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December 22, 2004

Annan: Sudan Still Free of U.S. Imperialism

(2004-12-22) — Due to the efforts of the United Nations Security Council, although about 10,000 Sudanese die each month in armed conflict, the African nation remains safe from the effects of U.S. imperialism, according to Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

“We have a solemn obligation to protect the Sudanese from an American occupation force,” said Mr. Annan. “The 70,000 who have died this year in Darfur went to their graves free from the shackles of U.S. oppression. By our strategic inaction, they have been spared the horrors of Abu Ghraib.”

The Security Council continues to monitor the situation on the ground in Darfur and under the ground, where many Sudanese have migrated under U.N. supervision.

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  1. No kidding

    UN plan for Darfur ‘not working’ BBC:The UN Security Council warned on Tuesday that it would consider a “full range of options” if the deteriorating security situation continues. There are two existing UN resolutions threatening possible sanctions agai…

    Trackback by Murdoc Online — December 23, 2004 @ 12:24 pm

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