(2008-01-08) — Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney today came to the rescue of floundering rival Sen. Hillary Clinton after the former first lady seemed to suggest that President Lyndon Johnson had a more important role in the Civil Rights movement than did the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
In apparent slap at Democrat Sen. Barack Obama’s efforts to align himself with the hopeful politics and soaring rhetoric of Dr. King, Sen. Clinton told a Fox News correspondent, “Dr. King’s dream began to be realized when President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act. It took a president to get it done.â€
Mr. Romney, who has previously demonstrated the ability to see beyond literal historical events, said, “I saw Hillary Rodham Clinton’s father march with Lyndon Johnson. They marched arm-in-arm to that desk where the Civil Rights Act lay, and Hugh Rodham cheered the president as Johnson hoisted that fountain pen, ignoring the snarling police dogs, buffeted by the blast of water cannon and the bone-crushing blows of the billy clubs.”
Although Sen. Clinton said she still believes “it takes a village to raise a child”, she added that to overcome more than a century of racist Jim Crow laws and institutionalized bigotry, “It takes more than a village, or a great orator. It takes an ink pen…wielded, I might add, by a former senator who had become president.”
The senator from New York said that as a young girl she was so inspired by Lyndon Johnson, that she abandoned her initial dream of becoming a civil rights leader, and decided to become President of the United States.
44 responses so far ↓
1 conserve-a-tips // Jan 8, 2008 at 9:06 am
God, Please Have Mercy On America!
2 conserve-a-tips // Jan 8, 2008 at 9:09 am
Ya know…if I were Obama, I’m not sure that I would be aligning myself with Kennedy and King. With Hillary going to tears at the thought of a loss, I sure would be leery of putting myself in the same club with two men who got gunned down by crazies!!!
3 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 8, 2008 at 10:37 am
There is no more telling indicator of a person’s lack of substance, in my opinion, than when that person vicariously dons the mantle of bygone Trailblazers as if they are the reincarnation of their Greatness-Greatness created on-the-fly by Character, not Committee; by Action, not Reaction.
This goes for both sides participating in this Ludicrous Popularity Contest.
It’s one thing for me to admit my emulation of Jesus Christ [as if ], for example, but it is another thing altogether for me to claim to be the embodiment of a new, improved Jesus Christ.
4 mig // Jan 8, 2008 at 11:00 am
There is a historical figure for every mantle. Pick one and wear it. When it no longer fits, try another.
5 everthink // Jan 8, 2008 at 11:24 am
“Ya know…if I were Obama, I’m not sure that I would be aligning myself with Kennedy and King. ”
Well CAT, why don’t you tell that to the Obama Campaign! It looks like they can use all the help they can get about now.
About your post #1:
It reminds me of the fellow who refused to leave his home after flood warnings; saying: “The Lord will save me”! Later as the flood waters rose, they sent a boat to him, but he refused rescue, saying: “The Lord will save me”! Then, when the dam broke, and he was on his roof, as a helicopter hovered over him with the loudspeaker saying: “Take the rope”, still he refused rescue, and responded: “The Lord will save me”!
He drowned!
Later, he said to the Lord of Hosts, “I put my trust in You and still I drowned”!
The Lord God answered him: “My dear child, I sent you a warning, I sent you a boat, and I sent you a helicopter.â€
6 JQ // Jan 8, 2008 at 11:32 am
In what way does CAT’s post #1 remind you of that parable? Who is the proverbial man on the roof?
Just curious. In this medium of pixels and text, it’s sometimes hard to discern the subtleties of a person’s point.
7 boberinyetagain // Jan 8, 2008 at 11:42 am
Can I be George Washington?
That might be cool. But only after the war, the war didn’t seem like much fun.
Donahue first (says the sign in)
8 woodnwheel // Jan 8, 2008 at 11:46 am
I look forward to hearing everthink’s answer to JQ’s question, but for the record, CAT, I wholeheartedly second post #1…
9 conserve-a-tips // Jan 8, 2008 at 11:46 am
ET, I have absolutely no idea where you are able to put my first post with your really, really overused joke and come up with any similarity at all.
My first post is based on the fact that I am no longer saying, “God Bless America” as if I am demanding that God bless a nation that has turned its back on Him and forgotten its roots. I have no right to demand for God to bless anything. I can pray, in the example of Christ’s prayer, that God’s will be done and that He make provision for our needs and not to lead us into temptation. But I can’t demand His blessing, because right now, that would be arrogant. And so, I ask for His mercy.
So please tell me how that has anything to do with boats and helicopters and recognizing God’s message?
