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March 27, 2005

Gov. Bush Washes Hands of Schiavo Matter

(2005-03-27) — In a symbolic move, designed to show Terri Schiavo’s supporters that he has done all he can do to spare her life, Gov. Jeb Bush today publicly used a disposable moist towlette to “wash his hands of the matter.”

“I find nothing deserving death in this woman, but I’m only the supreme executive of Florida,” the governor told a crowded news conference. “Perhaps if our constitution called for a balance of powers to protect our citizens against judicial abuse, I could do something. But as it stands, she is in the hands of the judges. It’s their job to determine what is truth. If she dies, it’s not my fault.”

In related news, Gov. Bush continued his Easter tradition of pardoning a Florida citizen chosen by a statewide poll of judges. This year’s candidates for pardon were Mrs. Schiavo and burglar who had killed a homeowner during a break-in.

The burglar won in a landslide.

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:: Terri Schiavo Spared by ‘Endangered’ Designation (2005-02-19)
:: Michael Schiavo Slips Into ‘Carnivorative State’ (2004-10-28)

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  1. Breakfast: 3/28/2005

    Try one of these specials with your breakfast: Jay Tea celebrates an anniversary of blogging. Beth talks bio-ethics. Confederate Yankee is rethinking Terri’s case. Sortapundit offers a

    Trackback by basil's blog — March 28, 2005 @ 7:20 am

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