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UN Positive Sanctions Aim to Catch Kim Doing Good

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 67 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2006-10-14) — The United Nations Security Council, which has maintained peace around the globe for six decades, today stood poised to approve “positive sanctions” on North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il aimed encouraging him when he acts appropriately.

“We need to catch him doing something right,” said Wang Guangya, the Chinese ambassador to the U.N., “and then we can shower him with affirmation to reinforce the good behavior. This is much more constructive than punitive sanctions which only make Mr. Kim feel bad, and reinforce his negative self-talk, causing him to act out again.”

The resolution, drafted by Russia and China, in response to last week’s North Korean nuclear bomb detonation, calls for deploying UN troops to monitor President Kim’s broadcasts and public appearances, looking for tell-tale signs of good behavior.

In the early phases, the UN will issue resolutions praising President Kim each time he makes a speech that does not call for turning the United States into a lake of fire, or when a month goes by without major North Korean military maneuvers, nuclear weapon tests or other provocative acts.

The draft resolution notes that “all of us at the U.N. look forward to the day when we can give President Kim a big smiley-face sticker, because he’s realized that you can’t hug your friends with nuclear arms.”

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67 responses so far ↓

  • 1 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 14, 2006 at 8:10 am

    God Bless America!

  • 2 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 14, 2006 at 8:15 am

    8) lol

  • 3 Loki, E.NC.Z.B-K // Oct 14, 2006 at 8:32 am

    I miss the good ol’ days, when we would have Kimmy go out and find his own switch…

  • 4 Hawkeye // Oct 14, 2006 at 8:37 am

    In related news, the U.N. is considering the next round of sanctions which would require Kim Jong Ill to “sit in the corner” and have a “time out” if he continues his temper tantrums…

  • 5 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 14, 2006 at 9:08 am

    The people who continually regurgitate the notion that President Bush should cower before Mr. Eel and accept his demands give me a rash.

    These people know that any one-on-one agreement would be less than worthless.

    I don’t trust polls but, if what I keep reading is even close, we’re in big trouble. What is likely to happen (in my opinion)-if the polls are right and President Bush is left high and dry-will be too horrific for me to even gloat about being correct.

    Also, I think there’s going to be big trouble when (if) they start stopping seagoing traffic in and out of NoKo for inspections.

  • 6 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 14, 2006 at 9:28 am

    Ms Underestimated tells it like it is here.

  • 7 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 14, 2006 at 9:43 am

    I apologize for yet another link but here’s a prime example of what frightens me about the future of this country.

    It’s bad enough when people have no heart but these appalling people have no soul (figuratively speaking).

  • 8 Beerme // Oct 14, 2006 at 10:15 am

    I’d like to see Il Kim in the naughty chair…or maybe another kind of chair…

  • 9 Beerme // Oct 14, 2006 at 10:15 am


  • 10 conserve-a-tip // Oct 14, 2006 at 10:24 am

    Good morning everybody. It is gorgeous here. I do wish that it would rain, though.

    I understand that the President has created a pretty chart with all kinds of colored squares so that every time Kim Jong (mentally) Il says something nice, he gets a shiny gold star. I think that 10 stars equals a snickers bar. Or was that Three Muskateers?

  • 11 MargeinMI // Oct 14, 2006 at 10:35 am

    Ah, yes. Positive reinforcement is definitely a good thing. Charts and stars and a trip to the dollar store for good behaviour. If he’s really, really, REALLY good, maybe even a Mightykids Meal from MickyD’s! (This week’s toy is Bionicles for boys!!)

    However, and I speak from recent personal experience of dealing with a disrespectful and willful child, sometimes a serious threatening/finger in your face tirade, with promises of real PHYSICAL punishment (which he knows from previous experience is more than a threat-something the UN has yet to comprehend) can get you much better and quicker results.

    Just sayin’.

    Brilliant, as usual Scott.

    [back to lurkin]

  • 12 MargeinMI // Oct 14, 2006 at 10:37 am

    Abracadabra! Post APPEAR!

  • 13 Beerme // Oct 14, 2006 at 10:38 am

    Good morning c-a-t!
    Gorgeous, sunny morning here, as well, though a bit c-c-cold! The few inches of snow we had on the ground seems to have melted though. More than I can say for Buffalo, NY. They got dumped on last night!

