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September 16, 2006

Senate Mulls Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell Detainee Policy

(2006-09-16) — The Senate Armed Services committee this week will consider a bill designed to break the impasse with the Bush administration over the interrogation of terrorist detainees.

The new approach, dubbed ‘Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell’ by supporters, would sidestep thorny questions about compliance with Geneva Convention Common Article III, and “get the Central Intelligence Agency out of the intrusive business of prying into people’s personal lives,” according to the text of the proposed measure.

Four Republican senators on the panel, who have worked to block the president’s request for greater authority to extract intelligence data from terror suspects, are said to be open to considering the new protocol which would also prevent the CIA or the military from violating the separation of church and state.

“A terrorist detainee’s role in Islam’s jihad against the west is an inherently religious topic,” said one unnamed senate aide, “I believe it’s one of the five pillars of Islam. Questions about another human’s religious beliefs are what the Geneva Conventions call ‘outrages upon human dignity’.”

Republican Senators John McCain, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham and Armed Services Committee Chairman John Warner have indicated they might support such a compromise measure, the source said, “especially if it would improve America’s image among the people who have committed their own lives to our destruction.”

“It would put the burden of moral responsibility on the enemy,” he said. “Ultimately, we believe it will win the hearts and minds of violent Muslim extremists so they will abandon their suicidal obsession with destroying the Great Satan and his minions.”

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  1. God Bless America

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 16, 2006 @ 8:19 am

  2. […] ScrappleFace (Scott Ott) Senate Mulls Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell Detainee Policy — “The new approach, dubbed ‘Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell’ by supporters, would sidestep thorny questions about compliance with Geneva Convention Common Article III, and “get the Central Intelligence Agency out of the intrusive business of prying into people’s personal lives,” according to the text of the proposed measure.” [Heh. Jim] G 15, Hugo Chavez, Iran, Iraq, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Pope Benedict, Radical Islam(DIGG Button Below) Share and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

    Pingback by bRight & Early » First Cup 09.15.06 — September 16, 2006 @ 8:37 am

  3. Good morning everybody.

    JL3rd…..I smell smoke and hear a fiddle playing.

    Comment by Maggie — September 16, 2006 @ 8:41 am

  4. This is indeed good news! Now if only the terrorists had someone like Wayne Lapierre to fight for their right to keep and bear arms…

    Comment by redlenses — September 16, 2006 @ 8:45 am

  5. There are three monkeys sitting in congress. Se no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil.

    There were four but one is now dead

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — September 16, 2006 @ 8:50 am

  6. Is Geneva conventional? Is conventional a real word? If not, should it be?

    Comment by Rock Slatestone — September 16, 2006 @ 8:51 am

  7. Scott’s last paragraph shines a klieg light on the absolutely inane position of those opposed to clarification of the murky language of Article 3 (c) “outrages upon personal dignity, in particular, humiliating and degrading treatment…..”.

    The arguments set forth by those opposed to clarification are facile at best as it relates to, for example, al Qaeda or Hezballa or any other such gang of murderous psychopaths.

    Do McCain or Powell et al actually think (are they that stupid?), for one second, that those vile misanthropes would “play nice” even if we were to actually “bow down”!?!


    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 16, 2006 @ 9:50 am

  8. EUropean courts have cited not having access to a private toilet as an “outrage upon human dignity” under Common Article Three of the Geneva Convention.

    I want a lawyer …

    Comment by RedPepper — September 16, 2006 @ 10:06 am

  9. I guess that’s better than the Senate’s present I’m-rubber-you’re-glue arguments.

    Comment by Darthmeister — September 16, 2006 @ 10:19 am

  10. JL3,

    Captain Ed at his blog has made this excellent point which questions how our adherence to the Geneva Convention protocols in the past has protected our soldiers when captured by the Nazis, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese and now Islamofascists. This present handwringing on the part of McCain, Powell, Levin and Warren only emboldens terrorists who laugh at this quaint infidel angst.

    Of course there’s always this ever-present caveat: WE MUST NEVER LOWER OURSELVES TO THEIR LEVEL. Yeah, we must outlaw our own policies of beheading, mutilating and murdering terrorist detainees at Gitmo, Abu Ghraib, and other American detainee camps.

