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Bush Threatens to Veto Popularity Polls

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2006-03-09) — Faced with a Republican rebellion in Congress against his administration’s approval of a deal to allow an Arab state-owned firm to manage major U.S. sea ports, President George Bush today threatened to veto the latest popularity polls which have emboldened his opponents within the party.

“My low approval ratings will not stand,” said Mr. Bush. “If Republicans in Congress think they can use popularity polls to write legislation, then I will simply veto the polls.”

House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-IL, tried to avoid a direct confrontation with the president, but said he felt confident he could recruit enough Democrats to muster the two-thirds majority needed to override the threatened veto of the popularity polls.

“Republicans and Democrats in Congress don’t see eye to eye on much,” said Rep. Hastert, “but when it comes to threats against our way of life, we stand united.”

The president said accusations that he has been ‘dismissive’ toward Congress and has failed to consult with members of his own party were “nothing but silly chatter.”

“I have great respect for the Constitutional role of the Congress,” the president said, “But if Republicans think they can win in November by appearing to oppose me now, I would simply say: Bring it on, knuckleheads.”

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