  • 14 MargeinMI // Oct 14, 2006 at 10:56 am

    JLIII (aka Jason),

    Re your #6 link: I saw parts of that show (had to keep clicking away to save the top of my head blowing off). For starters, the huge ‘Truth in America’ on the screen behind them with Frank Rich of the NYT being the guest of the day just made me laugh. When the young military man made his ‘boots on the ground’ point, and received a partial (grrrrr) standing ovation, I noticed that Mr. Rich and the Big O did not stand.

    The VERY emotional woman who ‘just wanted an apology from the President’ for going to war on bad information made me want to smack her upside the head.

    If Oprah is so interested in ‘empowering’ women, I wish she wouldn’t be so biased in her brainwashing of middle-American women.


  • 15 MargeinMI // Oct 14, 2006 at 11:04 am

    At risk of sounding like a regular Oprah viewer (which I’m NOT), Friday’s show had her slobbering all over Bono and his latest campaign to help children with AIDS in Africa (a good thing). Seeing her shopping on the Miracle Mile in Chicago-give me ten of these, two dozen of those-so 50% of her purchases would go to his project made her sooooooo magnanamus. NOT! How about coughing up one of the many BILLIONS of dollars YOU have O, and saving ALL the children in Zimbabwa, Rwanda and maybe two or three other pitiful countries there? Huh?

    Just sayin’.


    I don’t know about you, but mid-October is just WAAAAY too early for a blizzard IMNSHO. On the bright side, it might have helped the A’s keep missing the ball last night. :o )


  • 16 conserve-a-tip // Oct 14, 2006 at 11:38 am

    I don’t think that Oprah understands the concept of “giving something for nothing”..hence the shopping trip. If she were to just give her money, she wouldn’t get anything back…that is, nothing tangible. And heaven forbid that she give anonymously. Where would the kudos be??? :cry:

  • 17 GnuCarSmell // Oct 14, 2006 at 12:11 pm

    I bet a US Marine with a bag of doggie biscuits and a .45 auto could train Kim Jong Il to ‘lie down’ alright.

  • 18 everthink // Oct 14, 2006 at 12:12 pm


    Say, I am just wondering: Do you all have a celebration planned for election night? There must be over a dozen of you here who still feel strongly enough to brag about your party.

    Everthink about getting together for a celebration of the success and joy you have helped bring to our country in the last six years.

    You could have big cutouts of Bill and Hillary Clinton, and maybe ones of Monica, Janet, Teddy, Harry, Al, and John. Then you could insult them to their face, so to speak. Later you could tape hateful remarks on them, just before you roll out your “Tote Boards” and Big pictures of your winning candidates.

    I bet it is great to be a neo-con!

    Oh’ hey, maybe Singing Santini can write a song on that theme (It should be to the tune of Happy Days Are Here Again). Santini only does parodies you know. Then, Republicans can only quote Democrats, unless you like: “… they’ll hear us all soon.” Then I guess that one may ring hollow. In fact, I think Osama used it in one of his recent tapes.


  • 19 SeaDog // Oct 14, 2006 at 1:01 pm

    You all misunderstand Kim. He DOES have concern for others. Why just the other day he was overheard asking one of his subordinates; “Do the voices in my head annoy you?”

  • 20 egospeak // Oct 14, 2006 at 1:04 pm

    Re #18

    I would never try to speak for all conservatives, but as a long time conservative I think I understand what we believe and why.
    I rarely hear conservatives bragging about our party, (I assume you mean the Republican party) because for the most part we aren’t real happy with it. With only a few exceptions, they have done an abysmal job, with border security and spending just two examples.

    I’m sure that you’ve heard that “the perfect is the enemy of the good.” With that in mind, I ask you, “What choice do we have?” Do we vote for Democrats simply because Repubs aren’t perfect? Do we vote for free market anarchists… sorry, I meant Libertarians, and ensure that the Dems take over? Sure, I’d love to give the current leadership in D.C. a wake up call, but not at my country’s expense.

    I hate looking at the election as keeping in power the lesser of two evils, but in the real world isn’t it always better to opt for less evil if good is not available?

    In the meantime I support groups and candidates that represent the good and try to get them elected. Until they are, I’ll continue to vote for the lesser evil so that, at the least, I won’t be guilty of helping to elect what I consider the truly evil, by my omission…(ei:failure to vote or voting against my conscience, just to send those Republican SOBs a message.)

