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Cheney Sends Joe Wilson to Find CIA Leaker

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 2 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2005-10-30) — In the wake of a special prosecutor’s failure to discover who leaked the CIA identity of Valerie Wilson, Vice President Dick Cheney today announced he would send former ambassador Joe Wilson on a fact-finding mission to resolve unanswered questions about the case.

“I can’t tell you who recommended him for the job,” said Mr. Cheney. “But I’ve been told Joe has relationships and experience in this area. So I’ve asked him to go and drink some tea with his personal contacts and poke around a bit. If there’s nothing to be found out there, my sources say that Joe Wilson is the guy not to find it.”

The appointment of Mr. Wilson to lead the probe ended speculation that Mr. Cheney would call on former chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix to find the leaker.

An unnamed former top aide to the vice president confirmed Mr. Wilson’s secret mission, saying “Yeah, I heard that too.”

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    (2005-10-30) — In the wake of a special prosecutor’s failure to discover who leaked the CIA identity of Valerie Wilson, Vice President Dick Cheney today announced he would send [redacted] on a fact-finding mission to resolve unanswered questions a…

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