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December 8, 2005

Rumsfeld Sets Conditions for Pentagon Pullout

(2005-12-08) — Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld today addressed rumors he plans to resign in early 2006 by listing conditions for his withdrawal from the Pentagon, but he stopped short of giving a timeline.

“The objective has always been victory over the entrenched forces that are fighting to return us to the dark ages,” said Mr. Rumsfeld. “My redeployment must be delayed until I can leave behind a people who can govern themselves in a way that’s consistent with democratic principles and ideals.”

The spry septuagenarian said there are still “pockets of insurgency that must be routed out and put to flight.”

“Setting an artificial timeline would only embolden them to wait it out until I’m gone,” he said.

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  1. Sweeeeeet Scott! Rummy ROCKS!

    Comment by MargeinMI — December 8, 2005 @ 7:54 am

  2. Prevail!!!

    Comment by camojack — December 8, 2005 @ 7:57 am


    Comment by Darthmeister — December 8, 2005 @ 8:07 am

  4. It’s a lost cause. Give it up Rummy. The “open-minded” DemDonks have become very closed-minded about any prospect of victory. I guess they’ll just have to spin any positive outcome as a loss. I must wonder, however, if the average American would be stupid enough to believe these lying liberals?

    Comment by Darthmeister — December 8, 2005 @ 8:23 am

  5. Darth, I’ve got to believe that Americans won’t fall for the “we can’t win, our troops are broken and living hand to mouth, our troops are terrorizing women and children in the night, we need to pull out now and surrender to the terrorists, BUT we support the troops!” garbage. What I think is becoming ever so clear is that these self-centered politicians couldn’t care less about the troops and will use them as pawns in their own pathetic attempt to hold on to some of the power they are so clearly losing. It’s pretty disgusting if you ask me.

    Comment by Shelly — December 8, 2005 @ 8:31 am

  6. What is scary, though, is that a lot of the Republicans seem to think the climate in Washington reflects the mood of the nation. No wonder, if they get their news from the alphabet networks.

    Comment by PatsRick — December 8, 2005 @ 8:42 am

  7. Pockets of insurgency? Yuck, did you ever see what some people keep in their pockets?

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — December 8, 2005 @ 8:43 am

  8. Great piece Scott! One of your best ever.

    Comment by Hawkeye — December 8, 2005 @ 8:51 am

  9. Morning All,
    This only proves that the critics were correct and that the war between the Pentagon and the senate dems has become a quagmire.

    Comment by hwy93 — December 8, 2005 @ 9:09 am

  10. PatsRick, you can e-mail the GOP at

    I hope Rumsfeld reconsiders and stays till January 2009. Pentagon press conferences wouldn’t be nearly as amusing without him.

    Comment by Shelly — December 8, 2005 @ 9:16 am

  11. It’s too bad that the print media don’t reproduce SecDef Rumsfeld’s speeches and press conferences more fully instead of selecting remarks to interpret what he said. The public has a right to know what a remarkable leader is shaping American military policy and assuring national security. The man is brilliant. The editorializing over his remarks rightfully belongs on the editorial pages, not in a news article, albeit bylined. A reporter’s duty is not to shape a story based on speculation built on Beltway gossip, unnamed sources, and editorial agenda.

    The public should demand a press pullout from the DNC’s PR machine.

    Comment by onlineanalyst — December 8, 2005 @ 9:16 am

  12. It cracks me up to hear how this administration “supports the troops” while claiming that the non supporters do not

    “Fails to provide meaningful investment in veterans’ health care. As America continues to welcome a new generation of veterans home from Iraq and Afghanistan, the President’s budget shortchanges veterans’ health care programs. It provides only $106 million more than last year – $3.5 billion less than veterans service organizations believe is needed. Republicans have tried to mask the cut with new fees on the backs of the veterans, as well as so-called “management efficiencies” that seem to be coming at the expense of access to care. Without the fees, the President’s budget provides $762 million less than the Congressional Budget Office says is needed to maintain current services for veterans’ health care and other discretionary programs. Because of this cut, the number of medical personnel serving our veterans would drop by 3,000, mostly nurses. And, over five years, the budget for veterans programs, primarily health care, is $15 billion below the amount needed to maintain services at current levels.”

    Some support, get real folks, Republicans like the war, not the warriors

    Comment by boberin — December 8, 2005 @ 9:17 am

  13. Scrap,
    Succinct, apt, and dripping with wonderful sarcasm.
    THANKS! great job.

    Comment by red satellites — December 8, 2005 @ 9:18 am

  14. Hijacking Alert, Man the battlestations, prepare to repel boarders.

    Boberin, it’s not even the 15th post yet.

