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DeLay Bows Out, Dems to Help Pick New GOP Leader

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 1 Comment · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2006-01-07) — In a show of political unity on Capitol Hill today, Democrats agreed to help Republicans choose a new House Majority Leader after embattled Rep. Tom DeLay bowed to pressure from both sides of the aisle and announced he would not seek to regain his post.

Awaiting trial in Texas on fundraising corruption charges, and stained by his association with disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff, Rep. DeLay wrote in a letter to colleagues that he would “step aside in the interest of restoring the congeniality between opposing parties which serves as the bedrock of our republic.”

It was Rep. DeLay’s own suggestion that his caucus should “look to the left,” for a replacement.

“After all, isn’t the role of the majority to ensure that the minority gets its way,” he wrote. “We don’t want to be accused of discriminating against them just because they lost the elections.”

Mr. DeLay said he “bears no bitterness” toward his Republican colleagues, and he appreciates the way they supported him during this crisis.

“I knew that my fellow Republicans were standing behind me,” he said. “I could feel it right between my shoulder blades.”

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