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Pelosi Declares Victory in Murtha-Hoyer Battle

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 71 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2006-11-17) — Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, said yesterday’s 149-86 vote against the man she publicly endorsed for House Majority Leader was the first victory in her historic reign as the first female Speaker of the House.

“I endorsed Jack Murtha because I knew he would lose to Steny Hoyer,” said Rep. Pelosi, “and I also knew that after years of suffering low self-esteem due to our minority status, my colleagues needed another confidence booster.”

By defeating the Speaker’s apparent choice, she said, “149 Democrats experienced the adrenaline rush that comes from rebelling against authority and speaking truth to power.”

Rep. Pelosi said teaching Democrats to oppose her leadership is just part of her strategy to prepare them to stand up against the dictatorial rule President George Bush.

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71 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Darthmeister // Nov 17, 2006 at 8:28 am

    In the DemDonk world you win by losing, hence their insatiable desire to cut-and-run in Iraq.

  • 2 Darthmeister // Nov 17, 2006 at 8:29 am

    Foist and pre-emptive eleventeenth!

  • 3 Scott Ott // Nov 17, 2006 at 8:32 am

    Pelosi Declares Victory in Murtha-Hoyer Battle…

    by Scott Ott(2006-11-17) — Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, said yesterday’s 149-86 vote against the man she publicly endorsed for House Majority Leader was the first victory in her historic reign as the first female Speaker of the House.“I endorsed Jack…

  • 4 mig // Nov 17, 2006 at 8:36 am

    Voting for, then voting against. What’s the difference. Diebold machines are used in Congress, and we all know how corrupt they are!

  • 5 camojack // Nov 17, 2006 at 8:38 am

    Foist and pre-emptive eleventeenth!
    Comment by Darthmeister — November 17, 2006 @ 8:29 am

    So then, does that mean that now you’ve “experienced the adrenaline rush that comes from rebelling…and speaking truth to power”? What was it like?!

  • 6 Ms RightWing, Ink // Nov 17, 2006 at 8:55 am

    You know, in this life, we lose some and we lose some. Geesh, one election victory in 12 years and they think something just might go their way. Hey, their Democrats.

  • 7 Atilla_the_Hun // Nov 17, 2006 at 8:56 am

    Now that Nancy boy Murtha, da bagman for Jim Wright, has been denied his props, the Dems can get on with the business of cutting and running and impeaching. With Alcee Hastings, running the intelligence committee, we can soon expect all natinal secrets to be in the hands of the NY Times, the Chinese, Hugo Chavez and even Kim Mentally-Ill Sung.

  • 8 RedPepper // Nov 17, 2006 at 8:57 am

    speaking truth talkin’ [bleep!] to power (Helen) Thomas …

    There. Fixed that

  • 9 MargeinMI // Nov 17, 2006 at 9:03 am

    God Bless America!

    (heh, finally got one in!)

  • 10 MargeinMI // Nov 17, 2006 at 9:05 am

    And here’s to hoping every idea, person, piece of legislation she endorses in the future gets similar votes!

  • 11 conserve-a-tips // Nov 17, 2006 at 9:19 am

    Well, you all have certainly been busy! I just caught up with you here and missed the train on the last one. Puff, puff.

    How are our North Carolina Scrapplers? No injuries? No damage? I hope.

    Scott, I am waiting for your comment on John Edwards and his WalMart debacle. I especially liked the statements in the article the article I read:
    In the call, he repeated a story about his son Jack disapproving of a classmate buying sneakers at Wal-Mart.
    “If a 6-year-old can figure it out, America can definitely figure this out,” Edwards said.

    but regarding his full-grown volunteer:

    Edwards said the volunteer was “a young kid” unaware of what he called flawed Wal-Mart policies. He called the Wal-Mart statement an effort to divert attention from its own problems.

    What a hypocrite. Going after the very company that makes it possible for the “little people” to live kinda like him!

  • 12 JamesonLewis3rd // Nov 17, 2006 at 9:19 am

    They’re all so busy strutting their stuff because of a 51-49 majority. It takes 60 (if I’m not mistaken) to pass legislation-they do not own the place.

    What’s going on in these early days is merely the sideshow gauntlet we are forced to traipse through to get to the three rings where the real show is going to take place.

    Bring in the clowns.

