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Pelosi Takes Charge, Calls for Abortion Ban

by Scott Ott · 85 Comments

(2007-01-04) — Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, became the first female Speaker of the House today, and immediately called for a ban on abortion to promote social justice because almost 60 percent of aborted children are ethnic minorities.

“It took a long time to get a woman Speaker,” said Rep. Pelosi, “because we killed off 30-to-40 million potential Democrat voters in the last 35 years. Otherwise, by now we could have had a black lesbian Speaker, universal tax-funded healthcare, and a ban on ownership of guns, personal automobiles and private investment accounts.”

The Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade ruling, she said, was “a Republican plot to wipe out non-white racial groups, especially the poor, and thus to slow the growth of the Democrat party.”

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Tags: Politics · U.S. News

85 responses so far ↓

  • 1 camojack // Jan 4, 2007 at 9:11 am

    Too bad “San Fran Nan” didn’t go the rusty hanger route…

  • 2 Darthmeister // Jan 4, 2007 at 9:12 am

    I can guaran-darn-tee ya’ that if the roles were reversed and it was Republicans embracing Roe V Wade, you know that is exactly what the Donks would be calling abortion, a racist holocaust. But by the mere dent of embracing abortion, the left has sanctified this intra-uterine murder of unborn minorities and females.

    After all, the founder of Planned Abortionhood, Margaret Sanger was a liberal humanist racist who saw abortion as a means to eventually wipe out inferior races. Of course the libtards blindly defend this woman as if she were a saint, and in the religion of liberalism she is one of their patron saints!

  • 3 Darthmeister // Jan 4, 2007 at 9:24 am

    Reading Margaret Sanger temporarily dented my sanity. The word “dent” should be “dint”. eg - “But by mere dint of embracing abortion”.

    Abortion - one of the unholy sacraments of the religion of liberal humanism. The modern version of ingratiating oneself with “the fates” by killing unborn babies in hopes of improving ones life. The destruction of the most innocent of human beings.

  • 4 Maggie // Jan 4, 2007 at 9:32 am

    According to Fox News,Nancy says that she is now “the most powerful woman in America”.

    She is 3rd in line for the presidency.
    God Help America!

  • 5 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 4, 2007 at 9:39 am

    ain’t it the truth, ain’t it the truth ( Wizard of Oz quote)

  • 6 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 4, 2007 at 9:43 am

    Oh, and it is going to be sunny and near 55 degrees today! Is this the new weather program ordered by Nancy the Government Nanny Pelosi

  • 7 diamond jim // Jan 4, 2007 at 9:46 am

    If only Nazi Pelosi’s parents had exercised their right to chose.

  • 8 Fred Sinclair // Jan 4, 2007 at 10:07 am

    Re: #1 Too bad “San Fran Nan’s” mother didn;t go the rusty hanger route, in her case I would not have objected to a clean new hanger.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 9 gafisher // Jan 4, 2007 at 10:18 am

    The Malthusians are far more likely to make childbirth illegal except when the health of the mother or society demands spare parts, stem cells, etc.

  • 10 RedPepper // Jan 4, 2007 at 10:54 am

    Nan needs to widen her focus.

    … the Japanese are engaging in a remorseless auto-genocide. Already in net population decline and the most geriatric society on earth, their descent down the death spiral is only going to accelerate.

    Biggest story of our time: our self-extinction .

  • 11 woodnwheel // Jan 4, 2007 at 11:39 am

    She is 3rd in line for the presidency.
    God Help America!

    Comment by Maggie — January 4, 2007 @ 9:32 am


  • 12 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 4, 2007 at 12:51 pm

    Not to cause yet more anxiety (and I could be wrong) but…..
    I think she’s 2nd in line.
    I don’t think President Bush is “in line”.

  • 13 GnuCarSmell // Jan 4, 2007 at 2:27 pm

    This is truly an historic occasion. Nancy Pelosi is the first ever Screecher of the House. The next two years will likely prove to be the most corrupt Congress we shall ever witness. A cursory look at the Democrat leadership shows that nary a one has not demonstrated seriously degraded ethics. The best we can hope for is that the damage which Democrats inflict will be limited.

    So put on your flak jackets and pray that the nation suffers no worse than flesh wounds.

  • 14 gafisher // Jan 4, 2007 at 3:04 pm

    GCS#13: Hopefully the Democ rats will be so busy stealing the silver they won’t have time to do much lasting damage over the next two years. One thing that’s likely — their ability to hold power will depend on the way they use it.

  • 15 Bill's Bites // Jan 4, 2007 at 3:04 pm

    It’s gonna be a long two years — Part 2…

    Oh my dar-lin’ Oh my dar-lin’ Oh my dar-lin’ Nancy P It is gone-na be two long years That we can all-ready see. The Hypocrites In PowerPosted by Curt As Nancy Pelosi accepts her position as Queen of the United…

  • 16 da Bunny // Jan 4, 2007 at 3:21 pm

    In reading through the above posts, I’m really loving all the references to our new Madame Speaker. “Nazi” Pelosi, “Screecher” of the House, and, of course, MRW’s “Nancy the Government Nanny.” Keep the witticisms flowing, fellow Scrapplers. :lol:

  • 17 R.A.M. // Jan 4, 2007 at 3:24 pm

    As for “Stretch” being the most powerful woman in America, I’ll believe it when she gets in the ring with one of the babes from the WWE, or one of the other wrestling organizations.

    Of course she has to win, or at least survive!

    I had a thought about how to handle “Screech” Sheehan. First, kidnap Donald Trump and Rosie O’Donnell, put them in a cage and record the sounds that it causes. Then get one of those amps the kids have in their cars and after following “Screech” around everywhere, when she tries one of those high-jacked press conferences, give her some of her own, (shout them down), medicine!

