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Bush Likes Hybrid of Study Group Suggestions

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 71 Comments

(2006-12-08) — Rather than accept all of the Iraq Study Group’s recommendations as a package, White House sources said today that President George Bush leans toward a hybrid version of the panel’s major suggestions, which include pulling back all combat brigades over the next 15 months, and starting direct talks with Iran and Syria.

Under the Bush hybrid plan, most combat brigades in Iraq would pull back to the neighboring countries on the east and west to conduct “high-level, targeted diplomacy with Iran and Syria on a variety of fronts of mutual concern.”

“After 9/11,” the source said, “the president stood on the rubble of the World Trade Center and said the people who knocked down these buildings would hear from us. Then he told the American people that those who harbor and help terrorists would be treated as terrorists. Now, thanks to the Iraq Study Group he thinks it’s time to strike up a conversation aimed at achieving lasting peace in the region, and greater security at home.”

“Nobody’s better at making our point clear than the U.S. military,” the anonymous source added, “and for convenience sake, our troops are willing to conduct those talks right downtown in Tehran and Damascus. We’ve got squadrons standing by ready to conduct a little shuttle diplomacy.”

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Tags: Global News · U.S. News

71 responses so far ↓

  • 1 camojack // Dec 8, 2006 at 7:32 am

    Good ONE.

  • 2 MargeinMI // Dec 8, 2006 at 7:49 am

    God Bless America! And Amen, Scott!

  • 3 JamesonLewis3rd // Dec 8, 2006 at 7:50 am

    Yesterday, Baker denied President Bush permission to do anything but capitulate to all of the ISG “suggestions”.

    The LLL/MSM hype pre/post-ISG Report has me, well, infuriated. The utter disrespect of some of those “reporters” at that Bush/Blair press conference yesterday had my blood boiling.

    Good thing I’m not president, I’ll tell ya, I’d be telling people like that to —- my —.

    This has all gotten out of hand. It’s time for some smackdown, as Scott has suggested in today’s post. Can’t please everybody, so, just do what ya gotta do!

    The very notion that the Islamofascist is a person “just like us” that can be reasoned with is so IGNORANT!!!!! Do these people REALLY want to wear burqas, marry 9-year olds and worship a psychotic maniac!?!

  • 4 JamesonLewis3rd // Dec 8, 2006 at 7:58 am

    Voting in the 2006 Weblog Awards ends December 15th.

    Scrappleface is currently 2nd in votes cast for Best Humor Blog.

  • 5 JamesonLewis3rd // Dec 8, 2006 at 8:13 am


    President Bush and Prime Minister Blair are participating in a top-secret, closed-door summit meeting with Osama bin Laden.


    Not really.

  • 6 Anonymous // Dec 8, 2006 at 8:13 am

    Scott,sir! I totally agree!
    The US Military (finest in the world) has a unique way of changing the minds of people who otherwise may disagree with them.

  • 7 Anonymous // Dec 8, 2006 at 8:21 am

    We are officially neighbors now.

  • 8 mig // Dec 8, 2006 at 8:27 am

    Downtown Damascus. Downtown Tehran. Downtown San Francisco. Let’s roll!

  • 9 Hawkeye // Dec 8, 2006 at 8:29 am

    a little shuttle diplomacy

    Shuttle bay doors open… arming systems are GO… messages for Tehran and Damascus ready for delivery sir!

  • 10 Darthmeister // Dec 8, 2006 at 8:31 am

    I’m just surprised the Iraq Surrender Group didn’t also recommend we hold tele-thons for the various sectarian groups murdering one another to show how we are a people of compassion and mean them no real harm as we draw down.

    Cindy Sheehan, al Gore and al Franken could host the show.

  • 11 Hawkeye // Dec 8, 2006 at 8:33 am


  • 12 gafisher // Dec 8, 2006 at 8:34 am

    Gotta love that targeted diplomacy. In today’s world you either identify and neutralize targets or become one.

  • 13 Scott Ott // Dec 8, 2006 at 8:52 am

    Bush Likes Hybrid of Study Group Suggestions…

    by Scott Ott(2006-12-08) — Rather than accept all of the Iraq Study Group’s recommendations as a package, White House sources said today that President George Bush leans toward a hybrid version of the panel’s major suggestions, which include pull…

  • 14 camojack // Dec 8, 2006 at 9:03 am

    Comment by Hawkeye — December 8, 2006 @ 8:33 am

    So it would seem…heh, heh. :cool:

  • 15 conserve-a-tips // Dec 8, 2006 at 9:04 am

    Well, I remember now why I didn’t like the first Bush administration and James Baker is number one on the list.

    I saw a guy on the news yesterday, an Iraqi, who had the best idea. I really think that he is right. He said that the US needs to pull all troops out of the cities where the insurgent fighting is going on and let the Iraqis deal with what is there now. But our troops need to be “redeployed to the borders with Iran and Syria - shoulder to shoulder practically - not allowing anything or anyone to cross. He said that the fighing would die down very quickly. Of course the commentator asked if Iran and Syria wouldn’t take that as a hostile move and his answer was basically, “So what? They are the ones who are supplying the weapons and manpower. How much more hostile can you get?”

