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Dems ‘New Direction’ Sharp Break with Past Policies

by Scott Ott · 3 Comments

(2006-07-28) — For the second month in a row, Democrats released their visionary plan to take Congress back in 2006. The ‘New Direction for America‘ represents a sharp break with the party’s past, according to unnamed sources.

On June 16, House and Senate Democrats first revealed the party’s one-page, five-point strategy (PDF), after months of eager anticipation, but it received little media coverage, “mostly because reporters were stunned at how progressive and revolutionary the plan is,” said Sen. Harry Reid, the minority leader.

Now, 41 days later, the New Direction has been re-released as a six-point strategy, mentioning Iraq for the first time.

In a sharp break with the historical stereotype of Democrats as anti-business, big spenders who are weak on defense and have few moral principles, the ‘New Direction for America’ calls for a crackdown on big business, a higher minimum wage, increased taxpayer subsidies for colleges, alternative energy and stem cell research and a retreat from Iraq. It makes no mention of moral issues like abortion or same-sex marriage.

While Democrats call the six-point plan Six for ‘06, an unnamed Republican strategist noted that the GOP is “already six for six in Congressional elections going back to 1994.”

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Tags: Politics · U.S. News

3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Old War Dogs // Jul 28, 2006 at 10:25 am

    Dems ‘New Direction’ Sharp Break with Past Policies

    (2006-07-28) — For the second month in a row, Democrats released their visionary plan to take Congress back in 2006. The ‘New Direction for America’ represents a sharp break with the party’s past, according to unnamed sources. [Read on.]

  • 2 » Blog Archive » Laugh Links (Don’t Worry, Be Happy Edition) // Jul 30, 2006 at 1:27 pm

    […] And the best posts on the web: Bludja has fun with puns. Point Five talks about the latest Backlash Against Muslims. Conservative Cat discusses the Minimum Wage Hike. Scrappleface reports on the Dem’s New Direction. Laurence Simaon at IMAO has a question for Jewish Bloggers (You know who you are.) […]

  • 3 The Bullwinkle Blog » Blog Archive » Last Laughs (Don’t Worry, Be Happy Edition) // Jul 30, 2006 at 1:30 pm

    […] And the best posts on the web: Bludja has fun with puns. Point Five talks about the latest Backlash Against Muslims. Conservative Cat discusses the Minimum Wage Hike. Scrappleface reports on the Dem’s New Direction. Laurence Simaon at IMAO has a question for Jewish Bloggers (You know who you are.) […]

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