    Personally, I don’t believe adopting an Al Qaeda Bill of Rights is going to help any of our soldiers when captured by Muslim terrorists and thugs. And the rest of the world be damned since they aren’t doing the heavy lifting against Middle Eastern terrorists - the Russians, Chinese and other commie regimes certainly aren’t in a position to ever judge America.

    Comment by Darthmeister — September 16, 2006 @ 10:20 am

  11. Pope Apologizes For Being Prophetic

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 16, 2006 @ 10:31 am

  12. RE: #10~~

    Yes, Captain’s Quarters is among my RSS feeds and one of my favorites.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 16, 2006 @ 10:45 am

  13. Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni had some interesting things to say yesterday.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 16, 2006 @ 11:17 am

  14. How about a “mind over matter” policy?

    We don’t mind, so it doesn’t matter…

    Comment by camojack — September 16, 2006 @ 12:10 pm

  15. #10 Darthmeister: Why Darth! How can you even suggest that our enemies would violate the Geneva accords! Look how well they “protected” Sen. McCain back in the day!

    Er …

    Comment by RedPepper — September 16, 2006 @ 12:20 pm

  16. Lady Right Wing: Would that fourth “dead” monkey be “Do No Evil?”

    Fred Sinclair, Heirborn Ranger

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — September 16, 2006 @ 12:41 pm

  17. The fourth monkey was “Have No Fun”…

    Comment by camojack — September 16, 2006 @ 12:59 pm

  18. What in the ____ is Kofi Annan doing hobnobbing with the avowed enemies of civilization at their summit in Cuba?

    “The collective mission of this movement is more relevant than ever,” Annan said.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 16, 2006 @ 1:16 pm

  19. My plan for the “detainee’s” is to put bars on the doors and windows of the U.N. building, and move the detainee’s there with the other criminals!

    That’s right, leave the U.N. people right there with them. Maybe send over McCain for a “POW refresher course”.

    I bet Barney Frank would be a favorite with the detainee’s once they found out his sexual preference!

    You know the detainee’s would hate the sight of vistors Ted Kennedy, John Murtha, and Hillary “Rotten” Klinton, as they are afraid of swine.


    Comment by R.A.M. — September 16, 2006 @ 1:20 pm

  20. Senate Mulls Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell Detainee Policy

    Having been pressed by President Bush to be specific about what does and does not constitute “inhumane torture” under Geneva Convention:
    Senate Mulls Don’t Know-Won’t Tell Detainee Policy

    President Bush got it right, isn’t it interesting how the liberals see the Constitution as a living and breathing document yet become quite the set-in-stone literalists when it comes to the 1949 Geneva Protocols? I thought in the liberals’ universe times are always changing and there is no such thing as absolute moral behavior. Clearly we’re fighting an assymetrical global war like none before it where the enemy laughs at such Geneva Convention niceties. Oh, I forgot, WE AREN’T SUPPOSE TO LOWER OURSELVES TO THEIR LEVEL.

    Comment by Darthmeister — September 16, 2006 @ 2:38 pm

  21. I think the Senate Don’t Know.

    And the buck stops there!

    Comment by mig — September 16, 2006 @ 3:35 pm

  22. Okay. Is there anymore that needs to be said about how far the media has sunk. This is why the media has absolutely no credibility in my life. Where is this Elizabeths Right to Dignity? Wasn’t she a prisoner?

    Comment by mig — September 16, 2006 @ 5:27 pm

  23. AND I heard that Whitney was leaving Bobbie for Osama. Unconfirmed rumour.

    Comment by mig — September 16, 2006 @ 5:54 pm

  24. The maniacal, sociopathic burning of five churches in the West Bank and Gaza and the effigy burnings by hysterical mobs in the throes of an ecstatic, deranged frenzy prove unequivocally that Islam is, indeed, quite reasonable, civilized and peace-loving.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 16, 2006 @ 7:17 pm

  25. … not to mention practical Islam sets a good example for the children.