    BTW, I have tried voting at the blog awards site and can’t. What am I doing wrong? Let me rephrase that…What is wrong with the site cuz I’m never wrong. :-)

  • 16 Ms RightWing, Ink // Dec 8, 2006 at 9:10 am

    Good morning

    Has the Axis of Evil now moved to Washington with Pelosi right in the middle, muddle

  • 17 Ms RightWing, Ink // Dec 8, 2006 at 9:11 am

    Oops , the axis axle is broke

  • 18 Cricket // Dec 8, 2006 at 9:11 am

    I always did detest fruit salad unless it was fresh and had my favorite fruit in it. Canned and stale is a tried and true recipe for disaster.

  • 19 JamesonLewis3rd // Dec 8, 2006 at 9:35 am

    RE: #15~~

    The link works okay-it’s just real busy, I guess.

    I tried to vote a second time and couldn’t get through, either. (Later, I found out I can only vote once per 24-hour period :shock: durn it)

  • 20 JamesonLewis3rd // Dec 8, 2006 at 9:36 am

    Just have to keep trying.

  • 21 onlineanalyst // Dec 8, 2006 at 9:57 am

    Oddest thing, C-A-T, re #15 and the suggestion by the Iraqi being interviewed: I had dropped this same idea at several blog sites a couple of days ago.

    It is time for some “targeted diplomacy”. Every time one of our troops is wounded or killed by an IED, we should be doing a fly over and leaving a few “packages” at Iranian and Syrian weapons’ depots and training grounds. These items could be sealed with a K.I.S.S. (That’s a message to the Fabulous Baker Boys: Keep it simple, stupid. And know who your real enemies are, as well.)

    The doddering fools on that Iraq Surrender Group will not live long enough to realize the havoc that their fruit- salad recommendations would unleash on the world. As I had indicated two threads ago, no one elected them into decision-making power.

    Hugh Hewitt has a terrific roundup of response to Bakeretal.

  • 22 MargeinMI // Dec 8, 2006 at 10:00 am

    Welcome to the neighborhood Libby! I’m so glad you’re ‘home’ for Christmas.

    Hawkeye and Maggie, check your emails.

    c-a-t, I agree. Either that, or take the gloves off and go door to door and clean ‘em out! I got a couple of prayer request email fowards lately about such a mission. Shoulda sent ‘em to camojack for mythbustin’. ;o)

  • 23 Rock Slatestone // Dec 8, 2006 at 10:02 am

    This just in: in a bold historic move a hybrid of democrats (ultra & ultra, ultra liberal) attempt to one up the president by denouncing terrorists and insurgent activities.

  • 24 mig // Dec 8, 2006 at 10:02 am

    To bad there wasn’t some island where we could drop off the creatures of terror, like a penal colony.
    Give the San Freakinsissys’ a Soros grant so Kos could study the effects of brain washing and terror on those that inflict it.
    Send in the moonbats from Hollywierd to document it. Jimmy Carter could supply them with the commy angle. Susan Ostrich could narrate. Pelosi could supply the wine. What more is needed for a left-wing get to together. The Moonbat Thinktank.

  • 25 RedPepper // Dec 8, 2006 at 10:18 am

    The Iraq Study Surrender Group .

    Caviar-eating surrender monkeys.

    [Bleep!] [Bleep!] [Bleep!]


  • 26 camojack // Dec 8, 2006 at 10:53 am

    c-a-t, I agree. Either that, or take the gloves off and go door to door and clean ‘em out! I got a couple of prayer request email fowards lately about such a mission. Shoulda sent ‘em to camojack for mythbustin’. ;o)
    Comment by MargeinMI — December 8, 2006 @ 10:00 am

    That’s a simple “DIY” project:
    Urban Legends and Folklore
    Urban Legends Reference Pages

  • 27 Shelly // Dec 8, 2006 at 10:55 am

    I love the hubris of the Iraq Sissy Group. If Iran doesn’t agree to help us, we can use that information to embarrass them. Building nuclear weapons, calling for the destruction of two nations, building IED’s for terrorists to use in Iraq, financing untold numbers of terrorists and their activities seem so minor as compared to not wanting to help. Never mind the fact that Iran would say that it wanted to help and then continue with the afforementioned activies while the UN praised them for their kindness.

    I have another question - how is this all just sectarian violence? I thought we were creating terrorists right and left in the Middle East. When did they decide to avoid Iraq at all costs?

  • 28 nylecoj // Dec 8, 2006 at 11:06 am

    Arianna Huffington has a list of the first 7 proposals from teh studay group that should be thrown out. I actually found this one amusing there at the end.

    “Recommendation 4: As an instrument of the New Diplomatic Offensive, an Iraq International Support Group should be organized immediately following the launch of the New Diplomatic Offensive.

    First, did we miss the Old Diplomatic Offensive? Second, we’d love to think that an International Support Group is going to work but, really, it’s just going to be a lot of sitting in a circle on folding chairs wondering when this guy is going to shut up about his wife leaving him for some other guy who blew up the Golden Mosque in Samarra.”