    I still wonder if the dims didn’t actually let her use them yesterday. Even though it looks like she ‘demanded’ they take action, now they can say they are doing things in her name, as if it is what EVERYONE wants, when they call for a pullout.

    I saw Judge Neopolitano on Fox and Friends this morning doing an impression of Chas Rangle.

    Pretty funny! Steve Doocey asked him if he could do Foghorn Leghorn. :lol:

    Rangle reminds me of a guy I used to work with years ago that was always drunk, shooting craps, or playing cards.

    Probably what Rangle would be doing if he didn’t have the cushy gig he has now.

  • 18 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 4, 2007 at 4:30 pm

    I got a couple of calls from the Scrapple family today wishing me well. Thanks Upnorth and Scott. Gee, how can I stand here without being so humbled.

    I know God answers prayers and many are being lifted up across the nation. I start physical therapy three days a week next week. They agreed with me that we have a long way to go (but I will get there).

    I am going to start praying for a laptop for several reasons. First I can write from wherever I am comfortable and second of all, if I am in the hospital again, (of which I pray not) I can hook up to Scrapple from the bedside because they have wireless there.

    I ask that as you pray for my return to health that you also pray for the other miracle. I got a lot of stuff to sell on e-bay that may get me close, but….well you know-with God all things are possible

  • 19 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 4, 2007 at 4:39 pm

    Also, I meant to post this earlier. A fair warning to all who may think about renting the “Little Miss Sunshine,” video. DO NOT LET YOUR GRANDCHILDREN WATCH IT!!

    I admit that I did not look at the rating but it was so full of vulgarity and F words, that the language and gay references would make a sailor blush.

    It was not about a little girl like I thought, but more about how much the producer could slam everything decent.

    Just hope I may save one persons money and grand kid’s ears. That’s all.

  • 20 everthink // Jan 4, 2007 at 5:22 pm

    Hey Guyz,

    Knuckles Nancy, just called Dumbyah to give him “the word”.

    Ol’ Dumbyah just did that mealy-mouth thing of his, you know what I mean; and said how happy he was to be “a workin hard with her”.

    I got the feeling he was kinda rootin’ for the Democrats to win all along; kinda like some crazed criminal wanting to get caught, you know.

    All, in all, it a great day, Dick Cheney even gave his usual comment of “Go (deleted) yourself! But, you could tell, he didn’t want to shoot her in the face or anything.


  • 21 Darthmeister // Jan 4, 2007 at 5:37 pm

    Here’s a pre-facelift Nancy Pelosi.

    Nyaaaaaaaah! Now that would make a great Halloween mask.

    Ms. Pelosi after being asked by Dick Cheney if she’d like to go goose hunting some day.

    Nancy Pelosi doing her best Helen Thomas imitation.

  • 22 everthink // Jan 4, 2007 at 6:17 pm


    Are you sure you want to start this? Dumbyah must have over a million “ain’t I a moron” pictures on the net.

    Besides, what’s wrong with a face lift?

    George Clooney and me have never felt the need; but, that’s no reason you shouldn’t have the point on your head reduced!

    Then, maybe, you could have the same thing done with your ears, everthink?

  • 23 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 4, 2007 at 6:42 pm

    Yeah. Free speech only applies to leftist, baby-killing, America-hating perverts.

  • 24 everthink // Jan 4, 2007 at 7:06 pm



    You can’t keep those birds from flying over your head, but try not to let them nest on your head.


  • 25 The Great Santini // Jan 4, 2007 at 8:29 pm

    ♪ ♪ ♪ DEMS’ ELATION ♪ ♪ ♪

    [Tune: “Good Vibrations”, music and lyrics by Brian Wilson and Mike Love, performed by The Beach Boys; © 2007, Santini Serenades]

    O-o-o-oh, she loves the cool clothes she wears
    And the way the klieg lights make her look like Cher
    She-e-e-e-e just worships the Speaker’s chair
    Power Ranger™ with that smiling mamba stare

    Nan’s the model for lib Claymation™
    She’s a jaundiced, Botox™ed sensation
    She’s causin’ the Dems’ elation
    (Oo-oo-m, bop-bop, Dems’ elation)
    She’s causin’ my expectorations
    (Lower lung expectorations)
    Dems’, Dems’, Dems’, Dems’ elation
    (Oo-oo-m, bop-bop)
    She’s raisin’ libs’ expectations
    (Libs’ pipe dreams and expectations)
    Dems’, Dems’, Dems’, Dems’ elation
    (Oo-oo-m, bop-bop)
    She’s causin’ my expectorations
    (Deep-lung expectorations)

    Fables, lies, Nan speaks verbosely now
    Speaker Nan portends a plunging Dow
    Whe-e-e-en I look at her nipped/tucked mug
    Think Lugosi, with the moves of a street thug

    Nan’s the model for lib Claymation™
    She’s a jaundiced, Botox™ed sensation
    She’s causin’ the Dems’ elation
    (Oo-oo-m, bop-bop, Dems’ elation)
    She’s causin’ my expectorations
    (Lower lung expectorations)
    Dems’, Dems’, Dems’, Dems’ elation
    (Oo-oo-m, bop-bop)
    She’s raisin’ libs’ expectations
    (Libs’ pipe dreams and expectations)
    Dems’, Dems’, Dems’, Dems’ elation
    (Oo-oo-m, bop-bop)
    She’s causin’ my expectorations
    (Deep-lung expectorations)

    (Ah, my, my, what elation)
    A nice, quiet asylum, please send her there
    (Ah, my, my, what liberation)
    (Ah, my, my, what)

    Gotta keep abortion oblations
    A-happenin’ with her
    Gotta keep gay marriage aspirations
    A-happenin’ with her
    Gotta keep those thought-free vibrations
    A-happenin’ with her…