10 Fred Sinclair // Jan 8, 2008 at 12:08 pm
Off topic - Just ran across this:
Excerpts taken from “Federal Department of Toilets & Light Bulbs”
Posted by Chuck Muth
It seems that Arizona Representative John Shadegg, has introduced his “Enumerated Powers Act” that would require that “Each act of Congress…contain a concise and definite statement of the Constitutional authority relied upon for the enactment of each portion of that act.â€
Rep. Shadegg has introduced this bill in every Congress since 1995 The original bill had 103 co-sponsors - this year? Just 38. First it was poorly working 1.6 gal. toilet tanks to replace the 3.5 gal. toilet tank (which worked just fine, thank you). Now it’s $3.00+ light bulbs to replace our working $0.50 bulbs. These new Curly-Q bulbs are noted for causing migraine headaches plus other health problems.
Still under active consideration is a new federal ban on top-loading washing machines, as well as a federal ban on disposable diapers So America has joined up to create a triumvirate on light bulbs - CNS News reported that two other countries had already taken similar steps to eradicate inexpensive incandescent light bulbs from the planet: Fidel Castro’s Cuba and Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela.
Well at least we’re in good company. btw-just when is enough, enough? I had my caretaker buy (on sale) two dozen 4 packs of 60 watt bulbs. Should do for awhile, at least.
Heirborn Ranger
11 JamesonLewis3rd // Jan 8, 2008 at 12:12 pm
Speaking of boats.
Speaking of myself, when I say, “God Bless America,” I am making a plea, not a demand, but I’ve pointed that out before.
12 conserve-a-tips // Jan 8, 2008 at 12:14 pm
I just heard the best definition of populism from Jason Lewis: “Populism is the wolves and the lambs discussing what to have for dinner!! ”
I love it.
13 gafisher // Jan 8, 2008 at 12:15 pm
Romney’s recanted. Apparently it wasn’t a desk and snarling dogs but rather a basketball hoop and snarling fans. He says Rodham was a simple spelling error. But otherwise he stands by his statement.
14 conserve-a-tips // Jan 8, 2008 at 12:17 pm
Fred - a ban on disposable diapers???? How will liberal couples deal with that? They think that having kids is a burden anyway, but to add washing cloth diapers to the to-do list? I don’t think so!!
15 boberinyetagain // Jan 8, 2008 at 12:28 pm
Ok, now the secret word(s) is “starving hermit”
What are you trying to say Mr Ott?
16 everthink // Jan 8, 2008 at 12:41 pm
I guess I just didn’t understand the distinction you make between the expression “God Bless America†and “God, Please Have Mercy On America!”.
I have always felt the need for mercy, even in (my) our best days.
Obama, seems to embody the spirit of MLK, Jr. and the message of JFK. Two men who knew the dangers of their positions, but rose to the challenge in spite of them.
I dare to hope this man, can, by his character and courage, “bridge the divide” in answer to the prayer of those of us who pray for mercy for our county in these perilous times.
Sorry about the “joke”, I didn’t know it was so old.
17 Hawkeye // Jan 8, 2008 at 1:19 pm
Awww! That’s nothin’… I once saw Hillary attempt to speak in a Southern African-American dialect! That’s gotta put her right up there with MLK, Jr… no?
18 gafisher // Jan 8, 2008 at 1:19 pm
C-A-T Re#14: “… a ban on disposable diapers???? How will liberal couples deal with that?”
Disposable kids.
19 gafisher // Jan 8, 2008 at 1:24 pm
ET Re#16: “Sorry about the “jokeâ€, I didn’t know it was so old.”
I’m not sayin’ it’s ancient, mind you, but in the original version the helicopter and boat are replaced with a pterodactyl and a leviathan …
20 meesterbig // Jan 8, 2008 at 1:43 pm
If any Republican had said anything even approaching Hillary’s recent Obama comments, the lame stream media would not be talking about Ms. Comeback Kid’s crocodile tears as much as they would be piling on those racists Repubs.
This is gonna be fun.
21 everthink // Jan 8, 2008 at 1:50 pm
I am delighted to see that, however begrudgingly, you all here are coming around to appreciate Al Gore’s concerns about “Global Warming”!
I agree, the time has come to ban disposable diapers.
Who makes them anyway? What will they say?
Is it “Conservative” to interfere with the free market, in the interest of the common good?
Gotta go now.
22 Fred Sinclair // Jan 8, 2008 at 1:58 pm
I’m thinking that “…..she was so inspired by Lyndon Johnson….”
If she follows in Lyndon’s footsteps….then Mr. Obama should hire a few (an army) of Wackenhut Security Guards to augment his current security. If I could have given that warning to President John F. Kennedy, this country could have had a vastly different future.