  • 21 egospeak // Oct 14, 2006 at 1:16 pm


    Good one Scott, absolutely brilliant. Sad to say, there is probably a significant number of elites, in the U.N. and elsewhere that actually think thay way. As Rush would say, “You nailed it!”

  • 22 Godfrey // Oct 14, 2006 at 1:18 pm

    Marge re: #15 - I have developed a grudging respect for Bono over the years. When he first started doing his Africa thing I thought to myself “here we go again”. I figured he was another star latching onto another worthy cause to ratchet up his celebrity index.

    But over time he has stayed consistently on-message and has refused to let that message sink into the partisan cesspool. He has actually *dedicated* himself to helping the people of that continent. I was never much of a U2 fan but I’ve become a Bono fan.

    He was also on Larry King last night promoting his new cooperative fundraising blitz with The Gap. It’s a great idea-certainly better than the president co-opting tax dollars for other countries against the will of constituents like, say, me, although of course Bono was all for that too.

    Anyway, the point of this post: Bono remarked on King last night how it used to be the Left that was pro-Africa but that now you have a conservative leader emerge as *the* foremost leader in the world on the AIDS issue. He said that Bush told him at one point: public funding is one thing, but that if he wanted to solve the problem he needed to get the private sector involved. It seems Bono took him up on that proposition.

    My kid’s getting a whole lotta Red for Christmas.

  • 23 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 14, 2006 at 1:21 pm

    One of the problems I have these days is that people want to vote for who is going to win, not for who is right or who is against what is wrong.

    I am convinced that, if the Democrats prevail in the upcoming election, the ones who “win” (those who voted Democrat) will have made losers of us all.

  • 24 Godfrey // Oct 14, 2006 at 1:21 pm

    Correction: the blitz is with the Gap and a bunch of other “evil corporations” like Armani, Converse and Apple.

    Beerme: didn’t know you’ve been blogging since April! You really should announce these things…

    Good stuff.

  • 25 red satellites // Oct 14, 2006 at 1:32 pm

    Good morning Scrapplers!

    I see Buffalo is suffering from global warming….Al genius you.

  • 26 everthink // Oct 14, 2006 at 1:46 pm


    I believe yours is the best response I have seen on this site in years. It is thoughtful, and considerate. Thank you.

    I would like to answer in kind, but I must ask first, what do you consider “the truly evil”?

    I believe sin abounds; but, sin is not evil, is it? If so, then but for the grace of Christ, I too am evil.


    I didn’t ask you Hank!

  • 27 egospeak // Oct 14, 2006 at 1:55 pm


    Come to my state. It is overwhelmingly blue and has been for 50 years or more. I don’t think half the people in this state ever consider right vs wrong when they go in the voting booth. Nor do they vote for the person that they think will win so that they will be “winners”. The ones that I’ve talked to simply vote democrat because they’ve always voted democrat, or their parents voted democrat or, (my favorite)
    “I could never vote republican”. “Why not?” Sound of crickets chirping. And on and on and on. Almost never have I had someone tell me they voted democrat because they like democrat policies. And to think, liberals accuse Rush listeners of being mind numbed robots. Does the phrase “Physician, heal thyself” come to mind?

    Welcome to my world. You can have it.

  • 28 RedPepper // Oct 14, 2006 at 2:01 pm

    #22 Godfrey: Bono does seem to have a better grip on the situation than most celebs (though that could be construed as “damning with faint praise”!) ; at least, he actually does something other than just compaint!

    I find myself wondering, every time I see the ad about Darfur on the TV, how much $$$ is being spent to run it … and what might be accomplished with such a sum.

  • 29 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 14, 2006 at 2:16 pm

    RE: #23~~


    One of the problems I have these days is that so many people want to vote for who is going to win or who their parents voted for or who they’ve always voted for but not for who is right or who is against what is wrong.

  • 30 Maggie // Oct 14, 2006 at 2:18 pm

    Ms Right wing….My deepest apologiy to you for the error on the Wal-Mart thread.
    I saw Maf 54 an put him/her on the clean up list,but now I realize it was addressed to Maf 54,not from him/her.
    Hope you know by now that I would never say anything to hurt you.My mistake.

  • 31 Shelly // Oct 14, 2006 at 2:20 pm

    I agree with Loki about the switch.

    Red, imagine how much more could be done if they were actually interested in fixing the problem, and not just trashing Bush’s poor performance as the leader of the United Nations.