    Dems’, Dems’, Dems’, Dems’ elation
    (Oo-oo-m, bop-bop)
    (Tinfoil hat reverberations)
    She’s givin’ me expectorations
    (Deep-lung expectorations)
    Dems’, Dems’, Dems’, Dems’ elation
    (Oo-oo-m, bop-bop)

    San Fran Nan (San Fran Nan)
    Naw, naw, naw, naw, naw
    Abortion ban (Abortion ban)
    Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
    Doo-doo-doo (Doo-doo-doo)
    Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
    Doo-doo-doo (Doo-doo-doo)…
    [Fade, to Twilight Zone/Star Trek background screech]

  • 26 onlineanalyst // Jan 4, 2007 at 8:35 pm

    Speaking of pointy heads (white-sheeted, at that) and a culture of corruption (Surely his body is corrupting as we speak!), the third in line for succession to the presidency is none other that Bobbie Bryd. Arrrrgh!

    from MyWay:
    “The Senate, as is typical, will get off to a slower start than the House, where rules and practice permit speedy debate and ensure tight majority power control over the agenda. After passage of a series of routine resolutions - including elevating 89-year-old Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., as President Pro Tempore, third in the line of presidential succession - the Senate floor will open up for speeches about the upcoming session.”

  • 27 Libby Gone // Jan 4, 2007 at 9:20 pm

    Holy Wha!
    Darth, do you think tax dollars paid for that EXTREME makeover? It would be the Democrat way to pay for repaving 100 miles of bad road.

  • 28 Darthmeister // Jan 4, 2007 at 10:13 pm

    Besides, what’s wrong with a face lift?

    Did I say anything was wrong with getting a facelift? Nay, get one if you want. But I ask, what’s wrong with making fun of people who avail themselves of facelifts when they’ve painted themselves as compassionate, authentic members of a “reality-based community”? Ever stop to think how many homeless children this liberal fraud could have helped with that $25,000 she blew on her vanity? Some “compassionate” DemDonk.

    And it’s becoming increasingly apparent neverthink must practice in front of a mirror to get inspiration before posting his comments about “pointy heads” and “kaiser”. It’s like an artist painting his own portrait.

    Excellent observation onlineanalyst, if we’re going to talk about “pointy heads” we certainly have to include Grand Kleagle “Sheets” Byrd. And given how much her face was pulled tight with her latest cosmetic enhancements, Ms. Pelosi is probably hiding that pointy head of hers under her hair.

    Remember how left-wing jerks laughed at the at transparently racist cartoons of Condoleeza Rice put out by left-wing hacks like Gary Trudeau and Oliphant? This is the stuff which passes for humor in their world, that’s people on neverthink’s side of the aisle mind you.

    Amazing how blowhard trolls take umbrage out a few candid photos of Nancy Pelosi’s plastic fakeness or her original countenance. You see, in neverthink’s world its alright for liberals to publicly yuck it up, mock, engage in despicable name calling, create false moral equivalences and generate racist cartoons of conservative minorities because that’s being “creative” and “speaking truth to power.” But let a conservative dispense humor ON A PARODY SITE in a far less offensive manner and the faux outrage just spews from said troll’s mouth. What a riot!

  • 29 Right Mind : Pelosi Takes Charge, Calls for Abortion Ban // Jan 4, 2007 at 10:24 pm

    […] From Scott Ott over at Scrapple Face: […]

  • 30 conserve-a-tips // Jan 4, 2007 at 10:39 pm

    Libby Gone, well I must say, the money most definitely did NOT come from lobbyists because we know, according to Ninny Pagoda today, that no Democrat would ever take any money from a lobbyist….soooooo, it must have been from tax payers’ money. I am wondering if I could use my income tax due money for some fancifying surgery on my comely visage????

    Darthmeister, Everdrunk is just a little tipsy from the 4-day party (costing big big bucks) that they are all having, in spite of “hunger in America”, “homelessness in America” and “nobody having healthcare.” They are all taking a clue from Bill Clinton - ‘Awww, you ain’t gonna do anything about all that anyway, so party hearty and drink yourself into oblivion. You only go around once in life!’

    I heard an interesting statistic this week and it made me realize that the Dems didn’t really win anything. Do you realize that when Ford was President there were 145 more Democrats in the House than Republicans and Ford vetoed 66 bills in 33 days? 145 more Dems….sheesh. Big whoop in the difference in the House now. And lest they forget, when the Dems lost Congress in 1948, it was for a very short time and they got put back in pretty quick. The Republicans today are what the Dems were back then and I have a feeling that this whole thing has been a blip.

  • 31 conserve-a-tips // Jan 4, 2007 at 10:40 pm

    Whoops. Forgot to close those italics. But ain’t it purty?

  • 32 onlineanalyst // Jan 4, 2007 at 11:02 pm

    “Purtier” than the royal purple that Queenie Peloser wore for her coronation, C-A-T. Was that donning of her gay apparel for the benefit of her San Fran supporters? It helps to wear a crown when you smash that marble ceiling.

    Four days (??!?) dedicated to enthroning the Regal Nanny, who began show time by surrounding herself with the family brood. For plastic people like Nanny, “reality” is about appearances all the time.

    Her best buddy Murtha is already talking about not funding a surge of troops. The Black Caucus is making noises about her delivering support for their efforts in assuring a Democrat majority. Queenie has a lot of checks to pay back. Let’s hope that the nation isn’t the loser for Peloser’s vanity.

    Nancy Pelosi is sad as a symbol for achieving, actualized, authentic women.

  • 33 Anonymous // Jan 4, 2007 at 11:17 pm


    This is why the dims love gov. funding for abortion clinics. What better way to control the minority population.

