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December 17, 2004

Annan Would ‘Like to Break’ UN Scandal Story

(2004-12-17) — Kofi Annan, secretary-general of the United Nations, said today that if rumors of scandal in the Oil-for-Food program turn out to be true, “I’d like to break that story.”

In a brief written statement to news organizations, Mr. Annan said, “Just as Dan Rather wanted to be first to report on the CBS News memo scandal, I would want to hold a news conference to reveal that billions of dollars which should have purchased food and medicine for Iraqis would have been skimmed from the U.N. to fund Saddam Hussein’s military, and that U.N. members and their cronies would have received payoffs from the regime to influence them to lift sanctions so Saddam could resume his work on chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.”

“Of course,” the statement continued, “none of this is true. But if it were I would tell you, since it would have happened on my watch and I would be responsible. But I can assure you that nothing has happened on my watch, and I have not been responsible.”

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  1. Miscellanea - I Didn’t Inhale Edition

    The inspired and inspiring ScrappleFace reports that Kofi Annan is taking a page from the Dan Rather playbook…

    Trackback by Decision '08 — December 17, 2004 @ 9:54 pm

  2. The Oil-For-Food Scandal

    You know, reading articles like this make me think that Kofi Annan is taking the Oil-for-Food scandal seriously, and is as eager to end the corruption in the UN as Dan Rather is at CBS. And really, that’s all you…

    Trackback by Ed — December 20, 2004 @ 5:52 pm

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