  • 32 Darthmeister // Oct 14, 2006 at 2:23 pm

    Ahhhh, nothing like positive reinforcement … but does it work on tin-plated despots with delusions of grandeur?

  • 33 Godfrey // Oct 14, 2006 at 2:37 pm

    RedPepper re: #22 - “…what might be accomplished with such a sum.”

    Ain’t that the truth. And yet Bono had a statement along those lines which I really, really like as well: he said that the money is only the beginning. It only solves the “right now”, i.e. the 5000 Africans per day dying of AIDS. But what is ultimately necessary is that these countries embrace free trade. I couldn’t believe my ears: was a former quasi-leftist do-gooder singing the praises of free trade? He must have read Johan Norberg’s “In Defense of Global Capitalism“, one of my favorite books, which goes to great lengths to show how capitalism is, in fact, the most beneficial for the third-world countries leftists claim it so mercilessly exploits.

    What I admire most about his approach is that he has decided not to let dogmatic political divisions get in the way of his cause. Which is why last night he-and his very-Democratic partner Bobby Shriver, a guy with Kennedy blood-were praising Republicans in general and George W. Bush in particular for their role in this, their Hollywood friends be damned.

    Yes, it appears Bono really has thought this through..and that he really is dedicated to outcome rather than rhetoric. It’s hard not to admire that.

  • 34 Darthmeister // Oct 14, 2006 at 2:45 pm


    It’s not that we are blind supporters of the Bush Administration and the Republican Party, it’s just that they are a far more preferable choice than the seditious cowards and partisan hacks we see in the likes of Nancy Peelosi, John Kerry, John Murtha, Harry Greed, sHrillary Clinton, ad nauseam.

    The minimalist approach Bush and his war room has taken of late against Islamofascists and indigenous populations who support them, both Bush’s and the Republicans reprehensible irresponsibility in not securing the northern and southern borders of America since 9/11, the signing of the unconstitutional McCain/Feingold Encumbency Election “Reform” Act by President Bush, allow Ted Kennedy to get his stinking mitts on the Education “Reform” Bill, and several other issues chafe me to no end. But the alternative (DemDonks) is even less tenable.

    I can’t tell you how many times various Scrapplers have made this point clear over three years I’ve been here and yet you continue to think we blindly follow the Republicans. I am an independent, conservative with libertarian leanings, but like even many liberals
    (Ed Koch and Joe Lieberman to name just two) who have not descended into the insanity of the kool-aid swilling leftists in the Democrap Party, many of us here see the War on Terrorism with a clarity which demands we get behind some leader in America who shows the cojones in taking the war to the Islamofascists abroad so we don’t have to fight it in our streets.

    The Republicans have done a lot of stupid things (the Mark Foley faux scandal is not one of them) and have demonstrated a cowardice in the face of liberal natterings (now we’re talking the Foley “scandal”) which may cause some conservatives to stay home out of disgust … but I’m not going to do that because that would leave the field of play to a bunch of lying, seditious, Bush-hating, blame-America-first liberals who, if they got their way, would turn this country into a backwater socialist nightmare.

    So even if the DemDonks are temporarily victorious this November with their vote-for-me-I’m-not-a-Republican agenda, what do you expect when you have a partisan left-wing media carrying the water for the cunningly adept Democrat liars (Kerry, Murtha, Kennedy), crooks (Reid), and partisan scandalmongers (the rest)?

  • 35 maf54 // Oct 14, 2006 at 2:48 pm

    g’morin’ scrapplers.
    mr. ott: another classic parody. lol. this one had me rotflmao for a good while. sanctions didn’t seem to work on saddam, why are they going to work on a raving lunatic? i think we all need to face the facts that the un is only good for talking and not much else. sad but true. lol!

    bono is a lib. oprah is a lib. they are too concerned with getting thier mugs on tv than actually doing good. i prefer gary sinese. he is a real man of action.

    as far as everthink’s comment: i’m excited for election day. the msm has already decided that its going to be a landslide. i personally belief that the gop is going to hang on to the house and the senate. i’d love to see wolf blitzer explain that one on wednesday. lol!

    did you see that gerry studds-the dim pederast-finally died. one less on the earth. can’t say i’m too disappointed.

    happy saturday!

  • 36 egospeak // Oct 14, 2006 at 2:48 pm


    Thank you!!

