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December 17, 2004

Bush Now Proposes to ‘Public-ize’ Social Security

(2004-12-17) — Under pressure from lawmakers in both parties, President George Bush today scrapped his plans to privatize Social Security and offered instead a new plan to “public-ize” the retirement system.

“I want to keep our promise to America’s seniors,” said Mr. Bush. “So, instead of privatizing their government-owned retirement accounts, I propose that we public-ize Social Security-in other words, we’re going to return the money to the public while we still have some to return.”

Mr. Bush said he reversed course after learning from Democrat strategist George Lakoff that all policy questions were really “about words and craftsmanship” rather than the substance of the proposed policies.

“I’ve always been a student of the English language,” said Mr. Bush. “I suddenly realized that if you say ‘privatize’, it sounds like that money belonged to the government in the first place. That ain’t right.”

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  1. Why Beinhart, and bloggers are on the wrong path.

    It was bound to happen. Whilst Democrats began wondering where to go, what to do, pragmatic liberals would soon follow suit. Peter Beinhart should be fired from his post as Editor In Chief at one of the oldest bastions of liberal journalism, The New …

    Trackback by Media in Trouble: All the News That's UNfit to Print — December 17, 2004 @ 9:03 am

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