious private academy in Hawaii.

    An article on Free Republic says (among other things), “And while Obama may not identify as a Muslim, that’s not how the Arab and Muslim Streets see it. In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, so are you. And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. You cannot go back. In Islamic eyes, Obama is certainly a Muslim. He may think he’s a Christian, but they do not.”

    That being said, here is what Obama himself has to say. I may be naive, but I will take his word for it that he is a Christian (although, to Muslims, this will make him an apostate which is punishable by death) because of this, about half-way down the page:

    “It was because of these newfound understandings that I was finally able to walk down the aisle of Trinity United Church of Christ on 95th Street in the Southside of Chicago one day and affirm my Christian faith. It came about as a choice, and not an epiphany. I didn’t fall out in church. The questions I had didn’t magically disappear. But kneeling beneath that cross on the South Side, I felt that I heard God’s spirit beckoning me. I submitted myself to His will, and dedicated myself to discovering His truth.”

    Christians can be misled and deluded, just like anyone else, or this may be some kind of coded double-speak. Jimmy Carter is a good example with his anti-American, terrorist sympathies.

    That being said, his slams against right-wing evangelicals was wrong-uncalled for, in my opinion. The man is pro-abortion, pro-homosexual and has negligible political experience. He has no curriculum vitae that qualifies him for the office of president.

    Anyway, having said all of that-it would not surprise me one iota if the Manchurian Candidate analogy were to end up a reality. I suspect, that when push came to shove, he would be motivated by his desire to live up to his image and not by right or wrong.

  • 96 conserve-a-tips // Jan 16, 2007 at 7:16 pm

    Darthmeister, perhaps this might answer your questions. He is listed as a Christian of the United Church of Christ which, if you look on Wikipedia, is an ultraliberal Church body that has endorsed gay marriage and sanctions against Israel. I am not so worried about any Muslim ties as I am about his “wolf in sheep’s clothing” ties to “the church”.

    BTW, anybody, how do you do spell-checker on the preview? Remember that I am a little slow.

  • 97 conserve-a-tips // Jan 16, 2007 at 7:20 pm

    I forgot to say that on his government website, that is where he is listed as a member of the United Church of Christ.

  • 98 mig // Jan 16, 2007 at 9:51 pm

    Obama Jr. was born on August 4th, 1961, in Honolulu.
    Wow 6 weeks before me! That makes me nearly famous!

  • 99 Inoperable Terran » CTU // Jan 17, 2007 at 9:32 am

    […] Scott Ott solves Iran. No, really. Posted by Ian S. in […]

  • 100 Gegenstimme » Blog Archive » Ahnungslose Baueropfer // Jan 17, 2007 at 11:09 am

    […] Nachdem schon andere Pr�sidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von seinen Kompetenzen profitierten, hat endlich auch Bush erkannt: Es kann nur einen geben! Jetzt geht’s Adolfinedschad samt seinen Mullahs an den schmutzigen Kragen: �For some reason, people like to talk to Jack Bauer,� said Mr. Bush. �He�s a straight-shooter, good at establishing mutual understanding and I think he and President Ahmadinjad will come to a rapid agreement on terms favorable to global peace and security.� […]

  • 101 Not So Fast » Shouldn’t take more than a few hours // Jan 17, 2007 at 12:01 pm

    […] Probably 24. Iran problem: solved. […]

  • 102 Links for 2007-01-17 [] at Conservative Times--Republican GOP news source. // Jan 18, 2007 at 1:11 am

    […] ScrappleFace » Bush Sends Jack Bauer to Iran Talks […]

  • 103 Pros and Cons » Could there be a connection? // Jan 22, 2007 at 5:34 pm

    […] Not that there isn’t a lot of same old same old bad news out there, but really, it’s not like we’re worse off than the last time we saw this headline, only with “q”s where some “n”s were. Iran bars 38 nuclear inspectors - Focus on Iran. Doesn’t Tehran recall how that turned out? Haven’t they seen that movie before? Or perahps that TV show? […]

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