  • 34 conserve-a-tips // Jan 4, 2007 at 11:23 pm

    Onlineanalyst - I was just telling the hubby that you men should get a real thrill this next two years because you are going to witness real, honest-to-goodness cat fights. Just think how the Hildegarde looked upon this floozy of the House who announced that she is the most powerful woman in America. Peloozi vs Shrillary, Peloozi vs Jane Harmony, Peloozi vs Cindi Sheman. Pulling hair, claw marks, screeching…it will all be there for you guys to get your jollies. There is nothing like a bunch of women working in the same operation, especially power hungry women who look upon themselves as men with shapely legs (notice I didn’t observe any other differences in the interest of propriety). In the words of Cramer on an episode on Seinfeld, licking his lips, “ooooo. ooooo. cat fight…CAT fight.”

  • 35 Fred Sinclair // Jan 4, 2007 at 11:49 pm

    It’s becoming more and more evident that ET should “Call Home”.

    His addiction to recognition is pathetic, call him any sort of name and he’ll grovel at your feet - good or bad - recognition is the drug of choice.

    Troll’s exist solely to hopefully be fed. They are usually 13 - 14 year old kids that are being ignored by their parents, and they crave attention.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 36 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 5, 2007 at 12:18 am

    The whole giddy screed by the prancing, self-aggrandizing posers about “not funding” the war or the proposed “surge” is nothing but a smokescreen.

    The federal budget for FY 2007 (which began 1 October 2006) was approved months ago and, if I’m not mistaken, cannot be changed.

    Of course, Cindy, Nancy, Rosie et al and their worshippers are too busy preening, strutting and spewing hatred to realize the details.

  • 37 Rock Slatestone // Jan 5, 2007 at 12:37 am

    God bless that Nancy Pelosi. Now the amount of tax payers can once again increase and hopefully make up for the killing of all those unborn tax payers.

  • 38 everthink // Jan 5, 2007 at 1:25 am

    So Fred, I guess this means the bean soup is definitely off then, huh?

    Say, you mean it’s OLAf and not OLgA?

    Well, I hear they have saying in Texas. Now this is kinda complicated so bear with me y’all. Fool me once, then try to fool me … Naw, it’s If you try to fool me again, yer not very smart. Naw, that ain’t it either. If I was to be fooled by anyone it wouldn’t be you … say I’m gonna write that down, but that ain’t it neither. You can’t fool me again!

    Well, anyway, I did find a Sour Krout song on the internet. You talk about an oldie!

    Gus Williams.
    “Sour Krout” (1873)
    Sung Fred Howard.
    Music by Septimus Winner, 1827-1902

    [Source: 13005@LoC;
    New York: S. T. Gordon & Son,
    Plate No. 5827 3]

    Now I want to go and tell you how to make good sour-krout
    So if listen mit your ears I’ll tell you around aboud id,
    Its not made of leather as some folks supposes,
    But its made from dem flow’rs, what is called cabbage roses.

    Sour-Krout is bully,
    I tell you it is fine
    So help me lieber gracious
    I can eat him all de time
    Sour-Krout is bully
    Sour-Krout is fine
    I can tell you lieber gracious
    I can eat him all de time.

    Ven de cabbage is a growin just so nice as nice can be
    We pull dem out and chop dem up not bigger as a pea,
    We put dem in a tub and stomp dem mit our feet,
    Und we stomp, stomp, and stomp, for to make dem nice und schweet.


    So den we put in plenty salk but don’t use no snuff,
    We don’t use no skyum pepper nor any of dat stuff;
    We put dem down the cellar till he begins to smell,
    So help me lieber gracious, us Dutchmans like him well.


    So when he schmells like dunder, und can’t schmell no schemeller,
    We go down by dat tub what we leave down dat cellar;
    We put some in a kettle mi speck und let dem bille,
    So help me you can shmell em for fifty thousand miles.

    Sour Crout

  • 39 everthink // Jan 5, 2007 at 1:43 am

    Hey Hank,

    I responded to your Bush-Hitler question a thread, or so ago.

  • 40 » Blog Archive » Laugh Links - With Open Trackbacks! // Jan 5, 2007 at 3:08 am

    […] Scrappleface reports Pelosi Takes Charge, Calls For Abortion Ban! […]

  • 41 Harry Daschle // Jan 5, 2007 at 5:07 am

    everstink: I know Santini, Santini is a friend of mine!

    You troll, are no Santini! Keep your day job, IF you have one.

    To everybody else: Stop worring about “Stretch” Pelosi. She won’t be around much longer. You must know Hillary is more sick of her than we are, stealing all the cameras away from her and Bill.

    I am sure the “hit man” is being hired right about now.

    Besides she has to be worried that if they can impeach GWB and Cheney, she would beat Hill out as the ‘First’ female President——that is IF she is indeed a female, or even a human!

    I say this because that last picture of darth’s looks a LOT like one of the aliens in “Mars Attacks”!

    My bet is a certain troll looks like the dog with the man’s head——-Nancy’s lap dog. :lol:

    My bet is, the libs that have been on GWB for errors in some of his speeches/comments,better get ready for some REAL boners from the likes of Nan, Rangle, Byrd, etc.

    Now it’s gonna be funny to see how the left loony fringe like it! :lol:

  • 42 Harry Daschle // Jan 5, 2007 at 5:13 am

    BTW, has anyone seen my wife?

    Her name is Hillary Gephardt Pelosi.

    While the masks may change, the insides remain the same!

  • 43 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 5, 2007 at 9:00 am

    Gee, it is nearly 9 a.m. and nobody has a howdy good morning. Wake up Marge, you always get the first good morning in.

    Day 1 1/2 has started and so far they have not impeached Bush. Actually, they will impeach Pelosi if she doesn’t hurry up and start the proceedings.

