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Limbaugh Not Guilty, Pelosi Calls for Rove Firing

by Scott Ott · 2 Comments

(2004-04-29) — Just minutes after nationally-syndicated radio talkshow host Rush Limbaugh reached a deal with the Palm Beach County State Attorney’s Office yesterday that will clear him of guilt in a doctor-shopping case, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called on President George Bush to fire White House political adviser Karl Rove.

“Only the most naive among us will believe that Karl Rove didn’t pull the lever to spring Limbaugh,” Rep. Pelosi said. “Florida is run by Bush’s brother, and now Rush Limbaugh, who should have spent the rest of his life behind bars, is free to verbally terrorize America. There are only three possible explanations. Rove. Rove. And Rove.”

In addition to the termination of Mr. Rove, the California Democrat called for a Congressional investigation, a special prosecutor, a boycott of radio stations that carry the Limbaugh program and spontaneous street rallies by illegal aliens.

Mr. Limbaugh noted that, “Nancy Pelosi might have more impact if she would lead her party in a moment of silence.”

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Tags: Media/Journalism · U.S. News

2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Inoperable Terran » Gone // Apr 29, 2006 at 8:50 am

    […] The investigation of Rush Limbaugh’s over, leaving him a free man. Scott Ott has the other details. Posted by Ian S. in […]

  • 2 The Bullwinkle Blog » Blog Archive » Rush To Judgement // Apr 29, 2006 at 6:34 pm

    […] From WaPo: Rush Limbaugh has agreed to pay thirty grand and continue drug rehab as part of a deal after being charged with “doctor chopping”. The charges stem, at least in part, from activity he engaged in three years ago, before he even began treatment for prescription drug addiction. He maintains that he did nothing wrong, and the charges will be dropped as long as he continues with rehabilitation. In related news, Limbaugh donates a quarter of a million dollars to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Scrappleface has more. Linked to Wizbangs! Carnival of the Trackbacks LXI! Tags: Rush Limbaugh, WaPo […]

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