  • 13 Maggie // Nov 17, 2006 at 9:20 am

    Ele ction.

  • 14 RedPepper // Nov 17, 2006 at 9:23 am

    “I warned you people about what might happen if ‘Take Your Daughter to Work Day’ ever caught on, and now you’ve got no one but yourselves to blame. Happy now?”

    Anne Coulter’s take on la Pelosi.

    And, while I’m here posting:

    Happy birthday to Oklahoma Senator James M. Inhofe !

  • 15 RedPepper // Nov 17, 2006 at 9:27 am

    Ah, the curse of “13″ is still alive and well !

    Anne Coulter’s link :

    and Sen. Inhofe’s :

  • 16 Maggie // Nov 17, 2006 at 9:28 am

    Rats…..Darth’s pre-emptive eleventeenth must have put the kabosh on my post.

    Pelosi’s strategy could certainly benefit the Washington Redskins.

    BTW….Good peaceful,calm and bright sunny morning to you.The only thing we lost in yesterday’s wind is our flag pole.

  • 17 Possumtrot // Nov 17, 2006 at 9:44 am


    I can’t keep up! Great Scott’s a-churnin’ them out so rapidly!

    It’s another upside to the socialist power seizure: there’s a wealth of comedic material. I keep hearing that song from “As Good As It Gets”…”Look on the Sunny Side.”

    Smeagol Carville and the Clintons are reputedly out for Mad How’s scalp. Botox Pelsosi hasn’t even been sworn as Speaker yet, and the taters are flying in the mess hall.

    Has Charlie Rangel gotten Dick Cheney’s office yet?

    Hiding on Scorpion Hill and waiting for “The Plan” to kick in with non-partisan, un-corrupt, efficient government…

  • 18 conserve-a-tips // Nov 17, 2006 at 9:47 am

    RedPepper: I am sure that our illustrious Senator appreciates your thoughts! He is a real down-homey guy.

    I am just having fun watching the children trying to do an adult’s job and falling all over themselves in the process. The Democrats live for intrigue, name-calling and innuendo when it comes to the leadership. I guess they never realized what they would do to their own leadership!

    BTW, anybody been following Rick Warren lately? I never liked his books, thought that they were so off the mark, scripturally, that they were dangerous, and that he is typical of the evangelists who forget to whom they are supposed to be submitting (and it ain’t the people). But here is an article that says it all. Also, yesterday it was revealed that he had gone to Syria and had shot a film (put on the internet and then taken off) of him walking the streets of Damascus and praising Syria. He was “shocked” that the Syrian state-run press had “used” him for propaganda against Bush and the US. Duh. This man is too worldly for my tastes. And I realize I am probably stepping on some toes.

  • 19 Maggie // Nov 17, 2006 at 9:52 am

    Not my toes……I agree.
    It is said that Scripture throws a lot of light on commentary.

  • 20 Shelly // Nov 17, 2006 at 10:03 am

    Good morning all!

    Possum, good luck on that uncorrupt, efficient government thing.

    c-a-t, the Syrian government used someone for propaganda. What a shock!

    Is it me, or is the world collectively losing its mind? I’m reading Mark Steyn’s new book and its becoming clearer that people do not see the forest or the trees. (There’s no “f” missing with that “or.”) I am also a little worried that Scott may get a speeding ticket.

  • 21 conserve-a-tips // Nov 17, 2006 at 10:06 am

    Shelly, which book is that? I am looking for a few good books to read. Thanks.

  • 22 GnuCarSmell // Nov 17, 2006 at 10:30 am

    John Murtha looked like he needed an attitude adjustment at the press conference. The Dem’s have to be wondering how the clueless Pelosi became their Speaker. It should be very interesting if she backs the crook Alcee Hastings for chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

  • 23 wildhowd // Nov 17, 2006 at 10:44 am

    Because of Demodink fodder Scott should be able to keep up this pace until 2008

  • 24 gafisher // Nov 17, 2006 at 11:16 am

    “I was for Jack Murtha before I was against Jack Murtha.”

  • 25 Darthmeister // Nov 17, 2006 at 11:49 am

    Welcome back, Atilla the Hun. Your insightful pithiness was missed.

  • 26 Possumtrot // Nov 17, 2006 at 11:49 am

    I would glady sell Great Scott my old Covette for speeding purposes, but my ex-wife beat him out on it.