    Maybe a Scrooge event will take place in Pelosi’s life where the Ghosts of Administrations Past (Nixon) will visit her in the middle of the night

  • 44 Maggie // Jan 5, 2007 at 9:18 am

    Good Morning Ms Righty,

    You are sounding mighty chipper this day….:>)

    OK, on the count of 3 let’s shout out a wake-up call to the Scrapple gals :Marge, Upnorth,Mig,Shelly,CATs,and Online.

    One……Two …….Three (((((WAKE UP EVERYBODY)))))!

  • 45 Maggie // Jan 5, 2007 at 9:21 am

    Also a big shout out to ‘Prettyold’…….were missing you here.

  • 46 conserve-a-tips // Jan 5, 2007 at 9:30 am

    Good morning Ms Rightwing, Ink…actually, it is 8:30 here. Being lazy this morning because we have been working on the daughter’s new home, painting, putting up moulding, etc., and my joints, bones and muscles have rebelled. I believe a healthy breakfast of homemade waffles and bacon are what is demanded. Hope you are feeling great today!

    Off to put on the feedbag. Neighhhh.

  • 47 Maggie // Jan 5, 2007 at 9:36 am

    ‘da Bunny and CalGirl are in California so we will give them a wake up call around 12:30 EST.

  • 48 everthink // Jan 5, 2007 at 9:43 am


    Stay on your meds, and stay away from dealers, and users. You be doin’ good old girl!

    Say guyz, looks like all that spying popped another Repug, drug user, nut job! And, it turns out to be the guy that made Dumbyah president!

    What to think? What to do? I know, let’s have hearings, and see if there’s a smoking gun to be found in Crawford! Whatayathink?


  • 49 kajun // Jan 5, 2007 at 9:45 am

    It’s only 8:44 here…can I go back to sleep?

  • 50 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 5, 2007 at 9:54 am

    It is time for all good men to come to the aid of their country-’specially since they let the hags run the show. Umm, who is to blame?

    Kajun, drink your hot sauce and let’s roll

  • 51 Maggie // Jan 5, 2007 at 9:55 am

    Oops!….sorry Kajun……did we wake you?
    I’ll use my indoor voice until every is up and Scrappling.

  • 52 Darthmeister // Jan 5, 2007 at 10:01 am

    Been hearing some refrains about the Queen Bee Syndrome.

    I wonder what will happen with the most powerful woman in America, Nancy Pelousi, politically engages the other most powerful woman in America, sHrillary Clinton?

  • 53 kajun // Jan 5, 2007 at 10:32 am


    You outta set your clock…you’re supposed to be “Livin On Tulsa Time”, like I am (even though you’re a little bit West of there)…my brother-in-law from Mannford, brought me a clock that he made for me. I’ve been “Livin On Tulsa Time” since the clock was already set and running.

    From the song Livin On Tulsa Time recorded by Don Williams [don’t know who wrote it].

  • 54 da Bunny // Jan 5, 2007 at 10:43 am

    Hey, Maggie, I’m up early here in CA, don’t ya know? I always make the coffee [and do wardrobe planning] for the husband to get out the door by 7:30 a.m.

    Don’t know why liberal trolls would be concerned about anyone’s “drug usage,” since Osama Obama, the darling of the leftist loons/LSM, openly admitted to having been a pothead and snorting coke.

  • 55 da Bunny // Jan 5, 2007 at 10:46 am

    Santini scores with “Dems Elation.” Good one! :-)

  • 56 upnorthlurkin // Jan 5, 2007 at 11:12 am

    Mornin’ Ladies and Gents! Sunny and 27° this morning. I’ve already risked life and limb by letting my dog drag me to the park this morning. All that rain and slush has frozen, melted a little and refrozen so now it’s nice and smooth….like glass. Uff da! I just walk on my neighbors’ snowy lawns!

    Da Bunny, re: #54, that’s just resumé (aren’t I a smarty pants remembering that little accent?)
    enhancement for a dhimmi!!

    Santini - ever da bomb!! Bravo!

  • 57 conserve-a-tips // Jan 5, 2007 at 12:08 pm

    Kajun, that would be Danny Flowers. I was a big Don Williams fan in Tennessee and got his autograph on his “You’re My Best Friend” album as he was coming out of the back of the stage to go to his bus back in 1977. Ah, the good ol’ days.

  • 58 Darthmeister // Jan 5, 2007 at 1:05 pm


    From her acceptance speech yesterday:

    Lie #1 - I accept this gavel in the spirit of partnership, not partisanship.
    Republicans are excluded from any decision making or agenda setting for the first 100 hours. And they’ll generally be ignored the next two years unless they are “moderates” who agree with liberal Democrats.

    Lie #2 In this House, we may be different parties, but we serve one country.
    Like John Edwards, she believed in two Americas and probably still does. Her claim in believing that she and fellow Democrats “serve one country” is undercut by her previous divisive and inflammatory hate-Bush/blame-America rhetoric of the last two years. The only unity these people understand is the unity under the liberal banner.

    Lie #3 …and (I) look forward to to working on the behalf of the American people
    Pelosi almost got it right. She will only be working for half of the American people, that of liberal America. She won’t give one ear to anything conservatives might have to say or think what is good for the American republic. Same ol’ same ol’ liberal lying.

    Lie #4 We stand united in our pride and prayers for our men and women in the armed forces.
    “In our pride”??? Buwahahahahaha… while “our men and women” fight an illegal and immoral war, right Ms. Pelosi? What BS.

    Lie #5 we … must also work together to build a future worthy of their sacrifice.
    Like cut-and-run, thus making any sacrifice meaningless? This is getting too much to stomach.