Johnson was quoted early in his Vice Presidency as stating “I will allow nothing to keep me from the office of President.” When he said that, he was telling the truth, and to him, nothing meant nothing.
Mrs. Bill’s dedication is no lesser than was Lyndon’s. Barak, beware! Beware and keep Vince Foster in mind. “Several hours after he was last seen inside the White House, Vincent Foster was found dead in Fort Marcy Park, in a Virginia suburb just outside Washington …”
We’ll see what ‘Super Tuesday’ holds….if he is deemed to be a real and serious threat…..
Heirborn Ranger
23 Fred Sinclair // Jan 8, 2008 at 2:06 pm
gafisher #19 - That’s a bit rich, actually an old family story tells of how Great GranPa kicked the slats out of his cradle while ROFLHHO, when he heard it for the first time.
Heirborn Ranger
24 da Bunny // Jan 8, 2008 at 2:37 pm
Hillary is now using her “soft, indoor voice,” and getting all misty-eyed while talking about how much she cares about America and “the children.” But those aren’t crocodile tears…they’re tears of fear and anger that she hasn’t taken her rightful first place in IA, and possibly NH, when she believes wholeheartedly that she’s entitled to win. The fireworks show is just beginning. If Osama Obama takes NH, Hillary might just spontaneously combust!
25 JQ // Jan 8, 2008 at 2:47 pm
Re: 21
I don’t see the need for legislating high-efficiency bulbs, toilets, washing machines, cars, etc. There are currently no laws demanding that we use any of these things, yet more and more of the general population are using them.
Why? Well, resources cost money. High-efficiency products use less resources, therefore they cost less money (in the long run). This creates incentive for people to buy them.
It’s called the FREE MARKET.
26 conserve-a-tips // Jan 8, 2008 at 2:57 pm
Whoops. And speaking of candidates, I think that this one is out of the running.
27 prettyold // Jan 8, 2008 at 3:39 pm
But do these products last longer or have greater efficiency ? The”new” toilets have to be flushed 2 or even 3 times ,to do what the old toilet did in one flush.
If the expensive lightbulbs really last longer ,why are people already having trouble throwing them away, they haven’t been around that long ,how come they’re already burning out? Getting rid of them will be very expensive and may get you arrested.
How long will the seal last on the door of the front-load washer?Clothes do not get clean in less water,so we will have to buy new clothes more often.
Cars? Well I love our SUV, We are safer and I like being higher up and able to see .We have been going through this high efficiency thing with cars ,off and on for years. We always come back to the bigger safer car. See what Algore rides in,it is certainly not one of those little plastic toys with a lawnmower engine.
We are throwing away all the good things ,for a bunch of untried ,unproven junk. Baby with the bath water,anyone?
28 beekabok2 // Jan 8, 2008 at 4:04 pm
My son at some time in the past, threw a “pull-up” brand overnight training pants into the bathtub and, much to my dismay, I didn’t find it for a few hours. Well the thing swelled up to the size of a football and had to weigh at least 10 - 15 pounds. Not sure why I am sharing this. just bored i guess.
29 conserve-a-tips // Jan 8, 2008 at 4:10 pm
Beekabok2 - In other words it could take on a Brawny paper towl and win?
30 JQ // Jan 8, 2008 at 4:52 pm
Prettyold, time will tell. My point is that if these products do what they are supposed to do (and what liberal legislation would rely on them doing), then the free market will automatically adjust to using those products, rendering any legislation moot. We don’t need legislation to direct the market; that’s why it’s called “free.”
31 mindknumbed kid // Jan 8, 2008 at 5:50 pm
I guess the government thinks that they know what is best and that we need to be forced to do right. I was buying those twisty light bulbs for a while, then I heard about mercury and the hazards that arise if they are broken. I also heard that every last one of the “good” bulbs are manufactured in China. Now I buy the cheap bulbs and change ‘em when they blow out.
I understand that the first electronically controlled automobile engines were controlled by a system called an OBD 1 computer, but as of 1995 the vehicles were required by the boys in Washington to have an OBD 2 computer controller that requires more complex tools to diagnose problems. While they may be better, I don’t se why the guys passing laws ought to be concerning themselves with such things.
I wonder how many regular bulbs I will need to get to ensure a lifetime supply ?
Why can’t Americans make twisted bulbs ?
32 mindknumbed kid // Jan 8, 2008 at 6:02 pm
I am super skeptical of the claims about how much money you will be saving on your power bill when you make the switch. They sound extremely exaggerated to me, maybe they are spot on, but I don’t believe everything I read.