    Too much material, too fast.

    I hope Those People will keep us laughing with their clueness comedy. I fear the day when the stakes become mortal again, and this ill-prepared gang of clowns has to step up to the plate and actually run something.

    Hiding and watching on Scorpion Hill…

  • 27 Darthmeister // Nov 17, 2006 at 11:50 am

    Just read an article about the possibility of blue dog Democrats dragging the party back to the center, even on the abortion issue. Is anyone buying that?

  • 28 Shelly // Nov 17, 2006 at 12:07 pm

    c-a-t, it’s called America Alone and its not for anyone who prefers to keep their head in the sand.

  • 29 JamesonLewis3rd // Nov 17, 2006 at 12:09 pm

    “America Alone: The End Of The World As We Know It” by Mark Steyn

    I’ve read an excerpt or two, and it sounds right on. Several bloggers and columnists I frequent have cited it as a must read.

    My local library does not seem to have any of Steyn’s books…..figures.

  • 30 RedPepper // Nov 17, 2006 at 12:16 pm

    Darthmeister: Surely you jest! The “blue dogs” are welcome for the same reasons the blacks are: numeric support to make a majority, plus having them scores desirable propaganda points (i.e., “we’re supported by all the right people!”). Actually let ‘em run stuff? Let us get back ta ya on that …

  • 31 JamesonLewis3rd // Nov 17, 2006 at 12:23 pm

    RE: #27~~

    Spot-changing leopards, eh?-as believable as the shape-shifters of the sci-fi realm, I guess.

  • 32 J. Cougar Melancholy // Nov 17, 2006 at 2:14 pm

    Hey Possum, speaking of clueless comedy, here’s one for ya:

    Top Ten Signs You’re Having a Bad Thanksgiving.

    10. A giant parade balloon knocks a streetlamp onto your head. You wake up to find David Lee Roth giving you mouth-to-mouth.

    9. You help the Indians get their revenge by losing your life’s savings at the Borgata Casino.

    8. Before carving the turkey, Uncle Herb dons a mask of human flesh.

    7. Tonight, carnival tummy. Tomorrow, bird flu.

    6. You’ve stuffed the bird beautifully, but sadly, you have no exit strategy.

    5. You call the Butterball hotline for advice only to get bad stock tips from Martha Stewart.

    4. Afterwards, the dinner table looks like the set from “Saw III”

    3. At the table, your daughter announces, “Mama, I’m getting back with K-Fed.”

    2. Your assigned partner in the turkey shoot: Dick Cheney.

    1. Instead of pumpkin, you’re served impeach pie ala mode.


  • 33 conserve-a-tips // Nov 17, 2006 at 2:49 pm

    You realize they are serving black-eyed Pea-losi with entertainment on the Kerry-oki.

    You’ve entered the PETA twilight zone and find that you will be eating Tofurkey.

    You are looking forward to pecan pie and apple pie, only to find that you will be having the apples served freshly sliced with pecans and a nutcracker to meet the New York transfat standards.

  • 34 Just Ranting // Nov 17, 2006 at 2:53 pm

    JCM re:32

    1a. You’re assigned to carpool to and from the Thanksgiving dinner, and Ted Kennedy is the driver.

  • 35 J. Cougar Melancholy // Nov 17, 2006 at 3:02 pm

    Love ‘em C.A.T.! Love it JR!

  • 36 Darthmeister // Nov 17, 2006 at 3:12 pm

    In the interest of bi-partisanship I was merely giving the DemDonk pied pipers leadership the benefit of the doubt on the basis they call themselves “progressives”. Buwahahahahaha … NOT!

    You all are absolutely right, just like black Americans have languished on liberalism’s plantation while “progressive” white elites continue to pursue their secular socialist agenda with reckless abandon, so shall it be with the blue dog Democrats. They’re just along for the ride like ol’ Blue with his head stuck out the passenger’s side window.

    But if America is lucky, we might just get some Congressional gridlock if the blue dogs get tired of being ignored/disrespected and begin voting with Republican conservatives to block liberal legislation.

    1B. You’ve been waiting to get into Wal-Mart for the last four hours to get a jump on a big sale and John Edwards tries cutting in line in front of you.