    Comment by Darthmeister — September 16, 2006 @ 8:40 pm

  26. The spiritual leader of Lebanon’s Sunnis, the Grand Mufti Sheik Mohammed Rashid Kabbani, said the pope’s remarks emanated either from “Ignorance and lack of knowledge or were deliberately intended to distort Islam.”
    Reason is the substance of Islam and its teachings … Islam prohibited violence in human life. Anyone who wants the truth (about Islam) must take it from Islam’s holy book, the Koran, rather than from a dialogue or excerpts,” he said. (emphasis mine)

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 16, 2006 @ 9:40 pm

  27. Another Scrappleface gem.

    “Don’t ask, don’t tell” makes perfect sense for Islamic murderers. It gives a perfect cover for Muslim men with “gender issues” who may find it easier to slaughter a bunch of helpless people in a blaze of martyristic glory than to admit their sexual preferences.

    This Mohammed Atta character, for instance, seemed to tip the ’swishy’ scale over to the realm of Fruitcakedom. Odds are that in a Western context Atta would have arranged hair or flowers, but not human body parts and office buildings. Alas, the ‘religion of peace’ had preordained a different path for this confused creep.

    Whatever. Real men don’t do what Islamic terrorists do.

    Comment by GnuCarSmell — September 17, 2006 @ 1:33 am

  28. RE: #27~~

    Yes, I must agree: They do have “issues”.
    As an aside: It is my opinion that ascribing the terms “martyr” and “martyrdom” to these vicious murderers of innocents is incongruous in the extreme-nothing more than a self-aggrandizing delusion propagated by sick, manipulative leaders to whom, over the centuries, any rational thought process has been abdicated.

    I mean, really…..Can martyrdom-by definition-be self-imposed? My reasoning, logic and morality say no.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 17, 2006 @ 6:48 am

  29. At the Pearly Gates:

    “Let me in. I was a martyr.”

    “Nope, you were an unrepentant murderer. See ya, wouldn’t wanta be ya.”

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 17, 2006 @ 7:06 am

  30. “The fanatic is incorruptible: if he kills for an idea, he can just as well get himself killed for one; in either case, tyrant or martyr, he is a monster.” — E.M. Cioran (1911 – 1995)

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 17, 2006 @ 8:31 am

  31. Looks like the “religion of peace” has demonstrated its kind and peaceful intentions to the world by murdering a nun. This after attacking some Christian/Catholic churches. I wonder if the liberals will ever figure it out that Muslim fundamentalism is anything but a peaceful religion.

    Nah, the libtards will only blame the nun (or the Pope) and say she was showing too much skin.

    Comment by Darthmeister — September 17, 2006 @ 9:47 am

  32. …here postie, postie…

    Comment by Darthmeister — September 17, 2006 @ 9:47 am

  33. Good Holy Day Morning all

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — September 17, 2006 @ 9:50 am

  34. …and why do I say it is Islam and not a gang of murdering Muslim thugs who murdered this nun? WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE FROM THE SO-CALLED “MODERATE MUSLIMS”?

    If Islam has been hijacked by radical Muslim fundamentalists as the “moderate Muslim” has claimed, then where is the outrage for this cold-blooded murder COMMITTED IN THE NAME OF ISLAM, MOHAMMED, AND ALLAH?

    Dear, dear liberal. Do you not see now who and what you’ve allied yourselves to? Do you not see the strange bedfellow that you’ve made your bed with by sounding like outraged Muslims and talking like outraged Muslim in your pathological hatred of Bush and America … and now the Pope? If there is anything decent left in you, or if you have any kind of reason and conscience left, you now see Islam in full flower. While proclaiming their peaceful intentions Muslims murder innocent nuns. But first you must throw away those rose-colored glasses and clearly see the Islamic ideology which brought down the Twin Towers on 9/11.

    Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims. Liberals and Muslims must ask themselves, can a man of violence and war like Mohammed create a “religion of peace”? If the same God Muslims claim to worship denied King David in the Old Testament an opportunity to build a temple to the glory of God, then how can a man of violence rightfully claim he’s acting in the name of Jehovah and is inventing a new religion of peace? It didn’t happen.

    Just as liberalism is a religion masquerading as a political ideology, Islam is a political ideology masquerading as a religion. That’s why liberals and Muslim fundamentalists find themselves brothers right now. WHO WILL AWAKEN FIRST? Well-intentioned people trapped in Islam or liberals? I pray both do or their destruction is assured. Like President Bush presciently noted, this is not about a clash between civilizations, this is about saving civilization.

    Comment by Darthmeister — September 17, 2006 @ 10:01 am

  35. The incessant demands for an apology from the Pope for the quote he used in his treatise prove that none of these people actually heard or read what he said.

