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Bush to Fox: New Border Troops Will Face North

by Scott Ott · 5 Comments

(2006-05-12) — In an effort improve his sagging popularity in Mexican public opinion polls, President George Bush today reassured his Mexican counterpart that his move to place more National Guard units at the border is actually intended to keep illegal aliens from escaping the U.S.

With Congress moving toward heavier penalties for undocumented workers and their employers, President Bush reportedly told Mexican President Vicente Fox that the U.S. government will do all it can to “retain the people who do the jobs no one else will do.”

In a 15-minute phone call to Mr. Fox, President Bush reiterated his commitment to immigration reform that would ensure the right of Mexicans to “run away from your pathetic third-world dump, without restricting the flow of U.S. dollars that prop up your alleged government.”

The White House said moving more National Guard units to the border would shore up the president’s conservative Republican base.

“They always like to see military deployments,” an unnamed White House spokesman said, “and since most members of Congress never visit the border, they won’t realize that our troops are facing north.”

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5 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Inoperable Terran » Bush’s new border plan // May 15, 2006 at 9:16 am

    […] Scott Ott leaks it. Posted by Ian S. in […]

  • 2 La Shawn Barber's Corner // May 15, 2006 at 9:18 am

    Live-Blogging Bush’s Illegal Immigration Speech

    As if it will make any difference in the scheme of things, I’ll be live-blogging President George Bush’s speech tonight, but the thread is open for commenting now.
    Bush knows the majority of Americans oppose amnesty for illegal aliens an…

  • 3 FullosseousFlap’s Dental Blog » Illegal Immigration Watch: President Bush - WAY Too Little, ALOT Too LATE // May 15, 2006 at 12:17 pm

    […] Round-up at Polipundit Right Wing News Cavalier X La Shawn will be liveblogging. Scrappleface spoofs. Bizzy Blog on more things Bush won’t talk about tonight. Scott Johnson on the flabbergastingly idiotic Hagel-Martinez bill. Andrew McCarthy dispenses with the mass deportation canard. John Derbyshire on the Bush speech: “milk-and-water leaky-bandaid stuff.” Ankle Biting Pundits: Throwing a bone… Related: […]

  • 4 Southern Appeal » Scrappleface on Bush and the border // May 16, 2006 at 9:35 am

    […] Here, here, and here. PermaLink | | Trackback/Pingback (0) […]

  • 5 Adam Brody // Nov 9, 2006 at 10:24 am

    adam fox…

    I Googled for something completely different, but found your page…and have to say thanks. nice read….

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