    1C. You’ve lost your legs fighting in what you think is a just and worthy cause in Iraq and then some liberal moron like John Kerry - who thinks the cause in Iraq is illegal and immoral - comes to your veterans’ hospital, arrives at your room, mills around for a few seconds, doesn’t say a single word to you and then continues on with his PR junket. (actually happened)

  • 37 J. Cougar Melancholy // Nov 17, 2006 at 3:15 pm


  • 38 Darthmeister // Nov 17, 2006 at 3:20 pm

    From Moderate To Moonbat In Less Than A Week

    Sorry, JCM, didn’t mean to harsh your mellow.

  • 39 mig // Nov 17, 2006 at 4:33 pm

    Murtha was a no nonsense nancy boy.
    The mirth has just begun.

  • 40 Possumtrot // Nov 17, 2006 at 6:41 pm

    Glancing in, I thought Liger was kind of cute with the Thanksgiving list. I appreciate sleaze, when it knows its place.

    Still hiding hull-down on Scorpion Hill…

  • 41 Beerme // Nov 17, 2006 at 6:41 pm

    As a Republican, you think you’re about to settle down to some lame duck dinner, but you find out the in-laws are Democrats and there a free-range Turkey on the table with crooked drumsticks.

  • 42 Beerme // Nov 17, 2006 at 6:47 pm

    You settle down for some football after dinner and you realize it’s the Lions playing…

  • 43 Beerme // Nov 17, 2006 at 6:49 pm

    Hey, btw, is the K-Fed gonna raise interest rates or what?

    ooops! I did it again.

  • 44 Darthmeister // Nov 17, 2006 at 6:49 pm

    Philanthropy Expert: Conservatives Are Far More Generous

    I’m not surprised in the least. Secular liberals tend to see their tax dollars as their “tithe” to the poor. Conservatives see their tax dollars as greasing the wheels of government and then give above and beyond in substantial amounts to private charities and especially religious charities and their church. In my own conversations with liberals and conservatives, I’m alway surprised by how much money and time conservatives donate to charitable causes whereas liberals tended to simply donate their time. Yes, there are liberals who give generously, but across the board conservatives outgive secular liberals and this hasn’t been the only research that has come to this conclusion.

  • 45 Darthmeister // Nov 17, 2006 at 6:51 pm

    Sorry, the first hyperlink didn’t show. Here it is:

    Philanthropy Expert: Conservatives Are Far More Generous Than Liberals

  • 46 Laughing@You // Nov 17, 2006 at 7:03 pm


    You should never eat less than two hours before a Lions game. However, you may eat as soon as you are able, after the game. It’s just not your year is it, sad guy?

  • 47 conserve-a-tips // Nov 17, 2006 at 7:16 pm

    Yipee! The troll heard my song. I am the siren who lures the unsuspecting to the dangerous waters of Scrappledom. :wink:

  • 48 nylecoj // Nov 17, 2006 at 7:26 pm

    CAT re #47, that is so funny.

  • 49 Beerme // Nov 17, 2006 at 7:31 pm

    Hey, L&T,

    One: My year is going great. I can’t even begin to list the wonderful blessings I’ve received this year and it isn’t over, yet!
    Two: I am about as far from a “sad guy” as there is.
    Three: My Tigers went to the World Series, my Pistons had the best record in Basketball and went to the finals and my Red Wings had the best record in hockey. UM is going to Columbus tomorrow for the college football game of the year and I just spent the nmight at a Holiday Inn Express.
    Life’s a bowl of cherries for me.

    How’s that culture of corruption thing goin’ for ya?

  • 50 Beerme // Nov 17, 2006 at 7:34 pm

    OK, I meant “L@T” and “night”.

  • 51 Godfrey // Nov 17, 2006 at 7:36 pm

    Hank re: #44: the main difference isn’t that leftists “care” any less…it’s that they naturally view it as the government’s job to take care of the needy.

    Also, from a few threads ago: “the free market/capitalist system has proven to be the most efficacious in raising the standards of everybody since it taps into and harnesses the greed everyone has at some level.”

    One minor point: don’t confuse greed with self-interest. Self-interested people tend to spread wealth, while the greedy hoard it. Most people who act in their own self-interest help others without intending to. :-)

    OLA: props for the great quotes on Milton Friedman yesterday. He was truly one of humankind’s greatest benefactors-and in truth his benificence is just beginning. Ask the Chinese in 50 years.