  • 29 Darthmeister // Dec 8, 2006 at 11:30 am

    What is it with people who think we can diplomatically finesse our way out of the sights of Islamofascists? We never deposed an existing regime in Vietnam the way we did in Afghanistan and Iraq. We won the Afghan War against the Taliban, we won the Iraq War against Saddam’s regime and now we are engaged in the GWOT in both theaters of operation. I wish the Bush Administration and President Bush had been more eloquent in stating their case instead of trying to advance the failed agenda of a “new tone” with a political opposition that hated his very being.

    Some say “if you ‘break it’ you fix it”, well, both Afghanistan and Iraq were already broken under tyranny before we got there. We have no moral imperative to stay in either country other than our interest in helping people help themselves, further drain the swamps of Muslim radicalism and continuing killing global Islamofascists on foreign battlefields rather than here at home.

  • 30 JamesonLewis3rd // Dec 8, 2006 at 11:39 am

    James Baker: “I hope we don’t treat this like a fruit salad and say, ‘I like this but I don’t like that, I like this but I don’t like that.’ This is a comprehensive strategy designed to, to deal with this problem we are facing in Iraq but also designed to deal with utter problems we face in the region.”

    In other words, I’m a freakin’ genius, you cannot disagree! You VILL DO! AS! I! SAY!!!!! im Augenblick!!!!! sofort!!!!! Hast!!!!! schnell, schnell!!!!! SCHNELL!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH…..

    “Comprehensive strategy” my eyeball.

  • 31 Bill's Bites // Dec 8, 2006 at 11:41 am

    Bush Likes Hybrid of Study Group Suggestions…

    Bush Likes Hybrid of Study Group Suggestions (2006-12-08) — Rather than accept all of the Iraq Study Group’s recommendations as a package, White House sources said today that President George Bush leans toward a hybrid version of the panel’s major…

  • 32 libertynow // Dec 8, 2006 at 11:45 am

    Recommendation 1. Stop trying to nation build.
    Recommendation 2. Use the military only for defense purposes.
    Recommendation 3. Set an example that other countries seek to emulate.
    That’s all I need!

  • 33 conserve-a-tips // Dec 8, 2006 at 11:49 am

    Add to the recommendations regarding Iraq from the Surrender Monkeys, their ideas on how it is Israel’s duty to create peace with Syria. It is Israel’s job to make sure that Syria is happy??? Give me a break.

    I feel like I am at an AA/Alanon meeting and a newby codependent is sitting there saying, “Don’t you know that it is your fault that your spouse is drinking and beating you?” And the spouse is there too, saying, “I hate you. I wish I had never laid eyes on you. If I didn’t have to live with you, I wouldn’t be drinking.” And the newby codependent says, “It is up to you to make sure that your spouse is happy, so you should be out getting his liquor for him and making sure that he gets what he wants. Do whatever it takes.” And the spouse says, “Yeah, and you deserve it when I beat you because you aren’t doing things my way.”

    In a real meeting, the rest of the group would sit in shocked astonishment and then tell the spouse and the newby codependent that they might need to come back when they are ready to get help because they are dead wrong. And they would tell the member to do whatever she needs to stay safe and that she doesn’t have to accept unacceptable behavior. Unfortunately, in the world stage of politics, it seems that the US, Israel and Great Britain are the only ones trying to practice the program. Everybody else is insane.

    “Insanity is defined as doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results.”

  • 34 JamesonLewis3rd // Dec 8, 2006 at 12:06 pm

    RE: #32~~

    Since that is precisely what we are doing, you should be happy. Correct?

    #1~~We are not in the “nation building” business.
    #2~~We are defending ourselves.
    #3~~We are an example for others to emulate.

  • 35 Fred Sinclair // Dec 8, 2006 at 12:38 pm

    Part of a letter from an American soldier in Iraq - if you would like a full copy e-mail me at

    Most of the carnage is caused by the Zarqawi Al Qaeda group. They operate mostly in Anbar province (Fallujah and Ramadi). These are mostly “foreigners”, non-Iraqi Sunni Arab Jihadists from all over the Muslim world (and Europe). Most enter Iraq through Syria (with, of course, the knowledge and complicity of the Syrian govt.), and then travel down the “rat line” which is the trail of towns along the Euphrates River that we’ve been hitting hard for the last few months. Some are virtually untrained young Jihadists that often end up as suicide bombers or in “sacrifice squads”. Most, however, are hard core terrorists from all the usual suspects (Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas). These are the guys running around murdering civilians en masse and cutting heads off. The Chechens (many of whom are Caucasian), are supposedly the most ruthless and the best fighters (they have been fighting the Russians for years). In the Baghdad area and south, most of the insurgents are Iranian inspired (and led) Iraqi Shiites. The Iranian Shiia have been very adept at infiltrating the Iraqi local govt.’s, the police forces and the Army. They have had a massive spy and agitator network there since the Iran-Iraq war in the early 80s. Most of the Saddam loyalists were killed, captured or gave up long ago.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 36 Laughing@You // Dec 8, 2006 at 1:40 pm

    Hey [deleted]:

    “… worship a psychotic maniac!?!”

