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Montana Senate Candidate Wore a Toupee

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2002-10-11) — Scandal rocked the Montana Senate campaign of Republican Mike Taylor today when it was revealed that during the 1980s Taylor wore a toupee while running a chain of hair care schools.
Democrat Sen. Max Baucus began running ads showing Taylor, whose hair is thinning, in footage from infomercials in the ’80s where he appears with a full, lush head of hair.
“Mike Taylor posed as an expert in hair care during the 1980s, when in fact, he was losing his own hair,” says the narrator in the Baucus ad. “To cover this embarrassing fact, Taylor wore a toupee, a hairpiece, a rug, a postiche. That’s not the way we do business in Montana.”
Taylor halted his Senate campaign saying the smear had crippled his ability to raise money. He said he will return to the beauty industry “with chin held high.”

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