    Comment by hwy93 — December 8, 2005 @ 9:23 am

  15. boberin, you can’ts see the forest because of the trees. Quit promoting the lamestream media’s and DemDonk’s jaundiced agenda to tar-and-feather the Bush Administration. You merely argue around the edges of proposals and counter-proposals.

    Here are the real facts concerning the 51% increase in spending on veterans and veteran medical benefits since Bush took office. Why are you such a shill for the finger-pointing lies and spin of the left? Again you demonstrate a hypocrisy regarding your own admonition not to believe everything you see in print. Besides, I wonder what the real story was behind the out-of-context example you gave.

    And here’s a marvelous Fact Check example of how liberal Democrats lie about Bush “cutting benefits” when indeed he increased them by 27% at the time. And I bet you sucked that lie right down when the DemDonks floated it and the lamestream media reported it. Come on boberin, quit being such a partisan hack.

    BTW, the “Support the Troop” mantra of liberal Democrats is one of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated upon the American people.

    Comment by Darthmeister — December 8, 2005 @ 9:33 am

  16. Oh, and boberin, take your own advice and “get real.” You’re starting to bore me again with your jabberwocky. You’ve been thoroughly busted…again.

    Comment by Darthmeister — December 8, 2005 @ 9:37 am

  17. According to a Newsweek PR service, the Dems are planning to run a number of veterans in the midterm elections to salvage the reputation of the party.

    Comment by onlineanalyst — December 8, 2005 @ 9:40 am

  18. I just hope Rumsfeld’s withdrawal doesn’t lead to a full scale civil war in Congress. Oh wait, that’s already happened. Only it’s not so civil.

    Don’t withdraw, Donald, simply redeploy to an undisclosed location and wait for further developments, like Hillary’s announcement that she’s running for president. Then take off like the blazes.

    Comment by Jersey Guy — December 8, 2005 @ 9:40 am

  19. Great article, Scott, as usual. Good morning everyone.

    Boberin, you are so way off, it is amazing. If anyone has demonstrated a love and commitment to our troops, it is President Bush. Stop looking for things to complain about and instead support the man who our troops overwhelmingly love and support.

    Comment by NY_Joe — December 8, 2005 @ 9:47 am

  20. “Washington, D.C. — Today, the house passed H.R. 2528, the Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2006, which appropriates $70.038 billon for the Department of Veterans Affairs. Funding for Veterans medical care has increased by 18% over the last two years. For the first time ever, this bill allocates $2.2 billion solely for mental healthcare and doubles funding for mental health research.”

    A google search about VA funding comes up with negative stories from late Ocotber in Commondreams, the DU, and Political, a self-described Internet source of “Marxist Thought Online”.

    Bobo: We know your sources. Make sure that they are up-to-date. It’s really tiresome to do your homework.

    Comment by onlineanalyst — December 8, 2005 @ 10:03 am

  21. What is so pathetic about the Democrats’, the Progressives’ (Marxists), and the rest of the Left’s latching on to the expression “Truth to Power” is that this unholy troika wouldn’t know Truth if it bit them in the kiester. The concept is fairly fluid for them,depending on the polls. For Ted Kennedy, whose motto is In vino veritas, the concept is merely fluid.

    Comment by onlineanalyst — December 8, 2005 @ 10:16 am

  22. boberin: check out eBay, I hear they’re auctioning backbones today. Perhaps you should invest in one,

    …serve you well, it will….Yoda, Star Wars II, The Empire Strikes Back.

    Comment by BienHoaBaby — December 8, 2005 @ 10:17 am

  23. It’s no wonder Joe Lieberman has become a leper in his own party….with the likes of Kerry, Dean, Pelosi, and Reid running the show. Joe, face it buddy, you need to move across the aisle.

    Comment by red satellites — December 8, 2005 @ 10:17 am

  24. Red, because of Joe’s remarks, he’s got the Phrench born Lowell Weicker all worked up trying to mount a challenge.

    Joe is serving us better on the Dem side of the aisle by appearing to be the only rational Dem on the planet. He is also making the Dem’s look split on the Iraq issue (as if they needed any help).

    Comment by BienHoaBaby — December 8, 2005 @ 10:34 am

  25. Luke Lieberman: There is still good in you father, I can feel it.

    Joe Lieberman: You do not know the power of the dark side.