    Huh …what? You gotta be kidding!

  • 37 bystander // Dec 8, 2006 at 1:41 pm

    “The US Military (finest in the world) has a unique way of changing the minds of people who otherwise may disagree with them.”

    The US Military does not change minds, it very simply blows their mind away ! Thankfully !

  • 38 Laughing@You // Dec 8, 2006 at 2:16 pm

    “Since that is precisely what we are doing, you should be happy. Correct?

    #1~~We are not in the “nation building” business.
    #2~~We are defending ourselves.
    #3~~We are an example for others to emulate.”

    What planet do you live on?

    #1~~ Of course we are “nation building”, and Dumbyah says we ain’t leaving before the job is done.

    #2 ~~From the Iraqi’s? They love us! America’s enemies love our being in Iraq; it effects recruitment the way Pearl Harbor did America during WWII.

    #3~~Right! The whole world has learned not to elect a complete lunatic! And they have learned how stupid you people are to support this unnecessary war!

    You are special aren’t you, JL[deleted]?

  • 39 GnuCarSmell // Dec 8, 2006 at 2:33 pm

    In a consensus-building move, Bush will announce the formation of a blue-ribbon study group to examine the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group. The new Iraq Study-of-a-Study-Group Group will include analysts and military experts who have spent significant time in theatre, and have actually ventured out of the Green Zone to see what’s happening in the other 99.999% of Iraq that other study groups avoid.

  • 40 Laughing@You // Dec 8, 2006 at 2:41 pm

    Dear Flat Earth Society:

    Say what’s this about Cheney’s little girl being “with child”? Isn’t she unmarried?

    What kind of example is that anyway?

    Remember how you hypocrites used to rag on sweet young Chelsey?

    So much for your family values!

    On a similar note, are you all aware you’re Barbara’s (the younger) being asked to leave Argentina? But, then her dad is unwelcome in most other countries in the world, and then even those county where is welcomed the people HATE him!

    So, do you think JerkyLoon3 was right when he wrote: “We are an example for others to emulate.” Really?

    What’s wrong you people here?

  • 41 conserve-a-tips // Dec 8, 2006 at 2:48 pm

    L@Y, is your Prozac not working? And do you read the articles, or just the titles? If you had read the articles, you would have found that Argentina did not ask the girls to leave and are denying that they ever did.

    And I have a question…do you think that you are voting for George Bush again? I promise. You aren’t. You got what you wanted in this last election. Are we to assume that you just can’t be happy? Yep, the Prozac just must not be working.

  • 42 Darthmeister // Dec 8, 2006 at 2:53 pm

    AP - Washington

    The Germany-Europe Study Group, commissioned by President Franklin Roosevelt, has released its findings today in hopes of uniting Americans in a common goal of extracting itself from its wars in the Pacific and on the European continent.

    The Germany-Europe Study Group first predicated its recommendations with this observation:
    “The situation in Europe is grave and deteriorating. There is no path that can guarantee success, but the prospects can be improved.”

    After the failure of the Eisenhower/Montgomery Market Garden offensive in hopes of a swift defeat of German forces in and around the Belgium theater of operations in September 1944, the study group recognizes that a swift victory by Christmas is simply impossible, particulary as the death toll of Allied forces for this one operation eventually reached 10,424.

    Led by Neville Chamberlain and co-chaired by famous aviator and non-interventionist Charles Lindburg, the G-ESG came up with these recommendations.

    1) We recommend a phased withdrawal of all American troops in Europe to Greenland and a withdrawal of all British troops back to the UK.

    2) We highly recommend that the countries of Mongolia and the island nation New Zealand be brought into the European peace discussions with Germany. The United States should immediately launch a new diplomatic offensive to build an international consensus for stability in Europe and the region. This diplomatic effort should include every country that has an interest in avoiding a chaotic Europe, including all of Europe’s neighbors.

    3) Our most important recommendations call for a change in the primary mission of U.S. and British forces in Europe that will enable the Allies to begin to move its combat forces out of Europe responsibly.

    4) We also recommend asking the Vichy French to help deal with the French Underground that continues to inflame German sentiments in the theater.

    5) We urge the President of the United States to keep open channels of communications with Hitler and set a date for a peace summit within the next six months.

    6) We strongly recommend Roosevelt Administration must keep open the possibility of sharing our atomic research with the Germans and Italians in return for promises they would stop their heavy-water experiments.

    7) In the event America is actually able to develop an atomic device we urge the President of the United States not to drop this device on Japan in the vain hopes of ending the war in Pacific quickly since it would only serve to anger the Japanese people and government who would then send more balloon bombs into California, Oregon and Washington state.

  • 43 Ms RightWing, Ink // Dec 8, 2006 at 3:01 pm

    Nah, we have nothing to worry about. Nope, nada, not a thing unless you lived in Illinois.

    Ooops, the Islams are a religion of peace. Right? Oh dear, you mean they’re not!