    From a literal standpoint, “the truly evil” would be represented by satan and his minions. Obviously I am not refering to the opposition party as the party of satan. However, we do know that the devil has influence over this world, and those that do his will knowingly or unknowingly are doing evil.

    Differences in policy, such as taxes, foreign policy, use of the military, immigration, how much we allow government to have control over our lives, etc are not what I was refering to as “truly evil”. Those are, for the most part, either smart or dumb, in the national interest or not. They are not primarily moral choices.

    I would define the “truly evil” as those who would not just participate in evil (people can be misguided) but would celebrate it and make it part of their party platform. I would consider the “truly evil” those who deny moral absolutes, who deny the existance of evil, who laugh or sneer at the concept of right and wrong.

    I’m sure you’ve noticed that I’m speaking about this in generalities. I’m doing this because I don’t want to put a limit on what I consider “truly evil”. If you want some examples, just ask and I will comply.

    In regard to your statement about sin, let me say that absolutely, most certainly, without question, sin is evil. Evil opposes God and anything that is in opposition to God is sin. Does that make you evil? But for the Grace of God in Christ Jesus… yes! That’s why Jesus had to die. That’s the Gospel.

  • 37 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 14, 2006 at 2:52 pm

    Now that the UN has its little resolution adopted, it’s going to be interesting to see how Mr. Eel responds to what he has previously characterized as an act of war.

    What will be even more interesting is how the world responds to his response.

  • 38 maf54 // Oct 14, 2006 at 2:57 pm


    amen to that! the secular-progressivists in this country want san francisco values, not the traditional values that we were raised on and our parents.

    i don’t know about you, but i don’t want to see their socialist agenda for our children. can you imagine? not only would traditional values go down the tubes, but we would see illegals getting free healthcare, the rise in gays marrying, the decline of god in the classroom and a whole host of problems.

    i’m not a republican. i’m a conservative. and the secularist-progressive agenda scares the bejesus out of me.

  • 39 conserve-a-tip // Oct 14, 2006 at 3:11 pm

    Egospeak re #20: What you said!

    I have to add that I do not see as bleak a picture of our country as our media would have us believe. I see our unemployment rate at 4.7% and the amount of taxes rolling into the coffers spurred by the tax cuts and I hear the attitide of shoppers around me who are buying items because they feel that they can afford to buy them. I know that I, myself, feel much more at ease with my financial situation then I have in the past 15 years.

    We are only lower middle class people ($55,000), but we are now, at 50, totally out of debt except for a small amount on our house, we have two cars, a new computer and other new household appliances, an emergency fund equivalent to 6 months of living expenses, a savings account, a Roth IRA, a 401K plan and gold and silver. We live on one income and I only spend $400 per month on groceries, toiletry items and household necessities because I coupon.

    I really feel well-off compared to where I was 15 years ago. My kids are all in college, but have only $3000 in loans for their entire college carreers and one is getting a Masters. I just think that this country is great and that overall, the president and congress has done a pretty good job. There are things like immigration and the farm bill and spending that I have gnashed my teeth over, but it seems that this is getting straightened out because we yelled enough.

    I look at the alternatives in Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and Charles Rangel and their negative, codependent view of us as voters and I see absolutely no reason to put them in power. To me, punishing those Republicans in congress for not standing up for the conservative values they are supposed to be supporting, is like cutting off your nose to spite your face. After hearing Tom Coburn and James Inhofe, from my own state, the true conservatives are holding these guys feet to the fire and if the rest of us will do the same, then we will see a lot done in the next two years. From what I see of the liberals who seem to be running the Democrat party, to them, everyone is a victim and everyone is kept a victim by their government programs that only serve to dish out money rather then encourage self discipline and self improvement.

    I don’t vote Republican or Democrat or Libertarian…I vote conservative American.

  • 40 Darthmeister // Oct 14, 2006 at 3:14 pm

    The DemDonks become more superficial in their quest for power … and right now power affords them an opportunity to try and impeach President Bush.

    What’s that buzzing sound I keep hearing? It’s like one of those pesky mosquitos that should have died out in the last cometary impact.

  • 41 egospeak // Oct 14, 2006 at 3:24 pm

    C.A.T. Re #39

    Sounds like you are living the American Dream. Keep doing what you’re doing, vote conservative in November,
    and hopefully God will be merciful to us. Great post!!