33 mindknumbed kid // Jan 8, 2008 at 6:06 pm
I believe it is more appropriate to say, America, bless God ! The other way around nowadays seems out of line to me.
34 prettyold // Jan 8, 2008 at 6:22 pm
I agree ,we don’t need government interference in our day to day lives. The problem is ,once Government has outlawed the product that works and forced us to buy the product that doesn’t work,it’s too late. The American Company that made the workable product ,will have gone out of business.
Look at the toy situation ,this past Christmas. Hand made, safe toys are still made in the US ,but they are not available to all,because they are only made in small quantities.
This goes back to the Global economy. Great idea ,Free Enterprise,no argument,but when the government forces the market to do as it orders,somehing is wrong.Fat Cats like Algore and lobbyists enrich themselves at our expense ,and we don’t even know why they changed the law.Do 90% of the lawmakers know why?
35 Possumtrot // Jan 8, 2008 at 7:00 pm
I’m rather glad this has degenerated into a discussion of light bulbs, etc.
The real “joke” that attaches to Osama Bamalama is Obama himself.
The Iranian “navy” just made an important point by buzzing our naval warships with their speedboats. Can you picture President Bamalama being summoned out of bed at 0300 and being told that Iranians are weaving in and out of a naval convoy, dropping boxes of what appears to be high explosives into the path of the destroyers?
Battle stations will be manned, and fingers will be on the triggers. Who are we going to “negotiate” with in that circumstance?
Hillary would have to conduct a poll before issuing orders. I suspect Obama would simply burst into tears because the Islamofacists have not adhered to his notions of “morality”.
Meanwhile, the vessel commanders would be remembering the USS Cole, and calling “weapons free”.
The result might be something resembling that old Poitier/Widmark chestnut: “The Bedford Incident”.
When I first heard the news about Iranians buzzing the fleet, one historical tidbit leaped immediately to mind: “Gulf of Tonkin.” The difference is, this time they’re not phantoms, and they’re looking down the barrels of a technology far more awesome than the 1960s Navy.
I have a lot of small lamps that use clip-on shades, and I can’t get them to fit over those new-fangled bulbs. At $6.00 a copy for LED bulbs, I gave up on my high-tech desk lamp, and now use a small cafe table lamp with a 60 watt standard bulb. So, there…
There is a final, sad wrap-up on the missing hiker case at United Possums International. Things do not always work out they way we’d like for them to.
36 conserve-a-tips // Jan 8, 2008 at 7:04 pm
Now, now, Prettyold…not nice making fun of Algore’s weight problem… giggle…
37 camojack // Jan 8, 2008 at 7:12 pm
Hillary’s dad should’ve been neutered…but who knew back then that he’d sire such a harpy?
38 mindknumbed kid // Jan 8, 2008 at 7:52 pm
But do you think that Hillary would have ever made it anywhere without hitchin’ up with the snake oil salesman? Maybe it was Wiilie’s pa that should’ve had a procedure done.
39 prettyold // Jan 8, 2008 at 7:54 pm
You must be more trusting. When the Government and the power company tell you how much you will save ,believe them. We have a gas furnace and we have done every single solitary thing they told us to do to save money. Now the power company pays us.
40 mindknumbed kid // Jan 8, 2008 at 8:04 pm
Every time someone tells me about how much I am or will “save” my bank account takes a hit. The power company must be getting a little extra money from hardheads like me to send you those checks! If I switch bulbs will your check go down or disappear ? I’ll stick to my game for y’all’s sakes!
41 prettyold // Jan 8, 2008 at 8:19 pm
How would they ever have known who Willie’s Dad was? The could have ended up neutering half of Hot Springs Ark.
42 Fred Sinclair // Jan 8, 2008 at 8:46 pm
I went to Snopes - Urban Legends and entered ‘broken light bulb cleanup’ - very interesting. among other things they can interfere with radios, tv’s, etc. the amount of mercury in each bulb is the size of a period at the end of a sentence.
The unintended side benefit of the 1.6 gal. toilet tanks is financial - I talked wth a trucker who says he became wealthy hauling 3.5 gal. tanks into the USA from Canada. Safer than smuggling booze or dope.
Heirborn Ranger
43 prettyold // Jan 8, 2008 at 9:30 pm
Now if one filled the 3.5 gallon tanks with booze or drugs ,one would just be flush with money. What border inspector is going to stick his head or even his hand into a toilet?
But, heck ,Canada doesn’t want our booze or drugs. Another great idea down the drain.
Puns intended.
44 everthink // Jan 8, 2008 at 10:14 pm
Well, it certainly looks like voter apathy is in decline. I wonder if this will effect the congressional races too?
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