  • 44 conserve-a-tips // Dec 8, 2006 at 3:22 pm

    Too funny Darthmeister.

    Heh, did you see the similar editorial dated December 8, 1941, demanding to know why our boys were being sent into an unnecessary war with Germany? “President Franklin D. Roosevelt obviously flunked his geography exams in school, for he seems to think that Japan and Germany are on the same continent, lead by the same despot. This reporter finds it hard to stomach that our president and this Congress have purposely placed our young men in the position of agressors against a country which has a sovereign right to govern however it sees fit, while ignoring the plight of our seamen who were sitting ducks, yesterday. It is obvious that this administration does not understand the concept of being ’stretched too thin’ and is attempting to nation-build across the world.”

  • 45 conserve-a-tips // Dec 8, 2006 at 3:26 pm

    Ms Rightwing, Ink - I just want to know - what does shaving body hair have to do with anything? Does it make them slide more easily into heaven or something???

  • 46 Laughing@You // Dec 8, 2006 at 3:52 pm


    I have no Prozac!

    “Argentina did not ask the girls to leave and are denying that they ever did.”

    I didn’t say Argentina. The article, I did read, said it was the U. S. State Department.

    “And I have a question…do you think that you are voting for George Bush again? I promise. You aren’t.”

    No, Dumbyah won’t get another chance to mislead the gullible and simple-minded, or steal from the trusting. I think there is a question about his serving the remainder of his term; and I cast my vote every chance I get.

    I believe every day he remains in office increases the injury to America!

    But, now let me ask you: “…do you all here think that you are voting for Bill Clinton again? I promise. You aren’t.”

  • 47 bystander // Dec 8, 2006 at 4:17 pm

    “…non-interventionist Charles Lindburg, ”

    Lindbergh - a gentleman known for his “peacenik” views and his sympathetic view of the Nazis in company with Ambassador Kennedy and many of the English Upper Class.

  • 48 Darthmeister // Dec 8, 2006 at 4:50 pm

    BTW, you’re right about about the spelling of Lindbergh even though you didn’t make an issue of it. I saw the proper spelling as I was Googling the other links and forgot to go back to correct my spelling of his name in my rough draft in the comment box. My bad. It was meant as no respect to Mr. Lindbergh or the Glamorous Glennis … oh wait, that was Chuck Yeager, Spirit of St. Louis.

    However, Lindbergh was indeed known more as a non-interventionists rather than an isolationist because it was thought at the time the term non-interventionist carried more moral authority than a head-in-the-sand isolationist/peacenik.

  • 49 The Great Santini // Dec 8, 2006 at 6:28 pm

    ♪ ♪ ♪ THE 12 DAYS OF RAMADAN ♪ ♪ ♪

    [Tune: “The 12 Days of Christmas”, trad. Christmas carol; © 2006 Santini Serenades]

    On the first day of Ramadan
    An appeasement melody…
    From the pig-in-a-poke ISG

    On the second day of Ramadan
    Slow bug-out strategy
    2 has-been wheezers…
    Chair the pig-in-a-poke ISG

    On the third day of Ramadan
    Lousy advice, thought-free
    3 Frenchie farceurs
    2 has-been wheezers…
    Chair the pig-in-a-poke ISG

    On the fourth day of Ramadan
    To hell with victory
    4 Demo-donkers
    3 Frenchie farceurs
    2 has-been wheezers…
    Chair the pig-in-a-poke ISG

    On the fifth day of Ramadan
    Disaster policy
    5…wimp weenies…
    4 Demo-donkers
    3 Frenchie farceurs
    2 has-been wheezers
    Chair the pig-in-a-poke ISG

    On the sixth day of Ramadan
    Jim Baker, tooth fairy
    6 imams ired
    5…wimp weenies…
    4 Demo-donkers
    3 Frenchie farceurs
    2 has-been wheezers
    Chair the pig-in-a-poke ISG

    On the seventh day of Ramadan
    Pomposities from Lee
    7 Korans crapping
    6 imams ired
    5…wimp weenies…
    4 Demo-donkers
    3 Frenchie farceurs
    2 has-been wheezers
    Chair the pig-in-a-poke ISG

    On the eighth day of Ramadan
    Back-stab the Iraqis
    8 fatwas flaming
    7 Korans crapping
    6 imams ired
    5…wimp weenies…
    4 Demo-donkers
    3 Frenchie farceurs
    2 has-been wheezers
    Chair the pig-in-a-poke ISG

    On the ninth day of Ramadan
    Fall-guys? The Israelis!
    9 dhimmis dancing
    8 fatwas flaming
    7 Korans crapping
    6 imams ired
    5…wimp weenies…
    4 Demo-donkers
    3 Frenchie farceurs
    2 has-been wheezers
    Chair the pig-in-a-poke ISG

    On the tenth day of Ramadan
    Let’s kiss Iran’s fanny
    10 kaffirs quailing
    9 dhimmis dancing
    8 fatwas flaming
    7 Korans crapping
    6 imams ired
    5…wimp weenies…
    4 Demo-donkers
    3 Frenchie farceurs
    2 has-been wheezers
    Chair the pig-in-a-poke ISG