  • 42 maf54 // Oct 14, 2006 at 3:26 pm


    it makes sense that they are fielding candidates that are better looking. they know if they run on the issues, they’ll loose. they have to get these “so-called” beauties to bamboozle seniors into voting for them. its pathetic and makes me sick.

  • 43 conserve-a-tip // Oct 14, 2006 at 3:38 pm

    Egospeak, you are amazing. You speak the truth.

    Everthink, it is very hard, as humans, to acknowledge that we are basically evil. The definition of evil in Webster’s is:
    1.anything morally bad or wrong; wickedness; depravity; sin. 2. anything that causes harm, pain, misery, disaster, etc.

    Paul describes our state so well in Romans 7:21-25
    So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God - through Jesus Crhist our Lord!

    Unfortunately, people who do not have Christ as their covering, are seen as evil by God. It is that simple. None of us is perfect and all of us do things that are in total opposition to God’s way of perfection. But as you know, unlike those who have rejected Christ, those who have accepted Christ strive to do it God’s way rather then rebelling and trying to do things against God and God sees Christ in them. Those who have accepted Christ as their savior may do evil as Paul acknowledges, but they are not evil, because of Christ.

    Politically, both parties have their atheists and nonChristians and Christians-in-name-only. Politically, both parties take stands that one could either argue for or against and it not be a moral issue. But when the issues come down to things that are the very moral base of this country - issues that are dissected and explained in scripture, then one can’t ignore where a particular party stands or an individual stands. Right now, with Nancy Pelosi demanding Hitleresque allegiance from those of her party in Congress, to the point that someone like Lieberman is thrown to the wolves for not marching lock-step, I can’t vote for anyone who has to follow the party line rather then his conscience.

  • 44 conserve-a-tip // Oct 14, 2006 at 4:28 pm

    Oh my gosh. There is no joy in Mudville…or Oklahoma either. Adrian Peterson has broken his collarbone. Last play. I guess that’s all there is.

  • 45 Darthmeister // Oct 14, 2006 at 4:50 pm


    I know I’m preaching to the choir, so suffer my recapitulation of Christianity 101.

    The Bible is merciless about defining sin and evil. Sin is any active or passive disobedience to God and His commandments. In the First Book of John it says, “He who says he is without sin is a liar and the truth is not in him.” Even the redeemed are merely sinners saved by grace … and yet it is that grace which makes us better people to serve His purposes.

    The whole point of the Bible in adding clarity to our understanding that “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” is to get the honest seeker of conscience to realize that they are in need of a personal savior, that they can’t save themselves. Sure, they can perform good works and in fact there are probably atheists and seculars who may outwardly appear to be “good”, maybe even more moral than some Christians whose sin may overcome them from time to time. But the Bible teaches being “good” simply isn’t good enough when it comes to our eternal state of being. Ultimately, it’s not what you do or what you think but rather Who do you know and are you known by the only Savior of Mankind?

    Even though every man and woman born is born with a predisposition to disobedience (some display this attribute more than others) - to sin against their Creator - this does not preclude the possibility that even the most depraved person can perform good works. But the error many fall into believing is God will weigh the good works against the bad and if a person ends up with a positive number then they’ll enter heaven. But the horrible truth is NOBODY does enough good to overcome every thought and disobedience they’ve raised against God throughout their lives. Besides, the Bible makes it plain that “whoever has broken just one point of the law has in fact broken it all.” Ouch!

    So it becomes incumbent upon every person to cry out for God’s mercy and grace which is found in Christ Jesus and none other … and thus find life everlasting. Jesus is to the Jew a stumbling stone because they believe righteousness comes by works, and to the Gentile foolishness because they do not see themselves in need of a Savior.

  • 46 Beerme // Oct 14, 2006 at 5:13 pm


    Thanks for checking the blog out. I actually have been blogging for well ovcer a year, now. The archives will prove it.

    Everyone else, don’t feed the trolls. They will just keep coming back. Remember, KOSvillage is missing it’s idiot. Let’s not keep them waiting :lol:

  • 47 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 14, 2006 at 5:37 pm

    Rosa Brooks Sees Bush As Another Link In Axis of Evil and claims to not hate Bush while she roots for global tyranny.

    I read somewhere that The LA Times has something they are calling the “Manhattan Project” which is attempting to develop a plan to increase dwindling readership.

    Do the genius honchos over there in LA ever read the Opinions in their own paper?

