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April 21, 2005

Sen. Voinovich Offers Self for U.N. Ambassador Post

(2005-04-21) — Republican Sen. George Voinovich of Ohio, who missed last week’s confirmation hearing for U.N. Ambassador-nominee John Bolton, then delayed the Senate panel’s vote because Democrats appeared upset and he needs more information, today offered himself as an alternate candidate for the diplomatic post.

“I think my behavior in the past week alone has demonstrated that I have the temperament and work ethic required to serve at the United Nations, may it live forever,” said Mr. Voinovich. “Clearly Mr. Bolton is a blunt man, with a focus on results and little patience for fools and swindlers. How could he ever function at the U.N.?”

Mr. Voinovich added that he’s “not beholden to any special interest group — like the Republican party or the United States — so I can be fully in touch with the feelings of diplomats from other countries and other political ideologies.”

The former Ohio governor said he would consider appointing fellow Republican Senators Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island and Chuck Hagel of Nebraska as his deputy ambassadors.

White House spokesman Scott McClellan said, “The president already has a nominee for U.N. Ambassador, but he’ll forward Sen. Voinovich’s resumÈ to some other nations that have similar job openings.”

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1 Comment

  1. The Case Against Bolton

    Scrappleface says it better than I’ve been saying it…”Clearly Mr. Bolton is a blunt man, with a focus on results and little patience for fools and swindlers. How could he ever function at the U.N.?” Mr. Voinovich added that he’s…

    Trackback by Anchor Rising — April 21, 2005 @ 11:44 am

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