    Lie #6 Each of us brings to this new Congress our shared values, our commitment to the Constitution, and our personal experience.
    That may be true but you’re only going to listen to liberal voices, right Ms. Pelosi? Those voices in your head? (cue Twilight Zone music)

    Lie #7 Let us be the Congress that rebuilds our military to meet the national security challenges of the 21st century.
    By cutting the military budget, right? Turning our military into mere police, right? Prosecuting illegal enemy combatants in our civil courts, right?

    Lie #8 Let us be the Congress that strongly honors our responsibility to protect our people from terrorism.
    As we liberals define terrorism, right? In Ms. Pelosi’s world there is no legitimate Glogal War on Terrorism. It’s all an illegal and immoral military action against peace-loving Muslims. We’re only stirring up a hornet’s nest when we try to drain the Islamofascist breeding grounds and safe havens which gave us 9/11.

    I amost don’t want to stop, this is getting good.

  • 59 The Great Santini // Jan 5, 2007 at 2:34 pm


    Thanks for the props. Lugosi’s, er, Pelosi’s thought-free vibrations as Shrieker of the House will prove to be most entertaining the next 2 years, not to mention the source of many good parodies. Politics is a zero-sum game.

    A robust 27 in Fighting Sioux country? So, what’s the wind-chill? The Iceman Cometh, to Man,it’scolda.


    da Bunny:

    Thank you. I know that Harridan Nan is one of your favorite people, and that you hold her in high regard. Or not. Just another day at the beach, right?


  • 60 Fred Sinclair // Jan 5, 2007 at 2:36 pm

    I got it from the internet, “Ain’t it great?”after requests for the recipe - here it is. Dogpile: “Randall Beans”

    Ted’s Terrific Bean Soup

    Makes 6 hearty servings


    6 cups chicken stock
    2 pounds chicken thigh, uncooked
    1 cup onions, chopped
    1 cup celery, chopped
    1/2 cup corn, frozen
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    2 tablespoons parsley, chopped
    1 teaspoon rosemary, dried
    1 teaspoon basil, dried
    1/2 teaspoon thyme, dried
    1/2 teaspoon oregano, dried
    1 28 ounce can tomatoes, whole, peeled
    1 teaspoon salt
    1/4 teaspoon pepper
    1/2 pound Polish sausages
    2 cups ham, cut into cubes
    1 24 ounce jar Randall Great Northern Beans
    1 24 ounce jar Randall Pinto Beans

    Personally, I omit the tomatoes (don’t like ‘em)

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 61 upnorthlurkin // Jan 5, 2007 at 2:58 pm

    Santini, my desktop weather program doesn’t deal in wind chill anymore (must’ve offended someone…) but uses “feels like” instead. The actual air temp shot up to 30°, but with a westerly breeze at 12mph it “feels like” a mere 20°. It’s all good to me….anything above zero in January is balmy don’t even zip our coats weather!! Come on global warming!!

    As for the Fighting Sioux (rumor has it all they’d have to do is drop the “fighting” and they’d be considered in compliance) I am a died in the wool NDSU Bison fan and will only cheer for the hockey team from 80 miles north. If they cave on the team name, I won’t even cheer for them! It was a wonderful state rivalry until three years ago when the Bison went Division 1. UND refused to consider a move until they witnessed our success. Now, they too are seriously considering the move. We’re pretty sure as soon as we lock in a “conference” they’ll jump too!! They’re getting sick of the taunting about playing the equivalent of junior high school teams! We laugh at their attempts to justify! (Our Bison kind of embarrassed Cal Poly and Cal Davis this year in football!! ;-) )

  • 62 upnorthlurkin // Jan 5, 2007 at 3:00 pm

    Please make that dyed in the wool (and bring back the preview please).

  • 63 upnorthlurkin // Jan 5, 2007 at 3:02 pm

    Can’t remember who came up with this one but it’s still my favorite; Nancy Pull-outsy!

  • 64 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 5, 2007 at 3:17 pm


    Looks like days of doom and gllom-better get out the misery index.

    How about Nan Nan the wide-eyed-pull-out Machine

  • 65 da Bunny // Jan 5, 2007 at 4:34 pm

    unl, #56, you are correct. And, apparently, Osama Obama inhaled!

    Santini, you have my permission to cart me off to the padded room if I EVER get to the point where I hold Harridan Nan in high regard.

  • 66 mig // Jan 5, 2007 at 4:40 pm

    Hey Everybody. A good day to y’all, TGIF. Going to a mini-retreat tonight. Redemptive Suffering. Figured I better get on with it since it’s gonna be a loonngg two years. I can’t even turn on the news. I can’t stand it. And the StuBy awards have pulled the plug. Ah well.

    Have a great weekend. We’re heading south for a Wine Tasting at a local winery. Got to use the gift tickets before the hubby sails away on the 15th.

    Already gettin’ sad. sigh.

    Hey da Bunny, sounds warm and dry where ya rr. Been a balmy winter here, but rainny. Global warmings keeping the electric bill low here, haven’t had to turn on the air even though a couple of days ago it was tank top and shorts weather here.

    Marge- I moved 22 trees and shrubs the other day! Man my wrist and elbow hurt!

    Good Day Maggie and Ms. Rightwing, can always count on coffee with you gals, sorry I didn’t stop by this morning for a cup.

    UNL and Ms. CAT y’all are funny!

    Kajun- looks like we may be seeing you again as we pass through LA this summer… Mrs. Kajun makes some good coffee.

    Mr. Fred, was that recipe for some one that asked if you were full of beans?

    To the rest of ya- keep on singing…

    Have a great weekend Scott. Bye y’all.

  • 67 Darthmeister // Jan 5, 2007 at 5:46 pm

    mig, you going to beat some drums this weekend?

    Ms RightWing, I’m polishing off the Misery Indexometer this very minute. Shades of Jimmah Cahtah!