    Star wars episode VI, Return of the Jedi

    Comment by hwy93 — December 8, 2005 @ 10:35 am

  26. Red… comment 13
    New thesaurus???? (tee hee)

    Anyway….I thought Sec.Rumsfeld was a protestent not a Septuagenarian.

    Great posts today Scrapplers.

    Comment by Maggie — December 8, 2005 @ 10:38 am

  27. Those NY moonbats who live in Connecticut and commute to the city, must be in an absolute panic with Joe representing their state.

    You may be right Bien, but I’m not convinced he has much of a voice….only the FNC and conservative radio reports his comments. The NYT, WP, Seattle IP, etc. and the LW loons bury every comment he raises.

    Comment by red satellites — December 8, 2005 @ 10:42 am

  28. Great article!

    Comment by nylecoj — December 8, 2005 @ 10:43 am

  29. You have to wonder about anyone who is getting their news from Common Screams.

    Comment by Cassandra — December 8, 2005 @ 10:44 am

  30. Maggie…
    I like to save my more sententious remarks for the likes of Everpink and those divorced from reality. ;)

    Comment by red satellites — December 8, 2005 @ 10:56 am

  31. You have to wonder about anyone who is getting their news from Common Screams.
    Comment by Cassandra — December 8, 2005 @ 10:44 am

    Definitely; they should stick with “Uncommonly Sensible”…

    Comment by camojack — December 8, 2005 @ 10:57 am

  32. Trojan Horse vs Joe Lieberman.Does anybody remember the elections of 2000?Joe changed horses in mid stream.I could never trust him.
    (BTW I am commenting
    on the mercury link to the word resign)

    Comment by Maggie — December 8, 2005 @ 11:00 am

  33. Red…..sententious……dang,I had to look that one

    Comment by Maggie — December 8, 2005 @ 11:03 am

  34. test run

    Comment by Maggie — December 8, 2005 @ 11:05 am

  35. Maggie, try not to be too hard on Joe. If my horse was stuck between Kerry, Dean, and Sharpton, I not only would have changed horses, I may have even had the first one shot.

    Comment by hwy93 — December 8, 2005 @ 11:11 am

  36. hwy93, good point. lol

    Comment by Maggie — December 8, 2005 @ 11:13 am

  37. I don’t blame Lieberman for changing horses when it comes to Democrats. It’s hard to stand by people who vote for legislation before they vote against it, or announce that they are not asking for a timeline, just a timeline.

    Comment by Shelly — December 8, 2005 @ 11:20 am

  38. Cassandra: As you already know, the idiotarians do not get their information from primary sources. In a pinch, they rely on the surrogate party of the MSM. They like to have their talking points down pat from the mother ship. This refueling acts similary to the way a bird feeds its young: regurgitation.

    Bobo’s “cover” of affable disingenuousness was blown a long time ago. We allow him here (and even allow him to interact unlike the moonbat sites that don’t value free speech in their debates) because we are hospitable, we value comic relief, and we prefer to be aware of the mud that desperados like to fling in the hopes that something will stick.

    The template is as follows: “Funny, Scott”—”Good morning, everyone” — “Now lets talk about the topic that I want to introduce.”

    Comment by onlineanalyst — December 8, 2005 @ 11:20 am

  39. So far, Lieberman is the only horse who stands apart from the jackarses.

    Comment by onlineanalyst — December 8, 2005 @ 11:22 am

  40. on the lighter side, this just in from Bongo™ News, pretty amusing

    WASHINGTON, DC — Democratic Party Chairman, Howard Dean, promised that Democrats would have a plan for the elections in 2008.

    “We plan to have a plan sometime soon,” promised Dean. “Definitely before November 2008, all going well.”

    “It will address the concerns of ordinary Americans,” he said, “like teachers’ unions with long vacations and public employees with fat pensions.”

    “We do not want to reveal the plan yet, of course, because first we have to develop the plan and then get some kind of consensus on it within party ranks, “ he said. “That won’t be easy, because of the various factions but, if we water down some of the planks, we should be able to come close to having something around about November 2008. Or shortly thereafter.”

    Emma Dubin

    Comment by boberin — December 8, 2005 @ 11:26 am

  41. clarification to my comment 31:
    Before Joe Lieberman ran for VP with Algore,he was generally thought as centrist/conservative .Then he adopted Algore’s platform of the “idiotarianism”.(thanx OLA)
    Now he is a hawk and returned to his roots.Can we trust him?