    On the eleventh day of Ramadan
    Limp-wristed lunacy
    11 mullahs mooning
    10 kaffirs quailing
    9 dhimmis dancing
    8 fatwas flaming
    7 Korans crapping
    6 imams ired
    5…wimp weenies…
    4 Demo-donkers
    3 Frenchie farceurs
    2 has-been wheezers
    Chair the pig-in-a-poke ISG

    On the twelfth day of Ramadan
    Sheer D.C. fantasy
    12 Allahu akbars
    11 mullahs mooning
    10 kaffirs quailing
    9 dhimmis dancing
    8 fatwas flaming
    7 Korans crapping
    6 imams ired
    5…wimp weenies…
    4 Demo-donkers
    3 Frenchie farceurs
    2 has-been wheezers…

    It’s the Peace-In-Our-Time ISG!

  • 50 Darthmeister // Dec 8, 2006 at 6:31 pm

    Another perspective on the Iraq Surrender Study Group by Jeff Jacoby of the Boston Globe.

  • 51 upnorthlurkin // Dec 8, 2006 at 7:20 pm

    Bravo Santini!! I’ll be whistling all night as I decorate the manse! (I misread day 7 the first time and thought it was 7 Koreans flaming!)

  • 52 Darthmeister // Dec 8, 2006 at 7:34 pm

    OMG! Buwahahahahaha. At least a Top Tenner, The Great Santini!

    AP - Washington

    Once again American non-interventionists level criticisms toward the beleaguered Roosevelt Administration as the Nazi push into the Ardennes threatens the ports of Antwerp and possibly set in motion the possible defeat of American forces. The question on most Americans’ minds is what military might does Hitler still have that we don’t know about.

    Now known as the Battle of the Bulge, American and Allied forces find themselves fighting for their lives instead of celebrating in Berlin with the German people throwing them flowers as the great liberators that Roosevelt and Churchill painted Allied forces had originally painted being. Americans are becoming weary of war and angry at the Roosevelt Administration though to a person they say they still “support the soldiers”.

    With America war casualties reaching 81,400, which includes 19,000 killed, in this latest Eisenhower failure to totally neutralize the Nazis’ offensive capabilities in the Ardennes, Republican calls were renewed for the impeachment of President Roosevelt, sacking his Secretary of Defense and replacing Eisenhower with war hero Charles Lindbergh who would begin drawing down American troops.

    And having read of this latest military debacle in newspapers and through radio broadcasts, dispirited Americans are having less stomach for the prospect of possibly seeing another 85,000 American soldiers die and 200,000 plus wounded as the U.S. Army and paratroopers try to make a final push toward Berlin and Hitler’s underground bunkers over the next six months.

    Many Americans are also beginning to wonder why Roosevelt chose to fight a costly war in Europe when it was the Japanese who attacked Pearl Harbor in the first place. The war in the Pacific Theater is costly enough with close to another 34,000 American Marines and Navy personnel dying during the last nine months.

    Clearly, President Roosevelt not heeding the G-ESG recommendations has caused America to lose another 54,000 servicemen to death and another 160,000 to wounds has created all manner of misery and chaos in the European theater of operations. And the President’s vague references to “beating the Nazi thugs” when asked for a clear exit strategy has caused much consternation among the American people who think this war is more about French wine and German sauerkraut than it is about American security.

  • 53 Darthmeister // Dec 8, 2006 at 7:43 pm

    Sheesh … that’s:

    as the great liberators Roosevelt and Churchill had originally painted Allied forces to be.


    lose another …160,000 to wounds AND has created all manner of misery and chaos

    Sorry for the discombobulation.

  • 54 bystander // Dec 8, 2006 at 8:04 pm

    “Washington D.C. – President Bush announced that by 2008 all government computers should be protected from outside attacks by the faith-based firewall called Protection From Above (PFA) from Houston-based software developer Christisoft.” By Brian Briggs

  • 55 INJUSTICE PREVAILS // Dec 8, 2006 at 8:39 pm


    1. You all are getting to soft get a grip America, disregard the left and all the democrats, excuse me I mean the “Osama-Crats” you bunch of little girls what happened to you??



    4.There is no civil war in Iraq Insurgent terrorist inside Iraq from Iran and Syriadont count as part of Iraq proper, a civil war is a divided state fighting each other…yah getting this NBC?

    5.Osama Bin Laden is now and has always been hiding in IRAN a retard can figure this stuff out come on people wake the [____] up

    6.Remove Hugo Chavez …strike that


    DONE and DONE

  • 56 Fred Sinclair // Dec 8, 2006 at 8:56 pm

    I had a bet with myself and I won! Thank you. I offered to send the rest of the soldiers letter to anyone that asked for it. Several requests but not from you, and I knew you didn’t have the guts to ask for it. You are so accustomed to your spoon fed Gerber’s from the totally biased Liberal Left media that you couldn’t handle real intellectual food because you’re scared out of your pants that if you did you would be compelled to own up to the stupidity of most, if not all of your comments.

