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Post-Saddam Iraq Government Forming

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2002-10-14) — As the state government of post-Saddam Iraq begins getting organized in exile, some important early decisions have been made. The nation will, of course, become the 51st state in the United States, after its defeat at the hands of George Bush’s oil-defense league of nations.
Among the early decisions made by the future state legislators…

  • Iraq will be spelled Irak and pronounced “eye-rack” to make it easier for citizens of other American states.

  • The state flag will be a clean sheet of white cloth hastily tied to the muzzle of a rifle.
  • The official state bird will be the F-117A.
  • The state song will be the old gospel hymn “I Surrender All”
  • Official state cigarette will be Lucky Strikes
  • Irak will offer the PowerBall lottery game. (This week’s jackpot: $51 million.)

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