    He has absolutely nothing to apologize for (and he hasn’t, except for the barbaric reaction of the animals who would shoot a nun in the back [her bodyguard and another hospital worker were also killed] outside the hospital where she worked in Mogadishu), unless they actually expect him to apologize for calling for reasoned dialogue, not only from/with Muslims, but among Christians and Jews as well.

    These ridiculous, insane, hate-filled “protests” by frothing mobs of Muslims are definitive proof that there is absolutely no individual thought amongst those people who are incited to behave like animals after hearing quotes of a quote taken out of context mixed with the rhetoric of hate from their puppetmasters whose only motives are power and greed.

    This current mayhem, along with the recent cartoon mania, shows that we are dealing with a bunch of lunatics and, I think, we have a lot to worry about-no offense, but, no white person can feel safe anywhere. Personally, I’m sick of it.

    There’s going to be a showdown and I say we draw first.

    I apologize if I’m repeating myself or flogging a dead horse, but this current situation has a tangible aura of imminent danger to my family, my country and the entire world.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 17, 2006 @ 11:43 am

  36. Is everyone noting the similarities between the “Cartoon Jihad” a few months back, and the present outbreak?
    “Religion of Peace?” Peaceful is as peaceful does. Try “Religion of Perpetual Outrage.”

    Comment by RedPepper — September 17, 2006 @ 11:43 am

  37. JL# #28 - You’re right that martyrdom cannot — by definition — be self-imposed. Leave it to the Mohammedans to pervert a passive act of faith into an excuse to kill people.

    Murder doth not a martyr make.

    Comment by GnuCarSmell — September 17, 2006 @ 12:06 pm

  38. And the beat goes on:

    “Whoever offends our Prophet Mohammed should be killed on the spot by the nearest Muslim,” Malin, a prominent cleric in the Somali capital, told worshippers at a mosque in southern Mogadishu.


    The Vatican has increased the security provisions for the Pope, Army Radio reported Sunday, a day after an Iraqi insurgent group threatened the Vatican with a suicide attack over the pope’s remarks on Islam.

    The message of the ‘Religion of Peace?’

    “Don’t say that Islam is violent, or we will kill you!”

    Comment by RedPepper — September 17, 2006 @ 12:13 pm

  39. I recommend Michelle Malkin’s blog there in the blogroll, by the way. She does not play around. Yesterday, I learned a lot there.
    Today, she gives the apparent motive for the three bullet holes in the back of the 70+ year-old nun.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 17, 2006 @ 12:16 pm

  40. Sunday Funnies

    The Nose On Your Face takes a look at the other side of Islam
    Point Five reports on an Al Qaeda bill seeking more compassionate beheadings.
    Ace has a a clip of Norm McDonald remembering the Crocodile Hunter.
    Barking Moonbat has a Sunday Funny.
    Hog o…

    Trackback by Stop The ACLU — September 17, 2006 @ 12:21 pm

  41. RE: #38~~
    Looks I was typing while you were posting and I posted the same link as you. Sorry about that.

    RE: #35~~
    I’m not sure I should have used the word “white” but, well, my grandkids are white and that’s who I’m immediately concerned about.
    I know that, ultimately, no one is safe.
    What I was thinking was in the sense that when those Muslims picture the despised western infidel-the great satan/little satan-they aren’t picturing African or Mexican faces.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 17, 2006 @ 12:54 pm

  42. #41 JL3: Great minds think alike. Hopefully, more folks will end up reading the story!

    Note the date on this one, BTW. It precedes the current flap:

    A Turk has been arrested in the stabbing of a 70-year-old Salesian parish priest who was attacked at the door of his rectory.

    Comment by RedPepper — September 17, 2006 @ 1:13 pm

  43. Lip Biting, tear soaked ex-president never changes

    Clinton bears casket
    Former President Clinton
    tearfully escorted a flag - draped
    casket Saturday carrying former
    Gov. Ann R ichards into the state
    Capitol , where she will spend the
    next two days lying in state
    before her funeral and burial.
    Clinton delivered poignant and
    at times funny recollections of
    the woman he called
    ‘‘ spontaneous, unedited, earthy,
    hilarious.’’ Richards died
    W ednesday at the age of 73

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — September 17, 2006 @ 3:54 pm

  44. Using moonbat logic, since all cultures are equal, then all actions are morally equivalent. Why can’t we use the same techniques as our enemy uses on us? Can’t we just out-terrorize them? Why can’t we assassinate their leaders? Who makes up these stupid rules?
    We need to defeat the enemy. There is no other way to win. I don’t think we want to win. If we are not there to win, then we might as well bring the troops home because we are just killing for fun.

