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October 31, 2002

Mondale Ads Tout Electability, Novelty

(2002-10-31) — The first radio ads for Minnesota Senate candidate Walter F. Mondale focus on his electability, and the novelty of voting for him.
The following is a script for one of the spots:

NARRATOR: The vast majority of Minnesota Democrats had no plans to vote this year. But that was before their Senate candidate died. Now, you’re going to see lines out the door at your local polling place. Get up early and get on down there, because Walter Mondale, the comeback kid, is back on the ballot again.
Odds are, you weren’t even born last time Walter Mondale won an election. Seeing him campaign is like watching Nick at Nite. Mondale’s peer group includes Andy Griffith, Ward Cleaver, Lucy Ricardo and Jed Clampett.
But you might ask: “Is he electable?”
You bet he is! Did you know Walter Mondale actually beat Ronald Reagan in the state of Minnesota, not to mention several small towns in other states?
History comes to life for five magical days in November. So don’t miss your chance to vote for the greatest living Democrat in Minnesota.
Walter Mondale for Senate…He’s like watching That 70s Show… on ice.

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