    Comment by Maggie — December 8, 2005 @ 11:32 am

  42. Ahhh look,boberin is trying to make nice.

    Comment by Maggie — December 8, 2005 @ 11:34 am

  43. Found a hyphen at the bottom of my screen, so I just put it back in “Rumsfeld plans to re-sign”. I think that’s where it came from; Rumsfeld going for his third tour.

    Comment by tomg — December 8, 2005 @ 11:34 am

  44. OLA post 37, re: the “template” :lol:

    Comment by da Bunny — December 8, 2005 @ 11:37 am

  45. tomg,
    The sentance makes much more sense now. Thanks for returning the lost punctuation.

    Comment by hwy93 — December 8, 2005 @ 11:44 am

  46. Hello da Bunny
    ’bout time you came outin’ your Bunny Hole.We’ve been dangling carrots.

    Comment by Maggie — December 8, 2005 @ 11:47 am

  47. Cassandra,

    I thought Common Screams was a pro-abortion website…oh wait, it is!!!

    Comment by Darthmeister — December 8, 2005 @ 11:56 am

  48. Hi Maggie! I’ve been lurking a lot, and posting some. It’s sleeting here at the “hutch” today! :-(

    Comment by da Bunny — December 8, 2005 @ 12:04 pm

  49. boberin,

    I found this at the BlameBush newsite (News so fake you’d think it came from the mainstream media) so it must be true. My thanks to moonchild:

    A Bu$Hitler McChimp operation was recently unveiled. Critics say it will demoralize the troops and the people back home so that they’re too depressed to resist Muslim freedom fighters which will result in America withdrawing from this illegal and immoral war.

    Sitting in his tin-foil armored Hummer - manufactured by GM to Halliburton specifications to suck down the oil we’re stealing and convert it to greenhouse emissions - this poor American stormtrooper waits to hear back from Sen. Durbin for tips on how to atone for his war atrocities before he heads back to the supply depot for a fresh machete, pork rinds, and KKKondoms so that he’s equipped for tonight’s raping, blasphemy, Koran desecration and pillaging. And when he tears into the envelope and sees Sen. Durbin’s elegant script, his heart lifts. Later he’s crushed under the oppression of yet another Army re-enlistment drive. This is why progressyve Democrats believe AmeriKKKa can’t win this war.

    Comment by Darthmeister — December 8, 2005 @ 12:09 pm

  50. funny Hank!
    despite evidence to the contrary i do have a sense of humor

    Comment by boberin — December 8, 2005 @ 12:22 pm

  51. This just in guys…
    From reuters…regarding the Christian hostages:

    “The Islamic Army in Iraq insurgent group said on Thursday it had killed a U.S. security consultant, according to an Internet statement.

    The group said the man was killed because the U.S. government did not fulfill its demands, which included the payment of compensation to Iraqis affected by U.S. attacks.”

    Comment by red satellites — December 8, 2005 @ 12:48 pm

  52. My mistake….I’m hearing that this hostage was not one of the 4 peace activists.

    Comment by red satellites — December 8, 2005 @ 12:51 pm

  53. For my fellow Scrapplers suffering from tax-aversion as I am:

    Today will be an interesting one on The Hill…

    Comment by Godfrey — December 8, 2005 @ 1:09 pm

  54. Thanks for the post, Godfrey. Welcome news indeed.

    Comment by Shelly — December 8, 2005 @ 1:19 pm

  55. AP - Baghdad

    Peace loving freedom fighters were forced to kill another Eichman-like hostage to protest America’s illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq.

    Once again the heavy hand of the Bu$Hitler/Halliburton/Cheney/RoveHimmler KKKabal is shown to have caused ill feelings among the people who follow the religion of peace. And Senator John McCain is already looking into new torture allegations of Saddam’s brother-in-law, Barazan Ibrahim, who claims his jailers are limiting him to only six off-brand cigarettes a day.

    Last evening Bu$Hitler was asked at the White House Hannukah celebration if he and the neo-KKKon Jews he surrounds himself with were going to ever stop authorizing American military stormtroopers from murdering innocent Muslim freedom fighters, raping their women and torturing their children with candy that rots their teeth. The President, who is accused of stealing the 2000 elections, refused to answer the question with a simple “yes” or “no” … once again proving his inadequate skills at communicating with highly intelligent people.

