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1950 Document Hints at Alito Pro-Life Bias

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2005-11-14) — In the same day news broke about a 1985 letter in which Judge Samuel A. Alito rejected the idea that the Constitution protects abortion rights, a New Jersey institution released an older document that further casts doubt on the 55-year-old Supreme Court nominee’s position on the pivotal issue.

The 1950 document, obtained from the state archives through a Freedom of Information Act request, indicates that Mr. Alito was “strongly pro-life at that time”, according to one unnamed non-partisan, progressive source who has seen a copy of it.

“People can change their minds in the course of 55 years,” the anonymous source said, “But after looking at what I would describe as a kind of certificate that had his name on it, I can only conclude that Mr. Alito is a proponent of full-term, live birth.”

White House spokesman Scott McClellan immediately attempted to cast doubt on the authenticity of the document, noting that “it doesn’t even have Judge Alito’s signature.”

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