    Continue on with your Socialist stupidity. Tried in many countries over many years Socialism has a 100% failure rate in every case. Russia tried to make it work for over 70 years - Cuba has tried for over 40 years and the Cuban people earnestly pray each day for his death.

    You really do want America to become another Cuba, don’t you?
    The only way you could want that is if you have plans to be a bigwig in the new government once you help overthrow our government. Not easy to be a traitor L@Y is it? In the event God brings judgement on America by way of the Islamic terrorists, remember this when you see the blur of the headsman axe and realize that you are one of the very first whose head they will use like a bowling ball, laughing in glee as one of them rolls your severed head down the street.

    Lot’s of luck….NOT……….Heirborn Ranger

  • 57 conserve-a-tips // Dec 8, 2006 at 9:27 pm

    Re #55: Don’t you find it ironic that the liberals, who are so all about taking up for the jihadists as misunderstood and rightfully angry and true believer liberationists, would be the first to be imprisoned, beheaded or tortured because of their lack of faith, lack of moral clarity and demand for everything to be fair? I have said it before, the liberals are like the Gingerbread Man who joyfully jumps on the Fox’s head to be carried over the river to the other side and is absolutely shocked and horrified when the fox eats him in midstream.

  • 58 Ms RightWing, Ink // Dec 8, 2006 at 10:20 pm


    You turned my much hated song into a thing of beauty

  • 59 Darthmeister // Dec 8, 2006 at 11:59 pm

    From the topic thread of Fully Bakered:

    So the study group met and decided that the price of a Normandy invasion was just too steep. According to leaked War Department memos, planners estimate deaths on D-Day alone could reach 10,000. In a lengthy, bipartisan recommendation the commission recommended America unilaterally meet with representatives of Berlin, Rome and Tokyo to develop a reasonable exit strategy. It would probably involve giving some concessions. England was a diminishing power in the world and could be abandoned. Other Allies were of little use to America’s long range interests.

    There was widespread media opinion that President Roosevelt had made a mess of the War and refused—after repeated requests by key members of the press-to admit it publicly. Those in Congress who had voted in favor of the War after Pearl Harbor were changing their minds now that they suspected White House duplicity in the attack and the original rationale for the War.

    A number of leading newspapers have reluctantly come to the conclusion that the War is lost and while sympathetic to the plight of millions enslaved people under Axis domination—some being exterminated—that it was just not in America’s best interests to continue to fight and die. After all, apart from several sub sightings off the Atlantic coast and a few rumors of Japanese ships near the pacific coast, no further attacks on the American mainland had happened since Pearl Harbor.

    The commission’s findings and recommendations will be discussed throughout Washington in the days ahead.

  • 60 Laughing@You // Dec 9, 2006 at 1:59 am

    Hairbrain Ranger:

    You’re welcome! How much did you win? Everthink, maybe you should split your winnings with me, since it was my predictability that made it possible for you to win?

    Do you even know what a “Socialist” is? By your definition, I would guess anyone who favors a nationalized health care system would be a socialist. The trouble with that definition is those failed countries you mentioned, and all of our allies, have it, and have had it for many years.

    Cuba? I don’t got no stinkin’ friends in Cuba! But, their medical schools seem to be pretty good, don’t they?

    Me a “bigwig”? Well, I would have said I wasn’t up to the job before Dumbyah; but I’m certain I could do it better than him, or anyone here. Can I count on your support?

    Finally, you have a very vivid imagination there, fruitloops; how long have you ben seeing heads lopped and rolling. By the way, I don’t think the guy with the ax is called a “headsman”; how about “executioner”

    There are so many crackpots here it’s hard to choose the most wacked; but dude, you are definitely a finalist.

    I have seen that you clang to be a Christian, did you ever read 1st Corinthians 13: 1-13 ?

  • 61 Effeminem // Dec 9, 2006 at 3:30 am

    “By your definition, I would guess anyone who favors a nationalized health care system would be a socialist.”

    … Yeah, I think that would be a socialist.

    ‘By the way, I don’t think the guy with the ax is called a “headsman” ‘

    … Yeah, he is called a headsman.

  • 62 Darthmeister // Dec 9, 2006 at 8:15 am

    Socialists want to define “socialism” so narrowly that Stalin would have a hard time being labeled a socialist commie.

    If socialism is so good (and let’s face it, a nationalize health care system is a tenet of socialism), then why do people like Bravo30/neverthink/laughing gasbag always trying to wiggle out from beneath the label? They should embrace it like we embrace the label “conservative”.

    I think it’s pretty self-evident that traditionally red-blooded Americans realize that liberty - particularly the view that our freedoms truly flower apart from a nanny state - and the natural rights of man flow from God and not from the state because what the state gives the state can take away or deny to some.

    So there is something deep down inside of most natural-born Americans which recoils from the concept of the State knowing better than we do how to spend our money or how to take of our families. And so when the power and responsibility is shifted from the individual to the State under the pretense of “making a better life for everyone”, we indeed trade away essential rights for a little temporary security. The nature of socialism is to spread the misery among everyone by force of law so that a few don’t suffer greatly either because of their life circumstances or because of irresponsible behavior.

