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Hillary: ‘American Dream’ Plan Spells Dem Victory

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 1 Comment · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2006-07-25) — Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, the presumptive 2008 Democrat presidential nominee, yesterday retooled her husband’s successful campaign slogan — ‘It’s the economy, stupid.’ — as she released the Democrat Leadership Council (DLC) strategy to win the next two national elections.

“It’s the American Dream, stupid,” said Sen. Clinton to a gathering of DLC members, who did not seem offended by her assessment of their intelligence.

The new ‘American Dream Initiative’, she said, “taps into the pioneering, entrepreneurial zeal that made America great,” through increasing government spending by an extra $500 billion over 10 years, boosting taxes on businesses, and doing for higher education what the former First Lady once wanted to do for health care.

The junior senator from New York said the American Dream Initiative “recaptures the spirit of our forefathers.”

“When they journeyed across the mountains and rivers,” she said, “they faced hardship, disease , back-breaking labor and death in hopes that some day they could become middle class, and turn over the reins of their destiny to a large, centralized federal government. The Democrat party represents the best hope for fulfilling that American dream.”

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