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February 20, 2005

With ‘Open Arms’ Bush Offers to Buy Europe, Russia

(2005-02-20) — In an effort to thaw international relations, U.S. President George Bush heads to Brussels today with “open arms” and “an attractive bid to buy Europe and Russia and bring them into the American portfolio of nations.”

“Rather than view France, Germany and Russia as our contentious friends, we’d like to say they’re part of the family,” said Mr. Bush. “Call it a merger. Call it synergy. I just think we have so much opportunity in a shared future of unity, that it would be crazy not to do this deal.”

Mr. Bush, who once owned a Major League Baseball franchise, added that “when I see untapped talent, under-used resources and rank mismanagement, I see an invitation engraved in gold.”

He assured presidents Vladimir Putin, Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schr–der that they would have significant roles in the new, expanded America, where they would report directly to Mr. Bush.

“Can you imagine what American ingenuity, and the fresh breeze of freedom could do with the beauty and natural resources of these great lands?” Mr. Bush asked rhetorically. “And think of the time we’ll save not arguing about who rules the world.”

In late trading, the value of European and Russian bonds rose 12 percent.

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  1. Sunday Brunch: Rabbit Stew

    For your weekend dining pleasure, we offer you to choose from one of these specialties: ScrappleFace reports that George Bush, businessman, is at it again. maggie is couch-blogging. MUSC Tiger has a cartoon. Eric offers a correction. Wilson Fu has

    Trackback by basil's blog — February 20, 2005 @ 9:38 am

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