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Bono Gets Time to Forgive Subscriber Debt

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2005-12-19) — Bono, the rock singer named as one of Time magazine’s Persons of the Year for his success at getting the developed world to give up on collecting billions in third-world debt, today said he had pressured Time’s parent company into forgiving the debts of its magazine and cable subscribers, as well as those who have purchased anything with “just three easy payments.”

“Many American families are trapped in a hopeless cycle of poverty as they dish out more than $100 per month to various Time Warner divisions for essential entertainment services,” said Bono, who requested last-name anonymity. “This is another triumph in my global campaign to do good by being famous.”

Bono said he’s still negotiating with Time Warner’s major shareholders in an effort to get them to forgive company executives for the disastrous merger with AOL.

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