    If anyone is interested in dipping into Friedman’s work without wading through mountains of mind-numbing economist jargonese, I highly recommend this book.

  • 52 Godfrey // Nov 17, 2006 at 7:45 pm

    Oops…I meant this book. The other one is great but this is a better read.

  • 53 Beerme // Nov 17, 2006 at 8:21 pm

    I hope we can look back in the near future to Friedman’s ideas as having been followed and engaged to produce the society we should have, rather than the society most of our current politicians want to give us. Milton and Rose Friedman worked very hard as late as this year, educating the public about school choice (one of their pet projects). Let’s hope all their work won’t be in vain.

  • 54 Beerme // Nov 17, 2006 at 8:24 pm

    For those unfamiliar with Milton Friedman here is a site with links to several great interviews and articles about this truly iconic fighter for freedom. The world has truly lost a Giant.

  • 55 Laughing@You // Nov 17, 2006 at 8:40 pm


    You axed me: “How’s that culture of corruption thing goin’ for ya?” Why, Beerme that’s the label we Democrats made stick on you “Republican Rubberstampers”.

    It might interest you to know I wasn’t as happy with the outcome of the “World Series”, as you claim to be. You see, I’m not much of a baseball fan anymore. But, I owe too much to Lolich, Kaline, Freehan, Stanley, Northup, McAuliffe, Brown, and the others to ever not love The Tigers, “Bless You Boys”! I saw them beat the “Dickens” out of those Red Birds in another world series once.

    I’ll be wearing the Maize and Blue tomorrow, as I watch the Wolverines do to the Buckeyes what the Democrats did to the Republicans. You know how I know, Beerme? Because it IS my year!

    GO BLUE!

  • 56 Darthmeister // Nov 17, 2006 at 8:47 pm

    Hank re: #44: the main difference isn’t that leftists “care” any less…it’s that they naturally view it as the government’s job to take care of the needy.

    Now did I say that liberals “care(d) any less.” That’s the problem, they blather about how much they care (and maybe they do) but they certainly don’t put their money where there mouth is. The last time I checked, for a given income level, liberals and conservatives roughly pay the same amount of taxes since the IRS doesn’t make distinctions between liberals and conservatives. So it’s a total cop out for libs to bloviate about how much they “care” when it doesn’t translate into them digging even deeper in their own back pockets. That’s why I resent them defining their “compassion” by how much of my paycheck they can take away from me in their confiscatory income redistribution schemes.

    So tell me, Godfrey, if liberals really do “care” and they paint conservatives as hard-hearted, stingy SOBs, why is reality the exact opposite? Hmmmmmmmm? As a group, I think it time secular liberals took a good hard look in the mirror and cut the crappola about how “compassionate”, “caring”, and “sensitive” they are to the plight of the poor when indeed it appears it is the conservative who is PUTTING HIS/HER MONEY WHERE THEIR HEART IS.

  • 57 Darthmeister // Nov 17, 2006 at 8:51 pm

    BTW, if liberals don’t think government isn’t taking enough of their/our money in the form of taxes to fund government charity (which has a very corrosive effect on governments when people realize they can vote themselves money from the public largesse), then why aren’t liberals voluntarily given more of their income, above and beyond their tax burden, to the IRS to redistribute to the poor? Hmmmmmmmm?

    They don’t do it because they know government is full of waste and fraud YET THEY STILL DON’T GIVE AS MUCH AS CONSERVATIVES TO PRIVATE CHARITY. At least that’s what the study is telling us when it comes to the bottom line.

  • 58 Darthmeister // Nov 17, 2006 at 8:51 pm

    …the government stole my post.

  • 59 JamesonLewis3rd // Nov 17, 2006 at 9:01 pm

    The Buckeyes will stomp the Wolverine’s guts out.

  • 60 Laughing@You // Nov 17, 2006 at 9:03 pm

    J. Cougar:

    The tin horn emperor keeps talking about the future of Iraq, like he’s the only one with an opinion that counts! It sounds to me like he isn’t going to listen to reason. If that’s true, he better be getting ready for an early retirement on the Nixon plan.