    I like global warming. It’s irreversible anyway unless we figure out how to economically get ten trillion fire extinguishers to the Sun. Man’s puny efforts are about 8th on the causes of global warming behind the Sun, water vapor, natural production of CO2 and Methane, geothermal and volcanic activity, etc.

    We can swing this “climate change” back toward an ice age if we put all our efforts into putting more polluting particulates into the atmosphere. But then the libs would whine about “air pollution”. Never happy, are they?

    The claim by environmental whackos that polar bear populations are declining is another fearmongering lie of the left gleefully reported uncritically by the libtard media.

    Also the claim that melting polar caps will raise the ocean so many feet is pure bunk. Another example of left-wing lying that the lamestream media dutifully reports. The ice cap on Greenland is actually thickening even though it is receeding somewhat along its perimeter.

    If the entire northern ice cap melted it would actually reduce the level of the the oceans fractions of inches since it doesn’t sit on land and would represent something similar to ice in a glass already filled to the top - when the ice melts the level in the glass drops. Dittos for any and all sea ice.

    The only thing environmental whackos can hope for is a major meltdown of Antartica whose ice does sit on land. However, the average temperature there is -34 degrees and rarely do temperatures anywhere on the continent even today rise above freezing. The stuff breaking off the continent is already floating on water so once again this is a net loss in ocean height as the floating shelves of ice melt.

    The idea the oceans will rise something like 8 feet to 8 meters in the next thousand years is pure garbage. And even if the water levels did rise, the extra weight of the water could cause land areas to bulge upward commiserately. And even if water levels did rise several feet within our lifetimes we would simply adapt … well, at least conservatives would be smart enough to move inland. Liberals would still try to live in flooded coastal areas whining that it’s the government’s job to rescue them from global warming. Shades of New Orleans!

  • 68 The Great Santini // Jan 5, 2007 at 6:02 pm


    The NDSU Bison kicked butt against Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo (there’s a Cal Poly in Pomona, but they don’t play intercollegiate football), and the Cal Aggies (UC Davis, a short I-80 jaunt from my house) for only 1 reason: The Mustangs (the nickname of both Cal Poly SLO & the Aggies) were too young to remember the veer/triple option/wishbone offense so beloved by the Bison (3 yards and a cloud of tundra). That’s so 70’s, y’know…

    I’ll bet the Bison and the UND Fighting Sioux could play ice hockey, year-round and outside, in Manitscolda. They wouldn’t need a Zamboni™ to smooth the ice, either. The vapor gusts from the lungs of the players would do that.

    “One-timer from the slot…He-e-e-e-e-e-e put the biscuit in the basket, top-shelf!! A power play goal!!!”


  • 69 Fred Sinclair // Jan 5, 2007 at 6:33 pm

    Mig - full of them beans isa good thing! Helps add to global warming, ya kno, don’tcha?

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 70 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 5, 2007 at 6:43 pm

    Jethro: Sure is hot/cold today.
    Clem: Ayup.
    Jethro: ‘T’weren’t like this last year.
    Clem: Nope.
    Jethro: Sure is differ’nt.
    Clem: Ayup.
    Jethro: Looks like rain.
    Clem: Ayup.
    Jethro: Prolly won’t, tho.
    Clem: Nope.
    Jethro: Might snow.
    Clem: Ayup.
    [blah-blah-blah, yaddah-yaddah-yaddah, so on and so forth, et cetera, ad infinitum]

    Conversations such as this have been taking place for millennia-you’d think people would get it by now.

  • 71 nylecoj // Jan 5, 2007 at 6:57 pm

    Leno’s comments on Pelosi’s face

    Today, Nancy Pelosi became the first female speaker of the house. This is the furthest anyone wearing a dress has gotten in Washington since J. Edgar Hoover. Nancy Pelosi said today “we’ve waited 200 years for this.” 200 years? How many face lifts has this woman had? She looks great. I had no idea.

  • 72 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 5, 2007 at 6:59 pm

    ( - Kicking off her first full day as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) held an “Open House for the People’s House” reception Friday morning. (emphasis mine)

    Funny thing is (or not), it was invitation only.

  • 73 Ms RightWing, Ink // Jan 5, 2007 at 7:11 pm

    This was found in a news story about gunmen attacking the National Gaurd along the borfer.

    The Border Patrol said its agents have seized a record amount of marijuana from smugglers along the Arizona-Mexico border for the fifth year in a row, confiscating 331 tons of marijuana worth about $530. The seizure almost equaled the 350 tons seized in California, Texas and New Mexico combined, and the agency praised the Guard for its contribution to making the seizures.

    “confiscating 331 tons of marijuana worth about $530.”

    Dang, I’m heading for the border, the cost of pot is pretty cheap there. cough

  • 74 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 5, 2007 at 7:19 pm

    “No stems, no seeds, that you don’t need…..
    Acapulco Gold is bad-a$$ weed…..”

  • 75 Darthmeister // Jan 5, 2007 at 8:33 pm

    Ms RightWing, they were probably factoring in the Green Stamps™ which probably exchanged hands to come to the $530 price.

    I wonder if one would get a Texaco™ toy truck thrown in for buying a ton at a time?

  • 76 Possumtrot // Jan 5, 2007 at 9:08 pm

    The office pool is running at United Possums International.

    It’s an easy $100. The deck is stacked, but the claws are coming out.

    Keep it clean and drop by.

  • 77 Godfrey // Jan 6, 2007 at 5:02 am

    Possum re: #76: I do believe you have one of the best-written, most subtly entertaining blogs I’ve ever read.

    Excellent work.