    Comment by debass — September 17, 2006 @ 4:25 pm

  45. I just heard about the Nun and so when you get my email, just know that I am freaking out. I can’t believe what freaking chickens these morons are. They shot and ran. Idiots. It is really hard for me to not hate HATE them. Turn the other cheek? I got a cheek for them but I’m sitting down.
    This just rips my heart out.

    Comment by mig — September 17, 2006 @ 5:37 pm

  46. I sent an Email to the Pope:

    Please, I beg of you, do not apologize for the Truth.

    Do not fear for us-we are ready-the strength of the Holy Spirit will preserve us.

    God Bless You as you stand tall for Christ,

    Jameson Lewis III
    Arlington TX

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 17, 2006 @ 6:01 pm

  47. Sister Leonella Sgorbati, RIP.

    Matthew 7:16 By their fruit shall you know them.

    Comment by RedPepper — September 17, 2006 @ 6:54 pm

  48. Amen to that.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 17, 2006 @ 7:04 pm

  49. In the 21st Century, Islam has only proven itself to be a “religion” of unreasoned anger, hate, murder, revenge and envy. I wish Islam would prove us wrong but I’m not seeing “moderate Muslims” taking back their religion which they claim has been hijacked by a small minority of their brethren.

    What else is an honest person supposed to conclude since seeing such radicalism since 9/11? If what appear to be devout Muslims are motivated to spew their venom and hate on the Arab street, then why aren’t more reasonable Muslims similarly motivated to to rise up in mass and take back their religion from their radical brethren? It certainly can’t be fear since we’ve seen the fearlessness of devout Muslims to embrace death more than they do life. If Islam is truly the religion of peace then why haven’t “moderate” Muslims bravely demonstrated a similar willingness to take back their religion at any cost? If a cause or religion isn’t worth dying for then it certainly isn’t worth living for.

    Surely the “moderate” Muslim is similarly motivated toward his/her faith … or is it that their “true religion” isn’t worth dying for? I think there has to be some soul searching on the part of “moderate” Muslims if they are truly out there … or is western civilization simply being deceived by Islamic taqiyya which suggests there is such a thing as a moderate, civilized Muslim?

    I would hope liberals are asking the same questions now that they’ve witnessed again this inexcusable kneejerk, death-cult gnashing of teeth by not only the rank-and-file Muslim but also a significant number of Muslim leaders around the world. How many times have Christians been insulted by atheists, agnostics and other religionists and yet there is no such thing as a “Christian street” or Christian leaders publicly calling for the murder of someone who has “disrespected Christianity”?

    If there is a loose cannon with a loose screw, the vast, vast majority of Christians condemn such actions if the name of Jesus, the Bible or YHWH is being used to advance an unjust cause. There is no such thing as “holy war”.

    Comment by Darthmeister — September 17, 2006 @ 7:11 pm

  50. JL3- You are a good man.

    Comment by mig — September 17, 2006 @ 8:20 pm

  51. CLAIM: Bill Maher Not ‘Free’ To Speak On CBS EVENING NEWS…
    Who cares. So CBS is being politically incorrect. Maher ought to appreciate that.

    Sweden: Conservative coalition wins power…
    Another socialist utopia gets a wake up call as it nears national bankruptcy.

    Situation normal with kool-aid swilling moonbats.

    Major Problems Feared At Polls on Election Day…
    It’s getting harder for Democrats to cheat. Whaaaat! They can’t count the felon, illegal alien and zombie votes?

    Italian nun slain in Somalia, Pope link speculation…
    Muslims demonstrating new methods of evangelism and winning the world to the true God.

    Comment by Darthmeister — September 17, 2006 @ 10:30 pm

  52. …here we go again. Presto!

    Comment by Darthmeister — September 17, 2006 @ 10:31 pm

  53. A friend of mine just left. She is Catholic, but mind you, rather new age, and she just gave me a whole schpiel on this Pope. According to their prophecy, ( Mary appearing etc) this Pope is suppose to be assassinated then only one Pope is to rule until Christ returns.