  • 61 Darthmeister // Nov 17, 2006 at 9:06 pm

    Your point about self-interest and greed is well taken. I was merely using the worst case scenario to demonstrate than even in cases of outright greed in a free market, it can still be turned for good - barring outright criminal activity of course.

    Certainly self-interest plays a large part in free market dynamics but sometimes the line is blurred between self-interest and outright greed when big money is on the line. What I’m ultimately saying is under a democratic free market even greed can be harnessed for the good of others.

    I suppose the question is: Would one rather tolerate corporate greed in a free market or tolerate the kind of greed where the socialist government elites invariably profit greatly while imposing their production, price and wage controls on the unwashed masses.

  • 62 Beerme // Nov 17, 2006 at 9:12 pm

    Bless You Boys was the 1984 battle cry. 1968’s was Go Get ‘Em Tigers!

    You left out Willie Horton. I hope you know he wasn’t in any way connected to any Democrat losses. That was a different Willie Horton. I lived on the same street as Willie Horton as a child, in Detroit. My brother played ball with him. I have a home run ball hit by Norm Cash in 1973, when the tigers beat the Twins 6-0.

    So UM is your team tomorrow, Laugh @ This?
    Now I am truly divided. And you such a great football mind, too. Root for my Wolverines or root for the team that represents the Republicans. Such a quandary! Well, with a QB like Pelosi, I think I’ll take Troy Smith. I do hope to see the Wolverines beat the Buckeyes, though.

    I think I shall muddle through, though. Good thing this My Year thing isn’t a zero-sum game…

  • 63 Laughing@You // Nov 17, 2006 at 9:17 pm


    You say: “The Buckeyes will stomp the Wolverine’s guts out”.

    Well, I guess you won’t be leading the pre-game prayer tomorrow, JamesonLewis3rd.

    Try to go easy there; I know you’re an extremist nutball; but, that’s just not football!

    Talk to you after the game killer!

  • 64 Darthmeister // Nov 17, 2006 at 9:17 pm

    This “juggling” is way cool. Very creative.

  • 65 Laughing@You // Nov 17, 2006 at 9:31 pm


    How could I forget Willie, or Stormin’ Norman.
    “Go Get ‘Em Tigers!” You’re right about that too. But, what does Willie Horton have to do with some hypothetical Democrat loss? You do know both Willie and the Gator were Democrats don’t you. In fact in a survey I just completed, 73% of all members of winning teams in the United States are Democrats!

    I didn’t say the Wolverines were Democrats (although they are intelligent young men) so go ahead and root for them. I will announce the result of my poll of them after the game.

  • 66 Laughing@You // Nov 18, 2006 at 1:21 am

    Oh, that Willie Horton … nevermind.

  • 67 MargeinMI // Nov 18, 2006 at 7:20 am

    Morning all!

    Go Blue!

    Bless you, and RIP, Bo.

    Hank, “so shall it be with the blue dog Democrats. They’re just along for the ride like ol’ Blue with his head stuck out the passenger’s side window. ”

    I saw in my mind’s eye a distinct ‘Sacred Cowburgeresque’ visual of Murtha’s jowls flappin’ in the wind, Nanny behind the wheel doin’ 90….

    Kudos to Beeme, Your short dialog between Jf’nK and TeRazor a few threads back made me laugh ’til the tears ran down my cheeks! Thanks.

    JCM, You know you’re having a bad Thanksgiving when…

    You pre-p.o.’d your entire dim family by emailing an ultra Right essay (that one by Andrew Card). [YIKES! What was I thinking?!!?!?]

  • 68 JamesonLewis3rd // Nov 18, 2006 at 7:48 am

    Scarlet and Gray all the WAY!

  • 69 Beerme // Nov 18, 2006 at 11:42 am


    “pre-p.o.’d”? Is that some critter from Star Wars?
    You know, C-pre-P.O.’d? How about RU-Dim2?
    Hey don’t blame me for the puns, I’m drinking a homebrew so I’m typing hand solo…

  • 70 Beerme // Nov 18, 2006 at 11:45 am


    Might want to capture this screenshot, ’cause it’s about the only time you’ll find me and L@Y/Liger/ agree on anything, but…

    Go Blue! Win one for BO!

  • 71 Possumtrot // Nov 18, 2006 at 1:12 pm

    Is there a football game I should watch today?

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