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February 25, 2005

Radio Host Inks Marketing Deal with Bloggers

(2005-02-25) — Radio talkshow host Mike Gallagher today announced he had inked a marketing deal with the so-called “blogosphere” to provide advertising and promotion for his national program.

Under the terms of the deal, Mr. Gallagher, who has been hailed as “America’s second-string talk radio host,” will provide the blogosphere with “derision and ridicule in exchange for links to his website, and viral buzz generation.”

“It’s a win-win,” said Mr. Gallagher. “I get audience growth and more ad revenues, and the geeky losers in their basements get to crank out more illegitimate junk on their computers.”

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  1. Friday Lunch Special:

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    Trackback by basil's blog — February 25, 2005 @ 12:37 pm

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