    I did not wish to be argumentative with her because I never read any of the things about the appearance of Mary.

    Is she right in her beliefs? I could look all that up on the Internet but have no idea where to go. Just thought it was at least good for end-time conversation

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — September 18, 2006 @ 12:21 am

  54. RE: #53~~
    Ms RightWing, Ink~~

    That’s a new one on me.
    It’s not Biblical.

    Comment by JamesonLewis3rd — September 18, 2006 @ 12:43 am

  55. I recently sent a piece by a good friend of mine titled “On The Winning Side” it pretty well suns it all up, Our forefathers set this country up in such a way that no matter what happens we (America) are always on the Winning side. e - mail me for a copy if you wish. Return comments from my address book friends tell me that it’s important enough to be worth your time,

    Comment by Fred Sinclair — September 18, 2006 @ 2:11 am

  56. Catholic Conspiracy Theories.

    Only God knows when and where Jesus comes again. This is true for Catholics too. There is no ‘crystal ball’ at the Vatican.

    But I do fear for the Pope. The Pope is every bit a target as would be our President. But easier? No offense to Italy.

    Comment by mig — September 18, 2006 @ 5:23 am

  57. Ms RightWing, I believe you’re referring to the Prophecy of St. Malachy. I’ve heard different versions of it, one being that Pope 111 (this one) gets assassinated (some are saying in Turkey) and then Pope 112 will usher in or at least turn his throne over to Christ in his Second Coming.

    It’s interesting to consider, but I’ve never given much thought. I know the peace loving Muslims are threatening to murder this Pope, so that dynamic certainly makes it all the more interesting.

    NewsMax has an interesting take on the issue. Personally, I’m sitting this one out. The day will come and when it does it will be according to the will of God irrespective of whatever theories even regenerated man might have.

    Comment by Darthmeister — September 18, 2006 @ 9:24 am

  58. I think that it is wrong for you folks to be grouping ALL Liberals and all Democrats into the same categories and moral-sets. Yes, I’m an athiest and yes, I am a liberal… but you all fail to see when you go about bandying all of YOUR hatred that we Liberals are not all the same, just as not all you Conservatives are the same.

    I have numerous friends about half of which are Conservatives and half of which are Liberals. They all have their good points and their bad points. Most of the time, we all mean well and it is important to keep this in mind when spreading your unchecked slander against others.

    Please lay off on the streotyping and the hatred for Liberals when many of you (based on how much you seem to despise ALL Liberals) probably don’t even know one in real life well enough to know what they truly think.

    Do you TRULY believe that 50% of this nation are complete idiots (as many of you have stated)? If so, you’re completely wrong… and shame on you for your unchecked bad-mouthing of people you don’t even know.

    Comment by forsaken — September 18, 2006 @ 3:37 pm

  59. (sorry if this posts twice — it faield the first attempt)

    I think that it is wrong for you folks to be grouping ALL Liberals and all Democrats into the same categories and moral-sets. Yes, I’m an athiest and yes, I am a liberal… but you all fail to see when you go about bandying all of YOUR hatred that we Liberals are not all the same, just as not all you Conservatives are the same.

    I have numerous friends about half of which are Conservatives and half of which are Liberals. They all have their good points and their bad points. Most of the time, we all mean well and it is important to keep this in mind when spreading your unchecked slander against others.

    Please lay off on the streotyping and the hatred for Liberals when many of you (based on how much you seem to despise ALL Liberals) probably don’t even know one in real life well enough to know what they truly think.

    Do you TRULY believe that 50% of this nation are complete idiots (as many of you have stated)? If so, you’re completely wrong… and shame on you for your unchecked bad-mouthing of people you don’t even know.

    Comment by forsaken — September 18, 2006 @ 3:39 pm

  60. “forsaken” #58 and 59 [your bloghandle proves that you “don’t get it.”]

    As to liberals being people I “don’t even know…” Try my mother, father, aunt, uncle, several of my cousins, my [now deceased] grandparents, and a few of my friends.

