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January 18, 2005

Harvard Chief Sends Roses to Fainting Female Prof

(2005-01-18) — Harvard University President Lawrence Summers today sent a dozen roses to MIT biology professor Nancy Hopkins after she nearly fainted last week during Mr. Summers’ remarks about potential biological differences between the sexes which might explain why fewer women succeed in science and math careers.

Ms. Hopkins told The New York Times, “When he started talking about innate differences in aptitude between men and women, I just couldn’t breathe.

If she hadn’t walked out of the conference, she said she “would have either blacked out or thrown up.”

Mr. Summers expressed regret today that the female scientist was “hurt by my brutal suggestion that further research was needed to find reasons for the observable phenomenon of male dominance in science and math. I hope the dear lady can forgive me for bringing up such coarse subjects in mixed company. In the future, I shall show more sensitivity in the presence of the fairer sex.”

Meanwhile, a spokesman from the National Organization for Women (NOW) decried the institutionalized bias against women in academia.

“The laboratory is like a football locker room at most Ivy League schools,” said the unnamed NOW source. “The guy scientists think nothing of mocking each other by saying ‘You research like a girl’ or ‘Careful with that mass spectrometer, you might break a fingernail.’”

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  1. Harvard Chief Sends Roses to Fainting Female Prof

    hehe….Pretty funny stuff. Gotta watch out for those sensitive girls. Tolerance, the lost art.

    Trackback by The Pink Flamingo Bar Grill — January 18, 2005 @ 9:56 am

  2. Tuesday’s Lunch Special: 1984 and Beyond

    Since it doesn’t take long to eat a Dinty Moore’s Roast Beef and Gravy meal, I had time to check the Internet. Besides more kind souls e-mailing me about Canadian drugs, I enjoyed some funny and though-provoking reading.

    Trackback by basil's blog — January 18, 2005 @ 2:01 pm

  3. “Why Can’t a Woman Be More Like a Man…”

    Larry Summers, the President of Harvard University, seems once again to have wound up on the wrong side of the Left establishment. This time, he is being attacked for challenging the idea that are actually differences between men and women.

    Trackback by The Nudnik File — January 18, 2005 @ 2:45 pm

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