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November 17, 2005

Nixon Archives Show Bush Lied, Botched Iraq

(2005-11-17) — A review of 50,000 pages of previously-classified Nixon administration documents reveals that President George Bush lied to the American people about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction and has no exit strategy from the quagmire in Iraq, according to an unnamed non-partisan official at the National Archives.

“A cursory reading of these 35-year-old documents would lead one to believe that they contain information about President Nixon, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Vietnam,” said the National Archives source. “But careful study by discerning historians reveals that these pages are actually a scathing condemnation of George Bush, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice and Don Rumsfeld.”

The source added that, “It’s amazing what you can learn from historical documents when you know what you’re looking for.”

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