    Congrats, you are a typical liberal. You opine even though you have NO clue! You generalize and then point fingers at others for making generalizations. What rank hypocrisy! :tired:

    Comment by da Bunny — September 18, 2006 @ 4:00 pm

  61. Ditto to da Bunnys #60 post. I am the only conservative in my family. And when they think conservative, I am the face they see. To all things.

    And if you think this site is to mean and nasty, well what of it? I personally think that this site is relatively easy on the libs. I have seen others that take NO prisoners! Try American Jihad. No one rags on libs like Jihad Jay (right on brother)

    Comment by mig — September 18, 2006 @ 9:50 pm

  62. By the By-
    I talked with Angus the Scot, he says hello to all the folks in Scrappleville.

    Comment by mig — September 18, 2006 @ 10:00 pm

  63. “A terrorist detainee’s role in Islam’s jihad against the west is an inherently religious topic,” said one unnamed senate aide, “I believe it’s one of the five pillars of Islam. Questions about another human’s religious beliefs are what the Geneva Conventions call ‘outrages upon human dignity’.”

    Jihad is not one of the 5 pillars of Islam.I don’t know where the aide got this info from!!!!

    A Muslim

    Comment by hipster — September 19, 2006 @ 9:32 am

  64. A jihadist?

    Comment by mig — September 19, 2006 @ 12:40 pm

  65. forsaken:

    Your post might be taken a bit more seriously if you would spell “atheist” correctly. But maybe not.

    Comment by The Great Santini — September 19, 2006 @ 3:15 pm

  66. mig,

    If you mean suicide bombings & crashing into a building, no I’m not:)

    Jihad, as you all seem to think & sadly as many Muslim fundamentalists have reflected, has been gravely distorted & misinterpreted.It has nothing to do with the soi d’isant “Holy War”.The true meaning of Jihad has various aspects(defined according to importance). In the context of war, we have been commanded:
    1- Not to initiate a war
    2- Only fight back if we are attacked & oppressed

    For further info on the true essence of Jihad, please check out this insightful article:

    I am ashamed of how many of us tend to react to certain situations & how many of us have misinterpreted & abused our Quranic verses, hence, portraying a horrific image of our religion.

    Comment by hipster — September 20, 2006 @ 3:18 am

  67. FYI, suicide,in Islam, is a major sin.

    Comment by hipster — September 20, 2006 @ 3:23 am

  68. Murdering other Muslims is too. I’ve read the Koran. If committing suicide is such a grave sin, then why do the most devout of Muslims do so in the name of Allah, the Koran and the prophet Mohammed? I guess they don’t call it “suicide”, the just call it “killing infidels”.

    Say, hipster, I wonder if the liberal DemDonks are proud that their hate-Bush talking points are being echoed at the UN by the likes of Iranian nutbag president Ahmadaboutjihad and the little commie president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez. Birds of feather and all that. Rather sad, I think.

    BTW, I’m not interested in subjecting myself to more Muslim taqiyya so I’m going to skip the propaganda site you proffered. I’ve read the Koran and I now it to be the jihadist cookbook that it is and the actions of Muslims today have only confirmed it.

    Comment by Darthmeister — September 20, 2006 @ 12:32 pm

  69. Do you TRULY believe that 50% of this nation are complete idiots (as many of you have stated)? If so, you’re completely wrong… and shame on you for your unchecked bad-mouthing of people you don’t even know.

    To hear your enlightened, compassionate, open-mind liberals tell it, 50% of this nation who supports President Bush and the war on terrorism are complete idiots.

    And how dare you engage in outright lies and false witness against us. We have made distinctions between the moonbats on the radical left and old school liberals. But it’s kind of hard, though, not to stereotype when a wide array of partisan liberals/DemDonks spew the same blame-America/hate-Bush venom. I used to be a Democrat so I know what liberals are and how they think, though the latest infestation of liberalism is truly debauched, offensive and demeaning. Heal thyself, hypocrite!

    Comment by Darthmeister — September 20, 2006 @ 12:40 pm

  70. […] Scott Ott has more on the subject here and here. There’s something about good comedy like his, as opposed to mere satire (which can be more corrosive than enlightening) that can reveal essential truths. That’s especially true with subjects like “torture” and torture that are freighted with taboos, often for good reasons. It cuts through the mental chaff that impedes clear thinking. […]

    Pingback by Pros and Cons » The truth about coercive interrogation, including water boarding. — September 21, 2006 @ 9:24 am

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