    We already see the limitations of unlimited national healthcare in countries like Canada, Ireland, the UK and France - broken promises and all. There typically evolves a two-tiered system which results in waiting periods for the masses, and you can guess what tier we would fall in to. That or come to the land of the free and get the surgery done when you want it done, not six months later on a priority basis like what typically happens under true socialized medicine. It’s not economically feasible to give everyone all the benefits all the time, so a certain amount of “parcelling out” has to occur and we see it in the real world with socialized medicine. You might get it to work for a small community or a nation of four million sitting on oil, but not for nations with populations much above a 100 million.

    For greatest efficiency, lowest cost and maximum choice, ALL hospitals and health insurance schemes should be privately owned and run — with government-paid vouchers for the very poor and minimal regulation. Both Australia and Sweden have large private sector health systems with government reimbursement for privately-provided services, so can a purely private system with some level of government reimbursement or insurance for the poor be so hard to do without resorting to the socialism of “national healthcare”?

  • 63 MargeinMI // Dec 9, 2006 at 8:25 am

    Good morning all! May I share a song my son will be singing in the Christmas Concert:

    Merry Christmas to You from the Red, White and Blue!

    Merry Christmas to you from the red, white and blue!
    Merry Christmas to you, dear friends!
    Merry Christmas to you!
    May your wishes come true
    for freedom and joy that never ends!

    We’ve got a kind of miracle: a country that is free!
    A place to live and celebrate our own democracy!

    Merry Chirsmas to you from the red, white and blue!
    Merry Christmas to you, dear friends!
    Merry Christmas to you!
    May your wishes come true
    for freedom and joy that never ends!

    Gotta love flyover country. :o)

  • 64 RedPepper // Dec 9, 2006 at 9:06 am

    Good morning , all .

    Cloudland , we hardly knew ya !

    OTOH , looking up-thread , I see that Cloud Cuckoo Land is still going like the Energizer Bunny™ …

  • 65 Ms RightWing, Ink // Dec 9, 2006 at 9:24 am

    Good morning each and everyone


    I think in our more liberal sections of Amerika the words would not be so pleasant to hear. It would certainly be Happy Holidays, we’re going to tax you. You will be blue when Pelosi the Red steals with all her might

  • 66 JamesonLewis3rd // Dec 9, 2006 at 9:56 am

    President Bush should hold a press conference. He should walk into the room, devoid of facial expression, carrying the ISG Report in one hand and a metal trash can in the other. Wordlessly, he should set the trash can down and drop the “Report” into it from shoulder height. Next, he should retrieve a can of lighter fluid from his back pocket and, still wordlessly, empty its contents onto that “Report.” Next, he should produce a book of matches from another pocket, light it and toss it into the can. Finally, he should give the peace sign, turn around and leave.

  • 67 Mack // Dec 9, 2006 at 10:26 am

    How do you know you have been away from Scrapple to long? Hardly any of the handles there are familiar and I forgot my pass word and Scott had to mail it to me. Other than that I haven’t been gone to long.
    I hear that liger got a complete outing. To bad, some things are better left in the closet or at least out of sight.

  • 68 Scott Ott // Dec 9, 2006 at 10:27 am

    We’re going to try an experiment this weekend and shut off the comments section under this ScrappleFace story, allowing you to use the new (and yet powerfully underutilized) forum feature.

    Just click the “Discuss in Forum” link and carry on as usual. On-topic posts are welcome (as always), but you may also choose to comment on the ease-of-use and ergonomics of the forum vis-a-vis the blog comments feature. As with the conclusions of the Iraq Study Group, your input will be among the many voices that we consider as we seek a way forward.

    BTW, the forums have a couple of font problems that our vast typographical team is already studying.

    Thank You,
    Scott Ott, editor

  • 69 Scott Ott // Dec 11, 2006 at 6:22 am

    As of 6:18 a.m., Monday, December 11, the Forum experiment has ended. The regular blog comments section has been restored and the Forum link removed. Perhaps at some future date, when man creates a more robust forum that integrates with WordPress, allows replies to individual reader posts, and includes email notification of the webmaster, the vast IT staff at ScrappleFace will give it another whirl.

    Thank You to the many human guinea pigs who indulged this flight of fancy.

    The Management

  • 70 MargeinMI // Dec 11, 2006 at 7:03 am

    Wheeeeeeeeee that was fun!

    God Bless America, and good morning all!

  • 71 Pros and Cons » Blowback, defined … Or … Give ‘em enough rope … // Dec 14, 2006 at 10:12 pm

    […] Russia and Serbia both have this thing about Nazi atrocities, since they are the justifying raison de etre for their recent and very much lamented (at home) empires. Hey Ahmedinejaad? How’re your relations with China and India? Hope the Chinese bid for respectability doesn’t prevent them from wielding that last security council veto on your behalf, and the Indians’ hatred for your Sunni rival Pakistan makes them overlook your tactical alliance with al Quaeda. Hat tip, DEBKA. Maybe we’ll evacuate Iraq by way of Tehran? […]

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