  • 48 JamesonLewis3rd // Oct 14, 2006 at 6:20 pm

    North Korea immediately rejected the resolution, and its U.N. ambassador walked out of the council chamber after accusing its members of a “gangster-like” action which neglects the nuclear threat posed by the United States.

    “The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is ready for talks, dialogue and confrontation,” Ambassador Pak Gil Yon said. “If the United States increases pressure upon the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea persistently, the DPRK will continue to take physical countermeasures considering it as a declaration of war.”

  • 49 Ms RightWing, Ink // Oct 14, 2006 at 6:52 pm


    Maggie, it is not you, though I was taken aback for a moment. What has angered me is some Scrapplers, who I must say are some of the smartest bloggers around, still have not realized they are being duped by the “lol” kid

    Why would anyone believe this guy who took the instant messaging handle of a chicken hawk and writes like he is constructing a teenagers message on lower case using the language of the latest fad of the IM crowd.

    One morning there will be egg on the face of you who still believe this is a real person. I would no more ape a child molester, either democrat or Republican, than I would allow a rapist into my apartment.

    I have wasted to much ink on this guy. Wake up Scrapplers, he is spitting in your face. Just Google maf54 and see for yourself who he is copying. Then come back and say I am nuts. If I am, then I will fulfill my promise and leave Scrapple for good.

    Maggie-still love ya!

  • 50 RedPepper // Oct 14, 2006 at 7:14 pm

    JL3: Thanx for that link on ;-) s. Been wondering about them for a while.

    Re the ongoing soap opera at the UN ; the NoKo regime has been China’s pet since the War. When China tires of giggling at our discomfort and starts worrying about their own future, maybe we’ll see some sort of resolution.

  • 51 maf54 // Oct 14, 2006 at 7:22 pm

    ms. right wing:

    boy, i’m not sure what i did to offend you. i have lots of respect for you-i’ve even prayed for you during your recent ordeal. oh well, can’t please all the poeple all the time. lol.

    i’ve already explained myself regarding my handle. i’d like to change it but i think i’d be subject to the same hostility and i’d have to fight this battle all over again. sheesh. can’t win. :^(. lol

    i still respect you and pray for you.

  • 52 egospeak // Oct 14, 2006 at 7:28 pm

    Re #45

    Wow!!! Talk about well said. Me thinks you have a way with words sir. Slight understatement there.

  • 53 Darthmeister // Oct 14, 2006 at 8:17 pm


    All the Scrappler “old timers” have a way with words. I’m often humbled by the straightforward eloquence many have fearlessly posted here. And you’ve similarly impressed me already!

    Ms RightWing, you ain’t goin’ nowhere, young lady. You’ve righteously outted the troll and I for one will not play with this “conservative” poseur. Like the Bible says, it would be like casting pearls before swine. I’ve really enjoyed your blog when I’ve had time to visit there. Please make it more available to us by linking it with your nom de plume.

    I really do miss CoLoRaDo KiTtY cAt. We continue trading emails now and then and once in a while she’ll show up at BlameBush. Is she posting at Cassandra’s blog now. Do you have Cassandra’s blog address? That’s another great Scrappler I miss.

  • 54 nylecoj // Oct 14, 2006 at 8:19 pm

    I have read Term Limits but not the other. I bet my Dad has it. I will dig it up.

  • 55 RedPepper // Oct 14, 2006 at 8:24 pm

    Another Christian, this time an Orthodox priest, has been murdered, supposedly in response to Pope Benedict’s recent remarks.

    In Iraq.

    “He was a good man and we all shed tears for him,” said Eman Saaur, a 45-year-old schoolteacher who said she attended Iskender’s church regularly. “He was a man of peace.”

  • 56 egospeak // Oct 14, 2006 at 8:51 pm


    I hope your Dad has it. About three quarters of the way into the book there is an absolutely fabulous confrontation between Mitch and this terrorist defending lawyer that takes place over the phone. It is priceless.

  • 57 Maggie // Oct 14, 2006 at 8:54 pm

    Ms Righty,

    My suggestion is when you come to a troll crossing
    just “pass gas”.(I think it was beerme who said that in ref to 45faM)

  • 58 Beerme // Oct 14, 2006 at 9:54 pm


    Cassandra’s blog is here.


    Of course you’re right (pun intended). It’s the same troll with a different name. It has the same despicable morals though, as displayed with the “strangler” post. I am proud of those that want to believe the best of people but hate to see them taken advantage of by a slick, sorry charlatan.