  • 78 gafisher // Jan 6, 2007 at 5:49 am

    Darthmeister #67: Re:“polar bear populations are declining”

    Actually, this is consistent with the laws of supply and demand. It’s time for a “Save The Bears — Buy A Fur” campaign!

  • 79 MargeinMI // Jan 6, 2007 at 8:16 am

    Heck, I didn’t even know I was the official Wake Upper around here! I must confess, Scrappleface isn’t my first stop on the web every morning, but it can be. I can give a big shout out every day between 3:00 and 4:30 a.m. if you’d like.

    mig, Safe travels! Hmm, gardening in January is not usually something I can comprehend, but this year is an exception. The ground has not frozen yet and I have some gladiola bulbs that haven’t been planted yet. Do you think it’s too late?

    Regarding troop escalation in Iraq: Victor Davis Hanson has an excellent (as usual) plan. More troops are great, but only if they’re allowed to fight with the gloves off when they get there. As they say, RTWT:

    Fred, I was finally able to reconnect with the ‘copter game again this morning. Broke 2,000 on my second try!!

    Ms. RW, My goodness, 331 tons for $530? It wouldn’t be worth the labor to move it. Unless it was Mexican labor that is. Another one of those ‘jobs Americans won’t do’ perhaps?

    Morning all!

  • 80 Harry Daschle // Jan 6, 2007 at 8:52 am

    RE #60,

    I’m thinking since the recipe calls for “uncooked” chicken, it might be better for one’s health, to know how long to cook the soup—-?

  • 81 gafisher // Jan 6, 2007 at 9:15 am

    ’til it’s done, Harry! ;-)


    Pour chicken stock into a large kettle. Add chicken, onions, celery, corn, garlic, parsley, rosemary, basil, thyme, oregano, tomatoes, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to a simmer and cook for 45 minutes or until chicken is tender. Skim the broth if foam appears. Remove from heat. Remove the chicken from the broth to cool. Once cool enough to handle, remove the bones and cut the meat into small pieces. Reserve.

    While the broth is simmering, place the sausage into a heavy skillet and cover it with water. Simmer the sausage for 15 minutes and drain. Once the sausage is cool enough to handle, remove the skin and slice into 1/2 inch pieces.

    Add the deboned chicken, sausage slices, and the cubed ham to the broth and return to a simmer for 15 minutes. Add the Randall Beans and continue to simmer for an additional 10 minutes.

    Serve in large warm bowls with fresh baked bread and soft butter.

  • 82 Zoo Daddy // Jan 7, 2007 at 1:54 pm

    Thank you Scott for posting Ms Pelosi’s official kiss-off to bipartisanship. Abortion a Republican plot “…to wipe out non-white racial groups, especially the poor, and thus to slow the growth of the Democrat party.”?

    As a mddle-aged conservative Black man I find her comments patronizing and offensive. Who in the African-American community is clamoring for a black lesbian Speaker of the House (for efficiency, let’s placate the blacks, gays and feminists in a single reference)?

    “A plot to slow the growth of the Democratic party”? Talk about an inflated sense of self-importance!

    I remember discussing abortion-on-demand issues in junior high school 40 years ago. The champion of abortion rights has always been the Democratic party. Suddenly, 4 decades later, Ms Pelosi gets this ‘revelation’. Get real.

    If you’re familiar with the psuedo-science of eugenics, you already know that abortion, indeed, targeted non-whites, the poor, the mentally infirm, etc. The problem is that it backfired- the overwhelming majority of people seeking abortions are healthy, normal white females. This was true in the 1960s as it is today. In most (American) minority communities, it is anti-cultural to kill our children in the womb.

    Ms Pelosi, a savvy politician, is also a devout Catholic. It would appear (my conjecture) that she is attempting to encapsulate her conviction in a sugar-coating before spoon-feeding it her supporters and maybe pick up some pro-life support in order to solidify a power base. But hey, she can always say she tried but her party voted her down (wink wink).

    Outrageous comments have been her hallmark on the national scene. Why should one expect this leopard to change her spots?

    Grab your popcorn and watch the fireworks between the She-leopard of the House and the pro-choice activists.

  • 83 BlackLion31U // Jan 10, 2007 at 8:51 pm

    Hello Everyone,

    I am truthfully surprised to see this site still active. At the same time, I am happy to see some participants apparently still well. To the long timers, happy new year, best wishes.

    I apologize for changing topics, but your man is scheduled to speak tonight, not on the minimum wage, but on the war in Iraq. From my understanding he will be speaking about his proposal to increase the amount of troops there in contradiction to the military advisors, the congress, the “Baker Commission” and the majority of the American public.
    The minimum wage may be mentioned, but we all know that’s not his purpose.

    For those of you who have been around long enough to know me, you should know that my love for the troops prevails. And,….. I told you so!

    If you haven’t concluded that this man is an idiot yet, I am sorry and disappointed in you.

    I have tried not to argue any other issue than this war, and it’s justification.

    In the past, on this site, I had argued this wars purpose. I found great resistance. The liberal media and many other factors were to blame for my ignorance. We still have yet to find a reasonable reason why we went to war in Iraq. In contrary, we have seen many contradictions. I personally still don’t know why this FOOL took my brothers and sisters to war in Iraq!

    We are now many years later. Our military is broken. NOT in heart, but in resources.
    Bushes decisions have cost thousands of lives. I believe he will most likely complete his term and in turn, cost many more lives American service members lives.

    For those service members who may be following this blog, God bless you. For those of you who are not service members, when are you going to act on your responsibility as American citizens and speak for those serving. There most be legislative approval for executive action in this matter.

  • 84 BlackLion31U // Jan 10, 2007 at 8:54 pm


  • 85 BlackLion31U // Jan 10, 2007 at 9:25 pm

    “We’ve made mistakes, and the responsibility lies with me.”

    At what sacrifice Mr. President?

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