    Comment by Darthmeister — December 8, 2005 @ 1:22 pm

  56. But.. but I love the AMT.

    Comment by Effeminem — December 8, 2005 @ 1:28 pm

  57. i saw the cigarette thing
    see? cruel and unusual
    don’t forget the lousy food, he’s losing weight you know

    Comment by boberin — December 8, 2005 @ 1:29 pm

  58. Hank:

    “…torturing their children with candy that rots their teeth.”

    ROTFLMAO… forget AP, you’re even good enough for Reuters!

    Comment by Godfrey — December 8, 2005 @ 2:09 pm

  59. Ah ,To be a Septuagenarian again(sigh).

    Comment by prettyold — December 8, 2005 @ 3:20 pm

  60. prettyold:
    Are you sayin’ you’re beyond your 70’s?!

    Comment by camojack — December 8, 2005 @ 3:57 pm

  61. I don’t know why 10 of the 11 high value prisoners would want to leave those “secret CIA prisons”

    from the Dec. 6 ABC story (buried way down at the bottom:
    “While in the secret facilities in Eastern Europe, Abu Zubaydah and his fellow captives were fed breakfasts that included yogurt and fruit, lunches that included steamed vegetables and beans, and dinners that included meat or chicken and more vegetables and rice, sources say. In exchange for cooperation, prisoners were sometimes given hard candies, desserts and chocolates. Abu Zubaydah was partial to Kit Kats, the same treat Saddam Hussein fancied in his captivity.”

    Comment by onlineanalyst — December 8, 2005 @ 4:06 pm

  62. More of that tooth-rotting stuff that Human Rights Watch must have been objecting to, right?

    Comment by onlineanalyst — December 8, 2005 @ 4:08 pm

  63. ‘da Bunny:

    No sleet here in Northern CA. No rain or clouds, either. Blue skies, gentle breezes, high temps in high-50s, lows in high-30s. “I don’t know where we are, To-To, but it sure isn’t [fill in the blank].”

    All I can say is :cool: , :cool: , :cool: [Jest funnin’ yuh, but it is a nice day here, nevertheless.]

    In all the excitement last week (performing in my church’s Broadway-style Christmas musical comedy production), I neglected to wish you and your husband a happy anniversary. So, happy anniversary, already (albeit belatedly)!

    Believe me, your husband is grateful you’ve stuck with him for 17 years. Men know their weaknesses and shortcomings, and because they do, they place a high value on their wives’ loyalty and endurance (along with all the other goodies, natch). It’ll be 30 years for me and my first wife next October. Given all my shortcomings, that’s endurance!


    Comment by The Great Santini — December 8, 2005 @ 5:20 pm

  64. Thanks for the anniversary wishes, Santini, and thanks for rubbing it in about the weather! :-)

    Comment by da Bunny — December 8, 2005 @ 5:29 pm

  65. That’s it, Santini, rub it in. We just had five inches of snow in the last three hours dumped on us here in flyover country. Isn’t there anything KKKarl Rove won’t stoop to with his SDI weather-making machine? First the mind control rays and now this. Unfortunately tinfoil doesn’t affect snowfall levels.

    Comment by Darthmeister — December 8, 2005 @ 5:38 pm

  66. BTW, congrats on the 30 years. Bet you’re still taking out the trash, though.

    We’re coming up on our 28th in January. You’re dead-on about men placing a very high value on their wife’s loyalty and sometimes the blind-eye they turn to our hobbies and foibles.

    I forgot who said this earlier, but it is true that it sometimes isn’t love or attraction which keep older couples together, but rather a sense of loyalty and commitment. Luuuuuv makes it all the nicer, though! Mmmmm, mmmm, mmmm!

    Comment by Darthmeister — December 8, 2005 @ 5:44 pm

  67. I am 70. I thought Rummy was younger. I have been married to my first husband( I like that, Santini) for 52 years .The one time I thought we wouldn’t make it to the next anniversery was right after he first retired.We nearly drove each other Crazy.

    Comment by prettyold — December 8, 2005 @ 7:06 pm

  68. One more key element of a lasting marriage is keeping a sense of humor. There are certain things I know I can say to totally crack him up ,no matter how mad he is, and vice versa.

    Comment by prettyold — December 8, 2005 @ 7:09 pm

  69. Schnowing like 90 here at the bunker!

    Comment by Ms RightWing, Ink — December 8, 2005 @ 9:41 pm

  70. The public should demand a press pullout from the DNC’s PR machine…………………………….OLA: That’s what I’m yelling AMEN,AMEN to.!!!

    Comment by Jackie — December 9, 2005 @ 1:46 am

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