  • 59 Darthmeister // Oct 14, 2006 at 10:10 pm


    The Religion of Peace on full display again. Of course the liberals will say its all the Pope’s fault for “provoking” these devout Muslims to act out of character. Morons.

  • 60 RedPepper // Oct 14, 2006 at 10:29 pm

    Darthmeister, how can we not provoke them? Infidels, not paying the jizyah, still breathing?

    OT, do you still have the address at hotmail? From mid-2004?

  • 61 conserve-a-tip // Oct 14, 2006 at 10:47 pm

    Well Maggie and Ms Rightwing Ink, I have decided that I have been wwwrrr—wwwrrr—wwwrroon—sigh—wwrroonn-wrong. Phew.

    I believe that we are dealing with a kid. Possibly a young man on his school newspaper who just hasn’t enough to do except yank the chains of old people. Hence, his calling himself a journalist. It was the airplane accident issue that did it for me. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. :cry:

  • 62 nylecoj // Oct 15, 2006 at 12:06 am

    You are right c-a-t. I’ve been thinking he sounds like kid too. When I described his posts to my ex (who teaches high school) he thought so immediately.

  • 63 onlineanalyst // Oct 15, 2006 at 6:39 am

    Is the troll gone? Is it safe to post? Those little gnats do have a way of centering discussion around their agenda.

    This is OT but worth a read. It concerns the students at Columbia University who (like the trolls that infect conservative sites) try to divert the message and shut down discussion.

    And how about that sterling character Harry Reid? I guess that his nefarious deeds do not provide enough grist for the media’s curiosity. Check out captainsquartersblog for details.

  • 64 Loki, E.NC.Z.B-K // Oct 15, 2006 at 7:14 am

    OLA - RE: 63

    I’d have to give her an F (ok, a G-) for her cheering them on. Like what one of the commenters there said, change the students to Pro-Lifers and the Speaker to a Pro-Choicer and we have ourselves a Hate crime or somethin’.

    And people say I’m crazy for carrying a roll of Duct Tape in my backpack…

  • 65 Beerme // Oct 15, 2006 at 9:54 am

    People! The maf troll is Everthink/Laugh@you/etc…
    It’s the same guy! Sheesh!

  • 66 Darthmeister // Oct 15, 2006 at 2:37 pm


    It’s the same email address. You’ll be interested in the following.

    From JihadWatch. Wake up you pointy-headed libs:

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the former Dutch Parliamentarian and secular Muslim reformer, has courageously identified the taboo discussion which must take place to understand, and defuse, the scourge of modern jihad terrorism:
    “In their thinking about radical Muslim terrorism most politicians, journalists, intellectuals, and other commentators have avoided the core issue of the debate, which is Muhammad’s example.”

    This taboo is all the more puzzling, and dangerously delusional, given the public pronouncements of Muslim Brotherhood “spiritual” leader, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, one of the most influential contemporary Muslim thinkers.

    The immensely popular Qaradawi reaches an audience of tens of millions of Muslim sympathizers across the globe with his regular appearances on Al-Jazeera television. During a June 19, 2001 broadcast, Qaradawi delivered a sermon entitled, “The Prophet Muhammad as a Jihad Model,” proclaiming: ” . . . Allah has . . . made the prophet Muhammad into an epitome for religious warriors [Mujahideen] since he ordered Muhammed to fight for religion . . . ”

    Consistent with the hadith (words and deeds of Muhammad recorded by pious followers), and earliest Muslim biographies of Muhammad, Qaradawi further acknowledged that Muhammad launched aggressive jihad campaigns, and also maintained that there is in fact a “jihad which you seek,” i.e., invading other countries in order to spread the word of Islam and to remove, by force of arms, “obstacles” standing in the way of this coercive Islamization.

    More ominously, Qaradawi has made specific unabashed appeals for Muslims to wage a “jihad re-conquest” of Europe, recalling the millennial legacy of jihad wars waged by Arab, Berber and Ottoman Muslim conquerors and colonizers.

    Welcome back, Loki. Where’ve you been?

  • 67 CaNN :: We started it. // Oct 23, 2006 at 12:51 pm

    [...] SCRAPPLEFACE: “UN Positive Sanctions Aim to Catch Kim Doing Good” …. (scrappleface) [...]

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